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T'. -lu nrc.L piii~~ntu ol' Uic! Fer-ro 'Jloy IndUS Iy i-L thk~. Republic of China, oy Kvvznyh, op. RUSS-Tulti, per, Stal, No 11, 1959, pp W64?S). 'F 0 r (--) '? / F, ins-1.116-D 71' - ~:"rcn 7 F c i) "I Tedmology i7a the Mmiufactum of Penwnoys, by I. F. InLofkmjchjp P. & seldifianAp 22 IV@ RMIAN; bk MetaUureVa SM (1917-IM).. Vol 11 Part I, 5ga-.:jqj. OW 60-5UM FL-4w Im Sam ftp 61 P" so 119 211-1 Trotective =Oct at Locall AalgVda of the B=e gmmv In Acute Radletim Slalmoso ia tminals D. P P. Y=M==kD2 10 pp. rpav$ IL--at Radia, So 10;, 1*. -ncreased radiopro'ective effect from a combined use of 5-metho)Ttryptaraine and ercamine,, by 2. G. Ya F('USS7.a~ per, Radiobiologiya,, Vol No Zp 1962, pp 298- 303. 920SZ711 AEC-Tr"5429 Sci Jun 63 Poidiore,otoctf,tT Action of 5-1,*.thovtryptamixn- and 4W MQr AIto;Vtryptwdneii by L Ct, Krannykb, P. G. Zharobehanko, UVv 6 1IMMIArij ~qcr, raa-ca)iologiya, Vol TI, no 11 196?o 92a8799 'AM - Tr - 54P8 Sci ju-i 63 4e /2,) -S Effect of Local Asphyxia of Bone Marrow on the Course and Outcome and Radiation Sicknessp by P. G. Zherebehenko, 1. 0. Krasnykh., N. P. Lebkova., S. P~ Yarmoneakop 4 pp. RIBSIM,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol VXXIX, No 6, 1959P pp ~427-- Amer Inat of Phys Soy Pbys-Doklady voi iv~ No 6 Sci jul 6o (NY-2619) The Importance of LuMineSCent MCroscOpy Of the Bonee Narrow in the Hxporlw=tal Study of Radiation Reactlon~ by I. G. MmiMkby Z -PP, RUSSIMs per, W-di't Rad:101091, No 3., 1959,, PP 49-52- jPRO-L-Mi-N Sci - Medlaim, Radiblfj& ita 59 573, SY-3427 The ftoblem of the ftvVeiii4i " &MAtion Sickness (Results of Tests of Certala PrepmtIons)p by V. V. Antipovip It Go Jbmmvkho 5 ppr RUSSrAN,, per,, Medit Radidlagp.No 1# 1959. 'JPBB 22W Sci - Madicim Oct 60 R ~ t 47 r, fool P-rotection Against Early Radiation injurien tr the Bone Vlarrow) by 1, K,,.X=5nj,44~; N. P. S. P. Yarmonenko, 8 pp. qT.3F)qTAN-,, pf~r, Mmlitedns~,ayli Padiologiya, NO AuL~ Sow Indices of the r-metimal State of the Endocrine Glands in Individuals Wofting With Organic Chlorine Coupowds, by E. P. Krwnyuk MUM, per, Vradiabnoe Delo, No 1; L964j, pp 115- 119 0 M IT-64-19698 Jan 67 3179891 61-15504 Krasnyy. L M. MOULDING EQUIPMENT AND TECHNICAL AR- 1. Solids--- Production RANGEMENT OF THE MANUFACTURE OF AUTO- 2. Sheets- -Production CLAVED SOLID AND HOLLOW PANELS BY 'ME 3. Concrete- -Molding CASETTE METHOD (For-movochnoye Oborudevanlye I. Krusnyy, 1. hl. I Tekhnologicheskiye Skhemy Pvmzv~ kl.,tva Avt(,K, lov - 11. LC-9,1)4 nykh Sploshnykh f Pbstotelykh 1zdehi Kas letnym 111. DSIR LLU M. 2498 Sposobom) tr. by C. M. Gibson. Mar 60 181p. DSIR