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1 62-16557 Xrause. 1. Y. and Ulders. G. NDUM RESONANCE AMRPTION WITH FROZEN- 1. 71de: Mtksbauer effect UP RECOIL (MOSSRAUER EFFECT) (Kernresona=" I - Krause, 1. Y. absorption mit Eingefrorenem RUckstoss (MWbauer- U - LJJders. G. effela)). [1962] [211p. (7 figs. 10 refs. omitte4 Order from SLA $2. 60 62-16557 TVaus. of die Naturwissenschaften (West Germany) 1960. Y. 47 [no. 231 p. 532-536. DESCRWORS: *Nuclear resona=e, Absorption. Spec- trographic analysis, *Recoil atom, Quantum mechanics, Atmic energy, Leveli. LArtices. C ;L - 4 t 3 (Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Chemistry, Tr, v. 9. no. 2~ Ofte W Tockoks) Servkoi Nuclear resonance Absorption with frozen-up Recoil (Mossbauer effect), by I. Y, Krause G. Luders, 20 pp. -- GERMAN., per,, "Kernresonanzabsorption mit einge- frorenem Ruckstoss (Mossbauer effekt)" Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sei Feb 63 Experimental Proof of the Theory of Relativity of Nuclear Resonance Absorption, by I. Y. Krause, G. Luders, 12 pp. I -, . - ~ a- GEFU4AN, -per,, "Experiment elle Prufung der Relativitatstheorie mit Kernresonanzabs,~,rption" Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 63 NCK-202 250 Fteld 7C Krituse, K. H. STUDY OF THE USE OF TRIALKYL BMANES AND THEM INTERMEDIATE OXIDATION STAGES AS CCATkLYSrS IN VINYL POLYMERIZATIONS. 1965, Op, Or'efs. l[CH452d. Ordee from UCH: $19.00 as UCH-8626 Trans. of Kunatstoff-Rundschau (West GermanA v5 P139-4 1959, d1gr trarts. are &VLII&ble from SLA $1.10 a's TT-65-10005, 10p and &B TT-93-10579, Op. 9. tntarnational tviormkttco Ciurtng House, KLdland, Mloh. H, Krum, FO sLA Vol 2,, rqo 6 63-10579 ,Nrawe. K..H. USE OF TRIALKYL BORANES AND OADATION 1. Krause, K. 11. WTERNEDLATE FROIXJCTS AS CATALYSTS FOR VENYL POLYMERIZATEONS. 12 Oct 60, 9p. 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-10579 Trans. of Kunststoff-RmdwJmu OVest Germany) 1959. v. 6, p. 139-141. DFSCRU"MIZ S: *Vinyl radicals, Pblymm-lzadon, *Catalym, *Boron compounds, Alkyl radicals, *Organoboranes. Oxidation, Plastics, OVInylplastica, *Acrylic rcsijw, SynEhosis. (Wtcrinls--P1asdcs, 7f, v. 10, no. 3) DAM d lscb*.Ai Suvkts 63- il i407 If. 0 6 3 - 1 40 7 K ~jn cs!,),; - 3~ und schau os t Genna riy) 196 1 96 10il"iralles lak ~'a / Pffoct of the x*A:Itiv=t sarcorY, virl'.-I ,hc Galdr~u Hcmater~ by J. Gli=yj pp. ol--N, Inf script, 2 pp. On the Innoduity bf-SiWffi-dial CliefDTc-arlffti-saptlas, by. N. ]~.- Krause, 16 pp 1 191+0 RUSSIAN, per KUxurgia No 7,/pp 3-13 si.A R-lo6o Sci-44adicine mar 58 THE ELABWATION W ECOMICALY JUSTIFIED WEPATINk USTENS IN OUR AGRIG%7=0 BY 0* NWJKD 16 pp. GUMNp PER# ZEITSMIFT I= lKs , ND 8j, 10,9 PP 240-05. JIM 15a OCT 215013 o~ooowwtpmw ~ $a rmal 111clops. 