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Alcotala by "lleriml Tc~"CLT.Malltl 1-1,,~A Ylio, Vol IDV-~~ i, 2, ConsiAl'..4into rtoxot~iu cm I~aullmritll~m -xt Biomatter synthasia i~ (ii) tbw allr411100 IbUnaa During Aerdbio ajolxWA~tU4x or, 4wave 1&14 *-alone 1.w vast, by 1PI, A,, OCT-Mrapstyan, 4 pp. ~j..d ....... 11.111".....-1-I 1 1-1 1 TrZMNp too porl Dot Ah naul: 113=, ol VIFf V.o 5t'lli vp 91.5-918. 57 ~Iuuwv~ 14, TAWIOV&,p L, Nes and BEHUZIXWp L, Dev Inot 16f "'"ad Sci US Sit jmriva~t is 0 Mostyleno. lU9* &,,rnthesis of Polyoye- w0o FielaUd to tin Steroids. VI. Cam- ill, 'lot 0 Plate of an laciner of 15A6tbjyl&udroa+,en-3,, rt-Mciinlol~ithlis Mothyloyclamntwm B Rlmg Dar MOO Vol XXv No 4v IY,50 (Apr),, pp 697- 706 C*NM).t Ihilftau Trmelation of 15he Tbaorf Oi A,. 14. Ter-y, lf *v.N DOI, 1>619 AI. 3auk SISSR, Vol C"Klyi, f(O Amr lost af 1~wje Val I'll, No 2 P61;! --4:; ;auxio'lia j:~j A. If,. I~r, Pro: matommt Ipp I~avoo I..1ti'le-ii In Ter 42:3 1,.;). i A9,kh, 'Vol. XYTV, No A' W"o veatind G"eel Tor IZSH, ailt6vl, 6 2., PP 37 1952. Irou and Clkliel no 46o lent if to il. I-Im-111iImAtinerals 1! 1 ron 010 stll!il~ I - t-cjs L I tIA'a C nufl 13 ATLIM,j, ~tQr., ~iblWlllilkjp Vol N04'M;., NO 5: w0 Mill i55 by POUS jYP 2 a 3 of :1 Applying a IN* 0 I,Th* ow"t ]mb asificatiou ire o Oki. it 14~0 iholik Q2$ Jul AWAted Top Gas Frm Hast Foram" Our, of its operatiml, vol 290 go 60 19620 306o478 to a Litlaid U, Gzavski. #Vol IS# lio 40 li)bZ,, e,- ke- 532 '04b .a wil"'bw a IQA4 to 0 / (tv !Cusco %W ty,, fti"dv 0. GmAl. ftl "I so )*P w ~ ism Diu kip 0 AT-V I I I - 1 1. ~ . , I .., I " OF A.60NICMIT XWW4 0 0 4k,6.-Mk-A& axotumomm or *9 Wwd "" i0to by 36 (h lw-W~Lvf 3 Poe ~,, *,,Wt%WY i adolftamodwil lb 80 19"P 1 I i i *W 6koUO' ) i i "IJO i i I i 6k lull DOW Car Dwtenmbdn~~ Vic values It 'rest P ssuros of ~ktal Tubes,, 1 4 ru n ;~, Terlet jy L sk.U. i I rov;"c v S troi tell nol. T~GM Ad 0 Ilre ~r- 1XV] v 19 V,. 1527m). ~1131 i4,005 Pariudoxos An Vt., Sci jimh 07 Relativity Theory by Paradokft Teprii Otnasitel'upsti. Of PXIMIry PrOtOtU3) 1?,"TZ. P. Te r2 Vol x1ral ro lil! So SIyslg~iv Apr cm Is Ak R Wi.? w a L L* sr lg,-16x pp rr-H. ColuubJAK Tach T-r kndl 31, 2 Lib L'a. !ijkl *cbsulca of SystenD e):Vlul W, ib~umij i aud its 4.14icatiou. to Um 'ZcvW-,,, u-- of P=ticler,,, by 11. B. 7 vit. 4A.