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m Stulij~,- af the State of Mo4ibdaates in 0;olution 1. 1 M.116ration in Electrolysis. Solubility of Mlybdic A*ydrlde, by A. K. Babkop_p- ;- Nibivenetso 18 pp, Rmim, per, zhur Neorg mim., voi ri, No 9, 1957., 2085-2095. AMAP-4059 PL-480 paig 61. PST 86 193, 3 A Spectrophotowtric Study of the Colored Complexes of Wadrivalent Tin with Certain Reagents Contain- ing OH-Groupe,, by A. K. Babkoi T. N. Nazarohuk, 6 pp. 0--- RUSSIAND per* Zhur Anal Kldm, Vol XIV, No.2, 1959, pp 174-180. CB Sci Sep 61 Study of the State of Mcklybdates in Solution 11. Absorptlon of Mo4bdenum by Imites, by A. K. Babko B. I. Nabimets, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorg Dim,, Val H., No 9j, 195T, pp 2096-2101. AEC-'tr-4059 Aug 6l. PsT 86 The SoUbIlIty ct oqpvwo 811vort'aw mercury AcetylifieBs, by A. I& ftWj, As L Ombelakela. RVBSW,o mo pery Song mobah -ftspoyca M=p No is jaU JMS pp 66- 76.-e-Z,4 ~P-~ a V 3 B mamu 61 M=p Scientif ic - )ftwraM/mmW9s CMW# silver, mrcur;f "~'Ilvastigatiolf the Colored Complex of Ilitanium Hydrogen Peroxide, byA. K. Babkdp A. 1. .-Oval 8 pp. tranDlation. -per,, Zhur Obsbcb Xhim, Vol XXI" NO 11" 49;51' pp 1~~q-~-J~ ~eXA~ :D -V/ 152 West 42nd Street Nev York 18,, N.Y. I --j-ntifIc - Cherdstry MY 53 CTS -~.ur Reaction f3r Fluoride Ions Using Acid Peagent,, by A.K. BWbko and Qn bimo per,, Zhur Anal Mlima Vol vilt no 5v, QonsulltanU Bureau jan 54 cTB/m TbpoGra, pbie 1113=M of JAke MlkhalBh,, by liaUwv.- RUBMUp per, Zaplddp M*eratorato~p ftealmwo Ge~&~ Obshch po Obahchey Geograt, Vol I., 166T: py 3P-9-34T. ACIC Bel - Geo" j~m 62 c,:,, 67 31 The Bizary Bymam coatituied: SnO14 Wd ANG13 C013 CON Systdov by T. SUOUVkmp Ac.:4~j 2 RUSSZAN,o so pers Zbw Obobah Kblms Val =0 No 8,9 USSRj Aug 1951o pp 1375-137b* Conoultauts Bureau ScientIfIc - CbembUy /-5~, - -~r o Fro J. P.- re-vtic-o of thc N-Uratc-group in. ~~'cmplexes, by 'i. 1. Cherzpyev, il. &ieligovahayR, A. V. pp. RISSIXI;, per, Zhur Neorgan Rhim, Vc--- 117, No 1.1 .p 54-5o. Cleaven-Himie Prenr, '7 Dv'o 6.1 Cort IJ~wmip Cast ing of Tubes 0 by S. Dabkov. UVOL v.jP8t4,X,. per, Tekhrika Holodezhip Vol Ullp My 1951, pp 219-'. British Iron and Steel 10 (no number gi"ti) Sci - Engr SOP 59 Gontl=oue Cwting of Tdbesp by R. Babk_ov &ad H. Bragluklys, I ~ OAVMMVJ~S~r# Ttkbnlka Maodembli No 2191 1953- - um GD 70/T 3909 Sci Jul 58 6 td 3f' 110116T Ouldsis cm tbs gWeVift KMp -by D. M. VA'wl=T 5 P A. A. Ivam7l a. V. pp. IbUDwg., So 5, 1.956, pp 28D 29, 80*M snalwarl" 7 Q4 lam- 1M pnel-- I Qendstry in -1959,9 by y !.ea- A. K. BabbD,, 25 pp - MSMAS, per, zavod lob., vol =., No 6, 196oi - pp 1 67~qoe. rA Bei , PQP Gi I./ r cif the State of Ykaybdateb in Solutiou 1. 