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Fbatowds Spectrum of Chloropl"ts, by L. N. Babusbklap 4 pp* MBIAN,p tbrloe-w per,, a=., Vol CM* 1"5, VP 333-335. -81A R-1333 may 58 4 Ijt 4-f 6 Ei',ect of the Nature and Size of Fuel on the Rate of Sintering and on Sinter Quality., by N. M. BabuaDkin., V. Ya. Miller, 5 PP- RTJSSTAN, per., Stal,, No 2, 1962, pp 101-106. BIBI sci jul 6p- 205,532 ~Uxhemstlcal ccadluams Of ft"Is" Fmibility in lavadmt Auteaftle sa4 L)rmsapic Sysump by So A& BAWddogjappe RISSIMg, per* Tm& ImAY& lavarimptn"d v Sisteukh a.&--41lf fto "T ra vi'anxe V"s 4 yeves n may-I Jun 1962. pp; 65-83p 1964o FID W 65-$o GREATEST RESULTS FOR SMALLEST OUTLAYS, BY V. BABUSHKINp 11 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, PARTIYNAYA ZHIZNI., NO 21) NOV , 1962) PP 8-15. JP 17014 U,ci 3 R ECON JAN 63 219jo86 On the Use or Crystallochemical Data for a Thermodynamic Analysis of the Processes Involved in the Hydrothermal Synthesis of Calcium Silicate Hydrates, by 0. F. Mchedlov-Petrosyan,. V - I - Ba.bu~~Iq n 7 PP - RMSIAN, per) Dok Ak blauk SSSR, Vol CXXVIII, No 2, 1959, pp 348-351- sLA 6o-176go p" 5 Sc:L ~z OPS, Vol IV) No 3 (1374-N/25) The Effect of Long-Wting Radial Acceleration on Man . by V. 1. BubushMut 7 pp. RIBBIAN, per, VoMno-Med Zhur,, No 8, 1959. im 2551 Sai - Med oct 6o /.:2 P, ? 'Ps Jffivrtirylynnnic Study of Solid-Phase Reaction',3 in t~,c SySt,= Calcium Oxide -- Alumina, by V, 1. Bdburhkin, U. F. Mchedlov-Petroayan, 5 P. 1031AIT, 1-ver, Zhur Prik lVall-m) Vol X-M!, No -J.) 1,959, 46-49. CB 0C.1 Aespimtlon wd OaSK" amanop In *a &bjuteo -to Radial Acealsrati=,, by To r. 3SIA16U4 a P. X. bakoV. T. 2. NRIkLn# To T. aschiia-T, 1=SIANj pore Fla Wwr ow In I- N. subsume Vol XLIVO No 4# 1958o VP 3k2-347. Perpmon Int ;3cJL - Mod Peb 59 Xd I SO-Oz An Inve3tigattion on the SLwIectrIc Acoity or Skilletal *mcU in jWm fteso to RadJAI Accaleratioup by V. I. BabuWALn. P. X. Inkovs,V. R. WAIN V. V UsaaMV-j-1-Fi~- RUISIANg per# Fix Zkwo SM im I. H. ftchuwvap VO.L xuvt so 10 1958s OP 10-13- pargamw lot Sck - Md Poll 59 Tl.qD; is :the kV We ALUIlled the Yew4. Incl=eut PUn 1n Mabor of RmUo Polutaj, by 1r. S. pgrg$* , #$ P. 11. &*Whwp Pery V"U* OTY"ip No Ps - M3,p T= CIA/F~D Ir 533 . 1~4., IJ17 Apr 61 ibermodynamics oZ the React,' I ons In the '~;ystems: Ca(0023i02-11201 C2S-1120 and (,'3S-H2O Under Wormal and eydr-othermal Contitioas) by d. I. Babushkin) 0. P. hichedlow-Patrosyan, 7-p- p. GERMAN, per, Silikat Technik, Vol X,, No 12, J~959) pp 0054J09. .-.LA 6o-i4556 /,,P -7, / 4-e~z' Cavitation Resistame of WrIous Steelop by M. 0. TfxwbuIftt.Ov# 0. 