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Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R00040020
27 FLBRUARY 1981
aijisiven Broad Policy Power,
But Less:Thail He liutzillly-Souo. t
----tear:- ? ? ..aaa ?
_ _
ea:eat. ? ? Spociil.torbe N.ev, Yoric TirneM
WASHIN4TDN, Febe26? The Reagan
AdminietratiOn. hasegiVen? Secretaryot
??Statesaleian? der M: Haig Jr. more ail:
thoritie than his recentpredecessors but.
not as much as he originally Wanted.a?--
-Though a spokesman, Mr Haig; said
fivras pleased with theforganizatihnal.
plans that wereapprOVed[;itestertia'Si at a
meeting in the office of, Edwin Meese 3d,
counselor to President Reagana'.
.James A. Baker .3dt.he white? House
chief of staff, told ;reperters.rtoday that
the: final arrangements. would put the
State Department in rharge of numerous
interdepartmental Working kroups but
thef,,leada.,This is sometimes a critical
'issue -in, the bureaucratiC maneuvering
twer policy.
Buticnrer all, Mr4Al1err has been left
with less organizational responsibility
and. influence over policy-making than
such predecessors as.Abigniew l3rzezin:
skieunder-,president JiMmy Carter, and
Henry. A.: KissingerX,:iinder.- President
-Richard M. Nixon.
- -44 , ?
is in keeping with Mr. Reagari's
campaign pledge ;9, rnalty,, the :Secretary-
Of State his principal foreign policy:for-
mulator and spokesnian, -eaaaa- eekt;
Some White House aides felt that.I.Mr..
fewer than envisioned in a memorandum
:. . ?. ? ,.. . . _ _
given to MraMeese on InatiguritiOnDay
:by Mr. Haig, and Richard V. Allen, the
President's national security assistant.- ,
The plans. call for the creation of inter-
departmental groups tor foreign, defense
an in e igence policy to lbe- headed re-
spectively by representatives of the S tate
-Separtment, the D efense :::Department
and the Central Intelligence Agency.
ghe National Security Council, largely
through Mr. Meese and Mri Allen, has the
'authority to ? decide .which issues should
be handled by each . interdepartmental
kr-Oute and thus which agency shall take
Haig. had taken advantage of President '4
Reagan's general ipproach by seeking to
assert his pre-eminence over a broad
range of foreign policy issues, including
somethat had fallen in the past under the
'jurisdiction of other agencies like the
Treasury and Defense Departments.- As
one White House official said, "Haig's
=vi eve initially was that everything beyond
the water's edge was foreign policy." ? -
Rather than immediately approving
the initial Haig-Allen formulation,, the
White House asked for the views of other
agencies. Mr. Haig met with Defense Sec-
retary Caspar W. Veinberger to work out
a new proposal that gave the clear lead to
the Pentagon on defense policy issues and
to the State Deparanent on foreign policy
matters.- That -prroosal was eventually
accepted two wee.as ago and became the
basis for the final organization.
Su uentl , illiam 3'. Case the Di-
rector or ent _me i&ence, suomitt
nis own proposal. Ninon led to the forma-
Pan or a third interrietartniental arou
Intel lis,,ence matters.
',ft--i-da-li nterpreted Mr. Haig's
;original concepts is seeking to move pri-
, mary. respons bill t y for managing sudden
foreign crises from the White House to
;the State Departnent Mr. Meese said
? today theta under the new setup, crisis
7 management wou.d remain under Presi-
dent ,Reagan or, in .-his absence, _Vice
:President Bush. ? - ? ? - ' ?---
- Under President Carter, Mr. Brzezin-
i.ski ran the crisis ,nanagement team and
, used that mechanism to extend his in-
; fiunce over some areas of interdepart-
mental policy-ma dna. For example, he
called more than .'.1) meetings of the Spe-
cial Coordination Committee, which he
'headed, to deal -vith the Persian Gulf
? crisis after the Soviet intervention in Af-
, ghanistan, in an effort to formulate policy
for that region. ata a',,a2: a? a
. ? ?eia,...ze
'Battles Over Tarr Expected ???
senior officials said there would
eventually be "battles over turf' ! in the
field.of foreign economic policy. From
the-outset,.-Secretary Haig has signaled
his intention to-have-the State Depart-
ment play a more dominanrrole in this
area:' And the National Security Council
Staff has given the State Department the
primary', responsibility for preparing
agendas for the annual economic meet-
ings of Western leaders..'-; are- P?a.;????aa.iTir:
: But. ? Commerce %. Secretary Malcolm
Baldrige intends to take the lead in trade
! matters through the prospective Cabinet
Council on Commerce and Trade, which
he is slated. to head. -Treasury officials
have also asserted their interest in for-
eiga economic pobcyae ...a. . eae..e6,
Neither . the -Commerce, Department
nor the Treasury Department was repre-
sented at yesterday's meeting in Mr.
Meese's office attended by Secretary of
State Haig and his. deputy, William P.
Clark; Defense -.Secretary Weinberger
and h.& deputy$ F rank.C.- Carlucci;
the - intelligence chief- and-Mr.
- Allen, thennauo al security adviser. ea-via
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R00040021:1001718--7 '
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R0004002
Cri.& APPrikrilt't
5'31 ?Aga
27 FEBRUARY 1931
.Jeremiah O'Leary Y'
WAMatrton Star Staff.Writar
? :??''??? =47-;?7::!: ? , ?,
ThefReagan -administration has
a structure fOr handling
internatibnal security.2nffairs that
closely'resembles the-,-system Presi,
clenr4teagan and Counselor Edwin:
MeeSe had wanted all along.
"They reached a concensus at yeS-
terday's meeting,".... a? White House
source revealed today-He implied
that -there was: considerable ?in-
fighting among the representatives?
the major role in framing policy on
the internationallevel. Instead, Haig
wound up. sharing overlapping. au..?
thority with Casey. and Weinberger_
subject to coordination by Allen and
Even before the.election, Meese.
said Reagan envisioned an adminis-:
tration structure that would stress
the role of Cabinetnfficials in mak-
ing:international:policy -decisions:
He said the national security adviser
would function as a coordinator-and-
that Meese; serving in the Cabinet;
would be the overall coordinator of .1
"Cabinet-affairs.. '
This-is basically -the system on
which a consensus was reached yes- ,
terday,-but -not without dissent and I
`discord?sources said.
Reagan-did not _attend the meet--
,. The administration infighting has-
:been-going on since-Jan. 20 ? Rea;
of theState Department Defense De-.- gan's first day as president? when
Haig submitted a 15-page memoran-
dum to the-White House. The Haig-
proposal made it clear that he want- '
ed the State Department to have the
central role in formulating national
security policy
Weinberger and Casey later-sub-
pertinent; CIA and White House staff, -
but that.:aT17-a-Fe now agreed n the
system that:eventually- tool( shape.
Those. meeting in Meese's office;.
sources!said, agreed on 'creation of;
three.,*?,--Senior Interdepartmental
Groups:,?one: to deal with foreign
-policy-and-chaired by Secretary of iniqed memos tha- -t?c..--iu'iZred from-
-State _Alexander Haig, one to deal.: Haig?st-proposah This prompted
.with..clefense policy to be chaired by I Meese-to call the Cabinet leaders to-
Defense Secretary. Caspar. Weinber- gether to establish the "senior inter-
ger, and a third to i
deal with ntelli- . cleyartmental group" system.
gence policy under CIA Director -'???.'? - ?
William Casey. - The National Security Council
--"Thi:-Wrife-flouse reserved it- .wili remain the top decision:making,
:self the key role of deciding whether' body under the chairmanship of the
.any specific problem should president. The three senior interde-
der the foreign-policy; defense ?Dill- partmental groups will act as coorch-
:telligencer:policy control. That role tiating agencies; depending on the
:of coordinating polity-making will nature of the situation, and will fun-
fall to National Security Affairs Ad ' tiel their findings to the- president
way of Allen and Meese. The Na-
tfiI Council, as provided
by laW;will be the final arbiter for
:presidential decisions_ -_
Haig.WilL,cbiatinue to be-the chief
viserRichard Allen-and his superi-
or, Meese; :and through them to
'Reagan :4-i w-4_r?
White House,officials said adop-
'lion or he plan,: differs 'markedly
from?thegproposal.submitted to the foreign policy spokesman for the ad-
WhiteHouseonInauguration Day by Ministration, and Allen will remain
Haig which would: have given him :
- behind the scenes-as a coordinator..---1
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
4.....otrprerreeiIsr saaa.2441561.2J2P.914=1301144LIZOODIU.
President Reagan
Sharon and Gov. John D. Rockefeller
Nancy Reagan
WWD photos
Elise and Gov. Pierre Du Pont; Gail Merrifield and Joe
Phyllis and Gov.
John Brown Jr.
(right); William Ca-
sey and daughter
Bernadette (above)
Rita and Gov. William Clements
lyASHINGTON ( FNS ) ? Spring came ear-
ly to the White House at the Reagans'
first official dinner, where the President
honored his political alma mater ? the
governors. Two ficus trees with multicolor tulips at
the base welcomed guests onto the dance floor. Ear-
lier, the Reagans greeted guests in the Red Room,
filled with red tulips.
In short, the governors of the two biggest
states, Hugh Carey of New York and Jerry Brown
of California, who decided to skip the show, missed
a great party.
Guests dined on supreme of fresh cold salmon
with sauce verte and cheese twists, broiled cha-
teaubriand bernaise, almond croquettes, tomatoes
florentine, mixed garden salad, Bel Paese cheese
with fresh pineapple en surprise and petit fours for
dessert. Wines included Dry Creek dry chenin
blanc, Louis Martini cabernet sauvignon 1974 and
Chandon extra dry Champagne.
The big topic of conversation was not Rea-
Helen and Gov. William Milliken; Bella and Gov.
Jay Hammond
gan's economic program but the bowdlerized ver-
sion of "A Chorus Line" Joe Papp put together for
the group. "I missed 'T and A,' "said Kacie McCoy.,
referring to one of the racier songs that was
dropped. "I didn't think it would be appropriate for
the White House," explained producer Papp. But
not all the guests agreed. "It really was a sanitized
version. Especially when the one dancer said 'Oh
Shoot,' "said Carolyn Deaver. "But I was intrigued
to see how the dancers all succeeded in jumping be-
tween the chandeliers."
The other hot topic among the wives was the
coming marriage of Prince Charles. "Everyone
loves a good romance," said Sharon Rockefeller,
wife of the West Virginia governor. Jean Ariyoshi,
wife of the governor of Hawaii, agreed. "I think it's
marvelous," she said.
Meanwhile, governors were busy running up
to chat with Nancy Reagan, who looked super in a
veteran Bill Blass brown chiffon dress and a three-
strand pearl necklace, pearl bracelet and pearl and
diamond earrings. "We talked about them coming
over to Wexford to visit but nothing definite was de-
cided," said Texas Gov. Bill Clements, referring to
his Middleburg, Va., farm, which the Reagans rent-
ed before winning the election.
Also ? ying for Nancy's attention was India-
na Cov. Robert Orr, who was delivering
greerings from a state security guard back
home. "The Reagans stayed at the gover-
nor's house last summer and one guard who went
out to get Nancy Reagan some Rolaids wanted me
to say hello to her," Orr told the President. To
which Reagan replied, "Tell him Nancy's husband
also says hello.' '
yea r or rcerragr2IMPIlften'e+PPRelaelmeeeM009044:30"1"4."'. "1"
Approved Fpr Release
Revlon's net climbs
for 4th quarter, year
!on 3 groupings of China imports
112/14 : CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
Reagan orders new curbs
NEW YORK (FNS) ? Revlon, Inc., reported Wednesday a 21
percent increase in earnings for the fourth quarter ended Dec. 3 and a
23.9 percent gain for the year.
In the quarter, the company had net income of $54,781,000, or
$1.34 a share, compared with $45,277,000, or $1.28. Sales were up 26.5
percent to $638,830,000, against $504,951,000.
Earnings for the year reached $192,407,000, or $4.87 a share, com-
pared with $155,335,000, or $4.39. Sales went up by 26.5 percent, totaling
$2,203,324,000, against $1,741,763,000.
Currency losses in the fourth quarter were $700,000, compared
with a loss of $600,000.
For the year, Revlon said foreign currency losses were about $5,-
400,000, compared with losses of $6,400,000.
Sales and earnings of Technicon Corp., acquired in a purchase
last year, are included in the 1980 results after May 2, Revlon reported.
Revlon increased its domestic market share in cosmetics by one
percentage point to about 20 percent, according to Michel Bergerac,
chairman and chief executive officer.
Revlon's international beauty business reported strong sales in-
creases, Bergerac said, although margin pressure was experienced in
some overseas markets because of difficult economic climates.
Bloomingdale's shifts duties
of two regional executives
NEW YORK -- In a re-
alignment of regional responsibi-
lities at Bloomingdale's, Alan
Kahn has been named regional
vice president of the chain's Short
Hills, N.J., White Plains, N.Y.,
and Stamford, Conn, units and
Henry Gross has been named re-
gional vice president of Philadel-
phia-area branches.
Kahn had been regional
vice president of Bloomingdale's
Short Hills and Philadelphia units
since January, 1980.
Gross has been merchan-
dise vice president for misses'
coats and suits, budget and mod-
erate dresses, Saturday's Genera-
tion departments, boys' wear,
men's shoes and the Pro and Ski
Shops. In his new post, he will be
responsible for the Jenkintown
branch, a King of Prussia, Pa.,
unit slated for an August opening
and a Willow Grove, Pa., unit
planned to open in 1982.
Both Kahn and Gross will
report to Arthur Fulgenitz, senior
vice president for branch stores.
administration has ordered fresh curbs on a
range of Chinese apparel imports following a
sudden and potentially disruptive surge in
shipments of products not already covered by
specific import quotas.
But the move was promptly assailed
Wednesday as being "too little and too late"
by U.S. manufacturers, who charged imports
from China are skyrocketing on a broad front.
They urged a far more extensive crackdown.
The order, which went into effect Tues-
day, applies to men's and boys' cotton coats
( category 334); women's and girls' cotton
coats (category 335), and men's and boys' cot-
ton knit shirts ( category 338.)
In each of these product areas, China
has become a leading U.S. supplier, with
spectacular growth in shipments registered
during recent months, officials reported.
As a result of the administration's di-
rective, which is provided for under the terms
of the Sino-American textile-apparel
agreement, strict limitations are imposed on
clearance of these three items for the next 90
days, during which time attempts will be
made to negotiate mutually acceptable quota
The action by the Commerce Depart-
ment follows a similar crackdown ordered
last fall on all types of Chinese wool sweaters.
When subsequent negotiations proved fruit-
less, importers scrambled to get their mer-
chandise into the country, with the result that
an outright embargo on the sweaters went
into effect earlier this year.
Paul O'Day, the acting undersecretary
of commerce who heads the agency's textile
programs, reported Wednesday the Chinese
are giving "clear indications" they are ready
to retuni to the bargaining table.
() Day said the U.S. government,
through it:, embassy in Peking, has been in
touch w.th the Chinese and talks may get un-
der wa,), within the next two or three weeks.
O'Day iso reported China is willing to dis-
cuss not only the three items now threatened
by embargo, but also the wool sweater issue.
O'Day made his report ata meeting of
the Importer's and Retailers' Textile Advi-
sory Committee and his announcement pro-
voked angry charges that the retail industry
finds it "very difficult" to do business faced
with the constant threat of embargoed mer-
chandise. One delegate noted more than 30
U.S.-imposed embargoes hampered trade
last year, creating an environment of doubt
and confusion in the industry.
Meanwhile, Tuesday's order affecting
Chinese exports had the immediate impact of
reining shipments during the negotiating pe-
In the next 90 days, imports of men's
and boys cotton coats will be limited to 45,772
dozen; imports of women's and girls' cotton
coats will be limited to 64,250 dozen; while im-
port of men's and boys' cotton shirts will be
limited to 145,981 dozen.
The latest available data show total
shipments in the current quota year for the
three categories, respectively, were, 130,634
dozen; 183,571 dozen; and 417,088 dozen.
Under the complicated mechanism of
the bilateral pact, the Chinese -- failing a mu-
tually agreed quota level ? would be allowed
to ship in the succeeding 12 months, respec-
tively, 148,694 dozen; 201,956 dozen; and 482,-
124 dozen.
Above that level, and if a bilateral deal
fails to materialize, the axe automatically
falls and the embargo goes into effect.
vnem,:mwra067m0070mattu0680 06=0&..7&%1MMEMUW?gi:0)M70)008dMl0I000SigeMI: ,AV.4:4-4U~Nt4Ngh44Ma444.'44.ga
Carolina Underwear wins round in Iris suit
NEW YORK ( FNS) ?Caro-
lina Underwear Co., manufactur-
er of children's sleepwear, may
proceed in arbitration with
Springs Mills over a contract in-
volving Tris-treated fabric.
State Supreme Court Jus-
tice Margaret Taylor denied
Springs' order to stay arbitration.
Between 1973 and 1976, Car-
olina bought a substantial invento-
ry of Springs' fabric, allegedly
treated with Tris. The companies
had a contract with a clause stat-
ing any controversy arising from
sale of goods could be settled by
arbitration. Carolina charged the
Tris-treated fabric breached the
contract, and the company had
sustained damages totaling
Carolina demanded arbitra-
tion in April. Springs claimed the
demand was barred by a statute
of limitations and that notice was
not given in time. "Springs' argu-
ment that the respondent is bar-
red because notice was not given
within a reasonable time does not
strengthen Springs' defense,"
Taylor said.
Olga is offering $13
tender to holders
VAN NUYS, Calif. ? The
Olga Co., manufacturer of inti-
mate apparel, has made a cash
tender of $13 for its 1,067,275
shares of common that are traded
in the over-the-counter market.
The offer is for stockholders who
owned 30 shares or less as of Feb.
According to the company,
the offer will begin Friday and
will expire March 30, unless ex-
earnings off for '81
TORONTO ( FNS ) -- Simp-
son-Sears, Ltd., will report a sales
gain of more than 12 percent for
the year ended Feb. 4, but lower
earnings than those posted in fis-
cal 1980, John D. Taylor, presi-
dent, said.
