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-VpOrA)ersM Ot OptlMMI CWT(A CO the P4MUMV-11i (!~~ I d tbe, C&Jecu by fto KuUko*AL V~'jL"l a p4wo 21vdwla-~~* i lft2t!h-1lAY, VC4 1 - - .964~ pp *1lTl>-Ty-t5-9m 1W.; kbqs All ~1-15 miny-6668) rlj- ,timnrn S,,otcrns of Automatic Control, I- Rmall 73 PP~ POLISH, Archiwwn Automa'byki i Toleme6hanild.. Vol ITI, No '2-13~ ig6i. pp 2~ ,yz--RS liz-99 Sci 'lln"o Llec ,y /74~ vsf Distribution of Ce144 and cs137 in Pregnant and Lactating Mice: Their Entry into the Offspring and Elimination In the )MR) by V, at Null") 3 PP. -RWS.IAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol OnV,, No 1, 1957, m-p 77-79. Amer Inst of Biol Sai SCi - Biology -Aug 58 (NY-2600) A ON THE nmwzam or THE WT GERI-M FOPEIQN TRADE BANK NETWORK., BY H. KULINAT, 8 pp. GERMAN: PER, DER AUSSENHANDEL UND DER INNERDEUTSCHE HANDELp VOL Xlls NO 9, 19622 PP 30-32. jpRs i48A EEUR - GERMANY ECON s. AUG 62 207,097 17 Ibe 'irwoferable AAU to IWt caV a DigLtal obits by C!UunAv 9 pp. C;J&yt&k;, JXW, Wdmb2 UNNOMISNAff so 14s, ,Jul 1967, pp. 13-17q. j Pib 42= Sep 67 au* Inamm Fogip BOODWAO Aeuvitiyo tw //9 Ho"t Kultato 9 pp, amil, bar* V. Jm 19681, pp 338,34f Aummift JAS 46,330 Rok S-t- ; fu,4 T- aj?, GQVMW f-con Supt 68 365v223 THE MISSILE SEEKS SUBAMARINES, BY D. KULINICH 4 pp. RUSSIAN, NP, KRASNAYA ZVEZDA, 2 FEB 1~0'2, PP 2, 3. JPRS 15502 USSR MILITARY OCT 62 212,922 wty Infermftm by IS9 apt 23 1*1# P Its 6'y x" mAlctramspetto fte=Uve Oxgum for Antmatie Control Systswq IV A. M. Bmdast Ve 4 Txzlimiohg V. A. Samovp 7 PP. HIJ33M. per, Wtoftft I Telwakt4 Voi xxit No 60 1960, pp 907-917. Imtm Sm of Amr soi / 3 ')~ 0? (/-go Feb 61 RR35LU;l pEw, IF chvoiedeniy-,3, 1%1,~ 2, 111959~ BO 82) Arwjw Diol OGI 1/ 0 _q J J- L Sci Dec 60 Investigation of the Core of Extensive Air ;~bAygro, by S. 1j. Vernav, N. N. Gcryunov, G- T- 7. XUlnkmr, Yu,. llla-chln, Z, S. jxj-~ 71ar i &-ornt, Fin, Alt i'lauk Q9 v- Sam, Vcd- pp phye J-PIT Sc I Plays Pa Mcps-rimental Investigation of the AugOar Distritral',ion and Polarization of Ontical Radiation Prom Blectroue iu a Syuchmtroa) by F. A, Korolev, V. S. Markov, E. M. Akimov, IM 0. P. Winlwv, 3 pp. RML4N, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Php See, Vol CXI No 4~ 1956: PP 542- h,,- 57 Amr That Scv%,Fl~p vol. No 5 of Phym "WkJad7" A Solution of the lamrse Pmblem of Elec- triesl Loagingp by A. B. NalinkDvichp 13pp. RLMISM, per,, I!TLati UC .a YX!!Mn Up Zavedeaiif Vol 7s No 2.4 lWis pp 106-1r(- CMI ATB-91R76B - C 2;.' s603 3 Sci Electronics meetrical