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Stress Comosion Cracking and Hicrostructure in X8 Cr-Ni-Ma-V-Cb 16/13 Austenitic Chrme-Nickel, Steel, by R. Baerlacken, L Lorenz,, GEMM, per, Mitt ver Grosskesm1besitzer, No 54, 1958, pp 215-219. AM 498-W Bel - MIO*taia Aug ISO F~,*-pj,d D%tte.-mination Nothods to Datect ConfuaiOn c)f abL%cl IyWa, fterlacken. UNCL (p3MIJ, per, Stam u 2119as Vol IXKIUf 50 11 :L953# PP 30-34, British Iron Itud Steel Ind (no mumbeir given) Sci Hin/got ~7 P Nickel-Pme Corrosion fteistaint Chrombn in Chmi"I Apparatus Construotion., by 3. BL"lacbm., 8 pp. C~l GEBMrp lpers, Dftbmw41mlc6mjhtftjq Vol X* 19Ny PP 78-86. /1 - 314,# 3T/ S.L.A. Ito ScledAfic - Mftdstry; M44 1 7,18 The DdUmw of ArtUlcial Aging = Certalu HWotla, PivpertUs of LmoodUrmim Alloys within the vemweraum asvp of the 4W M*rJtUG- matt bY E- Baerleakkas ona H- Mrrltlwo 45-Pp- OMM )per., BUM u Manp Vol LXXV,' No 26.. 29 Dec 1955a pp IT?4-178ko Mk 57-2533 sci sl MdLes of the TrawfamtLaa SeWivLors Notch-Lapact Zx*n"s mW SuseeptLbLILty to Ilatenzwtallho ci)rrosiou of twon-c OmMmium Alloys CoataLuLaS tkp to 3D% of Chrmimv by 8 " lkarledan. GIMUMN, W, Stahl SL&eu; Val 81# 196Rp pp 768-778. *IUSI 8223 sci-aat Jew 70 Stress Corroalon cracking &;ld xiorQat=cture in X8 Cr-Hi,!-Mo-;PCb 16/13 Awtonitle Chromme-Rickol steel- 19,59,, by t. Beerleaken, K. Lworm, 8 p. GMAH,q per, Yer Grovskazuelbesitrer NJ-4t, 1958, 170 pp 215-219. Sci Jan 60 Vol 2, go 6 72 cmvmion posiatme of wftuk mbwl&U to St ratty Ac.Adsp by Bo is- - . 4 1*., ---- onoss ., verO Potts wd ftlfeot Ta XWp 19371 ppma-mg. I------- 3 )J9 Sjf 2 S.L.A. go 255A90 Scimitif to - Chaudetry) Ul LU/MWWU Ccwroulm bW Gams VoW the SpecUa Ooodltlm of Obadca Byathwee# by & Jj- a1W.M=j, Ill. amuckof 9 -pp. 0=20, pas Chem Yabriks 17 Aug 1701, pp *-390, a a Le A. 2r 670156 $7T, a sai ChMstry- 00.'I 71q Aug 56 M/dex Trenafox-mation and Precipitatic,li Frocama in Auet,onitic Cbr=e,-Nickel Stools at Elevated Tarpera- tures, by E. Baerlacken, W. Hiruch, 736&-MTVW.- MUM, por, -up M-v Vol LUV, flo 9, 19559 pp 570-579. 109/ Brutcher No ?A53 ~,u. ~~ 6o Sop 55 115MAor c1C Steeas With 11-W o/o Clumim After ~oN-Time iteatins in 4750 lbbriU~mt ROOMY bY .4.1 Elid Baerlecken, Heinz Fubritius,, 10 Pp. G MMU, per, Stahl una RIMM., Vol UMVIn, 1958., 1309-1395. 9093453 ABC UM Tr-780(L) 62 obffibahtno . i QrS Jb$ In a nAddl"d bed* by P. F*ttAsNb IL 0 a-SAMM so mi =4*1 IN NZM )-77 - 46 /7- e- r? /V -S sal - ,. Rd 67 3A.,30 ...jjA 'U, eloisnal'; DmAns Hibe.