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4LUk and Itsy Estimt1m, of ftabUlty Arter Fi*Alj2& bW M. N*unobs, p3ri 90=81 ft"ll..." 192 06 2965 (1890) M. Mokunska Mar 67 230s.209 Byumtr.vj Aaf6lwjnwrW and Psaudo-Symtry of Induded SvWfaceso by V. A. U04wakiyo 1. 1. Mmfranumkly, RMUN., parp Krictanographipo voi no ao ip 1957s, PP 23-28. ,Awr Imt of fts sai Fab 60 /0,?, fK? uflwnce of Exterml coaditims on the sbalpa of CrYstal Growth, by V. A. Xdkpvv%ly4- 44 pp. RMIMj* per,, Kristan, No 4p 1955s PP 3-46. sai lbv 59 Theory of tine Carbon Mierephone (1).. by H. Mol 21 pp. DVDCH- per FTT-Bedrijf, Vol Ill., No 4, Jun 1951, pp .126-134. SLA 57-1020 Sci Electron c- Cr %.., Q,# C2 S// Feb 58 Thcory of the C-afoon Microphone (IT) ~ , by R. Ibl, 17 PP. 6 1 DWCH) per, PTT Bodrpjf, Vol IVY No 1, Oct 1951, pp '34 -41. SIA 57-1019 Sci - Electron '~-4 ~2 3.4 -.- Feb 56 151 Theory of th~arbov Microphone fIII), by H. Nol, 1, - UWE, per, PTT-Bedrijf, Vol IV, No 3, Jun 1952, pp 118-124 SIA 2526 Sci - Electron Z-F 02 s 1./0 lo Feb 58 711=-u7 of tbi Carbon iUcraphcne (IV), by H~ 10 pp -- --MWMNAW- MWE, per, PT-T-Be4rijf, Vol VO No 2, -APr 195-13, pp 84-M. Sidi 57-1 18 .10 S ci - Electron '~- Y' 02 '..' 7 Feb 58 of Carbor. Hicrophonea, by H. Mal, 21 P-P ICA/ per) PTT-Badrij:r., Vol III,, Fo 2., Alig 1905,09 PP 85-91, SLA 57-955 Sci - Electrot Reb 58 Theory, of the Carbon Mderophone M, by H, Mol, I .. i ""-A. DUTCH, per, P"IT-Bedrijf, Vol V, No 3, Aug 1953, 1,12 A. SIA 57-1017 Sci - -viect.-On Yeb 58 Microharduess Tests and the Validity of Mayer'a Lev, by A. Molaroni. - rD,LM,, per, Is Motallurgia Italisna,, No lo., 19569 pp 443-446. T.I.L. Tr h786 Sci - SWimerW its, 9 6~ ~- Jun 5 7 Subdivision of Motions and Asymptotic Methods in thc- Theor-j of Nonlinear Oscillatione,, by A. M. 1401canovp 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Hauk 88M~ Vol CXXXVI) 1961s PP 1030-1033. Amer Hath Soc Sai -jui 61 /C 0" 'Z~ "--*' The C=dmmtion of Povmldehyde With Perfluoro-Olefins-Tetrafluorootbylow.. by E. P. Nolchallms B. L. Dyetklnp 3 PP- RMIDO, pw,, Dok Ak Sm* MR., Vol C ~ I no l.. lolp ]w 3.06-lCgo CD sci ?- 610 , 2' 7 t1 jun 62 Assessing the Qpa2lty of Autamtic kudag ft-m"; by A. VDIchum. RUMW, per,. MtgWlqZ of the t#Ue Tuchl I um, Vol. 3j No- 34, 1963, PP W-125 CSnIO/ No. T300 4. 1~,20)- c A qvo a , . - , ,,, T x - - 7..'- 11 -1 I m-eeting of Khruqvkhev With Scientlats In giboria-~, by Valchanov, RIWSIM~ np,, Pravdap 11 Oct 1959. FBrD Dadly Reviev Meeting of Khruqvkhav With Scientists in Siberia., by ~*qqyj, RIESL%N., npj, Pravda, 11 Oct 1959. FBID Daily Review USSR pol, Oct 59 Observations of the Localised Radio Sources on the Sun With the Large Radio Telescope of the Main Astronomical Observatory at Wavelength of 2.3 cm, by A, Molchanav. RUSSIANoperg Soindwye Dawyet No 30 19618 pp 68g 69, CSIRO/No 6073 Sci-Astron May 63 a.2 q F.