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February 7, 1982
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think i draw my own conclusion -.': ten.,
o s - ayes That-is the problem. The :flan give. ing
ON 'A _ f
thee, : gradually , became convinced through all his notes." - - neled funds to political parties, press'
that the American Embassy in San-, , The difficulty is that the role of the and radio stations in Chile but stayed
tiago not only knew about the murderTJ United States in Chile remains an ex- away from violent right .wingers and
from the start but was Intent on cbr,' rrPmPt,r rr,nr pre;as or,,.,r;,,n,i C?t?L militarvnlots
,,cal technician," he said after. a show to
trial designer, was told that hiss,-syn ; in Chile: 1963-1973.11 - ? Committee and statements by Nathan
vas missiagand went to Chile in what, "The director can't do eve " lel Davis, who was Ambassador in
became a, desperate search ta:,find' he said. "Hauser did the rese and Santiago from 1971 until shortly afterf
Charles. Edmund G. Horinan, th esfar saw all those people, ? and I went the 1973 coup, the United-States than-?
only one point of view, essentially Ed ring
orman's, but its claim to present a nor
basic historical truth puts it in a differ- clu
ent category from other dramatiza. , g
- -
questions : r.1 $` ; :
Approved For Release 2001/03/07: CIA-RDP91-00
Gavras didn't pretend that it is. was
7 FEBRUARY 1. c82
ttMyr.a.wo]..r., But it isn't a documentary, and in,
I Mr. Costa-Gavras says he collabo.
,; . ! rated closely-with the author of"the
with the Horman family "so-I cciuld
lance writer named Charles vials he rira noc to consult the aiiu Me oecretary oI Derense (then:
Melvin Laird). It was an extraordi
Norman was killed d;,rthg
1 -- ----- _.; _,..
k Ch
m- --- r o S"rari
u c
enioc C;l VA Ida ho, -
in Chile. f.. r~ 'which ipade extensive investigations Nonetheless, Allende was elected
Fact: His.. father, a New York inclt>., and issued a report on "Covert Action After that, according to the Church
and it documents some
wrote in the
States orricials for 44 million but ate..:
missed for lack of evidence.; ?;.~ . a vast, murderous rampage, many tang such intense pressure on the oppo-
'Fact*.-- A. . lawyer named Thomas, `people, particularly French Socialists, sition's capacity to survive that it
Hauser was drawn Into. the Horn gad felt it showed the United States would might be unable to contest the next
family's crusade and wrote a. book : go to any length to prevent the sur- ? election scheduled for 1978. The secret
about the incident called "The Execu;. vival of another leftist government be- subsidies, he said, were to enable op-
tion of Charles Horman: An American sides Cuba in the - Western Hemi- position parties and distributors of in-
Sacrifice," published 1n1979. sphere. The French left irdentifled formation to compete with Govern- r
Fact: Costa-Gavras, the Paris -their own aims with Allende. The coup went-supported parties and press.:..
based Greek -:-,director :who- made became a kind of litmus test for the + .
powerful political films about cases iii Paris intelligentsia, a sequel to the ! "We still have not, ash a society,!
Greece, Czechoslovakia and Uruguay Vietnam war thought through the practical and ethic
accepted an offer from. Universal -td. cal implications of covert action;tMr
make a movie from the Hauser book: Newspaper reports, especially those.' ? Davis said:- He pointed out,`and the
It is called "Missing," : stars -Jack 'of Seymour M. Hersh in The New York record confirms, that he successfull y
Lemmon and Sissy Spacek and.. it Times, and lengthy records of the 3 opposed C.I A. suggestions
to support
opens in New York On Friday, at: the Church - Committee in 1975 and 1978 strikes and demonstrations to under
Beekman ? theater. It is tautly well,;: showed that the. United States had in- mineAllende. - '
made and cinematically convincuig { :deed been involved in Chilean politics.
