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RockeU p Sat&13.ites 9M the BQI=atiw of the Upper Atmosphdr, by A B. A. Hirtov 25 qP- i RMIM, p*rj Prireft., go lo.. 1,961.. 93-31. 9676281 sci - Space Eft If Apr 62 The me&smian of pormtift of a Meteor Tr*41,; bY B. A._uiztaX# 4 pp. RUSSW, part Astrm Zhurg Vol XUVIII No 39 1960', pp AIP got Ast"3k.-Ai Vol IV# go 3 Sol lob a Mgh-altltuda roWwt Investigationa of the Cavesition of the Atnmqftro,. by So A. YArwv,p 26 RUMM) Pori V0010 ?lx xwk,, Vol iMs pp 181-196. Awr motwmi am AV embriap lbo carALr Sol - Geopbyacs ion 60 Ametional and Structural Peculiarities of the Cerebral Cortex in Relation to Traum During Gatogenetic DwaoSmat) by B. G. Zolenkova, L H. Hirtm, 11 pp RUSSUN, per, 2hur Vysshoy TerrDentel imeni 1. P. Pavlava, Vol X., No 1" 1960, pp _UO-Ug. sci Feb 62 rhe Present Status end Prospects of Natural Gas Prodaction in the USER., by A. WxUte - I - -16 P.P. aERM., per., gr&a und IbhIe-Rr4*s-Fbtrochemie,, Vol XITIJ% No iot 196o, FP 7&-7ffi- tUU No TN%Oo -,48.p Rog TO An 5m f A Econ A/Iw- Apr 61 L,ettalurg, vol. 13, E'O. 1., 13 a,-,, .I..'L-'ct; 1103% Tn'llucnce of ctice on Susceptibilit-.- to ..:elting Pra , Flakinr-- aid Nonmetallic Inclusions in Dearinr 7-tecl. Brutcher Traaic-, Orde-li, 'No. 620, t'?1.40. ~) ) 0 Detevmln tion of tb.-. Local-lavel ftramatems From Induced Infrared IATulty Pb*t*wuftcUyity CO Sinae CrYstRU) bY I. A. Y4rtekbUUVR, RgdbMft R. I- Chikmni,, 5 PV- YOSSIM, per, Pis Worftp Telap Vol VO No To 19630 pp 1769-1775. Amer Xwt Pbys BOV Pbp-SoUd State Vol Vo No T sci 4- Jan 64 :'F.,tvmination of Porameters of Localized Centers in 6_-mlconductors Using Long-Duration Light 1: 1 ,-xcitation, b,,, 1, A. Mirt.5khulava, 5 pp. i-,USSMI, per, Fizika Tvordogo Tela, Vol V. No 6j 1963, pp 14514-15M Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, No 6 Themodynamics of ZlectrolAes, by 1. A. 6 u, ava Full translation. Y, L RUSSIAN,, per,, Zhur Fiz M21mv ;~~Ix PP 1347-X 1354. Scientific Physics Aug 53 CT6/DZX Thermodynamics of Coic6ntr'ste0i"Oolutions of: st'rong Electrolyte$, Part Irp by L-A. Xlrtekbulava Full translation. RUSSIAN., per,, Zhur Piz Mdmp~~ pp 39-47. Scientific - Physics A 53 CTS/b]M The Dependence of Resistance Th Erosion of Coherent Soils on Cohesion., by To. R. Mirtakhalava., 3 PP. HUSSIM, per; Dok Ak IvA WM$ Vol CXXIV) No lp 19591 PP 165-167- AGI Sci jun 61 /-f -3 5 .41e Corrosion of Siatevvd CuTWes in AtUss, 67 14, Wjtkavaj, ;~. MtrummId, JAPANESE. Per hip-on Klagotu Clukkat-Shi 0 v Val 32, ~,O 1, 19", p1, 7--1e. Arril 69 377,729 XqUIXODS fw Alessi" T" am" wd ftu ciaod away caditum: of 10 Al I a 16494T two#. by BMW# VW* SalabOb IhWAkp go 20# aw Im 00 soon AV " Spectrospopic Stu4 of the *ocassas of Vlbratioml amwa IftwastamtIOA of C=pl M Molecule in