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ua~o of the Y1690201a ~ed~~r43 Uzbekistan, by A, G, Babayey, 4 pp, ~-IUSSLIN, per., Geol Nefti i Gaza., Vol III, 5-B., 1959, PP 29-33 ocl J Avr 6! Thc . Oill Ce-mbl 1 ity of tLbe Plain.- r~? Vent 13-,bal,i2tem, by A. G. 2~ 9 IT. Q~,r, Occologi lrc:Cti~ Vol 1:-6,. Sc, -.c;. Detrital Kneral Provinces of the Cretaceous Deyoa* in SoUthewtern Central Asia, by A. 0. B~~a?rev# 4 pp. =810$ perp D* A Neuk SM.. Vol On., No I., 1957, pp 145-148. Consultants Bureau Sci - amphys Sep 58 7apl,' V/ 4~ 101' EvaluQtion of the Oil and Oaa Prospects of Vzbekiat=., by A. M. GabrUlyaa, A. G4 DL&Iny-V-fL- 7 PP. RUSSIM) per, Geol Nefti i Gu&Y Vol III, No 9-A., 19590 PP 13-15. RRG Sai I-SIF, 41,7 jul 61 Zk~ oas, Tlc,-~,mtialities of '-~zbekistar, IM- Pabtly.~l~, pp!. Y, Y5 R E~ I lam! Gao Abccmm,,,Intsor.~ tix., E-rju~Z UOcidof-tan., by A".. C.. Dabayow, C--oict; Neftit I Gaz Vol V., 1k 3.: 19 o an the Authigenic Pb=tim of Hatile In Cretaceous Dej*eits of Central Aslap by As 0. Babayev), 4 We --_~ j MJSIAN per DDk Ak Sauk SSW# Vol CXIIIp So 2. 1957P PP 407XIO. " consultants 116miu Sci - Geo"ics JUn 58 64,7o.3 Rational Use of Sachs' Method for Determination ~f.-Residual Streeses in Solid and Hollow Cylinders) by L. A. Glikr&n-, A. N. Babayev. RUSSIAN) per,, 1111~entral. Wauch-Issled. Inot Morsk Plata, No 5, 1966, pp 17-24. Aluminum Lab Sci,- Engr oct 6D IcIg /e2 Ire by L. A.. GIA.Imm; RUSSINNI) per; 1. Cbra MctaUcv: No 5, 1918, 3 7 - HB 4221 scl. I-An/mctl Frgr aln 6o munwrical solution for the Problem of the I Flow of a Supersonic Strom Past the Upper Sulfisca of a Trimplar Wings Iby Do A* B ab ytv a. _,~.13 ppa Awexll~ ItUSSIM, per, Zhur VYchblitel'W M&tMat I Matomat Piz, Vol 11" No 21 19628 pp 278489. 9669389 PTD-TT-62-1582 ScI--Phy3 '0 &e e July 63 Numerical Solution for the Problem of tht I Flow of a Supo"Mia Stream Past the Upper Suifs,;e of a Trimplar flag, by 0, A, Babayev, 13 pp, RMIMI, per. Zhur WeUslitellucy Matewt i Mateviat Piz,, Vol 11v No 21 19620 pp 278-289. 9669.10 PTD-'ff-62-1582 Sci-Phys July 63 A,24 e) w/ d M industri.&L OUOIJAInp. 16M.EVAIUMV-70, WAV I AM of Sulfurous Acid Using Calcium Hydroxide, by M, 0~ Babushkina, E. V. Babayev, 7 pp, RWSIANt per, Dun Pro*, No 6. pp 12-ISs 1959~ 9207841 PL-480 OTS 63-11088 Sci - Chem Jun 63 0 I= IPST No 869 m --644 (DC-2550/2). C=dldste of Technical ScIvace,, K. N. I(UlirMe on the Fiftletb AmCwrsary of His Birth and the Twenty- fifth Amiver-sary of Vin Scientific, Engimering and Pedagcgical. Activity) by ff. Artbvinpl'skiyj Bsbayev) 14. Gladkovy Z. Yellyashavicb., et 81, 3 PP- RUSSIMs ;er., &argetichesk4y Byaletem'.. No 5, 1958. JOS-L-1891-D sei - Wee Oct 59 Speictroamlytical X*thads for Forroalloyap by M.