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63-10715 EXPERWF4,4'rs IN IF DELAYED ROIUNG 1. Title: Superheating (SUPFRHE; TINGj. !~qx% o. 2. [19621 ap. (figs. 1. Krebs. G. tables otnitted) 5 rcff~. Order from SIA $1. 10 63-10715 Trano. of Annalen [der Physik] (Germany) 1869, v. 136, p~ 144-151. DESCRIVrORS: Thermodynamics, Uquids, *Heating, Boiling. f 4 (Physics- -Thermodynamics, TT, Y. 9, no. 7) laebak*f Serwkes P:-,q:,anxion and -Properties of neawy McItal Po4mulXidas., bv H. _!~~-cbm H. Fassbe-nder, 2. jorgens., 10' ppo OMAN; per, Cbemische Berichte, Vol XC, No 3; -1957~ PP 425-437- 0A 6(~-IAQSM, Sal Vol v., No 8 / 9,P :2 3P~- 29 Mv 62 New Determination of the Fine Orpaization of Vitreoua Selenium, Explosive Antimony,, and 13 - and Y - Arsenic, by 11. Kreps, R. Steffen. .GIM4AN, per, "- tachritt Fur *WId Allgemeine Cbemle, Vol 327p No 3/4) 1964., pp 225-227. CSIRO/Ho- 7243 R Sci - jul 67 334,31o Direction of Mabalic Procamaeb, by R. A. Krebs . 21 Vp - OMRMN, per, Dmtacha MudWaUche Vocham acbrift, Vol =M,* Do 11 19%, pp k-B. wm 2-18 Sal. - Had Mer 59 S'6;~ 71171 sloa seloulto" 1110 mm MOU"lar Sit* of Amorphms Black Solmitm, by 11, trobst W. morsch. GERM, per, AnMI, AIISSNO 5~!% Vol 263s 19S0, PP 305-9. ATS 12IS-Gi Sci - Mat Aug. 67 3U,287 Studies an rarmatlon of Wea in -Vilml WdY by H. Imbs FROCUs - per, R", 0 r a PgriftE 4 pby"Ol Vol 210.. 1932,v PP 33-66. m m 6-11-60 /~ , ~ pz c S SCI-Mm iiug 63 362s376 Chemical Bindin and. FrWertles of Bami-cmductor by Dr Heinz Mmbs; 5 pp. UNMASSIPM GEP"j, Manuscript of the report presented at the Intern. Conf. an sead-conan tar , In Amsterdamj. 29 Jun-3 July 1954. ftvy Tir 3.099/fiRL 501 Scientific - Chemistry Doe 54 oTs/= 62-102 25 _ -Heinz and Weber, B. P. 4~W , 1 RUCMRE AND PROPERTIES OF THE SEMI- 1. litla; Seml-metala METALS. VI. THF ALLOTROPY OF WLFUR. 1. Krebs, H. [19611 ISp. 33 refs. H. Weber. B. F. Order from SLA $1.60 62-10225 M. Title: Allotropy... Trans. of Zeit(schrift filr I Anorg[anischel Chemle (East Germany) 1953, v. 272 (no. 5/61 p. 298-296. DESCRIPTORS: Metals, OSulfur, ftase studies, 2u~j- Molecular structure, Physical properties, C Atelysts, Catalysis, Ions, Amines. In analogy with the high and low molecular selenluma, the ring structure of the molecules of the corresponrd- Ing forms of sulfur IB discussed, and given an experi- mental basis. The splitting open of rings is facllJtatcd by the presence of sulfur Ions. and basic smines, and (Cbemistry--biorganic, '17. thus they are capable of catalyzing the conversions be- v. 7. no. 10) tween the high and low molecular phosee. Likewise, Offi-F T-61C.1 S-1... they activate sulfur in chemical