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Possibility and Umitations or a Chemical Pr*tset1w for Man md Mmumals ApInst Imising Padlations., by I.M(M., pWr, P/939, Praftedinp of International Conference on Peaceftl Usen of Atomic Emergy Wd at Geneva 8-2D Aug 195% Vol V. Sai - Iftelear Pbpico CIA I-W.9.162 .AZ fec;~ of X-ray and Ultraviolet Radiation Tvdirect Ef -acq, 4 P'p Vol rrance 1951) P 19; jieallth; Betheada, IIA. 2 0 4 . 52 1()61, . PP , . RL (C ) 2 ! by 61.2 Bace. Sandor. SANUARY nSSEJES. Oct 60, 4p. Order fr~ogn SLA ml$ I - 90. ph$ 1. 80 61-10300 1. Paper- -Production 61-10308 2. 71tle: Sanitary tissues 1 1. Baca, S. Trans. of Papiripar (Hungary) 1959, Y. 3, w. 4, p. 146-148. (MaterMls- -Paper, TT, v. 5, no. 12) OfRm .1 To"col Swvicos g(NY-695k) I;NSTI'TUTE OF TEGMICAL MMIC8 OF TH9 CUMLOVAK J~ w SCINM, BY JINDRI 041RMUV MWIVALs, I, pp. w'v&WA&o CIECII, Pgt,,,PQrJW WATUATIKY, VOL Vlp 14D 4, 1961s PP SM-M. im. 13109 SC I - PHYS mAR Q 741 THE ig6i NORM ADJUSTMENTS AS REFLECTED BY STATISTICAL,DATA: BY GYORGY BACS 11 PP. HUNGARIAN: PER, STATISZTIKAI SZEMLE, VOL XL., NO 71 ig6zj pp 69o-698. JPR315956 EEUR-HUNGARY iECON Nov 62 215,217 The low Road Sectlon of SUts MgbwaY No 7 Between Balstonkeroostur md WaSykainisiss.. by Aut4l %9?A, Artbur Barg, Steven DesaWl; 13 PP- WXMRD.F., b!r, ftlyepIteatudownyl Ozemi-es -AuZqep 1958.. pp 351-357. ACSI,r 2-2903 Wly 59 -17 (NY-10) The Propaption of Mimatle ftergy Omr Rungary, by Handor Bwoo, 34 pps Haamum, yar, Foldrajzl Noraemnyek, Vol Ec? NO 2, 1961 p pp log-i2l. JPN 11113 sei - Geopb" 176, /YY Dee 161 -3-cium aad- ocytocia by A.agiotensinas Oe .0 4 PP - G. Barac ) 7. B=O J, aptes ReadW Soc Bioly Vol CLIIIP, FROCIi, per; Ccm _709. jW. 1959s PP 706 2-41-60 A~pr 60 Dr7 &43%r Beet ftIP " G COM=nvat Of Conomtrated YAxtures aror Foodlog DAir7 COvOt by C, Obracovicy go DaMould j 10 PP, MW-=A=., per$ Arhiv &a Pajopisivnfte mallm., Vol M.- No 53.. 1963.9 pp 2E~-36- Ow 63-U453/3 Pl.-48o sci Jun 64 26o,896 va,, REfeat of Tetbering (Verm Lome Houslug) of Young Fattening Stock on Live Weight Gain cod Poo ccnversion with OwtMuon and HqdroziZine #,m us, -A~~Cvw�4) T. Coble, 19 pp. per,, AvUv za 'V01 v. No 49., !962,, P.V 1W-27. M 62-1175513 2- ,sai Baczek, M., and A. Pielan M?thod of Elaborating the Forecastirg of High Water Wave Inflow into a Water Reservoir.- POLISH, per, Gazeta Obzervatera Panstwowego Irist.~tutu Hydrologiczne-Meteorelogicznego 10:12-15 1958. *PL 48o oTs 6i-31294 2961 1:,iaczek, M., and J. Cunge Remarks on the Temporary Situation method of Unstable !,~Iovement Computation in River Beds.-/0 ff /,) or," 'POLISH, per, Gospedarka Wodna )A5-:.i94-198. 