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Ap proved For Release 2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP91-00901
13 DECEMBER 1982
estimouy on Spy .Penes
By Murre} Marder
Weshtngwn Pon 8= Writer
A heavily shrouded chapter of
Cold War history has been reopened
ri-ith new insights and controversy
arising from recently declassified
testimony of CIA chief Allen W.
Dulles on spy plane ? operations.
against the Soviet Union in the
1950s and early 1960s.
Members of the US. intelligence
community from the Dulles era were
dismayed a week ago by news ac-
counts about an allegedly undis-
closed "CIA spy plane" shot down
Over the Soviet Union before the
sensational U2 overflight of Francis
Gary Powers May 1, 1960.
? Dulles' testimony was given be-
laind closed doors to the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee May 31,
1960, during the international up-
ioar about the U2 high-altitude re-
ConnaissaneP jet plane and the col-
apse of the Paris summit conference
in mid-May that year when Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev
vented his outrage over the flight by
the captured American pilot.
News reports last week based on
Dulles' testimony said he disclosed
that the United States lost "eight or
nine" Central Intelligence Agency
operatives on an earlier "spy plane"
forced down in the Soviet Union.
'State Department officials, after
consulting with the CIA, told ques-
tioners that the reports were incor-
rect and that Dulles evidently was
referring, to the widely publicized
-Ibss of a U.S. Aii? Force plane and I
crew over the Turkish-Soviet border
in 195$
"Man} colleagues of Dulles simi
lakly said he only was citing a'known
incident in 1958--a second one in
i txich a plane. was forced . down
across that frontier.
There were two problems with the
explanations, however.. The two
groups were talking about different
with Dulles' test.irnon P,ooo' 1v
ing to speak about the affair can rec-
oncile all of the discreancies.
hrouded Chapter o CE
However, from information now
available, it appears that in the tense.
U2 inquiry, Dulles - deliberately
scrambled his testimony to shield
the identity of the then-supersecret
National Security Agency, or unwit-
tingly mixed up the two incidents.
Possibly he did both. As one associate recalled, a Dulles
technique in maintaining an aura of
certainty in his testimony was to
"give quick answers to deflect ques-
tions and never appear hesitant or in
One encounter involved an. Air
Force C 118 on a CIA courier .mission
with nine men aboard-three for-
mally assigned to the CIA-and
forced down about 100 miles inside
Soviet Armenia in June, 1958. Five
of the nine Air Force officers aboard
descended by parachute, and four
landed with the aircraft. All were
released after 10 days of questioning.
In September, 1958, a second,
deadlier incident occurred in the
same. region. An Air Force C 130 with
17 military personnel aboard, on as-
signment to the National Security
Agency, and packed with electronic
eavesdropping gear for gathering in-
telligence, was shot down and
crashed in Armenia.
Six bodies were returned by the
Soviet Union, but 11 were never re-
covered. In 1962, after, stormy dis-
pute at the highest levels of the U.S.
and Soviet governments, the 11
missing were officially "presumed
dead," although efforts to recover
the bodies were still being made in
That episode is recounted in a''
revealing. book .on Elie-NSA; "The-
Puzzle Palace' by James: Bamford. It
-reprinta? an-extraordinary=transcript
of monitored conversations by Soviet
fighter pilots during the attack on'
the C130. The transcript-made pub-
lic in 1959 by Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles, Allen's brother,
in an unusual effort to force the
Kremlin to t f
sions, m
around the vast periphery of the So-
viet Union to pick up emissions of
radar, ground communications and
microwave signals.
Sometimes-accidentally or de..
liberately-they penetrated Soviet
territory during what were called
risky "fox and hounds" forays to se::
off Soviet air defense radar and in
these instances American aircraft
often were fired upon.
Allen Dulles, in his 1960 testimo??
ny, evidently overlapped both inci-
dents. He said, "You may recall
there have been several instances of
planes that have strayed over Soviet:
territory which have been shot, down.