reactions. (Author) The Influence of Homopolar Bond Components, Carbides, Nitrides and Oxides with Resonance Bonds, by Heinz Krebs, 7 P. DANISH, per, Partial Trans, Acta Crystallographica 1956, Vol IX, PP 95-108. SLA 59-17764 Sci 'v,eb 6,o Vol 2, No 9 The Chemical Binding in Semiconducting Solid Bodies., b,v Dr Heinp, Xrebv,, 10 pp. UNCLASSWED CZMN, me of the report presented at the Fall Conference of the Germn Physical Society an Stmiconductor Excesses,. Innsbruck, Sep 1953- navy Tr n05/ 500 Scientific - Physics Jan 55 Z/= CP X New Determtnat,nn of the Flw Organ-tat--n (Naho of Vitreous Selenium, Lrplosive Antimony, wd B- and -8 Arseida, by H. Kmba. GERMAN, per, Zeitachrift fuer Anorgaplache und Allgemelne Chemle vol. 32T. 1964., W-705-227. IM 70-16998-07B // ~~6 'Do Instensity Distrimaica of Spmtral Uws in Ellie Fabry-Parot laterfarawter, L-y K. Aaual" dor III U. IYS 5w- iww luab-bom Moorw lw owuparw Vol L- 19%,o 12.4. ,A4-.i bys v ay 62-1840 1 Krebs, K. SEGR EM TION-DISPLACEMENT AND DUORMATION 1. Krebf, K. IN THr RMLING OF SOFT STEEL ACCORDING TO It. Verein. . . Berichte 181 INV=IGATIONS ON A ROD-MILL, 19 Apr 49, 13p. (figs. refs. omitte,D. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18401 Tran-5- (yf SLIM ULnJ1 Elaen (Alest Germany) 1947 :v. 66/67, no. 15/16! p. 244-250 (V~ereinj D,eutacherl t E~isenhfftteRICUW (West Germany). Berichtel-181). DE'SCRIVrORS: *Steel, Rolling mills, *Deformation, Displacement reactions, *Wire, Drawing (Machinr. linkcssing), lic.tujig. C "? -2) 7 7 4 0 (\~,q )'t:i!-:,. -Ferrou., Metals, TF, v. 9. no. 4) Wks 0i 71clikid IMkAt Fatty Acid Distillation; a Comparison of intenrdttent and Continuous Operation, by Otto Krebs, 3 p. GETUPJil, per, Partial Trans, Teer und Bitumen, lq':~O, Vol 'CMII, Nlo XXV1, pp 421-424. and No 27, pp 440-443, SLA 59-20785 Sci P,pr 6o Vol III, I-To 3 (DC-5276) The Du*k Parm as Source of Ornitheals lufectiom of Ronns.. by A. K*Owka., R. OtApUno W. Krebs 16 pp. ORM, per, Des Deftsabo ges Ite"amm Val xv., NO 519 22 Doe 1960.- PP 24774A83. JM 6976 Sc 1 - Ned /.~tx f6 f Apr 61 y 16, 61-19106 Krebtov, A - A EDIBLE FLOWERING PLAMIS (PishcheYM 1. Krebtov, A. A. Tsvetkovyye Rastenlya). Feb 61 [271p. RTS 1734. 11. RTS-1734 Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-19106 111. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Trans. of mono. Poloznyye I Vrednyye Rastenlys (Gr. Brit.) Urata, Sverdflovsk) 1941, p. 16-36. DESCRIPTORS: *Plants. *Food. USSR (Biological Sciences- -Botany, TT, Y. 6. n04 1) Offico of T-61col S~4~.* Electronic Correlation %chniques (VI). An Autamtic Correlator,, by Jaroslav Krecan. CUCH, Per) SlAboproudy Obzor, Vol Ma, No 4, 1960, pp 214-219. 