-nation 01 Sr2~ Trypancsomiasis'* and Tuberculoois in the Syrian Golden Hmater, by A. Duramns, 3 J: Vandaputtc,, Baurt, 12 pep. FIENCHI per, Rev Balge Path, Vol M, No 6, p,r,c a-956,. pp 14gi-497. FM 7-17 Bei - Med Sep 58 79 18 Relative Diffu4mms In the ELO -Cont*nt of . tktural W&Ursp ty P. BasrtsJi, ~16 pp. OEM# Pat IbIwu�A IkL M=c a Acm Vol 1=9 Be 69 1"39 pp 1352"130e SA.A. Tr 2075/19% sol - cbu"tr7 3r ?I * V/7 clet % m T-h-a- e4aratiou of lhterua in Precision Disduation Colimas., by W. 94 M;lm,, P. ftertseM, M. Thurkauf 15 pi) - I; FMOR, per., Chimia, Vol VIII., 1954,, pp 109-122,, 145-J-56. SLA Tr 3o14 Su - Chemistry gr,~ Mar 58 Final Concentration of I~avy Water by Rectification) by P. Baertschi, W. MIhn. PORTUMM.. paper,, P/927., Proceedinp of Internatim Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Held at Geneva 8-2D Aug 3.955., Vol*VII:I- Internatl Conf -- UN Sci - Nuclear Mysics ciA 1-669.9.162 60-18052 .&r.ruachl, P. and Kuhn, V' iUr M VA MT E OF ISOTOPIC COMPOUNDS (114- 1. Vapor prussure- FRARED PORTION OF THE DISPERSION INTERAC- Nicasuremcnt TION FOB Tf M HIGHER VOLM I LITY OF T[ IL 2. Isotopes- -3aparation HEAVY MOLECULAR SPECIES). [196017p. 9refs. 3. Fractionation- -Analvsis CrdLr from SU mi$1,80, jh$1.80 1. Bacrischl, P. II. Kuhn, W. Partial trans. (introduction and surnmary) of Helvetica Chirnici Acta (Switzerland) 1957, v. Q Cro. 41 p. (0mnistry- -Physical, TT, v. 5, no. 4) OFfic. of T-W..1 5-1co. The Latest Development'of the Baa and Bed Reinforcement in the Videning of. tbs Dort=md- Mm-!'Canal, by ftertz'. B r GMbM. Die gautechalk, Vol 17,, No ~100 10 FAi 1930, PR 137,138. .-USA'- Corps of Nw,, Waterways Exper Bta Tr 39.!3-7 -8cl. - Engineering.. bydramlics,ravail Ecou - Transportutiod, river., vmtft. Watt Of- t" Nation of the MMIOUS an the Fine a" Ityper fim Stm-ture of Terms* by L. Bacranate, S. avirmatev 8 PPG RMIM, per, VxWwn V&L*!41410 univer HASIO D , W"e Fit, Vol x1va go Ig 1958s pp -109-115. -PTW04M7 AFCRL T-R-622 fv TL Mar 67 The Amplitude MtOro, RU for the Amplitude Statistics of Implar Pbenownsp by H, (6 Baerwalds 32 pyo GMUI,, perp Met Uw7hr Teaby Vol VII; go 9j, Sep 1930jo *162-368. PP BIA 57"1363 sci bby 58 Tb.- Xtfeet of b;AtahLng an Amplification ad Selectivity in Tmaxa High Prequency AmDlif leraj by H. G. Bamaadp a '50 pp. ORMN, per, XLeh Nscbr Tooh, va x. No 6, Am 1933s pp 258-276. mA 57-33.48 sai Nzy 58 6 Y/ 7 ti J-12112/64 '311D Press Servico; 20 July and idia Commist; The iixaj4ple of Ruijania: Loosening in the Last Block, by Helmut Daerwald, '!; pp. ("E-I,NU4, rpt, SPD-Pressedienst P/,XIX/l3S# 29 Jul 1964. JPWS/DC-l079!,'i Sov btioc 1101 6ep 64 SLM'. amd Its ftsItAm In the fbmic-Elect-ric Seriezy by F. neabowp R, U*sluss 3. fterilad, 12 OMOR.. pwj Z.Pawg Chmj, Vol I=p 1913j, vp 243-256. BLA Ja. 58 9) (o "pee '61 -Jal Rep~ on LmaiW and Ormiltyp by Aoaahlim. 