Rmaiae-~ I-far ~3-( Vacuum DecarburIzation eMd Nitriding of Flerro- mangnese., by H. Zakt Z. _Winskiy POLIEU., per; Prace lnfft;ytutow Hatniezychj Vol X111.0 k NO 1" aqk~ pp 2T-36. BM 2969 Elel - M/M ftb 63 -4--Z :,? A Solutloa ot the ImVftVe P-170MM Of MW- triC4 LcWiz%p tV A. S. MalWvvicb4 130. POW-Im pwo ---- AbLbW Zwiooeuu- Vbl 7s, 2,4 ''.,p 9P IQG-W-~ cm wq;Z6p- K. - 1603 I Odoll of MWvlgdb3Le Free ReWMIcas bi Viedlidr Bgsak, 8 pp. mm per., CM, My, TqMqM, No 46, 16 Sm 61, vp loft-lab. JMIIIY-6w um Zkw - Soviet Moe Pol - Natimw I= jan 62 176..TT5 Kuhsenko A. Z., fintsarov, N. G. nnd NEUE VERFAHREN UND ALUONIATISCHE RML-1- LING Mg FLCHATIONSPROZESSES (New Procedures ind Automatic Regulation of the Fimation Proce".). $.2.70 Trans, of if'Koks I Khimiya (USM 1962, nO. 3, p. 3-11. DESCRI[TOWS: 'r-louition, Processing, A-alomation 62-27220 1. Kullscn~zo, A. Z. It. Nit-orov. N. G. Ill. Vuznienko, A, S. IV. Technische Inforynallons- bibliothek Minnover 2S; (Clicinistry, '17, v. 9, no. 6) T.6.1-1 S-1c., Exprrion.ce With 'W' am- Dzilling of Zr.,rlzontal-Linl~o'ac, Bo-reholes Y'rom an Inclined Donyholvi at the Sub- YEo3cow Statlom "-FQd7,ewZaS"# by 8010MOWVP 13 RtSSD.90 rerr, Pod% Oas Ugleyp No Ig 1957P PP 46-51- STA 59*15134 Sep D 59 Vol 20 go 2 Develormnt of Isotope Production in the UM) by Yu, B. Frolovq V. V, Boftarrep E. R. Wisho RMIM,, booklet,, Publ by All-Valon Sci-iecb Confaren,ce cm Utillsatten of RacUeav'"-we Qnd Stable -1-0topea WA Radiatio" in tim National Econcay and Science., Main Administration for the Utilizotion of Atcmic &orgy of the Council or / Hiniater3 of tbs USSRp WSR Academy of Bci,, Moac,),vi, 195-.,. ABC Tr 3093 USSR Beor Bei M."C ?hye; rle 1, -- A RWd MetW of jUnVMm DOMWMdm of RAdIOMOMIUM IG ft AnIUW SM Hmmm Organism by, V. A. Ivamm. hdi ' a RUMN.Dw. 2v W3, pp =. 9=34 AEC;7'r-3435 scl Mar 64 Cobat-69 ma i;wi=-13T Gv=rA Sourees, by R. S. jwlabl 0. M. Flialat 18 pp. RUSSLW,g rpt; ProossUnp of Woferwee cC JArgo PWAUtion Souraw in ln4;zotry,, Wmav., 1959., Val Ir ;p 149-162.s 1960. px.v.6n7 fti-Im 'Tam 64 357 Certain Aspects of the Production of Radioactive lr-otoPea in a Nuclear Reaetor, by Kulish, 6 p. RUNIM, bk, Proaeodinp of the Pirst All-ftion Conference on RadlatioA Chnistry Produatim of Isotopes., *57) 018m-c P? j g - A,!F, amultents Bureau Sol - Chm //// ~'o2 a Apr 6o ;1 Indwtrial Exploitation of tb* Bob-Moscm Station "PoUsaps", by F. D. PQph RUS". per, Podsommya GesirlUtslya Vgley,, Do" of m Z!, Zm a MIM Dr 03 2"44zmImm coal Two USSR 7 loon Apr 59 ~ 6 A- A Tgew