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61-196M, Cherenkov. V- A "SA-MIRNLAN ItItOG" ARCKIND M EARTH. (196t 1 1. Title: Saturnian ring [121p' (LUSIA I Tr~i 1065. 1. Cherenkov, V Order frorn~(M or t3LA $1.60 61-196116 It. USASIA Tr-1065 Traos, fro-o 11yoln-!itatel't Ratelonalizator) (USSR) 1960, no. 2. DESCRIVI*ORS-. 'Ae;osols, OChmate. Wn, Rockets, *Temperaturtr control, *Communication systems It is proposed that Ow climate of the territory lying between 700 and qOI:N tat it tide could be warmed by creating an artificial ring of dust around the earth. 'Me ring wotild difluoe solar radiation and reflect part of the ep--rgy toward Ae earth. Calculations laditcate that a rixg a0proxinuitely 100-km wide at an altitude a' IODU to 15MIan wouid be required. The ring could be created oy wiial; roc$iets. The belt could be made to reflect light jand ftiieby illuminate the tarth) and/or offic* *I Y.'6k.l $~kv$ uwd for world*ide rAdio or TV broadcasupg. The (Earth Sciancitto - - hictleorology, IT, v. 6, no. 1) (over) som i ftto*talngl~ the AVWW ft*M Md Concentsatim : of hW,~tc* of a ftid FIM of.ftnd*ied PI a; by V. Ao C~~,p Os )fts 9"wk'PnOv- Bulamit PO-TT-64-9847 gal Doe A Mm.251 NCII-202 007 Field 6C. 2E Lhar-0010, A. N. T"WrECT OF C VRTAEN FOODS ON GASTIRC SECRHVO~ IN PIGN (Vityante Nekotorykh Plshchevykh VeshchestT! nA Zhehi4ochuuyu Sakretmiyu u wine). 1965, 6p. M-2140. Order froni Mi 100 os IMAM Trans. at Veterinal-41 Institut, Leningrsd. Sbomik Rabot (Vfk'4~) 05 p1:13-6 1953. Nations.1 Lending Library for Science Rzd Technology, Boston Spa (England) conjue,nt,--d q,,jvtc=. immur, Lauuence cf varic), Factura on Q4 Yield or Garanyl Miloride in the Reaction ot' kBogreae with Its Hy&voch1cr1dcs, by A. A. Patravo Kh. Vi Balliau, Yu. 1. Kberuze, Yu. Shmxta, L. L. Cbe"nkowj 8 I?p. RUSSM9 W,t Ehur Obahchal Xhim, Vol XXVT7.7, No 6., -75;58, -1435-1443. Concultaute bureau Sep TAI I,* I; - T--- co" r- 11.- 4 --r- and. T)mpeerties oi the Antivirctl Antibiotic; Violiv, in, by U-ME, D. M. T-4--c..11:htenbr:~G; A. S. lalo . .... ..... . . WSII.~UAN,j per, AntibiutikLp Vol 1!)741 PlqpsgzW,on of U:Ltl,' It, . L. (;' pp., bkp Dal'.U#-%Ve vej:ln, NoqCOVS 1958~ 110 :pr.. ATIC 104`3-010 ,del - x4actmics lilmr 59 Contolliporwl"'It ('04f.-OPT'D On ulo Proy-3-gation OT, metcr WrAvas I* oipivoralon in the by Yo, -pp. (jU~ 3-05080). 210 10,, 0-,t 1956, ,vxc Nov 5,f,.1 71. av Dev~.~ppmexkta in the Design of OM-Hearth Furtwces, siselh~lv.. C~,, Cb akh1w ,SIAN lper, (hcharkov) Stal., Vol ,[X., Nor, 49 5, 1939. Bmt(,.