1iR-',l;.C.Ii, ~ r " - Imd 57, Ile I 246~298~ oLc s e-k to tfi 68 3611 _700 Textbv* of OW&SY1, by G. F. U=cIllift. 692 pp" 63- U.W.1.4-N, bk-g whibuds der Guo&sio 1948, *AXIC TC*M - =P c - -Y u,-, I-. 4L-Gorusaay Sci/vaftik Sci I A,pr 6k~ Toathook 9f Goodesyp by C. Fo UseschUno 892 pp. GEM q,,V Uk. Lohrbach dot Good"ies, 1948. ACLC Tc"997 boci/barth Sci 4 Ocoaaagraphy Mar 67 Reaction Xtbyl ChIsrocarbenato Witt Sodium OyanWdo, ty Pwd ftecolorg MMM, pGrp.J. Prakt gh1g, Val 11, No 16, IM, pp Uft 125-20. $.L.A. Tr 09/1956 Sol - Gbmlrtry frz? ~ip(-O 12. Oet 56 CTS 4w .,# The gntomwfauna of stoma prwucto In k4atropolitac and Gveracam PWtugalp bl~f C. X-:- B"+,& wv*~, J. P. Coucela da Momea.1, J. A9 mm'Wriw-oulmrsaa . uwuwzrlm SM118B., pers AM& Batudco da MORA ritozo. Juute'des 9135988 ceog a 40 x4vast '60 4 Ultramr., Vol Xlg No 2p 19561, pp U9-.142o DBIR/316D/CT SOL - Biol Oct 58 v Progress of the Progm fbr awking the movemnt Of Badioelements In the Ebil at CMIO MDS.., by L. anoW P. Dejongbap et alp sp PPO U-MM, rPt. 1963- 9a2%2 AW-IJW-Tr-50 Auca sci P,~,agrass ag the Fro&?am for Studying the- movoruar Of JR-adioalailloat"O in the Soil at, CIOV M.Os", y by- br o, al, 26 pp. P, DeZongho -umqow-T4~ j,o63. 92q2-,,,6,- 0" 2-0 stuay oj, -~he rnzcatjon and Mgration of Racho-active Cations in a Natural Ion lhcehWer, by-.~,,Yp~SW, rmmm, rpt, Oct 3.959. AEC Tr-3949 Sci, - Mys .N-,Or 60 at L *WOW Vbo IdiAk AdOW4 Jb Qs vo~ *"W OIL 10 lore*^ *A34 ibu MEALS FROM GROArg Oxdw I ma SLA $I.W True., 9 &aMM~rd (Wou 0=62my) 1957 [V. P. DESMFEOM Verah, %ft 0,04, Tre W. W, no. 7) A 2 47 3 0 T oft or I"" W" Tsins"m WON"= 101 now MAMMON of Uslada G~s by & L DOW& &"LW. om~~ = am ammus, qw, zat cm va 396t 101 IN W.U546 soot, 39%196 Pressura and composition of tha saturated vapour over YwIts of the XCI--WI3 e"tem-, bV Cl. 1. NwAkov, I~e K. Baev, 4 pp# RUSSUN. per. Zhur Neorgan Xhim, No 6, 1962. CS Vapo-vx pressure raf the chlorides of lanthanum, corlan, praseoOymium, and neodrdum,. by G. I. Fovlkov, A. K. Baev; 2 pp.. RUSSI&N, pe-Ar, Zh,-,- Neorgan Khim, ND 0',.. 