In the 52 weeks ended Jan.
30, 1980, the 50 percent-owned af-
filiate of Sears, Roebuck & Co.
earned a record $67,900,000 C -
nadian, or 85 cents a share. on
sales of $2,620,000,000. Fiscal ; 981
included 53 weeks.
Taylor did not specify how
much profits fell in the latest
year. But he said because of a
"great" Christmas season, the
full year's decline was not as se
vere as the first nine months when
? the company's earnings dropped
38 percent to $19,100,000, or 22
cents, from $30,700,000, or 4(1
Ted Bodin, Kattan
buy Tropical Knitting
NEW YORK ? Ted Bodin,
founder of Bodin Apparel, has
bought Tropical Knitting Mills, of
Hialeah, Fla., along with partner
Abraham Kattan.
The pair paid about $2 mil-
lion to purchase the mill from the
Development Corp. of America, a
Hollywood, Fla., firm. Bodin is se-
nior vice president and Kattan is
Bodin, who was fired from
the company which bears his
name about 18 months ago, said
the new company does not make
apparel. He said he expects sales
at Tropical Knitting Mills to reach
$20 million this year, a $5 million
increase over 1980.
Bodin is still the largest
shareholder in Bodin Apparel with
about 35 percent of the stock. The
financially strapped company has
suspended manufacturing opera-
tions while it sells its plants and
Position Wanted
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Approved For Re waiimusrrrrirrCIA=R15P9-t=00904REH304004G04984
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R0004002000
I'AGZ 14.1
26 February 1981
lay Martin:SchIL. :
and Michael,Getler
,.. Washington Post Staff Weitin
After weeks. of itudy and bineau-::.
cretin battling, toPrReagarr
tration officiala yesterday decided on a _
new framework for; the', making of
tell-national lead ire
roles to . the secretaries of state and
defense and the director of the CIA
a'kei-ebordinating role to the:
Preident's nationer'iecurityZ affairs
The plan' falls significantly short of
the structure that Secretary of "State
Alexander" M. Hele4r.''proposed hi a
me*Orandiirte aii.lomittecr -on 'Inaugu-
ration' Day have given
Flaig".a larger the ; framing' of,
Instead the s'StruCture, that2sbnines
said is nowafficiallY-in plane provide*
for the White' Rinse to: retain a cru-
cial 'ioleiii:theroOOrdinating' Of poicj-
makir the office of national
security affair*" ediiieer
? -
lerr and', his Wilke l'Hoiiseboss;...Preel:-:
fra.F.0*?F1c,"-was. agreed : !41-1-;:=
?onin-?eeting 'yesterday. in Meese's-,
the:West. Wing:of the White:
.1Defense Sitthy'CasparIWWein--.
? beiger," CIA Direct& Wilier:6J. Casey,;".
'Allen, Deputy Secretary of State-Wile,7
:11am -P. 'Clark ?:DeputySecrtary
z'Of --Defense 'Frank '.C.7Carlucci.:.
? dent Reagen'did-not'attend, nor'wai,
.he involved the negotiations in
e which the -nevi'-frainework was fash-
ioned after ciOnsiderable'discusaion
:and- Sonia. discord Within the adminise-
tration, according to informed sources.
- Nevertheless,' these sources 'stressed.
- that :th*:..dedsione 'reached at yester-
days ineetineafE),'nceeposwgisiiiii'
. administration,. policy'.
Theeiv4frairieWoric-caTh foethe
creation of three- senior interdepart-;
mental. groups (SIGs)... One will deal
primarily With matters of foreign poli-
cy and- Will be chaired by the secre-
tary of:state. .Another will. deal with
matters :that ',primarily concern
tary and defense ixlicy and will be
chaired by the secretary of defense. A
third-Will deal' With intelligence polic7
anciwill be chaired by the CIA direc-
The key decision abOtit whether a
apecia problem should. be treated as
primarily, foreign, defense or intelli-
gence policy will bee made by the pres-
ident's national security affairs advis-
er, administration Said. This
will Preserve for, the White House the
crucial :question of Control'. over 'the..
framing of international PoliCy.
:Haig; the most experienced of -the
Reagan international policy high nom2:7
mend': - touched off. - 'the' - intra-
administration cOntroVersy. Jan: 20 by,
submitting a:16-page mernorandiim" to--
the-White, House in:Which .he pro-
posed that theState Department take
the central role in the -formulation of
national- security policy But, -Presi-
-deritial;',nounselor- Meeee, and Wlnt&
;House 'Chief of staff James A. Baker-=
'Me'. set :Haies-',PrOPO'sal.',4iside, and
called for further study-
Weinberger then countered with
memo of his own, seeking to increase
his-department's role and to trail- thati
of Haig.- And at Meese -and Baker'si
urging'. ; Haig and Weinberger got-to::
gether and submitted a joint propeet
MeanwhileSasey added a memo
?gesting a -framework that -differed;
from the Haig-Weinberger- plan by
saving that some policy areas were
primarily of an intelligence nature andl
that. set- the te
The trio of senior:interdepartmental:
'groups essentially will' 'replace the.
Cabinet-level policy review committee
of": the Carter administration. The
Reagan plan, however, is patterned
mostly after the Way thWJohn-Son ad-
ministration handled such matters:1'., -: :
- .-',. As officials, explained_ it, the toPi
policy- and decision-making body:will?I
be the 'National Security _Council,- es-
tablished, by lav and, chaired by the
president. The SIGs .will be chaired
Ii , the No: 1 2 rso? or de u in
state, defense and intelligence. ey ,
will be a coordinating goup,-lunderl
overall control . of their bosses '.. while.
overseeing the work of slightly lower:::
level interdepartmental groups (I(ls)
run by .assistant_ secretaries- who. will:
develop the poliny_considerationsa - ~.:?4
. The other' key group in the Carter
_White -House _was. the special-coordi-
nating committee, used for C27.973 man-.
agement - and-- headed by, 7higniew1,
Brzezinski, President Carter's nationali
security affairs adviser. y - :-:' ,....,..
, Officials saidt yesterdaY-that'final
decisions on how specific crises will be
:Managed: IiiiVe not been made, bift-lt-
is clear that all ,he major agencies ....,wilF
be ,involved - and that rianagenient.:1
,becentered in the White Hou:sez3.57-7:7-
'i._ .tl'ItiiirliWS , with --a ;:number of -,offi-.-/
Chile indicate that three major consicl- 1
orations -hung -over the White House 4
deliberations .oxit,:hoiv td Organize itself_
in the national.. securitY ,. field.7.=These
:involved. how' .tii.r.) make,- atire that the
president :received: the views of all his
key- advisers in a balanced fashion,
how to insure that the president's own
views and preroga#ves in foreign-polk:,
:cy were preserved, and how best, to;
;cope With bOth the -acknowledged tel..;
.3 , ..of Haig in It stilt
? ? 4 ? ?
t ea
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R00040020
25 February 1981
Ronald Reagan Woos the Heads of 5tates
Bybonnie Radcliffe
and Elisabeth Bumiller
2"If - the bombs fell in this room,"
President Ronald Reagan said to
America's governors at the White
House last night, "it Would certainly -
be a strain on the country." iWeak
laughter. . ,
The president was playing host and.
earnest suitor 'on a stage in the East
Room, and from the looks of things,
he gently won over some of the gov-
ernors. In the candle-lit White House
the.t:Chandon Extra Dry bubbled
"I don't think 'this changes any-
body's mind on specific issues," said
Gov.:- Bruce . Babbitt of Arizona,
I)emocrat, "but it's awfully important',
in the long run. r think it will pay'
back some dividends to the presi-
dent." -
But from a Republican, Virginia's
John N. Dalton: "The resolution we
passed backing his program had only
two dissents, which represents the'
strength of the feelings by the govern-
ors that he's on the right track."
The black-tie dinner was the flat-
tering windup to a two-day courtship
organized for the governors by thefl
president and: his advisers. "Between
president had said earlier
during his toast, "we are going to see
America solve its problems and have
the cooperation between you -- the
chief executives of the states = and
.the federal government that was cre-:
'ated b3i the states."
Guests of President and Mrs: Reaganl
at last night's White House dinner:
Gov. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Mrs.
Alexander " ?
Goy. George Ariyoshl (0-Hawaii) and Mrs. Arlyoshi
Goy. Victor Atlyeh (R-Ore.) and Mrs. Ativeh
Gov. Bruce Babbitt (D-Ariz.) and Mrs. Babbitt
James A. Baker III, chief of staff, and Mrs. Baker
Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldridge and
Mrs. Baldridge
Gov. Christopher Bond (R-Mo.) and Mrs. Bond,
Gov. Joseph E. Brennan (D-Maine)
Gov. John Y. Brown (D-Ky.) and Mrs. Brown
Gov. George Busbee (D-Ga.) and Mrs. Busbee
Vice President and Mrs. Bush
Gov, Brendan T. Byrne (D-N.J.) and Mrs. Byrne
Joseph W. Canzeri, deputy assistant to the president
Gov. John W. Carlin (D-Kan.)
WIlparrL4, gam tprector of CentaVntelligence
Gov. WIllTam P Cements Jr. (R-ex.) and Mrs.
Gov. John N. Dalton (R-Va.) and Mrs. Dalton
Michael K. Deaver, deputy chief of staff, and Mrs.
Gov. Lee S. Dreyfus (R-Wis.) and Mrs. Dreyfus
Gov. Pierre S. duPont IV (R-Del.) and Mrs. duPont
Secretary of Energy James Edwards and Mrs.
Gov. John V. Evans (D-Idaho) and Mrs. Evans
Stephen B. Farber, executive director, National
Governors' Association, and Mrs. Farber
Gov, Hugh Gallen (D-N.H.) and Mrs. Gallen
Gov. J. Joseph Garrahy (D-R.I.) and Mrs. GarrahY
Gov. Jay S. Hammond (R-Alaska) and Mrs.
Gov. Harry R. Hughes (D-Md.) and Mrs. Hughes
Gov. James B. Hunt Jr.(D-N.C.) and Mrs. Hunt
Gov. Bruce King (D-N.M.) and Mrs. King
Gov. Edward J. King (13-Mass.) and Mrs. King
Gov. Richard D. Lamm (D-Colo.) and Mrs. Lamm
Gov. Robert F. List (R-Nev.) and Mrs. List
Gov. Juan F. Luis (I-V.I.)
- -
Gov. Scott M. Matheson (D-Utah) and Mrs.
'Peter McCoy, dePuly assistant to the president and
director of staff for the first lady, and Mrs.
Edwin Meese III, counselor to the president, and
Mrs. Meese
Gov. William G. Milliken (R-Mich.) and Mr;:
? Milliken
Gov. George Nigh (0-Oki.) and Mrs. Nigh
Gov. Allen Olson (R-NO.) and Mrs. Olson
Gov. William O'Neill (D-Conn.) and Mrs. O'Neill
Gov. Robert D. Orr (R-hid.) and Mrs. Orr
Joseph Paint, Producer, and Mrs. Pam)
Gov. Albert Qule (R-Minn.) and Mrs. Quie
Gov. Robert D. Ray (R-lowa) and Mrs. Ray
Secretary of the Treasury Donald Regan and Mrs.
Regan ?
Gov. Richard W. Riley (D-S.C.) and Mrs. Riley
Gov. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.) and Mrs.
. Rockefeller
Edward J. Rollins, deputy assistant to the president
for political affairs
Gov. Carlos Romero-Barcelo (Puerto Rico) and I
Mrs. Romero-Barcelo
Gov. Ted Schwinden (D-Mont.) ? ?
Gov. Richard A. Snelling (R-Vt.) and Mrs. Snelling
Gov. John Spellman (R-Wash.) and Mrs. Spellman
Gov. James R. Thompson (R-Ill.) and Mrs.
`? Thompson
Gov. Charles Thone (R-Neb.) and Mrs. Thone ?
Gov. Richard L Thornburgh (R-Pa.) and Mrs_
Thornburgh ?
Gov. David C. Treen (R-La.) and Mrs. Treen
Gov. Frank D. White (R-Ark.) and Mrs. White
Richard S. Williamson, assistant to the president for
intergovernmental affairs
Gov. William Winter (D-MIss.).and Mrs. Winter
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24 February 1981
?";,k r
. , ..
By JOHN P. ROCHE - the lamb could share a double bed "Oscar," equipped with cruise mis-
William Casey, President Reagan's with no risks. Then came President siles. It is twice the size of our biggest
director of Central Intelligence, is an ? Ford, still with Henry as the "Great attack sub and is designed to make
extremely talented professional with Helmsman," clinking glasses at Hel- - life-extremely difficult for our carri-
a track record that - includes ' OSS . sinki and initialing some gnomic ers. - ? - ?-: ,--
work in World War IL top-echelon .'" document at Vladivostock....,, '=. - - - ' Speaking of carriers, there was also ?
- , . ,
status in the State Department and :2'72 The. Nixon 'and Ford asmall item that the 45,000-ton Soviet
directorship:tbf? ? the /Export-Import ":--'ea''z'dministrations, thus,. ?-. them. 'carrier Kiev, now in the Mediterre-
Bank. He is going
to need:-all
smarts re to --?copeii
with: the' sad-sack
operation we
the .::"Intelligence,-
Once labeled
"rogue elephant,"
the CIA .:now
resembles a 'fear-
ful cocker spa .
- selves in psychological hock to the
_ Soviets. If Moscow violated the 1972
agreement to work jointly for peace
in the world by urging in its. Arabic
radio broadcasts the elimination of
nean, appears to be returning to its
base in the Black Sea. Under- the -
Montreux' Convention, which gov-
erns passage through the Darda-
nelles, carriers are banned, but our
Israel in the 'tom Kippur War of 1973, Turkish allies have. baptized the
Mr. Nixon and Kissinger, in effect, s Kiev, and other carriers in its class,
said "boys will be boys." "cruisers" and let them through.
If the, Soviet military played fast All the items so far reported were
and loose with the SALT I agreement, known to the intelligence-communi-
it was obvious we had to move to ty, but for political reasons the
-say--t is is SALT II. This was equivalent to urg- Nixon, Ford, and Carter
not to call, for a purge morale at - --?
ing-that if you lose a small pot with a administrations put them in the deep
Langley is bad nough already and
marked deck, the answer is to raise
e -
mast of the staff are competent. The - the ante. ? -
basic problem is that the CIA must To be specific,! have reliable infor-
revert to the professionalism that motion from foreign sources that the
characterized its early years, and not USSR has on numerous occasions
? become a shill for the views o violated - violated the 150-kiloton. threshold for
president.; underground nuclear tests, A few
I SPEAK ness. During the period 1966-68 when times these have hit the press, nata-
HERE with some-bitter-
bly when they overdid one a bit last
I was convinced like the Hanoi lead-
year and reached about 275 kilotons,
ership, that we were going to lose the ? but the United States hes ducked for-
. t ?
war in the -United States, not ,in , mal protests
Vietnam, there was a special CIA unit Maybe someone stuck a plain, ?
charged with ...stroking,. President, brown envelope in. Ambassador from electronic. '_It is- hardly a state
Johnson. Every_ time. I would send Dobrynin's mailbox at midnight, but - secret that the:Iranian fire storm
LBJ a memo opposing the American- , to make a public fuss would be to an caught us by surprise, although Mos-
ization of the war and urging what "lince ? we. had = been taken.- sad, the Israeli CIA, had warned us
? later became "Vietnamiz,ation," some ..Similarly, under SALT arrangements, and Iranian Jews, in 1973, that the
spook would turn up with captured no ICBM is to be equipped with more T. roof was coming down. A lot of Ira-
secret documents proving Ho Chi., than 10 MIRV5 (multiple independ- nian Jews got out a couple of years
-M1nh-wa,s400king for-a white-flag. - ent-re-entry vehicies)r but reliable -before we held our recent hostage
This process of manicuring and sources suggest the Soviet giant SS-18 festivities._
suppressing Information became far had been tested with more than 20. .
- All in all, a major assignment, but
worse once President Nixon- and One more Rena of technical inteli- ; Casey should be up to it He should be
Prince Henry.the Navigator decided gence: Suddenly, on Jan. 9, we learn- = the first top figure at CIA since Wal
the Cold War, or "era of confronta-, ed from the press that the Soviets ter Bedell Smith capable of telling
tion," was over and now the lion and have launched a giant sub, the the president he's out of his tree.
freeze. The director of Central Intel-
ligence can hardly hold a weekly-
"leak session" with the press to dis--
cuss the administration's behavior,.
but he should be prepared to tell his
boss, the president, that if this prac-
tice doesn't stop, he will resign. We
get enough disinformation from.-the--
USSR. Keep the CIA out of that
ON A DIFFERENT level, Casey
e' must move to upgrade our "hurnint"
assets, that is, human as distinct
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oa 2.
18 February 1981
st2N17 r
wor s on issues
t9-7-,;;"..- 7
Debate groupswoulo oegin,,
-lunctioning in coming weeks
podfrey Sperling
Staff correspondent ofF,,,..rre.,'
.e Christian:Science Monitonce
4Calihiet government;--Reaganii? style,- -is
heshining, to take final shape:::
and fort in the. present Reagan
bring7,-_Cabinet ...members
ittogether fn. Six :separate groups to:discuss;
debateriid make recommendations in, sub-
to eac.h. ft.'s.r7
ea,_ the White- House says, stems
?fronithiFord administration; :when an ?to-
comic policy group within the Cabinet proved
most effective lathe governing process.
? ,This subject-matter approach divides". the
Cabinet into six councils:
Natural resources and the environment..
? Food and agriculture.
1? f The National Security Council (already
established by law). 'T
:t6.-Tbe plan: still needs_ the aPproval of the
'various Cabinet "members --- but the White
_Houseexpects it to be implemented,. perhaps,
_ _
Witlione-or wQmore groutts added; within a'
couple , vv. A:4.; ..{1e7?11,
:The proposal isbeingbilied 'alterna-
to earlier-Reagan-idea-Of-following
--Ihts..CalifOrnia...,, approach to..: government ? in.
h he met rlaily_ltwitika small-, select group,
.:_?rof top-level appointees.
r,;--,4?That-.14ea,,-..floated-iirthe 'Reagan people
.,4during.the transition, soon ran into obstacles,
-7,::wpc91.g.rlyjrom:_-_Wco_n*ig- Chief, of ? Staff
7:James Baker. Mr. RakerSaid he thought such.
