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March 29, 1974
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PDF icon CIA-RDP91-00901R000500110037-4.pdf107.17 KB
1 n1'I ruby 1'Y r1M\ l Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-14[YPU,-60Wry4'P2000S5OATINTL SM VI ? it '- P Analysts for months have had not V t perfected a been baffled as to why the means of ~c p i]'ating Ura1)i- Israelis, ..who since 19 ~, h,ci urn isotope: , by the laser never returned a sgaa c method. I,;st month, the foot of captured Arab 15 `r:rl, AEC asked Congress to up in January suddenly agreed the approuriation for re- to abandon their Sucz Ca::al search into laser enricl]- defense line and pull back ment from ':1 million to 59 into Sinai. million, in t hope of devel- The move was such a oping the technique by 1975. sharp reversal of a policy So far as is known, the that had stood for a quarter world's other nuclear pow- f o a century that many oh- servers were inclined to La- lieve that Secretary of State Henry Kissinger roust given Israel a secret iron- clad commitment to the ef- fect that the United States would conic to her aid if the peace broke down and she found herself hard-pressed by the Arabs. Kissinger, both in private and in public, emphatically and categorically has main- tained that the United States entered into no se- cret understanding with Israel. But doubts persist- ed. It now appears likely, however, that Israel's Irod- eration may have been grounded at least partially on a new self-confidence based on an Israeli scientif- ic breakthrough of awesome dimensions: The Israelis are reported to have rer- fected a simple, inexpensive means of producing the enriched uranium neces- sary for nuclear weapons. The Israeli technique, developed by Isaiah Nchun- zahl, a scientist attached to the Israeli defense ministry, and Menahen] Levin, a physicist at Tel Aviv Uni- versity, involves passing uranium vapor through two ers - the Soviet Union, Communist China, Britain and France - have not yet developed the laser tech- nique. Thus the Israelis appear to have stolen a march of at least a year, perhaps more, on the other nuclear lowers. Within months of the cre- ation of the state in 1948, Israel began nuclear re- search at Nahal Sorek on the coast south of Tel Aviv. In the 1950s, the Israelis secretly began work on a major reactor,., Dirnona, 20 Irides southeast of 13ecrshc- ha in the Negev desert. lasers that selectively ex- Ostensibly, these facili- cite the uranium atoms, 'tics were for research into then bombarding them with the peaceful aplilicatons of a powerful carbon dioxide atomic power. In 1960, how- laser that electrifies these ever, CIA Director Allen atoms, which then can be Dulles proclaimed publicly collected on an oppositely that Israel had "misled" charged electrode. the United States about its As receraly as January, . nuclear activities. John 0. Erlev;ine, deputy In the 1969s, Israel, at general manager of ille Nnhal Sorek aand later at the Atomic Nnergv Commis- Dassault plant in France, sion, was publicly on record concentrated on the cl vel- as saying the U, it~,d Status opulent of a delivery sys- CIL ten]. By late evil, the Israe- lis had developed the Jeri- cho rocket, capable of carrying a 1,530-pound pay- load 300 miles. Asked in 1972 if the Jericho made sense for delivering a convention- al, non-nuclear explosive, a top American security ex- pert told this reporter: "No." The Israelis quickly de- veloped the cpacity to pro- duce about five of the two- ' stage, solid-fuel Jericho missiles per month, at an estimated cost of 51.5 mil- lion each. Th\e problem then became the slowness of Dimona to produce by con- ventional means the en- riched uranium for the warheads: The Israelis could turn out only about one nuclear warhead per year. The laser method, once it is fully developed and per- fected, may eliminate of at least ease this production bottleneck. On nuclear matters, the Israelis always have fol- lowed a policy of "deterr- ence through uncertainty." This means that they have neither denied nor admitted that they have a military nuclear capacity, confining themselves to the purposely ambiguous comment that they will never he the first to use nuclear weapons in the Middle East. But, signi.f- icantly, Israel never has signed the Nuclear Nonpro- lif oration Treaty of 1969. In this space just two years ago, on March 22, 1972, this observer predict- ed that "within four years at most" Israel woukd be- come the world's sixth nu- clear power. In view of the reported development of the laser technique by Nebenzehl and Levin, that estimate ap- pears to have been ab.aut on the button. And that may help to explain why Israel felt strong enough to pull back from Suez in January wltl;ollt anV Secret conlillit- rricnt Iroi]] Kissinger. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500110037-4