- TUFU~ W, lAw parp 1% AL, W.A. ssc.R2- 6.1. ar', ve,,.,I~ X)DG~ 1.40 fl~ 1955j-jp--6jlj-Z23. Columbla Tech Tr 57 TITS Arfill Rv. 5 Ylib Diffasiva an(t Accalaratlon of ChuXbvd Poxtic--Icr- in a 1*86tIM14 lateistalW Nedlum,, by A. A. Lop 2 Ive MR$ Ber Fit VO.1 XX~ ~D .1956, pp 252, 93. Oolumble Imth Tr Bel - "kTalglia i Apr M AVMU Hr 5 m e' 4Z1 AEC-tr 9(j). 4C:-1)~ Unc 1. CERTAIX PRORLEMS IN THE' MOTION OF A RARM'll 1) PLASMA 14A.'' MAGNETIC FIELD, Ya. P. Te. r 1 o ts Tra ii s la te d f rom Ifopro sy Ma 1"ll -i t G i d r() (A i.iI~iand;IIrd. -*- Dimanilki Plaznv, TrUdY koil I Akin d. thlouk Latv, S.S.R., Inst., Fiz., Rilca. C 11 NSA N- Aaa.19,4yatiijoi for tbat Diffunion in lUse S, occ roli~ Ilbalsl ar S)ztawi,,, by V. B. ftrplini irl-il PUIR)i IV-11,, ZhiT 3-Jurpor J. Tcoret I?'-=, v,, i Y"!:Vi r Amr Inst of 7hy5 SDV E'IIY&--,MV? ion: 60 "'r-ciple amd thw r,,:,. Cf TI AW; 11611'a'j, Vol 'Die amilm-~dlkiughoms Classif ication and the wout~cin WpQtb*sLsj by Ym. P. Terletakly. ITMX~Aq 4Vp Drok At Nauk SM,, Pb~ys See, Vol ik-VIII,, pi., .19i VP 236- Amor lust of PIWs Sov Plws lioklady" Vol I'o so 'I Be L iIphr~ Aw 57 00 batiou of Ocamic 140 bZt. TV llu.u~ rarto ~At Ion. LMI pit no*. Vol XLIVJ ITO 1/4'510 A., ~16-60, AM Tr U?97 PIWG ics J~m 52 CTS Da. -4 CLI ~ tne!~:Phyrjii Mewag of Negative Frolag,~Jlltlon~ Vigier, Ya. P, Terletskiyjlipp 41 f i r-ISS-S-14; per'o Zhar Mper i Tourct, FIz,, Vol XLI AV 80V Fbp-JM-p VOL XIII 1, Wi 2 SCI f"ciso DUTUA*n kution of Coulo P"tons In an UUrcteLlar Wdiva, 6 pp. Uwloo-w pw, Dok J& Vm& &M, Vol CIO AM t UML Tr W(L) Doi 56 1#5 Itatitis in orav Ollsow;sIon on bw IA. Terletukly;?. pp/ Vol perr Zhux- WPer L T'aoret Fi.zs 237- 1955 VP suviet, Mulco) Vol Ilp lio 57 %beory of the Nonlinear Fielidj 'by 4 pp. 1:71m,al'i4q, Dok AIL Kskuk =u., VOI.A=U1, 3, voi. Y, no 4 aA the ~;Ccund i--'r of by Ya. 4 Dalt IR Iliwi: WWI Val C)(;Ujlll AIT :54yv fIva- j)OIaC6CI:! No 4. UT6C~UC WWMS In Spl~m NwoublustLan i~ C" Wscbarge Fl.avwa by H. V. Ko*mkov,, blw Var. Ilmr Mwpor i Teoret ria, 1,955, w ailt-876. AMC Tr 279 1,0 Ya. a r i TO 0 MBEI Php-J'SW VaL its m 3 1301 I.,mlamluits WD17 Tbvibry of Electron Motion In a Linear Betatron, Gutsunmyev, Ya.F. Te~-Istp~~iy, 6 pp. RUIZU1, per. Zbur TaW2 Fiz, 7-A `17XX, M; 5, lvilbl, pp /4-91, 496, A TP S07 5 S 1 t ti b~ of 4 PP Vol. pe) r Zhur Vp '129-734 - 5 195c -u-zr Tr,01, Of p - .,Ov Phy Vol, Vill' (31,),; 7 Acc(daratiou of Charred ParLiales by a MovinG Ma,,nkizad alieditms by A. A. Log=ovt )(i~- P. 10 Pp. RW~~UUII, bim perp Zh= 13wj22r i Teortt Fiz Vol tNi, 1,954, z) -129-1.117. ABC 2222 Colurkbia Tech TT 73/oct 19cr, .1, 0~ tbt 1.1110."Ct= 4cou4.t!c6j Wmot:b L4 u Gaseous M II PI amp by K. V. 1%*mWUkvvp Ya. P. 40,, pogr.. Zbur Mmper I Teont FIz.# Vol py 1:9; qi~~e X0 169 12A69a (76*Cdw) SyaWm and Its of Mkiltip Production, tw.~ t)x? Tbeory Le b,ir Y. B IJ *ZS3 i DRUY, ya -P- Tiarlotski~, 5 I)P- M910IM11i bim per, Zhw Eksp(kr i Teoret Piz, Vol J44, 19515i.j. pp 151-157. ciA (,, .41-569 A-4 Amaelcan Inst of Physics -leatillila - PbpIcs 56 (M/d" n=., n S4 Planation of the mlbciplw of the Spaua heol Y of B03stIvityo by Ira. P. Terietakly, A pp. IRUSSiMff, MD PW, vop luollarii, lio mooncw, t5lt 9074a2. gai 3L-d An I~Lnvastlo~lou of Peaticle-Like Salutionz of, ~i3 NonlLnA& Scalar 71.101d Hq=tiou., by V - D I's 2. Lariuats r. wr"~l';rjlj.V S. 1.7. phur 4 pp. lug# p"# Zb& or i T*amt Pit; 110 2WO v1p pp f5e-457. Amu Lwt of fts Sov My$ - JW 701 vm(35),, lo 2 Yri. P. -crletskiy- llc:'C Tr of CiAting Fluid in High-BWed Counterboring of Ircmil, by T. F. Terlikm. RUI;SlUp 1~wp Vestnik Nwhimstroaniya., o pp 59-61. Druiwher Tr No Dw 54 M /M Vol X=IIj. 3158 14,733 $3.75 Accompanyin the Stmlteneouo FloV of Gases 9 pp. S# V.. A,_ J,e DUMB,, Ingeniew (UtrecIrt), Vol TIV, 1939; r~i 5 -29 AM-tr-1753 Ungiveering iatwill of Itadistiort Sofoty in ti%o storage and 6spp, tuttem of Radi"etivil Isotoj3esg by r.Am* $IAX,~ ~bko, X911ro*y lumLiats:kq=o saw asagati p aol~j.wa AoRa jc "iC3 4-.%U4jj 'Ici uf Al clau$mdon of 113A by the Sidn and Hab-a of A IiMl~ AW U&N by A. Y&, Lashak, V.1orman. m, 10io pwo HvWI ga !-LMqLjM2Q6 Vol LVIv L N 121,19631, pp 40-W. P TIS 24704 Alin 64 2:59,788 (;.I~Lslaifl6atiun of Radlometric lnw~ruranto, b-y R. V. 4 ply - ,A C. ~yj A. V. Tenum) Ull: IA?T J e.-,, Medit. fladiolog, 'Jcl V, Ra 3, 1' Oc-t 60 Jbc .4,plicatlon o1' Radioac-ldve Inclicators for llc-,3tzarch, by A. V. 14 pp. RU,91131AN,, pey, Medit 2adiol.Gg, Vc,.~ V, Nu 3, I()bJ- JIIRS 51A, 5"i Oct and Ug VO:L C:04cialu,l of the Itt Book by N. SkMtj R) GrOoka., H.1 Fuhw,,!~ "The ladlolagical Does to Penons in 't 01141 O-K- 40 to Debris frcm Nutclear T*ot ftlosions prioir~ to Ilanum 19560" by A. V. Termw;. 