? a:N.supez.:_caliinetz ?would -irritate those; in the
.c.einq-*,11?.*e'reP9t Liafi
-?? ?
But. some White ? llouse-4`insiderS"r? say
Reagan still will have a handful, of,cabinet
members that he meets with, on a day-to-day
basis 7- simply because this is the way he
-;?hlrel ta-"Work.7-Those seen as mostlikely to be
'included in this inner circle are re ary o
State Alexander M. Haig Jr., Secretary of
Defense Caspar NV. Weinberger, Secretary of
Treasury Donald T. Regan, Attorney General:
William French Smith, and CIA Director
William J. Casey. -
-..--71-here will be a supercabinet without that
name being applied to it," one admthistration
, -source says. He says it would "emerge," that
It would not be 'structured."? .
:,,Longtime observers of the presidency are
dubious that Reagan will be able to make
? cabinet government truly work at least for
very long. , -
?Other piesidents have structuredtheir ad-
ministrations in ways to. try to ensure that
their Cabinet members not only had frequent'
- -
access to the Oval Office but also were the
ones to be relied on principally for the recorn-
mendations that were turned into presidential
Initiatives or programs. , _
But before tong top aides in the White-
House-,: because of their location right at the
- _ ,
elbow' of the President...-. became the chief ,
advisers. - ? - =
, But Reagan insists he is going to use his
Cabinet as the principal instrument of gov-
ernment - not his White House team.
Already he has shown that he means to
, carry out this comnutmen,. to Cabinet su-
premacy by making his foreignaffairs ad-
viser. .in the? White ' House solely a
,"coordinator" on policymaking_ Secretary of-
State Haig has been given assurance that he
alone _will?be the shaper, of_foreign policy.`
,Thus there will be no Zbigniew Brzezinski in
the Reagan White House vying with the secre-
tary of state as the former national security
-adviser did inth?arter administration,.'
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17 February 1981
/the Herald Commen1_5_1
In this era .OrilObal ten-
sions, divided lOyalties and
vulnerability,In effective
intelligence Operation is
vital to America's foreign.
policies and defense
strategies. -
This ---has?? ',,been
emphasized from two
directions in. 'Washington
recently. ?
William J. Casey, new
director of the Central
Intelligence Agency. (CIA)
was quoted by Washington
Report, publication of the
United States Chamber of
Commerce, as appealing
for "both public support
and the full cooperation of
And Rep. Eldon Rudd, R.-
Ariz. reintroduced in the
97th Congresi an "Intel-
ligence Agents- Protection
Act'? to protect the iden-
tities of those who serve in
sensitive intelligence posi-
The CIA, established to
gather 1hTelligence infor-
mation abroad amt. report
to the President and his
National Secluity Council,
was created in 1947, replac-
ing the wartime Office of
Strategic Services (1942-
45). ?? ,
- "Our foreign policies-and
defense strategies can
never be better for longer
than our intelligence
capabilities,'! said Casey.
His remarks were ex-
cerpted by. Washington
_ _ _
Report from the new CIA
chief's statement to the
Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence at the re-
cent confirmation for him.
Apparently alluding to
hearings in the mid-70s on
alleged CIA shortcomings,
Casey said that while intel-
ligence agents cannot
receive public recognition
for particular tasks well
done, they rightfully ex-
pect the support of the
government they serve.
"All too often, their
'failures' are widely
publicized, but their suc-
cesses, by their very
nature, are hidden.",l.
Generally there is poor
public perception and 'un-
derstanding of the value of
the American intelligence
community to the security
of the Free World, Casey
stated.. The CIA in par-
ticular, he said, suffers
from self-doubt and this
needs .to be changed.
The hearings in the 70s
grew out of criticism of the
CIA, mostly for involve-
ments in the Cuba invasion
fiasco, a military operation
in -Laos, Chilean internal
affairs, and the Pentagon
,Papers case. -
Rudd, in a statement in
the Congressional Record.
said U.S. intelligence -
gathering capability has
been "increasingly
threatened" by disclosure
of the identities of under-.
cover agents by "anti-
intelligence" publications.
Shortly after a disclosure
in Greece, Richard S.
Welch, station Chief for
CIA in Athens, was assas-
sinated. In another exam-
ple cited by Rudd, the
published identification in
1980 of 15 CIA agents in
Jamaica was followed by a
machinegun- attack on the
home of the 'agency chief.
The "Intelligence Agents
Protection Act" would
'prohibit disclosure of infor-
mation identifying 'an
agent to an unauthorized
person, with extremely
stringent penalties for
Casey is right when he
says we need to build
public trust and confidence
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0-Zi ?AU. 90 16 February 1981
?-? - ? - ? .?,??
411t `' ?
.s el' a.
'r ?JAY BETE:ARS bef aie-weknOw forSure; but it riOW-seernsi
a good bet that the Cental Intelligence Agency soon will be -
desiping new and more powerful cigars,?.it-
The,new--CTA. director, William .1; Casey; already has Served
^ notice he wouldn't hesitate to:Use his operatives to interfere in-
-foreign:goverzunents-irit- is7.4in; the -highest-interests-of-7th e 7.1
United -States.? His:testi:no/1A, at.hiSeconfirmation hearings
.-f.convincesonri-sena tors. be wouldii4 beeageito- oVer-
T. sight-commit#e know what his boys were upto
Casey is the perfect man ta get the'crA:backinto the business ?
of -Tassassinatiag. heads of unfrieridIT;regimes.,with2exploding,L,
-,-;:cigars,: and keep his mouth shut. In World -War.II,.,Casey ran:
somec1andestrie-operations f or the OSS'in Europe,and since
hai proven himselfcapable of keeping the truth to himself: :
When Caey was-nOmina tedjor-the SecuritieSandExchangeefi
;?Corritniisiorriet7eirs aga, some of his testimony 7laef ore a Senate
committee was labeled untrue by a.jUdge.1-4:.Wiimington
is yer once accused-him of unethical- behavior-in.liusin ess dealings,
..;_involvingr,twodu.Pont 'orothers:And a fter, Wa tergate,
.;."-adniitted heladnl,told the whole truth to a,committee. looking
;into whether-- the-Nimsn administration- had done .favors for_:.?
.:InternationatTelephone-&-Telegraph Co. .
Sri-if Pierre Trudeau lights- up some day-and disappears in a
srnok. do/it:expect CIA.,Director,.Casey-to.go around
talking about it.
? Judging l;whateasey has Said and doneThis research
development people-alreallyare busy designing-small tactical,
While th e- tratienz' is editing waste elSewhere, we can.,
itilook.forwaid- to--a. burst.. of-activity-str,thee,tIA's technical
servicesseetion.; :
-?',..,'That's the-outfit:that-?ii-e=tiSeiplotlineeigars:.?olive-in.-theL.:
5---tran&-nitters and Acousti-Kitty....The. last was the live
tat that was-stuffed-with. listening devices and trained to snoop
enemy.spiesinh parks. Acousti-/Citty-Was-more interested in
'is000pi_ng_in.:sandbcrxes-and garbage cans- than at the feet of
Tein. emy agents. He was-cashiered from the ,
er--...-Vaw-AcoustieKiny could hayea-:secondchance,..along wit
th h
coresni-oer-wonderfeal andcoItly-deViCes, that were put on.
the shelf whilssercatorsaml other busybodiesabout the
1-Icivitrights-of-Aanerites and outlaw activities of the
much encouragement fOr the-, technical;-
? ?
services folks- to take be dust:off_the.Javelin, 'their clever.-?,
device for nzonitoring missile launching Sites in the far reacheS.',.
:of the PeoplesRepublic of
_ By the late'60s, the agency already was conduCting-testi-on-
thejavelin ....a-reirrote site in the United States:It consisted of a'
sensitive listerdng device mounted__ori a:rocket that would be
fired into- the-Chinese desert from -an SR71; the big black spy
plane that operates at an-altitude of i00,000 feet.: ".
The-rocket wonld imbed itself in the earth. Antennae would
above --otind level to pick up-and-transmit the sounds,
from the nearby missile
There-were two problems _:,:One was. that-in every test, the
;:..rockeLwould burrow so far into the ground": that the antennae
also would be buried.. The Other problem .waS posed by a CIA
official- who was regarded withinthe agency. as .a nervous
.7. 7
When he found out what the project Wasall about, he asked,
? "What do_ you think Peking would do-when .they spotted "ari,,']
- American plane flying three times the speed of sound at 100,000.:
feet and firing a rocket in the vicinity-of one of their:missi1e-1
sites? We'd have World -War III before the damn thing had a
chance to bury itself in the desert"
The project was shelved.
. - . , ?
S OFTEN- AS NOT the- ideas 'came' from clandestine
operations people in the agency rather -tha _from the -
technical services I
Once,' one of the snoops asked the angineers to design an
airplane that could be packed into a pair of suitcases.lt was :1
needed for spying within the Soviet Union -The engineers
scotched that one themselves when they asked how the agents,--.!
proposed to get the two large suitcases 111ra-ugh Soviet cus-
toms.*;_-:?? - - : -
SeVeral tithes, the'engiriee. rs were asked to-cleVeloP a snaU
flying machine that would flap its,wings and be mistaken fora
bird. This job was not as tough as it seemed. There was an early el
test flight conducted by Icarus, and the erigineers could usel_--1
- plans drawn by Leonardo da Vinc?My CIA-source didn't say
how far the engineers went, but he doesn't believe the bird ever '1
- flew.. -?? ??
About once a week, at Wednesday morning staff meetings, the
snoops would propose another wild device to the technical
services people. The man who conducted the meeting was
amazed .at their imagination until he stayed home one I
Tuesday night and tuned in to "Mission: Impossible,"
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16 February 1981
Soviet Nuclear Facilities in Vietnam?
Truong Nhn Tang, a high-ranking Vietnamese defector now
in Paris, says the Soviet Union is building piers and other facilities
to service nuclear submarines at a former U.S. supply base in
Vi etnam. Tang is a former justice m inis ter in Vietnam's Communist
regime. Pentagon sources maintain there is no evidence to support
his story, but foreign intelligence agents say they have been told
that U.S. satellite photos have confirmed Tang's report of nuclear
construction at Cam Ranh Bay. Such an installation would fa-
cilitate a Soviet presence in the Indian Ocean.
The Battle for the GSA Job
Nevada Sen. Paul Laxalt and CIA director William Casey
have used their clout in the Reagan Administration to reward
Gerald P. Carmen, the New Hampshire Republican leader who
engineered Ronald Reagan's primary victory in the Granite State
a year ago. Top White House aides battled for their own candidate
to head the scandal-plagued General Services Administration,
but Laxalt and Casey have apparently prevailed in their backing
of Carmen?even though the last business he ran was an auto-
supply store in Manchester, N.H.
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Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901
AM I Ct.:, AfTEMa:D
16 February 1981
The CIA's New. Super Spy
t is only 20 miles from Central Intel-
ligence Agency headquarters on the Po-
tomac River in Langley, Va., to National
Security Agency headquarters at Tort
Meade, Md. But at times the two seem -
light years apart?institutional rivals for -
prestige, power and money in the top-secret -
world of espionage. The CIA is far better
known, but the NSA, the code-breaking:
arm of the Pentagon, is an elite group that
frequently has more clout inside govern?
ment. The institutional rivalry is such - -
that at Fort Meade the CIA is re-
ferred to as "TBAR," shorthand for
"those bastards across the river.",:
Now, in a widely praised bureaucrat:, '
in shuffle, NSA boss Bobby Ray In-
man is moving across the river to
become the No. 2 man at the CIA.
Inman, 49, a superstar in the in:-
teLligence community, will team up
with CIA boss William J. Casey, 67,_
in an effort to restore power and mo-
rale to an agency that has suffered
from scandal and budget cuts in re-
cent years. Casey, who was Ronald
Reagan's campaign manager, will be
Mr. Outside, guaranteed a sympa-
thetic ear at the White House not.
only from President Reagan and Vice-
President Bush (a former CIA di-
rector) but from top aides Ed Meese,
Jim Baker and Michael Deaver, all
of whom worked for Casey during.
the campaign. Inman, who knows the
boss Stansfield Turner tried to wrest contrt
of NSA from the Pentagon. When Delete
Secretary Harold Brown learned of a lunc
between Turner and Attorney Genen
Griffin Bell to discuss the plan, Brown di
patched Inman in a helicopter to pick u.
Bell and give him a whirlwind tour of NSA.
No one was more surprised than Turner
when Bell showed up for the lunch at the
CIA helipad freshly persuaded by Inman
to leave things as they were. "He's a very
intelligence bureaucracy flu-
ently, will be Mr. Inside, run-
ning the CIA's daily oper-
ations. The two men are likely
to play complementary roles in
other ways, too. Casey will give
special attention to -human in-
telligence," drawing on his
own experience as an OSS spy:-
during World War IL Inman.-will concen-
trate on stre-Amlirling the agency's bureau-
cracy and maintaining cordial relations
with Congress. . .
Persuasive': Inman may well turn out
to be a key player in rebuilding the CIA,
which has gone through five directors
in eight years. A Texan from the small
town of Rhonesboro,90 miles from Dallas,
he has spent 28 years in the Navy, rising
to admiral--a rare accomplishment for
someone who did not attend Annapolis.
As NSA director, he was a tough-minded
administrator wNREEttitVrii9 Ritickue
NSA's vast technical operation, thrived in
the spotlight of Congressional oversight,
Larry Oowning?NwswE
Inman: Crossing the river
persuasive man," says Bell.
e At first, Inman was not eager
to join the CIA; with two sons to put
through college, he planned to seek a high-
paying corporate job. But Casey promised
him a fourth star (making him one of the
youngest full admirals in history) and even
arranged a personal plea from the President
himself. Inman agreed to sign up, and at
his Senate confirmation hearings last week,
he won high praise. "If ever there was
unanimous consent and enthusiasm, this
is it," gushed Sen. Richard Lugar.
Like Casey, who reassured jittery CIA
employees last week that there would not
worries most about the shortage of expe-
rienced analysts and agents at the CIA.
.............pkrvx u LL1-11.11. v..M.01./14. auj,,.n LING LLLG LLIUGANI
for the OSS veterans association," says onei
Tinkering: Casey and Inman also needi
to upgrade the CIA's ability to evaluate
information. The agency has consistently
underestimated Soviet strength and has.
sometimes failed to give early warning on
such major political upheavals as the Ira-
nian revolution. Casey will make greater
use of university consultants as analysts..
Also on the agenda: beefing up the CIA'si
counterintelligence unit, asking Congress.
for some relief from the Freedom of In-
formation Act and for a ban on publishing
the names of undercover agents. Much of.
this is tinkering, but the CIA will certainly
benefit from an increased budget, from hay- !
ing so many friends in high places?and 1
above all from the administrative abilities
of an old spy and the young admiral he 1
recruited from across the river.
in Washington
44.? Vcsebareoi W11.4,117 frAda,. TrIrrIOrs
_ _ . ;,_; 7) . Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901
_ ; _. LOS AN .a3
0,-; P..1.'.;11-9 ,_1 A4,44 V. '), 15 February 1981
? -
to a threering cirMiS;if.agreat deal is going on
alE at once; it is also tinie. that; sornetimes, more
czun,beTlearned by watching the sideshOwithanthe7Cenif.
preSident Ronald Reagan lid .C.a.T.Se Pciint:
?.._:"..When :friendly Senate.,Seleetc..cirinaittee-On'jniel:=7-1
v'enCelteld. its hearing in JanUary;orii,the ?PreSiderit'il
orrrin2tion of lis for Mer cannpaixa Manager, wiwain
Zeasey.. to b direaCtr?Of. Central Intelligence,: thrteievi -1
con I t.-4 bathed the' ornate- Senate' milc.ftS o. ri i
1**te glare and the-reforteriandphotographersalmost-
7.0uthum- _
.-.ti271-much --mar tarnOut: greeted' Nal-iy, yice
-Adni....:Bobby.Ray;'Inrnan,',:clirectbi. of:the; iuper-.secret
- National' SecUritYr.Agency, the naticra'.s:- CO de-breaking"
when he appeared' quietltb efore the sarne corn -;-
--mittee on Fel".3 aS?Reagan's choice for depty director'.
by:Ino,,st,observfrs, Inman let an-
- ?Mterestili catOutof tbe bac,
beingqiiestiOned by_SenDanierltInoitYe SD ?-?
)," Inmaii:explained.that .Casey"6meeted him as:
7-depirty to- inapici4e,the quality _of.U.S.,:intelligerice and
the'agenCY'm estrMa4'7efiMedoni-4;-iteabilitytOpredict,
trfuttn-e even*Iiiinariaddi:He-:(Cay);
`;-.-trate_ to a '..sinlistant;lal:de&-ee. On- _the covert: operations,
r eland sestine'coll eetbn sides of the bushiest?'
Or.frz intelligence -buSin'e.s. -of
- course, that CaseYilearned during his World ?War
!"perierice"wifii thepifiCe Of Strategic SetiViCeS;(0.SS).:-A.s.
7-chief at 0-..0-:?1,t.-e:lfig661?-F-(3.-sPiE7IYzraP,:c-asOY.1
Fri:Itl-agtinf.e.; *de by .a!aah1:4.e;1140--11a2Agei.ra'Y',1
That c-..--isq:ciaid;?vii*t.d., coitcent'a*oficthe'.ciyi.
irpetationT and clandes-tine Collectionititlani'not
wholly sinprising-,..but.Inr's comment it neverthelessfl
ammtrigumg-straw, m the wind.- It suggests that, underi
'..the:ReagaP-AdtrunIStlat1011.411e- CT. 4,'? PaY-Well-,PCrPase
zthe scope and number of its covert
Certamly_thechrnate is right:. Casey and Inman have:3,
'Aiken Oyer:pie helm of the .cpt tinder a President-who
jlrnily copr, itted to. a stronger Filitary and intelligence.1
thefirs.t time in the nations histarY;-1
a -farmer CIA.;direCtor, George.Bush;"ii 'vice President.-,,
And,-,With the Republicans in control of theSenate, the'i
CIA-nov-i_has! a. good friend; conservative Sen: Barri,
POICIWat* A:ArtuZ. chairman of the Senate coM=s;
-1,4ittee overseeing the
-..Ther ei is an important structUral.change as well. The:.