coll4gi I. Ott Me DetWWL=t:ion of Us AMMMt of Ama Transfawed ml Us RMalancy of OolU- siorls. by B. So NoWaftlp So 0. MXWWfAU , ____j 4 Ipp RMSIM# pwp OV%M I SpdMov Val VMq ib 19wo pp 629-63h OBA Sai /5-0 may 61 7 Fordp We* I= tm Tntemity at +A0 uTect of AWwpdon of 3-Mwtby .a .64idw- 9280tronic a b7 S. 0. A~tbauldds vaw x4pol%uts 4 pp RMSUNs, Pws 0 ~ i spekwo't Vol us 19wp PP7 sa 7 &V 61 Spectroscopic Study of the Processes of Vibra- tiowa Energy Transformation in Complex Molecules in Collisions, II. Effect of Foreigm Gases on the Fluorescence Yield of 3-Dimethyiamino-6- Aminophtlaallmidep by S. 0. M1r=y=ta0 B. S. r1eporeat, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Speltroskopiya) Vol V111, No 6, 196o. Optical Soc of Amer Sci oct 6o InvestiptiM looml. Iberml Ifftct, of MActrameaustic 3 cu Wav" on Animals IV V. I xLzv&eDw*q;, U-,.Np. Per Un Vol IM., so 3,# ~389- 9667361. 901 ~ Dia.. W. ion 63 L-Wact ai BloWI(ImIsdan an Uw Distributica of liaat7 jund tue "aguitude of tw luerwal afla Lxwkug Actioa I of a swarbigOOFMqueacy blec"Wagmatic 1461-4 oil mi2als,, ay V# I& &v4ntt#q4pA 7 ppe IJKWKIANO par,, Fin-bro-gTe-h4yy ZIAUMI AkWaWiyi iiuk UrayivAkayi nit, Vol Xv No 5,9 Sepz/Oct kA LU640 .pp 641-" 646, JPPS 27N2 WWk sci-Bio it V4'd Feb 6s 274*2s* Nonlinear Genera3lzation of the Dirac Spinor Equation, by Do Ivaueako" No larfanastmili, 3 PP- F. - -EMON"Wl RUBSIAN,# per, Dok Ak Nffuk SBOR, P4v Sac, Vol CVI, No 3., PP 413- Amer Lwt of Pbys SOV Phys *Doklady" Vol 1" so 1 sci - pbys 164 Aug 51W Perminvar Effect in Complex Ni-Zn-Cr Ferrites, by N. Z. Miryasovj S. A. Sorokina, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fizika Tverdogo Tela., Vol V, No 9, i963~ pp 2641-2646k. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V: lio 9 sci Apr 64 254,555 'Ferromagnet-ism of by S Z. Mi.-Yassov-S, Y" it, Bar r, Iz Ak Pa 3, 1959, pp 285 Col=bla Apr 6o Piz, Vol MIL Tech Ply, 1116,70 Nov Idetma of pust'lo Dofwmtioo or rromqpotc Crymbo by no a. AIMIOVp N. Z. miryes".-.. MUM, per, ZhumZlIsOrist'vol XVIZZI so 30 19k80 py 389-394. 1 ,Dmtcbor Tr ST35 Sciontific - Physics $3.80 14 11 16 6 On the Problem of the Nature of the Double Yield Pointp by Ya. H. Rauzin, A. N. Mirza., 6 pp. RMSM, per, Fiz Metal i Metallov.. Vol VII, No 2, 1959, pp 259-264. pp Sci Aug 60 6~7z Aopecta of the aWwsion or the LObOr Forcep by PArian Mirza., 14 _up* MWMI per, Vol 46P No 4" Ap.r lop pp. JPM 36097 jul 66 304.,758 Is Telepathy Possible., by Do Hirm 4 PPO m=m.. per., Ttkh moiodezhi,, No e., 1961., PP 30-33- 9676532 ym-m-62-163 Sci - *~d 3 ft 62 19-11117 Antibiotic SubsUnces of an ActinoWeete Origin Apinst Mytopatbogenle WerwrSimism.. by R. Of BUSWNp per# D Ak Nauk B=p Bar BW Va MY# so it jimom 1959, pp 103-U0. CIA ;az Bei - medicine jai 59 um Kinetics of the Liberation of Copper by the DiapbraM Wtbod of luternal Blectrolysia, bY A. K. Zhdanov, V. A. NaadeZrev, F. Kirzabekov, 3 iv - MMIAN, per) Zhur PrU Xhim, Vol XXXJ~ No 4) 1958, pp 6140-642. Consultants Bamau Sci - Chem ~f g '7,< Jun 59 / %., A Sim-oiIi"ied- mot-horl Fnr Intern-n-I Rlectmilyaio Using a by A. 1,. ThUz-am.