*Iior Tr No 903 Hin/M.0tals 11~5.30 (NY-3000) auasb Oonstrucddon of the :Eonaya Mitorgen- TwU3A%sr Pleat, W B. Lorin. 3. ChMI: oy, 6 pp. BIMSTAII, mp, So"t Utvu, 14 jan 1-962. 'ITM 1.30% am 11con blex 60 Biololgic4il Control of Agricultural and ForetOt POstse By A. 1. Cherepanov, 179 pp. RUSSiAN,~bk, Issledovaniya, po Biologich- eskoi~u 1,14todu -Bor 'by s Vreditelyam:V se~j- s OqO I L*snogo Rhozyaistva Woklady k_ siumu 17-20 noyabrya 19K~~.) 1964 CFSTI TT 68-50359 Sci/ Dec 69 397,514 YjivwUCt-;A-Acn oT of Cfm-Ala"L'l lblay Syntaim With br A. 1. 20 V , IV RUESVIT, pir, Im. YvaW-kb Vcheb Zave4 MViSW SSR.~ Raftlod"isp vai, vt va 5j, ig6g.. vp 989-997. Ms 3AR-~ smi I. not, lav Ill. 9. Ll kit ~.Lj 3 ~1~1:' ed Distrilhillf!(M, Lj.~jjj , (,,(~Ijqtant Prolong V t;J~Ly:rp Pl) J1 (TS! SYA.N .';'on " lt-'~ "'ft 0 1 ltaSUUtCLr Wil;h C(IrraCtiDg 849M !hV,-U- ndmry by A. 1. cherapauorj .r pp. RUSSTAN, per., Is Vy"hikli Ucbob Zmved 14VJBEO TlamftU %Aloflzo Vol V; Ilo 6., 3,t)6;,>j PP JMS 19316 Pol MIMI Alm 153 MP753 apmirig -the, Quality of Two-Position Control, by' T. Cho" IMIAN# perp Aytamt i TelmaMp Val X11p No 5? 958p -pp Vr.L-471~4. lastm Boo, of Amr 60 /// ~7 If d MWOB NA WIEN bY I- A* M* ( Of 17 pp. 01,40101 z.bur Pi M-14 Yxxvu U74-awis likA - Ll~fll mwr 65 1 F;W, CIP14CIAL USH ONLY 2650,635 "IMM MnAMW SMM WTH LMTMNIDE AND A C - 'TiNIWE~OKWM BY B. Q. TK8ffArXlY,, A* 04. 66r~o 15 PP. MIAN ~ PUtt VO VSES KNIN WSMo ND 6a 1961, W 61"18. 960* rrb-TT.Qw,*5 SO - CM juL Q W4,1472 q PC=. oaloiL-1triti caradca With a High Curie Temperature: by A. M., S. v, Boad=wr, n. yt. pa-zhq pp. RMOXANO pat.) As All ftult SWR Bar PIZ, Val M 1.1 lqb 1,20, '1101 IvA.- pp l4q?-Aw" colAmble Tub soi FV-V 6Q 1/0 7 innuctimo of, Toc.,rj,, BogdWialro A'. 14. Mlnnt~wflrqr z)wr TV All* :~Iaa~, $rj", 1~1 i',.; v j let 7 Growing DaTM4 Single Crystals, by A. 14. Clierepanov,' 11 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Tekh Pit, Vol )DCVIIp No 10, 1957 pp 2280-2284. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Tedh Pbys Vol 11, 11o 1D Sci-Phys Jun 58 OY-51w/' 1110jr- JWreaIjing the VIO~.1;VrC ~)f 17, t.En 4 pp. Trol"N.) by t-m. Griaberg) B..Clacriployi 2~ p1;,, vodr,~,y Trciwpc)rj. ig6l., - ,Tj?Rs 9654 KIM 7 -F Aug (A Blectr*spe*k Wrking of IsAcued Toolap by Fe; c6repanoy. QSFMO per: SUaki i Instrmenty Val XV., 0 So 5h s.pp 29-30# Bmtcber Tr go 3479 P114. 