1 whh,16, 10 Irb 20 1 --- 40 No 1004 " 4 odwh 4 'W'xv4n MA tt-ft~ X Iml - at JW 67 3Y)*829 I ft I m skim U is 9004 W 44 3im 04! doomogamsto %I, 9o ~ 3932#. lb IA AD VEW44 , m I ''-I& 4*1 ~w Uft Aa 6t 3NOM (NY-2&)O) FOR A RAPID INCREASEA IN POTATO PRONDUCTION, BY 9. OKRA CK ET AL, 7 PP. GERMAN, PER2 WISSENISCHAFTLICH-TECHNISCHER FORTSCHRITT FUER DIE LANDWIRTSCHAFT, VOL III,, NO 7) 1962) PP 311-313. JPRS A971 EEUR - GERPIANY ECON - SEP 62 21006 (NY-28oo) ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF MECHANIZATION AND STORAGE IN THE PRODUCTION OF POTATOESy BY 17 PP. GERMAN., PER., DEUTSCHE AGRARTECHNIK., NO 7., 1962, Pp 330-334. JPRS 14971 EEUR - GERMANY ECON ~ SEP 6?- zlOj3l5 (I~i Ceramic Colouring Materials, 1. Spinel Colouring Bases and Spineloj by 0. Krause., W. Thiel "VARp Perj- Bers Vol XV, No 3p 1934, PY 101-110. r" Nat'l Has Cc = 11 Canada TT 388 U1 - GDR Boonade / (o t ?'~7r Ai'g CTSAW. eaplawwod" ECOMC, QMIONS 00 MDR POTATO ON"TIONp 8v 06 Nun 16 OP. Quwav p" UIT$Mft no IKO No tg,,,p 1A VP 3T3-316# JPRS 17M Wo a Go"m um - WA 63 ukto ~,~ . ; , -, V.,. ,- ~ " 1 1- : ". . , P .:., -Z ; ~~ . . - " chwacteristim 4)C -I- yatal Stusfimajo IV Ro ENW"o 0 Go"i pwil IMMob"n moba. Vol 9,v 10 % .I 3955# Im 135A-4m* CA iTC-36-fOft -9, *,U~ sci-mw JU 66 306p070 ubeoUgic Aulpis of labrie=U.. bW R. Muse immwj, so per Wool Una ZWLU I Tax UP no h a M6.- vp 2dZC5. bd am am Tr 473.00 Ott - ftels ZZ4 (o JOS Noy 56 as 7'vl composition Of phosphating Solution# Solid Phasep Phosphate Coat and Corroston Itesistanct of Codt in novu phogphatinS Systawl, by L. Schusterv R,,!,,,Krause WA"I"M(MW 23 pp. GEMAN Korroslou and Metallachutzp Val Xnltp 1942P pp 73-61. CIAAW/X-1336 os7 scientific - Chemistry min/metals May CW/DZX P4 6"1 " I G. SG-~116-rmj I., luvro"= Abbaftip Val. 17# 194* pp. 1716-1791 4 figureet I *m% um wombs The mtrAre of the Ufferimt pbomftte emtbg prm"O", &,utcbwt Mw. WW 7&,. IMV $6.50 ji SOMTMO L. !~A~M!- ICEMCE tvDiwuLlBmu-r&t IgiAg vol 20g so 5# pp phosphating at "M toqoratwo Irdeber trous Ml, Sn.25 /I b I Li-V NOUod of Canting High *atirg-point metal, e.g., Iron, Nickel, Alloyap and the Ukat Around Drawing Dies, tLa Die Being IWld in Plmca Estmen Mtzll~c Holders and Holder TWme Arranged In the Axial Direction Tboreof., by Richard Kraunes 6 pp. GMW.Np Patent No 259p929. Dep of Comwrev Patent Office Sci Ub Sci. Comparison of Various Instrwmts for Measuring Surface Roughness, by U, Krause;;O, Pawelski, GEP,,.I-Wr,,OjW, Stghl und Eisen, Vol 84, 2 Jul 1964, pp 859-868, BISI 3819 EE-GermW sci/f.