%? V Radio Astronomy Observations of the Solar Eclipse of 15.2.610 CuTted Out by the Main Astronomical Observatory# by A. MoIchanov, D, Korollkov. RUSSIM$ pers Solusebays Dumye, No 4. l%I* pp 62-". CSIRO/No 607S Sci-Earth Sci 4 Astr= ~~ ~ ?46 May 63 The Rational Use of Copper and Copper-Zinc Pyrites, by A. A. Holchanov, D. 'tf. Yukhtanov, 6 pp. - RUSSIAN& per, Tevetwe Metally, Val 1, No 6, 1960, pp 21-26. Primary Sources Soi Feb 61 14*.'Oej-V Spectra and Magnetic FleXo of LoosIfted Gam-cm Which vere Obserwed During the &aer IcUpse of Ptbnw.z7 15ths 2961j, by A. U94mmv. FML4N$, per# ftlpoe= RSM No. 2., 19621, pp 53-58 CSIRD/No. 6868 /7) dy- C kq PC/ v Sci - JulY 1967 334-442 The Hydrologic Role of Forests, by A. A. Molchanov.. RUSSIAN, bk, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow, 196o., 464 pp. PL-4& oTs 63-11089 PST-870 Sci jan 63 ~ 2 R yao 14 and Thawlaff of: SoUsly. A. A. Y41 pp. RUSSUNj parg; L*mW* ;boso,:Tol Mo b 10 19500 pp 27-31. dl,,Ol t!~ SaL Tr Center WL-2207 sciontulia - 000PWLMU The Reserves of Needles in Pine Tre-es in Timberstands- of Different Ages., by A. A. Molebanovi 6 pp. RUSSUNp thrice-mo parp Dok Ak Nauk SSMj, Val IXM; No 5, 1949, pp 909-912- Sci Tr Center HT-T6h(*7 F, Scientific - Biology / C, e0 t, I M Corm.lation Between the Results of Radio Astronomy snd Qptical Observations of the Chromosphere, by A. Moldbanov. HUSSTAN, per, Solneahz3ye DawWe, Vo 11, 1.,;60, pp 64-66. CSIRO 562~li 5ci - Astrommy - Aug 62 Z ~) // 33 q VX r ~77 7. - -,z Von Applying Biological Yethods:br Regulating Water Conditions in Areas Undergoing Swamp Formtion, by A. A. Molchanov. RUSSTAN, bk, Trudy Inst Lesa, No 49, 1959, pp 45-53. *PL 48o Dept -Int Mar 61 Pbase Discriminator., by V. M. Vyatkina,, Z. K. Ivanwra, A. Z 9 pp. ,_ - r RLMSIAN per,% Radiotekh,, Vol XIT-1, No 10,; 1958, pp 3P&, Pp Sci - &W Oct 59 ) ~, /C~ 6 60-21898 Molchanov, A. L. SD F rTh -RATURE AND HULDDITY OF THE AIR M . Moldwev, A. L, AND THE SM TEWERATURE IN FIELDS BE- 11. PL-480 Agr (W-21998) TWEEN THE SHELTER DELTS (H.-zhJm Temperstury 111. National Science I Vlazhnosti Vozdukha I Temperatury Pochvy na Foundations, Washlrom Mezhpoloanykh Polyakh). 1961, Ilp. 14 refs. PL- a Q 480 Agr. Order from OTS $0.50 60-21898 Trans. of KazaWokil Nauchno-inale4mtel'skill -Y Gidrometeoroltogicheokiij Inst(Itutl/. SSR) W I 1956, v. 7. p. 57-65. DESCRIPTORS:* Air, *Soils, Temperature. Humidity. 'Plants, GrowtX Moisture, C21matic factors, Agriculture In 19M 1951. 