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The Andradl6tiOn ACdM Of IAW*Moleeuln Nlreo&4 by V. P. PsirlbW4 G. F. KnmowL RUMAN. pw. U= MT=M Vol XXV1. No 6. 1963,, pp 737-742. JPRS 23533 Sd-Cb= Mar 64 251,488 Nature of the Antbl-EsaaWm Effect of A=othetleo and Localization of the Sensitizing Aefton of Orygenv by V. P.. Paribok and G# F. rxupmva Fp. 12 MSUZ .. W., Radloblo Vol ]I,, No 3t 1962. 9269169 sp. AM-". 5430 w - Rua Bd Aug 63 o2 TP 911 KRUPOWSKI A., SPMALOWSFJ M. Alteration of an iron wire under the influence of cathodic hydrogen penetration Ddformation d'un fil de fer sous Finfluence de la p6n6tration de Phydrog6ne cathodique Archiwum Hutnictwa, 1, No. 2, 101-118 (1956) Commissariat A I'Energie Atomique, Saclay - French E u r a t o m Calculation of thb Profile oi.' Aplanatic, Leno Antemas, by D, M., Knxpp, 7 pp- RUSSIAN, per., Radiotekh i Blektron, No 6, 1962 AIEE sci Fab 63 ~2_?~I, 6 5- ~, I of Mxctxm Lem Pleldna, bW A. Go Vlasovs D. IL Erms 3 PP,, KWUN., per,, Is Ak Neuk S=,, Ser Fiz, Vol MI, Bm 6.. 1961.v pp 6W.M4. m SOL ju 62 05#353 P--,%)csss of F-olLLrZ Scm 5tre-zda., by Firm FrIodp ID3kDp-j 11 M-P Ffe=H? i)-atent no 9%,.267. Us Dxpt of co=.roo Ntmt Office Sai- Lib (gM) ,.A - BnC~LmA-pr-iuS Nov 58 ~61 61 L, I 62-=2 Krupp, H. I MAGNETIC OXYGEN DETERMINATION USING A 1. K rupp, H. HOT WIRE ARRANGEMENT. 119621 f231p. 11 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-2002 Trans. of Chemie-Ing[enleurl-Techitlik] (West Germany) 1955, v. 27, no. 2. p. 79-63. DESCRIFrORS: *Wire, *Connmion. Chemical analysis. *Oxygen. Magnetic fields, Magnetic prop- erd ea. OCas analysis. (Engineering- -Chemical. TT, v. 10, no. 11) 01 Teckk2i S~rnra 2be Pbys-'6Cs of the Adbefdcm cC Solld Bodlesp by 11. nIM. GMMI., perp Dechem Rmognpblenj Vol MD=p 3.96D,f pp 1.15-147- *AEC sci sep 64 The Physits of Adhesion of SoUdas, by If. Knvpo G* Smto&j, St 01, 31 p Gamut par& how MUMIMP " Ut IWO pp 11$447!11 OZZ790 ABC SC-T-6441010 ,-V ffj~,~ Sci/physics may 66 300,488 On Camrunist Mcationv by N. * 425 PP* HUMOp bk. Four Continents Book Corp 8&. Broadvvy New York 3., NY May 60 (DC-3766). The Ideals of Socialist Education, by N. K. Krupskaya, 6 pp. RUSSIMp bks 15 Lyet Na Stroyke Politekhnicheskoy ShkolY, 1934., pp 64-73. ins 3767 USSR Boa .2 sep 6o V-30W A. (Dc-2800/4). In the First Course, by X. Mrupr>kiy., 4 pp. RMSV.Nl ny, Sovotskiy not, 26 Yar 1959. im-810-D US9R ma Sep 59 9 ~ 7/ J-1f I Dynammater fbr ~ as awmw%b MA mew- Moft of the rmwrs lbmdo 1w k. M*Imp It. trwe'ur. A-- I . Pr= Famm # Vol ~ no lb Us 19350, *Ookqm iimmid3w" . 36P 39. am*" ad Avg 59 ~? S~ %.e0 5- (NY-4670) Export of Sbipbuilding Iadustry-~ by Roman Wu-v-ff= 9 PP. - perp Przeg3zd Techniczny,, Vol LXM, No 3 MAY 1960, PP 30-33. JM 7614 Mur - Poland Rcon Feb 61 Synthesis of Vinyl uA Diodic More; by 1. it 11alArovs S. M. Ve A. Kimump 7 pp % RUSSIAN, per# Zbur Obabob Kh*p Vol XX]Xp 190 1. 