1 igration in Electro4ds. Solubility of bOlybdic M 7 AmIkydride, by A. K. Babko B. I- Nilbivcvletu, 18 pp, RUSSIM, per., Zhur Neorg Kh1m) Vol II, So 9, 195T., py 208~-2095. AEc-tr.4059 PL-430 tu% 61 /6 313 PsT 86 A Spectrophotometric .13tudy of the Colored Complexes of Quadrivalent Tin with Certain Reagents Contain- ing OR-Groups, by A* Ka Babkop T, N. Nazarohuk,. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Mdm, Vol XIV, No 2,- 1959, pp 174-1800 1 CB - y .-/, 0 Sci / (~ 5/ Sep 61 Study of the State of Molybdates in Solution I.I. Absorption of Holybdernum. by lonItea, by A. K. Babko B 1. Nabivenets; 22 pp. RWSLO, per., 2h= Neorg Xhim,, Vol 11, No 9., 195T, pp 2o96-21ol. AEC-tr-4059 Pl-480 Sol tiug 61 4x PsT 86 Mw Sdubilfty& MVMP silvers mw muvury Aceklides,p by A, L DOW# 16 L ombelskeya. Busalo$ mo per, Zbmr Sh4limp V02 =0 No 11, -Z 14 Jau 1950, pp 66 -76 JP 3 a mioau mormu ol xxn, Scientific - mLwr,"/=wa8$ CaVVexp alveil mrcury the Colored Complex of Titanium .,IAvcOtigstiQ=f 'Ath Eydrogen Peroxidev by A. K. Babkos A. I. Pp. 1 t -r-- n't *_I,. t ion. per, Zhur ObebahjUm., Vol XUs No 11, 152 West 42nd Street New York 18,, N.Y. cherdstry Nny 53 CTS V% 0/ I ior Reaction for pluorlde r ng .rLO 8 U31,-43 Tit-anim"t. Acid Pe-,G-,vent,, by A.K. Bablim and Une, 4 pp-. bilto Per., Zhur Anal U Vol Vill 1,10 kfomsulltantps Bi=ELU Jan CID/= M I Loj-~0,7r e ',-)jxM of JAke %,IL-bR-Ehj bi )AXWV, I Orbi RU,~,SjW-,j.p per$ 2api&i, Z*eratorskogo Ras&zp Geograf Obshch po Ob3hchey Gaqpat, Vol Ij 186T; 99 39-9-34T~ ACIC Sel - Geopbys -12, v --3 IF /Jl..2- JIM 62 The Bitklkry SyStWs OMtiww 60044p 60 A413, CC13 COM System? by T. Bmmkmm, At.Abkov, 2 ppe BMWs mo per# Zbw %gbjh-lhlmp Vol MCEj No 8,p Ums. Aug 1951s pp 1375-1376. Consultants BQVQU Scientif ic - Cbc=Utry I"K. - 5 o , aff U'lac Nit-ratc-gr~ul by A. 1. Cbernyayev, ji, Zaeligovakayn, A. V., 3 pp. RQ,53S.-'~'A'N, per, Zhur Nc-~rgau IMm, Vol VY, Fo 1: Ptcrc- 1) b I Cont-i-orms Canting of Tubes, by A. Bubkov. MCL' W-;aSY-AN, per, Tekhifflm M010de]Gi,, Vol Ln1, Yhy pp 219-. British Iron and Steel 1W (no ~number given) sc I - Erlar sup 59 Continuous Casting of TW)esp by R. Babko* and R. Bmglwkly. OMOMSIANs yer, Tekbnika Molodezhip No 219., 1953- GbABOWNIMM UAM OB 701T 3909 Sci Jul 58 6 f d,3 i, volwir ouldels cm the 2W.Wift KMp by a. M. KWWIWV N. F. ZbStVWI, A. A. ITNMVo, G. V. ])PbkW# 4 NO MIM, per# U3t^LWS,, No 5, 1958p pp 28, 29. - 9=%= Sai a mosimilmg )kr 59 or I ~ RO'2, 0 4W-1 Kinetics of Multistage Separation P~rocesses for Binary Mixtures. The Rate o" Appmach to Stsay State Coaditioneq by a. 11 babkov N. 14 Zbavoro PP - Full tr RMIAN, tbrice-mo perj No 5PF= P 877-?