2 pp. RUM$ ITANg pert *dit Radiolago Vol 1T., so 62 -1959- ina M3 O(It 60 tuel lif Riv,,11oactive Tracers lz 'P-,pTicr-c "UMS"VAP 0 aig i amna No 104 1956, 46-1). OM 12 37-8 loll lic,;ions oT PercarJoria c 1 ! 1) e roxy d I c art) u nae of Ztair C)bs',-4cl,, Idlin) Vol Xal, c h; sc 1-4 10 3 9 at mwwo Amboat oweamts hk W , 'Jobtrw* r*xro AW F-Jr-1-74W#4 ,,,AI I , t,!'A0**h I I i Stli6mbold of 0 IVO TAIA'AN, I~jq-r, Ir Via 3,-70&~,. ftu mo the Arab Iforld,, by J. Temant, ftl Ylonao Vol XZZ Nu 1959.~ (L.Y65, Itma TO AW, 141 I ob qmationa!for the Speetral ftictims of Marged Pions,, 'Y~a z t ,Y A.!~ 81monov, K, A. Tor4krtirosyau, 4 pp. *rj Zim gkqwr 1 7~Kmt rizp voillLo so 4, 191~1 U79-1178. UP Sm Pbp - JRV Val nuo lb 4 Sol "m an -.1U10 1 Rc~n-iL'Ctl= Of Radlation by the Sea, by romlvs~lyevij N. Ye. tLernMait"ntal 10 pp. POk) TkheMo .2 WWd Lenin Gosud No 2.10i. sevd;rit saao X0 92 1956o pp 47-56, sci -c Sep 859 B- Ya. U, wing, L%'SdW'tm DQ*wa at ~Ca' by 1 N4 U. L. Griw iANO RO LAN, per, T"dx 0u 9wz (Uwrvat Imeni No 152,19&4 pp 190-12S. 9DT340 for t4a xmielu'um Puar-ticiv:. b,.y K, A., Tigr-Y.-iTtirop-mn pox, thim, Rkapor -L 1'01~ar -Ool xj~X.-.'X 3 1 1960, AIP Soviet f1bys -.,MTP Val IT!, iiO HUSSIOWi, iiia per, ?,I= HkDpar t Yo.,.~ No 41t *w 195711, pp (67..-';k), T'03. Bel, o Jan 51) lncci~fttib IW of the Conditions of Amlyticity and in tbe Lee NoUlp by K. A. ?or or I Tearet pis$ Vol -1009. bwr Int of Mp Jw ft x m O(lluo), xo 4 elv-y, s,"Aut of the Problem of t'". Motion of Three On Ile in tb 0 .1 UmIting Caw of Shortrange Forcen, . I oup by 10. V", &Aornlakovj 9. A. NrAutirorlarj' 4 pp. RL4*IAN jj per, Dak Ak 1buk SSBRr Pbys Sac~ Vol Mt ND 31 425- Amer Inst of Phyu Sov Pho "IDuklay" Vol 1, No 1 Oct - Aut 57 ()n tbe Sbimpe of Alpba-Active Nuclei , by I L. ~~. GolVdin, 0. 1. Nmrikove, K. A. PP. zlm,%,,rr, zhur jocej*x i Tooret Iriz.. Ol ~9 .12-516. wo 2 1959 y pp 5 Amr Imt of ftyLi Sov Phys - JMT isepb ~59 i ;- - - Nuclei by the Coulcob FLOM Of Vus4od Pnjvij~txleo, by X. A. Tessa rtJ.rQ8.vaD, 13 PP. SH Vo I "1:12t 'Ifo 3r'1952., pp 284-296. Navy Tr 918/IRPL 457 Pbyvicm Dom 53 LVS/= 7 Solution cif Equw lons of the 'r,*iT,--;MrttTvsyan,, 5 pp. per, Zhur Eks i Teoret Fir, Vol xyxl~ No 5 (11). 