,c1A-Lhas,succfeeded, abolishing4he_-_-.Hughes7Ryare-i,
:Amendment, which hadrequired it to report, on Covert:.
'ni,ezrations to eight, committees of Congress. Under the 1,
new Law; the-clA need only report to two congressional-2
panels the Intelligence committees of the Senate andl
the I-louse. PuringAlie mid-1 ? ess
and revealed widqiffiRtv
? . 1.4
- .
ping.-- bugging.. a
that the CIA had
.sinate Fidel , Cas
world? leaders4I
lengthy proposet
were introduced i
Which would hal
;. their, Powers,an
:that 'Was left of .t
'.i0versight Act-of
.-thetwaintelligence.corami prior no ce. oxsigrad-:.;
:cant!: covert operaticins.,-but alloWS him to explain later ;
'if hechooseS not to cornplY-Tlie'law. does require. the
President arid the- CIA to furnish "any infonniation7 on
intelligence demanded by the committees, but it is a far ,
cry from the. massive charter" legislation once env-i;
William E. Colby,. a former director of the CIA says:
;that: covert- activities?both Political and paramilitary
:aetion?noW account for only 3% or. 4% of the CIA's
budget; compared with 50% in the 19KS and 1960s ._"I;,,
hope it will increase," he said,.becouse I think there are.1
:areas of the world where a little Covert action can fore-
stall much more-serious problems later.!' Covert action
-Colby maintains, Can P.avoid a situation of seeing a place.
descend into chaos or, alternatively, being tempted to
send in the Marines.7,-..>-' ; - - ?
4- Casey. answered Cautiously when the senators asked.
? about covert operations at his confirmation :hearing.
Rigging elections, intervening in the internal affairs of
another nation, he replied, "that kind Of thing you Only
do in the highest interest of the country."' -
how far will the CIA be unleashed? "No one can
predict whether. the, new oversight System is going to
viark-,7, said Jerry .J.-Berinail; legislative Couniel._to thel
American Civil Liberties Union? One of the groups that
fought and lost the battle for charter I.,,gislation. "You
-have. Goldwater who has said There. are secretSlad
-'...rathridt-knovi-hewishei he thew 4?.94Pn. the House
Side, the Intelligence Committee is more conservative;
and less
It is also clear that'One:Of GoIdirateri.s toP?priOrilies.
'will be passage of a bill to protectthe identities of intel4
ligenCe agents. Such legislation failed to pass last Year',,
tut an identitiesbill was reintroduced on Feb. 3 by Seri:1
:John H:Chafee, a moderate Republican frorn Rhode
land,and four bills have been introduced in the House::::-.-,1
Pressure for such legislation has mounted a.s a reiult-?,
of several factors: the exposure of the names of dozens.
of agents in the-book by Philip Agee, a former CIA offi-
cer, a:nd the assassination in 1975 of Richard Welch, the
agency station chief in`Athens, who had several months
earlier been identified as a CIA man by the magazine
ConnterSpY.3fore recently, in July; 19-30, gunmen
tacked the Jamaica home of N. Richard Kinsman, who
14: CIAIRbP914)0991#40004002000084 ,c1.A station.;
-and :oth intelligence agencies--...drug-tsting, mait;.
:opening ,:,cable-:;reading? domestic. spying
. , .
Aiived For Release Atil2IVNEiA-RDP91-00901R00040
OI PA's;.,L ? T
14 February 1981
Despite Some Aberrations
eagan resid
sserting Rightward Course
The Ronald Reagan show, despite
some accommodations and legitimate
conservative beefs, is still something of
a joy to behold in these first few weeks.
Every day seems to bring forth a fresh
and sparkling5 surprise. There's the
retroactive hiring freeze, the immediate
deregulation of oil and the well-deserved
Sacking of our pro-radical ambassador
to El Salvador, Robert White (a vindi-
cation of Sen. Jesse Helms, by the way,
who Ted the fight against his confirma-
tion). - - .
Major tax .ancl- spending slashes,....
judging by the President's TV address, -
are-still-in the offing, while the defense
_budget is scheduled to boom_ Even the
grain- embargo?the first test as . to
-.whether the- President would put his
? pledge to the farmer over his duty to
stand up to the Soviets?is going to be
Each dawn conservatives wake- up
and rub their .eyes in disbelief as the
- good news pops up on the pages of
their newspaper. The Washington Post
and the New York Times, those twin
pillars of the Liberal Establishment,
are actually forced to fill their pages?
if they Want to discuss the Reagan Ad-
ministration at all?with choice little
tidbits that make our pulse quicken
with pleasure. .
Even many of those Cabinet appoint-
ments we'were worrying about are per-
forming better than expected. Defense
_Secretary. Caspar -Weinberger talked
last week of increasing our presence in
the Indian Ocean, putting. "additional
carrier task forces" in other parts of
the world (a view that undoubtedly
pleases. our new hardline Navy secre-
tar)', John Lehman), and building the
weapon the Soviets thought they had
buried, the neutron bomb.
Secretary of Education Terrel Bell,
who helped create the department and I
? lovingly embraced bilingual education,
- seems to be developing into something
- of a turncoat so far as the National-
Edikation Association crowd is con-
cerned. He now says he's going to help
dismantle the education agency and set
off hallelujahs throughout the country I
when he terminated those mandatory
bilingual regulations.
? Conservatives were rightfully alarmed
when Donald Regan, who cast his com-
pany's PAC fortune before liberal
Democrats, wound up as Treasury sec-
retary, but Regan looks as if he has
been co-opted by the tax-cut advocates_
Two of the nation's key supply-side ar-
? chitects, Norman Ture and Paul Craig? ;
Roberts, have wound up in top Trea-
sury posts. "Treasury looks as if Jack
Kemp filled the slots," says one on- ,
looker, and, in a way, he did, since so '
many of those working for Regan--in-
eluding Roberts and Ture?were
recommended by Kemp and actually
developed the Kemp-Roth legislation.
Other Cabinet and Cabinet-level
members, Snch as Richard Schweiker
of Health and Human Services (he's
? reaching ,out to the Moral Majority),
David Stockman of OMB, James Watt
of Interior (he's still enraging the envi-
ronmental extremists) and William
Casey of the CIA are all saying. and do-
ing things that are pleasing tofans of
the President.? .
r_137,17T T
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Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
E 1 CO
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
L'arrivet d'un e pro a a la tete de la C.I.A. fait sourirt d'aise
les spec. William Casey, soixante-sept am, fit ses preu-
ves a l'O.S.S. (Office of Strategic Services), l'ancetre de la CIA,
11 Y a pres de quaraxite ans. Mais Its membres des services de
renseignements a.mericains sont persuades que l'honune choisi -
par Ronald Reagan n'a oublit ni its trues du m?er, at le fait
quon pouvait sar salir les mains. 11 elan temps, disent-ils. Car la.
vulnerabilite miiitaire americaine, dans les premieres annees de
tette decennie, rend encore plus vital le rassernblement de rensei-
Catherine DELAPREE
leingeniostte technologique
fait l'orgueil des .:tats-Unis.
ees !aovietiques, par e.xemple,
eonnaissaient l'heune de pas-
age du satellite espion amen-
vain KH9 ? et camouflaient
en consequence leur base de
missiles d'Ouzbekistan. Ce
goals ignoraient jusqu'a Ce
qu-un ancien employe de la
William Kampiles, leur
vendit ce renseignement pour
trois mille dollars Cest que,
quelques heures plus tard, un
autre satellite indetectabie, be
4 Kfilf a survolait cette base, ?
L'Amerique decouvrit ainsi
que l'Union sovietique mettait
au point un venicule analogue.
a sa navette spatiale.
La suprematie technologi-
que americaine est contrebaa
lance* par de dangereuses de
ficiences espions pas assez
nombreux, faiblesses dans
l'analyse des donnees et la pro..
tection du secret des opera-
tions. Des exemples :
s A cause de fuites, les
sources potentielles serieuses
de renseignements se stint
taries. Les gens ont peur de re-
trouver leurs noms dans Aes
? Les recentes purges exer-
ekes par souci d'economie (500
millions de dollars) et au nom
de la imoralite carterienne par
le chef actuel de la C.I.A.,
l'amirial Stanfield Turner, ont
prive l'agence de centaines
&employes experts en langues
et politique etrangeres. Au mo-
ment de la chute du Chah, la
C.I.A. n'avaitplus un seul em-
ploye parlant persan. One
. grande rnajorite des agents lo-
t caux au Proche-Orient et en
Asie du Sud-Ouest sont d'an-
: ciens employes reengages tern-
, porairement
? Les services secrets fran-
,als, allemand et britannique
qui foumissaient les informa-
tions sur ce qui se passe en
Afriqate et en Amerique latine
ont lirnite leur cooperation
depuis les revelations faites
par la presse et le Congres
amencains sur les abus de
leurs collegues arnericains...
0 La qualite de l'analyse
des renseignernents est inegale.
Si les analystes de la C.LA. ont
Pu J exemple pre, rt Le ae-
clip d la product( r a?oltere
sovecque, us seat,- tt, -
ae ,rt par l'inea I ate,
ghu tan.
411 capacite di C A. de -4
meet, des actions estines
a tee tuasiment par ay ate. Le a..
rale ie Tabas pee b rer les .-,
oteees aurait eu aka le caance
/le eessite s'il a va tti ectafie
estirlete p, eiteurs
. .
licencien ents
eniral Turtle.- narade
de amotion de rter a
navale d'Ar a pi de-
bail/. a plus de tie,.) m 1.e ern-
pl. ea. de la C.I.A. t is ans.
Le eral de l'aeera sra resa
consideratilter ea Moro-
site :.ggravee par 1 e p iitatron
faee ear le K.G B. a ,,ctivites
an d'ancie iigents,
coireae Philip g' F pres
line capita:1e de respionnage, tme forteresse de is polltique Internationale : les beaux de la Central Inteent Ilona' Agent ii aneley.
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
publication par
nom d'agents 2
l'etranger, un d'el
assassine, d'autrt
plusieurs rapatr
aux Etats-
Enf in, par ,sou
le chef de la
surveillance ted
naissance photo;
code, interceptic
ment du .reste
Consequence :
ne, salient phis
qui se passe en
trate- ou dans It
De toute faeon,
die .renseigneme
d'argent pour r
rionnees, ils en n
payer 10111'S a
grand coupable
qui. tient les c
bourse. .
Tout cela cec
train de change;
la ananerabilite
be- Congres ava
corde davantai
non souletnent
Pour leur analy
part reduit de 8
de comites surv
ferents services
ments. 11 est vra
le nouveau C,
Pu par exemple predire le dee-e.
Olin de la production petroliere c;?
sovietique, us avaient ete prts-it
de court par Einvasion
La capacite de la CIA de
mener des actions clandestines,
a ete quasirnent paralysee. L.
raid de Tabas pour liberer
otages aurait eu plus de chance el
de reussite s'il avait elk collie
a la C.I.A. estiment plu.sieurs '-
experts. .
L'amiral Turner; camaracle.:
de promotion de Carter, ts,e*
l'ecole navale d'AnnapoILs, di-
baucha plus de deux mile ern-.
ployes de la C.I.A. en ttois2ans., 'publication par ce derrier
Le moral de Eagence s'en nom d'agents americains a
sentit considerablement. Moro- l'etranger, un d'entr?e eux a ete
site aggravee par l'exploitation,_ assa,ssine, d'autres- attaques et
fade par le K.G.B. des piusieurs rapatries d'urgence
anti-C.I.A. d'anciens agents; - aux Etats-Unis.
comme Philip Agee. Apres la .-? ? . .
En.fin, par souci d'economie,
le chef de la C.I.A. concentra la
surveillance technique (recoil-
nalssance photo; dechiff rage de
Code, interception ?radio) sur
'.EUrrion sovietique au detri-
ment du reste du monde.
Consequence .: les Americains
ne: savent plus desorrnais ce?
qui se passe en Arnerique cen-
trale ou dans le tiers monde.
De touie facon, si les -.iervice
cle4enseignements ont a.ssez
d'argent pour .rassembler des
donnees, lls en ma nquent pour
payer leurs analystes. Le
grand, coupable : le Con.gres
qui , tient les cordons de la
- bourse.
- ?
;._? Tout cela .ceperidant est en
tzain de changer. ,Conscient de
la:.vfilnerabilite de la defense,
lei-Congres avait en 1980 ac-
corde davantage de credits,
non. seulement pour la collecte
d'informations, mai3 aussi
_Pour leur analyse. Il a d'autre
part reduit de 8 a 2 le nombre
de comites surveillant les dif-
ferents services de renseigne-
ments. L est vraisemblable que
le nouveau. Congres, ou le
William J. Casey, le nouveau patron de la C.I.A. ,
Interrut %nal Agency, 11. Langley.
Senat est desorrnais a rnajorite
republicaine, restreindra le
pouvoir du ? Freedom of Infor-
mation Act donnant acces
tous les documents gouveme-
mentaux. Le nouveau Congres
deciderait egalernent de pren-
dre des sanctions contre les
agents qui, 5 Einstar d'Agee,
rendent public le nom de leurs
? Le sans du danger que court,
le pays at un patriotisme re-
naissant sant les raisons de
Eaugrnentation constante en
1980 du norribre des nouvelles
recnies de la C.I.A. Ce soot des
gens jeanes, enthousiastes at
de qualite, dont plus de 50 %
soot bar des de diplOrnes. II leur
faudra du temps pour rempla-
cer les agents ayant des annees
d'experience. Mais la renais-
sance de la C.I.A.. depend
Cetait ce qui riappelait
ct. !rnrne:nt un ancien patron de
E.Agence, William E. Colby :
Les difficultes posees dans les
decennies a venir par le debar-
dement d'informations seront
resolues davantage par /a gym:
nastique intellectuelle que par
les exploits athletiques ou
sex-tiers des James pond . John
Le Carre con tre Ian Fleming. .
C. D.
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
ed For Release ?l,W/AplailiSIATKT91-00901R0004062000-084
1 :3 FEBRUARY 1981
j"-,.- The nation's top spy ? CLkoblef Casey,
.211= w
.A.rnerged from the White Holise a few days after Pres-
adent Reagan may in, looked.around, walked up the
',.arivewaY; reentered the building by another door. came
.':?hack out and looked around some more. "Can't find your
"-',ear?-a fascinated reporter called Out. "Yes," replied Ca-
:.-sey,who wandered oft still looking. ,.,
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
Approved For Release 2005/12/14 : CIA-RDP91-00901R0004002000
OIl PAG&_46.2.17_,_
12 February 1981
To help get the hoStages back from
Iran, the Carter administration called
upon Herb Cohen, an internationally
respected-lawyer, whose specialty is
negotiating..-He- not only told Jimmy
Carter's people what they were doing
wrong:-:: while they were doing it ?
but Ear-predicted the release of the - Spokesmen make clear that there will
hostages almOst-to the exact hour.. -=!.-._r:bea?radiail departure from the exist.:
Therei!,* Onlk ' one problem:, The-Z-,1 'policies with respect to govern-
darter Strategists paid no attention to meat sponsored terrorism," Cohen ac1:- _
him..-1.10S*;,sought his- expert- - '.-.'.vised,:"t.he Iranians will view Inau,gu-
then excluded him from their deliber- ration Day as their final deadline.
ations. Not Until Ronald Reagan's ad-- "As a result, they will:select the oP-
visers consulted Cohen, ironically, did ii:tion of dealing with Carter, the Satan
anyone listen to him.. -, ---;-4414-?"-J--'-';''--.::',Ionown; rather than Reagan, the Satan
He Submitted his conclusions in- unknown." Cohen added prophetically:
writing to Ream's. campaign manae,?-? --.,"There is a negotiating truism that
er, William Casey, on Oct./.:-25 ;most concession behavior and all set-
days before the election. "Khomeini. tlements will occur at the deadline."
and his mullahs know that-they' are -.Reagan issued statements calculated
selling to ananxious buyer," "advised to., exploit the Iranian apprehension
Cohen. "Therefore, the Maximum about him. Cohen correctly calculated
price that they can extract from this that the statements would impress the
administration will be just prior to the Iranians because, he wrote, they saw
election ' -?? Reagan as "a person who means what
"To put it bluntly, any experienced he says." Thus Reagan responded as
negotiator Or hamar vendor knows Cohen recommended, and the Iran-
that on Nov_ 5 the Iranians will have lana reacted as Cohen predicted ? on
to put' theie'illally obtained" mer-_-,7-,the exact deadline he had foreseen.
chandist. an sale at a cut-rate price" :From ,the beginning, Cohen studied
Although the anxiotis Carter might - the Koran for clues to Khomeini's be-
be willing. to pay -the maximum price, - havior. He also brought to the hostage
Cohen ::predicted, there, wouldn't- be crisis his experience in dealing with
time - to ..cUt a'...cleal before _Election 'ether hostages, as a consultant to the
Day. The release _release of ...the:- hostages -,-."1Justice Department and the FBI.
would come toe,- late, therefore, to bail He advised Carter's people to aban-
out Cartert'Ancl So it is probable don their "passive policy'land take the
that Gov. Reagan- will 'be the presi-
? dent-elect on Nov. 5," wrote Cohen.
With Reagan the winner, this would
put Carter "in an excellent position to
negotiate a palatable agreement" be-
fore the transfer of power. "If by word
or ? deed the president-elect and his
? offensive. His plan was simplee ; He -
.1isted two dozen new sanctions to 3m--
pose on Iran ? embargoing kat and
medicine,.expelling Iran from the sat-
:ellit,e communications network,utting-
off all commercial flights, sealing the ?
borders against smugglers, etc.
' The idea was to impose these pen-
alties, one at a time,: five days -aPart -
This would put the-United Statf:Sifi? -
the position of acting instead of reaa":,,",
ing, Cohen argued, keeping ?the: Irain,1
lana off-balance, wondering what was
coining next.
