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04Y.6502) ~606 I (S ANO AU'TOMAT I CCONTROL, BY 10 41 A,'TLZI ILUVi 17 PP. ssil PERp PRIRODA~ NO 11 1 ~62) PP 27-34. JPRS 14152 1,11 SC) CYBERNETICS Oct;6: a of U6 ObwoMbwnw of bt the *P- I A Ittes bV the hiftdont by No No A*ri"as to Joe I %tt Ak ad *A* imas i 6 0*4 fij-". -1171 ;1.00 7~Ltlvc laftwIrAticc of Patients witb in tho at of By N. ff. Trapezaik-ov, 4 or$ Yoprogy ookologii, Vol V~ no pp Wo It the $4tablMmot. Rho sm.0I ac b7 S'p. 19 kh '.'b (I oul ikc Jun Cal 1 1 A lid lt~ 4 ameti4m in the Imstitute IdIallico, by V. A. Vol )~Xv,, ~Y6 i:T I A DIAUT"-IC CUNTRDLI X CY RA ~,N'I'KOV) Nu $~sA AK HAUK SSSR,j VOL XYXIlp NO 5 P 33- E. !JPIRS 17227 CDC, I I S6 JAN 22v')3~3 InVds6 soltitic Absorpt RUSS,lkN No 84 kug 62 io by gr, J94 i the Binding Forces in Ni-Mo Solid s,erying tho Fine Sthicture of the tral by ~V. 1&. Tra2e:mikov, 3 pp. z A NaA 8iSSRO Ser.Fiz, Vol XXV, r.TT 2140551 ~ 1--62- 28107 A M tw I I NSIT~ 91 6TH NIOUE R DI LE 13 1 T ii V A ~~ I 4 A A . f)v. . ripczti . . I Df A I" ) i ;J t %T; IR !FINE ()RS PECTRES , 11. CNRS-X 517 D tbb Had Oad 11 ION jecm a RAY S - X (Doi tirminatlon of )bnsI frot~lthc vineStructuro III. Centre N~iticlwil de la 140it-r- Park. " i ra L s sor TIN 7 9r 0. cNKS4 517. r3 V -0 d r f O a r Nit. ~0. 8( T17-62-28107 r rianii1. 1 -A ka if a Waul SSSR. izvestlyn. sc~Wa P it beqjt ' a 195 v. no. Im, p..582-585. i 1 D Fk, R ~S, Wtv.atuivsts. X-Tav )r ri1y abf;i. " L- aIf 1 i 1 =u Pe"; I frs tIon* Moctronti, w yo ", 1 , SIC$ iph ectroo o0y, TT, v. 111, m~. 6) CO." t1le J)evajoWivit Aul"CriatiCElp Y Trap 4 pp. np Jill 1960, Oovittwkaya Avlat"iya, 1,4 p ails ~411 Dellk,dr ~l Llatlaof ~tbe Radial Electron nensl~-.v ;.ro4ii th(- : F-11~' Bt';: J~tu~e of X-ftay Abomption S'per-111'rn ', by V. A 0, t. a PM-81.111~1 110tI TZ Ak tilmV, SEIIIIIR l3j~r F:I,;, rz~~ 911i lip CoUjt6bia Tech ',,V plug gel frln~!Ipleu~ for Auttmtlus by V. A., TmViezOltov) q Veiit A4 Nauk ~Mh, NO 4?RS-954-D 000 by V: 19519p, act 6 ILUO Chraml4m Of all;b Purity., A, 1. Poinowny.. V, A. pp r PrIk Xldz# Vol )UMIt So Up 9 7 (SP - 1003) A40 4oi~~ M ldankludk by V. A, Trapamikov, ......... ........ iftOOMl,,a:bv6IW* GaZlbta, P-9 JVn 156), JM 4M let :g Uoo of JwUmuns tho Trawition I'm tw Brittle &Wta to tile HUI qw, a, po zhazmrocbnp PT MA 6,11-16,5174 W.., 621 ho pla, $triwtmn of X-I%V Adzcxp'u,.Ia!t by vo Aro fftprjdkav,, 7 pp. MOO" &Tug b7 V. A. P~ad ink wim W23.20 a AND T-TO-Tu* 41 oc tot 140609 at Automile 10 TO& tlon" Y- Uf~D. oil to to 31 LITMAWV6 V'*l X'U', NO .1952., C~-" Tr Scb No 8e ~ic ectr tcal Ali um JlppMtue of the wwtv cmtmi A, Dp 'bantsell V. A. su Vol Igo.