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STA Approved For Release 2005/07/01 CIA-RDP91-00901 RO ARTICLE APPZAJUD THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR 5 June 1981 ean tdct ecx z)owels Otters NUIrsnZifl.rfill vu By James Nelson Goodsell Latin America correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor The Reagan administration believes that'd United States-supported Marshall Plan for the Caribbean is an idea whose time has long sincecome -There is, indeed,'a sense of urgency about such an aid program -- a feeling that the US must quickly find ways to counter. what the administration sees as growing Cuban and So- viet inroads into the area During the past month, administration of- ficials have quietly laid the groundwork for a broad Caribbean aid package reminiscent of The'admiiiistrat of has ;already provided 1 7` 'Proposals for a major Caribbean aid pro- $69 million in aid to Jamaica under Mr. 'gram are not new. They go back to the 195Os. Seaga. " ` Then, in the 196Os .Presidennt. 1{ennedy's All!- But the planning underway is not limited .i ancei,for Progress was 'designed to i.wlo re- to piecemeal aid programs to one or two is- ( solve Latin America's economic and social J1- lands. It seeks: to. find ways- to bolster the { lemmas and to counter some of Fidel Castro's whole Caribbean area with massive projects .for example, with desalination plants and aid to small industry that fits the size of the appeal. In 1978_ the Carter administration consid- _ ered a Caribbean aid program, but it never' got off the ground. The Carter team's-failure in this area may have been due in part to the inability of his administration to figure out just what the Cubans and the Sov iets were up to in the region. .'Moreover, the Carter administration was unable to determine how visible the US should =. be in the Caribbean and whether and how it should compete with the ubiquitous Cubans- At first Carter's men sought to do business with Cuba. Later they adopted a contrary policy, yet they were never happy with that decision. In contrast, no hestitation on the part of the Reagan administration. It sees'the Caribbean as an area of opportunity for the aimed at is under study program The US. social 'economic and sagging than the more fortunes of the islands; the administration wants to undercut Cuba. Many island leaders, including Mr. Seaga, view the planning in W ashmggton as boding nothing but good for their economies. Seaga -has informed Gen. Vernon A. Walters, the for- mer de ut directory of the en ra Intelli- gence-Agency, this. Waiters has beco something of a State Department roving am- bassador in Latin America. -General Walters has made' three Tq -let trips to the Caribbean in recent weeks to dis- cuss local issues with people like Prime;Min- ister Seaga. The result is that" Washington. is islands. It may even include tourism-building programs aimed at drawing North Ameri- cans and Europeans. lanning suggests uiet nature of the Th p e q to Washington observers that the administra- tion does not want to take away from Presi- .dent Reagan's focus on his. domestic eco- nomic package. They recall the early flurry. over El Salvador in February, which diverted attention from the. economic proposals and . may have slowed the effort to win congres sional approval of them. But more aspects of the administration's Caribbean views and strategy are beginning the Marshall Plan that revitalized Western. Europe at the end of World War II. President Reagan has all along supported the idea of US aid to Caribbean islands. He stressed this' point again at a top-level White House. meet- ing this week. The core of the 'program, administration planners say, would be economic aid, which may total a billion dollars or more by the mid- 1980s. But it would also include political and military assistance, according to State De- partment sources. The aid package might well take on a mul- tinational approach, with oil-producing' na-- tions like Mexico and Venezuela contributing to the venture. Preliminary talks on the issue have taken place with both place. The subject is expected to come up during President Reagan's meetings next week _in Washington and Camp David with Mexican President Jose Ldpez Portillo. But a Mexican role in the project is viewed as a long way off. The administration has. informally_con-, veyed some, of its thinking to the Caribbean governments in'question?.