-,- V. A. rm-Alayev; aznd,'-~', I.I. RUSSIfLN, Mm.:-- ~kua, llo-um. Voll Xill, !"G 6, iqc,iA, pp 6:61-66'ZI, coxioultmitr, Sci Bab C,(j A Fo1urim.-Ion Rodimter cm- the Wava I=3gth X ".3-2m arA Its Vs*2 by W. L. MVdaamkiys a 0. mrzv-,~,, S. 2. mwj=n. BUSSMS pwo Trao P~- soveababolys PC voprwm ED I't ];p ue-ms AOM Sol - sap ~. .1 1, 9 7e wh3 Penetmtion end Preservttioa of Act:Wity of Antibiotics In pUnta In Testing Ag&lwt Fhytopathopnic -a- - -- _- My by R. 0. Hirs- kv-P K. A. Mentkova. HJSSUN~p bimo pws, Is Ak Weak SM., Sew Diol., No 6,. now/bac ig"j, pp io-iq. CU D WT514 Scientific - Bloua jun 56 m/du Antibiotics u a Measum for Disinfecting (Apricot I Cattinp, From latema InfealAoul Dy R. 0. Mrzabe4w. RUSSIU,j b;tw per# Agrabiol(WiRs No 2# var/Ayr 1955p PP 130-134- CrA D WW ,-~ 1- 3 ~ 1,5-- USDA 374,,/9/ Scientific - BiolW Jun 56 M/dm Nicrobes-Antagonista and.Their Antibiotic Sulut;tlances in Cmitrol o:r Mytopetboggenic Microbes, by R. 0. Mirzabekian. RUSSIAN, par, iol,, lo 2g Mar/Apr 1953,, p~17!9~lk- Scientific - BiOlOU2 CTS/bEx UtIlizatim of Antlblotlco In B= Dicomma of Plantas by N. A. Krasillulkw, R. 0. Hirmlbeklau, S. Askarova. ftn tranaation. .719' HUSSIAN,p Dob,Ak Nauk S56HO VokW. Aug IS*l, pp 1025-1027. RkbdbMft 511 P44L Usm Tr USSR Scientific -~Bioloay Jul 53 C%/]]~ 94fect w- Antagwistic~Rier.obii,~and~-ttaiLr,:: hatibloti PActeria Substmes ou a Sericia or cuma Aoents C.&I Diwoes cxV A,7ictdtural Craps,, by R. 0. HirrAbf %-ik.jAn., IVU tranAstion. RUSSIAN,, pw,, DDk Vaesoluzu Ah Sol Nauh Imni V., 1. twims vol xmi, No 5,# ff 102s PP 34-30. 20 Pla USDA 'k um Scumuric BLOUU Jul 33 mail m MAborstlon of a Blolcgiml MietluA for the Centrol of Potato ViLrtv: by R.O. Mxwbebrml N.V. OWtainas O.G. Belyakovs. RUBSVJs perg Agroblologt" No. 4.9 19610 pp 566-5W W/Bef C-40 R. 6 2 A 6,--- *- y Aej sci - July 1967 334430 0., Displacetfi6rA of Gas by Watar in a Porous gadiu~ y A - Xh. Wirza4zhanzade # ~ V - V. Mwtafayevv 6 pp - RUSS=Jy per, Xz Ak Nauk SSMp Obftl Takh ftuk,, wo 11P 1958y PF 95-97- ATS 67L30R Sci - Chem Sep 59 Vol 2p Ho 2 a-4- to N. V. T*Uts ArUole "%a now of Two WPJ%T bmisdb2o Imp= CC visa*-awo lawltdo In a Cimaw PUwv" br A. M Mrzoasbenzaas A. A. utwomms 2 vp Fm Im NAMMs bim "". 99101A Zhurp Vb~ ICITIT Jb 3* lot xqJw-3w-, #.2,-.2 IF6.1 fts . cbmdstgy an " m Fi-1tration of Gancondenneft Mixturn in a Porous Meaum., 'by N. Kh. Mamrramovt AA. Himadzhanzade, 9 pp. MSM., per., Prik Materat i 1-kikh,, Vol MIEV., No 6) 1960., pp 1094-1m. 