-WI May 65 2780812 lessuring the Rougbness of Cold-Worked Surfaces, )y w. Luegi 'ERM., pers Stahl und given, 17 Mar 1960,, 325-337. BISI 16% 5CI - Min/Met .---p 60 / ~p (~ '1z -,. ~;w C L ~ * .~; -4; Z ; ;~U: tou ~-- 4i, a t ~,'rojg"Vu AA 4,12i; rm Wfftvattm SUONOb of Stota C 45 ApiMt 4pt besslog at ftam tv t;,0 LAM A U, am;tU4 pw,. R%U- UM- Vol ODs, AUg vp s solh~*t w Imarma ok uo -4uelity, 4f Czjm v al-llmw "ja""&mt I .6n U as w4t,, 4.s L&u4k ~W 1414, Wo4o Preparation if Hydrocarbons of the Butadiene Series, by VP. Krauze Ya* M. Slobodin. 10 pp. "-I RUSSIM, per. -F- Vol 9, m;nal Prikla&oi Khimiip 1936, pp 127M288. SIA TT-61-18054 ~ P. Sci/Chemistry Jul 66 305.989 Tboantical: Buis or Potrqpmohie Progmtlm of Coal asroop by W. Kramoo 1. Cla=nks. PMMO Perj, KokeLl Smouj, G"J, Vol Ti.. so 4, 19610 PP 134-140. sel Jul 63 'NI Special llrc4ulerw of Utcrowave Mea=ing Tochniqideq Employing Waveguides,, by W. Krause. A pp., I I'MMAN N v , per, mcbrichtentachnikj Vol IX,, No 8p 1059s pp 351-155. YMASTA -,-.C-75A/59 Sci - Electronics Chamterlistics of ftUab ww CCU v by J. VDAudaldowlas 9 1G YASUSYA# V # .. MA W'. allwWa4t T pyl. rmmzo Pori NO", ftolftp G"v 1#61 M~p 4, V-wd,;Ib 19:80 P2 WAP. . am L'AB.N. 61-10336 " . Krause, Werner . [CRITICAL E*PEkhlEN'TAL SrUDIES ON VACCINE I. Rables--CAwtermeasures MATERIALS AGAINST RAMES. T14E PAT14OGFNF-SIS 2. Virus vaocines--Test OF THE RARIES AND T14E PROCESS DURING THE methods INCUdATION PERIOD. 1. TESTING OF RABIES VAC- 3. Title: Plantar leat CINE) TIIE PLWTAR TEST jKraj~40hc j 1. Krause. 1". 1". mencelle Studien ~uer die Pru"Jung von TOUVRaimpf- 11. Title: Testing... scoffen, die Patho;enc~-z Jer Lyssa und-das Geschelien Ill. Title: Plantar... In der InkwationspLrIode. 1. Die Pr5fung der Tollwtitimpfstoffel. (196019p. (I ij,,. 3 tables omined). Order rim -'L/,. mi$ 1. 80. A 1. so 61-10336 Partial trans. (p. 468-473) of 7entraLilart fur iiakter- jologic, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten A-V. 1. OrIginale (Eaqt Germany) 1957. v. 167, rio. ~,7, p. 458-480. no. STTEE (NY-38,00) The Present and Future of Coking Coal Supply for the Polish Coking Industry, by Witold Krause, 8 pp. POLISH,, per, Wiadomosci Hutmicze, Vol XV, No 11/12) 1959, pp 346-1450- JPRS 5312 EEur - Poland Econ - Fuels, Pvwer A Sep 60 /Nf, STATUS OF DEVELOPMENT OF RAILROAD VEHICHLE REPAIR IN 1963,, BY RR WOLFGANG KRAUSE) 7 PP. GERMAN) PER) DIE WERKSTATT, NO lo, 1962, PP 332-334. JPRS 16522 EEUR - GERMANY ECON , DEc 62 217,333 on the prokans Dowity of the Can $LIU is DecldWm Woofto bly 4* &-ywj, 1. Itmuse. 08w-ms P"p D& md Verkotatr,, Vol 21j, so 1.- 29630 pp jk4p* NW/Ra: Coko 7-. (,Rl~le6e oci - As we 67 334*904 17/ JOS a-," of nmnttl In Martonsite, 'vi 0 1 & -A omlh "'0l !:)Or 'e- 7 .L,f 4. 