4 60 092 ~ O-Or O-W/ Scielitific Ragitweriag mw 55 CT6 I I I gue,trosiorkins Process for the Orinding of car-oid P~6,ftle Cuttiarm, by Y. F. Cherepsuoy rail tr"DISItIon. RUSOUR, ~per., BtWd I Instrazent, Vol XXIII, So 4, 1952s. P01-32. Bmteber Tr So 3040 Jul 53 CTB/DIX Scientific - Rugimering Price $3.75 -~ 6W02- A NmlJx"r TAwry-cC4hUm%tlm# lkmndu7 Problem in aoin mmtopi"uc hablemp Iv (16 P. Moll I~m 6 pp. BUOMUp pwrg Dak Ak Xwk SM (ftsies Baction),s Val OCkto ~lb Is 10o PP 59-568- Amr Mut d, pbyb an PAP - ta vol vn., * n sat AW on Brit* mo* lawtudirAl Stmeso by oo Is D*r4obl"tp Go Po 003~9 13 PP- XWONj :pwxrp FA*^ Must I Mbibs Vol xXV, ft 6m ~9ap vi uu)w4u9* PP sci oat 6a 216~039 Cc the Wedging of Brlttle Bodies, by G. 1. Barenblatt, a - P. cb.erlepwov 0 22 pq - I ."P.." ... :~, RM.S,TAN, !r., ?rut matamt i rvbkh,, voi xxrv, No 4x 1960.. pq rioa(42. pp Sci / !;- ~~ j ;-" u Jun 61 on 00 E"UbrJum =4 ftopsipUm of Cracks in On Aulpbftoge WMtms by 0.1 1. Bareablutt, Go P, Me 1 1 pp" lvBMM# prp Prik Dktemut I Wkhj, Vol Mq lio I r 1)a Pergwm Press Bel ita Ot 263,9526 t m of so's I" *I coot Thickmosso nw* by PIN JA I "UH N lost a sh, Vol po A T 440 May 66 fb6toatotrio On 6 ZNM%iya VpxbJULb Vabebzwkh z"*%njy'*jX* 00 bS&LU PA&*tWdmtka, voi i0 ib 1,3~ ig6ep IV JM i6m Amlyisim,, by Irt A. I Nov 2 MOW Raoufte of Bariv Floodftof do KAUwv Goa-OU Fl",' by G. U. Vydd&t V. 13,, Cbmvoawv. 5 RljWM, perp C*Wog Ndd It d"r.-*t ~. GSA scl Wr 64 252,639 r-ov, ln_,~'Iuence of' an laectric FiO.d on Uneo in E'xciton Lijit Kaxrq, by V. L V. V. Dnizilinin, 5 ........... perk Tiz fela,, Vol III, AIP Sov P2,13%; SLat"I., Vol III) rooted Deformation of a Cubic CrYstBI The nfreet of DI localtm Absomtjon of Light. 11, bY on the vadru-pole V, I,, ohers!mnovo 5 PP '01,711- 9, 1061, r-P jq-t Tver-10% AIP olld state sow Phys-9 9 Vol TIT, %0 Sol 14or 62 1.6"I'luenerb of Directe(i Linear L'cf'(_,rr,-_-,tAon of Cu'~~c _,r-rit.-As on the "UaArupola Sx2lton ,b3orptlon of ,hto by 1. Cb-~rcpanov, 5 PP. L -1. g go Tela, Vol,, III, No 5, i-er, Fiz Tw~rdo 1961" -PP, '11193-1500., Arp Sow Phys - Solid Stdto Vol, 111, Ho 5 /A May. (.~2 Dlapevaloxl Vomulas of the Quantum Optics of Metals in the Many-elactrou Theory with Considerzition of r1lectron Dumping, by A. V. Soltolov, V. 1. Cherepnnov, 1. B. Shteluberg) 4 pp. RUSSIANO 111mo per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol )',Xrl):Io Mthr' 19551 i)P 330-334. CIA C 408h0 AraeTicari Inst of PlValca 57 Eliot 55 St. Bew York 221 N. Y. /Z 6ciejatiflc Physics (VAV~J'r. Generalization