1. BdMW*lm. RU39UNIP pws Metal Tem Obra. WOU11OV9 No 8j. 19.59., w 5,12. 0408 a 11~wftt 7 .1 Jkpr 61 o /,~~ 'Enzymatic Adaptation of the Pancreas, by L. M. Babushldmai L. S. -Fomina, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Zhur SSSR imeni 1. M. Sechenova., Vol UVII., No 11, 1961. Elsevier Pub Co Sci iiov 62 21613~7 An Industrial 7ypo BW)blJag,Colum for the Production of Sulfurius Acid by the Hilk of Ume Method (Promyshlennaya Barbwtazhnaya Kolmma d1ya Poluchaniya Sul'fitnoy Kialoty po Izvestkovomolochnomu Sposobu), by M. Do RahushAmo E. V. Babsev. RUSSIAN, per, Sumathnaya Promyshlonnost, No 60 1292 19S9. pp 12-1S. *P6,480 OTS 63-11088 Sci - Aug 63 Oxidizing Ferrous Sulfate in Acid Aqueous Solutions by Atmospheric Oxygen,, by I. U. Kuzm1,nbkhp Me Do BabuoWns, 8 pp. RUSSM, mo perv &hur I'rIk 9wa. Vol XXVIII, No 6, Jun 1955, pp 565-5112. CIA C 40324 Cououltants Bureau 7 Scientific - Chemistry Jan 56 CTB/= Sulfur :'Uoxifle Gai) Is by ~_-j par, 26hux PrIT'.. Vol 1"0 10, prp of Sulfurous Add Using Calcium Hydroxides by p, i3absishkina, H~ V: Bebayev, 7 lip: RUSSIAN, per, bim Proms No 6. pp 12-15, 1959, 9207841 PL-480 07S 63-11088 Sci - Chain Jun 63 3 Pt um IPST No 869 Um Rate vC Coppr DUS"ution In -sulfuric 1wid upon PUsLW AU- Tbrw*- the SoUtUms by i. n. xuxmuwkba, R. 1.. Takbontams, X D. RibuoWnap 6 pp. KMIU,, Vera' Zbvx -EU&O-W =11 ND-4* Avril 1953v VV 348*352 ~r Comatisto bostu scientific - owdsty fte mh fte Vae;of AwantAl Mod thr tb)e ftmwe of "My2wds of Blood Zoos In %st-Partin and Anay rost-ftrum -ftrL040*1 by Va. G. BoWwwvp t To Ito xmw i 4 pp" RMIMP per, Savet *dp IbI 13=j, No 3s 10p Vp IOD-IM* JM X-710-8 Od - Mod Apr Several Problems of Artificial Refrigeratibm of Mae Concrete MaBonry Dams$ by Ivo Babuska, Ladislav Me-jzlikp Emil Viteaek, 41 pp-- "'IMIkE;IFIED GERM, pert Acta. Technical No Ip 19601 PP 34-68. ACSI H-6902 ID 2:L498ii Sci - Engr Ort 60 SIMAting of Um-mangumbe Im in Southern Works, Thy Cmdidates of Tedh' Set. V. P. Onoprighko) B, 1q. starshimr, awginears N. ~h Kumehom-lo.. A. ~.A. Babyp 3 pp,. RMOVS, p*rl fttAllurg, NO 91 1937s PP 3*33. cmaultats WOW , - min/get Cot 58 .7-Y, .5-10 .1 %-,, . Combating GurftCO Dsftc" in Piftm~ by A., S. Baby) o, Z. at.Wbing.9 3 PP. RUNIM, per,, Metallulge NO 9,9 1957,, Py 21-23* Consultants Bureau Sci - lun/)Wt Nt 58 71, ,r o -i Jelin sav; coawpwama of 'Moves, alk; Tooliattics imua' for t~e lutmational Comawist x0vowato by E!~!b 41 P~. Partisaus, ua 17,, Oct-Nov 1%4,. FP 7-15- .7#771 i~l~.Fvaace P~A Vol) 6~ 272,837 111&h liml Path of RLab lonwa Nualmm In the Atworhami, ba Sh. P. Bobysm. Itu3sms pwo moossm Jkuk ArfiWankal SHR. R~~L* "L A no- 2.9 19%.