3~1 2.eb, Study Group for Widespread Radioactive Fallout, by H&Krausse sad II.Rmdol%r. (KFK-357 ) CEIBN-,mm,D, Jahresbericht 1964 der Studiegimpe fuer Tiefl!gruftg MMMiVOr Abfalle, Karisrune., IMA,26pp. *OTS V01116014110131 J/. Aug 6,6 Krause H G L 1~~L'AR'A~D PERIODIC PERTURBATIONS OF THE ORBIT OF AN ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATEL- LITE, tr. by Seymour Nelson. 119601160)p. 25 refs. Order from O'M or SLA $5.60 60-17358 Trans. of mono. I nternatlonal AstronautIc Congress (no. 7) [held at) Rome, 17-22 Sep 56. JProceedings, p. 523-5851. DESCRIPTORS: Perturbation theory. *Orbital flight paths. Satellite vehicle trajectories, *Satellite ve- hicles, Artificial planetoids, Earth, Gravity, Sun, Moon, Motion. Atmosphere, Life expectaocy, w1ociiy. Ntimerleal analysis, Bessel functions. Ile motion of an earth satellite In an orbit Inclined to the earth's equator to generally Investigated, the orblE (Engineering- -Satellite Vehicles, 71% v. 7, no. 6) (over) 60-17358 1. Krause, H. G. L. 11. Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Redstone Arsenal, Ala. 10-10-61 Offi- .(T-W-1 S-i- Exact InUgration of the Bqation of Notion After BmVM CC a Rocket AscaMUS Tonically in Us Eafth's AtwspWrop by 1, 0. L. ,"~w OMMI, PrmWUp at WN Fourth Astromoutical Congress., Zwlah, Owitzer"mid., 1953. Pub]UW by the Oviss Astronamtima Society of the Internatiomi Aotronsittical Pe"ratiou, 29A. pp 171-180o JIIU/APL TG 2304114 Sol - arm fts Azr 61 Device for Fomsing Lazy Toup Xxtension Comrss,, by DiSen Kilwisps 5 pp. am"? Patent No 578.,612. Dept. of Comism patent OfTioe Eel LIb (gift) Sci - Engineering Oct 58 Z.A117 7// The n= of the Gumm Lovw Nvonim (Me nod del3 Deutsdw Uuter DOT=) p by H. 7 Weylands IA5 PP* OEM., per$ AbbMuMmom, dor Preussftdm aedue seben -- I NO 2A, Iwo pp 2-92- lAbmT Dd at anaft Biel 9 fte Andrent Im 91 Sol . Goo" oat 61 RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY THE INSTITUTE FOR PLANT BREEDING IN BERNBURG., BY R. KRAUSHAAR) 6 pp.. GERKAN PER, PRESSE-INFORMATIONEN, NO 145) DEC 19L, Pp 7-8. JPRS 172A EEUR - GERMANY ECON JAN 6~ 220,4o4 mat-'On Ou Mixed Fodder Frcductiua an-~ ot~ K~,~asures Against Cattle Discaves, by R. Kraushaar, I". pp - 214, -Techniocher 01, per, Wissenschaftlich V)vtschritt fuer die Landwirbacbeft, Vol 1, No 5p '0 -221. .1a 1,060) pp 218 JFR3 9179 6i 62-1621 s Krau ko f Konrad B. SLG~,Y,tvII,A1L)Ur MODEliN VIEWS UNJ -ritE viiys- 1. Krauskupf, K. B. 1(~j CjjENqS'rjtY OF N~.,-TAL FORMING SUI. LT17IONS [1962J 12p. 24 refs. Order from SIA $1 ,60 69-18214 Trans. of J;e Naturwi~- -enst-tiaften (West Gern ally) 4F, p. 441- -!,. -P chemisir), Metais, Solutions.1 *Ores (Metai som - *Ores (Noli-metallic), flock (Geology). Ccod. Klitieral prod 'r-r, v. ), io. (1) Office, til Techmical Senkes KRAUS=Fs W. jffWIF,LL,. H. J. Stahl und Moons vole 68p 5 figures, 1700 words; 1949. Kanganese Recoyery In the Basic Openhearth Furnace. A Discu.5don ~ 6 ~ ~ 6 Brutcher Trans., Order No. 2129p $2o55 Investigat.10no or I10provemat of ftv x4got Surface by fte or cannuatea ftsUbOaM., by W. KMuskopf GERM., per, FAdex flundsobau,, Apr 1961, PP 543-545. BIBI 2893 An 63 list 162 Early Sumer Mningo-Encephalitis in Lower IjuBtriao n 1956-ig5f3. RpIdetioloa and Clinic iL the EpideAdc Area of Heurkkixvhen, by H. W= 140-ritachy 10 PP. WMAX, per., Deutsche Hadiziuishm Wochen- sdzift., Vol LMN., 195% ;p 1934-1939- 8U 6049903 Vol Vy No 5 /d 0 ,TuI 61 , 1,7 ~' M,~ Wedge Welding Specimen for Gauging, the RCfects of the Cooling Rate on Polygonizati on in WelCIG Of Single-phar-a- btructure, by Yu. L. and 1.1'. 111j. Shorshorov.5 PP. l-',TJSSLk-,,',. per,, Avto--qnt Svaka, -!o7.3., 7'8Y- 1963; 1-7, Jill British Welding Res Assoc. SCI 11 -:ay ~4 -)S~j D ~3 The Effects of Small Chromium and Mckel Contents on the Proyarties of Steel Products, by &hepers$ Krauas. OMM, per, Stahl und Palsen, Vol LM?I, xo 14, 1956. Broken RM Prot Co Ltd (CRL/T.9) sci - ydn/14st / ~'/" ev ?Y .41w 62 rX,"OK?AOUl R-MatO by i*Wt tdU A ~iW Ureat ,,Uoacb istyd A* ilsaftq, 25ft Ja me imamu "0v 106o pp 5065ris 1,t 31$0017 ct A. I Vol ~L&, Ju- ct '5 ~i Cw~--ra With L-ent I-J-1-Ach c2n be-roci~,d &;zi ~-M T~,,Iav' ~ Aftmood, by Lun~~i~j 3 pp. 0=0 pat=t No 593.9892. Dept or roe Patent Offiae Sel Lib (gift) ftl a pbyoi*s Oct 58 7,~-l -IVIS Shm LlftJXg DWtaUatlcft 03d Uselftly Lim j~r-'Jsjje adpis in tM M Pagles SUpyard ju oAmlounAl by G. Xm" R, Bad3Wmj 4 N. GERMS pwp -dq;l steowkp 12 Oat 19690 pp 504-505 a fty Tr MAXI 9N 6-d- Rom aw 63 Disposis and Treatment of Congenita Esophagw3 Atresial by Ho Mmuss K, Betkep 10 ppo MW MM4N., per.. Deat med Wscbr, Vol LMMI No 14p 8 Apr 1955,, pp W467- srA Tr IW/56 Sci - ?.w. .2- "Id !,-iDx 57 CTS in"wilicuro 'Viol 4.1 Small-Scale Industry in 1966-1970, by Krzysztov Krauss., 8 ppv POLISH., n~-,, T- No 16., 17 Apr 1966., pp. 1-27 JPFS 36008 EE-Poland Econ jul 66 3o4,,567 by J groatkrarjaro Crzi per., flutariaipv~pgpp Vol 64, Aug 1964. pp 27igQ82. *IIISI 4364 KRAUTMACHER, H. and PUNGEL, W for molten lead. Life of containe Stahl Eisen 77(13):837-45 (1957) (CRL/D. 842) f4trable CMID-umer 4~~u ~~upply in Urban azo Rural ~,,rtms, by i-SMustof Krmac, a pp. per$ '-k>. 50, V) Dec 67, p. 3. J?RS 44s363 Fk-b 68 350,290 Ainwate ftwe Obifting AwIcea for tU Segion of itfrodow rremwacies fran moi" lr* RW.2~, b-e Ye, D. XoItIlko S. A. Krawdbe0o,, 1710 rp. it Gas .,MTA2, 1-not I Wilt ~-Ow t Pt &L vo nAvIurc./Irm- -, .