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Extraction of DtL=d ForroqwAdea of Remy Hatals toom Rydrosols and Ehw~wwions: by V. V. PUsbJua-ev, L~ D. Skryler., V. F. 4aamtam, 3 p-D. par. Mir ME WImp VOI X'hM-L,, Eb J-960, pp 59-&j. CB Feb 6:L Ty--e;3 with transverse carcass cords, by A, P, IEI ~o P, aq , SDd 1. P. Bureturv pvaldy? 4 pp. RUSSIAby per, Kauchek i Rezina, Vol xvni~ NO I.. ic6o., pp 6-w. Ren Assoc British Rubber Manuf Aug 60 Tumoru,Os Day ir. l-edicine, by Iv. Bagre7eva 1 1- 1 - . I'p, Verchornyaya l,c)skva, 22 Dec 61~ ,o 2. ... FTD-TT-62-16E6 /1. -1 S)C:i I.Cu Dec 62 The Photmetrio Datormi=tIm of Tharium in Rc)cks with Arsenazo TTT.v tr Be & Savvin, V. FOSIAN Eavoct Lab.9 Vol XXVTj, No ~q 1960, pp U2314r Tsk sol- Peb 61 The, Effect of the Nature of the Organic Solvent -on the Extraction of Thallitm Chelats Goiqvundv By V. V. Bagreyev *md Yu. A. Zolotov pp. 5 RUEESILN~ per) Zhitr Anal MAmj Vol XVIII No 7t 1962p pp, 852 - 85'? Sala. CB Atig 63 24 q" tho FragrQw, .)'I' Arl Alb~oritiim for Frrwta t~aijish into !~usaiatilp,~ inov:iLapoo 4.1 7 2"'s 4 (DO-3901) - qwatAms an wthemmucal zanguistAcs in comectica With Mobine Tzomilatimp bV G. P- BNMInovskWap 0. S. massingp at 4,0 Ig pp, RMSUNS 21 US UNUMV Pazerod i PrMadmaa mWistum', No 6p 19610 pp I" JM 137900 Sol - Mi0a -,/g YAch2m Trausut i4v 62 Dl:r9or*utlal Satiows for PoJ44invursional p",blcmag by K. A. turimmkly, a. X. Godurov. UMIABSIFnD RUJWVJ, per,, rok Ak Nauk GM# Vol QXVP No 3* IyAq pp 431-4! ;3. CXA 9031276 Due 77 (NY-655a) One of t4e Principles Tavolved in Deeigaing an Electronic Contrcl DevIce for the Register-Finder BtW of a Crtmobar ATS (Automatic Wa Office), by 'N S. rm4ln+~Manrft (II. G* Sabbin pp - Tiszy= Sabb s ~Z= RMS no ea avywis Iwo 51 1961. an 179 /64 a o, Aug 61 Formula for the Settling of a Suspension and Its Application in the Sedimentometric Analysis of Some Polydisperse Systems, by N, Ya;, Avdeevx,, A. A. Ra&rov, 5 pp. RLASSIM,, per,, Rolloid Zhur, Vol XXV, No 3, 19630 pp 273-277. CD Sci Apr 64 25SROGI Of 1pummoters Of nwam VAA Varodaw eit in ithe Vimuwre MAO by V, V,* B=Wkoo 0. V. ;~ RUsSM.. pwi, Ir. VysdxM Ud2ob Eaved XnM SM Po Rsz&jLu SaftcUkho Vol. V.Tp No 58 196% pp5r.)