1958. . ~ .209374 JPL480 oTs z I --Rd ~- 0 ig6i WLM&AWLa arki Cunge, JM NOT M- ON UE TENTORARY WATU LML mEnIOD OF uwrrAtyy Kzw Cc)hqaA71ON RIVER Cl LA NNL1.S (tJwagi no Temat ObU=en Ruchu NJ'msmlmc!oo w Korywch Rzo=ych MCtGdA SULWW Chwilawych) tr. by 1. BacluaclL 1963 JISIN 4 rds. FL-480 Lnc. Order from OTS $a So 61-31328 Trans. ot Gospourks %Vodua (pola4 IM. V. IS, no. 5, p. 194-193. DHSCjdPTOR&, $Hydrolop. *Riverg. ODMS, *IqAd Ckrw. 0scillaums. SqAtlomm. Grapmc wayaL, Tlis basic equatime af =otoody Bow an given &W re- -Its obtal-d in precdcal cakuUUmm a* &gcwwa 61-31329 1. Amcwk. NC mu- MPL-4 L 161-31328) IV. Nukod Sciocce votiodadm WaffiblogM D. Q A IT~ '6 (FmilacerUg-ClYlL 7T, v. 9, m I* Otes an the DqWM7 Waftr-Urwel *Ood at vaste&4 rim '--W in River 09=61 # by Jan OLMOS w pp, rMW per ft*odazft ~Mmx Vol ay V Ift % 1'(158, P'P lg-iW gmyx P44W OM 16L-M328 ad - Aplaa%= ;~= 63 013~j yed- Effect of Atomid in a Case of Essential Hyperlipaemia by A. Baazko. POLISH, peZJM", pol. Vol, 8. go, 2. 1965, pp 135-141 OD 39/Tftne. 150 /-~ 13AC'Z~--o - Sol - Aug 67 339-400 $own sdzLu as * xw wassow in uw rx 1 RON"# %W Nqm*fm ftm~~ Pala=* VMS, ft"", is&* w 1".19M Awro AL from Sit'- *At$VUU Jim 67 (i ro 7 Math=atics An,,'at LUWdstlealp by Le So~OYb, lkwinar. 3 Ypk IMOZO; op, UmicamAsbAp PMUR 4 Ike MOp 1)4. am 6ft-D Jel - jkth WAY 59 .1 fl / zAvolo Oy A,Ao RWWya; 1,,twilki lust.p 11051s, 2 4CVU M~ , - - um usawas. I tv f, A. jbaiw% : wookow-S.-M -7 P ll!llpw .- - I 09MMASSOW At Zito - - so -L ~"/- d. ad a ft xw 67 326ON J,nvZ'Sti,,ration of the L-'--qll-.Ltll)s Surface in Alurilli'Lull Ease Solid Solutions in the SystenM by T. A. :~a~.acva, T. I. Yuznetsova. r~'UcF'LU, per, ' - T ',jetallUrgli Aka! NliaUl' L, ;~ -) Tru(x.,r 3; 1953, pl, T,ml- m 164 jwl t~3 gxpwimenUl Todadques of Low-Ewra ZIACUVU DLtfmtion,, by A, A, DS&4~:4 owbuwv Main, per, Voopkh Yls ft*,* Vol LEM No 3-4.- 1962s PP 727 Awr Imt or ftfales &M pa" - V01 V. ]b Sol may. 63 3 5e 2, 7 7,1 (SP-2171) Second AU-GAoii Confavace on the Reduction and Liquidation of Xafectlow Diseases, by N. 1. Kere"Y', S. Y**,BWAkmr, 4 pp. RMAN., per, Z&xvookWm=rdyo rAwAkh., Vol XXII ND 12p 19611 PP 59-6-Le jM 13376 &A - Ned /"... '.?, aoo" AIr 62 ftoma amm""t -axwoda 04 *up UMOVS14 tv awas, 60. an omm Aw~ *A MA DE ~19 - p,,-Ial' 333p6W 64 m. 67 UtiliZatiOn Of Air Cun'Mtf in F119Ms b7 P- Bi.dalin,, 3 pp. ~-f RIMLWO mps �#v 1956v p 2p Eml to ~n g I Fab Ila-1689-56 0 AFOIN-W. AF 1028= 118SR -Y411 9701- 14nitary Sci - Aaronmtim NOV 56 CTS MaUjorological Support for Flights During Inclemat Wastbor, by P. ~~~ 4 pp. MUSSIFIED RUSSIAlp up, Sovet Plot, No 36 (5238), 11 Jun 1957, p 2~ US JM/DC-L-30 USOR ~P 116 )MI- Naval Aviatiou Mr 58 lmwm~ , 6 (NY-6825) RADIO A~D TELEVISION FOR SOVIET PEOPLE, BY A. L. BAD 10 PP. 29~~ RUSSIANO PER, VESTNIK SVYAZI~ NO 10) 196L. JPRS 12057 scl FEB 61 1k"() & -4 L~ , I --l THE OBJECTIVE REALITY OF CONTRADICTION, BY NicbLA BADALONi. 