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Paper Liectrophoresis and )Vjj~jj/j X-Ray Structure Study of the Complex Compounds of Phenols with German- iure, by T, V, Drozdoval Re Po Kravtsova 7 ppo RUSSIAN, per, Iz A Nauk SSR, Otdel Khin Nauk, No 1, 1962, pp 38-44. Ca Sci 2140585 An 62 GeWralivatiM Of Boa NWo by V. 1. IDMVtWVaj 5 pp. W=Ulp per# SweboM Dokl"y Tpsboy Mkoly, DD 3# MOOMp 19581 CKU ND Wj M. ANS um 000 - -)kP& - deophysicso Boa 59 SLicrience in Using 1;100,000 ToPographic lbpo .0 I= C=plLbg 1-.1j,000,,000 So:U Ma_ys, by V. 1. Mravtooval 6 pp. NBBW,p Per., Pochvovodwd4*,p No 1.0 lom pp T5-w- Sai AM IS01,0217 jan 61 Tll* Albodo o6op of %us AhtgAcu of Cofty by murwstwt glut*, A*vbsra Arevurko I pp, POUW-i,m# Prtujud raparaficamy. Val X11MIS NO A* 1"4v pp 131-144, TT bs-503su Uur - Paland ~4004 Ai, r o7 WOOD t tA LAM rat, *;W- NCH-202 576 Field 131, 9E r-, ~czuk, E. PROBVEWS-01' THE AUTOMATIC DIMENSIONAL 1. National Engineering Lab., CONTROL. 1965, 19p (fig. omitted) (foreign text East Kilbride, Scotland inoluded). NEL-Trans-1729. Oider from NLL I Trans. of Mechanik (Poland) v36 n9 p437-43 1963. The Separation of Uranium and Rare Earth Elements from Ethylene-diaminetetraacetic Acid-solutions on Ion-exchange Resins, by I. Krawczyk 10 pp. POLISH, per, Nukleonika, Vol V, No 10, iol6o, pp 649-659. Ar.,c Tr-43.64 Sci jan 63 2 20, ~g* 601 Krawczyk. LudwflL J~ 62-10128 HEATING CONDITIONS. Ft. 2 of Still Coke Ovens ant Kra%Tzyk. I. Their Heating Coritiltiom (196L] 1161p. 1. Title: Still ... Order from SLA $1.60 62-iOt28 Trans, of Koko, Snnola, Gaz (Poland) 1960, Y. 5, no. 1, p. 9 -15. Dl:'~CRIFFORS: OCokc, Otens, Heating, Cases, Com- bustlon, Hydrostatic presaure, Coal. A.description Is given ct the regulating of the hearing q) if of the Sill I Coke Oven, pmicularly the Type C oven with elongated regeuermr, and of the operating . cond1flona Wore and afwreguladilg. Alsomentioned is the problem of dividUg the heating gas, air and ex- haust In a headng system (Fnglnccrlng--Chcmic,qj TT, Y. 7, no. 9) 62-10024 Krawczyk, Ludw1k. TYPES OF MLL COKE OVENS AS PERTAINS TO 1. Krawczylte L. HEATING METHODS. PE. 1 of Still Coke Ovens and 11. Thle., Still Their Heating Conditions. j196ij[i5jp. Order from SLA $ L. 60 62-10024 Trans. of Koks, Smola. Gaz (Poland) 1959. v. A. no. 4, p. 221-226. DESCRIPTORS: OCoke, 00vens, *Heating, Heatex- changers, Combustion chambers. Cases. The Still Ovens found in Poland are dercribed. 