1962, pp 1.149-1352. GS Sei- Apr 63 1 J .3" 'A y y THE NORMATIVE METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND AC:OUNTINGY BY GEORGI BAEVI 19 pp. BULGARIANy NP, STROITELSTVO, VO IX, NO 6, NOVEMBER-DECE14BER 1962s pp 12-A. JPRS oi7637 E.'EUR-E,ULGAR I A ECON., SCI - UlGR f:EB 6~,) 4 (SF - 1082) 1 ~:mergency ProPhylaxis, by V. Baev, % P. BULGARIAN, np, Narodna Armiya, No 3663, Sofia, '3 jui 196o, p 2. jFRs 41io ~,Eur - Bulgaria Mil blov 6,.) simmirs s-641/6o 114 Emergency Prophylaxis, by V. Baev, BULGARLUI, np, Narodna Armiya, No 3663., Jul 19"~(), p 2. -M-JP,Rs EEur BiLlgaria Mil CBR Warfare U Au~, 'ca de M4!xik,.%), Vol 'I'XXXII'll. 1957, 75l-753- SZ c i Tll~d % Lepwis Blindness as a Type of Avolftble Olinftesup by DrD. jr. it. Soffma.0 Petro Ramos Snelts 19 pp. SPME'Verp Arm" A#m-hM-3v rCgMMan 11 - Iteg wiwiz wndcos Vol 110 1944~,' pp M-n5. NZ Jul ('79pM The ReMnamtion a the Tail an& the RO&CtiVe a =ft-U of tbemsuumr cans in A=& SM UrodsU ftbiblarAp Giorgio No Baffauts, 12 pp. rfAl= Mp Und ftU*AccM Mz del Limip Vol 7, ~q 1~162p ~19WT PP 169-194 EM Scientific - Nedictue iMNJIM -1 1.7 of T (DC-3684). 'Facta'and Figures on Crims Camitted in Poland, by Jerzy Bafla) 8 pp. POLISH., per, Nowe Drogip Vol XIV, No 3 (130), ig6o, pp 158-163- . JFR5 3347 EELxr - Poland Sac // ~ Y~~4-5 -- Jul 60 62-IOU5 .jU",A--#rA Enw. T. P. DETELRaW= FROM WGH MOLECLILAR "WARY 1. B&& A. A. ALCOHOIA [19611 [3]r. -25 rds. U. ESUPOW. T. P. Ordit from OTS or SIA ft. to 62-1003 [Cmdaied] uvw of Uppekbi ntmil "M 1945. V. 1j, no.'j, p. 56-64. DESCAWWRS: ODmnents, WoulgasMas Mlwhob, Malecubr#UV=*, CAWYEts. 20088 M&taiDS-Chemical, Tr, v. 7, to. 11) am" ell."CA &WV4"s (FM 19286) The Synthesis Of I.C14APentave,and 3414.ftnt.auel by A, F. Lukovalkovp He Be me-yanut k.--A2.p& I. M. HodionbUl 1. B. 88WO188g, 1'. V. Blizark., 10 pp, RVWIM,q tbrico-v* yer., Dok A Va AM - Vol x=vxlz, No 2, Roaco-w-s-453, Pp 29T-f3OO. CIA#DD/V-5515 umm / d, 55~1 Scientific -- Chamintry, lmot, ",, c rob 54 .(DC-5903) I DEVELOPMENT OF HOWSGOL AYMAK -DURING THE PAST THIRTY YEARS, BY G. BAGAAA.~) PP. 19 1 MONGOLIAN) NP, UNEN, 10 OCT 60., P 2. JPSS 12501 ASIA - MONGOLIA ECNN ~ MAR 62 183,294 t tDO-5903/1) To Woe the Crop Ylald b.'r Bauraach., Basm, MOIMOLIM.p up$ U=s, is - mongous aep 61 and to Scionmicep )W Jawmi Otm-mJab, 3 pp. 9 Apr 1961, p D. FralwUon of Mwpd Me= (m lVdroam by 290 Nber -lbs=j by Ya. A. Satuawl, Jr. A. bmWatov, V. M. oldo=,o V,. A. y ISMIM,p Dori, Dok A Nw* SM.. Iral ==n., Ilo 1., 1960., py 52-55. AIP &W:fts- DOXIady Vol Vs No 4 sci mar 61 The Chamiatry of the Di-Alphu-Halogen Sthersp by H.. Bag.