-M. RAs 2532 Sed mmr 64 aoved Gw=mdwli Mode With Vari&Ue CapacUames Borwnki), Bagrov, G. V.8 5 pp. MISSMI, per,, Is Vywhikh Uchob ZavW IMSSO SM p0 E adlotekhq Vol Vlv No 62 19639 w 708-710 JPHS 23923 AIW 64 253060 and np, I-Iravda UlrralnYx "!;.y 1960, J---RS 72512 ~u -OR cra jail HOWUIZIS the nUTUSIM at Nitmem In lAsild OqMj b.v x. m. magma 6 ]W. RMMZW..Co OMMU fts ftwo VbI 6, ur 4* igal y9 k, 0 1 901M &d - pbp mV de ./,6904 .2 ~ f ..1, (NY-30w) Prod=lm9'BcttOr MMjjg ZWApmtp by U. Dway) 3 pp. RMAN., ups hVW" Mr&Wt 31 Wv 1961. 4M LOL76 WSR A :7 7-f-f fton oat 61 (DC-270o/68) Stockfarms and ~Achinesj by H. Bagrov G. Kondratenko, A. Sinichenko, ~ RUSSUN, np, Pravda Ukrainy, 1-13 Desc 1960. JM 8478 USSR lj-f~ or ~ 7 -Econ Jul 61 -147 Ow P St.atistical Ditropy as tin Xadex ot Sladluity or DiMreaw of lleteott~~;icml Fieldo.. by N.A. Be&=. MMMMI pero ftLeorol. I. Gidmloalm, NO. 1, 10612, pp 9-15 Q5828-4 .1963 (5 350) - loan) sel Aug 6T 335-T22 THE WVLEX MW OF rOKMU,, BY -N- A- 1~ SAQVV 9 -- 4-11 FF' fmsmAN$.M mEMW4LGQ1YA I QIUUMYAs, t I o , I*, rp 1400; sti - GiEpius 37 or mate"VaG.O."I nauu inw Mft%ama tV N. A. "I PWt Tre Tsentra be- &M- Vol 1060 OL = MaL Pat: AiSJO (7U3) Jul 6B a tbO 140bribdUM by, 1.1,, A. '~-aj:rmo 46, per* jjigTSMU_4~;~ r7s 19569 py ,W. -W: 5MS.IVC MIG) C- V sai-Atooa ~,~a Auz, 68 361,r-8 Tb) Anal4tical Representation of the Sequence of natem.clogical Fields by "as of Natuml Orthogonal Compmatep by 1. A, Dagm, Roma., per,, Trudy Twatral Inst Prognoz*v# Ro 74,11 19590 pp 3-&- AM L 3M Sall. - Geopbya iijm! 62 Ape?" Yr? ,he Depee of Ansloa of Mtemological Fields and '-he Evaluation of rorecasts,, by,N. A. DWov. eiUSEIIANj, per., ftudy Tsentral Inst Prcgwzovp y ,io 14; 1959., pp 56-0. ML JL 3U5 Sci:- Geopbys kpr.6g AM (R"") g.Wftdywnlc NgQodg al W"*.bor lor""Uso by 1. A, Romme 14 pp. Ms=, per, Hot :t ado so us Iml gnd,041-46. MAT vp JM le-701-M &-i - OwphyDICst N*t*=IW Apr 59 v 4. 3V (NY-1121) Long-Raup J?orecasting of Weather Abroad, by N. A. Bagrov, 20 pp. UNMMIFIRD fsVMTAN,, mo per,, Met I aid, No 5t Moscov, May 1957, IT 57-62. Us ipas/ily-L-184 Scl - Gecpbzmlco (7D D 26216) Method Por the IMOM ftalmtim of Foromtos, by A 8, 0. N. Marskay. n py RIASUN,p bim porp HoUcrold Wol No 40 Lmingmd'. jw.IAUS 1955, w 2 CUPMX-7425 USIIR Sell - Geopbplclj, MotearolM Bedistim Ftm JUV Mmctmm With Oricutiod Opina izi a Maipatle r'Ald,. by 1. R;, Tornovo V. G. Bagmv,,- 5 pp. PIMSM, per, Mur Eksper i Teoret Ift, Vol ILVI, No 1, 1964, PP 374-382. Amr lust of Php sov ava - JBTP Vol =P NO 1 6(.4 ,kig 64 265.,165 IMPUILNG MotbW Gf,NtermInjug Speciftc Beat, by V. L Khotkevich, ov~ 4 pp. UNCUSSIFIED PXSL4fi,, thrice-ma per,, Duk Ak lauk SSSH, Val LM:1j, 1951g pp 1055-10 7. ABC Tr 1817 Scie'. atific -'Physics April 54 CTS/D= Ph'ysioal Pro,~-,rti-es of Compact Clicrnoze-m, V Ye. 5,. Blazhn* ~ft. N. 