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June 13, 2005
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Publication Date:
August 7, 1974
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Approved For Release 2005/071x'1. Cliff-RDP91-009
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Prelim t.nti:la
II AVANA-The enormous feet of Ver-
non \'ralters once again trod the floors of
Brasilia's modern airport. He entered
Brazil with a passport describing him
as "n industrial executive.
Walters' comings and goings between
the United 'States and Brazil are fre-
Last March 13. surrounded by Brazil-
ian photographers and journalists. he Cs-
cor tctl Mrs. Pat Nixon, special repre-
sentative of President Nixon. to attend
the inauguration of Ernesto Geisel Beck-
mann as President.
Walters. who speaks five languages
well, arrived in Brasilia with the spe-
cial mission of "translating" for the
First Lady of the United States.
His visit, however. had more import-
ant objectives than. the task of presiden-
tial page. This was to be the first meet-
ing of the military chiefs of the four
most reactionary countries of the hem-
G.:., al Vernon ?'!,''alters is deputy chief
of the U.S. Central in'!c.Aligen.ce Agency.
He speaks in excellf:nt Portuguese to a.
Brardina inarsh31. Humberto Castello
'their fi'l c^.:111S11ip, formed cl wring World
War 11, paid off in Itio de Janeiro. the
day after the fall of the government of
Joao Goulart in 1961.
Walters and Castello Branco had plot-
ted the overthrow of the constitutional
president. Posing as military attache of
the U.S. Embassy in Rio, a post lie hold
since '1962. Walters manipulated the mil-
itary coup which brought Castello Bran-
co to power.
According to Newsweek 114agazine lOct.
11. 19661. "One week before the coup.
Walters had already cabled to Washing-
ton all the details of its organization.
The day after Castello Branco because
president. the military attache lunched
with him privately at the presidential
Since then - and especially after his
official appointment as deputy CIA chief
in 1972 Brasilia is virtually his second
political home.
What is Walters doing in Brasilia?
He is there to make Brazil the center
of a political-economic group of coun-
tries most idenified with imperialist
ideology Chile. Bolivia. Uruguay and
The purpose of this bloc is to fortify
71r'?:4._I's hegemony and to maintain the
other, economically weal : and dt:ccn:-
ent. countries ,.,.:for _. Prot torate.
The military strengthening of the arm-
ed forces and financial, technical and
cultural ails were covered in the agree-
ments adopted during the meetings be-
tween the visiting chefs of dictatorial
regimes and their host, General Ernes-
to Gcisel.
pecially trained to curb the activil es
of democratic elements.
-infiltration of agents into trade un-
ions and public organizations to detect
movements opposing the political sys-
tem, and to cause ideological division
in the workers' organizations.
-Permanent contact `,with the Naticn-
at Information Service, which also
works for the CIA.
More than 100.000 policemen have
been trained by CIA personnel during
the last four years, according to figures
published by the Agency for Interna-
tional Development, which finances na-
tional security programs.
A confidential document of 1055 (AAA!
205.1) reveals that the military brass
of Brazil acts as spies for the U.S.
counterintelligence. -
The document, addressed to the U.S.
Embassy. says: "In reply to the latest
suggestions of the U.S. Government,
Brazilian security authorities are at-
ready preparing vast doculrif:ntat:an
on subversive activities in the col ntrti
before April 1,,"6i."
':his s,:stematic esp ion ;e ti er`: ceciti-
nu nns today i. r0'!i? 1 :i1^ c^^n b s ;e 1':l:! ii
Brazil maintains in coe...ries regard .-.
as r;7 ,..resting' by the CIA.
in .,at n "ir ier ca.
Through 4`W'alters' initiative Geisel will
visit Bolivia and General Pinocliet of
Chit- in the next few months.
In 1910. Newton Carlos, Brazilian
journalist, quoted Gn n. Amaury Reuel.
then commander of the Second Army;
based in Sao Paulo. as saying: "In Bra-
zil there are at least 15.0 0 persons
serving the CIA of whom I know offi-
A short time aft,-, the installation of
the military regime ten years ago the
CIA. through the National Security Pro-
grans (OPS) projected the following
-A gcogi-aphic and socio-political
study of the country.
-Establishment of a uniform national
system of rul.cc co 1! 7 nicatious.
.a.Otl^rnizntE n o` thle 'tiat!nn(tt Codi-
Instil-,le. c ...rant cr. a liza'.ica
for police to m._ke available title
pollee fife of any so:. -ted indi`ridulal.
---Irlfiltra?.iC`1 of Pr-ire el
Approved For Release Zb~51~07i(51 R000700090029-4
'U AA :e S 7 A U G 174
Approved For Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91-0090
By Laurence Stern
r.,,, There was one floatin
The n-aivest. installment o anti cryptic presidential
Whi.t douse transcripts comment in the new tr'an-
Stro cely t'inulCctCS the Celt- . scripts relating to Helms on
tral ictellioence Agency in.
Rs tong standing denials of
any direct. it;voirerr.eni in
the W.'leMate break-in.
which no informed officials
could shed ii?ht. It vas the
Pre,iiclent's remark that
"welt, we protected Helms
tape recurdings reveal - in
the President's own utter-
ances - that the CIA was
Previous testimony in the
CIA-Watergate affair has re-
injectarl into the Watergate vealed that the White IlousO
case h Mr. Nixon and his acted through the CIA's
tot) elide:,. '.Choir Qforts de- deputy director, Gen. Ver-
lrlyed frri' nearly two ;veer
non Walters, a former mill-
the I'', i investigation of the
first, inaior evidentiary Iink tart' aide to Mr. Nixon in his
between the i,Vateergate bur- vice ?; residential days, to
is s r,itI the 1S; i2
wixorr carry tart ntessage to the