2 (Engineering-Chemical. TT, v. 7, no. 9) Office 61 Technical Services ,~,rotoni- na on t c inc;x-rijoyal-I oi-, 3 d-1 LI Trace liito CHS Proteim o.,~ve 'nntnn- Tntroduction of Methioflinc s35, r-ma I q by P. Mi. J)f~* f _0 iinr. lilmin Bi.r;l,,,Iir 5, 1-959, PP ?Z~6t sL.A 6o-18415 Ov, N"O U Application of the So-Called Dry Tests in UrimVete in Diagnostic Labomtories and in Genaml Practicso by Jerzy KrmmzW=k:L,, Maria Zelazow3ka, 19 p. POLISH;, per Polski Tygod U1j, 1958,j Vol MIj, DO )MVI No 45o PP 1788-1793 SIA 59-20717 Bel var 6o Vol 3) go I Stuaer. fin the Deactiv-,mbion of Radioactive Rffl-Lz=ts 4 by Mec-~roddial~,ysts, by S.'N~~~24 pp. OWN, per, Atomkemmergie., Vol VI., Ko 6. .10,61y pp 2r,50-260. 90,99880 Am NP Tr-863 Sci - Nuc PbWis May 6,e! /~~ " 7,p1 Effluent Treatment at the Karlsruhe Atomic Research Cmtre . by S. ~a ki.* 34 PP* ~q=~p ~ GMM, per., Gas und wasserfWa., Val CIp 1960j, pp 909-914~ 969-972. AM IRP Tr-557 Sci - MIC phis Nay 61 - 360 Elimination Du Cesium Radioactif DOS Effluents Par Precipitation AU MDYCII WWI FerrDeyajiure D'un Metal Lourd, by S. Krawczpi i, B. Kanellak-opulos,, 12 pp. GEW,WN to FROO1, per Atoakernenergie, fitsch., Vol V, 1%1, I)p 214-217. 9069486 CLA A-1066 Reverse Translations Sci Dec 62 7he Effect of Synthetic Deteraentis wd Como] ex' Agents an the ion of Radioactive RMuents by Means of the Chwima P"CipitatuND MModj by So Kmwayuskip 12 pp. =KO, per, AtAMraxisp Val Vil 1960p pp 320-322. ABC AP T3r-"3 Sci - Chem may Q /5-0/ 10 Krawbkke4 0. IL ST1JW OF WE FLOW OF A FEW UQ1M POLAR I - Kmwblk4 0. 11. DIELECTRICS IN AN vonwamBous ELwnue U. AM-OSQ740 FIELD, E)n 641 Ilp M. Associated Tochokal Orderfrom A75 $24.65 ATS-03q740 in, , lot,, RAN 09MM K J~ Tram. of Zfeuschrm fEb!) Anpvlasidto) Phyalik) (Want Germany) 1962. v. 14. no. 11, P. 681-69L, DESCRIPTORS: R a" sasbarks, (Physics- -Electricity, TT, v. 11, no. 9) of T""kat W" Study of the Flow of a Few Uqad Polor Blectrics in an Ishumcpsems fleetvic field# by G. H. Kravink9l. GEWM, per$ Z, !mw. ~vss Vol 148 No Ile 19620, pp 681-920 ATS 1219-0 C~Multuouss Flcw of Uquid Pour 4y i.;wther 41. f~rjw,",alo ~~5 -3 vol Ils 1!;Sti uL'. 6ciillwatwlics Ari son of cheAcal and Electrodieideal Tast- in,;Matbods cn Samples of 13 Percent Oiradum Steelp by G. Kr=ert 14 Zitber, 23 pp. FOR OEFICLAL USE CLIILYe FOR DMROZ USE WIMM4 IRIE DWAIM4MT OF LEMM. 7111S DDCLMW IS %XV IWT ASIOTP TO LEFENSE DMkOaMCU CERMI;6 com, rpte PMMLinM of 3D, Cmgg2 de la. Federatim Z=Cpeerm dB la Co=wicr6 Bruml1g, 359 1993, pp 1-12. AIR/ETD-+ML-23-412--69 sca./raterials j-,-ay 70 4D60878 The Adsorption Photometric Notbod for Thiamine (V tud" Bl)j, by A. S. Yeabor" 0'. S. 14 pp. RMSIANq per, I Xv=f 0 61 1030 pp 743-747. c EM Scientiric anistry .1 IN c" 66/*r 1955 Ovr/ (Nr-6946) Nov Sweessee in remerul Communist-Coa- struction From the Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, by 16 Mraydwnka. M. Ramwyald, T. .9 3 PP. RMSIM., bk, Belaruska" ftntskaya Sateyy- alistychnkya Reepublika, 1958P VP 153-295. JPHS 13357 USSR Reon Apr 62 Sensitivity of Constructions.1 Steel to Brittle Breekdown Gauged From Its Reaction to Burning by Electrodes,, by M. M. 1"yahik, M. V. Fashkov, pp. RUBSIM.. perp Swroch Proiro) xo 8, 196o, pp 6.9. BWRA 9y sci jul 61 A 11r.