of the Bogolyuboir-Tysblikov Partui.6batimn Theory *tbbd to the Nonstationerf callep by -11,10 vi Vonsoveklyt Y. I. Cherepanov. RUSSIAN r. Zbur Ekesper i Teoret Fit.. Vol XXXIV, Ito 111,p 1959*0' PP 97-106- MIT., lAncol-9. Lab Bei .. Phyal lky 58 9' 1 ~ I U Mt V-1 "ight Aboorpticul in Solid Ql on Ti (14 5 PI), Sep P" A" 3916ta" at *Owtlo-W ft 00 OPIUM of, NOLUM IW As 46 "A !U Im. A6 3290 ---- Vol Mq A MA74 AIP Scw Php - Solid State Vol III so 6 Sol .)~m 198og9dik 758 Tbcrmo-bonduc~tivity of YarravagnetIc metals at 1,0~w Tew-mrs6rce by A. 1. Retanov, V C 0 0 RUSSTISp thrice-m-) pex-j, 1)ok A Nauk SSSRI Vol XCIII no 4 p 1953, 64irAll . ..... D.0.1.4 T-558 1~;,c i(xi UJI Ic FwO Found on Ticks, by H. Cherepano" - wgm~wp per jbt - _ Zh - SSE& Vol - 49, No - 5, 1961 P PP &yx - - o5. 9 f CMW/BD ."7880 /\ / (11 )) e, g C /0 /9 /\/ 0 L I~q SA - Aug 67 33T- -336 ~On the jaluenco of Seconamy Electron Raiosion crf tbe Inoulatoils on'the Stability of Vacuum Tube Perawtem, by It. RUSSIANg perj Radlotekh i glektroniks, Vol Ip No 1y 1956P PP 38-50- Harris Do rrieftan C-110 may 58 Diwta, TOALvd a Geochamical Stu4y of Gases in Patilolem Pools of the IvWbyahev Province W4 tho TOAAr Republic,, by A. A. Cherepennikovp HUSSIOp yarp Tsudy Vass Geol Issled Inst, so 82P M5S Laww". Mark 1. Burgmbsr Sci - aeopb;ysias ;N1 57 CIA rgflMqZL USE (M ~- FDD)X-2463 (NY--30(X)) Important Reewurce in Increanim Pm- ductivitI. by A. ftykov, 1. Gbarepin, 5 ilp - 1-1108100 PL-alp rartymya zbi=~ r-0 11 1959;. pp 21-:1:14. UBS R gcou .-, Unch-nological - =1341 Induistry Jul 59 Automatic Ond1lation Covater for Measuroment of Internal Friction# by B.T. Golovant., A.I. Efimov, V.T. Cherepin, 3 pp. RU8SUNp parp Zavod Lab, Vol RV~ No 121, 1959; pp 15.15j-1517. Instruo Soc of Ater sai Jan 61 /J '~" im gosoo now ftmfbnauom in fto," AUAp ulth MUb-sp~M famtHil PoOt l1w !M Ogg &P lb 9,, 1963a -73* W: 095 MWO INFO. l7r, luvq43t1"41Gu of tbV Durdon Axte.-I lale y"'O'ncent Itl a Blut ptumme by Reaus Of W10cou" .Uobm*oo ~by A. A. Mor*plvsky, A. M. Skrobtaov. ausax.6s, Imms fvotlmgr, so 80 pp 687-690. MIR IJA 14.017 a O'e' Hit 160 I' I - I- ., 1,1 1,, ),,~s \,..N _ ~,In T. 1) x r I ., I 111 WS 1. 1,:(71 IT;: 1; N. I I IV.) IFS 1%, 1 - o , ~i I j N (I \ ~( r.. .'