Fiction: "This film is based on a 4 The most damaging evidence related However, Richard Helms and Hal
true story. The incidents and facts are_' to C.I.A.: activity attempting to pre- Hendrix, an I.T.T. official, were con-,
documented. Some of the names have- vent Allende's election in 1170. At that ;- victed of perjury for -their testimony,
been changed to protect the innocent. time, It was revealed, an infamous before a 1973 Senate. committee. on
and also to protect the film." operation called - "Track - II" linked what happened in 1970. And there was
o :.I American agents with violent right-- the extraordinary Nixon order to
the Film. in many cases,x latat t-
~^ :are used,
rea r are evoked, .real
kencetmtaits''pertrayed. 7bese devices
G' -and the ilii*ctor's?art;are combir a 1-to-;
i,-] ilserstiade61at'
Helms not to .inform Ambassador,
Korry and two top cabinet members of
that plot. Credibility became a serious i
issue in disentangling t11e.Chile story.. 1
e 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP9'.,OQ9,
Ne it b
Approved For Releaseg/O~0yg~BIW'ObPgilw8090
By Barbara Bernstein
Deseret News correspondent4
OGDEN - Ever since Moses sent spies to the
land of Canaan, intellignence-gathering has been an
intriguing function, but the profession has changed
since America got serious about it, according to
William Colby, former. director of the Central
Intelligence Agency.
Colby spoke at a noon convocation Thursday at
Weber State College, sponsored by the Associated
Students in conjunction with Social Science Week. It
was Colby's second?visit to the Ogden school.
Colby said the change in American espionage
began 40 years ago when the country was surprised
by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It shouldn't
have been surprised, he said, because there
intelligence abounded pointing to the intentions and
capabilities of the Japanese, but the information was
not consolidated.
"We decided to find out what we already knew
and centralize it," he said. The government solicited
information from universities, geographical
societies, tourists and commercial travelers, and
'asked experts in the Central Intelligence Agency to
analyze the data.
Even such a trivial thing as a photo of
somebody's Aunt Minnie on a beach in a"bathing suit
was put to use, he said. If experts noted that she was
standing by a truck, for `example, they would know
the beach was firm enough for military or espionage
The progress of technology has brought a change
in American espionage too, Colby said. The.observa-
tion .planes that flew, over Russia for 3r years were
not:an,exercLse,in.idle curiosity. Eventually they flew
over Cuba and detected the shape of Soviet
armaments being constructed there. .
Technology bought the United States the time to
confront Khrushchev before he had, his weapons
finished and pointed at. the LJ.S.
With technologicaPhelp, 'the United States has
gone into space and under the:ocean to keep watch on
other countries' activities, Colby said,. and literally.
listens to the rumbling of theearth's crust to detect
their atomic tests,..,:..-, ..? L
With the changed scope and accuracy of
knowledge-gathering, he said, the United Statses no
longer has to send an individual spy slinking out of
Hong Kong to see what the Chinese are doing on their
borders. "We can see and hear them from here."
Another change in intelligence operation is
recent insistence that American spies operate under
the Constitution and laws.. Colby said. Formerly,
spies were considered outside the law, and even
President Dwight D. Eisenhower said spies have to
be permitted to do their own work in their own way.
After Watergate, the public engaged in recrimi-
nation and hysteria about the _Q4A,,"Colby said,
exaggerating instances whore the agency did the
wrong thing and ignoring the good it has done.
"We are sobering up now after our binge," he
said. "We have resolved the contradicfiion, and we
are going to run our intelligence agency under the
Constitution." He said the CIA. now has a public
document issued by the president that delineates
what the CIA is empowered to do and sets up a
system of accountability. Congress even has two
committees to see that the intelligence service keeps
within its bounds.
"We still have to turn to the spy, to brave
Americans and brave foreigners, to bring us
i information," Colby said, because the world is still
not safe for democracy. Other countries, compara-
tively underprivileged, see American prosperity and
seek tools to bridge the.difference between them and
the. United States. The tools they use might be
economic and political, or they might be sabotage
and violence, he said.
Great power is now available in small packages I
chemical, nuclear and biological - he said, and
this power can easily come into the hands of despots.
But U.S. information systems can discover
problems and defend against threats. It can even
deter the use of threats against the United States and'
its allies by buying time. The United States can now
lay information on. the negotiating table and deal
from strong and informed positions, Colby said.