$) *194 swim girl, S t1id ~f tt Forces iln! Solid Solutions of Iron and Moly On om I the Fi~e Structure of X-Ray Abaorp- tlot ,~J~ec IM, by V. A. Trapemikov xx Sf. A. Nemnonov. RUSS :AlOt 1*1 ill, Mike *tallov i Metalovedenie Vol ~P56 1~ PP, 314-320. Brutcher~~ Tr 40-1'19 48-85 d IS7 Sci by b ii 0, s mar 4WWL~T401 the byl lit 00k$ N* 1,9 lg%p CUMIDA-U3 71 Aut t L~ ld~, by V. A. Trapeznikov., I~Iroil Z. ri~ al 5 Rus'. Pei, 0, 110 i96DO PP 12-13- ms 497f; odt & t , lin Dowelo"Wat Of uchn4ce I l tdvmtrlal Useso by 1 30 ! ppo ip u I m CVqVW U-AA76 0 4cl CY81IR TIC., i~ THE SERVI 4E CE OF VAN, BY ADI iNIKOVp 7 PP- I 6~ SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA, 10 JUL IC1621 p JPRS 15051' S cl MIS( SEP 6 2~ d1i'l Vol . ..... I.:L 9'i 195)429 Main "tnkotul,wi a" ~I-w lie B, L I' y 1, V. 0. 71. S; iii-tre-1w Dolk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol U.M., TIP Nnor Inst of PhyG Vol 11" Nn pb:ol. too j 158111 n (A Sa P-.. r 0 OdMtd" iA BMWXIUM ActiVuted id~ ranovwroo by z. A. e%emibm, Pft Is Ak Unt amp fwrr nzp Vol I= 11 13D6 IZWO Oobi*deL TwI 7i. Sal Feb sim t :L P~Opetio's of Nov Rare Barth-Activated anikora.,, u by Z. A. is : 4 RLISS14 es ~ok Ak Xw* SSSR,p Sec,, Vol CVI, Amer Inst of Pbys Sov Pbys Vol I, go 1 sell --i ID z R u :1 r of ~I i WlAttona With the Aid of Omni t i# by V, V. Antonav- 4w T. S. Poroohinav lotlo bko Coutemace of the Acad of8cl ot the 6he PeaW4 Man of Atomic Energy,, 1-5 Jul 69ion of thb Div of )"ico-)4%themtical B OPO 259 %UM*tlrl Stt tor $350-00 HMpb4)rsp by Z. A. 71 A Otok vol CU/MD/X-1144 Ausinus fbeeva saring in ~ip polveo b~ ae 119awt cootiou" mating 'pr Id an by Q - 2ra I" .......... Alto 1 1"01 Vol %is ;j Vp 139-150. Bit "blo WboMtorhtso LtI. Tr BJM-Ii~-55 10.11 4 rary colls-tyuction fill the j7rk)ol) zolp 95112) 30 83j, Dee 1946., U -3 A 7,2 rkpx JIM Dun, 11 1 )a,~i Supply, 4ttd tvacustion,, IV XALL'It! 11 (n, 405113). .1 XI IFI 10a. ~er EAMcILUY, Vol VtII, No 66, Mar 1947, ID OBUBA ?-k%697 i !SP ti 1,0A, I.Y Aug 52 MAU Z "MILI'll r, ho tic! SSep 1r46,. pp 13) C"! U S AF-67, VITO 61AIlin tral ing Oct, 542 C,."L,-)/l ~jp U66. t 4'Suorid World Var, by 44~44 pp 9-12; (b) Noun- hei by Infantry liaJor 1 1:49 13-22. (n)-815903) 0 1a 0 OP *0 me IE R 9 Xib NO 135, Apr 1951, 1 At 4 *iD GOUSA IP-6528 A, B 14 1& 52 CIS DEX New Ca I dI~Wbssas I~Vaving metal ions, Espocl ~L jRarO Mirth~, Tbair EfTeet on Cell Prode6 b$ 43 P.P0 rp Znawttel~FOrs*huzN9s Vol IX, 1959t A90 Tr AW, 60 ry]Ati hu P m,: H. Tr r8 Arcb f of Coenzyms by Metal 101asp ann,, 10 pp. armax, Vol XXVIt 195619 NiR Tr ic)-6 j~ 6'~3-6' i ih ff Cost Iron U,-Aer Inpaot L ~e by. 16hb~rg, R. 0. Trapp.