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VAUHING.~~ON-1 Qs:c Approved For Release 200 t -RDP91-009 ,~ S. Said tFear Lisbon Shift to., Left By Miguel Acoca -1Vhile nothing 11i h U.5. intelligence official 'Freon to appear throughout t g could be.couEd'bec'ome more frequent- I isbon as the crisis level Special to The washingtott Post I learned of the thrust of Wal, . , LISBON--Secretary of ters' report to Kissinger,' beda't se the '; ZleclitetTaneart i. 1. has risen in U.S. ~lriority. geed, and walls were sprayed; State Henry Kissinger, appar- sources said that the Lukens' with a:1ti-CI~I slogans. group diverged from the em- Many Portugnuese rightists {{ ently skeptical of U.S. Em? bassy's app who fled following the, popu- The special ltevoluti?nat?y raisal. The extent bassy reports from here mini-1 of the differences was not ills- list military coup in April are S~tu:ay Command, led byi rnizing the peril of a Commu-1 closed, but sources said that. now living in exile. in Madrid. Brim. Gen. Otelo de Carvalho nist takeover in Portugal, sent' the embassy's reporting had Some have been beating a' bean to track torciners can- grown more cautious as a re- path .to the U .S. embassy in ng into Portugal. particularly y highlevel intelligence and clip ' lobby for then I i cult. Madrid to Io vatic experts to this Iberian i views and to plead for help in anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Chi- The sources said" that Kis preventing a ton were obses over. Communist take leans Spaniards 'anti Ameri- pendent country recently evaluations., make lade-i singer and others in-Washing- cans. This led to a series ttf sed with the said thatfear that Porturrat ,wi11 be the Conservatives and mocler.I raids on luxury hotels here. Informed sour res g in try to g Communist ates still living in Portugal are Also placed under first couno , Kissinger dispatched Lt. Gen. also said to be seeking to in. lance was the Brazilian m surveil- what was called a southern Vernon Walters, deputy direc Europe domino 'theory" also fluence the United States. basso, which security officials; ng Spain;. Italy and Informed sources here said suspect of being a conduit for! tor of the Central Intelligencelinvolvi Agency, to Lisbon in August Greece. This fear apparently that during Walters" visit in counter revolutionary activ- O for a "personal appraisal." has been fed by pessimistic in August, he met with Gen. An- rttes. i?nl~ then maul. _...a--. -1 ll S - hU _'`_ ----? t I t Th i e p e gene a w genre c a aks prey on lent Portuguese 'and-is consid- reports stressing the power of . sional president. At. the time, ered a specialist on Portugal, the left in Portugal, and the Spinola, a conservative, was was in Lisbon-.from. -August 9anxieties of multinational locked in a strut le for power to ;12 for meetings'with hiah'companies with interests in with populist Premier fiasco; government officials and se-' Portugal and its African colo- Goi calves and the coordinat-; nior U.S.- eiribassy. staffers. ; nies. in., committee' of the Armed vIovement. The CIA-' wo'illd pat tom: Washington - apparently Forces ment on the persistent reports' fears that the emergence of Spinola resigned Sept. 20 af- of Walters' visit, refusing even; the Portuguese Communists ter failing to win a bid for to confirm that it tool: place. following the fall of the dicta- one-man rule and martial-law A 'CIA spokesman said that tot-ship will be duplicated in powers. He sought to curb the agency never comments a Communist activities and the. neighboring Spain, the last re-'!leftist coatrolleti press and to on the travels of its top per? maining pro American rightist!; increase his control over the. sonnel. Two -weeks ago, 1:issincet''~ government in Western Ell-'decolonization of Portugal's' sent a four-man State Deli.at ~:Q rope. African colonies. r to Both U.S. -and Portuguese pleat misrut Lisbon for Since his visit to Portugal,; sources have pzi- still another ~t`cl`erF?ziletit i - Walters has also been in Spain' .ately confirmed Walters' view of `-Poifugal'S future for secret talks with high) meeting with Spinola, and a course, the sources aid. The Spanish officials. the sources subsequent conference with group, headed by Alan Luk- said. The CIA deputy direr-} Gen. Francisco da Costa Go ens,., director of the depart- tor's latest visit reportedly' , , ? - forces c,ue: ment's Iberian section, iri- went monetary took place two weeks ago' who mes, the armed ec, Spincta. eluded Robert $yarl',. a depart- I when he had a briefing on; High-ranking revolutionary expert, and Portugal with senior Spanish Michael Samuels aimed , aria -authority military and civilian author' military officers have cl on Portn;al's African colonies. ties. repeatedly that there are at least 1f10 CIA agents oiaerating The identity of the fourth mis? Spanish and US officials in Portugaltriving to create , s Sion member was not ills- are known to be concerned by;% "anot.her Chile." closed. the potential for Communist - all important factor in Portu- guard border with Spain: The August ant Sepiemner in tae; gal since the right-wing pro. Communist Party has been. Portuguese i}: c?ss? a?ravatcc' U.S. dictatorship which ruled banned in Spain since the end the fears of leftists of a right- Portugal for 48 years was tie- of the civil war in 1939. but it 7 crisis c,t Ll in posed in April. The young mil- has remained a major, glandes crisis which. cuiminatecl in (lie officers who have. been tine political force in indt s-'! polo's resignation. running the coiuliry since trial " urban centers 'and thej F gitISts took the ' 'sit t9 then have given th" Commit-' ha.t?hlone ()f nit[,us sir n tut n1 , ill - L. - titec' S tates was fists a Cabinet. po:,t and full' Generalissimo Francisco gas nt i - lot v: ith Spinola participation in the country's l Franco. and h-s ideas. new military-controlled goy- Another recent 'visitor toj Leaflets and posters linking ernment. Much of the strength' Spain was 1Cillianl Colby. thel the CIA with Porut