mc4d of Pream-mt~n or Wood (Poles).; by A. V. Kle#.n and F, A. RMIM, Faek Stanta., Vol 20~ Doe 1949) PP 14-15, Sai Muse= Lib No 51/0096 - London Set - . - -5,Y -) 17 ?I X-3000 (DC-2~/l). Ument on Forei6a FlUitary Psychologyp (Preface to th-- Book, "Poychology and the Soldior.,"), by T. G. Yegorov, V. X. Kullah,..6 PD. RUSSIAN, bk, 1956, Macaw, PP 5-12- us ims-763-D use gy -1/-0- Ka ML Jun 59 sou=cce cT ;Llpbn-; Data-, and Q -Radiationa Ml th;Q~ Qqn-Vrqj suQ AutEMUOD OT TechnOlOgiclsi Processes,~ by Ye. Ye. Kulishy RussIAN, Atomsyn fterglya; Vol U., NO 3P Sep 1960, pp 241p 242. ,TPRs &AO4 sci - Hue PbYs bk-r 61 of Pm,'~-rtizs-, cr Kulis~ -v~ at-k-ill. 10 Vol 5, 7-2 T-7k.--69 70 76 4 Determi-n-ation of thle Viscosity Of a VASnetite Siuspenoiuu by Measuring Ito Hapetic Permeability in Equipment Using a Radioactive Densitometer, by .A. Z. Km1,wjshenko, A. S. Kharitonov, A. S. Xu=enko; : -Gar-m-a'sffi-,~7-pp. RUSSIAN, per', AK&.s i Khim, No 2. 196o, PP 13-15. Coal Tar Res Assoc Sci Aug 6o + ~ :73 ~ --l-1 , C)- r, Uf I 1~~ -ohe v!!- ~ ~ , ," - 11 1 Frocuil; of Dc5ulpilurization of by,A.; KulishcnMg K.~ P,, tt-dvedev, ppo RUSSIAN., per,, Koks i Xhim) No 7, 1960; -PP 5-10, Qdr F~"L; 'ALS.30C sci - , _:~~ Jl~ -Jan 6~_ Automtic Combrol of the MaWag of Onle In Hwy NIMU&P ty A. Z. mftumbqww~* & A. lamritmmy 6 ppo RMUN, pw, Moks I mdws 1b 5,1962. CTM sai Dee 62 218,,206 Vue of radwacuve IA'Ml Ovivis =a D=Blwtcrs for the Ing pecUan =A FagaUtion of iZ,~'ttstpat of YL*tAti= Whehimo by A. Z. 8 pp. MMM, per, Jbko I Mdus R* 4, 1958p pp lo-14. Fab 59 r 0 So u rces "It eA~ 11 1 e fligh-or Mili'Lary 3'2hcols~ (The Ilitcal. Zlakf~ of Higher Plilitlary SchM14), by Lt Gen F. Bjwwi~ us arts-763-D LISSR Itil Jun 50, Clinical 'resting of the Effectiveness o:c ~tha i1mviparkinsm ftvparuvj%j Parl~S 14, by T, Nullsiculap 17er, EILCM ~ri-(P~Rscllr~ Vol 1139 1963, pp 633-634. 'J11 5-44-65 (On Lo=) Table of Contents at the Book : A. Telephone Sets and Switchboafts ftrt n. by J. TrecUlaskip at RUTpkis Be Telepbous Sets and ftlUbboardev by K.'"cr'czuk,, C. Bindbook. of RuIlvay Techno-16jy,, by To Kullftmkis D, Telephone Sets,p by V. NIeupM5V;Om"j#Oj' UNCIASS e3D 1267-39) jw.d RMMEg books,, Aparaty I Lacsulce Te4foulmes Cusc II,, , Warsaw 19531 Apuraty I, Loesulce Telefonlcmej, Varmm, 15053; Podrecxulk To" tacbnlka XQ14MM601 Wargavi, &OW 19~1; Apamty 2mkm9mm*M Telefoniesnes Wujmv,, BEur - PoLmd Doc 5h CTS Scientific - Engineering sconcedc - Observations on Motor Pwation of the SwIl Intestine after Total Stomch Aes*ctUm in N&n (Radiological Study), by S. R. KuUukin# 5 pp. m=zmjv part vaprazy 003MIC&LY, vax M, No 5, 3."'ry ?p 4234ga. Pergams Imt Bel - Mod Jan 59 74 6" G.rovth and Present C=dltlcm ct Wtor Teblcle ProductUm3, by Prof A* IL KuUyevo 5 PP- RUSSUN,, agwaraphp Mhods for Ivroving the Q"D,t Itw ot PetraUum Lubr;Lcatuo# Foucl to 3R-1CO56- 56. Sd"o 79 Sai - Fin' /i UM - Ecoucodc Jun 1956 Dex =4 Condensation of Alkyl Pbenols with Formal-,# dehyde and Aniline, by A. W. KuliyevO M1. A. 11asulova. RUSSIAN, per, Azerb Xhim Zhurnal, No 6, 1964, pp 3-7. - NTC 69-11314-07C sci-cham July 69 387,022 l"'tix;,%jng tho ~ ffwt of an AmUM-10 AcLwAxtura w -AabilAt.7 m-li, Antiwar -PropriAlos ol' CiU. by A. AwadZh "'s 5 PP* -AWE- -jw et Diffusivity and solubility of Thai ium in Germanium, by Vo I* Tagirov. A. A. WiYevs I - -I- 0 IT - itussixi, per,, riz Tverdogo Tola, Vol IV, No 1. 1962, Vp 272-275. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IVt NO 1 sci Sep 62 210,,517 1 .%ati,~,ear il-ItALtive Wacrilv"Ov Ct al. 8 Lj- tut ma= -T r,7 ZZO= 77,7,177 Z971 i.L"2 3-2662-~)9 MAM Lis 1.11 62-16429 P. ON TUE DESIGN OF OFFSHORE OIL-FIELD HYDRAU I Kufie~, L P. UC STRUCTUBE5 OF OFFNI CONMUCTION ON THE BASIS OF THE. EFFECT OF SFA WAVES (0 Raschetc Morskikh Neftepromyslovykh Cldmekh- nicheskikh SooruzJienii Skvozno1 Konstruktsii na Mimic Morskikh Voln). [19621[9)p. (foreign text in- cluded) 3 refs. Order f rom OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-16429 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk Azerbaidzhnnskoi SSR [Bakul. Doklady, 1958, v. 14, no. 4, p. 287-290. DESCRI[YrORS: *Nlarine engineering, Msign, Petro- leum, Sources, Ollydraulic systems, *Structures, Water waves. (j%tk.~2jj,jjjLC% IS'dr,1U It C%, I'l', V. 9, [W. W) am. d Utk." S_ ,T-4'f6o (DC -2361. ). The llaacti=ary Nature of the Urazy, by N, Kul~y4v, A- Taimv, 3 pp. L- Ojai RUSSIAN., up, TN=kmtwkaya 16~~ 57, im-751-D U&M Boo - Religion, Atheism Jur- 59 gt5 Residues of the Islamic Religion and MAthods for Eliminating Them, by S. M. Gedzhiyev) N. E. Xullyev, 7 pp. R=IO, per, Voprosy Filosofii, No 5~ 1961, ipV 159-162 ipm 4766 USE 0 Jul 61 iixtractioa of ~iax from Oil aoll Shafts witb 4irocarbon Solutions iti tho Oil Pialis of AxerbsisZban, tjy T. M. ilamadov, R. P. Kuliyev. 9UI,,,SIA.'!i, per, Aterbaifthanskoye .1401tyanays ~.hpzj.alstvo, Vol 44, %4o IU. 1965, pp 20-25. TC 69 -Q 6 1 x~. Sci-~ar Sci July 69 387,090 62-34206 -J~ R. Sh. , Dreizin, M. %.I. and others M9 i- OIL RERUNNING PROCESS IN LUDE PRODUC- 1. Kuliev, R. 5h. TION. [19621 5p. 11. Dreizin, Ni. M. order from ATS $6. 