6 pp. I ITALIAN, PER., RINAsciTA, VOL XIX, NO 13, 28 JUL 1962~ p 28. JPRS 15A3 WEUR - ITALY POL ~ OCT 62 213,429 my-pu THE KVtLAv#4Dff Of ULTRA9HDRT-,'AVC MSG BRUWASTINGS BY A. L-_9ADALOVv 4 PP. RUSSIMt PUto VESIWIK SVYA&Ift W 5s 1957., im -mg Isci I 173s,158 .mW 0 VIA Dam mv VLC~au) 59 A Study of the Process of Detaching and Piercing on Combing Mwhines,, by K. 1. Bedalor. RU8SUN, per,, Tekstil Promj, Vol XVIII.. No 12p 1958, PP 32-36. DBIR LW M.1845 (low) Sel - ftgr /"? Y Y9 q1 oet 6o 61-13169 - A SnJDY oi~ THE PRocEss OF DErACWNG AND 1. Cotton- -Processing PIECING ON COMBING MACHIM. J1960) 12P. 2. Cotton reviles - - TR/[Z71?j; M1845. Production Order from LC or SLA xnl$2.40, pb$3.30 61-13169 3. Tide: Combing machines I. B"dov, K. 1. Trans. of Tekstil'nays Prornyshlennofft' (USSR) 1958 11. TMM-TR/271 Iv. 18) no. 12, p. 32-36. 111. DSIR LLU M. 1845 IV. T. M. M. (Research) Ltd. (at. Brit.) 0+A-( Tdwic.l SwAc.t (Materials- -Textiles, TT, v. 5, no. 5) Problems of the Dynamic IateractIon of a Bit and Rock# by H. A. Badalw. FLMSM, Per, VM Neft'ME, Vol 4, No 5, 461, pp A L) Sci Jul 67 333,.W Evalliation of the Per-famance of Thrae-Rollw Mts, by R - A. Bwlslovl_ T pp - MML43., yw., Ix Tynablkh Udhab Zwed) Weft' i Gazz, Vol Tl,, No 10,t 1959,v PP 19-Z- A"AIR sai 1940~e .2- O/V Apr. 62 vol iv., so 6 Swe Pmbimp Cowerning the Dynamic Penetration of Vbe Teetb of a Tb"e-Cutter Bit into Rwk) by It. A. Baaal-on, RUSUMs pas Iz-Vysnblkl3 tjobeb Zw4d fieft I Gaz ftle 15~59, Vol 3:11 No 5j pp 31-.w# AT3 -85L3 4B Sol Apr 6o Vol MY No T, -1959: -32,8-335,~ i oc 0--t The Gaocbemistr7 of Selenium ead TaUurium in the Almlyk Ore Deposit., by S. T. Badalav RUSSIANp per, TrWy A NwA SMRv 1wt Nimral Geokb:lm I Kristallokh1mii Reftikh Elawntov, Vol Ivs 1960j! PP 24-27* Dept of Interior CK570) Acl2acM UMM Sci - Chem -I 62 The Geochemical Pelationship Between Indium and Silver in Zinc -Silver-Lead Deposits., by La~lov) S. T., 5 pp. RUSSM, per, Geokhim,, No 10, 1961. Geochem Soc sci i~,Ov 62 1 216)339 Distribution of rhftim In the loolylodenitos of Wdle laial 3y S. T.,4mal"s, S. N. Buitava pp. 6 RUSSIAN. per. Gookbis, No 9. 1962. asochas Boo Sol -51~147 'I -/X:F- Avg 63 ljojri,~jr~eUjte Sksrn proAl Celitral Asia# bX S. T. U* B~.djjjov .- 4- Colovanov# B. L, Khothato9lfjV-;- pp, RMSUO.. per, Dok Ak Hauk S=.. Vol C=I., No 49 5, 395ts pp M 897-900. CB Sol Na. v 59 16r1 1130 z On the MechwUam of Photonualear ReactIoney by,, M. Badsayan(, A. I. Baz I lp-pr~q RUHSIANp perp' Zbur Wsper I Taoret Fiz, Vol XL.,.. go 2.. 