IV. Department of Scientific Library Communication no. 954: M. 2408. and Industrial Research Order from I C or SLA mi$l. 80, ph$l. 80 61-15504 (Gt. grit. Trans. of Beton i Zhelezobeton (USSR) 1959, no. 9, p. 413 - 416. Office of Techmical Sorvices (Machinery- -Manufacturing, Tr, v. 5, no. 12) The Idea Wis Right t Its Solution Was Wrong, by Do Krasnyy, 3 py) (A~1034457)- UMUNNIND %umm"w"wraw ,=SIM# mo per,, GrazManslays, Aviatsiya, Vol X1111 No 10, Oct 1936, P 34- "~Ti~);' -7 ATIC F-M-9193/V sci - SW ft 58 /'6, Dispersion of Light In the Blalton Absorption Region of jOb Xmic Crystals Containing Jdaodefectep by YU& P. KrasMyj 0 7pe. =BIM) Ws Pis Trardogo IOU# Val Np ]b 12,p 1962o PP-3512-35n- AmM4 Xwt of fts Sm Phys - Solld State Val Us No 12 901 Am 63 Causas or Me FluatuaUum In Um Abasame or the VIdtatish of, 14M Eb4kal bv S. 1. MmsendwjWwv. RVSMN. per. Proobedinp of the Conturenco of the Pioptdation trmmfts of 11dws. Nose= 1960 Mmidy &wasabanit. X* 13, 1961, 238-247 M/9M2.56 1965 (56) S 5e.'V~s Sol - Aug 67 3119-T07 To Bnprove the Training of Agvxicultural Speciali;i'us in the Field of Diology, 'by V. F. 2m RUSSIAN, per, Vest Sel'skokh Wauk, No 6, 1963, pp 2-6. 9212623) USDA Tr A-1399 Sci - B101 & 163d Sci Oct, 6"~ ~ 4j 0 cjr, ~;. 1: 1 1 (SF,wl *) 7HE WAGANIZATION Of HIOU SOMXv BY V. F. KRASDTA.- 10 PP. RUSSIANj, Ms, VEONIN SELISOM NIUXI v VOL VI # to ioo ig6ij, PP 4761%, asm I" um soc MAY 69 1972335 Naha --w--wwm -*AdLr *qpwa- IPWO Xw" I md=p v" Ist No To 301o33, am ftl MW 62 1950633 Solubility of jLUOying rLemots iu 4mtite,, by p. A. AMavt E. 1. Levina, S. N. Krasotkayn, 6 pp. klUSSIAN, W,. Fiz Metal i MOt&UUVP VOI X~ 90 2o 1960, pp 245-250. pp / ~ -~/- (7 ~/ Y sci Aug 61 of the Additivity Principle for the Saturation WL9netization in CoMlex Ferritic Alloysp by S. ,IV,. J~rasotkajya, 4 pp. Vol V N 2l -tai i YAtall AQ 1957, pp 241-245. pergamn Inst sci - Min!"'!vt sitasla-molwot I'll' m almig I ft- 1' 1 1 j bY N6 L vwaoftt No 14A - , MPI 0 p cowswo ]b Wso 2000 0 Aaft Ilowids Sol my 6t IL940470 PHW COWMITION Or ... . Nowmilm WITH A 31LICAON NITRIK SINM BY N. 1. VMINP N. 1. KRUMIMAJ 9 W. MMIAN PERP =MOM# ND IOS I*# pp V3":W* 1 im 1w scl - wm i. 'm 63 2t8ggW Cause5 of Crac%ing of Ware Consisting of Superimposed Op&l Glasses, by V. V. Vargin,, N. 1. Krozotkina, 3 PP. RUSSIM, per) Steklo i Keramika, Vol XIV, No 7, 1957) PP 8-10. Consultants Bureau Sci jun 6o k 19 IR&UrWua Mwt Batch of ~ 1, An DErm! UM all low RHAdo Bl=dwrs by S. 1. VozW:Lnp DW* ODM4=Yp No 34* MU*4r 1961) pp 157-262. Acta Vbt%U=Ztca sci May 64 Betractory Proclucts and PA=dxg Bodies for HA-,.gh ft'asawe Btwnm of ftosm Boilers., 4 N. 1. Voroninp N. I. Mmsotkina et