1959.s PD M-317 - consultanu Bureau Sai 1164, 4~ lfl.-3~ mar 6D 7 The Syntbmaia of Acetals and KetaU with the Holp of TOMIk,"Ilam"O by 1. ff. Nazaravs S. -M. Makins.B.- V. A. Mirowv, 5 PP - RMSIM, per,, Zhw Qmhch Ibis* Val XXIX,, so 1j, 1959,t Iv lo6.lw* Cousultents Burimu Sol Ile, , ~ ~-~/ xkr 6o ;111 Synthesis of the Analop of Wthylbeptenone and Methylheptadiesone,, by 1. N. Nazarov, S. M. Makins T. B. Moc6lin.. D. V. Nazarove, ~. P. Vinogradqvs B. K. )~~aj 1. 1. Nazaram, 0. A. Sbavrygina, 6 pp. i q 51 RIBSIM,, per,, Dok A Ibuk SSSR., Vol C 6 1~:142-1245- FS NO Ai pp Consultants Bureau Sci --Chem 6, *Y, .0 '? S Synthesis of Ethol~uoprone,, by Academician 1. 1. Bazarov, S. )L Makin* D. X. -, 4.,QV, 4 pp. RMIAN, porp Dok r ftuk SM. Vol CWIIO No 5,0 1957P pp 823-4)25 Cousultento Rweav SCI - owm Oct 58 aid-PhaBe aud Vapor-Phase Methods of Obtaining ,y1 and Diemic Ethers. Bytthesin, of A j 13-unuaturated shydeo and Their AcetalBp by I. N. Nazarov., B. M. :in# B. K. _~~i~j?~tsayy 6 pp. I", per; Zhur Obshch KUm.. Vol XXIXO NO 1-1~ pp 3692-3698. CB 60 CoDdeasati= of Acetals, Ketalp,# aW Orthoestera With Vinyl Ethers. Symths*Is of .6-Alkoxyalas. hYdes auad A i a -Vmaturated Aldab~ftWsjp by I. N. Razarav., S. M. makins B. K. Xruptsov, 8 pp. RWBIAN, par# Zhur Obahch Man$ xxixj, No Uv 1959s PP 3683-3691- CB act I -..60 NOV The Condensation of Acetylene With Metbylheptenone and its Analogs Synthesir of Limlool and- its Analogs j by 1. ff. Razarov, B. P. Gusev,, S. M. Makin$ 4". B. Nochalin, I. I. Razaj:aft, V. P. Vincivbdovi, B. K. Kruptsov 0. A. Sbavrygina., D. V. Nazarova; 4 pp. i Iq!rI RMSIAN , per , Dok Ak X4qk SWR I Vol JIV , No 4 ji pp 796-799. Comultants Bureau Sci - Chem Aug 58 =Q N:rect of noad Transfusion on the Renal Fmction and the RePAI Plasma PIcrw in Patients With Anaewa; by V. Ye. Krupynnkos 5 pp. FtW,SWq, per, Problemy Gematol i Pere! Krovi,, Vol IVO No 2g 1959v Ipp 4 .49. pp G c Y 11 d Oct 59 ZY 7 (NY -6 L, A Field Yolecular Generator With Get-ter-ha Pum and Cool 1 ng, by A. F. fWupnov, A. 1. Mumov) V. A. Sk-vortsov, 4-pp. RUSSIM$ per., Iz VUZZ., N-10,, Radicfiz, voi iv, No 1j 1961; pp 178-179. Mg 10349 Sci 7 tiov 61 The of Fig Iron by Burnt Li'me in the EAIUrzelberg Ho" Furnace, by W. BaCling, A. MMAY. v--r, Stahl und Risen, Vol LVITII; i9,8, pp i457-1459- Bralten 1U 11 -e= Co Lt-d fie.! A. jl~`A!p' .'!C 6f. by F. Us F'wr 0.? TV llesulpburization of Mg Iron Wlth Burn" Lim to Sturtalberg Dno-tn* ftruamo by W. Badi=p A. Krug. OMNI per, Btabl od Eloomp Vol LVIllp 1936. Bmtebor Tr 8W Scientific - Min/ketals $2.60 / J? 1 9 10 0')-- Peculiarities of the Deformtion Behavior of Gelatin Gels, by L. V. Ivenova-Chumakova, P. A. Rebinder, G. 1. Krus 8 ppo ==I RUSSIAN,, blao per, Kollold Zhur, Vol XV11r, No 6, 1956,, Vp 682-69o. Consultants Burvau Sci - Cher Jan 58 cha3v,es in the Structural viscosity of der-mv- ribonuclooprotains of rat Dare= 45 as eL result or the action tg_AV of chewtheMeutic agentus) by A. M. MwAa2 9. 