'Bxrov, 6 pp,, RUSSUAIN, per,. Poclwoveduniye~ NO 129 1960p pp 23-29c Ai, Is S Di mar 62 /,P 7, -R--rj SakhaUi cal Favileal rt~ r, al. rus3M, rpt, Yuzlnio-&-.kbaUnslmym i Kurillsbaya Qp,ratail,, Aug 194!i; Enal to RV 1034-59. spliII-s in Layers Of 01"b0milm- S~te~l Deposited on Grade 1-51,11- or OSOICIG. steels, by K.V. -B~agan~ffilii V-11- I.Vdallyanov etu al) 5 pp. Srakaj No 9, se- 1963, Pp 2"t -30. British Welding Res. Assoc. 1.1EC km The Cbamlaal Compositiom aM Structures of Welds In Commmial. Grade Nlekel 9y Ks. Balyminskil. I.S. Kulmins pp 5 Russia, or, Avtomst svarka. No n. 1962, Pp 30-36 .AM R Sol Oct 63 :Lq/ - / 2 The Effect of Repeated Resurfacing on the Wear Resistance of Rolling Mill Rolls, by K. V. Bagryanskiy, P. F. Lavrik, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Syaroch Proiz, No 8, 1961, pp 111 15-17. BWRA Sci Sep 62 210,574 The phase enriposition of certain multiplo-pass weld dopo oitos E~v L V. BaManskiy and V. N. Kdlyanov pp. 7 RUSSIA per, Svaroch Proiz.. No 10, 1962) pp. 9 - U RM Sai Aug ,09 So D&I ballde nm fW to Astowds =d 8"-Autmstu Are VUUM* at &401# bF IL V.: A IL a. molmlso T w mom -- M - Man pwt Artmt ftm*av lb 3# X96Lo 39 ;;:;g. Am sel Jkpr 62 2008W New Electrodes for Manual Arc-Welding of Nickel, by K. V. Bagryanskiy.- G. S. KuzImin, 4 pp. --------- -- RUSSIAN, per, Svaroch Proiz, No 4, 1961, pp 22-23. MIRA Sci M* 62 195,224 the Chf-lell Of th- Welding C- Lted by Subn"Crged C; ,r,,.. 08i7tion of Depo',A' by K- V- -Dag-~ goq!= ceramiC Flux"; P. ,rc. Ur ot al, 5 p fj,2ES Type 2h5 V,., T. SOPIU, p Z. A.. Dobrotina; SI'Lin I Sv& go 8, 3.960 'RUSSIANt Pax. roch pp 20, 21. BVM 14"'f 6 ?J Sci ju 3- 6.L Me Automatic Bubmerged Arc Welding of Co=erciaUy Pure Nickel With a Ceramic Flux, by K. V. B!wrM4~y~ G. S. Kuz'min, D. S. Kassov, 7 PP. RUSSTJLN, per, Svaroch Proiz, No U,, 1959, pp 6, 7. British Welding Res Assoc Sci Se.p 6) 1,~2 61 j /) Russilan Method or Autowtically Building Up Worn Steel Polls Wer a 9xxxxU Ceramic Fl", by X. V. Degryanskilj, at &1s UNCL RUaZXAR,, per., Stalx No 1-Lo 195b# pp 994-99r7. British Iron and Steel Ind (no u=ber given) 15-al - RW F9 134?p 59 The Effecto of the Type of Joints and Welding Techniqueo on the Incidence