The plan was rejected if it was e;:,ee
considered. Then on Oct 23-?wben.
? the Republicans were still nervously:
wondering if Carter would :pill: an.
- -"October Surprise" to get the hostages-
' out and himself reelected, Reagan'S
campaign manager flew to New. York
City for a five-hour talk with Cohen_ ,!
? Casey asked him to put his views:in
writing, and two days later, Cohen of, -
fered this analysis: "Since January, _the
ineptitude of the Carter administra
? tion caused the 'Iranian Hostage Crit-1
sis' to become mired in Wonderland
,where the Red Queen is the sicIdY,,st
? nile Khomeini, the drowsy dormouse
an American president and Alice; -the:
'figure of reason, has been out-:'
? _prolonged coffee break." ?
He concluded the Carter adininis,T
itration had failed to gasp ?and ex;,i
plait? the key point in the..hcstag
seizure: It was a criminal act, and-the,)
Iranian mullahs were,kidnapers.,..:.--)
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
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ON FAGS / 11-17 February 1981
At Least They Will be Warned
Aidesto 'new CIA chief W- illiam Casey note
thankfully that in view of his endemic mumble Casey
is the first intelligence head in recent memory to have
no need- for a scrambler. Admiral Bobby Inman,
Casey's deputy-at-CIA, is given high marks by experts
as a super-professional. Formerly head of NSA,_ In-
man correctly predicted China's invasion of Vietnam,
and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Furthermore
he reported at the end of last year that the Soviet
Union would not invade Poland before Christmas.
Inman?whose full name is Bobby Ray?had little
time- for Casey's predecessor, Admiral-. Stansffeld
Turner, regarding him as an incompetent- veaffler.
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MAITLAND, Fla. ? The victims of
the "Halloween massacre" may soon ?
be vindicated. They were the old Can- ---
? tral Intelligence Agency hands sum;
manly dismissed by Admiral Stans-
field Turner in a large-scale purge on
Oct. 31, 1977, because he "preferred to ?h
get new young people, to promote
promotions and flowthrough." Most of
them were highly trained and experi-
enced intelligence officers of the senior
and middle levels; some were station
chiefs in London, Vienna, Bonn, Otta-
wa, and Latin America. It is said in
Washington that William 3. Casey, the
new Director of Central-Intelligence,
will bring back many of these former
"spooks" to rehabilitate the "plant."
? Severe criticism at the C.I.A.'s ef-
fectiveness has been leveled by friend
and foe. Some say that it-has failed to
forecast turmoil in the world's trouble
spots because it has relied heavily on
technology instead of using human
agents on the scene. Others complain
that shortages of electronic means,
spy satellites, and trained analysts are
responsible for faulty estimates. The
truth is somewhere In between. ?
More distressing is the often heard
charge that the White House has used
the Agency as a tool to justify predeter-
mined policy, rather than as a means of
providing policy makers with solid in-
formation as a basis for sound decision-
making. This charge, it tete, would be
contrary to Congress's intent in creat-
ing the C.I.A. The National Security
Act of 1947 directs the Agency to col-
lect, evaluate, and provide the policy
makers with processed intelligence.
The act also states that the C.I.A. will
perform such other Arnett= and
duties as the National Security Council
may direct. By Implication, the C.I.A.
has been directed by the Council to
conduct clandestine operations, pond-
cal and economic warfare, and "dirty
tricks." These are not intelligence ac-
tivities, but a dubious means of carry-
ing out nationalpolicy,
To prove this point, critics focus on
the Agency's role in restoring the Shah
of Iran to power in 1963, its support of
his secret police, the Savala and its
failure to accurately assess the situa-
tion in 1978-79 that led to the attack on
our embassy in Teheran. If the C.I.A.
had anything to do with these events, it
,was not performing an intelligence .
role but simply carrying out predeter-
mined national policy. '
11 FEBRUARY 1981
ringing Back'Sipooks'
To Revitalize the 'Plant'
By Archimedes L. A. Patti
Friend and foe also recall the Agen-
cy's shortcomings in 1961: the-Bay of
Pip fiasco, the failure to give ade-
quate warning of the construction of
the Berlin Wall, and the rift between
Syria and the United Arab Republic.
Our greatest failure since Pearl
Harbor, some say, involved the sur-
prise deployment of Soviet missiles in
Cuba. Despite aerial surveillance,
,ehey,went undetected for more than a
- year until mid-September 1962. Why?
A Senate committee concluded that
the C.I.A. had ignored reports from
Cuban refugees and exiles, considered
biased and unreliable, and that there
was a "predisposition of the intelli-
gence community to the philosophical
, coneiction that itew_quIdebe incompat-
ible with Soviet policy to introduce
? strategic missiles in Cuba."
? Evidently our intelligence chiefs
have lost sight of their responsibility to
produce timely and evaluated intelli-
gence,. Unquestionably these failures
existed long before Admiral Turner
took over the C.I.A. in March 1977, but
his infatuation with technology and
inexperience in intealigence operations
de-emphasized the trained field opera-
tive and the specialized analyst in
Washington in favor of more-glamor-
ous devices. His decision to eliminate
field operatives perpetuated the Agen-
cy's deficiency in determining intent.
Radar, satellites, and listening de-
Vices can and do produce hard infor-
mation, but they cannot tell us when or
why an action will be taken ? in other
words, the intent.
Jimmy Carter admitted In Novem-
ber 1978 that he had been "concerned
that the trend. . to get intelligence'
from electronic mean% might have been
overemphasized" and had asked his
? aides to improve methods for gathering
information on sensitive developments
abroad. This has not been done.
The C.I.A. seriously needs rehabili-
tation, especially in the area of valid
estimates. Nothing is more crucial in,
International affairs than the relation-
ship between intelligence and policy,
or, put differently, between knowledge
and action. Here is where the C.I.A.
has been weakest. Too often our deci-
sion-makers have not had the benefit
of adequate intelligence, skillfully syn-
thesized into valid estimates.
- One hopes that the Casey team will
return to the basic precepts of intelli-
gence ? the use of people to collect,
? analyze, and report information. Not
that technology should be abandoned;
rather, it should assist and augment
the field operative and analyst. Only
humans can Make value judgments
and forecast intent.
? Archimedes 1,r, A. Patti, who served in
various military-political intelligence
posts, though never for the Central In-
telligence Agency, from 1969 to 1971
was a staff member of the Executive
? Office of the President, specializing in
crisis management and national se-
curity affairs. He is author of "Why
- Viet Nam?" - -
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9 February 1981
They Came,
hey on,
The Presidential Pals Toast to Tfitunph
By Mary Battiata
The Group," that small but social pride of Californians,
flew into' town last week to help their friend, President
Ronald Reagan, celebrate his 70th birthday. And the cele-,
brating didn't stop after Friday night's White House "sur-
prise" spectacular.
Before their dancing heels had a chance to cool, they
were off again, to a Saturday lunch at the Fairfax Hotel
hosted by Kansas City socialite and GOP fund-raiser Carol
Price and husband, Charles ? and then to a dinner at the
Watergate's Jean Louis restaurant given by two of the in- ,
augural impresarios, Charles and Mary Jane Wick. .
"After this weekend, we may almost be partied out ?
almost," said one of the crowd.
At the J.00n Louis, there were truffles, and tales, and
toasts to triumph. '
"If it weren't for the efforts of this group," the president
joked to the crowd of 48 during his toast, "I'd be making
? this speech before the Chamber of Commerce."
"These people have been with the president through
? thick and thin," said a more recent addition to the crowd.
"They, knew him when."
James Stewart serenaded his table with "Ragtime Cow-
boy Joe," and according to one guest announced that he
will soon be going on the road with an abridged version ofl
the play "Harvey."
. House Minority Leader Robert Michel (R-Ill.) got up
relaunched into "Old Man River," and then "Send In the
lown.s." "He looked a little sheepish at first. I don't think
was expecting to be asked to sing," said one guest.
The crowd included cabinet member William French
Smith and his wife, Jean, CIA Director William Casey, Al-
fred and Betsy Bloomingdale, inaugural co-chairman Rob-
ert Gray, and Walter and Leonore Annenberg and Virginia
and Holmes Tuttle. ..? ?-
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9 February 1981
Haig .Suggests Ally Summits
Could Be Held Less Frequently
; Secretary of State Alexander M. .
1-laig Jr., in an interview published
yesterday, cast doubt on the recent
practice of regular semi-annual sum-
mit meetings of the free world's lead-
ers. ? _ .-
1 Haig; in an interview with the Lon-
don Sunday Times, said meetings of
the top -leaders should be "used spar-. _
ingly."'He'also said that summits are
ia very .special vehicle in diplomacy --
hat should be reserved only for the-
inost exceptionally significant of is--4
r The secretary of state, however, ex-
;messed the hope of establishing m-
ereasingly close relations ' and ex-
hanges of intelligence with the Euro-
bean allies, if the, Central Intelligence
:Agency can plug its news leaks.
"First and foremost, we have got to
do a better job- in developing and
sharing, common perceptions," Haig
Added. "That means sharing our intel-
ligence, agreeing on the hard facts and
recognizing that everybody can con:
tribute to this process.
"But we can only expect our Euro-
pean partners to participate in such
exchanges if they can be protected
against immediate revelations on the
front pages of American newspapers," !
he said. "We, therefore, have to tight- i
en up our international channels of
gaid 13eply pppointpd CR Di-
rector William J. Casey "is very much
dedicated to this."
Haig said the new administration is
keeping its options open on nuclear
disarmament and the SALT II pact.
"It has been my experience that
achieving arms control is never the
product of rhetoric or idealistic
hopes," Haig said. "It is always the
product of pragmatic reality." ,
Haig said Soviet behavior in world '
troublespots and what he called "tech-
nical flaws" in SALT II would affect !
how President Reagan decides to deal !
with arms control..
"We are looking at these problems I
and I don't know yet how-we will pro-
ceed from here ? whether to develop'
a i,,'hole new treaty, whether to put
fixes into the existing treaty or wheth-
er to do it by amendments," he said. i
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9 February 1981
Washington 7/Mwjo?FO
* * *
William Casey is privately telling key
members of Congress his legislative
priorities as director of the Central
Intelligence Agency: A law making it
a federal crime to disclose the identi-
ty of a CIA agent and another statute
exempting the agency from many de-
mands under the Freedom of Infor-
mation Act for looks at its records.
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Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R0004
ON i'AC:1' iq
7 February 1981
What's sauce for the CIA isn't sauce
for the FBI.
Independent Agents
Although almost nobody noticed, the incoming Rea-
gan administration has just handed an important vic-
tory to the FBI, one its agents and high-ranking offi-
cials have wanted for nearly a decade. Several weeks
ago the Reagan staff announced that the new presi-
dent will not install his own FBI director, but will leave
the current director, William H. Webster, on the job.
Webster thus becomes virtually the only top-level Fed-
eral official appointed by President Carter who will
serve the Reagan administration. By allowing Webster
to continue in office, the Reagan people seem to have
established, once again, the principle that the FBI's
leadership does not change hands after presidential
elections. This principle was in doubt during the 1970s.
The FBI, in other words, not be subjected to the
sort of immediate political control and direction that
other agencies of the federal government must soon
confrontt Instead, it will be regarded once again, as it
was in the days of J. Edgar Hoover, as a semi-
autonomous organization.
Consider, by contrast, the situation at the nation's
other leading intelligence agency, the CIA. Out in
Langley, Virginia, the expectation seems to be that the
CIA director should clean off his desk as soon as the
president who appointed hi'm retires or is defeated.
President Carter found a college classmate, Admiral
Stansfield Turner, to take charge of the CIA in 1977.
Now Reagan has picked his former campaign director,
attorney William Casey?the sort of guy a president
used to name as his attorney general?to be CIA direc-
tor. While the FBI director is supposed to be an inde-
pendent fellow, it seems, the CIA director is now sup-
posed to be part of the president's foreign policy
"team." This is a new tradition at the CIA and a surpris-
ing one. Not even presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and
Nixon--none of them usually reluctant to assert polit-
ical authority?tried to replace sitting CIA directors
when they took office.
The controversy over presidential control of the FBI
began in 1972, when Nixon was in the White House
and Hoover was FBI director. That line-up can be
viewed as a Mexican stand-off. The cranky, autocratic
style of Hoover's final years gave a bad name to the
cause of independence for the FBI. Nixon's ham-
handed manipulations, on the other hand, gave a bad
name to political control of the FBI. When Hoover died,
Nixon installed L. Patrick Gray as FBI director?and
promptly Ist*Stinliftifta6M291/1561a2M4rii4K-
tion. cover-up of Watergate. Many FBI officials were
outraged, and some 'of them helped to dig up and
GRAY WAS succeeded as FBI director by Clarence
M. Kelley. During the 1976 campaign Jimmy
Carter attacked Kelley for what seem in retrospect like
'relatively minor improprieties, such as allowing FBI
workers to build window valances in Kelley's-subur-
ban apartment. Carter implied that, unlike President
Ford, he might have sacked Kelley on the spot. Kelley
was already nearly 65 years old, and he might have
been expected to step aside quickly when Carter won.
Instead, shortly after the election, Kelley appeared
before 350 Washington-based FBI supervisors and
announced he would stay on as director through the
end of 1977, in order to prevent the FBI from becom-
ing "politicized." Kelley told the agents that if he
retired at the beginning of 1977, he might set a prece-
dent under which a new FBI director would be
appointed every time a new party took control of the
White House. President Carter and his attorney gen-
eral, Griffin Bell, went along with the year-long delay,
in part because they were having trouble finding a
suitable replacement for Kelley.
Congress, meanwhile, under the prodding of Sen-
ator Robert Byrd, passed a law setting a 10-year term
of office for the FBI director. The legislation ostensibly
was intended to prevent future J. Edgar Hoovers, byl
setting a maximum period that FBI directors could
serve. The law does not (and probably could not) limit
the right of a president to replace his FBI director if he
wanted to do so. But in practice, the 1976 law was
taken as a signal that FBI directors were meant to have
something other than four-year terms. Webster said
last sunimer that he felt the 10-year term set by Con-
gress "suggests an intention that, as long as a director
is doing his job, he shouldn't come and go with changes
in political administrations." ?
There does not seem to be any good explanation for
the different treatments of the FBI and the CIA, other
than bureaucratic politics. CIA officials have not
mounted a vigorous campaign for independence, as
FBI officials have. CIA officials may have decided they
are better off being headed by a White House loyalist
who can provide political protection.during times of
controversy. ? - -
Logically, keeping the CIA director independent
makes at least as much sense as doing so for the head
of the FBI: The CIA is supposed to be, primarily, an
intelligence-gathering agency, which collects and ana-
lyzes information for- use by policy-makers. Putting a
member of the administration's "team" in charge of
the CIA increases the chance that the agency will tell
the White House what it wants to hear and sift out the
bad news:
Approved For Release 2005/12/14 : CIA-RDP91-00901R00040020
, a La!-.ED
Morton H Halperin
5 February 1981
rove The Intelligence
At:..hii"; confirmation hearingi-Williern Casey, the
new director of central intelligence,;Stated that his
? primary objective as head Of the;CIA would be to im-
prove the quality of the intelligence-product.
There are. two- possible approaches.- toll: that task.:
Which one Caiey, and the Reagan .-administration
choose- will determine -whether the .intelligence corn- -?
munitY continues to be mired in controVersy. --
One approach is to look backwardand seek to undo'
?the modest reforms relating to surveillance of Ainera
leans and Freedom of Inforrnationunder the slogan of
"unleashing the CIA." The alternative is to move the
debate to a different level bifOCusing on proposals di-
rectly aimed at improving the intelligence product.'---.
? The-former approach will do little to affect the
quality. Of the intelligence that the president needs
and much: to continue the debate that has contributed
to the declining morale of thaintelligence agencies. ?
Despite all the rhetoriceboutshackling the intelli-
gence agencies, they are in:fact under very few re-
straints: most of the limitations relate only to the sur-
veillance of American. citizens. ;',I'he most restrictive.
limitations are not in execiltiie Orders or legislation.
but in agency implementing directives drafted by the?
agencies and approved by, the attorney general- In
urging the new administration to leave these direc-
tives in place, House Intelligence Committee Chair-
man Edward Boland (D-Ivlass.) note&.that _the cur-:
rent systein has the support of the head of every intel,-
ligence agency- - : ?
Moreover, all of the post-Watergate">-"resiriotions
taken together have only,a very small?impact, if,any,
on - ths;gathering of mtellignce aboute- Soviet
Union and other high Prioritytargets; removing all of
thern,will no improve- the product in any significant
Wai4ndieCpermittingethe intelligence agencies to:
spy_again'on-dissentingr.Athericens could lead to a
focus,-a& in the past;-"away -frCim: real- connterintelli=
genes:efforts aimed at countering the KGB to the far
easier business of surveilling lawfulpolitical activitY.
On ,the; other hand; .if.the navi,administration
cides to leave the righte-of-Ainericans isSues where it
found them, neither seeking to undo the existing re-
strictions noe,moving toward a..legislated 'Charter, it'
will, one suspects, find those who have been pressing
for more -reform' Willing JO give: thePresent_aystem
time to prove its worth. -
This will leave the new teenkfrea to concentrate on:
the vital task of-improving ,t.he intelligence product.
Here they have an agenda, laid out among others by
Richard Allen, President Reagan's national security .
adviser, which in -my .view- holds the promise of ac-
complishing the objective in ways fully..., consistent
with the righta of
to?Ji ":0 I
f The key elements of this reform effort ere: '1) the
separation of the clandestine service for covert collec-
tion and operations frora the rest of the CIA, which:
_ would become an analysis agency, 2) the encourage-
ment of multiple centers of analysis and of competing.
'estimates rather than joint intelligence communityi
products and 3) the creation of a new intelligence co-
ordinating position in the White House.- '
Each of these proposals would meet stiff resistance
from some parts of the intelligence commimity; an&
Casey expressed general opposition to reorganization;
at his confirmation hearings, suggesting that there
have been too many reorganizations. -However, the.
fact is that these fundamental restructuring proposalsi
have yet to be seriously considered. Taken ;together;
they could significantly improve the qUality Of intSIIP?
