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: ftadfObaryHium lit F(poldl Bonall, by V. V. c OldmaLwv. et al. f ,"'Luf,"la'AN,, per,, Geowlimiza,, No 14 19N, pp 1240-12 F. NA.Sih~ TT F-Y2U 5cl.- GlIcal May 61 1) 280,1'h R.44463y. MIS V. -Cho tsov. Ioz:l pp Age 8~~Wi*73 k1 Nows$, by k. braev. ot &I. MO Xc Ug, 10640 306t275 A Primordial Tramuranium Isotope in Nature, by V. V. Cbqr4MLtsgy,,V. F. Mikhailov. RUSSIU,, per., Geokhimiya., Bo 1, 1963.. pp 1-3-3. Scripta Tecbnica sci my 64 25 8.1 5 6 0 Unc 1. STABILITY AND FISSION OF HEAVY ATOMIC NUCLEI. V. V. (,'herdyntsev. Translated from ir"-uU-y""l~,1711"~--v-o-g-o-Tnst. im. V. G. Xhlopina, 5: No. C-!; p SA N- A Techraque for the Determination of' lboroa in Orbund Air, by V. V. Cherdyctaev, r-1038DJOLO per,, Trudy Radlovogo Inst immi V. G. Olopitia, Vol Vlo 1957, pp 114-41. ABC! Tr -4206 ,Ntig 61. floulmn of Ih Ut tbo JUrthlo Atroophor,45 by L. L Kam6kamv, V. V. Cberkwitsiov,, 22 pp. RUBSIANO Pori Gookbims go 7p 1958P 63a.64.,L. Sol 11~lr AI 3~:Pfct i~xbtleol, Vol KKIII~ AT,3' 42IO-I~R Sc i r- Dt-c 59 Vol 21P I'k; The HeMum Content of Ste* Stony MetercyritAw) by V. V. Ck dyvU*v aud K. X. Abdulpfarov, 2 pp. Full tr RWBIANO thrice-m per, DOk Ak Nauk M S8811., Vol To 2# IWs P Ma consultalite Bureau Doc 56 &.0eas U0.35 iu HavWtIte with a High Content of E. A. Isabarv) ActWum,p by V. V, %q Yu., A. surkov) A D. P. Orlav.- E- P- usat*vj, 5 PP, RUISSIM, per., 0eakbimlyal So 4.) 1960p iv 373) 374- Am w-L-P.69 Se J. - chmill Aw, Q AW ~%p Y 3amb Dryb~.,,. oil-Mle Effect Of' Con6itiorls on the FOrmatlitlc c1f tho floutron I?Iuxj by V. T. rd lint C.-a v D, V. 81)"rova 3 PP per, la Ak 3auk 885r':~ 5o 2. tip 115-118~ Aw-r Gcolog In!,,*,. ro It t v 77 Fru-r-, Nai:ur:~`. Mincralt;, by B. -M. NDyr-rriv.. Chard, -r D,; k~ NAuk Si:;Pk; Iit~v leo't,CPJC UaHqO9jtjt~-l C,- tbo NperLmne Zonei, by V. V. Y. K=cbavaWj, 13 P.P. OlotAln, ON'* 3,, Ser4ft %rhaiet 17 ctm~' cc of Qu Eloctrolyu in a Path as a r t1bt Form,. Dimusionep trA nt of the Slectrodeiv, 111. A ImAlinn of a Txnt Slectraft and a aft coa oneo bjy V. P. M~~ovetuo 1#,Wtoeyj, Ia. v. bystrum, 19 pp.% um I Yew 4, A88 Rullpswq~ ber, Mur Prik Xhia, Vol XXp 11o 7. 3647., &040. Scl Tr Center RT-Ift .47-Aig, grlw ScPantif 1e - Chaudstry SWRO CM 61-15348 Cherdyntsey j V. Y. lsabayev, Ye. A. 111nd others . ~SS U235 IN MA(;NE'nl'E WIT11 A HIGH CON- I .Actinium--Determination EXCV rENT OF AMINIU11,11 ozbytok u235 v wgnetije s 2. Uraniam isotopes Povysbemlym !Wer;!hfinl~em Aktiniya). 