~V. Baterev.. AU&SIO., pers Zovad Labs, Val XVp No 10p 1949o rp 1193-119T. Dratcher Tr go 2499 lo- aO Scientific - miamotais $3.85 Selatlon of Flux for Detamination of Carton In Ferrachrml=,. by M. V. Babgpv. MMSIM, per# Zavod tab, Vol Mp No 5# 1950p pp 221- m4. Brutcber Tr No =1 57 y .fit - minAft-tale $2,4o ~tlc=lnatlgu of t1ammiua and Silicon In Ferro- -~-amium an the Some Solution of Inqu sampl*p 14. Babayev. per,, Zvvvd labg Vol MO 1938. BMdwr Tr No 1179 -cztif lc - Chemlstry 41.00 ~'UfaoDrW of New Conatruction, by N. B. :~abayev, - 5 Pp - fi-IS531AN, perp Nefty Khoz,, No 1", 1960, -~.o 36-18, LLU Tr Bul Aug 60 1 - EnSr 4" P '102( X~( :;-4, 6o lite Solubility of S= Sparingly Soluble Alkali salt-, of heterapoly-Acidsp by Vikt. 1. Spitsyn and 1,10 B. Babayev, 3 py. RUSSM,, pert Zhur Neorpn KhIms No 3) 1960, PP 580-585- Cleaver-Mme P"as sci, 1,3011.3V oct 6o The! M1-6 Helicopter Lifted 4welfe Tons of Cargo, by N.-Babayev., 3 PP. ~, No 258 (2816), 31 Oct RUESLM, np, ~~ ~v 19!;7, p 4. C, TA ~o 4 6-7-t06- ATIC F-TS-9368/Ill USEW Econ Apr 58 r & / 7,~~f Sb,,)3t It= "Live Records on One nIght - TU-104A lflif.m at es Speed of 972 IOP-/Er, by N.,D-abayev 5 PP. RM310,. upp Sovet kriatolm., 24 Jul-I 30V 1957- C!& 605805 ATIC F-TB-9368/=T Sci - Aaro=tlaa APr 58 bA, dl I Tb* Wfoo" of cowitatums on. the wwitum of the tauradttent Forom to a sul.2210: Huu by a &mwv Pv"~Uer As it Offtl- 9 atft, by go N- ftboMp am ve of Im"Wakwo 12 Pp. R=Zmi, per.. tdo" y No 5p OW 195TP ive 26-3-0& 'Wig 3345 N. viyclv MR Sci-lh ffr .Tan 66 29-3.893 Contempww7 stAtu of Dwalogmt of: the ~ Probl~~,-Of Ship Vibratioup by N. N..*b"ev. LML48SIF HIM;SVMI Pw, Oudostrormlep No 3 (361)., Xv 1956o J?P 4-10. Navy 2382/MM 291 Set - Pbysics D*c 59 ~3r 0 The Automatic Welding of Compressor Casings for the "Azerbaidzhan" Aparartemnt Aid Conditioning Plant., by 0. K. ~-a-b~yev, T. N. Kornev , 3 PP- RUSSIM., per, Svaroch Proiz, No 11, 1961, pp 26-27- BIM Sci oct 62 216)125 Edw-ation of Cadreg prom Local liationalities$ by s. :tt=, 9 pp. UNCLASSIFIM RMSWI b1mo per2 Parttymya Zhizat, No 23o Meow., 16"Dee 1957o pp 9-15. US JPRS/DC-59 CSO DC-1586 '[We Oxidation of Vat Residue in a Mixture of Paraffins,nd Unsaponification, by 7. 1. Babaev, 1. E. Rusinov. RUSSIAN, per, KhimiZa i TokhnologiZa To liv :1 masel Vol Vill, No 2, 1903, pp 24-2?.