- PP- lolw. R20 10--1700h-= - /; 4) /V/L I- x"', JaIWUtion In Water Meftum In the Pmaence of (ILiaternary Ammium Sabs, AO,+ . , j! Ifins I PPO law MY^ Mal VVP bmAwba Maj. Val XXTVO HD .100 OXA, C UftV Consultants BMTOM 1.1c1 - MOMISU7 a,4- am 3.956/dex $*'"id4-&TellWt4b (" A011) WOO by to C" Wmtwwfft slo If, 4*0",P. 6 RUSSIAN$ mm'a AvHwwdw&w..Wlu sum 1~ zhur me 1* 1"4,p 13301=0 RMZilt SO - am mew CU ct6rizatioix of e isture Properties# Gaarwase, and the Imrc= of no-od-Plain So-'Is, by 0. V. Dobrovollskiy,, L. P. Bablyem, A.:P. Ldbutev.. 22 pp. RMSrAN per$ Pochvv"dmjp,, No 11O.-JWs pp 41-5 - AIDS Sol.. Id, "e. mw! 62 ~~dizlcra of IjI-DinitraethwA to J-Mtxo-I-Almas~ by S~ :So NoVikOVj, 1, 8, KQVSakDVap & Xe babYWM~Ylp 3 pp. RJESIO., p=,p It AX Nmuk SM, Obdel Dim Naukt go 81 lk8O3 1481. rAl OB ~ai ftr 61 livestialtion of Arowtia COWW& with a Long Side Chain. Ile Preparstion of Dodecy2aniline by A=onolyzis Of P-0120rOdOdccAbemenev by L. N. RL-kolenkop K. K. Babymk*p 3 pp. RIMSDA, per, Zbur Cbshch.lhim# Vol XXVM# No Ip 1~58s PP 238-239. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Apr 59 Ivepwamm Ot Allw3ftiAltaft., by L 3~1~p 22 rea voi nv,, 3 71 7 comit-tent BUM= 56 90 I.,urmm heaftof Pumm by a "Arm Curz%u i*dwps, by IN4 LspAI%-P. Carlas RUSUAN I-M Ron" CrAfftVnW On PUMMA vwn ll~kl~ ~C. 1-1-ew ',wsults Ln Turbulence Ileatin of a Plas,,;La. (E), by 11, V. Diabyldn, P. '.P. GavrLi, 13 r)i)- IUSSLUT, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLVI, 7 T r., 2; 511-530. Pjt,,er Inst o-.F' Yhys Sov Phys-JETP Vol M, No 2 sn-;- Sep 2(S6, 545 Tra,bulent Heating of a Plasma, by M. V~ Babyidne 8 Pp,, RU.SSIAN, per, Zhur Bkoper i Tooret Phyal Vol )aIII. Voo 2p 1962, pp 411-421,, Amer Imt of Phys SOV Pbys - JHTP Vol W, No 2 SM36 Feb 63 Plaac-ParaUel Sp=k Co=ters for the Mamrement o:~ S-11 Timer., by M. A. G. Plakhov,, Yu. F. Skacbkov, V. V. Shapkins'T pp. RUSSIAN., bimo per,, Atomaya Ener Vol 1, 140 41 19505 pp 4W994- :3 V - -V r Coawltaats Bureau sci lluclear Phygior. CTS 1 Mar 57 An Analyzer for Tim Newummuts b7 Yawn of SP=k Couaterp by L. I. Artamonbovj H. V. Babykins, 5 PP- M38W.. per., P4boXyj TOM Eksper,? No Ip 1960,p r-P 43-47- MA sci /,40, j -/6 mar 61 Stwly of thk Tim Resolution of Spark CotmAwers., by :~- 1. Arbmwnkav, M. V. I Baby-IW6, 4 pp. RMIIU,, Mr, Pribory I TOM Msper,, No 1.9513,1 pp 48-52- Instru Sac of Amer 501 Apr 6o AlbuVLn Content ia Vegetable Plmt Leaves as a Physiological Index, by L. N. Babyahkin, 6 pp.. RUSSIAN, bimo per, Pit