1952. and 1953 the molatuTe Iind tem- perarure of the air and soll In fallow fields and In fields (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation. TT, v. 7. m 4) (over) of*-.I T-6.w.1 JI Stebility In the Case of a Neutral Linear Approximation., by A. K. KwAhanov.. 4pp 4 RMUN, per,. D* Ak Nwk OSSR, Vol C=,q 1961.. pp 24-27. Amer Mth Boo Sol -?, jun 62 "/,10/ The Bounded Variation of C~jntinuous Solutlous of the Hydrodynamic A- M. MOlehanOlf, 4 pp. RUSSIAW~ per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Val CXXIXs no 69 1959j, pp 1257-- Amer Inst of F4s Sov Phys-Doklady vol ivj. xo 6 Sci jui 6o Finite Sets and Scalar Pmducts, by A. 14. Molchanov, MO-Afth" RUSSLAM, Dok Ak Nauk U13SR, Vol CXVIj No 6, 1957, pp 9 20- 922. G / 4 ~ 0 c;2- 0 ZP Wr LiucoLu Lob Sci - Electronics, Mar 58 12 - :~f Me lc q6 o(DI Pal at tb~ AT* Wnt ftm fir V~o 'k v 4t a1.9, THE SPECTRUM OF A LOCAL SOURCE OF RADIO EMISSION ON THE SUN, BY A. P. MOLCHANov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, PER,SOLNECHNYYE DANNYYE, No 4, ig6ol pp 72-75. ~678378 FTD-TT-62-594 SGI - ELECTRON 212;,795 12 OCT 62 (1.;Y- 64 98) Use of Antenna Pattern Scanning in Certain Radioastronomic Observations, by A. P. Molchanov, S. S. GreLnyachenskiy, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, X MVO, Radlofiz, Vol IV, 140 5, 1961. JPRS 13656 Sci Nwf C2 194,30 The &?ectran of Iocal Sources of 5*3a Radio Fvdasion. 'qy A. P. Holdbanov. 4, Fp. - I . iSSMult per, Astrw ZIMM.15D, 50 1963.9 pp. 849-834 AIP SDV Astram.U Vol, vo No, 5 sci -P-Y31 mar 62 Antenna System for the Radioastronomic Sun Service,. by A* P Molchnnov,, V, H. Vyatkina,, 11 pp. &-~~ WSSIAN, rpt, Moscow, pp 162-168, OCR/FDD-NY-9688 Sci-Phys Effect of Frequency and Phase Jumps on a Tuned Voltage Amplifier, 'Oy,~,- P. M01OM2M 5 pp. R=IkN,, per., Radio Tekh,, Vol xvip 10.40 1961. AIM Sci lee'a, agl mar 62 use of a"* D" to bombe on fadtfta of dw alows ic villub as of the SOW Chm anvi*M A* 3 A~- rol CLVWO NO 20 v L"y AWf~f-I&(MVI i6 Jun 65 Annular Belipse of the sun - Joint EswiticD of Sorlet mad Chin*s* getestistoj, by A, P, ftlthanov,, Chlong, 11. N. ftriyokly. . -1 - 11.1. RMZM,, per, YOU Ak ftuk SMSO to 9j, ftV 1958,, PP 66-7-1. 9 TOY 3 Sci - Uopbyz fty Tmestiption of Anume lmtdUtAm Acom4log to cowdc Sovre" orm Baal* padletion vith mmte Sizes by 0. A. DogWRovatows A. P. KadbeMll P. V. Ollarduk, L. M. Pmmm # 9 pp. mmm, pars Rodi*tait i m"~ro, fti 1, 1b 6s 1956, PP 873-MT- Su R.3a Sci Jul 59 ikiuvia, -jiscmd tho sun ~bj4uu tho Ba4me of 15 Fto~ruaw 1%10 by P, P. ~blchdnav* 8 15j), P,VUL GPT-i~-6$.2 C,rs 61-15648 Molchanov, A. P. 'ME POSSIBILITY OF PREDICTING THE APPEAR- 1. Sunspots --Ratistical ANCE OF SOME SUNSPOTS BY USING RADIO analysis ASTRONOMY DATA, tr. by P. A. Kazakov. 