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P=Ual Lesims of the Novo Conbow ln the Mick &blyo ft= the ftd at Us 4% to tbo 8U DW of baubatlmp In., iw au iml ?alo vistutwo, 4 IV* V=W, per$ ftU Sm 1W Ma fters Vol nn, So 3.0j. 10* iv 9ft-03. 7-u6a 14 7 !910 kli - Md 1" 61 fil-an Montale, P. and Romano, P. M. BRONCHOPNEUMONIA WrFH CONFLUENT DWEC- 1. Modak, F. TION CENTERS DURING A SEPSIS BY STAPHYLD- 11. Romaw. P. M. COCCUS: DESCRIPTION OF ONE CASE - 119611 10P. III. ATS-9W21 Order from ATS $13. DO ATS-98N521 IV. Associated Tecbnical Services, by-, Trans. of Arch[ivio) "E. Maragliano" [di) Patol[ogial East Orange. N. e Clin[lcal (Italy) 1960. Y. 16, p. 491-502. DESCRIPTORS: *Pneumonia, Pathology, *Stsphylo- coccus, Physiology, Infections. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, T7, v. 6, no. 8) wAm Effect and Swleidi Imms bY G. mmulantis 9 ppo GOVEEMM t= ony Gum 32* *=TO VIAMIto Vol 59 NO 3p v A~~ ims 1XV ..Pp 154-161. MYNTC/HT-23-208-71 a I M o t,~t F~ L e K3 -~ ', Jme 71 ftthogenicity of Paracolon Bacilli. (clinical, BacterioloSical and Epidemiological Study of = Outbreak),, by H. Curbelo., P. Soto, U. Wntalvo. :Etsili , 11 - lftwm--W-W~ Lo L)p ~ TIMUM., no journal cited. SLA 57-1613 Sei - Medicine C/P d /. Mar 58 / "'~g 6i Aie Admmtircm of t.,he Long Bmes) by A,_ UmteAmsj 6 pp. TTALIM, per, Ntmtius Radiologicus, Vol XXVI, Nov 1960, PP 945-948- ow ~-4T-6:L -7 -'~ Bel - Med 5 L ~ Jl - /4'.,-.; Z'Z" Jul 61 /S -f - r?6 I Telescopic MOM ftr Guns nkd the Likes by Autoaio gotmoriq ITALIMS Patent No-6 AG.". Dept of Cum Patent Office Jun 67 Sci-Navigation 3270268 Investigation of Ethylene Substitution. M. Stereocheml8try of Nucleophillic Substitutions in 1-41a1o-2-Arf1su.1foxyp-bt- ylenes, by F. Montanari, A. Negrini, 5 PP. ITANIAI.dip perj, Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, Voi ITME-1., No 7/8~ 1959., PP 1543-1547- ATS-08M38I Mar 62 4F'~,~, 3,!)-r bf*amwes of Cathodic Overvoltege in Electrolytic P~?oducticn of Aluminm,, by R. PlcutelUp Go Mantw2e-13-1,v 22 pp. . ........ . rZUW,t pers Abuitaial Vol XMTp IMp Vp 672-678. 0". No 377/19% Scientific - MinmoeLlsimuu s t' A r7 ~'-'he Actim of 5-Wdroqtrjptm~ cm tba Central ilervous Systems Ito Use In E=m-lmeutal Paychintryp by C. K=t=S#X 0. TODUip 15 PP- 1VAIM. PSro ROW60ft de Freniatrlap Vol Ll=,* 30 i= M5* pp WJ183- EM Scientific - Modic1ne ,Tun 56 cTo Researches on Mylevatione VI, Stereoisomerism of 7hio amd BuUotWI CbJLorlde Vinylogo.. by Fernando VAntsurl, 13 PP- rZU,%UN, per$ Gass Ital, Vol LXMI, 1956p pp 735- 746. CIA/FM XX-534 HM PMRASANX TO-POMIM NATMIAW Sci - Chem Oct 58 IAC TWMWAI USE ONLY Researches on Mylonation. Me Steroompecific Synthesis of Cia atd Trans-BetaWyl-Nwcepto- AMlic