-s-ecudurg for Dotermining the Xmpact Stre.-agich and Cold-Sbortness of MauuaL and Boid-Autamtlc Noldso by X._.Xo !OyobLI4.,Vc Vp PavMov~ UNCL RUSSW,, part avaroch Prolsj No Up 1958# pp 7-10. DBIR LLU RTS 1176 (7s. 6d.) Sol 0 Engr Dft 59 (Geoelectronics) or Review of Russian book, "Elements of Geoelectrics, by A. P. Krayev," 6 pp. GERMN review of book, 1957. AF a2-65913 Sci - Electronics Jul 59 The min FeabLres of the Collactivization of Agrimirle in the USMy by X. Vayev, -6, PPO MSIM, pers Voprosy Mmomdki., No 11, Nov 1957, pp 54-6ri. latll Arts and Sciences Fmss USSR Vol is NO 1 Ewa J~m 1958 of pric-tal Heato conducti, i: r7ec mp::ratura During a U) Tcir 0 A Krayev, 10 pp. atika, Vol rI, per, Teploenerg 69-72, 6CL -T -220 ~i - Phys Var 59 new Dats on the Sasuiface Struature of the Imba Bait Domea, by P, I. Knrvt 9 pp. RUBSIAN., per, Geol Neftl i Gazap Vol III, No 3-Al 1959j, pp 15 -21. Review of Russian Geoloa Sci / -1 C; .1 S-/ ~ Nov 60 The Flowering of Cabbage During the Rrat Year of Growth Wheya drafted on Spring Rape, by s. ye. xm , 6 pp. RMSUNI per, Dok Ak Nauk 385R, Vol U., No 5, ighs., pp 909-912. 1, 11 IIIIPWM su W-18oo2 Sci Fab 62 //,/c 4 Pd Vol 4 )No 9 , / a/ On the It Inherita=e of Cbenges Brougftt About by Graftings by S. Ym.,.~ 1 5 pp. _1. RUSSIAH, parp Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol =1 NO 6,, s~p/oct im,, pp iw2-jo25. Awr Tmot of Biol fti sci - mea Aug 58 6 9) --)- -/ -Y On the Possible Causes for Polyvalant Orowth of Nev Shoots in Red Oakp by S. Ya. 46mmal and B. Eakin: 4 pp. a, Y-c V 61 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SBSR., Vol CMI, No W, 1957, pp 333-- 4,4 Y ikm-Q I a COWS.: Sci - Biol Aug 58 Nev Data Xbwt Competition in Plant Commaities, by Ya. lawavoys 5 pp- RYSSTAN; perp Pok Ak Nauk- S&SR,., Vol CW.~ No 3., 1957, p 0 -622. 619 p Awr Diat of PiVa Sci - Biology Ai-j:r 58 57-- ,q-41-16 (DC-1703) Vyhy Are Young Teachers Leaving the Profession?, by B. K;:~Zevski M. Bulgakova, G. Dobryaltov, RUSSIAN, thrice-wk np, Uchitellskaya Gazeta, 11 Jan 1958, Moscow, p 2. US JPRS/DC-L-664 USSR Soc- Education (NY-51-99) Pathological Anatomy., by N. MW skly4-12 pp. ._I_ RUSSUN.. encyclopedia,, Bol'shap Neditsinskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol XVI) No 2; 1960P PP 374-383. JM 7902 sci - w mar 6 1 / Ila j e", e 3 61-21310 Krayevskiy, N. A. and Karandayev, S. Ye. ON THE WORK OF THE BUREAU OF THE I. Medical research- -USSR MEDICO -BIOLOGICAL DIVISION OF SCIENCES OF 2. Scientific organizations-- THE ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES USSR USSR DURING THE FIRST HALF OF 1960 (0 Rabote Byurc I .Krayevskly, N. A. Otdcleniya rviediko-Biologicheskikh Nauk AMN SSSR 11. Karandayev. S. Ye. za i Polugodiye 1960 6). 