2. Radio astronomy- - Preliminary Communication. [19601 3p. 4 refs. Applications [CSIRO Trans. no.] 5068. 1. Molchanav, A. 11. Order from LC or SL& mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-15648 H. CSIRO Trans-5068 111. Commonwealth ScWntific Trans. of SolnLchny~ Dannyye (USSR) 1959, no. 4, and Industrial IlLsearch p. 82- 83. Organization Q.umalia) 0FR"d T--Wcel S"..s (Asironomy--AsEropliysics, 71~ v. 5, no. 9) ljocza I*Sults of uadi"Strw"Ual *JO- suvatimu 0i solar bcupsvst by A, Vs-.tklotal 0 So 'p, il--MARD per Oulkqvt6 Glavad Astro- "Michteskai Wato 4 fxvesti~vs, V-01 -L lec *;ar 66 20766ZE jj 18 (M-3~27) The Eleventh AU-Uhion Scientific Conference of lnt.:~-rnists; Moscov Internists I Meetings, by A. S~ toichanov, 16 pp. ROSSIAD, pr, Tarspwi Arlth, Vol Wllls Ilo 2j 1966, PP 86-95- /H Z 113 L Jun 60 The Atcatution of Ltqdd lu a CwAmetar as a Urftd Of MMAISSUM SLILtM PonatUnjo by Be 3. VDIcbmm. =9L I- MSZUY Verp Avtm Prces No 4v MSg Vp 3648. Don in.= nio Bel - FMIG ibi 59 6A ( (7A 7 v/V f r/ Struggle Against Foot and Mouth Disease - Report of Pmfessor Waldmwm at IV Intervatiml Congress of Pathologists in Ewe,, W 1939# by D, P. Kolchanov., 4 pp. M. RUSSIAN$ mo per., Me Sovetalmla VeterinsrUmj, Vol XM,, No OP 1940s PP 97-98. CIA 9004232 UMk Tr No 523 Sai - Biology/ Madlelme Apr 1957 CTS/dex stuuly of the-Infectiowness or Saliva in root and Mbuth Disease on thO BaGiG Of PhYsiOl- o3ic-al Experimentp I)y L. S. Ratner, A. A. Xud2-javtuov,, N. 1. Leonovs D. p, Molcbanov; RUSSIM,, mo per$, Veterinart;Mp Vol XXXV., NO 3* Mar 1947o pp 280 rg. 4 USDA usm scientific - meditiw CTS 65#eb 55 4 / ////Ov 6n11 ectro-Slag Welding of Turbine Diaes of steaitic and Pearlitle Steelso by M. M. mofeyev, E. P. Molcbmt'n V.- 7 PP. !SIM, per, Svaroeh Proiz., No 11, 1959., 19, 20. British Welding Res Assoc 60 ~ '~- ~~ 17-'I-~Y 10 198 E. I. MOLCHANOV UK-28 Calculation of the temperature dlBtribuUon in a gas turbine rotor under transient conditions Teploenergetika, No. 1, 53 -57, (1956) TIL/OT-2770 - English Euratom Atlas of Diagrams of by E. K. Molchanov RUSSIAN, bk. 346 pp. M REP: 0678.23F July 69 State of Titanium Alloys AD 670 090 ~' k.", 38S,,360 _A'M,h,-v..rL 1. ondTyahnov. A. V. WE AMORPHM OF SEDPAE14TARY ROCKS AND rYS VALUE IN PROSPECTIM MR MM.RAI. FUFl- 1196219p. Order Imm ATS V 7.95 ATS-37IP59R Tram. at Razmdka I 0khram Nedr (LISSR) 1961, v. 27, no. S. p~ 8 - 15. DESCRWMRS, Minerala, Fuels. *CeWhymical P"w- pecitr4g. W1nwnVUkw4 *RoCk. -CM10p. 62-0263 1. kbicharov. L L U. Tyxh"ov, A. V. [it. Ai-S-371`591t W. Associated Technical Services. W.. himi 0i;mVt,, N. JFAmh Sciences - -Cmk*y. TT. v. 4. no. 21 040 of I-Aoki S Of RLYS'Ui~ Vol V. FTO-TT4 itd by M. %OW* W44JO "now NOUAliwo to 10. MY MMESIsk". lot VVY14" Clinical