1. Mma=*va =d A. 1. Kreawakeya,- 3 PP - ---- - im-131-All.. per, Iroprosy OnImlogiij Vol Iv, No 3., )-9,,z,3, pp 0-76-278, Pergman Proem SCI I'q,?l -~217 Doe 59 Wig Stud-Welding Proews, by H. Kruacbe, 6 pp. I---------- GMIM, per,, Z18411tteilunpn., No 20 1960, pp 152-158. ATSA%kOG .~2 0 3 1 J_.7 J_ scl jun 62 (Dc d"I 46 j -069w4m) The sipificwxe to the iunilon miftstry6r the Soalol I UbIty PWlWj by R. &=4$ 10 pp. OEM$ P=s -- 4k-y Vol los Nov no 1960., pp "3-5 0 im 8034 BE= - German / 41vo 44~ r PAM Air 61 STRENGTHENING THE ECONOMIC FOUNDATION OF THE GDR THROUGH SOCIALIST TEAM WORKi BY HANS KRUSCHE, 11 PP. GERMAN, PERp BERGBAUTECHNII(., NOV 1962,, PP 561-563. JPRS IV66 EEUR GERMANY ECON JAN 63 219;644 -ncrec,sing of Scientific-Technical Progress he Vew Teahmlogy Plan., by Hellmuth Geyer, .1an Kruacbe, 7 pp. per, &,rbaut'~:chnilk, Vol YIIj No 8, ~!-962, PP 394-396. JPR8 15595 Ew_- - Germany ?,con Oct 52 J New Wmated SPIUMbW )kddMs I)y FMWP pas JONM PrMs T4 VIP 1b 8p W6#. P 16. AAn4mm - Bal Aug 59 ?5 4440 t4e TT-65-14265 Field Ill Kruse, E. A liEPORT ON JiARDNESS TESTING AND IT~z USE 11N PLASTICS. 35p (figs omitted) 16refs. Order from SLA: $3.60 as TT-65-14265 ,rrans. of Schweizer Archiv fuer Angewandte Mssen"haft und'ru-chnik. vIG jig 1~225-43 1950. Mh 677 TT-66-14265 Fleld III X~, E. A REPORT ON HARDNESS TESTING AND ITS USE Vi PLASTICS. 35p (figs omitted) lerefo. Order from MAS $3.60 al TT-65-14265 Trus. of Schwelter Archiv ftier Angewandta Wis"nsoW und Technilt. vIS n8 p225-43 1950. ILI MR 677 What is to Be The Price of Uranium?., by 1E. Kruse, GMYAN to MEW, per, Atimwirtschsft, Vol IIT, 10, pp 168-171. Reverse Translation cEA-Tr-A-539 Jun 59 Production of Lime-Containing Sinter and Its Smelting., Vith Special Reference to Sulfur Removal From Sinter and Pig Iron., by B. Weilandt, F. Kruse. GERMAR, per., Stahl und Eisen., Vol L=Ip No 51 1961, PP 295-302- Sci - Min/metals RB 5110 1~`I) 3 2 7 Aug 61 Utilization of Sludge From Gas Scrubbers, by B. Weilandt) F. Krup.e. UNCL GERMAN,_per, Stahl u Eisen,, 13 Nov 1958) pp 1657 166~. British Ir0a'and Steel Ind 1151 (L4) Sci - Min/Mt Apr 59 Crl-Z /7 14Z/ 4 T, ;/ d I T ll'orld Uranium Produe'tion in 1953,0 by Gertrude :--use, 21 pp. UNMASSIFIRD C'MMAN., per, Chemische loduotrio,, June Isoug 1954., 320-324. NaVY Tr 1073/0N1 A-632 E:;ur - Germany 0 Economic NOV c" On the Question of the Fluoridation of Drinkioa Ileter, by Heinrich Kruse# 22 Iv'. oWw, per., W.. Vol XCIVv go 18, 15 UP 1953.- pp 511-515. MR Scientific - Mediefte CTS/bu 5,451 Optical Microscope ~Jeasurement of the Size of Particles of Carbon in Rubber, by J. KruSe, 11 PP. GMAN, per, Kollold Zeit; Vol 0Xj 1948, PP 12-5-132. wr" ~ C TA /FM A -17 3 Scientific - Physics Nov 55 M/b= Gontr;rout-lom to the MMI U7 of SulfUr. 