~D Scii - Chmistry Dot Ak Auk SSE, Vol Consultants Bureau 61-23733 Babk v, S. 1. and Yevoronkov, N. M. I CIN9TIQUE DE LA S6fARATION DES MELANGES I Babkov S. 1. ' BINAIRES~ RgALIAE A L'AIDE DES COLONNES 1 , Yavoronkov. N. M. 11 ACHELL~S MULTIPLES: VITESSE DE MIGRAnON NJ* CEA-tr-R946 VERS L'ETAT STATIONNAIRI~ tr. by ' IV. Co mil ariat'a de Trevinsky. 21 june 60 III]p. 7 refs. CHA Trans. Vger~e Atomique no' R 946 (text in French). (France) Ord;; fr. OTS or SLA $1.60 61-23733 Trans. In French of Akadf emlyal Nauk &15.5R, Dak1fady] 19.5(,, %. Uk~, no. .5, j). 877-480. DESCRIPTORS: SC[Id- ration. *Distilling plants. Offic# of Technical Swicts (Engineering- -Chemical, Tr, Y. 6, no, 6) Ln'bory,tory Appnrptus for the ftWIV , of A=wnin C-A"17vts- b7 T. IF. Colubev.-S. I. linbkw, 18 pp RUSOW, VOr, ZIUL- Mdm Prcm, Vol XMo 1936,, pp 718-722. SrA R-2906 Sol JU159 f 2, 3-Or.? 1he Coofficicots for the Equilibrium DIstribut-Ion of'-'Dau'jerium in tho Ixotopic Ughenge Betwftn Water end Certain Miols., by K, 1. ftkodyuskiyL Bab-%ov:,--N. M. Zhavoronkov, 4 pp. HIMIAN, per, Doh.Ak Haa 868R, Val CM, No 19c,;8, ~-n 68i-684. Coub-iltan"Lo Buresu scl - Plys, Sep !:;C? 1, An investigation of the SeparatAm of the Stabl Isotopes of LlSbt llemmutsv b7 X. M. MmToronkovt 0. V. Uvamp S. 1. DQ*wq 8 p. RMIAlis bkj PrweeUngs, of fte Pint AU-V" Confereme an PAdiation Cbmd Produattan of Tsotwpe8j. 1951, PP 132-140# =-c Coustatants Buz~mu Sel - Chem jilxr 6o Metlhod for tarie rro-Lucuou of Hlz:-,-Pj 3itRp:an Isotope Ccnccnt-rateG, by G. I. BaVam, RUSSLUT, wo per, TOA-ja Promi, Illo -1, 19555, pp 333-"52. CIO Assoc Teeb Sv Scl - rawlstry A,jz 1956 $12-75 )btor Roads, by v. F. babkow. MBIANs bkl ArtaMbil IpM ftwog.. 1W.. Vp 3,0 h., 5-23.,p 46-W., 99-lWo 164-167t -92T-999o 938--~29, Mon - Rt*nw Tranaporstatimn Aw 6a Oq7 11cad Research and Soil Mechanics LaboratorieC in England, by N. N. Ivanov, W. V. Ornatzli, V. F. Dalbkov., UNCL RUSSIATI, peer., Avtom Dorogis Vol XXI, No 4, 1958; pp 26-23. DSIR 34299/CT' Mar 59 The RoUln Ramistv=9 of a lbe*l an a Sarface Vadargoing Deformlloop by V. F. 4a k~ UNIABBIr RUSSIM, per, Trudy 14*Aov AutawbiV Dorozbwvp Iftst, No 16, 1955, pp 79-106. Ca-sp Tr B& iDit Set - Engr :Road Sips and reWIM in or Rom"s -by Babbovs A. Ys. Z= 191W8 A. V. Gerburt- *63vicho M- 6- zo=d&w wo 3 HUSMN.. bks, AVt=Qbfl'vM Dm*lj, Xwomp 3.953s pp 63343-77' 0-2 COM USSR gccqmlc Dee 5k MS/M 9 MeetlW of Element CouwxAerz, by V.. P. $abkov, H. It. Kochanov, X. A. Goradnichenko, 8 p. RMIAN, per, Vest Voz-Flota, No 7,, 1959s pp 4'r-52. 