00 ATS-61M3R Ill. ATS-61P63R IV. AssociatedTeclinical Trans. of Khimfiya] i Tekhnol[ogiyal Toptiv i Masel Services, 111c., East (USSR) 1962, v. 7, ... 3, p. 23-26- OrangL, N. DESCRIPTORS: 'Lubrication, *Oih, rrWucoan, (Materials - -Lubricams, T-r, v. 8, no. 11) Offl.. . F T-0--i R. Sh. , Dreizin, M. N1. and others. THE PRODUCTION OF TRANSFORMER AND TU`R- BINE OILS FROM BAKU CRUDES BY ADSORPTION REFINING. (1962] Sp. Order from ATS $10.50 ATS-59P63R Trans. of &-him[iyaj i Tekbnol[ogiyal Topfiv i %lasel (USSR) 1962, v. 7, no. 4, p. 15-21. DESCRIPTORS- *Transformers, *Turbines, *Oils, Production, Petroleum, Adsorption. (Engineering-Chernical, 7r, v. 8, no. 11) 62-34207 1. Kuliev. R. 1~i, 11. Dreizin, M. NI. Ill. ATS-59P6311 IV. ASIOCI.EedTechni-I aturvim, Inc., Ea-4r Orrange, N. Offi-F M., Wivani, A. G., and G. N. THE EFFICIENCY OF ROCK BREAKDOWN WHEN USING STEPPED (STAGED) BITS. [19b2j6p. Order from ATS S9.50 ATS-57P62R Tran~, of ln,[estm-fl Vysshikh Ucheb[nykh]Zavedem!. !"~W i C.~ (u-~SR; 1961', v. 5, no, 3, p. 25-30. *Rock, Fracture (Mechanics), Drills, Effect ivene; 62-34218 1. Kuliev, S. M. It. Nidivant, A. G. III. Dzhalilzade, G. N. IV. ATS-57P62R V, AS5~i~ed7r~hnic.' Services, inc., East 01"IngC1 N, (11'arth '~'jej)cu- -Geology, TT, v. 8, no. 11) Offic. ~1 T"hale.1 S-1... on awqpm am to Vabnot by lb. 1. .- Z. IL Mauev. mmmw~ vwk 3~ ft 0$ lb wils lll~. too of D*w M*IW A-3YAW C9/40 on Amu ow -1`7 im 70 The L.Unct of 1~71routh -AlmileA cm the Pramtvre Y-Alling of U-lies, 'j,7 v'a Ak o 6, 19-k-4, 7345- 353.61441 (SF-1891) An &areriment on Controlling Dysentery in a Large M A. F. xazak, 6 pp by 0. 17. r-*&m =$Ia., 'p=.1 Zaravookhr=euiye Swkmeaiatana., Vcj 'f No 4, 19W, pp 39-42. JM 4705 Sai - Med 5-j" jui k !bteminfttlon of Mysical Farmeters of the ftmosphere of the Stm by tile Metbw of Curves of Growth, by D. M. Kuli-ZA~' 14 pp. RUSSIAN,, bk,, Leningmd. Universj!d. Vestnik. Beriya Matenatiki, Makhuniki i AstramtArl, 1964, pp 153-164. PlOD3G3667-Y FTD417-65-03 5ClmAfftrQnoU OXA Aotrupby"CID jan 63, 346o5lP Au~k,lom- '.Ion of Nucleax Reactor Contruls, by Kovanita and M. Yul-kA)--8 -RUS7SLI-W -ocr Atom Snerg, Vol f, tic. 4 1 3. 9.5 F, , 1) ..i PP h03'-41!-. Consu-llmnts Bureau De c 59 la -7 Intermuml ComcUM La Uw Gsqp 'a of the ttrim" Bladder in the Human Embryo, by a. c;. Na"Unp 3 pps RMIU& per, DA Ak Ikuk SWp Vol Cl=,p no 4.. 1958; -pp WO. Amer Dot of Diol Sci Sci - bbd ?6 " / 9 111 The Dovelopmentu of Afferent Innervation in the .