-- P-nT 63-27101 V, Jun 67 3 `7 ~Iap:! G d Method for D-ehermining the Iodine Xmmbra C:f Fatty Alcohols and Fattir AcidE;,, by Va I. Bab*.- RUSSXXII~ perk limlobojao-Wrovaya Prom., 'Vol ~~-Vjj, 117o 3.0. 1961,~ PP 30-31. NEZ HTS 213T Sci - Cbp-m ,N-hr 63 Role of the Sur~ce in the Macroscopic Stages in Isobutane Oxidation in the Presence of HBr., by A. A. Babayeva, Z. K. Maims, 5 P.P- RUSSIANj per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otclel- Khim NaWc, NTo 6, 1960, PP 976-980. CB 'C"Ci. may 62 A 195,636 .Macroscopic Stages In-the Oxidation of ladbutane in the Fmaeuce of rqdrogen Rrmidej, by A. A.._Bd Z. K. Maizusq N. M. Smamlel) 7 FP- .K=IM,, per,, 1z Ak Nauk SSSR., Otdel Miim Nauk# No - 19591 pp 1913-1919. CB sci - May 61 / -e- :3 6 5-..:,) 1~ ) Unetica of the Od4atim of Iadbutue in the Preaence of Hjdrogen Br=4d by A. A, BabayTM4 Z. K. luizus" N. 14. pasnue"t 8 py. mssfiq.. pas Iz Ak Riul, SSM,, OWAI Dim lbuk# No 3,959s WX IN8-1385- sci w 61 7s -6 all' 4- (1 Crr th _d k_.e~ 1,n Wdation FrWuct,,j m );Me -Y of T'reir Xjj:t7 , J 1 G, D. Mslun mmA A. A. 7-1, vo ?-;Iu:r "Wal"L Ehim, Voi xill: 1110 C=rjultwats Bureau Snecial Determination of Iridium, Platinum and P~Uwlium in Refined Rhodium, by A. B. tabayeva, E-~~ s. Lapir, 8 .0 P RUSS' rMI., per, 1z Sc%tpja Olatiny :L Drug Bladorod Metal Ina' Obshcbei i Neore Kh-1m; Ak Hai* sssR, rvn 9 1, , 1 48 ~j.P 145 -146. Hatl Res Councily Canada TT-825 Jan 60 Regeneration of the Parotid Oland of a Guinea Pig., Iq by A- G. Dabsfm-,~ 3 PP- RUSSW., perp BYU_Wp_er Alol -1 Ned, Vol XLIII., NO 3p 1957; PP 95---966- consultanu Bumau Scl. - Ned Ik 58 Regeaeration of ihe Parotid Gland In the Rat, by, A. G. u P�~va 4 yp. RUSSIANIWI Byul M;Aper Biol I Mod, Vol L, No io, ig6o, 111) 1.13-U7. CE /T7 sci Jul 61 Changes in the FumtIoning,of -:the Parotid-.-OlwA of Guinea Pip D~rins,,Reseisiiiit AA.-,; dii! .,:B~b 107IR pp IVJSST,AN., per., Byul Rksper..Blol..',i_M6d,, Vol nlll,. 110 10 Jan Consultanto Bureau flei - Med May 58 ll&rJztlrju In the SoUx= a3A Potmaim MUM Cm -in Tobbit Blxmd Plum, cc 0vezhewbSmSp by A, Kh. MMDMMM rm w). - YOSSIMp per,, Im Mm Mmik TukmmoUW &Mv Sor Pla .-NAVIC.. 1b 3s 10,0 1V 52-5~9 9666M3 Fo-TT-6e-iwi 'Ici - Med riov 62 ozholl I" imeva-Re-d Absorption Spectra of Ahodi= (111) SO.pbito-Cowylexes., by A. V. -PA-baym., Yu. Ya. Khe-ritmov., 5 PP. BMW., w., Vw ImorPn Dlmo No TP 1962.. P? 1530-1537. CS SOCI Jumn -6 3 233,024 Infra-red absorption spectra of complex cobalt(III) sulphlites, by A-o V. Babaeva, Yu, Ya, Kharitoncy. 