65209. AMC USSR . Nil Feb 60 .0, ~ - /a ~~. &63 ftpwlum aW Cmer 1u DAocblmj by J. BablAt Ho BOA=# 3 VP pmMax, part Aaam Frem_Cana"v Val MMg IY321 pp 570-573. a.". Tr lb Fz- roochim Selentifte - Medici= The Supwaitical OacjLutay xO& in lis :Ej By R. A. Bab3id3w pp RUSSIOO port -*Mr Skeper t Teant Fist Vol U=f No 6a 196,29 pp 2086-2003 fta Inat of Pbya 60V Phys - JSV Vol Ule, No 6 set jui 63 Influme of Allay Additiom on Microstmetu" of Zinc Cost In Hot Galvanizing, by H. Bablik. xOrl"Lom metell schutts, VbI XVIO NO 6j, 1 Bmteber Tr 1361 Sci*ntific MIUASOtas 43.65 91 Addition of Cadmim to Not-dip Galvanizing Baths, by R. Babliks sed OSRMWj perl Korrosion "Usebutaj Vol =j, 19430 Brater.or Tr 14M Scientific - HInAutels Some Principles of Structure of Metallic Coatings on Steel., by 2. Bablik. OERM., per,, Metallvirtsebafts Vol ]=J, lgkg. Druteber Tr 1539 Scientific min/me"Is $3.15 /C ~, fl-I VA40 ~- The Preece Test and Its Suitability for Amaoing Sherardized MUM Coatinpo by H. Bablik., Nell F. Gatzl, E. .7 OMWN, per, Wtalloberflache,, Vol X171 No 2) Jan 1960, pp 34-35. CSIFt 182 6C t k1 oct 61 AP 10 0. cl, Lnbormtory Appnrotus fbr the OVOY of Amonin Ontnlyvts, by 1. 7, Golubev, 0, 1, PLbkor, is pp. MWAN. per, Zhur Mda Prcm, Vol IMp 1936,, pp 718--OiM2- MA R-29% Sol JUL" " 5"Or.? ;p.z The co*fficients for the Equilibrium DIstrIbutiOn Of I.Dauterium in thg Igotopi- Lwhomge Betimwn Water eX4 Certain T"019' by K. SWwdyaWyL.R~-j- Bp-bllovj, __N. M. MavOrOAkOvs pp. Russlp.,q, per, DOX At Iju* SSSR$. Vol CM wo 4,, 1958, n 68j..684. CowulUmts D.'rG= Scl. SeP 59 An Investiption of the Bepm%Um of the stable Xactopes of Llgbt MAmentsj by N. M. Zhavoronkcv,, 0- V. Ulamp B. I* Sabkovq p. =am,, bkj Proceedings of fte Fint =4hlm Conferme an PAdiation Mud PredwUon of Isotopee't 1957's pp 132-140. =-c sai, - Chem Apr 60 1-dustris-1 1-RNthod for thc- ProaualLion, of Reavy Nij~ECan Isotope Concentratez., by S. 1. BaVaov, ii. zhavororii-ov. RMSM,, m0 Per, lChim Pran, No 7, 1955, Pp 3%-392. kasoc Teeb Sv 0 RJ-395 Sci - Cbemistry A., M ALiz 1956 $12-75 Jbtor Roaft, by V. F. Dmbkow. =WJp blg# krtonobillow Rmogs loop yp 3,f 4p 5-21j, 46-W., 92-19T, 1&.16Tv 22T-929, 938-A2?. UNR soon - Ri*Mmy IPM Aus 62 5q iZ6 ~j i vi, kov Read Research and Soil Mechanics Laboratorie.m in England, oy N. N. Ivanov, N. V. Ornotzki, V. F. Babkov, UNCL RUSSIAN perj Avtom Dorogi, Vo. XXIo No 4, 1958) pp 26-26. DSIR 34299/cT Sci - Engr I'Ur 59 zilt HollIng Raslatance of a Wbo*l an 0 Surface unitersoins Defonattomp by V. P. -Vatkw, UMIM3Y= RUMAX, per, Trudy 149&ov Wom-MV Dorosb*W lost, No 16, 1935o Pp 79-106. C&-op Tir a& 602 se L - &a , ~ - 0~- ~, 5-a 1, (" Mar 59 g& ~ ////a Road Sips and Fewing In of Raft$ by 1. F. Babkovs A. T&. V= VolbWo A. V. Garbwrt- --Gy-bovicho H. S. Zamakhavev* 3 pp. UMMASimingn RMUN,, Up Avtamobll,We Daroap Xwawp 1953., 0 -2 OBW USSR 30040mic Doe 5k =A= 9 Meetings of 11,ment Comndars , by -V - P )kbkov 1, X. Kochanov, K. A. Gorodnichank0j. a - - , __1 RMSIAM, per, Vast Voz -Flats, No 7., 1959j pp 47-52. 