__ 'Tun ILI iper, dit Olessaraij Vol XLV11p BOMA 992 40 aii e I' a 3u a tidn 6f Iliveted Joints. llmra (x].e' J10 ~ograph. ODC 246h. Sci Inf o Ser ~'Panada. 1 Jan l9c~l List, Status of 1)-alls. Thd ~e )4 atl lof 1, Biolog 'cal Pats Frm Their a aliliktuits the Use of of Adsorption ~tt ~e~orti ,'Ile Eluot)7opic Series of S4 *,i; T, GM,M] I erjl iochon Z, Vol cccv, 19140, pp 1,','0 - 161. Am n.- lo45 IP I mi rIv Doe 1951 CTS ---------- 336 $cien- idic of Bibli lwhem;z Ocal Fats Prom Their Uptural Adsorption Colums - 2id Upid-Prattions Devoid of by W. Trap Vol cccvi, 194o, pl) 316 "'he ast* Aw lo44 Dec 1951CM 'epa'4 ~ ~Ie V15i t eel! Ttr e, 3 pp Sc Bil A-p ~957' dot, of Bid,logiftl FatO FrOm thf-d'r R&turaJ- wane 'of Adeorptiah Columns, by Wolfgang PPO j Dicn.,hemische Zeitachrift, Vol CCCV# o-i6i, 13MO -60,r) $.L.A. Tr 737/195v) dex "All ~,r?j tho lin(. jj 9" 7T ol EMU '645 65 DEW MORS-11C L**--M OCUMAIIC ROWTS (V ARIn- I TWCOO CULIVASS (19621 Loo K-HJMb me _Iow*wl GbWb(pik kod) &- IA4wuelw Ubd "Ill. (Austria) t9= T. 4, m t. c wMars. emlloitial pmapim- bmkivalcm. TT, Y. ~9, m 1) 62-22W5 I Tramemboorl, It. 2: K-H-3M-b m Xrop-Hockersdoce LibraryAssociam. Dural, VjdL 0 10,61hod 6rdm IN 1: oo. Jv Lice or Prog6sterone on tba Excretion of tr~ fa Oorwws; in the UtIne of Women Cutaide al usppmmv lo pp. I Aftbf.GaNE".*j Vol CUDIP 19400 pp (fity-51-71) StImlation of Thrombopoiceiv WI-th AAer thin Bf fact of Ionizing W,11.atiou, 6 polrl Nadi% NA1011, lo 80 1960. JM 7198 Fe!a LA res Optliatim Rdeeption ixt a Pulsed SiMal ati ~Oae,' :Lpt~nce Tr8poapheric, Pmnagation of I by Yu.~ G.~ Tratas',~ 5 pp. IIUS 41-1, E!tr, ltadiotekb i Blek 140 3 XFY~E 4kl?r MUC contro.", by V. Ai?:t the P). -Ya. pp Sci jui 6ri oll ~ihe 0 cir ummi, Arseritc, qnd Iron bi Utia Lious Chlorlxle,,~ bj D. 1A. CulzIlIkOv. 13. tx4l J44.)MI. 3 'PP- J~cr,!! Mi;Lr Prik l0tim, Vol :Mll,. lb 6. 1959, C13 umdor the "loo 7 IQ I a Tievri'O i ~i Vol IA iill Mir Ii Mot ii Vf XM,'[ i?rcdactfom O)IV POOd ~,rvbictm as In - 1~?61, PI) 1.91TJ 1980 J%j. JFBS iot4u.!~ /IN J~,?'~/ u do mlloroikl"t M. 3r. AO A. mwlykll D* A ftuk BMp Vol tl D,-; - 2 c, klomtribution to Ejucjcjat-.~n_g IA 0 by F. n-71 part, Roi~hojrjs~.- 1. f t 15 Imy 1957, Tq us dill -A I 1~41. Z, t~ia rp N t, tei Axk(,r Aai~a5b)8wijle trystipclar,, WW, Absorbed l4c4ne$'~ bk E. Tratib, Ull Office 111tem jaz" Silzoo`v, Vol Mil, Anoc Toch Sr--.t-v ZT, ,I. ~II it 4t ft*alu) run we VOL to ft 32', to 52 OWM 6f spi the Aut4pu qv 0t vivo of axesoma-muth Di 0t,04, %com., s2votoir Dbbwp Dr I lub :r voi ip so 60 19k6$ lip' SM4.5) (;rA/M/X-786 53 M ! s r lyait6 ' , 01- 1 L! MUN 11 JNDAll-IM !OF ACME V Traub, 11. 