al, 6 pp. RUSSrM,p per; Opeupm.. No 5-6., 1963, pp 2L2-a7. CD SrA may 64 Tberml E3=0 ion of Boditm Silicate Glwses C=taiulng ZM Fluoridesp by V. V. Vargin, &YA R. 1. Mmwtkirx& pp. MWIM,, tbriee-w per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSERO Vol Cv No 6# yp 1133-1136. amsultanta Wreau clan " CTS Decomposition of Retained Austenite in the High Speed Steel R.18., by S. N. Krasotskaya,. B. A. Apayev., 5 PP - RUSSIAN., per, Piz Metal i Metallovp Vol VII# No 2, .1959, PP 192-197. FP sci Aug 60 S ~~ Krasovec F. Pcl,rmolecularity of Poyvinylchlorile Samples with Different Degree of Conversion. SERVO-CROATIPLI'll per, Reports J. Stefan Institute, 1956 III, SEP. 1,'p. 203-211. *PL 48o oTs 61-11258 1961 Me Quavum of a now Pv~"'~n ConM, t; by stm ~~4 ". umm-mmmo q2 pas Ofttisticks R4wijao Vol Ip No 20 JU lm. W Dept at Oammae swmm of the cm= Irmelp waymw ameugh Ognae (L*=" Oct IW 026/dox -11. t oil 4L., by 1P. B. &-matur R M. p Ix IITD-MCL-950/1 New Variant of, ftysiological Solutionp by A. H. CNUMA p 11 - 2 . Syrkina, L. 7 PY - I RUSSIAN, mD per, Sov Mbdp Vol V., No 17-18j. 1941., FF. 18-19, Sci Tr Center Rt-794 Sctentific - m Medicine / 0, 6 6 / The EMct of -Acid COUCcutrat4lon CM the Rate of Corrosion of Carbon Steels,, JW Be Am, BaUsInI To 1, lrasoT~tfwa- . j Vol IMO, No 2s 1951j. RUSSIU.. perp Zbur Prik-lblp pp 197-202, cougult"te DZUU Tr also Assoc ServUeu Now Jeracy RJ-55 Scientific Chmistry :5 $7.75 ($1.75) Direct Bisazo Dyestuff6 Derived from Oxadiazole and '11dodiazole II. Compamtive luvostigation of the Ts=eric Bisamo Dyestuffs Derived from Thiodlazole, by B. M. papovit R. H. matskavicb.. N. a. Dolunikbinp RMIMj perp Mir Obahch MxLmj, Vol XXX., No 8. 1960~ pp 26o8-2613. CB /c/o 4p, 4pal set Direct A,,Lo Dyes - DarivetiveS Of 4'-.,6-VaPht'nclYlene- yD. .- R- !4- 1 -Bonz LmideMole � b P N.. A. RadoChilla, RUSSIAN, paro zlbur Obshch Min,. Vol r~%VI113 NO 91 1958P PP 2485-2489- CB Sci - Chem Oct 59 Me Relation Between the Structures of a Munber of' Direct Dyes, Their Particle Dimensions in Solution, ancl Their Speea of Diffusion in Cel I ullose Fibres, by 'P 3. 11. Mellnikov, B. 1-1. Krasovitskiy, P. V. Noi-yganov, ----------- .RUSSLUT, pc~:, Iz Vysshildi Ucheb Zaved, T-oldi Tekstil From, No 1(14), ig6o. Textile Instit-utte Sci m,a y 6 2 10 3, 011.3 Ong pu Aww Ic so" PSASUM DOWN= liftobas jmw~Ud6 ma"m V"vSU*m of tbo AMMM Mae a ad vw t7 ve Be 3 mos"LUdy UMM, pro MW Mabob Was VOL =# 10 To Vat, po W4040 2001385 13 Jbn Steric Structure and Reactivity.. XIV. Interaction of Atomic Groupings Separated by One, Two and Three Benzene Nuclei Prom the Data of Kinetic Investigations of the Reactions of Arwatic kaineG With Picryl Chloride.. by L. M. Litvinenko, 11. F. Levchenko, B. M. Krasovitskiy, N. 1. Titarenko) 6 pp. RUSSIANS j--qrp Zhur Obahch Khimp Vol XnXj Ho 6, ' 4-2729. 