53 (2). On Unayamtrima Sulfan Derivatives of the tM FSnCl and RS,-Xj by I Fram fther, WmLter amms P*r.- Cbm Bsrichto., Vol XClj, 1958s p 2528-e531. p i mA 6o-18Tffl lall ,2477 7 7,* Bel my 62 Theory of a r*w Cment Stabiliser Based on the Tranaducer Priwiple, by J. Krunek, B. Dudaa,,.- - - CMR per,. 81"oproitudy Obzor, Vol XX, iio 4, " 1959, pp 212-216. CSM Sci - fts /01j" 7" Apr 62 63-15133 KuseRk2.F. G., and Gel'd, P. V. ATME--pimPERTIES OF Nb02- 11962118)P- 9 refs. I. Kusenko, F. G. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-1503 U. Gel'd. P. V. 111. Translations, Now Yoric Trans. of Izvestiya Vyssbikh Uchebn 7avederdi. m Tsvetnaya Nletallurgiya (LJSSR) 196D f1 31 no. 4. p. 102-106. DESCRIff ORS: *Niobium compoutuls, *Ojides, $Heat transfer, Calorimeter, Temperature, Electrical conductance, Thermal expansion, Phase transitions. An Investigation was made of the heat content of NbO2 in the temperature range from 2980 to 150DOr- Equa- dons are proposed for the temperature dependence at the heat content and heat capacity of NbO2. Measure- ments of the heat content, electrical conductivity, and coefficient of thermal expansion established the fact that Nb02 undergoes a phase transition in the vicinity of IW0f_ (Awhor) OMN of Tech" SUVIOU (Physics- -Thermodynamics, W, v. 9, no, 12) 0 On tlhc~dhesion of Ni-Cr Electrodeposits., by As V, arns GF,RK.AN,, per,, Matalloberflache,, Vol V,, No 10~ 1953P PP B153-Bl5h. Brutcher Tran 3489 $1.50 Oc chemistl7y; 4:7,2. ?1 6 PAducina the Coutrol-Tasting IN in the Beat-Aoing of Various Mberep by (h S. Mteaftp D. Z. xrush # 4 pp o ZWMN ,j pw,, Nmwbuk I RAmim: Vol =,f No 7,. 296o, pp 45-10. sci - / V (o Apr 61 Repat on Contra FIgums for the Developout Of National ftm 2*000mW Of the UM for M9- 1965,0 ftlimeb at t1w 23st SAftottimW Causms d the COMOMIA PWAY at the 80"A Vidftf by It. 9,0 lbmbohws 93 pp. MOUM up* Pzavdat Vol Vv go 913(Uq6)., 98 Jan 2m zgigf moon Fab 39 (Trawlatod by Daily Reviov of SeYW Ness) .4 New Method of DateridnInG the Resistance to Wimr of Electrolytically Deposited metals, by M. M. Krashch A. Babichev.,.Sh. 1. Ma3aganifte, -M~~Illllv -RUSSIM, per., Zavod Lab, Vol W, No T, 1959, PP BT2-BT4. Aug 61 USOSR/Sci (21 Pew let'..iods of Testing Materi,915 for Bearings, by Ylll. Kruhhov, 16 pp RIUSSIV, per, Dok OLk Nnuk, SSSR, No 10, 1948. NPVY '~r 26/BuShips 361 /-) W/ (FDD 253831 A New Testing Procedure for Lubricavtap W K. Krushchovs, R.A. latvayavaldyp 18 pp. RUSSIAN, mo,per, VAxj MAAbJn=t=- Vol XMaVq No 1. %mcoir, Jan 1954,, pp 12-18. CIA/70/U-T415 UM Scl - Chemistry 0/ 70 CM 73/Wt O'l kLrL)5LC4 E-809/64 i,4-aa iirror of Decoding for a Canjtuictive Code, by A. V. Krushevstkiy, 4 