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500070030-6
- ,lfov For Release 0l~G0fi 81'~1SCho~81a,IJ@
Tilling at windmills
when the Washington Post
bought the printing plant of the
Washington Star, it had a
legitimate reason: Post circulation
had skyrocketed because of the
Srar's demise. But the purchase
also effectively cut off the
possibility of a new afternoon
paper published by anyone other
than the Post. There is simply not
the existing press availability to
print such a paper, and the
capital investment to buy new
presses, considering the generally
dim prospects for afternoon
papers, is just too forbidding... .
Remember how clever criminals
once wore gloves or carefully
erased their fingerprints before
leaving.the scene of a crime?
These precautions are no longer
necessary. You can leave prints all
over the place and still have two
months to escape to Rio or some
other haven and commit a few
more burglaries before you leave.
The reason is it's now taking the
FBI that long to process requests
for fingerprint checks....
_Tbg_Beagan administration has
extorted $10,000 from William'
Colby by threatening him with
prosecution because his French
publisher had distributed copies
of his book containing certain
"sensitive passages" that were
e led at the CIA's in the
American edition. It was this
magazine that first pointed out
the differences Me Convert
flown ' b Jose h Nocera.
November 1980] between the
renc and American editions.
Our point was t at the a enc 's
cuts=the so-called ;ensiitivve
passages--concerned insignificant
matters and proved how idiotic
the CIA's nsorship was. The_
fine is a shameful reversion to
The Reagan administration is
giving us another appointee in the
great tradition of Allen, Raymond
Donovan, and William J. ("not
unfit") Casey. He is Maurice
Stans, who has been nominated
to be director of the Overseas
Private Investment Corporation.
Stans, you will recall, served as
finance chairman of the
Committee to Reelect the
President and raised a record 562
million for the 1972 campaign.
Unfortunately, the way he raised
and disbursed the money led to
his indictment by two grand
juries. On March 12, 1975, he
pleaded guilty to three counts of
violating the Federal Election
Campaign Act and two counts of
accepting illegal campaign
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000500070030-6
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R
February 1982
In the CIA, saes Ralph MoG
you have to do is tell the truth
Ralph McGehee '50 joined the Central
Intelligence Agency in 1952, shortly after
he was cut from the Green Bay Packers.
He's not sure why the CIA approached
him, but during his intelligence training he
met so many other pro football dropouts
that he suspects the agency considered
the 'National Football League a prime
recruiting ground.
When the Korean War ended in 1953
McGehee joined the agency's clandestine
operations section as a case officer. Over
the next two decades he served in the
Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and
Vietnam. He did the routine work of an
intelligence officer: recruiting agents,
conducting investigations, and maintain-
ing liaison with the local police and
intelligence organizations.
During that era the CIA's main
struggle was against Communist
insurgency in Southeast Asia. That
struggle was a losing one. Of all the
countries in the region, today only
Thailand remains allied to the West.
McGehee thinks he knows why our side
lost the rest.
In 1965 McGehee directed an intelli-
gence gathering effort in a province in
northeast Thailand where a Communist
insurgency was beginning. After a
detailed, yearlong study, McGehee re-
ported that he had found a popular
movement so broad, pervasive and deeply
rooted that purely military measures were
unlikely to defeat it.
McGehee submitted his findings to the
agency but, after a brief period of praise
for this work, he ran into an official wall
in Washington.
His findings, he explains, ran counter
to the official Washington view that
Communist insurgency was a form of
clandestine invasion, and that the
natives involved were unwilling partici-
pants who were duped or forced into
joining guerilla units who took their arms
and orders from outside.
McGehee maintains that intelligence
information often is politicized- In
theory, the agency provides accurate and!
unbiased information to the President so
he can make wise decisions regarding
national security. In practice, when a
President is firmly committed to a
particular policy (such as military
victory in Vietnam), the agency shapes
its information to conform to that policy J
Bad or even inconvenient news is
unwelcome. That is an abiding theme in
the history of intelligence, and it is the
rock on which Ralph McGehee
After he submitted his dissenting
report, McGehee's career took a nose-
dive. He was shuttled from one low-Iev
job to another. He was promised
promotions but never received them.
He was frustrated as he watched his
country wage the wrong kind of war in,
Southeast Asia, one he knew was
doomed to failure. He did what he cool
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R00050007 -6