and Treatment Problems of Acute Pneumonias, by 1. S. 14olchanov. RUSSIAN,, mo per., Voyenno Ned Zhur, No 12, MOSCOWO Dee 19WY pp 27-33 US JPM 7995 sai p/ 9/ Jvl~r MO.), 0 On the Problem of Gaa Notion and Combnation in a Light Fwl ftins,, by K. X. 101chanov. UNCL RUSBIUp pers. Trudy Mbsk Avtom Dmvo In-tat No 17s 19551 pp 85-loo, DOIR LM (loan) M. 347 Sol - Bw Jul 59 lorazation Chambers and Aypmtus for StuOirg Wide Atmosphtric Coadc fty 840werat b.Y I. M. Bakkermns V. A. Dmitryovs L. P. MoUbanov, G. B. 103riatyansezip P. If 7arygiujo b py. - RtMDJ gar,, Pribory i ToM skMrp No 4,9 1958p pp 31:R - usuu sm of PA" soi Apr 6o (NY-5499) Obaracteristice of tbo Cowse of Fadiation Sickness Under rield Conditional by 11. Molchanov, 11 pp. BUBSW,, endycloWlap Bol'shap *61tsinsks EntaiklopediAm Vol XVI, No 2. 1960l pp 425%31. JPBB 79M 'Sei - W 7- Mar 61 Rebuildim the VX-3 azd U-1 Tx*naaltter T~Ws,, by V. 1. Verewwbagivi, N. I.- !~~ 7 pp. (AF 654372) MISSIAN, per# VeatnU Svpzlo No 1# 1955# pp 29-30. A= F-M-"35/V Bel - slectroufts.9 Ruginwibg UM - scorcuic 3 31 a -t 3 AV 56 ti bv' rx-, 122-76Y,; DIspansary Care of Personnel -- The Most lmp~)rtant Link in the System of' Prophy- lactic and Therapeutic -, Measures,, by N,, S. Molchanov RUSS 1AT4, tio per., Voyenno Med Zhur, No I., Moscow,, Jan 1960,, pp ZZ-27 US JPRS, 2641-N Sci // ~,_, 1411~4~ (At Y - /-3 711) "ome Problems of Current Importance *.v.i WIftary Field Therapy, by .0 N~ S. IvIolchanqv RUSSIAN, m0 per, Voyenno b-lad zhur, No 6, Moscow, June 1961, pp 9-14 73, US JPRo-": /0 -4 fvO V- Coneernirg the Fiftb Nllitft7-Scisutific Conference of the Iftlitary-Wieel AcadaW luni Ya. E. Purkyne in Cteeboolovakla, by A. it. Georgiyevskiy# N, 8, Molcbanov, RUSSUN per Voyenno-Med Zhur,, No 9.. Sep 1957., PP 91- . HA 9016432 USDA sci - Ned Stur - Czechoslov&la jai Jkr 58 Pr 0 s p C ct per, Nl s c C, no nd 4.J en. 15-4-3 )P LTCZ of T r c atir-E Some Results of the Study of the Condi- tion of the Internal Organs In Burned Patients.. by N, S,, Molchanol- RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno MedA Zhur, No 08., Moscow, Aug 1966, PP 36-48 US jPRS 76G9 / 15, 7 9 ~/ Certain problems of the Theory and Practlc-- of Oxygen Therapy, kV N, S, t4olchanov _. RUSSIAN, no per, Voyenno MW Zhur,, No la Moscovo Jan 19590 pp 31-36 - -17Z~L'L US JPRS 15M%N IXAT 5 1 vy' S'~~ g' a // (SF-18w) Science Is Blossoming in Siberia, by B. Aberchenko, V. Moldhenor 4 yy. 7~~ RUSSIM, np, Pravda, U Mar 1961) p 1. JPRO 4745 E~,Ai - Mise. /4-?, Yd'? aul 61 m2vutlsstl= 0t wool@ ftbm -31 Wtted by ZiGiCalm awshm wah a Rio cu a IV A6 X. Sbw*4kwtvi&,, V. A. JP. man't u At a* a=s. sw Asp im Vol xxvi, Ift 4s 1961.s pp "Tia. sai CIT SWOM ja 62 TV ,a] aig--rim-olltall