'Y2 /0/ 4 801 ~ /7 ~ Z_ Aug The Mwement of TOO Circular Cylladrical Layers of a Viscoplwtic Suboton In a Cylindrical Circular Pipe. by A. Kb, Hirzadzbouxaft and A. A. Mirzoyan., pp. RU8SW,, bimo per, Rouad Mwo voi'NPM') so 48 1955o Pp 299-301. qIA C41023. Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Nsr 56 cTs/d= plastic Fluids, and Lav of Wdrodynamic Similarity by A. F. Kaolmov., A. 1b, Mrzadzboozad~, 9 PP. RMSIM, per, PrIk Met I Mekh., Vol XIK, 1955., vp 348-352. CIA/?DD X-2752$ sci4ftth Apr 56 6 // ~410 'j~ Approximate Sob"flon of -tbe Problem of '-h!!! Ttster- Motion of a Vi6cous-Plastic Fluid in a Ciccular "IllIt " p, . jl"~ . a3" nzadde. A, Abbcsov, pp- RUSSIAN;, t1hrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol !956, pp 249---251~ ACS31 Tr 954 Apr 5P, Uhivarsal Assembly JIfp In Seebanical, BaSineeriago bV S. M. Mxzo.--v. RWSIAN,o bko Udveroa1'w!9L)om Prisposobimin v Hash1watrogiodep 1963p 140 pq RM FMS 31364 (00 LO=) p S ~ P9. M 1, r~ -,~ or, V Aug 65 287..211 ft-mly to N. V. TyOftls ArtIOU "ON Flow of TW L$WM at vincelasue l4wqdf Lu a Cl=m2ar FSp#" by A. Xbo A* MLvsqm 2 hu lw waaws b=w vor. gbl]Afd Zktry V* I NO 310 3900 'ICal on The movement ofIvo Circular CY]ln&ical Layers of a Viscoplastic Substance in & Cylindrical Circular Pipe. by A. Kh. Hirzaddanaft and A. A. Mirzoyw,, 4 pp. RMrAN,, b1mo per., KoUoid Mwj Vol no 4,% 1955, pp 299-3M. "A C41M consultants Bureau Scientific - Mamistry mar 56 cTs/d= (FDD 19433) ExperimeAte'in'the Comlex Heebanization of Potato Grovin& by C. A. Dianova,, A. S. Koranovap A* 1. MirzoYans 6 pp. RMSM m0 Perp -SELd I Q=Ws 10 5m ibecowt Wv IMI pp CIA/M/9-5231 U= Econ On the Nature of Continuom Emission, b:3~ L. Mi-ra0yan, 4 pp. RMSIAN, pe-r, Dok Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol cxxx) NO 4j 1958; pp 667- Amer Inat of Pb~m SO-V Phys - D0,41MY Vol r1l, No 2 Sci - Phys Jul 59 BpmW.L Geodetle Aoslgmmt. We ByarWmn Ast ftwfttft7vjjj2 pp- .,Vo x1raorm,- FMTMO mmoamphp vabukap AftNtLzl- cheskays Obse ~ 190P 11P 3-30- a 8zR-3uA //0, 2 Ahl USSR 7 Astro oysaing of 'Zho Blaahm Astropbralcal Obse"atery of the Acadeqr of Sclowes of the Armulas WR ited tto Coaarame an fth-8tatlooU7 Stons by L - V KivZopto I -pp - RMIM,, perp Astrm Zbwt Vol X=p 10 2a 1957.t vp 305-309. AWr got Cit Fdp sow Astm - AZ Vol 10 lk 2 - Sai - Aotv= AW Sd mw 62 10s701 Analysis of Certain Alloys Basad on Ziroonium, by S. V. Elinson, L. 1. Pabedina, N. A, Uirsoyan, 6 pp- 0-------- RUSSIAN, par# Zhur i~La! Whim, Vol XV, No 3, 1960, pp 334r-330, CB / V/ V ) ? I/ Sci kug 61 ploA V* A%vAvA 01=mmm Fz- (mdpurs- "WPUMS, Al*dldn) In Anodas IW 07 A - nrmi* - 3 pp - rn, walm,p mr utomalve mozo V61 Imr . .11 0 NO J.. 19%, pp SW AIN SOL jen 61 /J 6, 4,2*2,q Tbo ftas aogy of pr*yzrat4mw mad,& n