You recall the two incidents in Ar-
menia and the Caucasus a few years
ago, and there have been instances
off the tip of Japan and some near
He went on to say, "In one case
we are still endeavoring to get back.
you know-they haven't told' , us
what happened to. I think, eight or
nine of the crew, of one. of the planes
that came down in the area of Cau-
casus." =
"This was a. civilian plane," Dulles
'said. "It was -manned by employes of
the Central Intelligence Agency, not
by military personnel. They were in
civilian clothes. It was an entirely
civilian intelligence operation, and I
was prepared to take the responsi-
bility and document that responsi-
or Rel ! 0 : C11X=RI
"00901 R000100110 -
' C'fJCLE .kP[ ElLeE'
n-4 ?-r
?Oy 1 - v Approved For Release Nb11W-'I!1-00901R00
5 September 1977
i. 12 Lnaries
Gottlieb and Lashbrook have been
subpoenaed to testify Sept. 20 before
a Senate subcommittee investigating
the MK-ULTRA project.
"Gottlieb proposes I be CIA con-
sultant and I agree," White wrote in
his diary June 9, 1952. A year later
it was confirmed: "CIA - got final
clearance and sign contract as `con-
sultant'-met Gottlieb . . . lunch Na-
poleon's-met Anslinger."
Harry C. Anslinger was White's
boss and the No. 1 man in the federal
Bureau of Narcotics. It could not be
learned from the diaries whether Ans-
lin;er knew that one of his top nar-
cotics agents also was working for
the CIA, in fact, was tape-recording
and observing men to whom prosti-
tutes gave drugs after picking them
up in bars. But'a July 20, 1953, entry
by White strongly suggests Anslinger
knew: "Arrive Wash.-confer Anslin-
er and Gottlieb re CIA reimburse-
ment for 3 men's services."
These entries fit in with a 1963 in.
ternal report by then-CIA Inspector
General Lyman B. Kirkpatrick about
the IIIK-ULTRA project. That report,
made public in 1975, discussed the
safe house operations and the connec-
tion to the Bureau of Narcotics:
"TSD [Technical Services Division]
entered into an informal arrangement
,with certain cleared and witting indi-
viduals in the Bureau of Narcotics in
19.35 which provided for the release of
11,IK-ULTRA materials for such test-
ing as those individuals deemed desir-
able and feasible."
The report added that while "covert
testing" was being transferred to the
bureau, its chief would disclaim any
knowledge of it.: ..
"The effectiveness of the substances
on individuals at all social levels, high. ?
and low, native. Americans and fore
eign." Kirkpatrick wrote, "is of great
significance', and testing has been per-
formed. on a- variety of individuals
within these categories."
In 1953, White rented a house at 81
Bedford St. in New York City's Green-
wich Village under the -name of Mor-
gan Hall, the same one he used
two years later- to set up the Tele-
graph Hill apartment at 225 Chestnut
St. in San Francisco.
His diaries show that Gottlieb and
Lashbrook met him at. the- Bedford
Street apartment. A June 8, 1953, en-
try said: "Gottlieb brings $4,123.27 for
'Hall'-Deposit 53.40.)." A Sept. 16,en-
try added: "Lashbrook at 81 Bedford
-Gwen Winkle and LSD surprise-
can wash." . , r, -
In 1955,
to San Fr2
regional hE
ics. Appar
duplex als
lure narce
them. In
agent Ira
an East Ci
San Fram
Leo Jc
owned the
bugging e
The equiC
These we
F-301 ta-;
agents in
to the, a.
if erative
Pat- .John Jacobs
Wasn:naton?os. Staff Writer
SAN "'RANCISCO, Sept. 4--
He was a "rock-em. sock-em
.cup not overly carried away
with playing spook,". accord
ing to a friend who- knew him"
at the time. But the diaries
and personal papers of the
Central .Intelligence Agency
operative who ran "safe hous-
es" in San Francisco and New
York in which drug-addicted
prostitutes gave LSD and
other drugs to unsuspecting
N isitors tell a different story.
The diaries were kept by Col.
George H. White,alias l Ior-
"an Hall. a colorful federal
narcotics agent and CIA "con-
sultant" who died two years
aro. They reveal new details,
'including names and . dates,,
about the safe house project,:
dubbed `'Operation- Midnight
Climax," v hich was- part of
the CIA's -.IIK-ULTRA program-
in- the 1950s and 1960s to ma-`
nipulate human. behavior.
Curiously; White's .widow.
donated his papers-;ltd the.