1 Mar 61, 14p. JPRS: 7872. Ill. JPRS-7872 Order from OTS $0.50 61-21310 IV. joint Publications Research Service, New York Trans. of Akademiya Meditsinskikh Nauk SSSR. Vestnik, 1960. v. 15. no. It P. 67-72. Office of T*cWcxI So-Aces (Biological Scionces- -Pathology. rr, v. 5, no. 9) THE BLASTOMOGENIC ACTION OF SMALL AMOUNTS OF RADIO- ACTIVE ISOTOPES, BY N. A.,_WLMY) V. N. STRELITSOVA) YUo I * 1793SMUEV) 7PP. RUSSIAN, PER, MEDIT, RADIOL, VOL Vil; NO 7) 1962) PP 6&.71 . JPRS 15514 cri - DUVc! I Inau=m a RadioaaU" ftrontim = +,be Mvins 0-,~Saniom., by N. A. Kvqevakly. MM T,,zsim., saci 1 to 25-6e to um% Helsinki, 26 Tm 62. Dept of Nmy MI 5141509 .-.A - Red (NY-5641'), On the 4ork of tiba Dam of the Wico-Biological Division of Sciences of the AcadaW of bLedical sciences USS During the First HAU Year of 1960, by 1. A. Krapyakly, B. Yo. Kuaadwv, 14 pp. WJBSIAN, per., Vest Ak W Nauk SM, Vol XV, no 11, 196o,.pp 67-72. ~.~f the Bljr,~-Im of the "nes D a 19 n,~meArnh Inst nic L'ap-Xrtm-ni; the Light of the Resoluticiam of tLe ',.'VOntY-&--cond Congrp.Bs of tvh-~- Crsqj~ by E ~ A ~avq -I, pp, er~ Vert Ah Hauk SSSR, No 5, 1.962, r fT- 128-130~ JM 15239 oct 62 tiicl no Ic Study of the Development, in Animals of Done Tuinors Arising Under the Irifluence of Radioactive Sulbstozices, by N. A. IC~~eyqy~y, N. N. Idtvinov, PP. RUSS110, per, Trudy Vses Konfer Yled Radiol,, Xlksper Mled Raaiol, Moscow, 1957, AEC Tr 366i Oct 59 Detection of n StAte of Autcaeusitlavitolon of nn Irrv,dintid Animl by Menus of toenl Skin Testa,by X. ff. Rlempprakt-yn, N. A. Krgywnkiy, V, V Shikchodyrov, 5 rp. RUSSIAN, per, Byul Eksper WN Blol I Med, Vol XLVI, No 12, 1958, pp 28-32. Consat.-)nts BureAu Sci - Med Jul 59 -9.S S-31/60 (NY-3429) - Remotc sonuelae- of L-ijmoy %4'ith Radioactive Subatance,s In Qa SmaU Doses in a Clu-0aic Ezperiraont, 'by L. IN. Burykina, D. I. Zakutinfikiy, N. Krayev,ikiy ". B. Kulyuudallta~ya, N. J T - yu-t-.1. Vosk--Icv, A. P. Novikova, Yu. H. Solov'yev) V. N. Strel "u-Sc'ma, 5 pp. 1 RUSSIAN: per, Med Radiol, fol IV, No 3(.aP.Fll- i P 5. RRS 2546 Sci - I'led Apr 60 Studies in the Patho~pgical Anatoiny of Radiation Disease, by N. A. Kr*vskiy. TICL RUSSLO, bk, 1957- *Pergamon Inst Apr 59 -- Info rom Lending Lib Unit Tr Bulletin Mar 59 (NY 3916) Tiae Chronic Tiffact Of Low Radi .ation Level-s~ by I IN. A. Krayevsldy., 