6 J~P. ---------- RABSIAN, per, Zhur Heorgan Min. No 6, 196Z. PP 1247-1257. Apr 63 infra-red abson)t1un. apeQrra of r'iodium(III) s-alpilitc)- ~Uy A-V. Bauai~,-a, Ya,, va, 1,ji--iri-toncyl i~) pp. jew, Zaar Neor-un ,nim, fio Y, 1:62, PP 1530- iay 63 6 co In,,Fra-Red Absorption Spectra of Platinum (II) Complexes with a Coordinated Sulphito-Group, by A. V. Babayeva, Yu. Ya. Kharitonov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 10, 1961, pp 2281-2287, Cleaver-Hume Press sci Oct 62 213,227 Infra-Red Absorption Spectra of Iridium(III) Complexes with a Coordinated Sulphito-Group, by ~A.:V. B e a Yu. Ya. Kharitonov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 10, 1961, pp 2263-2280. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci. Oct 62 213,226 Kirketics of the Replacement of Chlorine by the Nitro-Group in Trans-(PtCl(N02)(M4,3)21, by A. V. Babayeva R. I. Rudyi, 3 pp. .. . .... :'__j RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 11, 1961, pp 2457-2461. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Oct 62 913)209 ]lie Tran Effect' of Ligands; in Complex RMHUM Cobalt (III) Compounds, by A. V. Babayeva, 1. B. Baranovskiy, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, No 8, 1961, pp 1786-1790. Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd 2u 1691 Sci Sep 62 i TmE sFmjmm Wmamm" Ammimu 'i~ I CC" CaVOU Or DIVALM ftATI"" IN ~ , : YU# YA* OWITQW# & A Va, OAMMAj TV I RASIAN PO 0% AK US SW* WL CXI s t0 3,19'61, 4 A5wW* ce SO Am 62 2"s,818 The loomerism of Bromonitroplatinateo, by A. '7.-Mta ye'va, Wang Yu-pin, et al, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan aim., Vol VI', 1-10 7, 196'L1 pp 1925-1533- Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. Sci Z=Mnxft 20 Tul 62 2o4)231 Magnetic Susceptibility of Complex Nickel Compounds, by V. I. Belova, Ya. K. Syrkin, A. V. Babayeva, 3 PP- 'wt, - - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol VI, No 4, 1961) pp 8::0-834. =:::N- - NZZ~- - Cleuver-Hume Press Sci Jun 62 200,428 Isomerism of Acidocomplexes of Complex Com- pounds o-f Tetravalent Platinum. IV. Isomeric Potassium Dinitrodibromodichloro- platinates, by A. V. ~abayeva, N. I. Ushakova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN) per; Zhur Neorgan Ehim, Vol 111, N A -1539. o 7, 1958, pp 1534 AEc-tr-4455 PL-48o Sci v 62 195,334 I. lay - -- PST 377 Isomerism of Acidocomplexes of Complex Compounds of Tletravelent FlatinvA. III. Isomeric Potassium Dinitrotetrachloro- jolatinates, by A. V. Babayevaj N. I. Ushakova,, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol III, Eb 7, 1958, PP 1529-1533- AEC-tr-4455 PL-48o i9i 62 PST 377 195,333 Arra-red opectra of Platiw~ju(ll) Acidom1nes and the Trans Effect., by A. V. Babayeva,.O. N. E"taf'-- yvvs, 5 EMSDIS, per, Zhur Neorgan Kh1m, Vol VI, No 1) 2.961, pp 61-70a Cleaver-Hime Pmes 3ci o Dee 61 Substitution Reactions ia Complex Ccmpoundz; of Bi'%aleat Nickel., by A. V- _Dabayeva, Chzh;.tn Shou-Can 4 pp. RMSTAN., per, Zhur Neorg Miln., Vol V, No IV) 19160; PP 2174-2183- Cleaver-Hume Press sci /a/ 1 Sep 61 pleac~tions of Nickel-Pyridine Complexes with Thiom-ea by A. V. Babayeva) Chzban Shou-Gaa, 4.pp. RUSSW~ pery Zhur Ncorg Rbim, Vol Vi No 11), 3-960, pp 2167-2173- Cleaver-Hme Press Sci 1,6 ? P,4-,4 sep 61 Absm-ptlon Spectra of Polyarystals of Com;plex Cowpauu& at TAW By by A. V. ~!~ R. I. RudVi, 6 pp., maw P Mw Ifemg Iblu., Vol nP No 3.9 195TP pp AM-tr-403 Bel Apr 61 m so 80 $i)ectr%l Dotormination of Iridlim, Platinim and PaLladlum in Rafined RWxUum,, by A~ V, 8- Lagr, 7 pp. RMSIMI., per, la Ak Nau)E O&M., Sekbor Pl&tinv i DruZ Bleg Metal, No 22,, 19480 pp 145-148, Natiom.1 ftseaa C=c-U TT-825 sci am 6o J Specj~Lt,tral DetA.-rjainatuion of Suall Cigautities of ri=-'~4-wjm cmd Palladium in Refimd Silver, by A. B. S. ~!/:5LPirj 7 pp. ABOJESS P.U, per, Iz Sektora Platiny i Drug Bladorod t Uushchi--i I Neorg aim Ak Nauk M-SR, Ilo 23, 1949, nip 97-100- Nat! Res Coancil) Cartada TT-826 --a-a~ed iWsorptiun Spectra ot Pla num(11) .Li~- U.L Nitrohulides in the NaC! -- Prism Range, by A. V..BWAWWQI Yu. Ya. Kharitonov) 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgia Xhim,, Vol V, No 6, 1960) pp 1196-1207. C-Leaver-Hume Pres! Sci 9 Apr 61 Deterkination of Wciasp *oml=., Al=ln=p . siliom, wd fin in Raftood PlaunwaM,palladium, by S. A. BMWax ~,k._.V* BdWMP X. 3:. Ulb&M.. R. -I. Rudyv.; M.IAN,, per, Zhur Aml, Xblu., Vol M=., So 19A, pp 580-582. t gai - Chem Aug 59 t7 4-V .4- %We spectrographic Daterminatim or Gad=p 'P-Ow-mrs ..Rw 'o Alunium, SWOM, 04 ft JA 90ft0d mWalm %I and Iridiums, by A. V. Baboyevi., 0. N. lVAW'7M.9 6 pp. mmsim..i per,, Zbw Aml Mdup %L-XM.- So 3j, 2W# vp -3,04-307 Sci - Chem Mar 59 AbOorption Spectra of Complex Compounds (A=ines) ID CrYstal YOM by A. V. Baba0s,.R. 1. Rudyi.. 