-nt=,a=ura1 Cana-lia of the flumn Bladder, by S,, G, Kulkin, hpp~ I RUSSIAN; Orke-mo per,, Dak Ak Mau-k SSSR; Vol CX111, No 1, 1957P pp 195-198. Amer T-Ewt af Eial Sci Scl - Med '? 0 1 Feb 58 ';~ I k Oxidation of ViwlaoetylenJA %drocarbow with Orgm~ E~~~des. U. Qddstim ckf 1-Pbeqfle - -1 v:Lth Acetyl Ry&opwcccidef by N. IL Malem*j, S. D. a Xhlkimp 4 pp. FuU translatIm. RMUN, mo per.. Zbnr Obsbah XhIs Vol IM,, 110 7,, 1954,p PP LM-2215is M C U79 commItButs Bureau A SaimtUU - CbeWstry 3;~M- Apr 56 m/dez Cklmum of lFlqylaGetr2"dc sm-Ak- 9- ICA by Qrgudd Ibluvowd6m. To CAAlum.la Aft dlk-AL-Ab- mdtm-7-ymp 1&# 7- I'm ad 32 ""A wb%Pnmmf ~ L Imll #Ida ad 20-lbe Zkw Ob" Shiso Vol XKV=,p No 2* SCd - Ma iq;i 39 QCMIS%I= cc;VljvlAow4AmAG w6ombow bw Crauda VX. addsum cc I- w A9"P 4109pw- Sbw Obi" 1991*p Vol 195k-ip sci Chm Apr :9 Oxidation of ftimrwv-f)* VlWlactylene Rydrwarbm with Orgazdc Rydroperazides. In. Oxidat-lon of 3j,6-DlmetbFl-e,,6-cct&dlem-4-yw vith AceWl Wdrv- peroxide (Peramwet4c AcJA)3. by 1. X. malenap S. D. Makins, 4 py. BMTAN,, no per$ Zb= Obshch Was Vol X=j, No 10., 195k) PP 1837-1841. crA c 42157 consateats bureau jun iq56/dex OxIdation or. Mylacetylene gydrocarbong, by Organic Peroxides. IV, Oxidation of 4,7- Dipropyldecadi w-3,7-yw-5 by Acetyl Peroxide., by 1. M. MaUnoks S. D. Kol"o- 4 pp. RUSSUN, mo per,, Zbur Obabeb Ehim., Vol XXV,, No 8t Aug 1955, pp 1462-1465. crA c 42156. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry 3 J'- J~ln 1956/Dex c&r.taiii Pvc6lom off tlw Dynatdcs af ileg;jlctors Aidmit .-Natural ~Scillatim isi tile Falww mwela U"I"SIMS, Part 12yestiLa VUZ -pribomtro"Micy I .,.CI 51, h) k1c, J.cm 1. ~iUitO PUIS* PUMA-UrS ij~ i~erj, 1z VtjZ j-6b-Drvstroyevjye,, Measuring the Co~fficicat of Autm-orrelatica ol-L', a Random, Sigaml Above the Threahold Level by jl--~ans r7f Pulse C=ntzrs. by V. V~ Viter, K. V. op. RvSST4n,w, FA""vWby Ypi. M. j -,to 6) 1961, AM 36 Sci Jan 69 A Now Svivif6rMac Cenue Ptom the sirellan'Deposits of the Northeastern Slope of Salair, by N. P. Kulkov., 3 PP. RMSM, per., Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Vol CMII, No 4, 1960s PP 929-931. ACT Aug 61 L,wir. on Science and Industry, by 1. 1. Kulk~v ~~- pp~ RU&SIANR Pwj Atom Enarg, Vol V111, No 4~ 196o. pp 301-304. 1~ CB 3ci 'e5.2) Jul 61 Measuement of the Nuclear Specific Heats of IradiUm and Rhealum in Iron Alloys, by A. V. Kogan, V. D , et al, 5 pp. RUSSLkN. per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret+,.,,.