- and in particular to Jamaica, where Prime M nister Edward Seaga privately has indicated strong, support for massive aid. Administration planners see 'Jamaica, as the bulwark of its Caribbean strategy, a!na- tion whose dramatic about-face in elections Last October brought the pro-US.and pro-busi- ness'Mr.. Seaga-to-'power. in-a massive. land- slide. Seaga trouneed?a pro-Cuba government headed`by gocialist Michael;ganly.; to unfold: Vice-President George B,lksh recently told a lunch group that the ecorrdmies of the Carib- bean islands "cannot be-sustained without in- creased trade [and] private investment to ex- pand -their economic opportunity.... Their very independence,- may depend on such Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. said "additional measures" must be taken not in an exclusively security-oriented fash- ion, but rather with a clear awareness that we must also deal with the situations, the cause, effects, that make insurgency and external interventionism possible and acceptable in the target areas." It is. too early to' determine' just how the .. strategy ;will develop, however; and there is still a great deal of debate about it within ad- ministration inner circles. Two preliminary discussions at recent Na= tional eaurity Council meetings ended. with the subject being sent back to the drawing boards - 'gird with some of the planners being- told. to do~,rnore homework on the.issue. But.' there is little question that there is going to be a Reagan program for the region. getting a steady flow of ideas from the Carib'- bean itself as it goes?a~out the task of map- ping its aid packagefor the region, Approved For Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000700060076-5 Approved For Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901R00070006q ARTICLE Ar?ZAPYJJ ON PAGE. THE WASHINGTON STAR (GREEN LINE) 5 June 1981 tr r. t T Ambnrr. fin. President Reagan yesterday nom- ?' froimll972 to 1976 and cameinto some' inated retired Army Lt-,Gen. Vernon conflict.with the Nixon White House.. A. Walters; former deputy director of ` shortly after the .Watergate scandal: the' CI ,G?,to- be, an:`ambassador" at.. begawto unfold.---'_= large A? short time after the break-in at- Walters,. 63, has alreadybeen car-, the; . Watergate offices of the Demoa'' vying out unheralded missions for^t'cratic :National Committee in, June the, Reagan administration, includ- .1972, Walters and his CIA?.superior,' ing one to Guatemala to improve re_ :Helms, were called to the" lations?.between, the.?_United;"5tatesWhite House by aides of President; Nixon... .;.; Walters later testified- .that ; the.., ...,,White. House wanted tell-the,. FBI not to look too deeply into some aspects; of =the: Watergate; case~'be op. ' ; cause it might expose certain CIA. erations Walters has served as a negotiator.'. .-.with foreign governments under the,,-,Truman, Eisenhower and Nixon ad ~_mrinistrations. He played-a key-role ;: , in the. Paris -peace. talks on, the. Viet.:. :.nam war. Since early this year. Walters has, been a senior adviser to Secretary of State: Alexander M.` Haig Jr., for' .,.,.whom .whom he will act as a troubleshooter: An his new assignment:-. ~Vaslington Star Staff tVriter." ' i_1_____.._ ::.? Walters was No::2 man at.the CIA.. arj.Y',r _41;!_.ern.r,n1.'enraci1i antf:Pn,p ? Approved For Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000700060076-5 Approved For Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R00070~ ARTICLE APP ADD NEW 5 JUNE YORK TIMES ON PAGE 1981 Reagan to Name General Walters To Be an Ambassador at Large WASHINGTON, June 4 (AP) =. Vernon A. Walters, a retired lieutenant general who has already made several unan- nounced foreign trips for the Reagan Ad- ministration, will be nominated tq an ambassador at large, the White House? announced today:, General Walters, 64 years old, a farnxer deputy director of the Central, Intelli gence Agency, went to Latin America for the Reagan Administration to try . to con- vince friendly nations there, that the Soviet bloc was deeply involved in supply- ing arms to Salvadoran rebels.., He has. since. made an unknown number of other trips, but his coming's and goings gener ally are not announced.. General Walters, who speaks. eight lan- guages, served as an interpreter , to Presidents,, Truman, . Eisenhower and; Nixon-and accompanied Vice -President', Nixon on his Latin American tour .in 1957, when- Mr. Nixon's car was stoned.; and,. spat upon in Venezuela. Approved For Release 2005/07/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000700060076-5