pp. uKpAi~am, per, Dapovidi A Nauk Ukrainslkoy RSR, Jo 6, 1964, pp 737sd739. JPIS/SF-3282/SPEaAL Sci - 111-atil & bata Prowss 6ep C-4 Certain questions on the Anortization of Fixod Capital, by Patur D. Kiushmkiyo 7 pp. BULGARIAN,, per, Schetovodstvo i Kontol, No 4, Jwi 64y pp 21-26. MRS 26782 EEur-Bulg Hem Jan 6S 271,190 The Effect of Solid Substmees on the Decomposi- tion of CwbCM TetraWQarift in Aqaeaw Bautim Under the Linuence cC Coma Irradiation,, by A. S. Babwkln, N. P. MmiahlnskaM M. A* Pl%m- lalroin, 4 P-0. rd;W=.. jw., Dok A Nm* S=,, Vol No 6. 1960., pp 1329-1M. CB Bel Apr 61 Some Aspects of the Classical Theory of Resonance Transformation of Light by Molecules, by L. L. Krushinskiy, P. P. Shorygin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXVII, No 4, 1963, pp496-500. C77 Sci Apr 64 2560036 crn t-Ile nieoni of the Intensities of Raman LID,25. ri. I.Mie Classical Model (27.1,anoion of the Inclucea moment in a Fourier Series), by L. L. KrushUi y, 6 pp J),UOSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro; Vol XV, 110 61 !963, PP 747-758- optical Soc Of Amr sc~ A pr 64 253, 9521. Calculation o~' Vibrational 6tructure BquaTions W, the Electrons in an Excited Molecule Using the Cluantum Theory of Ligbt Dispersion, by L. L. Krushinakiy,_P. P. Shorygin, 3 PP. R'JSSIAN,, per, Pok Ak Nauk SM, Vol C3=, No 3, 1.961., PP 577-580. Alp Sov Phys - Dok Vol V1, No 1 Sci 16 0'~ ,Tui 61 On the Theory of the Thtensities of Raman Lines. V. The Classical Model (Transformation of Light by a Linear Oscillator with Pleriodieally Varying Paramet by L.L. KruBhinskii and I. I. Shorygin, 6 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Optika I Spektro, Vol ZVI, No 1,, 1964, pp 30-39. Optical Boa of Amer Sci May 64 258)392 A Consideration of-t-he Vibration Structure of the E) ectron E=itatian Levels of Maecules in the Quantum Mheory of Light Scattering., by L. L. Krushinnk~-Y, P. P. Sharygiv.) 5 pp. RMIM, per, Dok Ak Vauk SSSR, Vol C=i No 3; i.961, pp 577-580. byterntl Physical index Physics FapreBs Vol 111, No 9 Sai - Fxf s 5- jui 61 61-25741 Krushfilsl~ji._L, -S. AN-INIAL BEIIAVIOR: ITS NORMAL AND ABNORMAL 1. Krughinskii, L. V. DEVELOPMENT. Nov61, 260p. 11. Consultants Buruiu Enter- Order from CB $12.50 prises, Inc., New York Trans. of mono. [Formirovanic Povedeniya 7hjvotnvkl) v Norm i Patologii, Nloscow, 19601. DESCRIPTOKS: *Anirnals, *Behavior, Growth. Psychology, TT, v. 7. no. 5) On the Theory of the Inton-Rities of Raman Lines~ III, The Classical Model (The Convergence of the Series Expansion of the Molecular Polarizability in Power5 of the Vibrational Coordinate), by L. L. Krushinskiy, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro, Vol XIV, No 6, 1963, pp 767-778. OSA Sci :2 0917 Oct 63 On the gieory of the HMWM SPeOtra of Light.