Mlod~2 of a Phase Fluorometor*, by A. M. Bonch-Bruyevich, I.. V. lCarazin, V. A. Molchanov, V. 1. Shirokov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pribory I Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 2, 1959, PP 53-56. USASIA SC-59/n/59 Sci - Physics Apr 60 Y Angular Features of the Disintegration of Metals by Ion Beams, by V. A. MoIchanov, V. G. Tellkovskiy, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk SSSR, Serlys Fix, Vol XXVI. No 110 13S9-136S. 9633146 FTD-TT-63-326 Sci-Phys Jun 63 A.5 2/ V;7'~ The Dispersion of the Spedd of Sounds lacarbon Dioulphides by V. A. Molcbanov, 1. L. ftbalinakiy; I RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk 8Mv Vol Cys 1955P pp 248-249, UKM T. 1W sci - Physics J-.2j Y.// 6 Sep 57 The Reaction of Aldebydes &W ratows With Acetic Abbytirida. M. Reactim of Cyclopoutsuoue,,. Acatm., and &tbylpropyl Ketone With Acetic Anhydride, by 1. V. 14achinakaya,, V. A. Barkhash., Ve 1. Molchanov,# 4 pp. UNCLASSIFED FuU tranalation. EUSSM., no per., Zbur Obabch IbIm., WIM Vol XTIT Eo 5js 1953) pp bir-U9-- couultants b=m 3ciantific - Chemligtry 'j/ . CTSIDIX Corrosion of Silicate Glassea by Alkaline Solutions. CnMMIM Lou 6. Fhenomenon of "Sodium Carbonate Paradoxes," by V. S. Molchawv, F, E. Prikhid'ko,, 6 pp. RUSSLU) per, Iz Ak Wank 883R~ Otdel 'Uhim Nauk,, No 6, 19559, PP 975-980. CB Sci -- C, --Ttm 6i ~ 5 2 " L? 6 Corrosion of Silicate GUms by Alkslim Solutions. Commicatiou 5. VT*ct of Alkall Conceatration on the Degree of Deitrwtlon of Glasap by Vs. S. 1!~o~ N. 2. PriWa'kDp 6 pp. R=UN,, par, rz Ak Nm* SWs OWel Maim Nm*p No 1: 1959P PY 3-8- Co=ultants BM-Gau Sci - Mom Apr 60 Corrosion of Silicate Mateas b7 Allmliza ftluttow. Camunlastion I* Breakdwa of 4"rul QMr" MA") and Sam labontcry MUM by DOUM Ij ft a Xlft 04 Sodium Caba=U OdulAop; W T. So VoLdumv; N. I. houdko, 6 pp. R= ; perp to Ak U* SMy Otdd M" Oak.. 1957o PP U51-UP- all/YW XX-383 Wr T02MAM TO NAMOUS Bal - ChW *r 59 9V WIB lwarim UOR O= aouremeut of the Dissociation Potential of Fwed po- -;siun Fluoride and Sodium I ?Iucride,, by V. S. ,U translation. 7,~Sjn. lea BW, Vol IV, 1935, ,no pmjp. ..entiftc - ChemUtryp potmazium Morldej, sodium fluorlde A YO -7 Sov 52 CMI= Relating to Electrolysis Theory of Cryolite AlQmiria Solutions, by I. P.' Tvardovskly, V. S. M.01chamov, 19 pp. RUSSIO, per,, Zbur Prik Xhimo Vol Xj 11o 6. 1937, pp 1011-1019. Scl T; Center RT-1527 Scitatific - Cbeamistry Llcctroosmotic investigation of the Surface layers ,~-~n Glass, by V. S* Holchanov.. 14 pp. ,:- per, Zhur Fit XhIm. Vol XM 'MSIMj V 10 80 19390 I)p 1124-1130. Sci Tr Center RT-1208 -cientifIc - Chemistry :U1 5h CTS A Bev Phase Fluor=e+,er, by A. M. Boneh-&4vich, V. A. Ibich=IV, V. I. Shiro1mvp 4 pp. ..OMM ZISSIAN# m per., Iz Ak Nauk,. Bar Fizo Vol XXt No 5) 19%~ PP 596-6M. o0amatauts Bureau Sci - ftaics J= 19 57 "7-1 ? 