bf Hot Cracking in Weldsj b~ K. V. Bigr~~y. RUSSIAN., per., Avto Delo, Vol XXIV, No 3, 3953- B.S.A. Reeeav4b Group OT/1325 Sci - Engineeringr4wm=dP*wft%U (Acronmic) Mewurwwts Dedmed Frw the Womationo of Six Alk&Uw-Hetal Voor Clouds, Pomed b7 RocIcats In the RLSh Atmosphere.. by Jacques-Enile Blemont, Jecmue-Marie Baguette,, GcBMN., per) Ann Geoika., Vol XVII., 1961P PP 319-337. AN SM.,TJW Sci - Geopbys i4eq 62 / ~~ I P/S Smae Remats Derived From 00 Stady of the Dagoonastjoit of ArbiflaUl ajouda..of Al Iml I Xletalas by J. E. Mmx)nts Vi -M. ~Aw!-tte- POMCH.. per# CoLVt Pkmds Vol CMUp 1961p .pp Sal Mr. j 9ld 7 ftr -62 US OMIT OMY VehiCARZ le for - " , ~-I, 0 rn~crcr,ce t -L I :.rar'- of Patent f f LIb E-ligr -,,eb 62 swdle ffz Motor Vahlaw I with paruemiar Referetm to Two-ftml V hieles, by Erich Bagusat .(urt'Dfiwst,, 4 lop# MLlux Ment NO 510J360. Dot or O=wxft Patmt Off ies Bei Lib Sol - aw Feb 62 PhL,4'~-,!mical Chmiges OccarringIn Solutions _1 leact?'p ante 01(tarpic Acid or Zeucine and irradim~ed with Artificial Idght or s-nlight., bV 0. N. Fort and K. 44adqr - , pp. 7 RUSSIVI,t Pcro ftokhimiYas, Vol XXVII., No 4., 1962, pp. 708-714 Sci -hug 63 The Effect of Catalysts and Period of Illumination on the Photo-synthesis of Amino Acids in a Mix- ture of Paraformaldehyde and Potassium Nitrate, by K. Bahadur R. B. Srivastava, 3 PP RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim; Vol XXXI, Ho 9 1961, PP 3017-3020. CB Sci oct 62 2143%612 CT 2 n1c c Orl. f. P-P (SF-1856/6) The Necessity for More Thorough Research = Inter- national Markets and Prlces,, by Ull !!~~ ~ 4 pp. BU.MRIM, imr., Vwlsbm Tar9mlYa, Vol IXj No 31 19611 pp 15-1T. JFHB 494T ESur - Bulpria HCOU serp 61 Pixed-Jaw wrenches, by Ac, B, DabE?j. P. G. iirynge, 5 ppv ENMESH, patent no 154P518- US Dept of Cumerce Patent Office Sci Lib (Gift)--- 9ci - Engineering .9z :~-j Kar 57 MS/laeX Point AW63WSIS of 0 zMed ca"Iterites. by C, sakem et $4, FUN010 per# "410 Ur,* Fr.O.W.". 1W.&IS Val 34p 1%1# pp 3Z1-322, NASA TI F-9821 U. S. GOVERMUT WE ONLY SCL-W Apr 66 Fundamental Concepts Vnderlying the Technology ofLight-Construction andibeir Applicationp b3~ E. Bahke per, Xonstruktion, Vol Vim 1954p VP 81-96. IT4C-M957 Bel Aug 5-9 Dats on Milling %Kith- Cy'lind-rical Cuttev,, by Fe. Bahieckej~ 8 P. Gy.:Rw, per, Phschinenbsui 1930, Vol IX, Vo 13Y pp 437-444. SLA 59-2o4-62 Sal Nr 60 Vol 3.