Acids md Respective Bulfows, by Fumando Montanarif Adriana Negriolp 16 pp. rZALM, pw,, Gass Chim Ital, Vol L%Mllt 1957m pp 1073-1085. CIA/Fw xx-535 NN RELBABANZ TO P=MX MATIOMW Sci - Chm Oct 58 IAC I'll NAL 23 O= Measures of Over"Voltage in Electrolytic Production of Alminum, by-$,. Flontelli, G, Montanelli, 20 'Up. ITUMj, per.. AA'uminio., Vol =,. i956s PP 79-84. S,L.A. Tr IOe7 Honey Combs of i Light Alloy and Their Application to SwAwich Cmetrwtionj by Go Brmerp G. Montanteme, 36 pp. FRE=j, per 00 Docaeroo Pariso No xam, mar 1956, PP 39-'56* - ATrC F-TS -9D44/v Sci - gin/Met 0 Oct 57 Principal Military Airplanes of the soviet Union, by ]~~er,,_.q,_Montantesme, 21 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Docaero, Revue documentaire do la Technique aeronautique = Parlep No 27? WY- 1954, PP 3-24, Enal to IR-247-55. CIA D 2o7776. USSR AF 659484 Sci - Aeronautics mil Bars. I~comhor 10,60-January 1961 mria -,usla ;~Artlnos de l,-=tsA4w&, by F. Javier llx*mW vL~uer. 5 pp. .. ' 'L INV. 1~0 2,53 -1 Savotp, MoNto-p-~ MA-ttLre~a 63 36).1.22 cbs"Wousnum of bisnow Awommo of, kwdaeu Vima" as vopmtm ~md us Evauuuom ftft va"U"Wou *t me $Not conamAmm", tv a. *09800. Zeno, IPW. gin dll~ 430L Val 94, 41D 51 IV41 pp 42-105 as 1-9/ As a a in zoo Aug 67 on the Application of the Zone-Velting Tech- nique for Obtaining a Very RL9b PUftficatiOn of Aluminuml by E. Jbnter$Qj# R. -Richl P. IhwAtiiE-r Albertg G. C FMM,t Per, CompteB Rendusp Vol CCVM, No 7s 1954j- PP 815-817- orA 57-2T69 sci 7L'i Aug 58 aloft -slooko"MO 141-1 lit at Sao Fadlocbemical Uldstion of Aydrocarbons., by Roger Montarnalj Mmique Bruns P2 pp. KWIU, rpt, ProceediW of JOrtbe Conference on large ItWation Smoss In bdustry, 8-12 ft 1959~ Vol Ili 1960; yp 29-50. 9a7233 ABO-Tr-6033 54 - Baal sci jun 64 .2 41f.. 3 RX Pno txtrarevu~a Acticas of tive by tas t rue-* c art cql~xa3sl 962, P Foualautioap U-22-66 AmUdiaratic of tho liatematimal I Amterdan, i;xcgr pt 4 1w C~- rhmoterivatim or pody"Aft. ). rapsaftaft or TntyLoolo Viswalty On Tempmtwe And Its Wadvation Frm mosawaost" At *0 Sir 49* C!C~Mm' by Varavlam, 0. montmado. ITALUA. per, O6n.abft.jt9a.. 9~4, 5, 1964, PP 1035-042. 103 WAR & Cl AN 2010) do 67 Promas for ReaslMdug the Ugmmlw V&J*t of ---ff k--V-U--KW U00art W403 "%LUJM a" to-Tan mein FOUUMP 1w yps a==s mcbm Patnt No %9o638t 1956- An Wb lb~3 A09 58 PXVGGGo tar of Aaetyls"a dm v by *ntscMInI - . v 77= A 14 pp, Budwo Pat 50 9270 2956. LIIIII SAIRU-"5 Sol hi 58 ~f, G ft u~Lyt,,Lj, Kf oiggo of propyleuej by r?rjjat:,o g,a,t u lim AIR pp. I" BBUIZIM., Patent No 241,576., 1955. RIB Rpt 96593 Sci - Chemigti-j Mar 58 JI'l 7,? 4- Tetraet1iyl Lead as Catalyst for Ethylene Polymeriza- tion, by Montecatini? 13 :.