~,~Sjv 19 pp. NONRN alfi;MN, pers Angew Chemp VoILXXlp go 11, 1959, .10 CTAIFM-XX-700 N.).v 5 9 F7 The laffluence of Protm Spina TraJectories on the Doppler Profile of Auroral Hydrogen Limsj- by B. A. Be= yatskiy., 10 pp, BUSSIXN,, perk Astrou Zh=; Vol XXXVj, No 1y 1958, gp 101 -3-U. Sci - Aotrqu Jun 59 A=w Imt of Fbys Sav Astron - AJ vol n, No 1 ?F ~, / /o, Amroral Reaearch in Comphysiml Institute of d1cadew of Sciences., USSRp by B. A. Bagw-jatskiy, :3 pp :IUSSIMI,, =o per., Vert Ak. Nauk NO lp 1955., P 110- I'M D 276973- Def Sci Info Sv,, MM, Canada T 181 R 3cient-ific SeP 1955 CTS/DEX On the Problem of an Effective Recombination Coefficient in the lonosphe--e; by B. A. Bagaryat-sky, 3 PP. RUSSM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz, !No 9, 1959P PP 1359-1363. AGU Sai sep 6o / Co ~ / ,4/ ~Fj He The Infrmd E&USIO Aurora, py . $0 the 1w ~sky and Us A. Bagm-Us~~ V. 1. rxasovskiyj K. 1. Ybrdukhov ich,, RUSSIM, thrice-no peri Dok Al Naukp MR.. Vol Immij NO 1952, pp 579;-580,"r- /A v /6 -7 3 ~2 1A //P Def Bel Info Bar Scientific AstronosW d 09 d311 lo2,Y Do ,ppler Contours and Brightness Distribution CL11-ves for hydrogen in Aurorae Polarea, by B. A. hag -ya);Bkv, 4 77, Ak 4emik S,;.4R: Sal, 6, .1.959, pp 858-864. AGU Scl P,V," of Che Aurora Folarla in tim lm%'ared by B, A. lgW-xpLt-mldy.. M. T. Klordukhmdahjp 7-PP. 1 RWj,jjM, thrice-mo par, Dok Ak Hauk -MMo Vol T=Tj, No I.- 1952P Pp. 45 1e ~'l T / /J r"" ~ 7 A~r Ites and Dev C nd Astron=W CMI= 13,,5 On Hydragau LIm Profiles # the Spectra of Auror". by B. A. Bagu7auuyj, YU. 1. Gul'yerluo 3 PP. RIESUN, per, Astron Zhwj, V161 XXXVI., No 1# 1959., Yr 192P 193. AD Vol IIIJ, NO 1 Oct 59 In tho Regicm A; b7 Do,.- Ak Ima.- et, =1 Vol an't CIA 90000-,g Dir Oct Irgo Sv Hydmgen 1hission in Auroral. Spectra; by B. A. lia~~tskiy, 32 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Uspe*khi Fizicheskikh Nauk) Vol ixv, No 4, 1958, pp 631-664. AEC-tr-5332 PL-480 Sci Jun 64 261,448 :The Velocity Dispersion of a Solar Corpuscular T Stream New the Earth, by B. P.- Bus%r t4skiy, 3 PP. UK RUSSIM, per, Astron M=, Vol =(V, No 1958, PP 227-M. PM4r last of FAYS Gov Aotrou - AJ val n.. No 2 Sci - Astron Jul 59 (DC-6078) o-ertgAn awmary Results of RMw Studles of Aumao,, by B. A. bWu7mtekV, 11 lit. .................... 1- .1 RUMIM, paMpblet., ftwktraltMo, M.*ktrofato- metribboWdye I HMIoIdmtzIanar^ Isoledovanlys polyumm 8117=17 I OVO&WIP NOWUXW W",v Bectim IV,# No 2/3~ 19600 VP 7-14. im M2 Sci . Geopbys '3 Aug 61 A BeIA-Cryst"' X-Ray Monochromtorp by JF. A, Dagyaryatrjhi~, F.. V. Eolontoo", RUGSIM,, per., Zavg~ Lob Vol xvi,, (8), 3.95o.. pp 955-961. p P/X Fulmr Resweh Institute Tr Do 303 OT1406 Scientific PhYBIcal. !M~~cryatal,4 X-ray, mono- Index Acronauticus .10 673 GE-I