- No 1 // a_ A-17 Muss Sp*-.trwetric Determimtiow of Aram From Petassit Salts., by M. Bahl# Ja 1111by. aMW r 2. Naturforeabuagg Val Vap 19509 vp 404; AM Tr 620 "Ecleatific - miumetall, IN I'M Aug 1951 CTS Theory of Telephone Relays,, by 1. W. T. Babler, 47 PP- OMIM, per., Ztktmtqgh. Z., Vol XLIX, Dec 19P8, PP 1780-1784, pp 181.0-181-4. SIA 57-1336 Scientific - Engineering k Y 16? M - ". I INAW&UMMO& 33 m MTOW-," %wool US - - - -It K* lammi.1". Mmw S*,&" ow" Iventy Yean of Offlalmm Law-Tezvamture Carbonization Works, The Chemical Plants of the ftx~zatim Workep 'by Os Behualler; 20 OMM, per, Wume utkd Energe, 19571 yol Up No 23-24,, pp 486-493. SLA 59-17463 Feb 60 Vol 2 pNo 10 P~2 T) of a Sw9le Amourins f ar tbo DotandustUn Of SPM1111W H0013tRWOF U= mm) w, silikut Teebaike No 4p 1959p 1483 :2 act - Apr 60 ---- - I I Shaping of Nor4d9Bdc CABramic Mmarlds by ft Injecdon MoWing Meth(4 by Ralf et &L GERMAN pert WLtaftedwiL VO NO 9, 1959P gp 442-445. AEC p C/ -) sewill/m mar 65 7he Ufluenm or the No& of Cooblmtlm of an IElm=t = Its &Aeredutlon by AsUalve fteetm- vq*Ic hisiptep by P. M* A. Bohr. GXWM-* pw, Archtv Usesbuttem"MP Vol M=2 Mar 196Ds PP 135-143- sai - Chat Din 1w 13~ Ify W 61 11te Loveltiiiimit W thc icat Transfor Crisis ji~ oixtii Pressures in Tubus with uu;! witiiout p A.arbukutico by it, ;wlv' vjkleonik' Vol ils .40 t)v L)G8, ~)Otd.i)F (mi Traas 241) /7 A 10~ Calculation of the )s3aa Elongation in nolugg Steel Stations Whiah Rare Flaw,*s and Ribbing., :by A. Babr. UNCL G=klj per) Stahl u glean) Vol LW, go 2, 19550 pp 95p 96% DrUish Iron ard suel Ind (no numWr giv*n) Scl - 1450; minhbt Sep 59 6' Slq'PA P61e Facalmr, by Cs 30wo 3 pp, 4w-mamw ammus. per.* JuaktraUah z. voi Lvx,, no goo 16 oby 3.9y5s pp 5706 &A Tr "-a93 Bel 0 Jal 58 6 f 10.5, 1 Tolegmph ND&lator; a Traumitting DyI4 Cirmit Witbout CoAtucta for Carrier Frequeucy ftlegrallbY.. by E. Bohro J. JuAPs 30 PP. hen perp Tpegl~gmp Fernsprcch-ftnk u Ferusch-Tedniko-vol 19 49.j4. SLk 57-1456 1:3 a I Ifty 58 PMWA&bl* ft"UN *f ftlySMISSOAM Alkali Metals (ProlintoW Obelosure),p by X. ZbVl"*-K.Jh&r.- MRWV perp ownbcbe affid". Vol We 1929." j; 83-53. SLA TT 44-14902 e 13 dL J- ,) I may 67 1 3270,19S .41- The Low Temperature Carbonization of Bituminous and Brown Coal in a Gas Atmosphere With Incroased Pressure, by F. Fischerp T. Bahr, H. Sustmann. Vfuel., per, Brennstoffe Chemie) Vol XII 1930, PP 1-9- Dept of luterior Tff7p E57,, No 318 Sci - Fuels - oct 6o /0~? 