. I IS of ki I I1'~ )I N I -VIII his 621. N11 S 01 jot f row it) I , I ('Vkl~_VIII 16~ !!21 rall- IT I IT I,` IT I'lix 62-2m IWOMM IOU iROtAUAItD D13 HM LOPS DS L Intir. Nkm"UaVWW LA PROAPATION n0 CRT ACID9 HN Plt9S8WI& add DES COM"ft DO L*AWrR MAMMbMMYS 1. cbwopkw, 1. F. Klerm v NU SerwtWxm Prowem) (Fog a. CAN" Nodmi & III Forma lop by Add In the Mmybulbaic Add Pm- ltwbercM Sd~IMV^ 0") 13P. Fails Wran* Order from OTS, RM or MRS $0, 90 62-3M Tram to Of XMMkbNb34 ftSWM*bWAWl' (USSR) 1940. V. 17, am k P. 111-24. D&SCIMONS: %OVWW add. I suaw awwoweb, Duda", RIPKUMMI d" IT. V. 10. a% an Of led" brow ........ ... On the Mysicial-Chevical Nature ar Silver Activator in 21m &df I& Phospbars p by A. A. Cbe:mppe:v,p 7 pp - RMIAlip pert Iz Ak Imuk SM., Oex Fiz, Vol =1,, No 11., 1,959,p pp 1=-1226. Columble Tech set Feb 61 / -3 Jr, -3 "? e I'll The hvbloem of the Position of the Copper Acl',ivatur. In Zinc-8ulfide Scintillatuis, by A. A. Cherepnev, 5 pl? RUSBTANj b1mo per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol. XXV111, Apr 1955, Pp 458-462. CIA C 408,1,6 AmericaD Inut of Phyaica 57 last 55 St. Now York 22, No Y. Scientifle - phyalcm ~epeodinco the AbooxVtloo and Lumines.,ence lpvcU~ Iof Pbospbor ZW-Ou t~?oo the Coppr .-Onte~~# by So Alentsov; At A.t Cberepnev,. Zbor Mmspw i Twmt Yiso Vol XXYlp 0~?' 0 7 CIA/PM)/Z-lh6 55 c" dHmgp~' A.AO' Brightness and Spectral Distribution of the Glow of Zinc Sulfide Lumirophors as a Function of Various Activators Russ per Dok Ak Nauk SSISR, Nov Ser ho, 5/47 CCY, - 5C4/49 ~:t Ey er 1_7 Tpl, Plo q, 1IT'i (lenex,til (z.,iiations in 'be Ilictcry of So%,-jct HistotiogrqphyO by M. Itechkina, Yu. Folynkov, If- PP. RUSSIVi, per, xommmist, No 9., 196ap pp 58-70. MRS 10233 'USSR poi oct 61 FirI119 Of (Itcmtruction Farthert,,a~-C- 'L.~) 'uj 61 Ddba7hinsl~ P. pp. p~n,; Steklo i Keramilm.., Vol MI: 5.9%, pp A-2o. Connu-Itantic i r c a," , Sal - Che-,"41., JLuI 59 Ohb~ 1.955, L11, j"el.13 bo 17 Acwleii:y Sh atr cT~ I III Bak e. f Q v Ch e r epov .T,jSSTJIj,ir pL!r,l Veot, A Hauk SSSR, No 6, llllt,~.". JFRS -10391? oct 6:1, Ulbc-Virn L';cicnce I. (9 3 vp An X-Ray Study of the Physiology of the Motility of the bastro-intestinal Tract of Dogs after Stimlation or Destruction of the Hypothalamic Region, by 1. A. Che 6 .42repjumv-, ) pp. RUSSIM,. per., Fiz Zhur SSSR imeni 1. M. Jechenova) Vol XLVII., No 9) 19~A. Elsevier Pub Co Sci Oct 62 216) 56.T6 1~'.SILIUIG Vrolll Direct stirl-LOatioll Mid Prom IX'struc-l-ioll of llci )~a)otlalrtlaic Rlej;ionj b, I. A. ....... Caicre,ulllaev, 7 1)1)-, HUSSIXII 1>'--X' &Wr AUIN ,:avlovap Vol. X) '10 1,-),~)Oj tiv, 1&-rTiholot--f cl~ ~Iml Plato. or. Pip - Xf-,-W S~Y~ JLmt PIL SLA, R,11261 Sol. 50 61-19532 0vreshnev, N. & THE USE! Of- OZIM-5 MANINES AND SONIF EF- 1. 