1 p. RU88IAMi. Moo Pw., Zz Ak VOI.XVIII.. No 6, 1.95~, pp T29-73o. crA c W664 Columbia Tech Tr SCILentific - pbwsicg 31-'9411 Feb 56 CTS/ba Isomerism of Platinum Acido-Complex Compoundc;, by A. V. BE~~eva jind H. I. Ushakova, 9 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Ydiim, Vol 1, No 2, 1956o pp 212-M9. AM-tr-4583 PL-480 Jan 62 31 f7y Go, mwtric Isomerim of Ccuplex Compminds and Absor tim Spectra of Owir Solutions In the VV Regione., by A. V. da"Ta'O 15 pp. RUSBrAN,, verp 1z Oak Platlay I Drvg Blegorad Metal last ObWWU I Org Is AW Tr 2973 sci - Fbysics &P 57 7 6 NNW The Distinguished Soviet Scientist, n7a n7ich Mernjacv (Comemoratiou of Ms 60tb Birthday)s by A, ve pp. UNMASSIP33D 7ull traualations ASSIANO mo per,, Zhur Obahch Rhim, Vol XXIXZ# So dZA 2) 953, pp 713-716- ' Cousulanto Bureau 3ciontif ic -.Chmlotry of D-Iracidr--:~ nc, - ,,p,'r I,ondon /147 u r F,,iuu,,--fk-Ii,)n,3 in the JUpyridina Com-PicMea r)f DI.%.-ujk~-jjt and Cobalt, by A. Y. Wuayavaj G. YE.. 'Icll.cjva~ V. G. Grigoreva, 3 P- -11,tir Nuorg Ehim, Vol 1V, -No 2, Cleaver-Hume, Press Ltd Lonjon Sci c Vt* Jan 60 Reactions in Solutiono of Divalent PIAUUM Diemlwo in Presence of Mtmvlo3At Radlationp by A. V. M. A. Mosysemp I to. MISIAN# bim rp Is Ak Nauk 8=0 Otdol Mda 1~~j ~bim Nalik., No 2$ 1953, vp m7-2W.- Consulumto Bureau Scientific - ChemlstrY CTOAM A M 13 297 Ca-l BAB+VA A. V., LAPIR E. S. Spe-Aral determination of irldium, platinum and palladium in refined rhodium Izv, SekL. Platinx i Drug. Blagorodn. Met., Inst. Obshch. I MeR.-rg. W11M., Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. ZZ, 14b-1 , TT 825 - English Euratom Qumatitative By ectml Detandwtion -of ftlUdiun in Platims, Platiam In ftlladium and Rhodli An Irlillum,, by A. V. ~~ V. T. ftlovs, and L. AL. ga=Wamj 2 Mini lz Sekt Plat lut Obehebei i V61 4~ 1946j, pp 172-175. 7~ 'bei mmu To 50w scilmt1fic Opectrw Aualysi-S or,$uQI Qusotit;iss', Of irldbi wW. Rhodium In Platinum Prepoxationo,, t7 A. T. Bat*va T T Solova,, and S. A. B6rovyk,, 2 pp. RUS810,61z Sekt Flat, Obsbehei Vol. 20, 1W0 pp 160-171. set NOWAI.-No 51/2"1 Scientific Cobalt (111) Complexes with a Coordinated Sulphito-Group, by A. V. Dabayeva, I. B. Baranovskiy, 5 PP. RUSSIM,, per, Zhur Neorgan nim, No 4, la~62, PP 783-790. CS Sci Jan 63 220,681 b"Is for So jimbW of CQmVM Work' portgMWA ~ by ZO X, Z04ras as Fig Ow BM Im I. K. Sad~=M,# V01 XLN, lio Person= 1"t SCI - VAA im 59 c4wpaMtS w& ElawaU at. Gy=g*pLC Ustnumtso by M. F. usboyms V. M. Yerebyeva, at slq 564 pp* RUSSIM bk Dot!Li i slombusz GiroskopLcbeskM PrIbarov, L%Zw 306 pp. ,RD-7 66-359 xaligatiour Dotection may 67 Z4'.W Themal Decanpcisition or Paroliloric Acid by A. A. '~ Zinar,rev) V. P. Bab!Ml 6 pp. RM.M., pu., Mw N*wW Mm.. Vol Vl:., No 2.. 1961., pp M-282. ,Meaver.