18 PP -1 ........... =~ Rl,l SSIAN, per; Med Radiclolsp %foll V., ro 11, 10,60- JFR8 5030 Sci Aikq, 6o s-4c46 Blaotomogenle Effect by N. A. Krayevakiy., UUCLASS ( D C, -161-P 02'.2adloactive strontilm, N. 17. Utvinov, p p. IRUSSIM: b1mo Der. Med Radiol, Vol II, go 5~, Mosew, SeP/Oct 1�571, PP 33-39- US MS/DC 210 Sci - Medicine, Radiation Me-aicine (NY-5164) Blastomogenic Action of Ionizing Radiation* Radiation Tumors of Animlop by N. A. N. N. Litrinov., p 42 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Arkhiv Patologlip Vol Mal, No 1960s PP 3-17. ins 7264 Sci - Jan 61 ~ff -1353 Concerning Certain Complications in X-Ray Therapy, by yeX~y, N. M. Nemenova., M. P. Khokhlova. N. A jjEa~ Yu. 1. Loriye, N. A. Probatom, 18 pp. UNCIASSUMD fRISSIAN, mo per, Arkh Patol, Vol XIX, No 9, Moscow, Sep 1957, Pp 15-26. ZO R,%P;tPRS/NY-L-ll2 Sci - Medicine, radiation sickness I'vi. ~.Ath -,A, 1, v .,ay 68 C. )--? - /,~Ucw-~o 3.95*2,'T .ne A (2n%;iGnal !"yprovinaticti ."~oluticn of a Variatim--tl I.rcbla~-,,, ai Lx-%qi,-ju of a "]axjj;lu~~ .4inst ~clzzljc! iiti llbreitm ~PartLcka ~,'aq F104, "V1.1,140p V. L:,. -;taekov, et aL 16 ?i~r lzws IU SS~;tl, ;,~4fjianika iI ~-:-a~, No 40 1968, -ip 5Z-62. 5--69 of the Xfoutrwia riov cc 1A T lbal ows 00 No NADWS# A* N. MMWXD M23sms per'? 2m mistel IBM Mmant I jkte=t M nzp Vol Ira ]b 1.0 i9tas IV 1-25-W. 966ftT pzwmce-m 07/o/i 'Fir Nm 62 lavestlotiaw of OpAine V308. V1. N-la-, ZLtvOphMlwm4=]A4rAnm Pftvblmte and Ito ,6A No rl--=Sumv %w Q. T. 0 4 pp. avauwj so PWP am exam M" Vol XWO no u i9550 pp gza-M. M %M70-c., 37,77$4 OMMMAnts BMV&u act - chemistry Aug 56 Antiferro*lactric mid ferraLtric Prinwrtiss ar $me Soft= Hlobate BoUd SolutAme, by N. N. Kftyllas 4 We BMW., per, It A No* &M,, Ur Yls, Vol MIj, Wo 12, 190,, py 1492-14966 CoUmbla Tech so& Fab 60 Ja 7,?1f ,~w ~Ji~-h th-, ldd FTD D c IT'ac aw-ing-ves 5tj%0Q"-O fzf"d-- 1) -for Ore lOzzPmit-cl, `~V 3- 0- !Iwlcna r4i`~-t ~7,--r2 4T 4 3CEWR M V. X, TO 5. A Study of a Combined (Mimd Vaccine from Dead Vibrio Comma and Live Pasteurella Pestis)p by B* I. xorobkovap 14.'X. Vereninovas N. F. Kalachevas B. Yu. Petrovap A. ri. Kmynovap 'I pp. RUSSIMp pery Zhur Mrobi,01 Spidemiol i Immwbioli, Vol XXIX.. No 11o 1958., pp 38-44.- Pergwon Inst Sci - Med Jul 59 (wy-6348) ..-nmunization of Swine Apirst Rog Cholera With Avirulent Lapinized Dry Virus Vaccine From Strain ASV, by 1. Ye. Golubev,, 1. P. Grigorlyer, V. I. KraymovaA.et al., 7 pp. :USSIM,, per, Veterinari"p Vol XXXTII,, No 10, L960) PP 29-32. JM 940 5"'i Ned 0/ fd 0 jal "i For the Olory of the Native I-and, by C Kraynyukov. FM CUICIAL USE OILY RMVJ.. Per., VOYem-TAtOrLQb"kLY 2wrp SO To 1962, PP 81-83- ACSZ 1-2879 ID 2237315c 319th mr 24 usm Mil 3L) 4, Iq 9 sep 63 ozq 10i I W- VWWy S f-j- A Dba of 14131tary DJV) b;y K- SM 4M RUSSIM$ lperp Og=k , 1b 15s AjF-1-964j 'p 2v j: JM/2=07-3125 USSR ma Apr 64 p Gi 0-4~v rspo~)#-n of Coura-c, by K. Kraynyulllov. u 'RUSST j"T, r-. Pravda, 'b.