1959, pp 272 Consultants Bureau Aug 6o me ROMMM&P. mom tba, unman of- the -mlvs!w AM tives at Do" I =d the ROO at the Plbzev bW &NO- Mal thlbovs D. X. pp. wwzm; pcrj~ is vuz,, um wkor=llnv P=4 No 6 (19)j,: 1960. gmtlu lmtitute act 6L> 9141,230 sci _bdow.10. Moir No A go- 3Pb am sob* *b4 TA =4 INd 13 im de 200IV6 Vat Dyes Derived From the Imide of L,8-14aphtlioylone-ll,21-Benzimidazole-4,5- Dicarboxylic Acid, by B. M. Krasovitskiy, V. L. Plakidin,et al, 9 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Zhur Prik Elim, vol XXXVI, No 6, 1963, ppl330-1334. CB Sci- Aug 64 265,212 ~.Vrrj of bY N- Z. Ya. V4,,okhinp-s M, A* Vul "CrMllp ~L,'G -NY Par, Zhur r 4 Consi.11tants Bureau Of alA 00~tvl Vibmry by U M. CXVI, NO Doh hk th%lh SM: un.-t.,o jhkrft%l i Passage of Ion Beamr. Through a Plasma, by V. 13. Krasovitskiy,, K. N. Stepanov., .16 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Iz Vyssh Ucheb Zaved, Eadiofiz., Vol VII, No 1, 1964. JMS 25168 Sci jun 64 261,497 :~O.;,Ftration of Dust Fr= a Cas strmi by ru- traplon At Constant Velocity, by yu. V. Krassavitskiy, V. A. Zhitzhil-ov. "I"S"IA, per Xhi 3 ~iv ivr~ Xhim Prcr. No 2, 1963., pp 49-52. Kgo,.savi4-sk-iy S?~3 m High-temperature of ExhausT, Ge-3,:s lLz---m Cleaning Open-hearth Furnaces, by Yu. V..JL,,uovitskIY., 4 pp. RMSTAN, per, Stal, No 8, 1961, pp 762-767. BIST- sci / -1 q , -c/,0 .4-11 -oac 61 Froblem of the Choice of a Method for the Hygienic Cleaning of the Waste Gases from Open-Hearth Furnaces, by V. A. Gudemchik, E. M. Shabunin, Yu. V. Krasovitskiy, 4 pp. RbSST-0, per, Meta.Uurg, No 12, 1960, pD Acta MetaUurgica aci _6- 47 'j~qm 62 Mie Queation of CleaziDg O.H. -P%u-wce Gassee tr Extr-a~ct Dust, by Yu, V. Krasovitakiy. RUSSIM, per, Metallurg., Vol V, No 9, 1960, p 21. W 152 1~1^j " rhyn ,hm 61 /,5-6 653 Chgmpa in tiae Strueltiaml viscosity of derozy- rii-mucleoprotains of =t zwco= 45 as a reoult W of ohmothwmau'da agenta, of tkie autlou k v u by A. 14. Kuzluf N. I. Enwm=a and A. I. Krasovskawaip 13 PD. rrun-Wp per,. Vbprovy Oftlogii2 Vol ll-V, Ito 3, 1958, pp 276-278. pergam Press set 7 D,-*e 59 Mechanism Of Iron, IL Structure of ffalpUde Scale and IL-cbanirm of the Pmeess by P. V. Gelldp A. X. KrasovskEara.. pp. WS'SLO., _Der,, Zhur Fis Xhim., Vol xulv., No 8j, 1960,~ PP 1721-1M- Meaver-How Press C/ sci img 61 CHROMATHERMOGRAPHIC METHOD FOR SEPARATE IDENTIFICA- TION OF HYDROCARBONS IN THE AIR, BY Ma,L. KRASOVITSKAYAj, 5 PP. RUSSIANp PER) GIGIYENA I SANITARIYA., NO 71 19621 PP 27-30. JPRS 15353 scl - C14EM ocT 62 212,159 um-atat 14t 00 two to om~pmw low* pwi JIM, a 101104 va mp lb IJOo 1! pp na4m. Auwbp.w NW& fti SW 62 MP637 pa 300 um Goweal'a Is"Wim ot tbo i lb A -IV 0 immwsft-~ , daad6w ot VlbOndmt MsUahi~-by 1. 