Ju. A. BAGARYATSKIII; Ju. D. TYAPKIN Methods to determine without standard reference the lattice iribration period of cubic crystals by means of X-ray graphs of coarse-grained samples Irerfahren ohne Normal zur Bestimmung der Gitterschwingungs- periode kubischer Kristalle an Hand von fWntgenogrammen g:robkbrniger Proben Zavodskaya L ., 24, No. 5, 554-561 (1958) 298 - German Euratom ian-dnl~ Lfchoeo Fite "-oraej by 6- j PD --------------- RUSSLIN., per, Uspe= Fla Nauk,, Vol LMUIIp No 2. .1%-11 PP 1907-241- 9670303 ATIC XCL-1078A Scl. - Geophp .Tui. 61 X-My Dimtiptim of the Aselog or Plumudw AUAYSS by Y, A &I WMIAN, per.. Zhur Takh Fft; Vol XII.. No 6p IMt pp 699-662. CM 33 no 67 Aug 58 or ~pcts on :,in!,lv-Crystal "....Ray Phcto,;-rAL)hs. and Their v?vlziticn-Qhip to FIliock Slize, D-Ascrientaticn, and to Disprrsirm of mct-~rs, by Yuo it,, lia.,-aryatskiyj 7PP, per., Kristallo[-,rafiya, Vol Vill No 6.7 J~x Amer inst of Phys Sov ~4iys-~3rystal. Vol V11; No 6 'ci TT-65-63BOS Field 11F, 208 Begaryatskil, Yu. A.; Tagunovs. T. V.. Nooovik. G. L METASTABLE PHASES IN ALLOYS OF WrANIUM AND 1. Royal Aircraft Eetablishming, TRANSITIONAL ELEMENTS (Metastabllne Fasy v Splavakh FRMbormigh (ErgiRod) 71twi s Perakhodnyrni Elementami). Tr. by B, F. Toms. Oct 64, 32p, 23refs. RAE-Lib-Trans-1080. Order from CFSn or ETCi HC$3.430. MF$0.50 as TT-6"3888 Trans, of Froblemy MetRuoreftolys I Figild Metallow (lissit) v5,p2lo-u M1. - C 't " ., 1w, Ad Uzi;) Th,e 0 transformation in t itanium alloys during quenching: A singular kind of martensitic By Yu. A. Ba.-arystakiy, Go Io Nosoval 1& 10 RIJSSW,, per,, Piz Yetal ~ vatallors, Vol XIII., No 30 1,962. pp Sci Itug 63 S-34 More on X-Ray Diagrams With Satellites, by Yu. A. Bagaryatskiy, Yu. D. Tyapkin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kristallogarafiya, Vol V, No 4, 1960, pp 535-539. AIP Sov Phys - Crystall Vol V, No 4 Sci 2o6.646 ]Fresh Structural Data on the Decomposition of 4Npersaturated Solid Solutions of Titanium in ckel and Nichrome, by Yu. A. Bagaryatskiy, Yu. D. Tyapkin, 7 pp. RUSSIMI, per, Kristallogra-ftya, Vol V, 11o6, 196o, pp 882-890. AIP �9v Mys - Crystall Vol V, No 6 2P 206 Sci )68o jul 62 '.41 - - ,--).* "I c CS NO. Vol jJQ., o! The Atomic Structure of Solid Solutions of Chromium D -~a Hi~ukel, by Yu. A. jl)aearratpl~jy "'a a., MJSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Haqk SSSR, Vol M11) NO 5) 195a., pp 806-7o9, Amer last of Phya Sov fts - Doklady Vol nI, No 5 Sci - Phys Jul 59 ~7,-70 )-ba Alloys by Recrystali-izat-I.on, r,,? 