~D. - BEWIM , Patent, 54,6:*(4~ 1956 RIB Rpt 966~t2 Sci - Chemizotry Mar 56- IFZ 7oz~ NNW CMA345ts r*r MOIA Xmtecatl"- md K. VW- -- L,"I B"Wo Pat, X 50,4. "I &1 58 P01YAWrIZ&tl*tl, by Zled~AWo 15 pp- 3.956. - ~~6115 - -e "*'~r t Aw 'f -I a e0 I r 4-410 7 Proem for Beleative Polperlution of d(-olefins juto crptaUns or mapbom paywre p by X=tecatimi., ic. zieguwp 65 pp. VMM-Hp Belglnn Patent 541.2590 1955. Res into ov Tr 96A Bel 6 J- !?/W/ Prc.^-csa and Appamtus for the Bynthp-sia of Acrylomic, trUe Fr= Acetylow and Hydroanic Aicd, by moutecatni'. 8 pp. FRWA., Patent No ]-.,13.0.,0%,, 5 Oct 195% S.L.A. Tr 904/1956 Sai - Chmistry 59 '5 62-17690 and Chamepic D. Monte U NONMRAMS FOR CALCULATING PRESSURE 1. Montegudet, G. LOSSES IN GAS WELLS. [19621 17P. 11. Chantepie, D. Order from ATS $17.90 ATS-24P60F Ill. ATS-24P60r IV. Associawd'rechnical 'rrans. of Rev[ue de I'llngtlitut] Franclais dul Mrole Serviceii, Inc., Easi et Ann[a les dus I Combustibles Liquides, 196 1, v. 10, Orange, N. no. 11, p. 12.5-5-1272. DESCRIM'ORS: *Peiroleuriii. *Sources, Naturil gase's, 'Pressure, Reduction, Determination, 'Nomographs. C222712 offic. of T66*1C.1 S~k'% Cuutributioa to the F=p=mtioa Am1nated DerivatIves of CeUulose Certain fizotized Derivatives, by Montegudet, 90 pp. rne wt V6i'AU%t5' FRB=,, perAVOI =IV.- 1958o Y-D 2U -2W., 311 -319. ezd Study of and of GMes 5) 9.04-213t sLA 6o-17761 Sci msy 62 Notes aa a Nev Fargaulation of the Theory of Consumer Surplus) by Jacques Mmtell, 14 pp. FRM=,, perp Rwme dEconemie Politiquep vol ia=) No 6., pp ioe6 4o35. siA 6o-18639 Sci -a'/ Jul 62 /, 29Z Vol 4, No 12 cmai&aw;sm ~Qc a U"Aca um -of AsUblaUcs in Lood ftmAmmut or possr by R. !~t umben't it. L. awmma sou"114% L* 1~po N=x 0 VW,* a pasm *MmMo 1963,w v 71P 43j, aoeq-2wr. In 9A Tf 1= j4 66 ~~, d "M-e7t6-4-L 30.%439 61-16840 Monteiro, Hernani, Rodrigues, Alvaro and others. STUDY OF TTIE ROLE OF THE SYMPATHETIC 1. Monteiro, H. INNERVATION OF '11311' HEART BY 'ME ROENMEN- H. Rodrigues, A. KYMOGRAIIIIC MI-11101). [19611 3p. (6 figs. omitted). Available on loon from SLA 61-16W Trans. of Archives dLs Maladies LiL Coeur let des Vals- scaux] (France) 19,16, v. 29, p. 39-45. DE'SCRIPTORS: *11eart, *Autonomic nervous system, ,X-ray photograph)' Dffi- .0 T-61c.4 Sw~i (UnannouncW) 61-16852 Monteiro, Herriani. LYMPHANGEOGRAPHY IN THE LIVING- METHOD~ 1. Manteiro, IL RESULTS AND APPLICATIONS. [1961] 3p. (first paragraph 5 figs. 14 refs. omitted) 8 refs. Available on loan from SLA 61-16952 Trans. of Bruxelles-M6dical (Belgium) 1938, v. 19, p. 205-211. 'DESCRIPTORS: *Lympbatic system, *Contrast media, *X-ray photography Office of T&cWcol $wvic-s (Uminnounced) A Now Potentiometric Determination of Fluorine by Precipitation iA the Form of Lantbanum Fluoride,, by A. Cbsublamat, G.. 10 pp. FROM, per, Bulletin Soc ChIm,, No 2. 