1. QmqMO S. N. . 3A pp. MMus owp am nowra mdAffl va Mo so 9, lmw sp aek4bo. AMAPJA" Phi& w mw 62 19304" Pt 379 &-%JL- -11~ mpbvlp" of spa X=ms. pwo Mv, ftdmb XM% yea No 2j, Unto DOME 'Of Mechaniem of the-~Sulphidc Corrog-Lbn of Iron". 1. Kinetics cf the Proem, by P. V. Gel'dp A. K. Xrasovskaya., 4 pp. RUSSIAN,. per., Zhur Piz Xhim, Vol XXXIV, No 7, 196.01, pp 105-1592. Cleaver-H=6 Press Sci 3 57P- 'Tun 61 Deposition of Inorganic Phosphate in Bone Tissi-ze D-.irin- Different Stages of Adaption of Bone Autotransld&at, by G. P. Krasovskava. 5 Pp. RUSSIATT, per, Trudy KneG Konf er Med Radiol, Eksper Med Radiol; Moscow, 1957 AEC Tr 366i 0 C t I)Q Inveatigation of Electron Trapping lAvels In ZnS:Cu Phosphor; by I% L. LWmatsever wAI L. R. Kruscvskaya, ~O pp. RMSIAN) mD perv Iz Ak Sauk SM. Ser Fiz, Vol XXI) So 4: 1957) PP 53.1-52-0. Columbia Tech sci :~ Phys Jul 58 -Yeorrhizu at FlamtinLs of W-. -AvurAs I~Avjor Vm Arld cam-utims of the Skrmstov "Zoglan. V. kxasonkayu and A, A, Skimoval bo ~-47SII',No -4rs L-Or. i S;Opf Vol ill ~10 2,v 1950# (X-~Tl Ti 6ti-SIORI Plat-:W, by o7 U,- 21r~v Neorg TdLt, 'Vol 11, 10; 105- The Gcomtrical Isomrison of Hydro~%otrichlorcdiammineplat:Ln=(IV)I by 1~. 11 Charnyayev: H. W. Krasovskaya, 3 Pp. RUNSW, per, Zhur Heorgan KhiMj V01 V, 30 2t '1960., Pp 271-279. Cleaver-Hum Press Sci r1ov 60 /5Z, 03/-19- The Geometrical Isomerism of Tetrahydroxodiammine- Platinum. IV., by 1. 1. Chernyayev, N. N. Krasovskaya, 4 pp. - RUSSIANO per, Zhur Neorgaa Khim, No 1, 1960, pp 39-47. Cleaver-flum Press London Sci Sep 60 Change in the Interrelationship of the Basic Carotenoids of the Plastids of Green leaves Under the Action oZ Light~ by D. 1. Sapozhnikov, T. A. Krasovskaya. A. H. Mayevskaya, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CX111, Ho 2, 1957, p? 465-467. Ab*r Inst of Biol Sai Sai - Biol Mar 58 The Preparation of Linear Polyetbylsiloxanes) by K. A. Andrianov, I. A. 7,ublwv., T. A, Krasovskaya 4mWM. A. Klelnovskaya, 4 pp. RUSSIM, perp Zhur Obahch XhIm, vol wn, No 2, 1957s PP 491-45.1k. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 58 7 02 -r1 T220 Wfact of Anwrctic Conditlons on Cbmage In the Pol-p-tions of the Main Carotenoids in Green Leaves) by D., L Sopozbulkovp A. H. ftevsk ",, T. A. &wcrvp-k-q -A;i Fr 3 pp. .i&Agcvuska:Me) s so RUSSLIN, P.