652og. ATIC ME Nil 1e Feb 6o Magnesium and Cawer lu Indochinas by J. Bablet Bodwo 3 PP 71- FlumRs pwo BaU Asew Ym= Camrs, Vol XXIO 1932p pp 570-573. ------- S.IftA. Tr 16 3a~ 74 FIC. Madochim Selentirle - Nedlefte The Superaritioal Osoillator7 Mode In He II By R. A. Bab2idas pp 5 RUSUNO poro Zlmr Skspor I Toont Fin# Vol X=v NC:4 6. 19% pp 2086-26-93 Amer Inst of Pbys Sov ?bye . JMP Vol ril. so 6 scl iva 63 InflUence of Alloy AdditiM oA'MiCrwtrWtUr* Of Z:Lnc Coat In Hot Oalvanizlngp by R. Bablik. L) Omwm Korraelon ~ matall Schatz, Val XV1,v No bmteber Tr 1381 Scientific min/motals $3.65 Addition of Cadmium to Not-dip Galvanizing Batba, by, R. Bablikj, -and Alw-10- OEMN P*r,, KWMiOtk A~*Ullscbutss Vol XlXv 15430- IMeber Tr 100 Scientirte - Min/MatalB $3.85 sm Principles Of Structure of Metallic Coatings on Steel# by 9. Deblik. OEBM,, per, HetnlIvIrtscbaft,, Vol Bmtch*r Tr 1539 scientific - an/ke"Is 7 43.15 / I~?A/ / a, 144:f W~ The- Preece Test and Its Suitability for Assessing Sherardizea CoatiWg,, by If. Bablik., F. Gotzlp E. Nell 7 GEEMN, per, Metalloberflache., Vol XIV, No 2, Jan 1960., PP 34-35. CSIR 182 t~cj. /71' 6 eP/ oct 61. Lio _R*blifk~L r7 Aleck. Rohiva"i'vy low$ !,U-11 4346 Ite".) 294 06442 fte pAvgxwss or DifterentlT Propavd and jLtg slodrioavAm in m* Dip Save-lat by H. lo'bliko On^ Vol UP No 560 my 195% vp AM=-OW set Aug 59 ReMorkable Galvanizing Kettles., by R. Bablik, 5 Ipp. (O&Wj, per, Metall, Vol VI., Sep 1952, pp 513-515, SIA Tr 2312 Sci - Min/Met '~ - ~" .3 '~- 7 soy 57 ifthwen. DistributIon of Zluc'gn Mwets During Calvanislagp by IKUMM H. Bablick. 0M0, Z"4"kdft Netallk=dto 1939. gntabor Tr Scientific - min/metals 41.10 973 influence of 8111con content 6'n:~ Appeatance -and babaviox ,of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel,, by go VablIck., A. marz. GERM, per,, Metallvirtacbaftp Vol XX# 1941., Pp 109TO1100, tMeber Ir 1030 Scientific - Min/Netalls $1.00 A_ Alsafflift"m as A441tim a to But DIP Galvanizing Butba; by R. Dabl1k) F. GOUL 1Z .."Archly kilsonbutteavemen# Vol XM9, as 1934. Broteber Tr 26W Scientific -, M/WULB $3.73 /0?/ V.I.- If Stu%r of the Diffusion Between Irm-Zine Oostinp on Irm Base Ymterialsp by H. Bablike aMUN, ;per.. Arab Sisetbuttenw. Vol 31, 196o,, PP 331-336 *firm/NBS TT 71-5 Available M On4y // . e.* ~ L ; v, Jima 71 0 Addition of Alumium to ffat 091vanizing Satba, by Rp Bablik, F. CW2ZIP R, KW=czbt GERM.* per., Korrosion metallachutz., Vol XVIZIP 1942. Brm~cher Tr 14W Scieutific - Min/Metals 9 r The Influence of the Addition of Alumidam on the Developmnt of Hot-Galvanized Coatings, by R~ Bablik, F. Gotzl... 