19630 pp 362-365. NM 9-24-63 Sci - Biol 4 Mad ?"q '3' 56 q Nov 63 62-10011 Gerard. A-0enAl"ON COMPOUNDS (INCLUSION COMPOUNDS) 1. Title: Inclusion [Sur lea Compos6s dInsertion 1. f 19621 [11 ]p. 31 refs. compounds Order from SLA $1. 10 62-10011 1. Montel, G. Trans. of Soc[idtfl Chimfiquel de France. Bullfetinj L95S fno. 7/81 p. 1013-LO17. DESCRIPTORS: *Clatherate compounds, Molecular structure, Lattices. Chemical properties, Stability, Chemical reactions. (chemistry, rr, v. 9, no. 2) Ofti d TecUk3d Sanksi obancre of ywo., of Inocu3stim" by M. L. ~tf pp, r IC TASSUM Fuu traulatlon. IMM,v So. lopplul.. VOL am.. so Ut pmu., to m 1931P pp 4$3A61- ftvy Tr 338/au - w sci - W Iftr ~2 cm ~ 101, Tertltxy Ytivs$ a Soclal Dicoart In ln&ohiw.j, by L. R. V&Aa, 10 pp. - FRum,, pw, aun de 3A Boo do Path Into Vol XLUv ft 5/6# 19491, pp MA-W. NIB Tr 3.1-22 sci - rAugine +t1j fz f Do* A MS tholosical coaditions in Z=u _.-roa , ldiesb bY 14- BOni, I croscope S,~L 51 PP, IWILVi.. Pel 7rwwaatoly Vol xn) 279-335- NIH 2-341-60 MIcroatruaturs of Poly=wlsar Giut Cello of Boniv Glant Call Tumors of the Bonsp by IF. miner, ~!,-,Mcntelqone., n pp. GMU,, per, Trankf &- ftth., Vol LXVIIIq 1957,, PP.49-54- sm lo-4 sci - mod fty 58 71, #33 Respiratory InSufficiency in Acute Chronic Malaria, by Remo MentelwMe. 9 Pp. ITALIAN, per, Polic Vol 34, Nov 1927, pp SS7-564. NAWN'IC/Tran-2933-69 Ft i ..q 41 Dee 69 397,367 N a ni . and lxi;ana, 1,. i 63-10574 AM(710011~~~Flvlll~". OF ()XYGEN A',T-1 ','MROCEN! 1. N"Ontemortini. C~ 04N SOME.' FLEMEN-ri. 2-1 AW~ 62. 13p. 8 rds. Lwans, L. Ordor SLA $1, 60 63-1M74 Tran~~. of (Industria Chimical (Italy) 1926, v. 1, p. 237-240. DESC]UffOR&- 60men. *Nkrovv, Nibmires. sklag- m!slurn cDmpmqds, *Alumirum compourKta, *Calclurn compouMs., *Titardurn comroxyJa, *rorm compmrAs, (IrW5, Nitrides. Canburrim (Cliernistry-biorgnaic, 77, v. 10, m 1) ",A;~~* pore ...A .1. L-32. j P. m Qdglr NfftbDd at AWAISW tallatoGOWS W A. pnito, u nombWOV06 NWM* pwi, Raw Z. va is$ SO to l9ap pq 69-71 MIM I-, ti, q -/ 7-,f /i / ~e- c,,e o ftl - Ja 67 334#093 ~--faulsiws Dawless, by A._,"!Onteas; StAl LUSIls 1964g 840 413LI o~tt 7he Application of Fadiolsotopee In Hydrology and Hydraulic EngLmering,, Parts Iq II.. by A. M=t*vA. GEWM,, per.. Atompwda.. Vol Vp So 3., 1959, PP 91-93j, Vol V, No 4/5.. PD 18&187. CSIRO Sol - Dw /,?a, J-'~,O Apr 62 Applicatioa of Radioisotopes in Ey&raoa and Hydraaics. Parts I and tl,,*, by A. X=tenz., 30 Pp. WMU,, per,, Ataqwaxle.. Vol V) 1959., YY 91-93, 182-187- Am up-v-469 Sci - &W B~ 26 oat 6o Wic, Active Isotopes for Measuremat of Flow, by I... hontens ,. lperp ftutechma. . Vol =I a No 9. GEMMP . 