-r, Biokhimim Vol XXIV) No 1; 1959, pp 39-41, CB Oct 59 OVANA cmdw4 via ftam IMW6 tr IL IL 9b I - a I Ift molpa mmus sygallamod"a vo X%3* ft 30 jr amew 1 14V m ---? t- I-)/. ) ). ftl 0 IlAdib mw 67 32500 The -Air F"I-eet of the Soviet Power, by Krasovskiy 1-- !MSIAII, np, Soviet Russia, 18 Aug 30- 1 FBIS Daily Report 23 Aug 60 sairmayum taus A. mmawoklys wa lp. 1953 ftj.jm"trQaQ* gal Mhatrual aw. 3%6.ogi Dec 6T Variation in Entropy of Continuous Dynamic Systoms, by A* A. YTwg_vski . 18 pp. RUSSIM, por, Iz A Nauk SSSR, OrA, Takh :ldborticts No 52 Sop,, Oct 1964,v pp 3-15, JPR8 29099 sci 274,579 I.Iar 65 The Bases of Automation and TecWdcal Cybernetics. by A. A. Kramakiy. 6, 3, Pospolovo 1132 ppe RUSSIAN,, Us ft-= AVt"atiki i Tokim 1gr lcheww Menot . Moscow IM, -00 1-6W P10005067-V FTO-Mr-64-419 0 . P. K g Sci - Macho ladwwtrialt Civil & Marine Angr Feb 67 3200055 OPTIMUM METHODS OF SEARCHING IN' CONTINUOUS AkD PULSED SYSTEMS OF EXTERNAL CONFIROL, BY A. A. KRASOVSKIY 18 pp. RUSSIAN, 6K) OPTIMALINIYE HETODY POLSKA V I,IEPRERYV[.IYKP I IMPUL'SNYI(H SISTEMAKKH EKSTREMALl- NOGO REGULIROVANI AK NAUK SSSRj 13 PP. 0 '77333 5 r'TD-TT-662-747 SCI-PHYS 10 JUL 62 202,260' Slatbzsis of Self-A4jwtlng System of Automatic C=tivl WM Dinat ConUa M==U$ by A. A- Mrasankly, 38 pp. WMM,, bk., Tmdy loaftmtoip po Toproom TwM% I PrUpwa4v ft&Wmftvl* Avt4mti- cheAl"Uh slotem.. i%o. 96767'*~-v rM M-1253A SrA - Pbya 1,9a1 e,16--r 1~ Nay 62 'iyetom witb in the "age -of RaWom Difftvxbuncee, by I"-'- pp AA tic; Talamokb, Vol UIL. 144, l5t- ISA z -YAWMIkU. N. N. OTC-ORML OONTROL PROBLDA. 11963112P. 1. Knwrddt4 N. N. 9 raft. Order b= 073 at SIA U.60 "-14M Mram. at Priklladmyal Mumladkal I Makho4tkal MR) 19S7. Y. 2L o& S. p. 670-677. Anodar trmo. la sysikhts hvm LC at SLA ml$L Q. pb$3. So&* 60-1" [19601130. DESCRIPMRS, *Cmbvl 3 vAdlemadw wCy" ODWaam oqmulmw, *DWWw" aqwdm. For absoom som Tocbmkd Trawledoms JI: 147. 1961. Omdwadm Tr, v. 10. m 9) No d Trl*d Win of Si6a,-Ie, by JII-z, 8 pp. .RUSSIMWper,, Avtmat 1. Telemekb,. Vol XXIII, Ho b. 19bl, pp 7.,,Q - 738. 1S-4 ,/ a ~;, / -/a/ ~, I sai Apir tl~ Ort the Theory of TVo-Mamnel FoUaw-up Systeme With a Relay Component in the AC Circuit, by A. A. PUSSIM, per., Avtomt I Telemkh, Vol XXI2 No 9, 1-.9601 PI-P 1293-11303- =A S C- 1. ~eur- 6i 5- lilts Vs-mmet l'utme og Aviation Automatics., by A. A. IMSM3 up) Ickwoukma AvIetwiYaj No 1~2; (2rLO). 29 J= '!57,% p a. C, 10 t1-0 ATRIC P-TS-9299111-1 Scl - Aeron-=-,"QIc!) Vw; 57 (ny-6357/2) Certain C-anditionB for the Application of Self-Adjusting Aut~mmtie Control Systr-qw in Continuous Production Processes, by A. A. NZWOVS 25 PP. RUBSTAN, per, 1z Ak Nauk SM; Otdel Tekb Rauk, Energet i Avtomtj No 11 Jum-Feb Pp 97-109. JPM 9790 Sai - Electron Aug 61 DO-6577 The Dynamics of Continuous Optimalizing Control