1961, pps 549-552 AIP sov, Pkw -MP, voL nn, No p- 16 7, sci Aug 61 Botwoon the Diot)-Allution of Galactic 'A;pbeletca aad e Wentrall Hydrogen., by G. Badalyan. U EUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nwak Armytirskoy SSR, Val XXVII, No 3, 19581 Pp 145-147. OSMO q-,Z. 508? jun 03L of int6rSt4l lar ll'elr~rmvl li~'er--Gcn -ids, by G. WalYan- Galar-tic Cephc At Nauk Ara~M=SkOY S&R, per., Dok No 1, 1958) PP 13-22- CSTRO Tr %~'A7 1 62-25102 Badalyan, G. S. AMUTTIONE GROUP OF THE SUSPECTED VARIABLES 1. BadalyaA, G. S. OF THE TYPE T-TAURUS (0b Odnoi Gruppe II. ETR-61-8 Zapodozi-ennykh Peremennykb Tipa T Tel'tsa) tr. by 111. Emmanuel Coll. Research Zanis Stuberovskis. 9 Dec 61 [Bjp. E-T-R-61-8. Center, Boston. Mass. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-25102 IV. Contract AF 19(604)KW5 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk Armyanskoi SA [Erevan], Doklady, 1960, v. 31, no. 5, p. 261-265. DESCRiproits: *Stars, *Variable stars, *Nebulae, Morpholcgy, Maps. (Astronany-Astrophysics, TT, v. 9, no. 9) wo 01 TcWeg iff*m About one Grl=P of the Mspected Vprlpbles of the Type T - T*=w$ by G. S. Badelyeap 7 pp. IMSIM,, per, Dok A Neuk AnW=kDy SER m=,, No 5, ig6o,, pp 261-M5. ;6~9 in F" Lib R-T-R-&-8 An ,Yun 62 61-159170 Badalyan. G. S. GENESIS OF INTERSTELLAR NEUrRAL HYDRO- 1. Meteors--Sources GEN AND OF THE GALACTIC CEPHEIDS (0 2. Waxies--Spectrographic Genezise Mezhzvedrx)go Neytral'nogo Vodoroda i analysis Galakticheskikh Tsefeid) tr. by M. Slade. (19601 (171p. 3. Hydrogen--Sources (foreign rext included) 5 refs. CSIRO Trans. no. 5085. 4. Interstellar matter-- Order from LC or SLA M112,40p p43.30 61-15970 I'heory I. Badalyan, G. S. Trans. of Akademiya Nauk ArTnyanskoy SSR [Yerevanj 11. CSIRO Trans-508S Doklady, 1958, v. 27, no. 1. p. 13-22. Ill. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research T'he galactic cepheids were probably formed in areas Organization (Australia) of concf:ntration of interstellar neutral hydrogen. (See also 61-15968) Office of T-k" SoMces (Astronomy- -Astrophysics, YL v. 5. no. 9) S 0ORRELATIOWBETWEEN THE USTRIKMON or 1. Meters- -Abundance GALAC-nC CEMEIDS AND OF NEVrRAL HYDRO- 2. GsLWes--Spectmjrsphfc GEN (K VoProsu o Svyazi Mezhdu Raspredelenlyarni analysis Galakticheskikh Tsefeld I Neytral'nogo Vodoroda) tr. 3. Hydrogen--Sources by M. Slade. 119601 (Sip. (foreign ten Included) I -Badalyan, G. S. 2 refs, CSIRO Trans. no. 3087~ 11. CSIRO Trans-M Order from LC or SLA mi$l. 84 ph$l. 80 61-15968 Ill. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Resarch Trans. o( Akademlys Nauk Armyanskoy SSR (Yezey al Organization (Australia) Doklmly, 1958, v. 27, no. 3. p. 145-147. In order to establish a connection between neutral by- drogen and the cephelds a calculation is made of the surfice briShtnese o( plactic cepbefda and the distri- butioti o( the Intensity of neutral hydrogen along the - placric merid'sn, 500 and 900. (See also 61-15970) Me of TWWCv1 savi"s (Astronomy- -Astrophysics, Tr, v. 5, no, 8) ObtaivinS StewV Mapetic Plelds cE a P-mactibed Shape., lby A. A. Azatywo G. V. Bodo'llan4-ecip. MUM., par: Pribory I Takh ZoW., 110 3o 1963., )q. 142!-145. 1u 'ii;i p~lj- ?,X7 Jim 64 Condition for the ExnRnsion of Functions Into a 4c-a9jpcwer Series Outsiae of the Fundamental Interval, by G. V. BadalYan,-3 PP, RUS810y per, Dok Ak Nauk &MR, Vol ci=vj, 1961, pp 269-271. Amer Math Soc ,i'ui 61 C)/ Fiv-Planting Treatment of Tomato Seeds With the Purpose of Increasing Their Drought Resistance and Yieldso by V. S.-Badalian. E. A. Atabekinn, 3.pp. RUSSIAN. per, A Nauk Armianskoi SSR. Izv Biol: 'Solskokhoz Nauk, Vol XI, No 5. 19588 pp 97-100. *PL-480 OTS 63-11036 'ai arA Television Fa2ilitlea Have to be, Tmprmdj, by As L, Badelms 8 9y. Miami per) vastan svpzip No i (2V~)j, 1963. M.S 1904 DA ; Bw I Jim 3 231j617 Resources of the Caspian Seal and the Memo of Its FaUonal Utilizatioup by B. 1. BOMbin, 14 pp. RMSIM, pers W& 30"LheLM& n&t!2!2dchqsLwl K=Laii &gM& Naul SSSR Vol 12t 1961t PP 170-179- Dept of Navy 100 Trws 519 (5 - 7, , 48 Oq c1 09 m 's k -1 ~ : JU17 -a Sapporo on Mmtoln Roads By ~,. Badqnl~~# & 6,an, f I- Rw,;Ia, per, VOYvm7Y Vestnikt No 5, 1963o ACS I I-1614-B ID 2201= Sai Aug 0 .7/-) ~03 ] ? 7.1-1- -) -711-, stau Of the cusp= -ma-, sto-ca.; by =T=rAV tool 7..tpxr; V61 XXM, do 6. 196u~, nWmrias Res Baard Of CWMOA Aretic Unit 6,:,,i - Biol/*d Bel 3 Y, 4 5~3 Jul 63 Wectious Diseases of Calves,, by 1. 1. Arkbangellskiy,, N. V. Badanin et al. -1--l- I RUSSIANj bk., Oosudarstvamoe Izdatel'suo -SA'skokbom4ielvenno i Literatury, 1*.. 319 92M69 USDA Tr V-224 Sci - Blol & VAd Sci Jul 63 Iw9, ,~ '261 " / I- Infectlow Diseases of Calves, by 1, 1. .Arkbangellsklyj N. V. al. RUSSIAN; bk., Gmudaretvenwe lzdat4alotw SellskokbozyaLe'vom i Litentury.. 1*.. 319 PP. 92M6.9 UMZ Tr V-1824 Sci - Biol & Mad Sci ibi 63 2- The Water Regime of Plants F= the Point of View of Structural and Hjdrophilic Viscosity of the Protoplasm# by' K. A- Badanovs, 3 pp. XMIM,, per,, Dok Ak N=* SM., Vol CM,, No 6# 1957p py 1033-- Amer last of Bla Bel Bel - Biology Jul 58 4 4, f #1 Dependence of Resistance of Plants to IfIgh and Low Tei~~ratures ou tile Quttlit,, o;C Nitrogen Nutrition., I ' by X". A. Badano-va; 4 pp. Rb'SSTjlg,, per, Fiz Razteniy, Vol V, No 42 1958, pp 353-355- Amer Inst of' Blol Sci SC i - BIP i0l Ju 1 59 10 672 GE-1 E.BADARAU Research In the field of semiconductors - Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Halbleiter Agerpres InformationsbuRetin, No. 6, 10 (1960) 297 - German E u r a t o m Capital Conotruction Peou.U and ,"Amtia tics$ ty D. Badmmh 314 I,IDVGOLTAI., per., Miyn Dzaoac, 110 1, 19,61y "WMDEO PP 52-63- im 8944 J- 7J- Aisim - bionaolia /7,/ oct 61 Warm Efity1m]POpescu, ganlizu) and 61-10790 lava, 41=1. 