Electronics Museum: at Foot-
hill Junior College; a two-year
4chool--set. amidsti'the rolling
Los' Altos hills' 40'iniles south
of San Francisco. :;The' papers'
are a rare find-for- anyone in-
terested in the espionage busi-:
ness-and show White dashing
about'' the world- breaking up='
narcotics rings in South Amer.-
ica; Texas and Si 'Francisco's
Chinatown '~ ~~:'?'
They, also"-pr6,~3de documen-`?'!
tary evidence that''White met
to discuss drugs='and safe
houses with such --CIA' lumi-
naries as Dr; Sidney Gottlieb,
head of the Chemical Division
of' the Technical -Services Di
vision and the man `who ran
MK'.ULTRA, and -Di-'Robert
V. Lashbrook, . a CI,',chemist ,
who:-worked with. LSD. Other
and Stanley Lovell Appr6ved
tion post."
It was an L-shaped apartment with -
a beautiful view of San Francisco Bay.
and White, who kept pitchers of
chilled martinis in the refrigerator, .
also had photos of manacled women
being tortured and whipped.. `
"We were contacted by George
White." Jones said in an interview. ,it
was 'a combined project of the CIA
and Bureau of Narcotics ... It was
always referred ko as the pad, never
the apartment, and was modeled after
Playboy magazine, 1955 ... -I heard.
about prostitutes. Feldman had ac-
quired three or four to set himself up.
with cover."
White's diaries indicate that Gott-
lieb continued to visit, flying out from
Washington several times a year at
least until 1961. Another visitor was
John Gittinger, a CIA psychologist
who testified last month before Sen-
ate, investigative committees that he
met with "Morgan, Hal1't on numerous
occasions:,Ao. - interview prostitutes
about: their-drug and'sex habits.: _
White 'retired from- the bureau in'-
1965 and, became the fire marshal" at'
Stinson Beach, a resort area in ;Mlarin '
County,.:. north . of^ ? San Francisco.
Among his -papers- is .a Sept. 30, 1970,
chief-of the_deparknient:=of.:psychiatrgr.
Berkeley. He 'told Poweelson that h
had worked for a "rather obscure de-
partment of the government (that
would like to remain obscure).".
That obscure department, " White
wrote, "was then interested in obtain- I
ing some factual information and data
on the use and effect of various hallu-
cinogens, including marijuana, tetra-
hydrocannabinol and..tbe'then brand-
new LSD. Tests were made under
both clinical and nondlinical' condi-
For Release 2001/12/05: CIA-RDP91- Q,,C)doR`j7un7mna.1
Approved For Release 2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000100110001-7
? .(U,J 7 /r'1f=
dent, tit
of the it
The d
By Bill , Il 1CZ Cif and John Jacobs The agency was also interested in shy' one
By ?_ .,:,e ...1,:.,t, ,..,., ..,-r.,,.f: research
~tia?m. 01 Y054 aLBii i?.nsess -
tiously be administered in drinks, and cite:
and George Washington University surreptitiously substance, ,~ thto be at 'would make it toward
for some of its top secret MKUL- "impossible for a man to perform any cal win,
TRA experiments in behavior con- physical activity whatsoever," use for
trol in the 1950s and 1960s, the The documents also referred to was fun
tests of a knockout drug, on termi- Fu
agency has informed both univer- Wally ill cancer patients at George- front n
The CIA also officially informed The documents say tiie university` tholog,ia
_1- tau~ht a
t_..._ TT
:.._ ?
periments. Georgetown's part in the sorted mind control experiments. terclay
A CIA spokesman said yesterday found
project had been previously reported
that the agency had located all but six ? the CI
but not officially confirmed.
aniest ducted
nd cam
0 i
ons a
e 8
The three local universities were involved in IIKULTRA. "The -others' has be
among 80 private and public institu- no longer exist," said the spokesman,1 chickte
18 August 1977
had played parts-some wittingly, of the institutions or firms involved. i poenae u, is suit' w7epL. ue ivie It
some not-in the MKULTRA tests. None of the three Washington-arca Senate 'subcommittee investigating
In a related development, the C41 universities notified could themselves the MKLLTR1 program.