-IVQll XLV, No 2, 1963, pp 1-7. Amer Inat of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XVIII, No I Sci Feb 64 249,300 polarization of Sme Radimetive lootOPeS iU p.uoysj by L. F. =tlj2p At Ve K09=j Vo D- et alt Russia., pero Zhur Eksper I Teoret Piz., Vol XLy No 1) 1061# I~p 3D9-W * AIP soy f2wo - im Vol xixip NO 1 Sci 16 -7 Aug 61 The =luance ct SoleniumaM Tionuritm m tW Cat&lMo ActJ= cC silveRn the fti&ticia ar Buylea) V. S. ostrovokiy N. V. billkon, A. D. Nedbeveva,, 4 iv. MWIAN., pu., D* Ak NwA SM, Vol No 4, 1960., pp &5-8n. Apr 61 The Native oZ ike Slad Sarpti= of G=es by Sollds~ by M. 1. Temidn.. N. V. Malkom, 8 pp. MMUS, thrice-mo per., Dok Ak Vauk WS., Val CVO 'go 5.. 1M., pp Ift Ma-1023. &d Tr Center RT-390 ftl - chomi,3=7 V, ft-P 0 M/om Mw YbafAag Astion of Additl"s to Us Whylorm Oiddation CaUlysts by V. 2. Ostrovskil, N. V. ftl 8 kova, 50. RMIANI pwi llnttU I Katel'sp Vol Mp So 2p 19621 PP 189-193. a sci jan 63 2200669 Mw Xinatics of Catolytic 03ddation of Iftyleve; by A. L Wsrileako p N. V; , Mallkoval 5 pp. RWDN; pwp nootika I Katal Is,, Vol M,. Mo 2, 1962, pp I 2oS-2L3. co Bel Jan 63 920j,672 Metics of the Cmvereioa oft Carbon Monoxide by Bteam., by 17. V. Wllwmo H. 1. Temkins 33 ppo RUSSUN,, mo per,$ 2hur ria KhJmj, Vol XXIIIr, No 6. 19499 pp 695-M. Scientific - CherAstry ft 56 CTS/de-z ~'/Yl~ctive B=lnlzation Against Botulism in Minks, by Z. Dinter, K. S.LIJIJ. 13 pp. NORWEGIM, per,, Nord Vet Mod., Vol Il~ No 2,, 1950, pp 906-915. 41 SLA TP2569 Pei - meadine Jan 58 Mink Botulism in fteden, by Z. Dinter., K. Nall, 21 pp. . WWA-Uwm~ NORMLW) pcr, Nord Vot *d, Vol 11, No 2; 1950', pp 906-915. STA Tr 25q Sci - Medicine J ~114/C~a 6 Jan 58 An Outbreak of Botulism in Pheasant Chicks, by Z, Dinter, K. E. WlP 9 pp. GMMKj per Nordish Veterinarmedicine, Vol VIP 19~, pp W-M. RIB Tr 107 Sci - Blola&o *dicine,, veterimLry medicine 310, 3 r0 Yhe Heating of Parallel-fteati materials Det%mea Reating Matens ana the Detex~tlon of ebe Mmm Heating Me for Gluing of Wood, Sopecia* for the Production of Chip Boards,, by Walter_ng~,_18 pp. GIB", per$ Holz aU Rob-und Werkstaff, Vol XXI, 110 11; 1954,. 413-418. srA Tr W489/56 Sei - Physics Oz Iq mar 57 CTS J of the Internat Organs in t c Pct th and the Dog Cerebral and Cerebellar Cortex. M. o? t1ae Puaenaal Nerves in iChe Cat Cortexp ov K. M. Kullunda; 3 PP- . ................... RMTSUAN; per, Byul Eksper Blol i Med, Vol XLIX, No It Jan 19 , PP 8-11. CB Sci Aug 6o Of/ /J 0 Early 111capanse in the Cerebral Co--tax to Afferent Nerve Stimulati=, by K. M. laada,, V. I.T. 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