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The ~ccslaratod Detection In "r w*d in Wwibiqp SurrowAings by Owns of by V- Ch~ #39M, V. B8314 immp 1i. Dudkovas of Vibrio Cc= Pmm W =ects Trrthe Pluoresceme HieroscoMp 1, lusnotsovap Le P-9 5 pp. HMMM) perp lZbur MI)m)biol lpidemiol t ImOndbialy Val WXo WO 10~ 195op pp 5p--56- Porpwn 1!=t Sel - Ned VIV ;P- '44r Jum, 59 0 // 61-199-N Chibrik(ro, E'. V aml A. A ~PORr!.';'PROM DEVONIAN AND OIDER I Ch&vikova, 1: V DEN)SI"'N OF 11,1~;IIKIRYA, oil ;a1c,l) (11 1 efs. Sw -m frow Ors 1:q MA $1.1 M I)aja ol III(- P.1 lat.-' till .1o)", :111d (1953- arxi m! out 1) v Ow ImOttre of Gcoloav oi tht.- Ba4liku lan bratich of tho Academy Of klenc','-s of the U!Nk. (K'mract) (E.arth Science.-Gt~ologv. 'rr, v. 7, n(i. 7) Office of 19choicel so~ic.s A Solut4cm or rdaman' a "ridary Value Prdblm f Or AUt*bftpblC FOA'W-ti*o In the Cue at Ormp Chwwterizol by Tvo I Invallionts, by 1. L Whdkove, pp. Mmszw~ ter,, D* Ak N&A 8133R.. Vol CXI.I, 101i IV 7-50. Amer Math Boo Sol Jun 62 ;I IK f.70 t bj V Alt Illauk SSTt, lbag~mW Evoludon it tM Portao Teime aind Structure Of Pitch Ctkeo by P%.Chk X, Deduit. FRI$ICII, per$ JOUVINVOUc Physiques Vol LxIll NO M 196% pp 382-M. t, 0 A. L'~.. sci-Chem Jun 65 Ad.,;orption o' Water Vaj)oiir and Yletlianol --)n CwCLs CEL--bonised aL DLPferent Te-mperat-i-.~?s. by P, ChJ,qjjp, S. Preiiermain. paper, Third Interriatimal 1 3 cience CDllrerence, Paper 2L,4. Proken Hill Provriet.ary C'o Ltd -353) Tj c),%, (11 63,14742 Pierre 7WRI51DYNAPACS OF ADsoRvnON. Pr. It. 119631 1. Qdche, P. 48p. 20 refs. Order from SLA. $4.60 63-14742 Tram. of )ou mal do Chimie Physique (France) 1962. v. 59, no. 4. p-M-411. DESC:RlrrORS: bAdsorption, 61'hermodynamics, Surface properties, Heat. Mathematical analysis, Entropy, Monornolecular films. Some typical patterns proposed for representing adsorp- tion Ownomervi In nwm- or multimolecular foyer sire studiml, accor4rig to whether the molecules are mobile or fkxctl on the surface of the adsorbent. Methods dt calculation from experimental dam. hindamemal quantities, hants and entmples. In pbrticular. are then A indioattd, (Author) (See also 63-14741) (Phylics-7bermodynamics, yr. V. 10, no. 5) On d lid" Won 63-1474i ,We. 6YNANI)CS OF ADSORYnoi4, PT. I. ji96:)j I. chiche. P. 501). 17 refs. Order from SLA $4.60 63-14741 Trans, 0 journal de Chimic Physique (France) 1962, Y. 59, ni). 