0.::,u machine PECTlV1-' MEANS OF CONTROL OF INTERNAL 1. Chereslinev. N. BoTpulli.~ 6F, LIVIISTOCK (Ispol'zovanlye Nbshln 11. CSIR0 Trang-5184 Ozhu-.5 I Nebtor)ith Effect1vnykh Sredsrv v Bor'be s Ill. Commonwealth Scientific Polostnymi (:h-odam~,Zhl%-ornVkh) tr. by hi. Slade. and Industrial Research [196r)] (10)p. (foreign text inc]LxJc-d) 11 rers. IcsiRol Organization (A-istral -0 Trans. no. 5184. Order f ram 01-~ or 91-A St. to 61-19532 Trans. of. %li-terinarlyo (USSR) 19W fv. 3"] no. 3. P, 6049. DIISCRIPTORS: *Aerosol generators, llhj,icia OVetetinary medichie, Parasitic Infections (Agriculture- -Animal Husbandry. TT. v. 6, no. 1) -)IAd 13me Kiliont an Aivcruft, Che3reyau! talc Lojm vnin Int .ifl V. P. 4 *.pp, =910j, pol Loanqu Prcm., Vol XYV Fo 5., u 1954,? pp 9,p 10 - Md Tr Clenter M!-m Zap C101/il:1-1. I . I I ThelOmItUstion ftchsalma cd, Gluteric Acid, : I by Me Be t4oftkv Me Be &t80 Of ve q8twuhs I 3 PP RMTMp Up perp Zhur Mobeh IMImp Vol No 2j, 19530 pp 23.2-2L5.6 Cow-uXteaft Bureau Ociontific. - Cbsalstry CS)bn Ma: :t N,~ jp:.~r~ Flz v teJ. t Y: tftLLov., Vol VUXr 161-164. S 01 - 194SO Cherevicov, K. AND BUILDER (Veriolet- I litficol'At-r- -Applican'tis Kinmix-ra,.or i IS Nov 00 151P. MCL-380/1. 1. Cherevic(n. Y Order 11 Lim LC or SIA rai$ 1. SO, ph$ 1. 90 61-19456 11 . MCI,- 380, 1 Techil-cai lutcl inal lot) pitek (USSPI 1959, 110. :12, p. 2.5 Cclliet , Wl q'Ill .11.1tter;'oll Trans. of Ov Aiiii, Mill 'Pus is 3:1 encurritun) doscrilwig in ix)pulat langtuiKc the role Of thL llt-'Iil:OIV.Vl in tk:ch at-nal Iliotograrby und building. 00" of T*clmAcol Smvks (hnginecri ng - -Acronliot icai, 'IT, v. S, no I I I LIJ Vol (NY-509/3) Qr,c Changes In tho InteneiV ct RpAimethlonine Ir,coi.Toratim in the Proteina cd' the Crystalline Lensp by Yo. V. Cherevyifta, 1. 1. CbOrkalo, 6 pp. MAM=,, per) UkrWizw ' kyy Biokbim M=., Vol IUM, lNo 5) 1960) pp 678-601- Jm 7986 f3(d - Mod Ara, 63, W-650-3) ',r~~gwxtic fffmct, of Xonizing by r, V. C"Ahernlartora., 1% P. LUIA.W.P.0 4 pp. ': I 'F 1UP.9"'All, ptlv, D:* M". Mum%. SSM,- Vol. 41)11n~p 21in 11. 1,061. .44 p 611, 6'j by L. V. IT- Aw - 4itAN: pmr, Wk AX Vauk S=J? Vol MLIX v no 11 1961. ,Yac.3 142o2 fici - Wed Ju T, 0-,~ RmIAA NWUIA9 of Chipboard Metal by V. 11, Cberozovas 3 We ........... =$W# Prms xo ig6o, PP 7-9, 9 oat 61 Prospects ar risbery Developmt in laterml Reservoirs Of the Sovlet Union.. by B. 1. Cherf a. ` .. I L. S. terdicbevskiy, et al. RUSSIAN) per., Iz Ak YbA, Ser Diolp No 6. flav, Dec 1961, PP 926-930, 92M95 USDA W A-1383 Sai - Mol & Wd Sal ita 63 In 36/.2 17 63-IS93S TTMIM- ICHTHYOLOGY IN CONNEMON WITH I . Cherfas, B. 1. PROBLEMS OF FISH CULTVRE (Zodschi lkhtiologit v it. Trans-A-a387 SvyszI a Noblemsmi Rybowd9tva), 27 Feb 63, 14p, Trans. A-1387. Order fron) CTrS or $LA $1. 