9076627. DOI 676 sci - &U Aug 61 CIA FDD S-811 a ~?~ 7 0~ 0 7he Peroxide. Mechanism of the Therml Decompmill,lon of Inorganic Qxy-AcIds, by Krach, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, r--r, Zht-,r TTeorga~ !42iin, Vol V, No 12, ig6o, pp 2662-2671. Cleaver-Hume Press :Dci ~T= sw chlorimt1m or Fibbomosillb W9, I p by 3, 7, S. Staf4up 1. A. Uplono 9 IV* YMEM.9 ywo aw xbft Pt*ao Ta zm,, Los, " 9mg-%50 MA R-3M ft I Aug " ?V, / . 3 r .4 vood-arlmla evabowd ObSO14 W I. tracbetcrva, Be Twxewo 7-7-. Vol IV p Nano R Vw, Dwevoob 1*9m# . 1b 122 imp lp 9-12. cm= 03 ed - cbm am 62 1g09. -I -j-Z Different Lines of Dewlayneut -in the Sawaning or. Timber, by ors 10 pp. Rmsina wa Lasnata-ftow, voi n, ft 4, ly5l, pp 27-30. Sci Trwm Center RT-150 WSR Economic - Developmutp Unber J" 54 CTS T-o uIX140 il -~-"Ll "4uality *f "i 1:L411inli , -~t ouil F-urtilizatlou, ty va. K, 6~-29'305 ift%EAT" RMADORES DE SDWADURA 1. Kro-CUM, A. P. PARA LA VARIA0ON DE LA TENSION DE LA CDR- 13. CM-0-205 RIENTE ALTERNA (Iffol-Movenle &MroCb"kb Tnw- M. C40" do bftrmodft form&wiwdIysFWvcbczdysF--p wpolrokeRsa- 7 vactummucid% Ucbaykb N~p7=bmQ (UdUsstlos of Welded Trims- - formers far Akerauft Carew Vakqp Varisdow). 6p. CMt 62-M5. Order have OT& RM cc CID W $0 61-2"M Trans. in Span'sh d (t=) Ift (w. 71 m U. i 2-ir ~ 64`4 7 9 6 1 DMWrM wrrumdervesM 0 cwvGsL JBM0MwirV-lbM6Mk 7T, W. 14 1& 1) and? " '%P" The Effoct of GaB Tightness of the Regmerator sy-b= in C -2--3s Furnaces on Their Mficiargyp by M, r. qt" _rvtn-ko~; 2 D*00 7, Y 4-0 nussian., per, Steklo i NoRmikas Vol XV3 No 10 2 0% 7 CB Sci llov a 60 ,TechnLju;-., ol' rr~-aauring Micropuleations of Wind Speed and Temperature in the Atmospharap by S. 7. K 1 rechm-ro 99 I)P. IIWMj per., Trudy Geofiz ImU Ak Imuk SMp Do 24 054.. pp 43-U1. ATIC 7 TS 9295/V Scl - Geofiz Pm-b 59 97, -Lye,-tj:Tmt '0 -01 'tim., 4r-~:trmcui lic& 1. v. jzwst. vk,z. 13t. 0 5" 1969p 7919 oi F"ItAvlo Vol 12, 402,718- CMP&r&*M of the SMUM ForaM of Leano an DCUTOU0 by um ormsmwu xattAa CMA kw Obutabw"s HaUuW6 by so Ildidwo I. groob. OMM, pars 3". it. Msft-,p Va T41 no 30 1961, pp 954-- Sal - Jul &1 A~ - lAe Iq e e 6 3330672 Methods of Xeasuring Temperature With Themistors und Murnal Varlatlow in Leaf Temperature of Evergreen Kaqui Plants in Southern France, by K- Mreeb. OMAN, ptwt Beitrge zur Fbytolo4e, 1A., PP 1-8 .-. CSMIOINO Ua /< , K Sci - Jul 67 333,933 HAMUCC " YIGM by & lkwb. ambas pw aw"hu 4w modumn Botooladbas I Vol =t 1b pp num CMD Tr 4331 oat - 62 Studies of the Water EconmW of PlanU Under Rxtrewly Arid Conditi=, IW X. Mreeb. GBMM) per.,. Plants, Vbl - 59) so. 4) 1963, pp 442-458 CBIRD/No - M r, i