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Document Creation Date:
December 16, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 13, 2005
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Publication Date:
November 6, 1974
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e n irin L b Envoy
Y Li.sboii Pro"I News Dispatches ~ in Portugal: come an important political, Kissinger is said to be con-
The U.S.S. ambassador to Por-
tugal has been fired and will; " Informed sources said that factor in the country. cerned about a possible
be replaced. by Frank C. Car- I Kissinger had sent Lt. Gen. Carlucci, 44, currently serv- "Southern Europe domino the-
or " involvifC bes'de P rtu
lucci, a career diplomat close
to the White House, according
to diplomatic sources in Lis-
In Washington, an informed
source confirmed that Car-
Approved For Release 20051 b11g7AlA-RDP91-00901R
lucci has been selected for the I team also traveled -to Portu-
post, although the appoint- gal, and sources said that they
meat has not been announced. had been dispatched to make
The report, carried. by the another. independent evalua-
Vernon A. W alters, deputy cu- mg as under secretary of y
rector of the Central Intelli- health, education and welfare, I gal, Spain, Italy and
gence Agency, to Lisbon to is a much-decorated career and to fear that the emer-
make a first-hand evaluation foreign service officer who I gence of the Portuguese Com-
in August. -In- mid-October a held posts in South Africa, the munist Party will be dupli.
four-man State Department; Congo, Zanzibar and Brazil. cated in neighboring Spain,
The pro-Soviet Communist
ing the- April 25 coup in Lis-
bon.' The -party- has -.since be=;
In 1971 he was assigned to Western Europe s cast remain-
the Bureau of the Budget and rng rightist pro :American re-
in January of last ' year to gime, when Generalissimo
r-r>aWAr Francisco Franco, aging and
only last January. He is a for-I Portugal's revolutionary. nri1i.-
mer law partner of the latei
Thomas E Dewey. tary movement have repeat-
Sources in Lisbon said. Scott l edly claimed that more than:
100 CIA
s are trying to
had been informed of his did create "another. Chile" in Por-
ltivo eeks
missa w ago-aridhad
not been toldof the reason far
we d'Ul"u}fL acuuii? are known to be concerned
+av.vue wic VU LUIULy UI bum-
munist infiltration of-'Spain
across the long and hard-to
guard border it shares with
-tire present ambassador? Party, banned -.during Portu-
Stuart Nash Scott,. would 'be I gal's 48-year rightist dictator=
replaced because Secretary of ship, holds a' Cabinet post in
State Henry A. Kissingerf the military-controlled govern-
doubted.,-the accuracy of his i ment that took power follow-
'reports, minimizing the likeli-
hood of a Communist takeover
has remained a major. clandes
tine political force in indus-
trial centers and the backbone`
of anti-Franco opposition. . y;
Approved For Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000700090019-5