4, p. 1175-393. DESCRIPrOILS: *Adsorption, OThermodynamics, Surface properties. Heat, Phase studies, Mathematical analysis. The form taken by the fundamental tWations of thernvo- dynamics In the presence of adsorption phenomena is indicatej. accorifing to whether or not the properties of the layer adsorbod itself are to be revealed. The hems releatied by adsorption under different operating con- ditions are then studied, showing In each Instance IN! role played by surfAce phtaomena proper. (Author) (Physics- -Thetwodynarnics. 17. v. 10, no. 5) The Erjidcn!~)Iogy oe tile .1.957 Tnflut.4nza Outbreak in th:,t,, Uz.1bek S. IS. 11-P b,,,? K, S. P. T. Chicheirila., Ifl. V. Nevaldy) 7 i)p. Russllvi$ plwy Zbtw Mikrcbiol Epi(Ir-v-i;,7 i Vol XY,-Y-j M.~ 9j 15,59'. pp 25-30. Pergamun 1114 7-~T sci.-Yied jLql 60 UD "P. e w jq O)r 6s 1559P Jan 6o (W-*7154) 'g GIAW FMIATIONS Of TH9 I ' pr BY As Is OL't No 06 CHIMINAt 46W* IX flojo lmilill.AW M PMWX#MTIICI I ANTAWIKI, ivis N, 4 ". i &M I Wto SO - GOMM " 62 10#743 'M 1"amirement of f.11side (;ones by instruments p by A RUSSIAN) pairj lzmeritel Tekhp '110 pp lwtrA.i Soc of AM'"- sci-i'llys o(-Pyridineemo Dyes., by A. R. Chichibabin. , HiSSIAN; perp Zhur Rueo Fiz Valm Obahchabstvap Vol Lp 192O.P PP 51P--519- Ameoc Teeb 8v $7-85 Tr RJ-818 Sci - Ch=istry J;J/ 7.~eI7 Aug 57 62-17885 C:Ll!cWl!a q, A. E. and Bukhol'ts, L. A. 11. 1196217p. 1. Chichibabin, A. F". Or&-t- f rom K. -H $H. "'D K-H 5398-a 11 . Bukhol'ts, L. A. I Ill. K-11-5399-a Trans. (if (Zlim-nal ()hshcli,2i )(himill (USSR) 1026, IV. 1, resgt- - I looker Science v. 50, 1). q8-552. Library Associ,ito,, 1)elloit, Mich. *Anwics, *Nicotinc. (Unannowncvd) Offl- .1 T-L.A-1 S-vi- Beuz(iatedlazo-6(-AminolVi,idiiaep by A. E. Chichibabin. R. Lo Persits. WSSXU, par, Mur ftes Fiz KhJLm Obahchestval Vol LVII.0 1925p pp 301-304. Assoc Tech 8v $!;,0o Tr RJ-819 601 - Che"Utrjr J-/' 17-j/sr- Aug 57 iliynd~u' by Moso d Acetylene. Preliminary Ropo ~ by A. Yo. Michibabi r- , t(Iss PIN* 1 Vol N, 13719#1 M3-713. *NAM TT P Applicatioas of "Retlulix" ~-g F~lrztloa Materi"-dut wA Clurchcu~, by A, G. 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RUSSIAN, K' DOKLADY "K VOP;iOS)' Pi',11"Eili.IYA SAI,lCq,',A~1*1:,%AIIVAYUSIICI-111,~iSYA SISTE,'~ DLYA iV,'TC::A- Upi J' "AVLE,'l YA, 20 PP. '-TD VF 2- i'l, S I - E 111 10 ~JIJL ~2 Autowticioamtra gyatm With ftolinear Foodbwk_v by V. K. Oh4obl=49&, 9 pp. Rmlw# w0 AbA=U Xouk Gmiuk* OM* Vol Us 110 To 1954,o P 459j, awl to no Feb 10. A mo Affm-mllo AF T175W 314 906 ptpl" my 36, M/M The coup3ax Im"atica of ALTentt Wpant by 6 ppe RWSIAlqp per, Aviatsiyu 1. Kbawonavtika, No 2, 1963, 9687P-1.3-Y 3 nM-ST-6#.P Sci - Amro Oct 63 q 1.1--tiv,id of Tr~vi!GWzatfng the li, Qsab,!,~Ctxud -to Plastic by Ro :C. A. T.. Chlch&Lm