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56 Approved For.Release 2006/09/24: CIA-RDP91.-00901R000700070044-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -MOUSE " . Februarj 9 squarely before the Congress. We have our work cut out for us. We must reconstitute the Federal Elec- tion Commission as a, near-term first step. There are several recommendations pending. I favor making the Commis- sioners appointees of the President, sub- ject to Senate confirmation,- with as much Independence as is possible to cre- ate for them. Congress should act quickly on this legislation so what remains of the act can he enforced. We must, in the long term, face the unpleasant fact that our efforts to regu- late congressional campaign spending have not met the constitutional test. So,. time has finally come to take a serious look at public financing for Rouse and Senate races. - This proposal is thorny and fraught with anticipated and unanticipated problems. But, we cannot afford to back- slide to the "old" system where cam-- paiogns are won or lost, depending upon the presence or absence of big money. I commend the gentleman from New- York for sponsoring, this special order. It provides an appropriate forum for the discussion of this many-faceted matter. GENERAL LEAVE Mr. PEYSEFL. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all-Members de- siring to do so'may have 5 legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks on the subject of my special order today. - - The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentle-. man from New York? There was no objection. LIGENCE -- EMPLOYEES OF - THE UNITED STATES The SPEAKER pro terapore.. Under a: previous order of the House, the-gentle- man from Illinois AQ is ree- oa ized for 60 minutes. - - Mr. MICHEL.. Mr. Speaker, the first bill - (H.R. 11365) I Introduced in this session was designed to protect the lives of intelligence employees of the 'United States, and was prompted by the tragic murder of Richard Welch, a CIA em- ployee, during Christmas week in Athens, Greece. Many of us were shocked and dismayed to learn that Welch's murder may have been caused by his having been publicly identified as an employee of the CIA. In researching whether there was any law providing for criminal penalties against anyone blowing the cover of people engaged In intelligence work for the -United States, I yeas advised that there was none, even though we do have Imes on. the books with criminal pen- alties prohibiting the premature disclos- ure of crop estimates, the navies of bor- rowers from the Federal Land Bank, tax return Information and the questions on a civil service examination. My office im- mediately got in touch with the then Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Colby, to determine whether lie had a similar concern. We also inquired whether there were any other incidents similar to the Welch case, which had not heretofore been publicly revealed and If so, could they be declassified. . . Late last month we received informa- tion from Acting CIA Director Lt. Gen. request. To me, this information holsters our case for the enactment of the legis- latlon. - Mr. Speaker, intelligence, is a vital na- tional asset, but It does not generate -itself. Intelligence sources and methods are painstakingly acquired and devel- oped, often at high cost. It has taken 28 years for us Americans to build tip the best foreign Intelligence organiza- tion in the world. I have taken this spe- cial order as one who Is concerned that the systematic exposure. of our country's. intelligence secrets is doing grave. harm to our Nation's intelligence structure.. - I think Senator MANSFIELD'S remark the other day that the intelligence func.- tion is a cornerstone to national survival was well put. While'I am very concerned about the general problem of protecting - our country's intelligence sources and methods, today I Would like to address - the most pressing and acute aspect of this problem; namely, protecting the lives and safety of the people engaged in U.S. intelligence activities; this is the subject of my bill. - .. Mr. Speaker, in some cases Identifying and exposing American intelligence per- sonnel who are under cover is fingering them for murder. At this moment there are groups within the United States literally vying with each other to dis- cover and publish the identities of American intelligence officers and agents, and there are no laws to stop them. The brutal slaying of Richard Welch has not deterred them; if any- thing it has encouraged them. American intelligence personnel make attractive targets for the extremist groups and terrorist organizations that infest the modern world. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues should know that the attack on Richard Welch was not an Isolated case. I am sorry to say there have been other incidents. For example, very recently, In art area of the world in which a number of terrorist groups have been active, an American embassy official was identified by a local journalist as a CIA officer. The journal- ist's identification may have stemmed from an expose of the CIA. It is.unim- portant whether that embassy official ac- tually was or was not a CIA officer. The fact that he was alleged to be a CIA of- ficer led to his being marked for assassi- nation by a terrorist squad. The terrorist staked out an ambush. The American of- ficer was not entrapped in the ambush; however, a local citizen was slain. It was a close call. While I cannot discuss further details, I-can tell you that other alarming re- ports have come to my attention con- cerning plots and threats on the lives of people who have been identified as in- telligence personnel. Nor have the fami- lies of those - pinpointed been spared. . Intelligence people comes from terrorist groups and extreme political parties. However, the Communist - intelligence services have not shrunk from violence, kidnaping, and assassination to further - their goals. Indeed, they have unite spe- cializing in these methods. In the Soviet intelligence service, the KGB, the group - - - that specializes in violence, kidnaping, - - - and assassination-is the ultrasecret "Dc partment V." Those In "Department V" gruesomely refer to their assignments as "wet jobs." We have all heard firsthand accounts of the KGB using these tech- niques against domestic dissidents. (How- ever, you should know that "Department V" has used violence, kidnaping, - and assassination all over the world. I do not know if Communist intelil- gence services have used such methor?s against American Intelligence people. That Is not my point. Nor can I prove 9n absolute cause and effect relat-ionshin between the exposures of CIA people and the recent threats and attacks against them by extremists. That is not my point either, although I personally think that It is a fair assumptiion that the exposures brought on the threats and attacks. My point is that in a world where there are ruthless adversaries. and terrorist groups, It is foolhardy in the extreme to permit public identification of American intelli- gence personnel who are tinder cover. - .We must realize that there are -uly back alleys in the world. Vigilance re- quires that we send dedicated men and women Into these hostile Places. Because of our legal and moral traditions we have placed restrictions on these men and women before sending them forth. Usually the only thing going for them--: - - the only protection we can extend to - them-is their cover, their anonymity. . Groups here in the United States whose stated purpose is to destroy our country's intelligence agencies are now methodi- cally exposing our intelligence officers. I cannot believe that Congress will sit safely here in Washington, smugly ex- - ploiting the intelligence information which these men and women Provide it, and not lift a finger to protect them or their families. This would be a grotesque spectacle. But it is the spectacle which is taking shape right now. Mr. Speaker, to date 43 Members have joined me in cosponsoring legislation making It a crime to identify American Intelligence personnel operating under - - cover. As I mentioned earlier in my re- marks the Congress has enacted criei- nal sanctions to protect the questions on' civil service exam. Congress has made a1Pl?_._. ApprovedFor Release 2006/09/24: CIA-RDP91-00901 R000700070044-9