NuCritz P "ItM L# by S. At Maw) To 8, Tatwoeyan "903OP! ,4 RWIM, per, ftivakol I Takeftelp Vo go 5, 1956p pp 20-33. ConsuitarAs BUMU Sol - Med 59 Reflexes From the Receptors of a Rabbit's Ear Vessels Evoked by Sodium Nitrite and Platyphylline and the Mode of Their Realization, by S. A. jjLzoYan, T. G. Movsesyp, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Med, Vol LII, No 12, 1961, pp 54-57. CR Sci 2100649 Sep 62 r-wolowmt- or the M&ctV-cal ReaMon of the Retina I'a ontogemois, '07 0. G. Domireboglymi, V. S. pl). [..-.~ASIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SM., Vol XCI No 3$ L--,,53, pp 371-374. Nn 3a-5-6o r ~b 61 Oft AND OW WftTIC, ta CONTROL micas mr Ygo xlWvAo6 WNIANS ms~ Am$ ANgwilp we 10j, 196it PP 36t 376 ON USSR MON set - asmits IWP463 The Electrical Activity inthe Cortex of Young Children ~Aien Falling Asleep aind'in the Initial Pbases of Natural Sleep,, by N. S. Mirs )J~yants, 6 PI) - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Vysshey Derv Deyatel imeni I. P. Pavlcrva) Vol XIj 110 3,, 1961) pp 432-437. PP Sci jun 62 198)950 Changes in the Electrical Activity of the Brain in Early ChildboW in Responas to a Flicker Stiwmlus By N, S, pp, 6 RUSSIAN. per. Zhur Vyssbey Nerv Doyatel imni L P. Pavlova, Vol XI, No 6. 1961. Elewler Pub Co. A Sci Jm 63 I (FW 21396) RUSSUNp bim porp,Zbw VYSWN.Y Nervam L tell )on nostl Vol! IIIp NO 2o lbscOv., NBr/APr 1953, pp 192-202. . CIA/PM/yj-6255 um '1r P? j r Sci - Medialm I'lPMAYEW . W. ., A M Thh Action of Ethylorthoformate on Diacetyl-and Acetyl- Acetone. Zhur Obshch Y--' Vol xil 1941. MIM) Sci -useum Library 50/1889 4- FO / ~;,- the of Azerlbtlydzhan, by Ye. Mirzoy--V7 pp Lj s lo,51" ^""M ift *11,111110woo so,011 1 or to & I L 16 wwoii~ , , "map"* sowgn% Ift ~m w % oko ve W& iL 6* SU 0 rtm w il 2047" 62-222D5 _Wzoeva DETERNUNATION OF SOLID PHASE CONCENTRA- 1. Mirzoeva. I- K 71ON IN A TWO-PHASE MEMUM IN UPWARD 11. International Chemical ManON IN A VERTICAL TUBE. Oct 61, Sp. 4 refs. En&eering, New York Order from ICE In v. 1, no. 1. *15. 00/year Tram. of Akad(emlya] Nauk Azerbalfthan[skol] SSR (Baku]. Izvestflyal 1957, no. 9. p. 11-19. Another trans. is available from ATS $11. 00 as ATS-38N50R [19621 8p. DESCRIPTORS: *Phase studies, Solids, Equations of state, Heat transfer. C 2 0213 2 C, 0 (Physics --Thermodynankg, TT, v. B, no. 8) 0111c@ of Toc6lcul SwAcei CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF TRANSFUSION OF A DRY LEUCOCYTIC MASS IN LEUCOPENIC CONDITIONS, BY M. E..MIRZOYEVA 9 PP. RUSSIAN) PER ~ AZERBAYDZHANSKIY MEDITSINSKIY ZHURNAL, VOL XXXIX, NO 11, 1962,. PP 15-20. JPRS 17210 SCI - MED JAN 63 220,137 (Dc-69 i o) PREPARATION OF A DRY LEUKOCYTE AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ITS ACTION, BY M. E. MIRZOYEVA 9 PP. RUSSIANj, PER: AZERBAYDZHANSKIY MEDIT ZHURp NO 21 1962, pp 67-71- jpRs 1483o SCI - MEDICINE AUG 62 20T.,083 StudieB of -the Albacore - V. The Fishing Condition and Size of Albacore Taken in the South Pacific Ocean, by Honma Mlisao~- Kanimura Tadao. JAPANESE, perp Report of Wanlv~i Regional Fisheries Research Laboratmry,, No 6p 1957v PP 84-90. Dept of Interior SH211j E82, No 232 Sci - Biol Sep 60 A Population Study on the So-Called Makajiki ~Striped Marlin) of Both Northern and Southern E-:wiapherea of the Pacific - I. Comparison of E;,~nernal Characters, by Kamimurs, Tadao, flonma. VIPAIME, per., Report of the Nankai Regional Fisberies research Laboratory., No 8, 1958o PP 1-11. Dept of Interior SH2111 E82~ No 237 3ci - 3iol 6o A -o~lulation Study on the So-Callea Makajiki (S-triped of' Both Northern and Southern Hemiapheree of IC , Pacific -- II. Fishing Conditiow; in the Southern F::-.dsPhcrc; by Honma blisao, Kamimura Tadao. jj~:"Abl,'ZBP rpt Report of the Nankai Regional Fisheries .i -;enrch Laboratory, No 81 1958) pp 12-21. Dept of Interior SH211)B82)No 231 Blol xx Fire Testa of Prestreseed Caumte Beam , by Ivao Nisugi) NuaO BUAPWM) Tauum Nogaehi.. 6 pp. JAPAMM, UuidwtMe& Article Wb by Japwme SmIety of Pmtmsed Coamte TacbwlW, AM MA 60-18% Sol Jul 62 Vol 4) No 12 "A"WUSX-M JLWX ~-y Jan #11-surs too pp.. GUC4, bk, Prini&A "ra Valitele JO&OWk Pourd ;Adwy" Co. DIM. M- - 01C. 10 U, - Czechuslovukia ~~ T 3a B-1685 Problems and Developments of Personal Consumption in Czechoslovakia, by Misar, Miroslay CZECH) bk, Prague, 1957 jj'2 C - ~-,a 7~X) New Czechoslovak Norms for Turbocceprossora., by fmgineer Dusan naoavk j 8 pp. CZECH, per., Ncxmlimcep Vol Unt No 6p t7= 1960j, pp 85-87- JM 8D88 EB= - Czeabasloyakia Ecou Apr 61 I 7T-63-20434 Ujifig.joniornaga and Fultunags, Kazuo, DEMmINATION OF y-BHC By CHROMATOGRAPHY 1. MiBato, T. [19631 (Bpi 7refs 11. Fukunap, K. Order from SLA $1. 10 7T-63-20434 Trans. of [Nihon Nogei-Kapkkai Shil (Japan) 1952. v. 26, p. 24-27. (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: Oinsecticides. *Hexachlorocyclobexan *Chromatographic analysis, Adsorption, Silicon com- pounds, Dioxides, *Gels. The chromatographic procedure proposed by Harris for the determination of y-BHC was modifled to enable use of a smaller partition colunin and less reagents without sacrificing accuracy. Silica gels having an adsorption capacity of less than 5% (moisture adsorbed by silica gel placed over 30% aqueous H2SO4) were found to be suitable for the chromatographic procedure. (Author) (Chemistry- -Analytical. TT. v. It. no. 4) Offl- W T-hM.A S.-I... :42. . A ." .:.,. 1-~ I ,f 4 - . - - k., e f~ ~:, Icalellm of the ?