1955P Vp 297-301. AMM M 29 may 58 4 g 2 9.14 atulowmMOVA -at Am NUMM YM IV A* bocub. mms Wo, zo VA CLVWJ Vat sp 317-330w .nm,TT ip-io.269 U. 0. Govamom us Qw gel-fts Dw 66 Dark and. Light Tobaccon i1a Spaina 1. The Tobmcco Plant. Cnrdftione in the Spaniah Tobacco Districts, by F. Montero and G. Valdiviap 22 pp. SFANMH~ mamscript., P 38- STA 57-2948 SCA 7/ Aug 58 (2765-D) Xhrushchav, on tha Vargo of FAUUUUtUkg TMW4 and jhftarin? byfo" oua&azqo Mbutero, 9 pp. 8PAMHJ npp Thfomajon" lmluetvas,, Kcdeo Citys 13 Pab 1959, PP hol 5. JM L-1644-1) USSR Pol - Ca=mlom Apr 59 (DO-3001) Gammzcdzt Views an Demoozary in UM and CbJ2e, bY Jm'e 7 IV - 5PAKM., nb El Walo., No 32Pp 2 Jan 1961# pp 2-3. im Im IA 0 Chile z I ev, -1141 J~ewtivution by B. c. o. or liesiduAl Lepro- watma Lep=yp Tnat By manching and Suspension ot Treatment$ bV 1. Mavftetmp 3 PP. PR= l4autu fioc*u .I per$ Rwdquej vol LMj ]b 3# 1*,# MA 6WA7" Sol xv 62 /P4 AO 7 Vol VUj, No 3 Via ProL Loa *f Vriction wtw*wA ~~Dtalllc tUt*rWs at idgh Taupw- atUM JA SVOCW AtWStterMv by ~-- ~Iftte~vsccm& ITAUANO, ",, Cony, su Ant. kietallici A, J. 1-or 1!dawti ptip DIU 3853 Atte, &S 2844,716 The Problem of Friction Between Metallic Materials at High Temperatures in Special Atmospheres, by I. Monteve-cchi. ITALIAN, rpt, Conv su Mat Metallici per Impianti Um TermiciR Milan Dec 1963, *BISI 3833 Sci Aug 64 gurmin pituitary Gc)nadotropin and Pitultary-like Gonsdotropins by P. Donini., X- Xontezemlo., 23 PY- ITALMs perk I La Rassegam di Cliniom- Terapia e Scienze Affini., Vol XLVIn, No 4, 1949, PP 143- 163- M:R Tr 5-47 Sci - Ned VAY 58 174 Qj 2he isolation a R=mn 002#0trople Rormone with FoIIcuIo-,;8jt;tinOgt Action., by-C. &wono., R. montexamu'p 9 pp. MULWI, perp ftesegm do Mimics Terepla e Icienze Affini.. Val LI, JUI-ft I9W,? pp 3A1- 147- mm Tr 4-73 Sei - Mod bky 58 SERItKO& C a MKTMZMI~00 R. Accelerating m3betwees In the productim or eiwerdmo!~~~bmwpyrtne twors. 9 Pages ITALIM,v Boll. * Atti dena R. Ace. mod. di Roimp iMq 1W# ppe 242r-M X-517 Translated at the National wts of Health Bethesda, Md. Experimotal Siuay on the Antimlarial Action of a 2 - 4 DI"Ino"rUddineo by J. Schneider, 0. Montezimp 0. Bibeut 8 pp. ftll t-ranslation. FfMC3jp per,, Bull Sac Path Xxotim., Vol XLVv No 1,9 1952, pp '943. cxAAw/x-9lq Scieutifte - Medicine Jul 53 CTS/D3X 5 /,? 0 orl som-c Inavisti-i-al "L'ests Ojjlj.n~l of Worated '.-.Iool-,. by F. h~ntfort.