Rutau4s Vol IV, No 2, 19571 pp 19.9-2o4. Awr Inst of Biol Sci sei - Biology ja~ 58 specificatims of such-2 NYUM Pictvxe PxQsectows, by 8# 00 ppe HMAN,, perp TOM Mw I ToUp Vat V=p No lp 19640 pp 67-69. CIA/= XWOL w Fm:mm DXVM got usm:Enterml un =y 969o689 Ua.m Ha. Province Is Test Area Food Policy, by Bac Ila, VIETNAMESE, per, Tuyen Ituan, 1968, pp 41-43. J1$RS 47273 Sci-Agri Mar 09 for Neu No 11, 37S.422 SRWII (BY-2972). Rmilrowd Fasnen.-mr Timtable 1959-1960 (wd Data 14 PPO Ferj ftwglad Mole4ovy-Prsevotowyo Vol XI, pp 85-88. im-1988-K Egur - Poland &cod - Transportation - Railmd (passenwr tramc Nov 59 0/-n 0 /_:~- OTER 'and Data 1959-1960 Railroad Freight Schedule ca Freight Trafficl, by T= Bao,, 9 pp- P;X-IMO per.9 PrZeglad K01*jmq--przevozowy, VDIYI, NO 5, 1959, PP 113- Mir - pa 09:~4 D-con - TraaapQrtatiom Sep 59 I..e C-, art OUR HANOI, BY NGUYEN BAc,, 6 pp. VI-ETNAMESE, PER~ CUU QUOCo NO 3,088, 7 OCT 1962, PP 5-6. jpRs 16979 FE' - VIETNAM s0cl. JAN 63 219.,o24 Results or Measurement of the 'water Comwguon of Cultivated Plants with large Lysimeters,, by S. Bac - GEMN,, per, IAIpz1g- W4-narx Uidveraltaet. Wissen- schaftliche Zeltschaft. .9 Jj)j; UO. 4p IYMI PPs c Bacy Si Ostromechiego The Ii.fluence of the Plough on the Displacement of Soils PaLISII, bk, Wplyw Pluga na Przemieszczeiiie Gleb, Warsaw, 1950, pp 61-80. *PL 48o oTs 61-11336 1()61 I mums go PIWI4 an Sao atlivisIMS04 11 wo -, WO v0 9F! m swo 9 a lu4 M41.11336 IS Ir- 1) e, -.5 J, t.-,, ~o-5 (Lc~, ~;Cvsmmh Sd Mw 63 279o04 as agumn at gLaft am Boa I ---- - by BUSIAW DO- axom Mask 2mm. 4A" pbsex ~ t1mqo &ywvp Mar* ps"; - - ff 16 mwmwp4m-ww- *-,Za-,--- 3331P 973 CoLvIetim of State Plaao by Oldrich Baca. MOR.9 Peri, IIWPOdarshd NovlzW,, mo 51,, 52P az: Dec 1961., pp 1,t 4, FDD O= 3W 9 E;,kw - Ozechoolovalda Eft Wn I qcr, I -~ -,/o b.ony 62 IPC-5028) Googmft of the Villave of the R=mniam peoplela Rejubile., by 1. Bqqm*M D. Npj, S. Noluars Iowa Stelaneseut V. Tafescus 17 PP, MGM* bk., Reewil diatudes OSq"pUqWB concermat is Territ*Ue as la lWtAbliqw populaire Roummile, 1960, pp 167-,178. im 6641 3, lur - Rumni's Geog Pab y4a0m%autto or Comic REW ftetonst b7 G.,D"aalbv at al, 17 pp. ~* Is VALUIP per X-LVwra algMARA lilt, -To pp Am 657~.W. 696A956 Sol - PjKfai" out 0" 63-12664 Bac.-aredda, M. and Butts, E. DYNAMIC MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND ISO- 1. Bacceredda, M. PHA~,E TRANSITIONS OF LINEAR POLYETHYLENES 11. Butta. E. AND OF SOME POLY - ALPHA-OL EF INS. Jan 63, Ill. CTS(Chem)-321 5700 words. 30 ref a. IV. Chemical Translating Or,ler from CTS(Cbem) $22. 