1 mu* 'll GAN G Wlk MkiSiRtLAS rm (COZ Ant 69DOATH ~VAC('INCS. I l ,det, fri)6 S A I ai K:( :( ans. trom I )PY ~i q:11r I %imlerinot ~wn I Wfizin)(La ~r m0l, 948, no. 7, p. 121-127. , 1 t 2141 11 on, 1111tholop., I&C I~Iewa I u I WiCulwiv Oal H 4131101y, 17, 0,~Iltl. 4) 0mcs of T"60col sm-ic *I of Ivmh(mt-=j.F; in t.WU ate ~ I I ,byJ ~21 pp. Zmtftlbl att tuor BW,-tarioIwie, 0 i~md Vol pp tr 91 ~6 of Oulum Pig t ja din. ojp in rodtoaW-Moutb DWMep 11haso Rod, lg=p 22 pp. 3A a the Vortical mossierjume,, Vol 120 Ito 1/a, 9*,,r Sta Tr 40-4 L loom 3*mr.1 ,,,Mar 4 hrctrCenber Library ~&111 ~i at ~taj -I rju be and I a st, SlAr-fojV. I 8~J-P ID ON AND WAIA, tAYI--R st 16S LA 62-16454 1001 IAA iv%'Vl, P. IM-1=1 PL---~c 0 n S. ol ~,Ctlkln. Sllrflil~e Imislon, 11 Y. PI Id bow. ry~ Pily# 1r V. 1(~' 6) k 6r x6sw ra it vatm of awawr %at :ftwwAmo So 7/80 hhi IMV ft for X-RWS., by vk~oi~aigo ZO V(L-L XXn., So 12, 1921., AIV IF Tx,-ak5 ?Roe RTr 00 TRIVALWr IRON WUM 11%413p owir M%l oir Mr. $1. 10' W414-1=1 11. 19) L Tra" w. L htm (Ommy) A" 32 Wow of Tq*m4"T ow"m MViRATI(W O~ TUVALwr L T $00~ 7T44-tomi 39, ~ A ?My 35, 1 SV S& 1, 19) of Alip~atlc JUnino P.&I FolylVdroxy W. rp Der Deutich Chern Goo) -Y-03 MIII, pp 01 YJ-XVm PO 3141-3145v 119 84L.It" Tr "1 19/3-955 I I 'It it ll~l 1UNJ ~,Cllltl*l vwtor ' * ' )ES 0 C-AbG3UN: W) IV. F omr 11mul v 1 1"!l! 1,91). 91rds. :U.- UL-W, tlr~OLI:110rj $I, N) 63- IMS1 jOll". ll~clwj 1~-,rlcliw (C61my) 192 1. V. 54, A 1410.,l oCalolun) ivil"wa, Physicul prqx4rdes, Colors, .01 1, 1, - ilpsi$ OiNtivoolk Containing cowounds a ot Hiiiii4l!'Oxid*6 Oy Wilhelm Tnt6s. r2omlie Vol 300,0 18980 diw SIA 1464~, 064' All 6 M6oOOO 'W"Ill fife J4! Ci rCU-sillcoll Sil~[.ilo C J" 'uc r I .3 i p by Ube otr Loa&itudinal Fluage KWs; Ifol Vlllo go 11, 1955s, : i i I i i ~O; a ~ 0 AL ' i. ~ ~ magimorba; Fwlo Toeb md Cam Tr i-11 -5z AL Of" rprotation !of Corrwicx, Frc..,asacr 0-conovi and'on the Potential of Iti.xv-1 by C. WaSher, 11, Traud, Nnr E-elkt,",chre, Ve%l XI Ev pp MIT Uncoln Lmb RA'U,C 2;'~ a~'d 6'the a. Use of hyaluronidase in m I i~ tction e4e6'troca Idiographic study. rcliols tdibl. ~(I-J):1-6 (.1960) (INSDOC/T. I o C14 r ro 0001, cl ?c s fti r, :1 df Xtim'~Mchemiefil Partial P.-vocosses W1 ml or R-Ixea Uectr-Aefj, 1w, Fr. C. InICLASOPIED 010:1 FICIttroch=Lco Vol KLI11p No 7. I-938o MrP Lincoln, L-mb