- .. 1. ~j im 4 eA) klo Automatism and Reflex in the ACtivity Of tbS Respiratory Center in Vertebrates# by a,. D. KravchLaskLy! 67 pp! RUSSIAN, peTt Uso!kbL semmm-BLologLyt Vol '199 So 1. 1945g pp 291-315, Dept of Interior BCF/O" A-37-March 1970-No 63 On Wan IZ tj v 0- ti S Sc i-wl --aAy Inforaluen E*Ohmp an roym lavel by 4 Xrovehake 19 xuUmicbo 5 ppq Fir-USIAN9 tip* 23 Nov 1969o p 4 .01 1.-1* 73 4W*639 Tr-61-14366 Kravkov, S. W. VISUAL ACUITY AND ILLUMINATION IN THE DIS- 1. Krovkw, & W. CRIMINATION OF WHITE OBJECTS ON A BLACK BACKGROUND (Sehschgrfe und Bekucbttmg beim Uo- terscbelden Weisser Objebe suf Schwarzem G.t. [19611 112p] refs Order from SLA $1.60 77-61-14Z6 Trus. of [Albredit vw Graefe's) Arch(ivl nUrl Ophithalmolo&I (Germany) 1934, v. 131, p. 452-437. 2 3 (Bloloocal Scieneft-Phymiology, Tr. v. 12. m 2) 7T-64-22054 Kralove, Miarle], THE VACUTHERM HIGH-TEMPERATURE MICROSCO09 1. Kral*M M. COMBINED WITH A VACUUM PUMFING UNIT OF U. MT-Tram-363 CZECHOSLOVAK MANUFACTURE Mar 64. 10. Tolls -' , M. do 0., Order from MT $7.30 MT Trans-363 hLomwein(losw Tram. d Slemvn" (Cuchoolovaids) 1961, v. 9, m 4. P. 143-145. Another trans. Is available frm MT $7. 00 as M-176-650 119611 (Phydes--Optka, TT, T. 12. m 2) 0"W of Toookm zlutim of Uie Inverse Strm Liawille Prdalemr KAI" :#-~ZM4 Ivre Lx~h mad. Sa*, W 76* 'io 11 19,51v z,-V 21-24. OWN-A IT F 13,295. 10 62 Neurology Studios and Research Geographioal Distribution of Heradofamilial Neurological Diseases in Romania# by I* Kreindlers EUROPEAN, per# iiAji at Gazoetari do Neurologist Vol 90 No 40 1964t Pp 401-410. NTC 72-10803-061 Apr 72 32WS, G - S. WINGAUZ, S Isvest4a &kadaidi nauk soor. 044. Takh. Sauk, 19~7. No - 12, 6 f IPZ*x, 3 tall", 2400 words - Kinetics of I slon Deposition of Cobalt mA Nickel from Aqueow SolutIons W Metallic Zift. B,rutcber Trwwg Order So. 21W, 44.20. A New luminescent Catalytic Reaction for Determining Copper, by S.U. Kreingolld and E.A. Bozhevo3.lnov., 6 pp. RUMIAN, per, I Zhur Anal Xhim., Vol XVM, No 8~ 1963., pp 942-949. CB Sci may 64 258S411 Fluorescent ComplexomeAric Determination of Micrc=ounts of Calcituc, by E. A. Bozhevollnm- and S. U. Krelngolld, RIZSWI, perj 'Zbur Anadticbeskoi, Vol MrII, ii-, 5, -L962, pp %-,0 564' CB Sci jul 63 9-Y./ Preparatton of Lauthatium Dexaboride, by 0. V. Swasonov,; Yu. B. ftderno, S. U. Kreingoild, 6 pp# RUSSUN, per., Zhw Prik Xhim., Vol XXW, No 1., 1961, pp 10-15. CD Sci Her 62 1, 79.