-Hme Press Sci Feb 62 /", ,F/// Ef feat' of C=entMtlon of PWWWIC Acid an Its 7terml Dwampositloup by To P, 2 Dobeymm A. A. 7.1,novlyevi Upp, ICBSIM ,0 pw,, Mar Mao Vol ymp No 3.5432 PP 567-672. FRI)ON-63432 Chft a AM & c Perchloric Acid and its Derivatives by A. A. Zlmov'yev, V. P. Babayeval 7 i)p, RIGSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Xhim, Vol III, No 6, 1538, pp 1428-3-432. AEC-tr-4454 PL"W S(.Ti jan 62 P3T 376 The Neighbor (A Story)p by Semet Babavavf)~j~. 34 ppo' RUSSIAR, mo per, goskp No 6x Micow" %nm i957, pp 93-112. US JPRS/DC-L-255 USSR Pol - Party control of literature 6 3 d1s Results of Exploration and Measures for Securing a Growth in Reserves of Oil and Cas in 1960 in the Azerbaydzhan SSR, by B. K. Baba-Zade, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geologiya Neft i Gaza, Vol IV, No 3-A, 1960. RRG Sci Sep 62 210,520 Securing an Increase of Cow r6lal Oil and 0as Reserves in Azerbaydzban SM,, by B. K, Baba-Zado, 5 pp. RUSSM, pvrl Geol Nefti I Gaza# Vol ITI,, No 3-A. 1959P pp 9-14. Review of RW6140 Geolow sci /9 -;,j 13' / 1P Nov 6o 51c B41n Roolar"s of Oeologica Proageatins in iturbeldzhau for 1958,9 by B. K. Baba- par, GoalogjA NoMp Val &o No 6as IOP 1-7 Rev of Ruselan Oft soi -~ aw*ws Apr 59 Ne w Geological Data and Problems of Prospecting of Petroleum and Gas in the Aterbaydiban My Field of UBMp by B. RUSSIAN, mo pers Neft, Khoz., Vol MIV., No 12,, 10o PP 37-45. Tech wA Cow *W.00 Sci - Geopbysice.. geolo6ical survey Aua 57 awfuTION " Inew'i MIMIVI -AND AMP TVOIO# IK MAIN TI=XSj fff TL A. WMM# F*' It. walmlys to pp, RMOIANS! PRO FIZIOL 2" $m IMMI 1. X6 3909MAo, VCL XLYI It* WD 40 L9&t rp %". 96*" FTO-TT-&O* SCI - NED 11 ocT 02 212s330 Ij m MAhoda of Dett AnIng tho Forcoo in T GOTOUln by uOtanki i. InfArm-mint, ~tc 2~ lq~~,,I, pp 20-22. ~ci - Znpx b 00 Tvo-Coapommt Dynauxmatera for Measuring Forces of OrludIng, by X. 1. Bababluitser. RUSSUNp mo per,, StaWd I lutwoeMo Vol XXq No 3,, 1949s, pp 22-24. ABC Tr 372 /:!!7-, a.:5-6 Scientific - VNImring, Ktablue Toole March aftict of commaticm of ft"Nol" F~Ommnwm -1 M-% OJWPU lzftndty in Amdu TLasm M Dwing PsowxM I* AltAtaftop bV Y*. A* Kowaisdop To ve A 9 vp Nwras; pwp ri Vol IVMp 1b sd-4bd N" 63 31 !praining or the Flying Pe"amel in 'the Uae of Oxygen Equipmenti, by F. V. Babeh:Lnski3r. 6 pp. IRM131AN,, mo per,, Vent VQ2dffi3ftvIaYj.Qt,*, NO 10j :1956, pp 49-52, &W-t-oIR 15W-57, APOM-IAL AF 1119953 law :F/ V41 - AvlatAon Aug 57 - 6-7 oopolmdastialk of talys&0644465 of Wheat StaxrA by Day H*&Uag folland by 11*ating of a SuspAwsicaw by Le V* 8absebAnko, RM51AN& per& Isy Vw-pishcke Tekboo No 4, M4. pp