- by P. P. Shoryginp L. L. Mxukh~ldy, AWLAR, per; Duk Ak Nmk SMs Vol ==p No 2: 1960., PP 337- - AV Soy Pbys- Dokla4y Vol vo No 4 Sci mar 61 IM//, Artificial Strengthening of the Olfactory Senee in Service Dogs, by L- V. KmLIhIns~ij, D. A. Fless) 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Vysshey Nerv Deyatel imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol IX, No 2, 1959, pp 284-290. pp Sci 195,o68 May 62 Aulml Bobavlor -- Its Noxml and Abnorml Developmetp by L. Vs lKvBblwUy. MMM., bk. ow Bel - Blol ~ 3 0l 7 19 ow 63 Time and Conditions Required for Restoration of the Exhausted Inhibitory Process During the Action of Auditory Stindi, by L. V. Knehipak4y, L. N. Maodkina, N. A. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, 2hur Vysshey Herv Deyatel imeni 1. P. Pavlova, Vol IX, No 4, 1959, PP %6-572. pp Sci Feb 62 a-merimental I..,odel of cha7o,.--,c 1~ rvous Sys, U e Disease; b~ Le V. L. dn a 1jer, aur Vysshcy I-l I-v Dr--,, - (,l I. p. J e . -,L,- Pavlova) -`~Ol X, ~O 5, 1960, PP 7'19-766- Sc :L An AvommWr (Vdlt-XLI"Mwbw) UsIn 800000dwbor Triodeep by Be JOT!NWv 9 Igo ,RWaLINS per* HW,, # No 8,9 2959s, yp 12s 13# 15 - Ima-4040 USAM W,-57a/59 sel Jew 60 A ftUd W4W= aW Sm Ptqortloo ot solutt" of U221ptdo ord Panballe UquaLlwas bV S - U. Smobbw. Vol 650M)a r 10 4s Dept of nvy Apr/im -.,o 2wz Doe 60 363#6W MrAcal Chemistry of the Prodiletion or Kao-Un Refractories) by L. E. Krushel- RUSSIM, r.~-;r, Opic-upory, Vol XVII, 1952, pp D, 37 -TR L L U M. . i n- Aug 60 The Tacbsol9a of the HaaafactWO Of 3104 Alumiums Refractorles for U" In ReWati% Ira a ~ for Wel6ed Tdo Pndwtlmt by amw, opftpwy, M =a 1947# 80. DBIR LLU mollo 0760 R. P. Kz,atli iufl YU., 6 pp. RUSHAN. rir.,5:. Mur Frik laim. Vol Mli. No 1959, ~03-607- 16- The Oxidation of Cblcrobeazene in Aouecuo Solutions Irridiated by Gaimm Rays, N.P. Xruahinskaya,%-sd~t M.A. ProckuiiLin 3pp,. RUM) per) Zhur Piz ltbimo Vol XXXVIII, No 9, 1959, PP1954-1961 Cleaver-H-P Press Available Br 5 Library Sci jun 6o U.S. Counterrevolutionary Activity in Latin America, by A. Krusbinskiy, 5 pp. RUSSIM, np, KomsomT11-sTa-ya Pravda, Moscow, 31 Oct 1963. sp-95S D USSP Nov 65 The Theory of Line Instensities in the spectnm of Scattered Light. I. The Quantum Model (Condon Approximation), by L. L. Kxushinskiy, P. P. Shorygin, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro, Vol XI) No 1, 1961, pp 24-34. OSA Sci jan 63 220,722 nimal B a-mvior - Its Normal and Abnormal Develop- b j nient, by L. V. 260 pp. RUSSIM) bk. CE Sci - Med / 7 ~/, -~ INOV 01 Influence of Inbalation in Caxbonic Acid t of Shoek-Bamorrhagie Condition, by :---a m Dmlxn ~, ~~ V. K=sh1nsk1y,, A. P. Ste L. N. Holodkins, L5 -pp. UOSSIAN: rpt: Scientific Repaits of HtZher School siollogical StuUsa Faysiology and try Of Wmals. CWM X-45e5 lei - madidne Car 61 ~d6 Developaent of Behavior in Norma and fttbolopdcal Animals, by L. V- MniWAno~- IMSM11, U., Formimvenie PovedmAya Qiivotziykh v ljorm i Patologii, 1960. 