yesterday made publi' under the supply details of the types of MKUL- ~1. long description of the proposed
Freedom of Information Act an adcU- TR:1 experiments in? which they were Georgetown facility suggested that -
tional 1,760 pages of documents per- 'involved. However, spokesmen for all "human patients " and volunteers"
taming to MEULTR.A behavior con- three said they would take advantage; would be available for experimental
trol experiments. of a CIA offer to supply additional de- purposes. It said the agency could
These documents show that many tails on request. "recruit new scientific -personnel" at
high-ranking agency officials 'knew " In its letter to University of Mary-i the- medical center, because agents-
and approved at least the Georgetown land President Wilson' H.- Eikins;< working under cover there v,ould'be
part of- the mind control program, in- which arrived ' last Friday, the CIA.; in daily contact with the graduate
eluding then-CIA Director Allen said: "While we recognize this may be school." The identity of the school
Dulles and senior aides Richard 1 L unwelcome. news. we believe we have: was censored in the documents. - ?
Bissell Jr., C. P. Cabell, Lyman Dirk- an obligation to advise you of this fact To further its interest in producing
Patrick, Lawrence Houston and Rich- [3IKULTRA participation] so that yoti stress through chemical means; the
s'rd Helms. Helms later became CIA may initiate such action as you deem I CI-k also proposed studying chemical
director. necessary to protect the interests o#~ ?
r patients."
our iiniversit agents on "advanced cance
The documents show. that among Sun the letters o,E notification, the These means included a "I%" orl:noci:
t:hirgs tested at Georgetown were sub .~;.~ noted that in some cases the' out drug, which one memo-writer de-
stances to promote "illo'ical thinking x 1 ULTR:i institutions were aware of scribed as a "good ?dickey Finn:"
and impulsiveness to the point where ? their participation in the program and` Another 1lIK-ULTRA project sought
the recipient would be discredited in e en understand "toxic delirium, urcmic
public," and substances to promote had been while the experiments were
and prevent "the intoxicating effect of taking place. coma and cerebral toxicity from poi-
Elkins, who has headed Maryland soning." Toward that 'end, chemical
alcohol." since 1954, declined to comment yes-. compounds were administered to can-
Another reference in the documents terday on whether- he 'knew' of the; cer patients and to at least four diabe-
is to "substances which will produce IL IKULTRA experiments. Lloyd H. Et-' tic patients, with plans for more tests
'pure' euphoria with no subsequent let- aiott, who' has lteaddd ' George Nash- I .to "study the effect on mental funs-'
down;" a-type of permanent high - - !
Ap}sro'Vdd'FF6 U%ag g
~10 ~ '~ ~C1~?tF2f T=D09II'[ b00I-7
Approved For Release 2001/12/05ZgCI lpp -00901R00010011
T Pffo Km Castr
Approved For Release 2001/12/05 : CIA-RDP91-00901 R000100110001-7
Re~ftorf .Dulles Knew
ing to shut it off, The News learned today.
on a plot to kill Cuban Premier Fidel Castro and did noth
Dulles was briefed in advance in 196
Director Allen \V
In another CIA-related matter, Intelligence Committee ton prow.
that not President or Cabinet
member was involved.'
CIA sources have. told The
News that both Dulles and his
top aide, Air Force General C.P.
Cabell, were briefed by Richard
Bissell, who was then the chief
.of the agency's clandestine sexes
The plot was to poson Cstro.
Dulles, who was the brother of
the late Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles, is the highest
CIA official to have been direct-
ly linked to the abortive 1961
assassination. plan. He also may
be the highest member of the
government tied to the grogram
when a report by the Senate
Intelligence Committee conies
out next month. Sen. Frank
Church (-Idaho), the. chairman
of the committee, has contended
July 23 (News Bureau) ?- The late C1
smuggled 100 pounds of opium
into the U.S. but was not prose-
Subcommittee investigators
have said that Petersen shoves
little enthusiasm-for prosecuting
the nian after. CIA officials
argued that, their operations
would be compromised. U.S.
Attorney James Thompson in
Chicago dropped the prosecution.
In another development, Henry
Dearborn, who was the U.S. con-
sul in the Dominican Republic in
1961 when Dominican leader Ra-
fael Trujillo was assassinated,