? gence reac'ning the president ? ?7- -
- The splitting of the CIA would permit the appoint
ment of an analyst to the post of head of the CIA fop? j
the first time. (I am assuming that Casey would`
sume the White House intelligence role if these"
schemes were adopted.) It would permit that agefiq
-to concentrate on producing unbiased intelligenCei
without responsibility for any collection programsaird
operations. One would hope that a tradition would'
develop of having the agency headed by e careerOtfil
cial and a distinguished scholar from outside thesol
ernrnent. The new agency could do Much of its work.'
without excessive secrecy and should be able -to de-
velop far more extensive and profitable relations with..4
the research and academic communities. a: ,
This new intelligence agency shouldnot devote sub:-
stantial time to producing joint intelligence products.
If such efforts are not proscribed, they, should be Ern-
ited to situations in "which - an agreed estimate is
needed for Planning purposes. Even then, every effort
should be made to prevent the hiding of profound difa
ferenoas hi. carefully: chosen, ambiguous language;
Mostof the product of the agency should be its own
and should be signed by- real people, :not offices.
Moreover, every other agency should ;be encourag,
-to develop and expand its own analytic capability and
produce competing- reports challenging the conchiL
sions of the new analysis agency. The_most compelling
analysis should triumph, not the least 'common.,;;lea
nominator of agreed estimates.
, - None of this will enamel good;intelligerice,
. good policy. But it would start the intelligence
munity back on the road toward doing the job it -Wei;
; set up to do. It would also avoid the acrimonious puhzd?
lie debate that can only prolong the period of decline
in the quality of the intelligence. product.
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDp9IncnalnIgitagRaggInd-r-----win
?ilia; dirietcii fife-v.674w
*11 -...4!__'%:?? ,ilit161'1,: 2_
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R00040020 008-7
03 PAG-24 _ 1
4 February 1981
Rights activists stress need to or
- ? In a broad range of: areas,. the,Reagati,ii..entireruling class,..Demociat..and Republicat that -34yone ? whc engages . in subversive
- When it .eornes to 'civil liberties,. the right :.-.f.;-,The.-: pattern of erosion of civil liberties,' :? :..and the _Institute 'for .Policy 'Studies - are ?
By BEN "BEDELL -. ' -.- ' ' - ? , :. ,, ,,,? ,,.. 4,, -,:.:. May. well be More. :? ?:-..,! :
wing's campaign "to get the government out -, 7..'? began well before the Nov. 4 election and ' ' On it, along with antiwar and antinuclear
of our lives" stops dead.
administration 'and CorigieSs:Will attenipt.b3..7;filike''P,itTlie..:last':;--COngress,-:and-:':the"7".tarter.:!..activities without being fully aware of their-
. . , . ' .' Coincided with the shift to the right, of the,--,.- lobbies. Jri.. addition, .the ? report:advocates
.? . ..,
, ;`'.77..c - /.-.."?,..'--,.:;,?-?
, - -.....! -'1..., Hayden's CampaignforEconomieDentocracy
....,?,-.: ? ' . - ... -
- 4 s .
... . . .
'eerode,4k thin ' liberties' 'Pretections.. .,?FrOm,:?:7;?,4-,,,-,adminiStratiori,- for example,'were united onl.::.-,;1.: purposes" should be targeted. ?.'? ?-?:. ',::......',- .
congressional legislation, to - ridetS:::' to --,;::-'..theoeedta,rembve certain restrictions on the '7:::-:---f.- Few.. civil -liberties activists. expeet.. this ,
appropriations bills, to investigative, "anti- .:'intelligence agencies and to stiffen p
sub9e'rsilie''' committees in the House -arid '--.;----4:itar actions harmful to -e,'national security.". - - too heavy handed in the present climate,"
_ penalties :-: _- maximum program to be passed. "ft' just'
Senate, to the issuance of executive orders, a? ;"..."7:-:r Thecivillibertarians were on the defensive, ,-- '. Says Alan Adler of the Center for National .
'wide range oftactics is available to the right ..-.;:l?and that trend is.eXpected tO accejerate.onderSecticity S._tudies, However. ,elements :of, it
. . . ? .
. to harass and limit the freedoms of itsc.f;7:Reigari -and the .97th CongresS---;;;-:'.-i.'-:?..1....,:-..*.':=-may!....be..1.,ntrodLiced-in?Corigres?,,j--' ' ' ":;,-?
. :-. ? :-7-:.-,-7.?- - ? , ...
opponents..: What will be irt. store? '.- : - :;-.4 ri1,517.:i-F9Ftullatelyi': 4 iw.ill-b.e..,rixt....t.'imP..nssi.ble:i..4i,-,-;.:Twri.biltS- ii-aVe'' alrea-dY' been' intici dli"
A:- 'surirey-'-?: of' .?..41eading?:,,,.ciyill -,:libertlei-Arfori.;conservatives to impleinehLtheir maki7:.:-..*T.'7:that are likely to be the cittting edge of,eivil ?
WegNiii7ationsi.:11i iiielr. iti ':kejr 'eciiierVatiVei4iniirri-PrOgiarn -under present ciretiniStances...-si.'?..liberties erosion,' and they may be followed
the right wig seek rollbacks over .the next '' '-,::ilie report - to Reagan by -the . Heritage -,- . , ? The-Intelligence Identification and Pro-
..?., ,.
congresSional representatives, indicates that".-.5-1,That program was Set odt Most thoroughly in . -,:- by. live other initiatives. These are: ::;',.! ,L, -?
two years. , . Foundation, the ultra-right think tank. _ tection Act. Passed by the House in the last
-...,;,,.....,!4,,the.same time, civil libertarians point".......:.:- The report proposes: a loy ssio
alty oath for MI '. ? sen, it failed to become law only. because -----
'iitifiql.fai.;:c:i,kith-..-,.1.f.e+.?:7-: nofable exceptions; the ?...:,fede.ral emPloyes;'-congre?sional. investiga- :_ -,-..of procedural problem? in the final hours of
rcillitaelcs'.4n,Ye?kt6pped: iziisliaiply curtailed .-tions of ?1:,silliVersiye.,-:.groups;,removal of all --,_;-..-,-,--,the .96th Congress. The bill forbids anyone ?
br:Vigoroti?-i:- Org-anizingby--.prOgreisiVe,'',I-.estrietiotiii F131, iind CIA, investig. a,,tions nfih-freinv.:disclosing in fOrmation.lcading.to. the
forces.-'7:,*--' - . : -- :Tr.":42::-.,:,,,..-,..,:.;,:::,::::-.:_:,E;,,.."44fi:ub'Praiy-el,grOttpSkiri..eiticling:,2 Watiantless..,,?7,,.: identification_ of a .U.S,. intelligence' agenr.:..
- "There aren't going lobe 'oily adylaces.;!:,'_ge.;+teife-iarii,.:Tn'ail.C.OVei.,, irifeirritanti'.aii4:illpkM:1:1`;'AChOWil'a.i,the.!!. Agee. bill,'A.it. would tintia.
'says_tsther Herst of the NationM Comrnift6e:dreii trj es; ,'T Bt'and,c1A.1-e>icliisiOti..i:.fteitt:i-.1he',,- ,F. b o o k .t I j.3,c e former, cwagent:.E.'hilip -.Agee?::';
,Againit.:132pressive Legislation (NCARL)T:-;';i.t:Vreedoir-i'Of.inforination-Act (FOIA)z.c'entrati.- "InSide,the Co.m.lia4'.? and thewOrk of groupi,!.
but if We cart organize 'well enough, I ddn'tlilizecl file? Of Subiersivf.,:s; 'arid a new ageney, hit :Seek - fO:expoSe" CIA .eovirt-:aCtiOn
think there will be any-,-grave setbackS- '--- ? solely for the purpose of covert intervention _ . -..": Exemption of the CIA and FBI from the
,,. . L:
71 k
?....? ???
either." , ? abroad. .. . _ .....Free.dorn,rof Information Act (FOIA). Both
There are expected tobeatleast a halfdozen -.
The report adopts the broadest possible ,..7:-.-- the new attorney general, William French
civil liberties issues corning up in the near ? . ,.. ? definition .? of - ".subversives". - and. -even '-. .-: Smith, . and the new CIA director, -William
...,.. , . .
future in the capital : If the political climate in ..-::.;," includes: ;a - list of , Organizations. Such . Casey. , ?aid in confirmation "1-lea'ringS .-tharl
lfke-e.ciltiritty.- Moves further to, thetight,.there;;A.-WV;radiCalaiid7.:N ev. -,:. Left:. groups':_.:. .as , . TOM
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
czyz M.a.2
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Inman Wins Panel 0
For No. 2 Position at Cl
? The Senate Intelligence Commit-
tee yesterday unanimouslT recom-
mended confirmation of Navy Adm.
Robert Inman to-become deputy
director of the _
Inman. --who- since-1977 has
headed the National Security Ag-
ency, was expected to be easily con-
firmed by the full Senate by the end
of this week-4 ,t4it,4*? :oil .44
? In his new lol4Inmancareer
military man;will bealeputy to:iyil-
liam J. Casey; the W;a1rStreetlawyer
and politiCaPadVisir fO'President
Reagan, already confirmed by the
Senate as CIA director.
Shortly before the intelligence
panel took its informal bailor; the
Senate Armed Services Committee
voted to approve Inman's promotion
to full admiral. '
In testimony before the intelli-
gence committee, Inman, SO, said
Casey would be responsible for the
CIA's covert spy operations. - -
Inman, meanwhile, said he will
look after the budget and adminis-
tration of the agency, technical
methods of intelligence collection.
like spy satellities and the CIA's
ability to correctly analyze the
information it gathers. -
As director of the super-secret
NSA, Inman headed an agency that
monitors radio and telephonic sig-
nals of othernatioias to gather intel-
ligence. ?
Inman held intelligence jobs
through much of-his Navy career,
including three years as director of
J%laval Intelligence.' '
' Through-- much-of the ,1970s,.
Inman- .said,..,the CIA badly- mis-
judged and underestimated the
rapid buildup of Soviet military
.- Despite predictions that Soviet
,citizens would demand less military
?'spending and greater production of
consumer goods, Inman said the
Russians added 3 percent or more to
? their military budgets annually, in-
cluding extensive expansion of de-
fense production facilities. -
Meanwhile, he said, the United
States slowed its defense expansion
because of the war in Vietnam and
the impact of inflation on ,military
Inman estimated that the Soviets
have three times as many people as I
the United States Working in its
intelligence agency, and said the
-CIA suffers from a marked shortage
of competent_ intelligence officers,
' both analysts and covert agents.
Over the past few years, Inman
said, "the national security account
suffered a big reduction," which
needs to be reversed.
The CIA, Inman said, needs many
more analysts who know enough
about various countries, including ;
Third World nations, to make it ;
possible to understand political and
economic changes quickly. I
? To find competent new analysts
and linguists, also in short supply,
Inman said he plans to reopen ties I
between the CIA and American uni-
versities and colleges. Many univer-
sities have been _reluctant to ac-
knowledge connections to the
agency because of disclosures of.
past CIA abuses, including involve-,
ment in foreign assassination at-
tempts during the 1960s.
Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., the-
chairman of _the Intelligence Com-
mittee, .: had . personally
recommended that Reagan and
Casey choose-Inman for the depu-
ty's job; and Inman was .warmly
praised by all members of the panel.
: ? ,?!-Associated Press -
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02: PACT.
4 February 1981
the US. intelligenC6T-040unitY,;WOnZ:
quick and' unanimo*vapproval--,frorpt..
Senate Selecb. Intelligence Corn--
Reagai-i'agan'S -choice: tati,1*.depiitSi director,
Aimed 'Serviceal,c0anii5eet endorsed
a-, presidential.; recommendation for
fotgt.ty star-for -0,1e?..49,-3.t.476.1d.-OffiCer?..
which*, place 4nmai.ainong the:
Inman,- witlt.:28-yearsja?...the;Navy,',:,
much officer--
the-government-as--the'directorof the-
supersecret -Nation'arlSe-an42Agency!:
.-:(NSA)-,' which he-has:headed since Ju,
--Thmari wantedito:stay'--at 'the :NSA.,
:lather ' than 'MOVE: :into -111e deputy's
job...at-CIA, and ; he i told' the
committee yesterday.-'.-that.44:-
-2., was appearing before as- Something
of a'-"draftee." Coinnimittee:Chairrriad:
--Barry Goldviati. (R-Ariz) tad :Ininan
? ,
that he had -urged PIA- Director Wit-
.7Noe.2 job? becau.S%--,06Idi;ater- Said,: he!
- forthcoming witness'. to'?ne: before'
7,the C?oramittee:',infr_ederitc:ryearS.-'rand.'...;
.:praised. the .admiral !never hedging'
-,his!.opinions worrying -about
edge "are: the- Charktertitiei ...that have
:woi himso much praise:. e admiral
'Itifed to take it-in strideyesterday,
jelling'. the 'panel members, that: "I
13oPe. We'll- both ;feel at the; end of to
.,years that it was the right choice." 7
-aj-he NSA director :presides over
some of - the nation's most .Sensitive
,communications monitoring and code-
breaking equipment But at the CEA..
.Alie intelligence chores are even broad--
;617.Under questioning by the commit
tee yesterday Inman said he was wor-
ec.F:rnost about the fhanaower prob-
..JernS in the intelligence community.
For a Variety of reasons --L some re-
. _lated..to the-coSts of Vietnam-arid the
:e.perise of equipment --,intelligence
-manpower levels, - particularly-..: the
nurnber7of experienced analysts,- have-,
steadily cycled over the last eight.
Year's., friman said, _ adding ....that: he
hopes for some edress" despite the.
federal hiring freeze. He said it was
vitally important to have more arta- '
- lysts who understand cultures, reli- ?
gions, politics and economics and who-
speak languages. There is simply no
substitute for that in terms of making
sense of the information gathered, he
- Inman' believes tbin.e is -a "genera-
tion gap" in the intelligence communi--
., ty caused by the. retirement of officials
who joined in the post-World War Ti
era:- He said there was a, need- for
,keeping. specialists in the seine job-.
without: sacrificing their ,,promotion.
prospects. The. IS. capability for un-
derstanding foreign languages and cut-
-, tures -!'is poor and getting worse," he
said, --as there- are fewer - Americans
who speak a second language at home..
Pointing out that there-are many
young people with the :aptitude to
learn- Tangua. ges, but that it ?takki
years oc training,. Inman said: one- of
his jobs will- be -to improve ties with:
the academie 'Community. He sug-:-
gested rthe -intelligence community:
might have, to find new ways to re-
cruit and train:language students,:
even if it.. requires . sponsoring pro-
grams in universities: !.--i- ?
Inman said current U.S. intelligence-
capabilities are "outstanding" when -it
came to counting things, such as eneL----
my missiles, by technical means and.
"very impressive":in terms ofprovici-
ing warning- time. But in assessing',
trends, U.S.. agencies do -less well.
There are areas of the world where:
problems often develop rapidly and
where there is .scan ty 'intelligence -col-
lection, he said...
Though Washington has a "fairly.
significant head" over Moscow on .the.
technical side of data collection, -the :1
Soviets apply about- three times a-
much manpower .to solving
gence problems, Inman said. The ad
mirth said- the best U.S. intelligence-71
capability is in the military field
that it- comes from higher standards
forged by competitir. Inman said he.
would: "urge strongly" ... against anyT;
move to consolidate intelligence- analy-,,-
:sis among the various. agencies,
In response to-a question,. Inmanii
said the suggestion, which occasionally;.-
surfaces in the press,-that the U.S. in
telligence 'Oommunity ....oyerestitnates--;
the Soviet- threat to push_ for :higher'.
military budgets is "flatly wrong."
On "rare occasions," he-said, inteUi
gence assessments have overestimated...,
Soviet strengths, but on many more
occasions, he said, .the U.S. estimates.7-
have proved 'to be-too, conservative
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4 February 1983.
Not trying to take over ABC: Tisch
The man whose company now owns more-than 6% of ABC says he is in it
for the money only. Furthermore, he says that if ABC stock doesn't
perform, he will sell his holdings.
"I have no Intention of doing anything else than owning this stock for
investment," states Larry Tisch, chairman of the Loews Corp.
Today Tisch is doing two things: expanding Loews' hotel empire and
taking a close look at cable television, an industry in which Loews lags.
Tisch is considered one of the most astute stock market players in
corporate America today. He has parlayed a small string of hotels bought
.20 years ago into a $4 billion corporation that includes the Bulova Watch
Co.; CNA Financial Corp., a_ property and casualty insurance underwriter;
P. Lorillard, maker of Kent, True and Newport cigarets; a hotel division
comprising about 20 hotels in the United States and abroad; and a theater
division operating 128 motiortpicture screens in 26 cities.
- So, when Larry Tisch moves, everybody watches.
At a time when others are touting New York real estate and downplaying
network television, Tisch has?characteristically?gone against the trend.
.Last year, Loews sold the Warwick Hotel and, just last month, the Drake,
two big New York City hostelries. Then he bought into ABC.
Reports persist that Loews wants ABC for its television and radio
franchises and its potential in cable television. '
T University and a masters from the Wharton School at
Tonight late last week, Tisch acknowledged that his
During a long interview ?with the Daily' News
the University of Pennsylvania by the time he was
company bought ABC stock because of the network's
e The Tisch family now controls about 43% of the
years ago in not putting Loews into cable. "I think w i
franchises?and he admitted that he made a mistake
missed the boat in cable TV," stated Tisch flatly. ' company's stock, and two of Larry's four sons are
T, active in the company and in family interests. Hisi
Then, of course, there is his friendships with ABC
chairman Leonard Goldenson and former CBS prem. wife Wilma, who is called Billie, is a fiscal power in
dent Arthur Taylor, who has in a cable television h er own right: she is the first woman president of the
deal of his own with Rockefeller interests. Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, a charitable
group controlling 130 agencies, with total private
What of persistent reports- that a deal will be
consummated shortly, giving Loews 20% of ABC's
"THEY AVE SO FAR out of the ballpark," Tisch
said.-"There is no deal, no thought of one. It is pure
nonsense. Loews has bought this stock for invest-
ment purposes only. We treat it no differently than
any other holdings. Whether we buy more stock or
sell ABC will depend on the price of ABC in relation
to the market that day."