- -. -~ -.4, "~ n"I't" FRE',ICH, -iycr, Annales Scientificlues Textilnn Beiges, No 3, 1959, pp 83-93. -ISIRO 4917 Sci - 13,nr,,r ma r 6;~ /, P q,, - 22 Z el Foreign Trade in the 8,01vist:.wou, by Artbur 5 pp. ==Mzr SWISH., per,, Iftgamellp Imi Dec Issafto Iml to State Desp lo 622,p Gtoc*Als, 92 bee -190s CIA D-lhOh77 Dept cc state USSR scaumic AIW 55 MS kttfau~~;~t to i~gtcr"w tale Vcvrtic-.a aw ral iii uw alumic utuano by. 4t;biar't iw4ANS I~ar, it-Inuien der ap INO 4# L)3ja, 4'.42- !4b. ~,v,,it Later ~Al hb7 tO .00.5an 311"1,721 Controlled Fusion Electric Generator. 7 pl). by AuLicr t-!ottti;remivr. 7 pp. FRENCH, Patent No 1 599 596, AEVAP-Tr-1653 %ci/En,, Conv ,.jar 70 4020636 Clinical Experimenta w"Ith a Now Diuretic Propamtion vith Sulfor&ide Stnwturej by G. Soreini, G. Modi; 0. dc Face, 16 p. "ALIAN.,per,, Rimr\m Hedlcm~ 1959P Vol L, Fo 42, pp 1620-162kt SLA 59-20962 sci rar 60 Vol 3* No 1 The Ifitration of Phenolis With Mitrom Vepora.9 by 7 P. ITALM, per., Guzatta ChWax IWIlemp 1937p vol ams pp 6e8-633- SIA 59-17893 Sci rel) 69 / 1&, 914 Vol 2., No 10 alloll-w, ic Anat, of the Parniet qjcle., k,.! a t7 2 7 P~,. 2'f;t, AM-7 Cangress ;.;atiqn&Z of Aeroted;-mica,, 2on'no, iLiOll 63-74. ill-A'L L~-J 2 3- 2 6- 71 ILD '10 U. Mild' Aui,,,,~rcns a;,r,.,,.-, 71 G 25766, A Phsaylls4sadloa* DortVatlVe iiavias Antithronotic Actiou, by C. Monti- gel, IR. Pulver. GERMAN, per, Schweisorisch* Hadisiaticho Vocheaschtift.-I-GY-96. No 9,709-6F-., pp. 213-7. NTC 69-11594-060 July 69 397.574 TT-64-10579 loontignic, E. I =Y OF 114SOLLMLE TELLURATFS (Etudeder t. Title- Tellurates TeDuratcB InBolubleu). 119631 111p) (foreign text 1. hiondple, E. included) 2refs Order from SL A $ 1. 10 TT-64-10579 Trans. of Socfik6j Chimlique del Franjcel. Bull[ctinj 1939 Iser. 51 Y. 6, p. 672-676. I)ESCRUTORS: *Tellurium compounds, Oxides, *Zinc COMVIOUW4, *Zirconium compounds, Bismuth Com- potuxis. nUrium compounds, vM compounds. Ohvn c=pounds. OChromitan ompounds, OAlurninurn com- poundj% *Ccriwn compounds, Chemical properties, Classification. (Chen" at ry- -1norganic. TT. V. 11, no. 9) glum Tod1des, by R. Ymtlgple, 4 ppj A F-R= per., Bull soc chem France., Vol IV, No 5p 1937., 132-J. su Tr 1639 Sci - Chem APr 1957 The Daterminaticm of Msoolve&O.V9en in DoWned Waters by M. Delassumg R. DeVaUr P. M=tiMo IB pp. F;Fla '. . perp ChAlour at Wv Vol. I=p L5491, PP 159- 168~ ABC 27 1752 Scientific - Chemietu Jan 54 Col= ?/ LF gp Vit*Uin 82 In Psoriasis, by G. Woutilli, M. 37 Pisani. ITALIAN, per, Riforma Modica, Val 68, 19S4, 20S-7. NTC 69-11763-06B C,7-- /-// ~//"- Sci-H&M July 69 387,544 On the Course of Pregnancy in Nicotinic Intoxi- cation, by Pasquale Amtilli-, 11 pp~ ITALIM, per, Archivio di Ostetricia a Ginecologia (Italy), Vol 200 10330 PP 93-100. K-41 136 a Pf4'S9uA)e- Sci/B&M Jun 67 329m,187 optical ifethods of Determining Struetwes by X-PAyaq by VArcedes Cubero, V. BornsuUm Houtisp 9 pp. SPAN=, per, Analao A. Soo.Zsyw.FLo.y Qdm, Vol nvM A$ 1952s PP 133