9~ 6 T/ -C, Nie i --y o" ca", , ''-L;- --~.butiorls u, the " m st~ A ZOQ;. 1-1!.:~ claxbon (1) vie Earuli 3hurization Cond--nsation of Saltc and 0 f C Lix"D C I IL - Lla.-l 0 f una i C: ~%- c i d , Fya no -a io !,,3 1 J. b, y G. Pahr,, G. Schleitzor, I", p1). per., Cham Ber, Vol 1K0, 1-11137~ Pp 138)-"L-) S-LA 57-33011 9 -,,c Ci-misLry of Cr-,rbcy-, D--,Gulf'iCc and G, j.6 PP. Vol ro 1955, 1771-1777- 59 Results of Blectrm'Xicroscopia StWIes of Collagen Mwtic Tlissue*s by 0. F. -Bahx*j 12 pp.- ~,j t- ;IERW,, per., Archiv Vol cXCIIIJ, :L951'. pp MR Tr No 2-13 Sci - Cbemistry Apr 1957 =Nx 7-d Im ra-c-atron Miaroncopic Study of Scleroderm, %ogetbor With a Contributim to the 64,UdY of S)klin Connective Tissue) by 0. F. Bahr., 13 pp. GM~Jff, per, Arstliche.Forsebungp Val X,, No 6, pp 255-266. No u-e6 Sai meacim Dee 59 On Sane Propertles of Bec=tltuted CoLlagm Fibers, by G. F. Behro 7 PP. GERMp per) M Call ReaawVhp vol ni,, Wo 2., 10, Pn 55-Wt-sa 52,, ; NM Tr No 2-12 Sol - chemistry Im Apr 1957 CTB/drix j 'x Studies on ftamted Collagm Materialp by G.. F. Babro U pp. C,MMN.o per# ALroldv ffr*Dermtologie undl vol cxcvo 19R$ pp 13431 Chmistry ills .Apr 1M M/du The Fine Structure of Elastic Fibres, by G. P. RWWj 7 pp. .1 GERM,, per, Zeft fuer Anat und Entwicklu=q - Vol CXVI~ .-'. --- zz;z- ~- A.E.M. Harwell Lib Tr 724 Sci - Chemistry March 57 CTS/dex Z~O 3~~ The nomstmtm a EUAUc Woms. M Slectm Optleal end R a Investigstlon, by Go F. Behr$ A. Dwtrfto 10 pp. mWas Part 1954.0 yp 3.77-204- C E q 5? 6! 7 On Tr 110 2-15 Sci:- Pbralce Apr 1957 CW/dex Prepmtim of G3,wol by ftdrolysis or Stbylene C-hloride,-%"-ZQhr,.R. zieler tw~~Perj, zefteebrtrtr8m agq Vol Xmit 3-930s PP 286-2 ,s,4,-4 T7-- 6-~- 00 / S.L.A. Tr Pwl Scientific - chemiktry CTS/bEz - / Y, 02a3 lei llwetfts. a* SdOMW owns^ Amm at buft W-0400 SAWS lkiwo lor. a .1. . Ox st '-,czae rteactions of lickal Carbidep FA3C; HUY eh lf&B Tq?='ad at Lou TomperatuM., by Ir. A. BaJU-, Th. ~I.ahr' 6 Im, . .`,7,f!jNM) per, Barichte Deut Cbm Ges., Vol LXIIIS, pp 99-102. 9093450 ABC Tr-5021 Chem tay 62 The aerm, S%dpbr hiduefty Vith SPOCW . ulfawwe to the Katemlf Prmwl tv RM -!4KP--13 w0 GMMg p4r; RL* gM&obe IPabrlokp 1938, pp 10- 20.. $.L.A. Tr 1073/1936 0 loonew" Oci - CMd$tz7 Oct 56 ors T.j.v Acriviti of tao f,~ii4-twr ior Tro;lo td Vw t i)vutsc~la Aussual-olitil" 1~'o 11, -tt)V 10,440 'l. 48 Ice 2 74 $411W gloweiedAm of somme rw good* aa vows, 3* AN 11111111fillikimm'TA 60 oximo IF- OWN w M734w- Ila ~m tir, Herber; A. EXACT 1 63-10485 V -ORSAT APPARATUS FOR RAPID AND 1- -1 im: ursat apparOEUS GAS ANALYSIS. [19621 kOp. (figs. ornitted). 