80 CMCbeni)-321 Service, Palo Alto, Calif. sui,sequent copies $3.80 Trat%. of flal Chimfca e [I'lIndusEria (Italy) t96Z Y. 4 1, no. i i, p. 1228- 1236. DES -RIPTORS: Polymers, *Ethylenes, Propenes. Pmenes, Mechanical properties, Phase 1) r rransitions. - J "),N (Chemistry- -Organic, 17, v. 9. no. 6) Office of Tediekil Sorwkes ProdUctiOu oj ~"av~t)c)n Anhydrifty by 14- GuerrRp G . F. wancettip la PP" TTATLW.. per? la chimica e I t1naustriap V"T., 1.10 4~ 1959, -,Op 277-260. mA 60-14493 Sc Ile 3) Apr 63, QT5 ~ voi T-11, NO 41rwortiess Conatitatimp and AuWvla o:r Te=M.* Mixtures,, WatW-*th=l-PbzUmIdQhyftv, by (;. ]Watt&,, M. Eaccareddas 16 Vp, IWJMs Pas GLO= Cbm IV I AnIs Vbl XVj No Go 193:1) PP 273-981- AsSoc Toob 5 rv 87BUI Jul 58 Product,lon of ffTdrogen-Perorae on Oxidation of orgaulc Substances Ulth Gageous Oxlgen,, by ftdra"UtIt 8 C IFALIA5s perp 4ihr~~Im y 4174280 1954. S.L.A. Tr 953/% Sek M-121& Raccaredc6M and Butta, E. IFY-NZ IC 5~A ICAL PROPERTIPS AND GLASSY TRANSITION OF cis-POLYBUTADIF-NF-. (196013200 words 28 r&s. Order from CTS(Chem) $12. 80 CTS(Chem)- 174 subsequent copies $2.15/ca. Trans. of flal Chimica e Industria (Italy) 1960, v. 42, no. 9, p. 979-981. 1. Butadiene polyrners- - Mechanical properties I Baccared&, M. 11 Butta, E - 111. CTS(Chem)-174 IV. Chemical Translating. Service, Palo Alto, Calif. Office of Tea.ltl $.M-. (Chi.-mistry- -Organic, TT, v. 5, no. 3) CRYSTALLUM OF )UGH POLYMERS AND 7U= DMWC MEWHANWAL PROPERTLM L400M 81"M U mnqm coor= 00 motka wd RURM (am 1) NrU6 MAY 62.(1963146WwordL or&r fzofn Mcbm)pq, ao MChem)-324 -b-T-a -pl- $& 2D/- Traza ce Val ChWdcm a EP~ (ftdr) I%Z, 44. m U. p. IX3-1m. 63-17426 1. Bigeatraddo6 16L 11. CMCbc-)--'124 M. C60DA-IT--kft Smvloo~ No Ak% om IV, WIN swupsm - - vwcwmp.& oNkimm oarw Mwpbdw, mxm"= escad munad"fi^ v D"Vb& Rom tmw clah opkwks. "em $SY"dkgk iftbu (cbsmLmby--rdydcm% TZ r. 10, rA :0 No d TWbW bmbb Cb)llue sad Wriatim of tb* Llqvtds of the LIM aul of am,Nuvwt by No O*vLmp V. I Alchivio 41 Flelolegisp Vbl XUZZq 19k3 AM Ir 1031 an Oct 190 (JAW Scientific Nedial" tap-;= 75 4-10", bmatlestims CA the Us of tas Pau"= lu the Norms ftst4m or by D. ftuattip 20 pp. ITALMs, pa.9 BoUst Vol'IL;, 195% pp lgyoaV. mm 7-S E41 - Dial Nar 60 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON COLLAGEN FIBRILS IN THE UNDER VARIOUS OPERATING ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCES, ELECTRON MICROSCOPE: BY THE BEHAVIOR OF THE TEMPROR-MANDIBULAR JOINT LOADS, PROVIDED BY AND OBSERVED U14DER THE R. BACCIONI, E. GIANN12 12 PP. ITALIAN, PER, ARCH ITAL ANAT BiBRIOL, VOL LXIV~ No 2; 1959, PP 131-148. NIH 7-15-62 S(; I - MED Oc' 3: o61 70-13343-06P Ba i,--R.; jannarone, F. ~!C-clcrl MORPHOLOGICAL AND HISTOCHEMICAL NOTES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LAMINA DENTALIS. Rivista di Istochimica Normale e Patolom,le. V. 4. n. 6, p. 369- 400, 1958. NIH 12-9-60. 