1. CA .."Pory COMMUnONS TO AN SM-W71ON OF ME 2. Arsve-spacm WZHANISM OF 7M DWBLE WHOM EFFWT: 3. GIOW d4s chu9ft 71ifory Palmr preseMad at Conference of the 04rman Physt- I .Mdar*4 L CAI Society, Uspzig. 17 Apr 59. (19611 35p. 41 refit, 11, Pop"M 1. O.Yder from SLA ml$3.00, ph$6.30 61-10790 ' 111. joys, 1. IV. 'ntla: Cbdarence ... M.'ans..orAnnalan ditir Physik (Ent Germany) 1960, 7 folgo, v. 5, no. 5/6, p. 308-326. rmscrtiptlix; are given of theoretical and aparimixt- ul roe ukt zt1&Eivg to tho phewmens which take puce ct douhlo and Single Cathode% during glow discharges In argon. The Importace of the rasonaws chugs !Xansfar process In The kinwCs of this posluye ions In spwfflc gases nx4 In partlcular, in ft dwory of the cathode fail Is stressed. it is also demaintrot4 under couilitioas of anomalous d1scharles tit any rate, tha this majority or oxcitittiont; mW JoaWdons Mce of Uckskol Urvi-s takes Place In tr*M of the catbode In the uqpdve &low~~ this tormatim constituting a pr -11y (MYS C---EIOCU)OMU*. 7T, V. 5, W. 9) (0111110 Idniew d IM4, Do &War* WA040" cc sowA by, Uwa Bmftwp 5 We PbWA CCCOWOUG-4.1 # . 39 ARk=t Vs JRS 2M7 -2~ (,,/ A..-'/ M-papt som 276vOW mar 65 The structjxe of Alunialm AUoys With Mg &nd So,, by T. A. Baftymm., R. 1. Kumetsova. RUSSIM., pitr, ftudy lot MOULU Ak Mm*j, No 3x 1958, pp MI-M5. oT 4679 sci - mialmAt Fab 62 X-ray investiption of AgiM of Alvalnum Anop. VIZ. On Us Structure of t1w Guinior,-Preston ZOU03 in A1=dn=-CqM?ar Alloys# RMSM, psr,, &19WUogmf ijap Vol Nv 110 3j, 1959., !PP 341-347 - Amer lut of Sov Pbp- Cryoul Va ff" ft 3 sci /0,' A 7 A~r '60 I-btliods of Mnimising the Scrwp 77 Resulting from the Embrittlement of Pancaled High Speed Steel& bY a in .,.A. Badaeva; E.I, Malinki a. PoSSIM, per, Stanki i Instrument. Vol 26, Z10 zj 1991. BISI 4090 USSR sci/M&M- !-,~-Iy 6S 278o82O Data Sheet ca a Now Cr-W-V fta Stftl IDDVQ*od by).. '?y A. P. GUIMWev, A. A. B&dV*M. Rmsrmp per, w4 To= Cbm lkt&Uovj, ft 70 19590 PP 31-34. IM 5m Sol - Mem &-"-w - OY-50se) A3.te=atiug Oparatica or the Telephone and of the Teletypowiter System Over Ow TelaVaona Cireat,, by S. G. BWW , 3 PP - . MUM.. pars Vestalk SvMip No 12', 14. - JM 7073 Sci / 1~ 6-/ / b," 3 Sep 61 Structure of Aluminum-Base Magnesium-Tin Alloys, by T. A Badayeva, R. I. Kuznetsova, 13 Pp. :___I RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Metallurg imeni A. A.. Baikova, No 3, 1958. oTs 6o-51087 PL-480 S::i Jm 62 PST 386 10/7,656 The Investigation of the Liquidus Surface and of