=we of Wy Q=sIng at D -Oven M, -*e b~y WfM. qcc Rovae de -V ladustrie FA-moole,, Val X75117 :L961., -z4) a cohe a. A. 63 AeMtotic of PerUdic Solutions of Systmw of DifferimMal Equations CMU10109 amU Parmtera in the Derivativess, by 2. F. !"C~fflllwp 32 pp. WSSW,, per,, Iz Ak Bak SMp ftr Metemstp Vol XCEs 1957; PP 697-654- Am" Math S" fti - jbth gel Aug 63 Ageing of Barlm Titonato Singla crystau. by Am 6 pp. MWIAV# Pwt YU TTS24W ' mla, Vol IT, No 6. 1960, pp JV6-1=,, AIP Sw Phy&-SolJA State SA -~ j - Jan 61 / / ge 62-16469 Mtscb- A. ELECTIVE MLMSM IN CHILDREN. R9621 [77)p. 1. Misch. A. (refs. ornitted). Order from SLA $7.60 62-16469 Trans*of Zeitschrift fUr Kinderpsychiatrie (Switzerland] L95Z V. 19, no. Z p. 49-87. DESCRIPTORS: $Speech disorders, *Children, 'Psycho- neuroses, Diagnosis, Anxiety, Behavior, Personality. *Verbal behavior. Therapy. 3 (Biological Sciences- -Neurology and Psychiatry. TT. omm at T*Ch*A Wyk" Y. 9, no. 2) 1 Smelting Trials With Suedish Ore Pellets., by Rockmann, "s . Mu"Irm GERM., per, Stabl u Zioonp &n 100 p 21. Co-W Tr Sobome Tr 865 (L4.0.0) Set,- Min/Met At= - Germany Econ APT 58 6 021 ~ I rAl I lber=4nwAc Investiption of SoUd Reactions in siucute aptemes b~r Bmbusbkin X-schedlAw-Petrossian. GMDMN Fws siukat Teobldk# no 50 1958j. pp 209-M. calmo sai - CbAm ;2 12,, ~16 0 Jul 62 Scee Chameteristics of the Sub-7mily Catantopinne, bor L.L. Madwhenko. rmssm, per, Fa=m sm - Ingimm .D&I�M~~, No. 2., 1W., pp 24-31. x= ~,. fil I S C h C A CAIAC4, sai - Aug 6T 335-9T6 pcx, Prace Alast. -,,ia-ft,, :io 75,, Lifj3, K. Mischke t-Yi: 67 321 SIL; On the Doeompookition Temiam of Apbar~ MwW1 and Thorium, by_g. , - _pqsSW9,=s ITALIM per,, Gazz ChIm Ital, Vol R# LX, 36v 1950, pp 882-W5 TPA3/T3B , T 4221 //,, a 0 0 Scientific - Chemi8try Me S,7s'ue,-i: Thoriun Mtrate-Etther-Water Detween 00 and 200 "1 by P. Misciatelli. IIALIA11, per, Gazetta Chimica Italiana, Vol LX, 1930, pp '833 -138. q L) f AEG Tr 499 Sci - Cheirdsti"y june 1951 CTS ;2x 9-~- /) ge) / 3 m /Oid'hyl ilitrate-Ether-Water Bei e'n'06 and- %200 ~by' P Misciatelli ITALIAN, (.per, Gazetta Italiana, Vol LXi 1230, PP 839 - 642. AF-C Tr.532 Sci - Cherastry Au.- 1951 cms IAstrw=t for the Balative Keavarewnt of MMmUe Pleldsp by 1. S. M*igav U. D. Phizer,, F. A* Mwp 9 pp. AMUN.4 per., PWdUrtekb L glektr., Vol X; 3o 12., 1956j, ,Dp 1515-1519, lbrris 16 Priedm=-127 4ul 58 )*~l Flov in Oblique Rollingl by S. HIM at alo a?,AV,U, Perp gumitOMO P%tal9j, Jul 1957s v9 143-157- /V L 1~ 0. qs-te~ Mikh Iron and Stet Ind 1351 (LIO) aci - Mn/Hat Jun 59 ra Reactors for the Syntlaeois of Amonia, by M. B=uw,ann, T. CZEM, parj Chem Prumyul') Vol V7II/)=Il; NO 5, 1958) pp 229-233- ATS CJ-33-973 Sci - Chem Jaa 60 A 74 1 F IAI~Oratory in tollatJon to Grow and to AUoy Genunl= Sla4e Cryst&U,'))y 9. Nortm.. 1. HL"Iftkt and 0. MaUclukr and G. Spy=.. 10 pP. 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