9 pp. GERMU -per, Korrosion u bietuliachutzj, Vol xrv, No IF 11, 6A~0--Y-19P-tPP--350--J5Y-- SLA-57-1337 fla-Y W 58 cause or z0hibAM Action or Aluslam In Sot Dip OalvenIzIng Both# by A If. SmbIIkq F. Gotalp R. Kukaelks. O=M, lwr# Werkstorrie und KorrovIon., Vol Va, No 5# 1954 PP 163811&Y.-- RMcber Tr 9745 scientific - N18/1ktals x0? Blilak Spots In Tryt Osivan'-ftap by R. DIMIks F. G8t&lg B. NeU. (MORNI VASUMAMMAChOp VOI X# go go lot PP 33.. rrp Tr so -48Q Sal - Apr !M M/du 7Y' Influence ofAlloyzAAditions' an tht 8010111ty of Im to Hot Os1vav1tU%j by 8, Rablik, P. Ootnl. OM". pert Kormelcm Notallacbutas 1941. VOIL XV11p Bmteber Tr 1367 Effect of Titanium Content of steel in lot Dip CA1vanIzIM# by H. babUkp F. GotsIs R. KWmcAke. (IMM per ZsU#cbvWPw MetalIkundep Val XLg 1,.949, 6 iig-17%- Ti brutc,ber Tr 2364 scientiric - min/metals 60-18816 ,_BWk_U,.,_Gotzi, F., and Kukaczka, R THE STRUCTURE OF HOT-GALVANIZED COATINGS 1. Coatings- -Structural tr. by J. Pearson. Dan 481 [181p, analysis Order from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 60-18816 2. Title: Galvanizing I. Bablik. H. Trans. of Korrosion und Metallachum (Germany) 1945. 11. GDMI, F. v. 21, no. 1/2, p. 1-8. 111. Kukaczka. R. Ofs- of T.J".d (Unannounced) 60-18814 Balllik. H. and G&21. F. XL ADDITIONS TO HOT-CALVANIZIWt BATHS, 1. Afloys--Coatings tr. by W. BuUough. [Apr 481 [61p. 2. Coatings- -Preparation Order from SLA mi$l. 80, ph$ 1. 80 60-18814 3. Tide: Galvanizing 1. Bablik. H. Trans. of Korrosion und Metallschutz (Germany) 1941, if. G6ml. F. v. 17, Jpr, p. 128-130. 002M of lrechokel (Unannounced) 1 60-18915 japlik. 1j, nd Gtkzl. F. n1E LFAD-ZINC GALVANIZWG PROCESS [AND] 1. Zinc coatings- --Production TIJE FORMATION OF HARD-ZINC IN THE LEAD- 2. Mtle: Galvanizing ZINC CALVANIZINC PAOCESS. Mar 48, 9p. (2 figs. 1. Bab]Jk, H, ornitted) 7 refs. 11. Gbtzl, F. Order from SLA m i $1. 80, ph $1. 80 60-18815 111. 71tle: Formation... Trans. of [Metallwirtscbaft, Nkcallwissenschaft, Wtailitechnik] (Germany) 1942, v. 21, 27 Nov, p. 719- 720 and Stahl und Eisen (Germany) 1944, v. 64, no. 6, p. 120-122. Offim *f T-aWcol SomIcts Witannouced) The Adhesion of HDt-cUpped Zlac CoatiW,, by Heim .,a4 Radolf Sabou., per# Z, YAtallb-mas Vol M=Ilp so 10, Oct Ight S.L.A. Tr 7/19% 3 3 for zn cxuiotrq)ic Plate in tiw 110 of wi ~vinijldr doctor, Iq a. I-Mloym, 19 w. ),jro lzwasti4a M ARMSSRs E~ariya Wadt., Vol 171, Ho 5,, Tcxsioa of Circular POds Having Longitudinal Xcitebes or Weth cmd -, Cent=l Cavityr by B. L. Ptramlsn) A. b, Babloym., 13 pp. MGSVJI~ por., Prik Matmo--t- i Yakh.. Vol MW, No 2., 196D, pp 34i-Ag. xim 61 Mimindra, V. P. POM'-TRALIMATW DEX;EMRATI ON AND RBGBNER- ATION OF SYNAPSES AFTER EXPOSURE IV PEN - TRATING RADIATION. [19631 III)p. 5 ref& FASEB Mmwcx* m 9 238-2. 