4e~ VM f If jun 61 17 (DC ILY.trapola-t-4-m Reflexes in Birds, by-L. V. Krashillslz~', 1-11.7 PP, RUSSM, brochure, unidentified publication, !)P 145-159 JMS-L-1975-D Sci - Med; Physiology Jan 60 A~ Apr 59 (OZ48-S) Me Dioloacal Sipifloance of R&MPOI&C-tco Reflams In Ardm-lu,# by L. T. Krumb"awd , 12 pp. MOM.. per,, noir Mahe KoIj VbI =,p to 6s 19561 PP 07 a- im L-TO4-N Bel - molov 54 Apr 59 3~10 Study of EXtrapolation Reflues ia Mims", by L. Ve Krushinsk#o 99 pp. RUSSIAN$ bk.9 ProblW Kobo=etlklp lo 9. Wooovi 1959p pp 229-M. JM 2236 sci - math 947 war 60 Extrapolative Reflexes as the.Slement=7 Basis for tkw Reasoned Activities of Amium2op'by L. V. Kruobius-kiyp 4 pp. R=DA,, per# Dok Ak Nm* SSM,, Vol CXXIp &P 1956,, pp 762-. Amer lut of WI Sci Sci - Ibd o/ V The =cct of the Thyroid Glar%l an The Mortelity rv.,ta in Shock-B=r4u%gic ConcUtions Cadsed by 4- ,trong Souna Stimuli~ by L. V, 10mshinslq.; L~ P, WbrcIdztcv% 3 PP- !MSIANp -,per,~ Byul Nsspeer Biol i Mnd, Vol UW, 110 3p 195'6 PP 46-48- Con M-11tant'n Bureau Set - M!Aidmo JU-1 53 ----------- ..:, Correlation, BOveeu_.~QqngtitutioA _wd-Behavior in Dogs CR LII., No 7,0146), 633 27 The 'vialter System; 1-5--chanical Compoinents, b~! E. Kruska -'F(JR OPTUCIAL USE ONLY GER14-AN, per, Verein Deutscher Ingenicure Z, Vol ',',CVII, No 9; 1955., pp 271-277. Navy Tr 3091/BuShips Tr 739 Sci - CnG-v / q1' 6.2 6 Apr 62 nle W-~J:~oj, :)ystom; ApplicatiOn., Part 1~ by Kruska;x.l FOR OFFICIAL USE OHLY ,51,04;%N, per, Verein Deutscher Irgeni.euve Z, ,!o! wfil, INIC 21, 1955, PP 709-713- Navy rr 30921IBub'hipst Tr 740 Sc i - Apr 62 ~'-alter System,! Application, Part II, by X-Uska 0 PP. POR O"ICIAL USE ONLY q'EMI.iVi~ per Verein Deutscher Ingenieure 2., XCVIII No 24, 1955, PP 823-829. Navy Tr 3093/BuShi-ps Tr 741 !Engr The Walter System, a Method for the Production of Dri-Ang Rasrgy (Powr)o ftele., and Ther=dYu=ic Principles~ by E. Mmeka. L=L GERM., per, Verain Doutseher higenieure Z.) Vol No 3, 1955, Raq Tr 2833AW3hiPs 738 .Tul 61 Tncreasing the 'Ibermal Capacity of a Continuouri Furnace with a wide, Sloping, Monolithic Hearth, by 14, S. Kruskal', E. -~- Spivak) 5 PP- RUSSIM, per, Stal, No 7t 1961, pp 654-659. BIST Sci ~Jov 61 / 7 ;' ~~W'9 Me Ope-ration of Reheating Nrnaccs of Continuour, M I ills, by M. S. Yruckal', V. V. Getmaaets, 3 -TM-. RLSSSIAN, per, Vetallurg, NTO 1, 1959, pp 24-26. Aeta Meta M urgica Sci oat 6o /,-~ 0." -P, "5~ Jul 59 (DC-4844) Laying the Foundation for the Experimntal Nuclear Reactor of the Institute of Physics of the AcaddW of Sciences,, Latvian 80j, by I, Krues, 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, 13 Ak Nauk Latriyakay 80, No 6 (155), 1960, pp 205s 206. JM 6502 sci - Mtge Jan 61