Tisch said he decided to sell , the hotels because
Loews was "perhaps a little overstocked" in New
York. NoVy the company has 2,000 rooms ,here and
intends to expand its operations as rbidly as
possible over the next two years, opening 10 hotels in
new markets both here and abroad.
He also noted Thatthe Drake 'deal, made with
Swissair, Ltd., set a record of $115,000 per room. As
he said: "Our hotels were bought in a different era.
There's a big difference in buying a hotel for
$115,000 a room and owning it at one-tenth the priee."
Who is this man with the Quotron near his desk, a
man who is watched in awe by a large cluster of top
executives on both coasts?
He is small-framed, modest and polite. He wears a
well-cut, navy pin-striped suit and polished shoes and
sits in a big wing-back chair behind the "semi-
antique" oak table he uses as a desk in his -small
corner office at 666 Fifth Ave.
HIS FATHER, AL, was a New York City garment.
manufacturer who gave up the business to go into
real estate and- included his sons, Larry and Bob, in,
his vision. AlapnoVedCorliktelease 21005t$192/U : CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
success, had earned both a bachelors from New York
and public funding of $850 million.
The couple lives in Manhattan during the week,
attending an average of Six functions a week. Tisch is
a trustee at NYU and in charge of the school's search
for a new president. On weekends they escape to a
stone house on Manursing Island in Rye, where
Billie Tisch has placed an enormous metal statue of a
scarecrow by.Miro in the backyard.
TISCH SAID THAT Chicago food executive Nate
Cummings introduced him to the charms of the stock
market. "In 1959, I was living in Florida while I was
managing our Americana hotel in Bal Harbor," he
recalled. "Loews was in the process of splitting its
MGM and theater divisions by court order: Nate
suggested that I take a look at it. All the stock that I
bought,! bought within a one-point range in a year.
Before! knew it, I had 25% of the company."
Tisch, who will be 58 in March, maintains a sizable
portion of Loews' capital in securities--an unusual'
position for any corporation, let alone one the size of '
Loews. His stock purchases usually, are visible, often
controversial. Many of his deals are so astute, that'
some observers accuse him of playing on inside,'
privileged information. _
"I know nothing that other people don't know," he
said. "In fact, I never want to know anything that is
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unpublished I won't listeirta it. My stock purchases
are an intellectual- activity:There is nothing crystal
bowl about this. It's ,a businese -
Tisch's:name is Laurence,, but he is called Larry
"by guys I never met. Maybe that informality is a
good sign for the country:2 ?,? -
THE AMICABLE, INFORMAL combination of the
personalities of Larry and his Younger brother
Preston Robert (who, appropriately; is often called
.Bobby and. is the president of Loews and its opera-
tions man) 1s what makes the company tick. The
brothers run,Loews with the kind of independent
power. note often seen in kinlemporary American
business 4?.4_5;,A _ -
"I have no feeling of any0ower at all, said: the
Loews chairman. "I don't,feel" that I have power or
lack of power. Most corporate officers c,onie to their
jobs as ,'professional managers., I ,am, pore_of , an
individual entrepreneur. ,
Friends, and associates' all say the: Sainer things
about. Larry Ttsch. He- is,tiot:*arried to his ,Stock
holdings, unloading them if theY,Flon't produce. He is
shrewd,,flexible, pragmatic";,, an -excellent bridge
player who plays what hag', been .described- as "a
right-hemispherezi-the-hrain game, a creative game."
Heir a-man. with a 16-handicap, in golf who gave up
the sport itt favor of tennis :because he foundit too
slow- "
"PEOPLE THAT DEAL_ with him, feel that he
deals up front," said Robert Linton, president of
Drexel Burnham Lambert. Linton has played tennis
regularly with Tisch on summer weekends in a group
including John Gutfreund, head of Salomon
Brothers; and Donald Stone, a stock specialist "All -
Wall Streeters---and Larry's the lone customer. He
buys industries when the Street is down on them."
Of course, there have been big mistakes, like the
? purchase of 500,000 shares of the Equity Funding
Corp. in March, 1973?the same month that Equity
Funding became the center of a now legendary
scandal." We bought a stock that turned out to be
from a company that was committing a fraud," Tisch
says simply. ?,,- '
Ha-is known to host dinners for a wide range of
political ,candidates--he is of an independent bent,
registering as either,a-Democrat or a Republican on
occasion?to discuss issues and to decide if a cam-
paignlionation should be forthcoming. "I guess I've
hosted .30 to 40 different U.S. Senators," he says.
"Political labels don't mean that -much.'r like to
speak to anybody." -
This night he was going to the Harmonie Club to
attend a dinner for Bill Casey, the new chief of the
CIA. Tisch'S secretary corrected him: altis at the
Harvard Club." Tisch looked embarrassed. Then he
laughed. "ffilv7Feen known to walk into the wrong
place6Wonder what's at the Harmonie Club." ? ?
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3 February 1981
om. Ine:6- to i
Master of 'Sp
. Inman passed. the information to!
then-CIA director Stansfield Turner,
who took it to theWhiteHouse and
o. at CIA
- By Phil Gailey
waelteeten Star Stati Writer
Bobby Ray Inman is a whiz of a
spy who has never 'sheen, out in the
Satellites, miCroVes- and. come:
puters have taleen..niuch of the chill.
-out of modern-day espionage, anclIne7
man is considered'a_master of these
As the Reagan -administration, S
choice to be the No_2 man at the Cen-
tral IritelligenceA:gency, Navy Vices
?Adm. Inman. a ? 49-year-old work,
aholic; is getting a fciurth star -- the;
price-he exacted for taking the job
? and the kind of praise that .intel-
ligence officials rarely, receive.
The Senate Intelligence Commit-
tee, _which holds hearings on: his.
nomination todayela expected to ap-
prove . Inman!se.: appointment-,
, Inman's selection,'-in - a; political -
sense, is a master stroke. It is reassur-t
lug both to those who want. to see,
U.S. '::intelligence! operations
-strengthened and tothcse'who don't..
want to see -theT.,CLA- crashing
through the- forest:An ,its. previous
"rogue elepha.nre te)- lee; ee,
Sen.- Barry ?GoldWater,.chairtnan.
of the Intelligente Committee and a
'harsh, critic of efforts to rein in thee
Chin recent years, thinks as highly
of. Inman as does former. Vice.Presi-
dent Walter Mondale, who, as a sen-
ator, was involved in efforts to curb
US. intelligence activities.'
-There's not a Mirk on him," says
a former admiral whO worked with-
--Inmatr-in-Naval---intelligence and
later in the--Defense. Intelligence -.
Agency. "He's the kind of profession-
al who can ;helpemake our inteili'
gence operations both effective and,
responsible." r 4 , eee
,Since 1977 Inman. has headed the
National Security Agericye the na-
tion's largest and most sophisticated
Intelligence organization, cracking
enemy codes, and analyzing infor-
mation snatched from the sky by so-
lshistcated instruments as it passes
between. _governments - and, _other,
spurces, ..?,
Sometimes ;.e the-. .agenCy'S
'eavesdropping extends :to- private
citizens. Billy Carter is one example,
?Early_last yearewhile. the Justice Be- ,
partment was investimegAtig,octrippS^
dealings with Libya,ffiC agency;
pic.lted up. inforthation.froneintelli4
gence sources that Libya was about
to then-Attorney General Benjamin
4sdeptqy to CIA; DirettorWilliam-
eJ.-.CaSey;ewho was-aneOSSioperativee
during .WOrld War 4.1Inman will
bring a,backgrounkto?the agency;
that will complement Casey's. Some ;
eVeri see Inman becoming the real
master of U.S. intelligence because
of his talents. - -
Casey. 67, is said; -even by his
friends, to be somewhat disorgan-
ized when it comes to details, occa-
sionally forgetful ;and out of touch
With modern intelligence tech-
, 7rnman is ideal to back up Casey,"
said a former intellig.ence official
who knows both men. "Casey can
keep his foeus on the big *tire and
?Inman will make the place a profes-
sional operation again.. Inman is
strong in nearly every area where
Casey is weak." ,
The Casey-Inman team is in keep-
ing with CIA tradition. When a civil-.
ian heads the agency, the deputy
spot goes to a military man, and vice
versa. The former CIA director was
Stansfield Turner, a Navy, admiral,
and his deputy was Frank Carlucci,
a civilian who has been tapped by
Defense Secretary Caspar Weinber-
ger for the No. 2 post at the Pentagon.
Inman, a native of Rhonesboro,
Texas_ entered the Navy after
graduation froth the University of ,
Texas in-1950. He became an ensigul
? In 1952 and advanced through of
ranks until his promotion tci 'ice;
iadmiral in 1976..:--e.e.e:::eee,1?-1'.e.;-;-:---:e I
His career includeS service as
sistant naval attache in Stockholm.
7Sweden,:aekeye1istening 7 post, forl
events in the Soviet Union, and assis-:
'lent chief of staff for intelligence:
under the commander of the Pacifice
Fleet in 1973-7During: the following-
:three years he Served aS director of'i
the Office. of-Naval Intelligence- in:,
;.Washingtorr-ancl-as-jvice7director of
, the Defense l?lligence AgencY: H67,
:was named head of the National Se-
curity Agency Lu _1.977:,:,;',:;
't Little is7;known about Inman b&I
yond:hia -prafessional. Iife, even- by
his former; associates. Retired Adm.::
:Rex Rettanus; ;Who worked with In-
Release2t#0511112-44 PetioRRIDIOSTI li14000400200008-7
Temenvuers- nis ?rater"
colleagnehs.a 'work'aholic with few
-outsideictiiritieS that I know
'He is. a first-class .officere
competent-and professional in, every'
respecteWlaen he- has something to,
say, he says it Beyond that I don't..
,knove what to .; 34 7?-
. On Capitol Hill,: where lawmakers
have been impressed with. Inmaa'se
_briefing skflI he is known as a.
straight-shoote.re who Uses facts.- to 1
-makehiee points- and keeps his per-;?
sonaLeopinieni toelairn self ' unless
. ask. ede f or. theme
Inman alsohas demonstrated thati
'la& LI capable of avoiding a knee-jerk e
-reaction in dealing with such ques-:,
tions as homosexuality in the ranks
of intelligence officials. Last year,:
for example, he reportedly refused..
-to oust a secu rity agency analyst wiici -;
was found to be a homosexual..In----
-man eVen allowed tb.eman to keep .
his security clearance:
.That raised some grumbles inside
intelligence: organizations, whict?
generally dismiss-- homosexuals- on:
the grounds that they are vulnerable
toblackmail attempts.
? Approval expected -;
ij :g
Arlaoyeed For Release 20g4-1AMAIRIAI -u0901R00040020000
Many called but the rich were chosen
4-t -....-f:-.- ? ...7- -
And speaking o. . . ..," worth of $2.9 million to at
presidential appointees and /east $5.8 Million.
; money;Vietdok a look at --, - -.? Trade representative Bill:
IReagan'ectbinet the other.*---'BroCk listed assets of $4.8
day and realized that, -";?-? --? million to atleast $9.2.:
according to their firiancial.fi, --,Anillion, with a 1980 income
disclosures 10 of the-17---, --- :. "!Of-at least $253,000 and -- ?-?
cabin ei-livel appointees--_r_.,r. _iperhaps as high as $661,000. '
have znet worth of more:J.717.: - ? -Treasury Secretary..-
.. than $1.. million. For
example-' _ - - 4?.:
? Defense Secretary CaSpar:',
Weinberger:former vice-
president of Bechtel Group,
lists a net worth of between?
$2.2 million and $3.5-million.
He received $500,000 last-..fq.
year in dividends from? ---:,-:-- -
Bechtel stock, whichhe-now
has solcr-....-
o Attorney General William
French Srnitklists a net - :-
-:Donald Regan, former_ ;
richairman of MerrilkLynch,
listed income of at least
..-:$719,000 and property assets
-ranging from $1.2 million to
? $2.4 million. ?
? CIA director William
Casey, formerly a New York
attorrrey, listed net worth of
from $3.3 million to at least
$5.6 million.
? Secretary of State
_ Alexander Haig listed net -
Worth of $1.7 million to $2.1 -..
million (pay in the army
must be better than we
thought). -
? Transportation Secretary? -
? Drew- Lewis reported net - -
worth ranging frorn
$529,000 to $2.6 million.
? Corntherce Secretary _
- Mal colm-Baldrige listed net
worth of $1.2 million to $.1.7-
niillion. .
s Energy Secretary James-
Edwards, earned $195,000 as
? an oral surgeon last year
and he lisqed assets of
$750,000 to $1.9 million.
? Labor Secretary-
designate James Donovan
listed a net worth of $1.5
? million to more than $2:3-:
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
roved For Rele4Yit040314441-AE-1450cRLC643901R00040
resident's first tea
By Godfrey Spelling Jr_
Where does power now reside in the new
administration? - . -;
7 -Veteran presidential watchers Will tell you
it is too early to determine the pecking order,
that a shakedown cruise will be necessary be-
fore it can be determined. But at the outset
the President's -first team ? those upon whom
he will rely the most ? looks like thiseT.
Reagan will incleed.J have a
,supereabinet; even thoughit will not be setup
formally: The President took the advice Of his
'Chief- of Sta.ff; 'Jim Baker,: along with others,
who couris- e'er' that such an elite group would
offend others in the. Cabinet. But it seems
cm a
oftenLciatto-day basis with his secretaries of
state, defense, and treasury, together with his
attorney general and the head of the CIA.
- Haig, -Weinberger, an,' Smith, and
Casey will be at the President's elbow more
often than others of his Cabinet ? and be-
cause of this access will wield tremendous
Also definitely on the first team are coun-
selor Ed Meese, Mr. Baker, and deputy chief
of staff Mike Deaver. And at this same level
one finds Vice-President Bush. Reagan, like
Carter, has made it-dear that he wilt rely
heavily on his vice-president_
Additionally; Office of Management and
Budget _director David Stockman probably
Wilt be extremely influential. With inflation
and other economic problems at the top of the
Reagan agenda., Stockman can be expected to
move in and put of the Over Office all dayl
Reagart will also see a great deal of Mur-
:Washington letter.
ray- "Weiderib:aurri, chairnian the Presi-
dent's Council of Economic Adviser, and Lyn
Nofziger, his political counselor.'-'-': -
'Presidents usually have confidants outside
the administration to whom they can turn for
advice:Reagan may well rely on some of his
California friends, leaders 'in the' business
wOrld, for -help.: He may try out some of his
ideas and programs on them, but it appears
that this kind of consultation Will be minimal.
Instead, Reagan will. likely do a Cot be-C.8:
., ordinating and -sounding out of ideas with
three old friends on Capitol hill: Howard Ba-
ker, Paul Laxalt, and Jack Kemp. '_-,-
.. So Reagan's power structure comprises
his "big twelve" within the administration
and his "big three" in Congress. '---., ---"----- -
Who will be first among equals? Who will
rise to the top and become the President's
:close- st 'advisers?. Who will wield the most.
- clout? Tiine alone will tell:? - :` ---*". -",
When Nixon moved into the White Hou.see
it appeared that he would rely most on his old
friend, William Rogers- , at State-and-another
old friend; Robert Finch, at HEW.: Rogers
' Soon lost out to Henry Kissinger:. and Finch
very -early- dropped out ?of the-Nixon inner
circle:- ' :
- No One has to be told the names of Nixon's-
clout-wielders,. those who quickly gained the
most access to him: Haldeman, who guarded,
the door;" Ehrlichrnan, who headed the Dn--
mestic.--- Council;- -and Attorney . Generat 7,
- .0., -
Mitchell. - ...- : .--- - - - --...... ._ -- --'7...7'1--.:-..--. -;
- ,
. -' -In ' President Ford's --1,Vhite House-. his .
longtime Cohort - and adviser,- Robert Hart-
mann, together 1,vith Vice-President Rockefel-
ler, never quite had the influence- predicted
for them. Instead, Kissinger, Donald Rums-
ofeld, and Richard Cheney got more access
and thereby gained more influence.'_:-.
Ohservers expected Jody. Powell.. and
Hamilton Jordan to be influential, but no one
forecast that these young men mould soon
hold the top power positions under President_
? ? Some observers now say that Reagan's old
buddies from Sacramento days---. - Meese.
Smith; and Weinberger .,-- _will- become the
- cream of the cream. Others believe the five-
member supercabinet will soon .possess .the
most -clout. :Arid still., others contend that
' Meese,.-Bush, and Baker will in the end -be-
1 ? come the most influential assistants. -.:,,.E..--
- 'All that is certain is that the people the
President-likes to work with best and whose
judgment he respects the most will win out.
, They, - more. :than a.hy- others, will_ have
Reagan's ear? and the power. that goes-to
those-who are so positioned: ' - " ---- --- --.. ---?"1--:,
frey Sperling Jr. is chief of the.
Monitors Washington bureau. -
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
proved For Relea4g116(6542R9lAktIP91-00901R000411042 0008-7
2 February 19 1
= se Jb,104,e0P,k,
onor CIA's Casey at dinner herel
Over 120 VIPs, in New York's banking, industrial, legal and media
-.worlds turned out to salute William Casey, the new head of the CIA, at
'a very closed reception and dinner at the Harvard?Club. Democrat '
Jerry Finkelstein'', who dominates the New York Law Journal and the
_ National Law Journal, picked up the tab because Casey is an old pal
and a member of the editorial board of the publications. .
, In attendance: Gov.. Carey, William Rogers, John Martin, Tornr-
Bolan, Robert Abrams, Ned Regan, Herman Badillo, Lawrence Cooke,
"Sol Wachtler, Lawrence Tisch, etc. Carey lauded his fellow St. John's
alum, but it was a letter from Stanley Sporkin, of the Securities and
?Exhange Commission, that was most ebullient in' praise. Sporkin said
it's rare that a man as qualified as Casey gets the job. He said Casey's
-task at the CIA will be equal in importance to "breaking the German
qpde in the Second World War.Which is exactly what Casey did.