ZMAZ3. ULL RT$ $914 w LOM only Jul 67 3309617 Mulear-Active Particles in Atmospheric Showeray Iry SOC Babeeld Z. A. &xjag N. L. Grigorou; J. So pp. RGSSIM, port Zhur Omper i Tegret Fiz, Val XUy Ito 19 1961$ pp 13-Z. AIP 36V Fq8 - JETP Vol XIVP No 2. sd Rar. 62 Twelve Papers an ApprmdmarAons and Integrals* by Bobeuko, Derbasjan. RWSIANq bko Val 449 Amer. Math. Soc. LC No. S1-5559 Sci-math June 66 303.497 CoutroUed Radio Comunicatiom at IftcbIw*-Trsctor Btatlcus,, by A. Babeakot 8 pp. UXLMIFIW Full trnslation. WMIAN, =o per, Re&o No 01., Kwcowp Sep 1951, pp 5.,6. AM P433-7707-= Wss Ecowmic - C=muvIcat&w4w.. radio., tractm, statiow.. Sop 52 =/D= CIA 858023 Prer,paxation of Dibeele Acids by Oxidation of "Rydroxy Acids" With Witric Acid, by B. L. Malda"klyp M. V. MAWVK., V. G. Bebel 1, 3 pp. RMSUNI, p"S me Mk mxtms VOL ==p No 2p 19COD, pp 463A67 - CE Sal Apr 61 107j ~Iol M-530) Testing'af Air and One Recuperstarep by H. babazyuskis i;i--%OkOt# J, Janiekip 14 pp. PMISH,, perj, Hututkp Val XXVI p So 7/8., 1960., pp 278-283. JM 7732 Mum - Poland Econ A; Fat, 61 7-1~ Televialon Relay Centersp b Llmb,!~.*j _y-.Apk- . ,p ... xarputkin. UXC F.WSIAN, w perp Bodlop No 5p 1953p pp 42-46. am 05.36 Scientific *., Electronics mm % CTS/m 14, / fs , A Two-OlMmOl 80t Of BVIP=t for Slmltme= Tranalation of speedwl by A. Ap p T pp. MSUN., Ws Vest B"wip No llo 1963s IM Igo 13- JM 2WU Bel ien 64 .2 1.2 ~- a- Effect of the Viscosity of Liquids in Hydraulia on its Dynamic Properties By G. S. 20gnko and As 14. Smimor, pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemakh, Vol XXIV, Nc, !,, 1963,, pp. LU 115 ISA sci Oct 63 Effect of the Viscosity of Liquids in Hydraulic Piping on its Dynamic Properties By G. S* Babmko and A. X. Smirnov,, ppo RUS61AN, perAvtomat i Telawkhj, Vol XXIV, No 11 1963t PP. U2 ISA SCI Dot 63 bY Me J14 no y~7 Blectronica. XCC iars CTA 1.01.T?25 )3 lladdo Co=unications in Areas of Virgin land Sxj!olitation, by A. Babenko UNCWBIFIED RUISSTAW~ per, Hadiop go 6p Jun 1954j, Moscow., p ------- SCTA Tr No 654 B Scientific - Blectronico Economic - Comunications Nov 1954 CTS On the-Reliability Parameters of Flectronic Systems,, by A. A. Babenko, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, firijozhuost' R&Uoelaktramoy Apparatury, 195-3. OM 60-23B23 PLJM sot --MactrMiall .Taa 61~. PST L?l Cambustion Tespemtures of Sulphides in a Fluldised Bed) W A. R - Bobemko., V - I - Smirwv. WSMR, per Ob. mauch. Tmd- urall&- P#litekhn. Iwti No- 134, 1963, PP 9-13 Ist, - h , R. 1,3,q b (-, A"k- # Sci - Aug 6T 33T-618