~/ /f , The Fire Filtration Liakage of Boreholles With Air at High Prezoure in Hard Coal Se=s, by V. A. Sm~rnov,, E. V. Kreinin. RMSIAN., per., Podzemnaya GazifLatulya Ugleyp VO r;o 4, 1957, pp 24-28. Dept of Interior Bu of Mines Central Exper Sta Pittaburgh, Pa. Scl - Enar Tr 557 M3 er~'v Dec 59 .11 KreAnhL L. S. DEM-WMATION OF TM PROFMCnVE PROMR- TIES OF SERA. A TABLE FOR DEMMINIM THE PDc,n DOSE AND THE LIMITS OF ITS VARIATIONS. 1190) 16)p. 3 refs. PASEB manuscript no. S 232-2. Order tram OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-19387 Trans. ot tZhuroal M11troblolool, EpIdemlologi.1 I Immunoblologli (USSR) L962 (Y. 331 no. 2. p. 70-73. DESCRIPTORS: *Serum, 'Doesp, Determination. Microorganisms, trrununology. 63-19387 1. Kreinin, L. S. U. Title-, Table... III. FASED 5-232-2 IV. Federation of American societles for Experimental Biology, WashingTon, 1). C. V. Script& Technics. Inc., WssWngtoo, D. C. A 49 (Biological Sciences-Pstholop. TT, v. 10. a*. S) Emission ana Conductance of Condenser Type Cathode by Go S. Kre uInA, L. N. Sellvanov, . -d 7 PP. RMUNI per Radiatekh i Electron, Vol V, No 8, 196Dt pp 13~6-1341- PF Sai jul 63. / 6 7, ~ eo' k rim". Regionj by &-w Ae Mml-so --r.- ammas pmr~ TArAk Nat"A'detorlek Ift-leenIng I -MobenhIm, Vol. 17, 1952o PP 251-307- DeVt of Int TJB righ MA wautle Barv 091f ftsherY tn"AiFti= Library,, ftlveston. 10 7 My 59 lkhL- sixidy cj-.,., the Reals-Uwao of -Um Tuberale Duill= to S,bmptoqmlA by the Mothod of latzadanml Waaft-Pig Dwculation, Iry E. Be=mrd., D. lCrelep ~ p_n. R&ca% pez; Aim i=t Fastew; VO; 7=&,71p NO 0`2 D--r-- 1949., pp SL& V M.- Sai - Vnedellue j-4~ It Dav 57 ~fteroculture of Taberale BscUli on Mides in Hum Blood. goo ot Pmearvad Blood to Da- termine St%eptfteiu Resictames by R. Be=wd.. B. !~~3 PP- "=, per., Am Imt Pw-.-iwo Vol LXrM, to 6, Doo 1949~ pp 653-6,56. MA 2782 Sai - kbdIcLue rlo -'7jCleptibility of Mn to the Murine Virus of Chorimeningitis. Experimental =~,xtion of Benign Lym%kocytic Haningitlap Pierre Lepiriep Pierre NoDmavt~ Boris Kreis, Acad d Ocp Vol MCHp per# C2Wtes-Rendus Cavo -L, -24, Jun 3 x 1937# PP 1846-lW- Em ~~-iantific - Medicine ITOV 54 ms / f, Sz I oadm)-colum Pn*jev 1916j. by H. A." Knisp pero ommo Igms capita zool.. Vol IV, NO 5j 1934t 271 PP - W 9-2o-62 sci - Biolov Doe 62 C~ / SI) y9y Tr-64-10424 Kn" w1u LWO CARCMOMA AND TOBACCO COMMMOR L KrWo, W. A STATIMCAL SUM. Doctoral diswtudon. IL ZurichLkdy. (Swimerl&W) ZM&b U. 119621 (25p] 19rds Order tim SLA $2.60 Tr-U-1004 Tttn& of German buguage artic4cafrom tuddendfled warce, n. d. (AWaraa avathible) Anodler Uwa. Is avallable from K-H $22.50 u K-H-7036a [19621 l8p. DESCWMRS. *CLowr *Uzgs. VrObLCM Smokm ctriverea, cmpxupdn cardoagadc agents, In 1901 to 19*0, amo% 52,754 dissacdons. 