'A,ra.Ilable on Inan from NTr AIN '76-13343-06?. 5. Service Charge. Iso-thernic Rebaking of Hypoeutectic Steels, by M. Bacea-Du, RUM~INIAN) np, Tehnica Noua, 22 Feb 1961, p 2. *JPRS EEur - Rumania Econ - Mining & Metals - Ferrous Metallurgy 27 Yar 61 Theories of Spontaneous Oxidation, by A. Bach, 7 P- RUSSIAN, partial trans., per, Acta Physiochimica, 15)3,8, Vol -IX, NO 3/4, PP 381-394. SLA 59-17685 S(!i Feb 6o Vol 2, No 10 1 .1, - A - ~qd6 ii~~ 7-7,, 144 M Lwaft ~6f a p1mmW 'Publication, 4yg~~r &Ckv 6 cl-mnm'o 11pt. I*Tv Nnd-tr-103 1 1 2921656 ~', I', a v-~b v.,-9i'lly -J'~v ;~;' Prepmtion of A 2 -2bl"olims and A 2 -Dibydro- Is 3-lblazlnesj, by ftmer ~mb lknfred Wwo 9 po olmns pero,jmr=a tw proftuabo Madew,19590 veil VMS No I/2p pp 6&72. to ito 18 sci lay 60 VC:1 31 No 4 /A ~, 4?// 7 me lbprodactua center at the ToobAlwl OCUSIPP by K. ~~ 9 pp. GEMN per$, Darwtadt Nacbr 8 Vol Va. 19;s P-0 36-39- MA Tr 57-13U Sol - Tech Ja 58 i z ~// Radiation Chealstry, Its Basic Direatims aud prob- =.. by it. -A. Bach, F. I. Dolin, 20 pp. .16 RUSSUN. am 8678 Se i - Chom my 61 /. ~/' Ai , p.mdjOj;ytjc OzU~Ltjm of Org=ic Campoundsp by N. A. -13acb*- MMUN) pwr P/683, Proesed1up or imternational conference on Peaceful Uses or AtowU RueM ADIA at aenm., &2D Aug 19"s Vol VII. Bei - Nmcieftr Pb"ice Apr 57 Wernau Ow - M 44j-, 1? 79 cu 1-669.9.162 Action of Ionizing Radiations on Aqueous Solutiono of inorganic Salta, by X= N. A. Bach., 18 Ppe, T~ Pull translation. RUSSTAN: bks, Conference on Peaceful Uses of ,ktwic Energy Academy of Sciences USM,, 1-5 Jbl 1955s Session of the Div of Chemical Sciences UO 'btslat a urdhu C ant -Z 259 w sto 1~ ' ~orkLAs sci N=Iv= ft&kee *87 rpts for $33040 Complex Ions. IV. The Acidity and Alkaline Earth Complexes of Aniline -Diacetic Acia and Its Substitution Products., by 0. Schwarzenbach, A. Willi, R. 0. Bacho 10 pp. GIMM, per, He1v Chim Acts, Vol XXXg 1947, PP 1303-20v '17-~$- AM-tr &M //' d 6 ~ Scientific - Chemistry I. The Determination of the Dyummic mcdulua of ElastiCity Of Impact SOMA Insulation kfateriala. b$ Ii. Expriautal Immetiptions lntow Wayn. In Alch Floating Ggreada - Operate. 