. .4 4 4. '4.?'4441A 4c ? 4* 4
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7
aryl LE
ggatggpved For Release 2,1E/11.0 :FtleDP91-00901R0004002000 8-7
0:11 ?i1GZ_ 2 l'IORUARY 1981
online- e u
Speciol to The New York Times .
::WASHINGTON, Feb.' 1 For a Man
ensidered by many to be America's
-.ster spy, Bobby, Ray Inman is some-
s':ing of an anomaly...He has never taken
a covert operation or spent much
...?_;me collecting', intelligence-data in the
eAtLeHis name evokes the spirit , of a
entry music ballad more than an espio-
' age thrillereeeeLeeeeeee-is
TBilt WiCe iin ? jai ckd by
-resident Reagan: ta be.Deputy Director
.7.: Central Intelligence, the nation's sec-
' gkhighest le intelligence Organization
sst; is ehe prototype of an electronic-age
3yeel -er ? '
eHis tbols are'satellites, microwave sta-
. and computers: As 'director of the
itional Security Agency since 1977, Ad-
iiral Inman has overseen the nation's
- irgest and most expensive intelligence
anization. Its mission includes crack-
. enemy codes, developing unlereak-
, Dle ciphers for the United States and,
wet .importantlyetnonitoring, translat-
_ lg. and analyzing -worldwide communi-
ations among nations, selected foreign
dizens and some corporations. ?
'The security agency is part of the De-
arise Department and independent of the
se'entral Intelligence Agency, which uses
iforrnation collected by the security
.gency in preparing intelligence reports
or the PresidentaThe lines of authority
-se blurred, however, because the C.I.A.
itector has the additional responsibility
eft coordinating the Government's vari-
esisentelligence-gattering operations, in-
luding those of the National Security
'egency. ,;,:eeeeeeta.'e
Earns Praise From Many
:Admiral Inmarei performance,' hal:
lrawn praise from several quarters. Hare
; 41 Brown, who supervised, the security
. igencyas Secretary of Defense in the
s".7.arter LAdministratione called Admiral
:emenr!'one of the brightest military pep-.
'!sterhaVe ever Imown.e.",;:eeCesse,ee., eete..-
TonmerVith President Walter F Mon;
-'?-141e said-that-Admiral Inman was "brit:
:???'-, lent in every respecte,e. Senator Barry
,!Gbldwater; Republican of. Arizona,. chair-
;man of ;the .Senate Select 'Committee on
Intelligencerecommended ? Admiral
Inman fori-the No: 2 spot at the
Once agency to William J. Casey, the di-
? ..;.:Iti-,*.?VI.V-li'4\';'74;?--'-Xj.,7;
-'he Intelligence Committee has schede
uled confirmation hearings Tuesday for
Admiral Inman. Swift and unanimous ap-
,proval of his nomination by the commit-
tee and. the Senate seems assured. The
White House has also recommended that
I. Inman be promoted to full admiral. If
:dig Senate concurs,-' as. expected, Mr.
? Inman,. who: is 49.years' old, would be one
, or: the youngest- four-star admirals , in
_ 1n1ortnation-412railaNffsn'A
man's rise shovee'atift ,t
willing to break the cautious conventions
?this trade ?
act uswari 6%;; eireeti:4e
n,'E2eofro,':Age 11:2
security agency analyst who was found to
be a homosexual to keep his job and ses
curity clearances, according to intelli-
gence sources. Intelligence organizations
usuallY dismiss homosexuals or deprive
them of their security clearances because
they are considered vulnerable to black-
mail. -2 ? et.Ves' ' , -
Senators who deal frequently with Ad-
miral Inman said that his briefings dif-
fered from those given by most other offi-
cials. :.Most intelligence officials I hedge
their comments," said Senator Joseph R.
Biden, Democrat of Delaware. "Inman is
a straight talker. I've watched him blow
away other officials and their comments
by J)roviding simple, non-opinionated
data. He deals in facts." , ,? ?
Admiral Inman's colleagues said that
he occassionally slipped out of Washing-
ton and traveled tourist class on commer-
cial airlines to address small groups of
professors and students at Harvard, the
Massachusetts .Institute of Technology,
Stanford and other schools in an effort to
build bridges between the intelligence-
gathering and academic worlds. His
friends said that Admiral Inman, dressed
in a business suit and driving a rented car
unaccompanied by aides, looked like a
traveling salesman.
-, Information Begets Power
The modest demeanor belies the impor-
tance of.Admiral Inman's position. In a
city where information is often said to be
power;"Admiral Inman, as the security
agency's director, has access to more
raw intelligence information than anyone
in Washington.
?,e- The security agency's operations are
-Conducted in strict secrecy. Its headquar-
,ters is - a large office building on the
grounds of Fort Meade, in the Maryland
countryside near Washington. Intelli-
gence officials estimated the agency's
budget to be more than $2 billion a: year,
larger than that of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency. eye::: ' ?
es, The security agency's headquarters is
-the. nerve center for a network of facili-
ties and employees around the world, as
well as numerous satellites that monitor
communications. Aided by computers,
the staff sifts through cable traffic, tele-
phone calls and coded messages looking
for anything considered significant on
subjects ranging from Soviet militaryac-
eevity to world oil trade, according to in-
telligence officials . ? t
In the 1960's and early 1970's, the se-
curity agency's eavesdropping capabil-
ities were used domestically as part of
the Government's effort to gather data on
-antiwar groups; Such practices were
stopped by the Ford Administration and
are now prohibited by . Justice Depart-
ment guidelines.
7 There are occasions, however, when in-
formation collected by ;the.,security
ge2 AlatPpi PM.
Billy Carter's dealings with Libya were
an example, according to Justice Depart-
-In April, when the department's inves-
tigation into Billy ? Carter's ties with
Libya was dormant, Admiral Inman re-
ceived a report indicating that the Libyan
Government was planning to.pay Presi-
dent Carter's brother $200,000.
Since the possibility of a violation of
American law existed, and because Billy
Carter appeared to be the target of A
Libyan plan to ? gain influence in the
United States, Admiral Inman informed
Attorney General Benjamin R. Civiletti,
Justice Department sources said.. ? _ ? se
? Born in Texas ? ?-? -
Admifal Inmanwai born April 4, 1931,
in Rhonesboro, Tex. He entered the Navy
after graduation from the- University of
Texas in 1950, becoming an ensign in 1952.
He is married and is the, father of two
- He ruse through the ranks rapidly and
began specializing in intelligence work in
1961, serving as chief intelligence officer
for the 7th Fleet; naval attach?n
Sweden, and Director of Naval Intelli-
gence from 1974 to 1976.. From 1978 to
1977, he served as vice director of the De-
fense Intelligence Agency. In July 1977 he
was named director of the National Se-
curity Agency. e ? ?
Admiral Inman's first name, Bobby,
rather than Robert, was proposed by his
grandfather, friends said. ,,.
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R00
2 February 1981
FOR: many years,.. the
favourite method of
, Cuba's: secret service,-- the
G I, for arranging opera-
-tionai funds for its agents.
-In: the United States and
.J.atirt-,America has .been-.,
viathe drug traffic-,:;" ? -71'
Li- the early' 1960s an
tive and imaginative- Method,
of raising-:cash-'-for intelfig
ence ,:agents was through
bolitas. or ?lotteries, .organised
? 'within the Cuban: community-
}, - in South Florida. -
`FBI investigators discovered
1 that D GI collaborators
rk,-would r3g the results-of,drit:-.
. . ,
-;!---teries!rn order:- to-rnaki:e P4.V;
frnrrq.::to-- Ca stro,.;agents.3.1lowil
;-ever; .t:the turnover of- thel
drug-trade-is vastly greater.1
The main pipeline is f from '
Colombia; via Cuba and
Panama. to the United
States. Sources in the Drug
Enforcement Administration
- .(DE A) say that th,e -Cuban
D al. has belneti to tiiper-
vise a_ lucrathre: barter of
arms -for- clrirgs- With,.-the
Castro-gupported .-COlprnbian ?
! guerrilla moveMents:
Panama plays a vital- role as a
middleman in- smuggling
1. -operations and-in the- laund-
r -1Terirtg,r-:ot money; the-:-"farnily;
the Tanamaniait strong-:
? -:-.-mare Geri. Omar TorrijoS, and
the countr7's military -intel-!
gence- 'chief;;-- Col.. Noriega,
1' ....have beerv accusede:-
':hearings of being-directly in;
, '"Volved,irt
Novi; however a macor FBI
..inyestigation is _under:- way:
? - into: the: possible Jaundering
drug. 'money by ? d.number
bliami-bankso,vhose direc-
, -tors are-believed.to have close-
connections- with Havana.
The latest developmentwas th'e`
indictment .hy-. a '
? trnnd--Jiiry last' week--of . Sr
Guillermo Hernandez CartaYa,
.a-Cuban emigre banker 1,vhose
4-financial interests extended
from:Panama to-the Persian
? Gulf, and seven" other.former
- -officers of his WTC Corpora-
--lion, based- in Coral Gables.
: Miami; bn chargesofconspir-
and tax evasion.: ? ?
Sr 11-fernandei and- hi?
ployees are-charged with
-*% kg repart more. titart.
millloii (E410,00()).; in. .",cash
libriusee' that they paid ihenv
_ selves over x-four-year period.
- `1.7:ne:: -.money-----,:zwas;,- allegedly,
. laundered through- a Pana-
manian bank controlled by Sr
--,---Hernandez.-. ft',"-?:?-::?.,,',3::-.--..: - _. ::--
:His- activities' fi rst -attracted the'
- f.'attention of Justice.i:Depart-:
Hrrient officials when:zit. was
.? : noted -that.-; laitel, sums s...,of
-,with ,e_x-s:_lanation: : 1 'rrione3r--,were regularly' being
transferred ln--and ot.if-of , his
- banks out p
rThtheri:-.clirn-an.:6f=4" :Con-
e gressional sub-committee ,that
'--investigated Cubes rolein. the:
'di-ug-trade; -- Congressrhart:
- . j,ester..1-Volff-. of-NeW 'York.
publicly' .accused SOT-lei-nail-
. , ?. .
dez . of. - con spiring:: ?xi tht. the.
Castro- .regime to smuggle ,
; States...!f?:". ?:- ?:'-'64...(-4:_t-',..-*:-' - -::-
Si----:-.-Herbrandez::-: denied the
prOducedte:: zthe _ timer:to I
Howevern _1938_ Sr ;Hernandez '
and ?onci.f.'-hli'.',i,e,piat',:aideS;
, Salvador" _Aldereguia -Ors,
..: were acquitted of thet,charge
of:?-conspiring to:.use.ha- 'false
passport. . - ? -.-ttr -se,- ? ., -- ---
Aceording'? to :. -intelligence
? sources in -Washington; Sr.
Aideregnia .. has maintained
-close n. contact ..-.-with,--,Cuban
-? officials in Poname?and ;the
- -United -.States ?and-was? in-
volved in the secret diplomacy-
between the Castro. regime
-.and members Of' the- Carter
.. -.-Administration that was initi-
:...ated at:the end of "1977 by Sr
Jose Luis :-Padroni.a. senior
' DGPoffiCer? who nowholds
.. the cover job of--Ministeri.Of
.- Tourism in Havana
? Sr- Hernandez is an :intrigaing
_ _ _ ... -
.figure:, ta Bay.:of ,Pigseveteran
:who started a modest.financial.,
'-;:operat ion.. in-"rallahasSee ;With:
:-a - few 'hundred:-dollars;.; and
? :within .,?:'a ' feW,--:?*e.arowned.
l.-t-: banks and._ corporations :-.1--11--
i-e Miam.4 Grand -Cayman,-San-
- -Antonio-'Panama. and-Ecua-:
? dor.,-"?-''-," - ' - ? ---'14-:.
'Former - CIA,. offiCials; recall-
- :--Sr liernandee :: time-^\"in? ,e
. training. camp' in -GUateMala :.
?-? prior to the .disastrous-land-
ing at- the Bay-,or Pigs in
' 1961- They say that one of
--.. his --dose friendi? at.the -time:i
attracted suspigion ;:that - he.
-, was a Castro' agent because-.
' ..:".he,-?wotild regularly. diSobey
,--- orders -,and slip.:.away.:_into
. -toWn.... 1;,-.. :.----.. -
rovedit8f:Rete4den20057:1128140 Cl
- .,..mexico,.ancl..it :vas con furrier/
....that be .had.indeed- been one
- .2.......1 ? & .,, . - ,_
many DGI-spies_wlp,
.invoiveirrent in the revoiu-
:Further charges. 'against ? Sr , -tionary violence in- El Salva-
-? Hernandez -.May' be dor, Mr Shackley's proposed
". but. many other bankers in g,uidelizes for an America-rt
South, Elorida;are:,now? also - response a r e -especially
subject to Scrutinyt:',because tLmety.._;-
of their possible linkswith In "a. case like- El -SarvadOr,
the?Castro co n mid -3, it,":it.::ifs.:deter-rnined
drug :peddlers:,-;':" that it i the best interests- ?
The:'::inVestigation-fiexpeeted. t of the United States " to pm-
to take'-two sears 'using -the :ye.rit the belea guered nation's
full. -resources '..of"--,? the-FBI, ? collapse." the following steps
-? -- Internal - ?shoutd be taken: .
Revenue,Service'One,:offictal!'' 1-. Washingron arid the Govern-
' ,rinvolved,'--corrirrient?-scePti6.' merit, uncles --attack should
:-: ally -lioWever:s_ "rePreditti4 " agree; on, force levels that
go . nowherer; since- so
C- LA!: ri n.'
-71, .ThEODORE. ShacRley, a
supported and re-
hy _ the United
-States ? _ -
2. The United States should
provide-an airlift capability;
-,. often ?. under - ,? Commercial
- "cover, . to.,--rnove- urgently-
: -needed military:stapplies,and
_ medical services: , directly -to
*? the combat zones:: ----? -
.",,v-hfg-rrnoneeer 's'peinai-e-rcl-C, al-.41-.-,e3C-rcol'e-er ii, ?-,-rnilitar.v--; - instructors;
5 -The Americans :shoirldi pro-
-r In running, the- secret - war: i ? ' some of - thern, :professionals
- in- ' -Laos and'''. operation's -- recruited from - third-court-
e-tsgainst----the-r Castro-:?-regime , ., . tries.--;tThere--- Is-:? a -,..synall
*- in Cuba--lias Written:a.- boolc '
. '-? Defence Department -teal-nib,
El .Salvador now):
4 The CT A-. should'. irrrala-s4 for
:.. I
the selective employnient rif,
- as-/- combat
-- troops anqrachiseri. "..111eY
.i-nair be professional--soldiers
. hired on -at Tnerceuary. :basis-
; s.C.,1 A. after dashes with Adnil -!-----:r:--froin neighbouring .courttries.
? ? "Stansfield Turner, and has 5:The C-I A shoirlil take charged
been -regarded. ? as- a: Leading -of co-ordinating a sophistica,i1
. contender _for a key post in _ted ? - Intelligence,-,::gatherinr. 1
.;. the agency's Direc,orate-- of: :Hs' and _psycholo-gical-- yvarfare,
' Uperazion 3 - under' its new cf.:,----prograntirte,.1,50'
- director Mr William Casey: - , , ,;..*., -, -
-...20w,,, ...,..,743
--;:. -
The title ' of his '., book,--":" The -Ern,tgres.,-..:en, ti e.i
CrptiOn,":cs."fnunded on .: ..._. .., _, ...,:.... ::;....,___,,..e,,_ .,..
ri".... his belie f?--that covert action -
Ri;di riberty.-zi.v,:'-",j'..--i-":::
....- .. :.i. theelegitimate? middlej .,.. .
wil , Y 1
..-: between- full-scale- ,:::iiiilitaciyn .
THr -It -0417---Airirrililstisition 4 -
.:. confrontation -and..j.necti,a., ....?, . ,..is ex , ....to support
c defending ,,Westeritl,L.irtterests, :,:-.,,,.. radio
dbedroa--d,eap:71g...ft6afr:cmouen.....t.I.5., esof.:]
., .where they are-e 'threatened by.
'agg,ression , from--the_.!---56ylet
-...-,-- ?under: Afarxist--control,-inchi&.
; Union or its surrogates.- --'4., .;...? Ainfa.gh_..anistair.?;.,.,....0,....,_:,, t...,:., ....,1
In the 1980s," be -contends, ...
"yle ?vill.... see paramilitary, ? .:
At., the "is,a-rn;f.thit,i_ilthe,,ndififtrial -
.: ignored or suppressed undei-A?
-- President Carter .--- of Cuban -
_ .
:,-:- operations:::::"---"trechini,-.-;? once :...:;:r.tmatent
't.-- Amrica's,f..defenCe ?arseiral.? ,-.
-!.,??*- again ..-an-. integral' 'part . oF. ,....t.ted to . ;h ;:..s,?--,.;:137:rtliartS
t --the':.-Municli-.ba'sea."-11-adi.o.,
At ri- rrionifirit ''Whn ?-the . new .-.,,,Librti-Jnow::.,i,ai?4?-.*Ve- ?fin-i
- - Secretary of State, Gento.y-,the."Arneri_can;-,,Con-
- Alexander Haig, has publicly ..... ges-sl.,.--is-?,,Iiliely,'??to. ,b.e..1"?sub-
talked of the need to deal t--...,!..-jected.z.to..:-"clasej.scrutiny-
. with Soviet-backed i t
t2cron _ _srn a 'Ler- ,Leading Rassiarirdis.sac-ient_intel::,
nd the -.-.. teals ?now lil,invin i the-
A-Ratiarlig)Nalitit4 04002110p08V
-tvest-L-notablF:' :Mr 31Iadirnir -
,ing intelligence reports ? r?--,.,:.,Bok-ovsk _
y end--Mr Lev ....Nay-
rosov "--,-. criticise the .-01. -9-
to be. published by-MtGraw-
- .HiIl later,tbis year,- that_rnay-
1:. be adopted? akla nianuaLoi
. paramilitary: action.
":---under "th- Beagott
tration. ?. ? .
Mr Shackley resumed frarn--the
Approved For Release 2005/12/14: CIA-RDP91-00901R000400200008-7