735 lung curInotrAs were observed in the PstWogic Inodtine of the Urdversity In Zuxi& Dift We period of obwr- vation die percem sbare of dw cancers becam dotible in the toW collection of di"eaed materiaL ft ahare (Biological Sciencea-ftd4w. Tr, T. 11. no, 9) Willi. LUNG CARCINOMA AND TOBACCO CONSUMMON. 1. Doctoral thesis, Zurich U. [19621 18p. II. Order from K-H $22.50 K-H 7036 a Ill. IV. Trans. of unidentified mono. pub. (Zurichl, n. d. DESCRIPTORS: Tancer, $Lungs, OTobacco, Smokes. Cigarettes, Consumption. 62-2Z574 Krels, W. ZurichU. (Swltzerland) K-H 7036a Kresge-ilooker Science Library Associater, Deiroit, Mich. (Biological Scictict-K-Pathology, '17, v. 8, no. 9) office F T*cl..Ic.1 3--4.-- -uw SKIR (ATICIAL LR "If 40 19640 IL 71~0 Use 4v mm, ci~,,,;-,oz TvAti,16 WIN. SEM (IFY-3-ue). ?recant Problems of Standardixetloa in th* Ymbins-Tool Industry.. by Drtmo Krelsel, 22 pp. GMMN,, porp Studwasleruns., Vol V., No 9, Berliny 1959) PP 373-383- '- JM 2335 Mur - Germany aeon - Manlifsoturing mar 6o la-eisl-, T.;%TlaLns His Suggestions on Using the ECF- J."or East-West Economic Co- aidstence., 5 PP. ITITCL GETMUT, Encl I to Desp 625, AmEmbassy, Viemia, 21 Jan 1962; Desp 571, 1/5/62--BI-WER item No 2, Desp f740, 12/22/61--Bl-'YIM5 Item No 2. Dept of State 1-12 - A-L~sl;rin Econ F '2 Bome Reflections on the Future of European Integration., by .' Dr. Kreis , 10 pp. UNCIASSIFIED GOMAN, rpt, Encl to Deep No 109, AmEmbasay, viennai 29 Jul 1960. Dept of State 446943 WE - Non-Orbit Countries - Ecom Sep 60 The Breakdown stmrqth Of Plasticized Poilyvirelcblorlde$ (PVC), by M Kreiss. OMMN, per, glaktrotechnische Zeitschrirt; Val U~~a)) 1959) PP 7.5-51-7956- CSIRO Sai - Chem jurn 62 .2 a 3., 3 6 4 Determination of Iroll in Water, Acids, and Salts by a Kinetic Method Using Stilbexone, by S. U. Lreingolld, E. A. Dozhevolinov, 5 np. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Khim, Vol XVIII, No 11, 19063, PP 1356-1361. CB Sci Au c 64 265,17.3 62-10571 Kreiss Manfred 654W INFLUE N*CE OF FILLERS ON THE STRUC*- 1. Tltlv. Filters 7URE AND THE ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF 1. Kraist, M. PLASTICIZED PVC MDnURFS. 11961112p. (16 figs. ormitted) 23 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 62-10571 Trans. of Kunstatoffe (West Germany) 1959, v. 49. no. IZ p. 679-683. DESCRIPTORS: *Polymers. *Vinyl chlorides, Chlo- rides, Plastics, Electrics1propertes, Molecular structure, 'Binders, Electrical effects, Adsorptim 2 q'56 0 Adhesion, *Plasticizers On the basis of electrical measurements It is shown that fillers added to plasticized PVC mixtures chiefly absorb plasticizers. In additim saponification prod- ucts and other ]one are adsorbed by the filler, and (Materials- -Plastic, TT, v. 7, no. 10) (oYer)