00-r from OTA, MA ot ETC $1.60 TT-0-2M Tme. of ByuUeten' EksperlinentaUnal BId%U I M"taby (USSR) 1962, v. 53. m 1, p. 112-117. An uwdted rougb draft trans. is availlable from OTS or SIA $1. 60 as 62-24922. FTD-TT-62-362. 30 ?Mr 62 1111p, DE~SCRLMRS: OR&&&tion effecM Cells akldloff~ OResweration, *Nerve ca" Nervous vymm *,qurgi - cal traurna, Ganglia, The effects at radiation on do dogenerstion &W reger &W6 of the Interneuron sympm of the wjmpathetic (Btob.)gical Sciences- -RadlobioloM TT, v. it, no. I (over) . I *rr-63-23W6 , 1. Bahnidm V. P. U. FASEB S-238-2 M. Federation ot American Societies for Mrped- meow Blolog)~ waadwo% a C. W - Scr4xR Technim, Inc., Waahington. D. Q alftf Post-T-raumatic Dageneratioa and-Regeneration cAf Sympses After the EMet of Iml bag IWUM"; by V. P. BabmInAm. 9 pp. ==L MMUN$ perp Pjul Mmyer Biol i Madp No 1$ 1962.. pp LL2-117. 96767716 zM.TT-62-362 scd - bb'i 1?,F- 28 may 62 ', - 2 6' / li-Oury ana lWatoratiq.n of Strwture In later- Dauron1c SynWee Following Total-Body X-ray Rqr4mms by V. P., Babmindra.. 4 pp. IIUWIANL# Wri Ayul ZImper )A61 I Hed, Vol L:1, 110 Is 19611 py 102-105. OD flai /W", 'N,- /6,J- ,Aug 61 Z, Sympse Stmabire In the ftmriot Cervical Gapg1lon In %a =4 In Aulmals, by V. P. 3 -Pok Ak Mauk, Vol CXV11, No 6, 1", pp 303 106. 0 o, Amor irkst Of Bio Sdi r,cj 1w4 ine taw 58 (o '.Daganeration and Regeneration o:r Synapses after Damage i)y llenetrat:Lng Radiation, by V,, F~ Babmindra, 4 P'O, I RUS SIAN, per, ByU Hkoper Bi& i Hadit, Vol LIII,, No 1, ,~-962, pp 222-116. ~3C4 Apr 63 The Affevent lunervation of the Rtmao. Superior Cerv-lcal. Gsa&dioas, by V. P. Bibmindral 3 PP,~ HU351AN, thrice-mo pero Dok Ak Nauk BBBR,, Vol C1111, No IN 195T, PP 187-190 - Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci - Med Z~-r q e z Feb 58 J ,/G'. A. Baboq44M,-- The First XMSR CongreRff an PbVt~idleff, Veqtrdk Laninpaftogo Uhivergiteta$ Vol 10s No 7.9 .1 JWLY 195K pp 141,3- ~ - 4,q (V.Y--3000) lbe Tasks of the Amurskiy Economic Region in I the D velopmnt of the Coal Industry, by I. A. Babqlf~, 10 pp. RUSSIAU, per, Ugoll, So 12, 1958p pp 4-7. JM-1734-it USSR Scon - Tocbnological - USSM Industry Jul 59 t in by 3nbo,,- -op. ~,er, Acta Veteriuaria Pcadcai1c.,,-.e YfunG~;ricac,) Vol ~Jj).~ .1T5 -3,Aj. TT-65-14222 Field 7A Babos, B.; Ujhldy. A. CON71NUOUS DIAZOTISATION OF ANILINE IN A THIN-FILM REACTOR. 15p, 12refe. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-14222 Trani, of Chemische Technik (East Germany) V13 nIl P062-5 1961. A B 6 5 2.'L"j' MR 677