1960) pp IMI-109. AIP BovIlLet ?hys - JETII Vol XII p No 5 Sol Jul, ~61 )Ujoih Dt6ay of NOM$pherteal Miclai t by G. 14, A41DI*'aca-*eIFkII' A. P. Dirzipa A. D., pilit, ir. Jail 12 pp. ~ L. L, Gol ail- ipar Umr Xkxpr I tpr,,rvt IM, Vol XX'IV*, Amer Inst of Phr. sov fty*-Jvzp Vol vm(35), No 1 59 61, 19 0 a-r" / on 1pu,-~cj3trm X--,presentatlOu :Ul lvr~'LITIIIIVI XOr (in Arglamlow ],leas J~alfltion, Iri 0, y1. it. Tereiii;yev) K. A. Tier- m)Omlljjl~ pex.4 Zbw Mo 1) 1961f L?IWW- I Teorot lpiz~ 1q) ", KEP 807 P48 - alp Vol X111) 1k) 1 Fl;:"-, I-J C"I I, o4itwast urn cii E:rp,ar:Wl"'ntal Squipma for Aixtam�tjcaj.jy Welglilng j i f0v~der,y jxkgredicats for Rubber Sta--kji alt, tht, Ya.-Panlallf! Tyre W-Drkv,, by Y. W, KfAinov, A.- pr. MISIAMI, per Xftuchuk i Fesi'mas Vol Xlxo No 3,, Rea Amm of British Rubber Manu IlIcn, 60 P. Gv4~,j G. T"p P !MPH., Chirurgio ,~O:rj Jouml ftmnadu do lk Acine et jn.,~tciqll i3,p Viol X".Elp NO 'wo 1,958, x) t 3 V K.TH 12-41 IX" J c V pin L-1 V MIMS1.101', V, Al~. 14mik 1,10 :,I.~ 14UL" T-149 Uou to tbri lbm~ry ct )WltlpU Imil MU$j Ow MbqW I lla~ F15) Vbl X=j PP Agor but sor fts Tom Wil .4.59 Hioibnbrky Pboton Showerej, by 1. L. hosental', M.U Ter4-Nikseliau, and E. L. Feinbera, pp. F(U$S ~Ufi, jxa,, Dolt M, Vauk SSSR, Vol CIII., P 5 J."I ANC IT-r 2316 ~)Ll 40,41 SO. Nimleur Pbyulce ion of Awt Particles in an us by M. L. Ter4tikamlM, )4 PP. ~WS.IA'V, per, lk* Ak U* SM, 'ftl M=Tj ~O 1W.# PP 31B- ATP Sov Pbysi - Ddk Vol VO No 5 Apr 61 ls~ sai th-9 Umits of Appl- C;o 174, h of tn,~ of Toni uAl. -A 71 1-1~ Ft V: On lK " T Typo TIISSIA'11:1- per, .2,hur !Rmper i loorot Flib,, Vel 1-:1 l9e~) I pp 895 -9t)5, A 111 ,j - o ir Fiv Va J,6 X J 3 ~.~ " s- R011-SUll: blUm pirp Is Ak rAuk F R, Sr Fiy.., vol. lio 6o'3.955o 1:* 057-WR A-,Pl!. 57 chri Avell. IT lifts Rl~ 1'ftectij of 'Radintion In ~jy I", f~kuszl!L'mq,, 7,111,11, K'Ifmpf'~T, i 'T pp 113oviev Fl,!Y~j 1-~o Vol X t1 1 *;;u s c 1. im a tiethm-,.. IB 1, -Uhrice-no per, to 1 Thlll~ Y.P IT6 6,, 54p lip 1( E,'L,-iotd:i'iT':Lo AmtroacW Dci,' Sc"J. Iff. o T 14 0 I't J:~~J,Dd fCT llvahlatinL tho in tll.c 1'ireli'~ of Nvights iind Crosscis., L)v T, R Ter-Wli -acj:yj.L 10 pl, JPRS 2144f ci 0,.: 6 75 ll)rog.i~ariunlng of' Branching Proces-nec , by T. 1,11,1 Tor-Mikaely-an,. 41 pp, RIJSSJ~AX, A, Problomy Kibonietikk, No k)1 .196.1j, .11IRLl' '11448 ,.; c. j, ,~c t Ill."I I.2-~11) - I I (I on by 1. Air J,9 UC "I mv -a