60 63-15935 Trans. of Vorwosy liftiologil (USSR) 195S. no. 3. p. 3-8. A DEscHurroRs.. 41710hes, Ftepr(Oualon(Phystology), Ident If feat Ion, Growth, Ecniogy, Morphology, I-Aken, Dt"tribulkIN. The basic. problems d Soviet fish culture arc enumer- ated and possible solutions tire given. Ckinsiderstion In given to: rtiptroductl*n of valuable commercial stocks, fish acclimatization, rationalization of Inke economy, (Biological Sciences-Zoolagy, organization of river fish ec*nomy and the fish industry, TT, v. 10, no. 7) repoptilation of renorvoirs with desirable species, and the raising od new and improved stocks of fish. 71 j il periaUoulp War xhc)zyaystvoo n, Oct. nov NO 194 Gmth juum W41-*3428/49a 8 PP BV Imn I . I..'~l . : .: I ..i i. .,o :Inte-roqq6tor Cbrouic Expwiwnts, T. DtWlev, V. ri. akyr V. #13 rwp~j Pok Ak *A*Smp vckl wt ND 2s 19571 W-2ho. #/9 Ann Ust of Biol Sel Sol - Wd MaY 58 3 Serious Shortcominp in the Work ot the Com=Icati=-AdminiotmtIon Stetf) by K. Cherivanenko,,11 pp. RUSSWIr parr YestAAk Svy"i,, lc 6.. 1954. ims T110 Sol Apr Q (MY-5092) N=MQ1Attlr8 Of the PISMIM IrdiCeS ShOUM N! lupro"A sad Financing System EIMM Be Slap=edo by K. P, CberiMetkO.- 5 1* - RMSIM, per, Vestnu Bvy"is Wo 12., ARS &- 7073 Sai & sop 61 Study of them Imunogenic Propertleo of Blvalent -!s-rlangrene ToxoId (Clostridium Perfringens anti C1. )edematicns) in Man, by 0. P. Cherima, 5 pp. I(JISSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol I I o--ununobiol, Vol XXX, No 9, 1959, Pi) 90-911, pp OP 00 mo" at Prouction of a Forp"%tim for #MAI AM" satiolk wxot ClAwwatum MA 01 coamt1soms by as P. goo Shw *MSbiol 61 1 r ON"Wims, p Vol ZWO No 70 DO 60-"j, 106. ftramom lost 521 - Wd at tile y r,lectrodi3 on ProperItt,N) of AJJ-oyc~l GermandAM Diodeap tly Il, perlin, ]~.. v. cheAmp )A rp. ].,11 j-.LLdtotLjcjj J alcktrp Vol III, N"" 12.' .1958) Dee 5c) Vol 2 j, ',!1(:) 5 Charwteristies of the Idnetles cif the Ioameri- zation of Ailylbensew on Platinum Film at Ri 9b V. I, Obiguns, V. M. Gxyu=ov, A~ H. merbmllno 7 psi. mmxup Pero xuwtilm I latnuzo Vol 10 No 3j, too pp 401jm. 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