S"tems in the Presence of Random Scanning Signals, by A. Ac ~~ ~IcI7 15 pp* RUSSIAN, perp Ix Ak NaWc SSSR# Otdol Tekh Nwik.. Energet i Aftematj No 3v Req-Jun 60,9 Pp 37-45. JFW 12960 Sci-Electronice march 62 41dy Statistical Dynamics of Systems With Proportional Extremal Control of In-Line Correct Devices., by A. A. Krasovskin 5 Pp. RUSSDIT, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Mclel. Tekh. Nauk, Energetika i Avtomatika, No 4, pp 121-129, 196o. ARS Journal Vol 32, No 5 Sci - Jun 62 (DC-6578) Me Dyamaics of CmUnuous optimalizinn, O=trol E~rstems Based on the Gradient bjDthW.. by A. A. 13 1)p RMIM., per; Iz A ficiuk &W. Otdel Takh Nauk, Ift EnerMt i Mmat., ND 3.. MY-Jun 1959, pp 43-49. ipla 12984 Sci - Fbys 1,F71,J-76 mar 62 on the SyAthesis of I-Itdaied CozTftting Uvifts Of for servosystem, by A. A. D"OvSkiYp 12 P- RMUM, per, Avtont i Teiemkhp Vol XX, No 69 1960, pp 729-739. Instru Boo of Amer sci Apr 6o / / a ~~Pz ~'.!crk of th- Int--rnational Inatitut-c of Fcldin,- ld-asovaldys 2 up. RMSSLAN., per, Svaroch Proizp No 8p 1959p pp 44. i3ritian Welding ties qsnoc QUALITY CONTROL OF WELDING AND WELDI Wo MATERIALS) BY A. 1. KRASOVSKIY, B. A. KUZNETSOV;, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, SVAROCH PROIZI NO I., ig6i) PP 10-13. 8WRA scl FEa 62 183)033 Propft*tles and WeldabilitY of St. 3 (riming) Steel With Hi& Arsenic Coutents by N. P. Shchapovj .11. 1. Fxwovokiy., 14 pp. RUSSIM.. pw., 8varoch Proiz,, So 2p 1962.. pp 1-7. BWRA &-I 63 932.,684 On the Problem of Defining the Meann ng of the Term "The Weldability ar Metals"s bY A. I. RUSSIAN' per,, Avto Delo.. Vol XXII,, Ho 9p 1951. E.S.A. ReB Group OT/1316 Sci - Eugineeringj imms UZESIV 0 INCH-200 647 Field 9C L Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., Krasovskii. 13. N. Trafford Park (England) THE INFLUENCE 5F THE ARMATURE GEOMETRY AND THE NUMBER OF POLES ON THE OVERALL DIMENSIONS AND TOTAL WEIGHT OF D.C. MACHINES (Zavlalmost Gabarztov I Obshchego Vess Elektricheakikh Mashin Fostoyannego Taka at Geometril Yakorya I Chisla Folyusov). 9 Nov 64, 15p (forelp text Included) 4refs, TP/T-3559. Order from NLL Trans. of Elektrichestvo (USSR) n2 p58-62 1964. _KraswAdy._E._ GEOMETRIC METHOD OF DERIVING COMPLETE SCHREWER FORMULAS FOR THE CALCULATION OF GEODETIC COORDINATES OF FIRST ORDER TRIANGULATION STATIONS. Trans. on Soviet Geodesy 1925-40. 19 Jan 61, 18p. JPRS: R-105-N/30. Order from OTS $0.50 61-11914 Trans. of Geodezist (USSR) 1927 [v. 3. no. 71 p. 1-14. (Earth Sciences --Geodesy, TT, v. 5, m 7) 61-11914 1. Geodesics--Theory 1. Krasoysby, F. 11. JPRS-R-105-N/30 III . joint Publications Research Service, New York Qffi_.f T-AW-1 $-I-.