111. Thm- Acoustic BebAvim of Dwble-Leaf Skjad b. v Flooraj by Ife %ohy K. Goaelo. MiCL. GMW, paro Veroff Jwt Tech Fby*j Vol XLO 1957. Dan 336b8/cT Sci - rhyO 59 Investigations in the Field Near a Rotation I%rabolic Reflector, by W. Bach, XJN, GERW, per.. Sochfrequenz u. SlektroWmap Vol LIIIp Wo 4., Apr 191 5- STA 5T-1353 Scientific - Engineering Soviet and% Comin' t Chlmse Petrolem Refining FaciLLtlea., by Bacb&srmwjp 21 pp. RUSSUN,, per$ Proa-Mm Gueft., 30 Sep 1959,, P 3j, 15 Nov 1959., p 3. AF 141992 ussit 7 Ecan Sep 61 Annotated Bibliography an Electric Discharges in Gases and on PlasmaA by Elias ,Bacha, 71 PP- Soviet open sources, 1950-1959. NF Tr 272 availe~ble OTS Oct 50, Evolutlm of the Manartatv" of Sulpbwia Aaid by. the Cont"t hv"m, br a. h awA 17 FFZMv p4r# ggg! 9t in&wtrus Vol xunt so 1s, 3T. SOL.A, Tr lM2A9% Me - framm Econmic 8 ci - ChOmUtI7 Oct 56 OTO I~reparation and Properties of the Uranyl Carbonates, by to go Cheylan, M. Douis) J. C.MjMt'o, 28 pp. in , perj, DO I Soc Chim de France 1!~52~ pp 55-60. B.L.A. Scientific - Chemistry CTS 64/Jen 55 Mee-bric Cebloo, ConductIng Wires and Cordvj by D. S. Bachelimp N. 1. BolmVussmp Ap Yea SOJW=p 19 P11 bk, BlektriebaskLye rAbe.Ut Pmvoda i ATM ML-276/V Goi - Electricity USSR Em"al :2- ,%ieeom 4i6oa Doe (4 Electric Cables, Conducting Wires and Cords, by D.,S. Bachelis, N. I. Belorussova., A. 7'e. Sakyan, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Elektricheskiye Kabeli, Provoda. i Slulury, Chap XII, 1953, pp 226-24o. CIA 965914o ATIC MCL-2706/V Sci - 1,11-ectricity Feb 6i Modulation CentlwyW Va" Trammittemp by C..". Bacbemy 25 pp. GON"s. =1111102,1AV - MA %-532 Sol A99:59 - ?!5., 2.3.Z Tba CamprMlblUty of RlectrolYtit 801UU0w., by~ M. Bachmo 28 p. -:- ...... GEMAN., per.. Zeit fur Phrik., 19360 Vol oil so 9110., ~ yp 541-5r. AS -79L33G DOI mar 60 16, f. Vol 2p No U 3 AP1,21catim of the Tb132 1132 Msintesmum to the P2%mamUon of Labeled Noleculeop by Jefin-Plerre Adl&f s Hiftlelm A.02off -Bwbor.. 13 MISIW,p rptp _CWormw on Preatica AppUcstAom --46- cc Mmt-Life %o%%Nvw Prodalood in smau senearch ReaOtorop 5 Nw 62* 92DM Sol - Dia &d jui 63 ANucatim of the Ib132 1132 DJWlntegmU(n to the prepu=tim at Labeled mdemlup by jorn-fterie Ad2&9,v Hadelelm Adlcff-Bwberp 3,3 yo of Mwt-Lite PAMAAmytoped Pro&loed In amU ammareh Reactorsi, 5-9 Nov 69- %WM Soi - RMI Md Jul 63 Stability of nush D04M made of Pfts"a Psmis dU'PIM LlbOfttGrY TOSting OM In PMatloa WW, by P. Bacher. URMU. MV. ffMtaWW= Md 901MMEUM, Vol 12, NO 2. 2960, vv 22-30 IIZDBrRl*af M F, c ?r-y~ r,)- Ang 6T 335.079 The btalbility of Flush Doors Made of Pressed Panels During Laboratory Testing and in Practical Use, by F. Bacher. 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