1. Bahr, It A. Aw,il.3blc on loan from SLA 63-10485 Trans. of JGWFJ das Gas - und Wasserfach (Germany) IWO, v. 73, p. 440-444. DESCRiM'ORS: *Laboratory equipmeni, Design, Cases, Analysis. 'rl'l v. 9, no. 6) Oka Q1 T#cWCIA Sm"im lorue Reactions cg Nialml Gaitide) Ni3C, WMch WaB "repand at Lmr Tew_wrature, by ff. A. Bahr, Th. 6 pp. 'MM, per.. Berlebte Dout Cbem Ges, Vol LXIMy pp 99-102- 9093450 ABC Tr-5021 Jcl IV 62 1,96,, 7j3- MW Cktal7tte lWUction of Cuban Dioxide to lbtbem *wA Niglwr at Or Norml pre"Wop by ftwu Fificbers Th..BohrIA. Neuselp 9 ppo MM"s Wo PMWOW-Mmo Vol VIs 1933t pp ABC Tr 2633 Sci - chemistm 0q 17ff i,rocedure for Preliuinary Decontaminati 'on of 0 ~4iclcar ruels to be Procassed,, by L"emer Bahr, patent, 1 184 503, 19,54, lee .ipr 70 405,6611 SUIDOrooging vith ftuMefte Polymn, by M. Babro. GIWMR per, zetmonft fuer the 08"Ute 2!mumftftrl*v Tole bbs sko. 144 19640 pp.-Asm1w & W 7t)-XPIPMM 17050-12 -/)l - ,-A Jll-, C.- Jwe 1971 Generation of High Potentials by Ideana of the Une Scantibg Sveep Circuit., by H. Bsh~,, 24 pp, GEHM,, per, Fernseh G.m.b.H., Vol I, No 6, Doc E 1939, pp 22042 SIA Tr 57-1585 Sci - Electricity Oct 57 Deflection of the Electron Beam In Brm= Tabes by Means of Mpetic Coll Fields# by,,4.,-BWn-Iu9p, 16 pp. MOM, per# Ferumbp Vol I,, No 2, Dec 1938, pp 51- EffA 57-2W5 YAY 58 Transform op Circuitip by T. Mulertp R. Bahring.. 25 pp. GRWN~ per, Fernschl Val li, No 3,, APr 1939# pp 82 -M. MA 57-2223 May 58 6 ,/, 4, ~f -, 0 -7 Y Effects or ReLative Hanwnlo Novemnts Between Work-piece and Cutting Tabl on the ftahlned 4urface ftv4~ced In Longtradinal Turnbw, by W. Bohm=. OKMM, per, Vol 19, No 4, 1961, VP 183-190. OBIW60. 7M WI '~'qAlnfivv Sci - ItXft R*7 F- - C,7 61-18936 Babraer, Victor. CAP GRADED CONCRETE. (1961](201P. Order from SLA $1.60 61-18936 Trans . of Cement och Becong (Sweden) 195 1. v . 26, ro. 2, p. 130-133. DESCRIFrORS: *Concrete, Cements, Particles, Wrtar, Sand, Construction, Materials, Rock, Water, Air, Preparation, Sweden. (Materials. Tr, v. 6. no. 9) Offi- .1 T.6nk.l S-ic- va'rtioem Yzrfam (Judonesia), by E. H. -%bwwa~ 750 1 yp MOMMIM) lj,-jwxGt;- PerSAS Partisans kwkartm., 3,954j. yp 5-92. !~r 665 Wtoo ACSI., -04V3 ~7 MI ouerr$,Ua vakay-e Fov 57