-COW, 2-2 (DC - Pf 7) Pol) !~Oc oct- ~s FAU at to V"W In Resdauns mpatimin Mao tor o. A. camukov* xrvoggN 5 ppe .?, ZMMI PW,# PU ftW SM Imal 1. M. S"bewval Vol XLVIZO No 20J )*A# SISOVI" Pub Co Sol Nov 62 216$367 Plahea Reaction to Electric OuxTent., ty H. V. Bodrm,, B. B. Kmyukblnq 19 P. RMS=17, per, Tzudy Sovachahanii Ah F.--uk SSSIR, Ikht Xm 1958., No 8,, pp 124-131. MA 59-20951 sci v4k 6o V61 3, Wo 1 NwAwlm ot the lffwt of an JlnatrJL* Owavot an Ifishp by I.: V. lobwns S. V. DayWchisp 4 pp. Rwrm* vwt 71114 zhw am lasmi X. M. sedhewvav Val =11s lb 7j, 1961- mintw m c0 8a 213,,9T3 Oct 62 ,rne Hi3tology of the Digestive System of Murgeon Tqrvac at DifferOnt DeVelOPMental Stages, by L. S. Krayusbkinl, 3 PP- J; p=, Dok Ak iiauk, Vol GXXIII 1.10 3.957) PP 54-2-- Amer Inat of Bio Sci Sci - Medicine '%- 51b, Zffer-t A-er #aL ~Ia L4t - C-r RC-C 0 Lved ft"r , Acir P-ro7tsgationm in OvAltions 6f Trc-pv9p~-,orjc-- by As & Tsql~sluj L, 1. Xrayusp 10 pp., R"a 3val't por Radicitekh" Vol XTTX3 so '11, 19580 pp 11-17 Feb 60 Ao (Nr-P-900/$4) Conferemoo Cmmmniing Tranof r NaWafture.. by A. a. W~J% 14 pp. RMSIM, per,, Blaktrichostvoj, No To 1960,, PP 89-93. JM 7856 usm j zl~~ 4 P-~~ Econ 7 IOW/ mar 61 Engftexl= CYWrnedca. bv L. P. .51 / Krayzmer. RUMAN, bk, lqg?~cbEftm MkgvLemo 19640 pp 1-88. *FTD-MT-63-422 Z- ~ /? 2' o,)ec Sept 65 I~L 1 ...6,'9 Davieu for Storage of Discrete InformaUca (MamorY DWicam) - a SMrWq, by L - P 3 ;p RUSSIM, por, -Pribo-zy i Ttkh Ekxper) No ~., 1958; Pp 3 -1h - lutru Soc of Awr Sci to~~/ Apr 6o l'err*MV*&Ac 'AwrY t~rtts, by loo P. ja ;'S 359. M- a V%v 4psr-AU of,* a ~iauvft as 's v Aeliewo 4steas tor i6oll~:~Ohu~ftq ..", tw;,ezer& ? IMO w-~IAN* bas , `04 IWO -Z, cd-! I ars' ime- 6,1-~ 383o674 Nadarn Cm"yts of Mon Mmory 9 md Elc4c hatbods of 6juthedal" YAwry tkdto for toer. mftc vAcKaws tw L. A?* Kromer* 7 PP* F, U3 4JLLK* We V 1957# qmm -ML='A6 pp 213-218* ir& i4 sai-B ant! M ime 6-) 3B3s6?6 Technical Oybommicso by Le p,6 Irilymro 1)5 ppo RUSSIMO bko TWthnidmkmya KibGrJWUkaj, 1964s, PP 1-98. P10023U67V PTD-49-6S-422 SWElectronics Aug 67 S36v640 Uonicas by Iscuid ftvladch MVUWp 56 pp. MMM3, bkv BJ=ildv TbUlids 19630 pp 1-93- JPUS 27635 3341-43:101 & Hed 2729220 ( i.: i - 6,1 The Problem of a Constitutioml Court in Yugoslavia, by Ivo Krbek, 27 pp~ CROATIAN, per, Arhiv z: J. Druatyenc Nauke, Vol )CLVIII, Vo 1/2., Tan-jun i96-.L, .pp 6-14. ME'ur - Yugoelavia ;7 q, _3 3" Jan 62 Wbat the a