9357 936. Amer sov V02. lv~p go Sci 1),;2,2-1 0 The Xeehadsm of Structural Trmformtloas irt Agehemdening Nickea-Bus Allop I by Yu. A., B&prjZt4ikiyp Yu. D. Tyapidn, RMIM# iper, WOte"losmPhIP.9 Vol no, No 3o 1957, 9y 419;4234b Awr Imt of Phys sci Fab 60 Detei7aination of JAttice Constants of Cubic Cryr,tair. from X-ray PhotWaphs of Coarse- Grain Specimens Without the Vae of a Standard, by Im.. A. Bagnryatskiyj YU. Do Tyapklap 8 pp. RUSS''M, per, Zavod Lab., Vol XXIVj. No 51 1958., PP 554-561. Instru Soc of Amer Sci Apr bO e'l I ~ -~' i rj!j " .... - tg - .- - - o-11' Order in th--~ D-7-r: t--i, ib-at I on 0 f rcv7lt-o i'r, Cr'~~ ,A~! IS ; by Yu. 11. 7 PP. at W- JJCI E.ILCSzr2N,/Dok L' Wauht IOSSR., Vol XCII., ro 6, Sci Mius Lib-55/i6-28 Plivs,cs Diacussion of Payers.,11U. A. Bagar.N~p4X, L. 1. Topchiadhvilij I. L-16-ral&'p Ro Bv Golubtsova, 14 pp, UNM. RMIAN,, pert Zhur Reorpu Xhimp Vol III.- 110 3, Mar 1958, pp 722-728. G / ~ CV ? / 0 6 - V ATIC F-TS-9531/V Sel - Chem Jul 59 9/~ Iff S"tudy of the -Phase Diagra-'M or the AUoys Titanium - Chromium, Titanium - Tungsten, and Titanium - Chrmium - Tunguten, Prepared by the Y--thod of Powder MeetaUurgy, by Yu, X, G. 1. Wosaim, T. V. T&9Ufi&W-;`-l" 13 PP, LUM. M;SSM'9,# per., Zhur Neorgan Xhim, Vol IT-1, FO 3, M-- r 1951 8, P-P 777-7~5 - C 1,q V P'14,6 ATIC F-TS-9531/7 Sci - Chem it-Bay Detemiration of SolubUity SourAaries on Large Grain SaMles by tAe Oscillation Yu. Do Tj*l?! Hetbod$ by.,Tqt-,A;..,,BNjLrp"kI Idn. UXM IMMM perv Zbur NewS Xb:Lu, Vol M I, No IMF 1956, YP 934, 935 - I. ATIC IP4%-"/f Sal - Pbyz .2 PC Aug 59 Nova, in the Uchni4uo of PCusing X-ray, by Yue. A* HMIIM per, Vop2kh tis uk v03, No ey USSRS' 195ILS ;p 293-M. MC TV 13.051- p4r; at* at the maw$ in ftywt4 ftmtu" ot 2Labm)ADWUJ= AUN at 0 SWU ASSN atm~- TU* Do VmvWx, tu. A. DW~~, at per# ou'uu4putlyst VOL Vxp lb ha, pp %0,470 AV ow fte * owstou v4 V1.0 no ft 203032 Ell JUI 62 on the Nature at Pbseem OccurrUs ou. the Surface of ftwl In DiffusIce of TaWtenj by-O. X. Dubinft, Yu. A. 12 --.,.-.-.I-,-. I RUSOIAN, par# Owr Takb nag 01 XUI No Up 1942s PP-1741-175*- Awl* a-W" Sol - PhP Dee 59 -Rvq Data on the Agelug of the Alloy Al CU., bZ*,~-A X BagEqlg_qk*, I I RMSIM, thrice-mo per, 1k SWR,, Vol LXXM., no 2" 1951P 1=1 r2k 261--,. . Fulmer Reaear4h r=tItuWNo 18 ScientIM - P4pics / ci 6 p .5", Factors in the Formation of Hatmtable Phases ia T_; ~&jadwg-~B~L-t: Alloyd, by Yu. A. Bugaryutskiy, G. 1. Nosova, T. V. TO6MOvzES--Y- .7. RUWIAff,, per, Dok A Nauk SM, vol exxn, no 4.p 1951), pp 593-596. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Doklady Vol nl" go 5 . Sal: - php ~7X jai 59 The C&IOUlatUn CC the MMte=ity of the DLtf=e ScatteriM of X-ReP fbr A~91M AIUPa by Yu* Aa Be RUBSIMp tbricvmw perj,.Dl* XELS.Ml- Vol. immnt Nd 18 19510 pp 4548. lhgnr On tho Nestion of the Ugcbgu&iom Qf the DCCQMPQOI,- tion of SWreaturated SoLld Bolutlors 1rt Alloys,, bV Yu. A. B"r7atSkiyo 14 pp. Fall tba.,.slation I(M'3W,s mo per,, Zhui Tek-h JEL12-Yol Ms, no 12# 3-9510 pp 1497-1563. bc:L mdrAir 53/ V Sai P Pbyoias ez I r& 7 The Nature of the Natural Ageing of Alumlml= AUqyv I by Yu. A prystaklys RUSSUNs per$ Dok AIL lauk SM. Vol IMMMI, no 4,0 1952,9 pp Ihil r Resesooh Mut. Tr So 55s OT/103he Nachaniem of the Artif Age of an AI-Cu- !92~ Ng Alloyj, by U. A* - .,T.Ptskty# 8 pp. ItIr.-SlOlp thrice-w perP Dok Ak Naut ~SWH.,o voi lxwn, No 3a IMP W-39T-Aw. Sci Am Lib - 56104o Sci - Miurals/Wtalso Chemistry ,, 3' Cr'Lz ,749 Jul. !956 07 -4 impostigatior. of tho Arping pf Al=laium A] lQya. 3. Use of X-Ray Gonlomtric Methods for the Baton-nination of tho Kitual OTiontation of Phases,, by Yu. A. EaSuTatskly, 18 pp. fU~61ANj per,, Flo h3tall I Vatellms Vol Is Ro 2p Y-9 Sci Rua Lib Tr 57/i6og NOV 57 X~,.q4q InvoBtigation of the Ageing of Aluminim Alloya. k,. Hathods 04., amiculation for Dufuu*~Scatterinu Pht)tcgraphss, by YU.. A. #aG"7atSlt*p 15 pp- RUSSIUp Vero Fiz YAtall I X~tA,IIOVI Vol 11 no as -195,5p Sci Hue Llb Tr 5-1/161o Sci - NOV 57 X-Ray - InvestIptlOn of the ApIng of AlumLnum Alloys. lb,v To, A,! XIMM Bappyatsklye IISSIAN 1, per Mar Tekh Flap Vol XVInv No 6.. 1948s, pip Folmar ]Rec*ereh Xmtftuto 42- p M171 i5~'71entlflc - ftysice 7 Structural Cbeave In the Aping of the Auey Al-ft. HSI, by Tu, A. Bms-slr~pur- MM,SlUp prv Zhur Tekh nz, voi us io ht 195019 pp ftlxar Research Institute P 2210 T No 11 Drutaber Tr No 2701 #$.55 On Relationships of the DMIusion and Lattice Reorganization Process During the Decomposition of SAid Solutions, by Tu. A.-B.agaryatskiyo Yu, D. Tyapk n, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,:per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXV., 1957., pp. 1111-i114. AEC Tr 3214 Sci - Pbyc W1Y 58 " S"~4s TT-66-63GS8 Field 11F, 20B Bmar.~atakli, Yu. A,; TMOOTS. T. V., Nosove. G. L METASTABLE PHASES IN ALLOYS OF TITANIUM AND 1. Royal Aircraft Establishment, TRANSITIONAL ELEMENTS (Metastabline Fazy v Splavakh Farnsborough (EWandj Titana a Perekhodnymi Elementaml). Tr. by B. F. Toms. Oct 64, 32p, 23refe. RAE-Lib-Trwn-1060. Order from CFSTI or ETC. HC33.60. MFSO.50 as TT-65-53888 Trans. of Prfl~e-ilvlelallovedenlyg I FlzW Metallov (USSR) V-5 ~11