169 6 ~-.-agmtic Sector field'o by V. 1G. TalIkOVSkiy, 12 par, Vast A"k Wv, 4or i ~-;ata ~,4kbs Ho Is, lftl* pp 22-26o 9697779 Vf~~-TT-6S-697 bci - Phys 65 287s557 V.,,v on the Possibility of a Transition Betwen Two Tnpea of Concentration Qmuching of Fluorescence., by B. Ya. Sveshnikovt L. A. twomtsom,, V. A. RMBIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk Sms Mys ftep Vol OIX., Iro 4., JU-Aug 1956., pp 746- Amer lost or PIWO Bcw Pbys "Dokladym Duration of Fluorucence in Mesoderivat Ives of Antbraceneo by A. S. Cherk"Ovs V. A. 'MOIChanOvs T.M. Vembers K. G. Voldaftica, 3 TP. RMSIAN, per$ DOk Ak XaUk SMs F1W9 SOC; Vol CIXp No ill jul-Aug 19569 pp 292- Amr Inst of PbP Sov PbWe *D(dcWy" 80i - Fwa Vol I, No 4 J -/1 6 a y Aug 37 Raosmt PWO 7AIM& LOM va ]MM., 10 T# J-Po'" w 913-915- 3" lkd 3w 62 194070 i"Ormica of Silieste (11"ass by AlkAlims Solutions.Comwaicaticm 2, Raiatim Bdtw"n d IfI%2 Stability of Gl"sas to Alkali wA Ccepteitionsy by V. S. VAeleMnovp Is Be PrIkbId- kop 4 pp. RMSIAIF,, per, 9 Ix Ak rAuk%Up OtAel M" Nauk,, So 1j, 19581 PP 3-,7 -, Bel - Chen Influence of the Oxides cr Wtivalea, Slownto on the Alkali Reoi6tance of OUsaeop by V. S. M,olcbanc7., T. M. Makaronj 7-pp. --- PrIk .RUSSIANj, per, zhur/nim.. mrv., No i.. ig6ij py, loo-io6. CB fq~!i 14sr 62 14 F ~ 5... R// The Cont-radictorT Nature of Glass, by V. S. - 1,'lolchanov, I pp. RLOSSIM, bk, Proceedings of a Conference on the Structure of Glass, Academy of Sciences USSR Press, Moscow-Leningrad 23-2-j Nov 1953, Pp 300. e1 04~t3 ~\ CB Sci - Chem Oct 59 Influence of Various Factors on the Structure of Surface Film on BiUcata 02-assect by L. S. Yantrebova *vA V. S._._XajahanovP 8 pp. FMSIAN,.,por Zhw PrIk Xhim, Vol =, No 11, 1958.- PP M-69-1635 - CovAultafte Bureau Sci Doc 59 /0 '? ;z .2 f 0 Corrosion of Silicate Glasses by Alkaline Solutions. Commmication 4. Corrosion of Glasses by Solutions of Various Hydroxides, by V. S. Molchanov, N. E. Prikhidlko, 5 pp. RTJSSrM, mr, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Xhim 'Nauk, No 8, 1958o pp 969-90. 1?/7"- ? -:L Z-- Consultants Bureau Sci Apr 6o co=oiion of Silicate Glas'ses by Alk&line Solutiono Carmmication 3. 1yibibitors of thc Alka"I Ine Corrosioa of G2=acs) by,V. S.,- 11olchamv, V. B. Prilthid1ko,, 7 pp. RUS31k,", A"' Nawk 33OP" 01- "adr, 6 '7 AIC, 11o 7, 1'9582 PP 301-605. ConsiLlUmto Phireau //~ / ~2,2 44 i,jpr 6o Deta*osition PotAmtt&U of Fbsed BleattvIrWai. by 1. P. T"rdMklyp Vj.AjjjqjjbMM 22 Of Ruamp prp ow Ma M&.$.Vol ]XI, no 20 IM pp 9394510 Be ftm caftr BT-954 SaientIM - emAiMV