A:'Luminum-Base Solid Solutions in the Aluminum- ntgnesium-Germanim System, by T. A. Badayeva, R. I. KILmetsova, 16 pp. EUSSIADT, per, Trudy Inst Metallurg iracni A. A. Bail 16 3, 1958. oTs 6o-51087 PL-48o Sci jw, 62 197,657 10G,W PST 386 5%e A[ping of Alloys of A133MIDIUM With Zinc aw Lithium; by To A, Bad vas Ps I* Shawal. HUSSVZp per, Iz Ali Nauk. 2M M& -gauk p VAMM Ot 19h3; pp 99-107. Fulmer Research lutitute) r -J~rans 31.o OT1371 'J~ &W.V" U.SSR Scientific - Chemistry, alloys) aluminjan, zinep litbiui; Index Aeronauticus INYWICATION W THE LIQUINS XWACE IN ALUMINKM UK SKIO WIMT194 IN IM SWW BY To A* OWM-A# Re Lo WJ2N9T3M* RUSSIANS put TAW INST. KTALLMI I AK am swo No 3r top 216430. NLL NO" 30 WN JUN (A 199,V119 iliuiocuiar 803id Solutioas- of Alwainium by T A , aaei vu ~ . . - _ . I .RUSSIAN.Jper, D6k Alt Nauk SSR, Vol LXIV , No 4 PP ~ ) Altullipium Laboratoriea TTi) OT/1398 r ' *Ci Mi L ) nerale f"Ij.01cal Picture or Intoxications Caused by Hamarowtic Golventap by Re We Bafter, 14 pyl GERHANS, 8th International Congress f. Unftllmd,, CIA/PM/X-43 7/ 62- 1 B484 Bd, JSK e _rK. _X PECULIAR FORM OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIV- 1. liddekei, K~ ITY IN SOLID MATFRIALS. [[9621 lip. (~Igaomitted) 9 refs. Ordar from Sl,A $ 1. 60 62-16484 Partial trans. (p. 566-5M) of Annalen der Physik (Germany) 1909 [sor. 41 v. 29, p. 566-584. DES ~Rllyl ORS: I Electrical conductance, Heavy ele- mews, 'Copper compounds. *0xides. 'iodine. Vapors, Electrical propsrtleL~, flail effect. C 2 04w; 7 (Che-nis,,r--Phvsicd1, TT,v. 9, no. 5) Office of Trck*&f Servitfs .Stuaiss of Poftol 1:1-ofilAs emd Pbasolio Moor- 1=4 Formations AM Raferance to Prow Cul- Pteal Procedwe., by W. Baden. MOM, Pori, Z. fuer Pflanzenunmhrung Dan ,png, Bokenk., Vbl LYI,, No 2. 1951; pp M-150. NC Library Otteva, Rat a-238_o set - Chem Apr 62 m Construction and OperatIon or Large Coreless Induction rumces, by r. Badebbmar. GERWO(Stabl and lixent Vol I-Vt 1935- Druteber Tr 222 SC Lentifle - MM/Otall Productim or ChrWus-eantafting fteels in Battle Open-Hearth and 31"trtc Are Fumeas With Use of Ch-mmium-Alloyed ftnps, by IN "m 0 =Wss conflasutsel Hewn so EiasubuttenInte I p r.942 0 Temin.Doutseber Influence of lopt Mold Desip and DooXidatIM (M. C.ryitalizatIon of Killed Steel IngoUp by F. Dedes- L) DZHWp per, Stahl A Ugeop Tol XLTMI, pp 11 .3 amd, 7Q. Brutcber Tr 7 scle4tlfie - M10fetals $9.50 :Fomtlou of Obost Lines In 8111con-treated Steel ruptag by F, DadeWwuer DZMW,, per, Stahl %md Bison, Vol UV# 1934- Bruteber Tr 161 Scientific - Min/Metals $6.90 5; 7S Om the Production of Tunpteu-sllapA Steals With the Uee of Alloy Scrap aod Tuagoten Or*# ~y P,- Badubeuer. 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