11960) [41p. (Radioactive)- - 12 refs. Deter mi nat Ion tkVC-ii 4269 3. Magnetite-Alroperties 4. Radioisotopes - -Theory 1'rans. of "GoAhimiya (USSR) 1960, no. 4. 1 .Cherdyntsev, V. p. 373-374. 11 Isabayev, Ye. A. III AEC-tr-42(,Q The excess of ~ijamvm (oil the averageU235/U239 IV joint Publi,ations Research 1.5) in n mineral vdtli ail im-r,~aml c-ontent Of alAiII11.111, Service. New Yt-)i~- can be expLitiri(x! ont) by the pretence of ionie trans- 4-anir isotopo whwh iN still,prImt In nmil~fre. The enrichiiient. ail d,*Eill; . III and n U(an odd isotope of .iama,ii) may tK, d,m to the complicati:-J decav scheme of a shij~lr lissionable :vmojx-. (Ambor) ON- .1 (NucIvat Ph~jsik,-, Air Oxidwtim of ODalp i metry lietwoeu13.000 aud P. Cbeveawtp :2 pp. StwUAd by Thepmmxavi- 27&, by J. Charcau, YMM, per, Cwpt. PAwfte. Acad. Sai, Vol OWKXVj 10 Mar 1952, pp 1165,13.66. SO. - ft9neejrU% Apr 57 S.L.A. Tr 1853 ~z 7 tr Frz/ Dimlkiazes of Pligm: Hog Cholera, by V. V. V. V. Cht-rudkov) llo "Ta, Gsi:xifvl.-,hj b 1950) pp 3,05-107. Sci Tiamo Center M 1511-4 Dec 511. rT,9/))F.-t is'xperimwntii ~n Reduaing the I w F-svIrmiiJait of Coim, hit Yu., f;jl-av, V. P. Yak~io::hik, Olbz~%!Ck Net of krl'.?:~i icial D. 5 9 D USSR Feca Agriculture Oct., oofoct lof camm salt Solutlieft upon 00 trig Sonotion in Fills's 4i, A. aw"O"o, NMI For* Sbamik Mbot !Ciagrad to p1) 304s360 Mitotic A~tivlty of LyWh lode Cells In Dogs Under tbot Inflows of Various Doses of Leukocytic SeruO4 by A. 7.~ Owm"dookol 5 pp. R=10, per, Ook Ak Sm" SMv Vol =# No 6., 1%8.p pp L*109 Amr Unt of Biol Sci vAd In Ititotic Activity of Cell.: of "A"P;.:; In t.13c D-3 unO Tiieir on lvl:ii~: of Action of Tzn1koc!ytic-, Scrwnl b- P. ChA.-rednichenkol 4 pp. Y,1245TAlij per, Dolt A Nauk SSSR,. Vol C, M A PI) Amier 2)i,,)1 lid, 1% b3nmewe of "lAukocytic Serum" on the Mitotic Activitriof Oens In Ioupbatle Modes, by A. 7. Cheivdpli4han # 4 pp~ RUBSUNp,thrice-mo part Dok Ak Nm* SM., Vol CXII, ifo 6$ pp nog-n12. Amu% baist of Biol Sci DDklao..BW Bei Bec Jan/Pai 1957 -.11MIll t" D4, ReauLi0a of t-he Irradiated Al aaictio:o4L 14isidap by L. K,, Cherednicbenko,, 13 7p, RUBSLUI., Piz.-1,01 Zbur SSW Imed. I. fil sechanciva,, Vol XLVlj No 10., 1960.9 -pp 1276-.1281. Pp set Apr 61 c i`oactjcn to Stimulaticii vals A,111, IrTndiatfionj by L. Y., Cherednicberiko; RUSSIAN, par3 Fiziol Zhur SSSR Jxvni L M~ Sechenova, Vol AIII.~ No 5, 1.960s pp 613-617 Pergamon Press SCJ- Nov 60 MiUmry Art an A Now Step, by ' ~,WWIM V. bf. RU r Aug - V-0 25019640 2690437 ih 11) tho Art 0A.I., - W'vp by it rig,t..;TMJ~ I I 2WRoap Ib o.0 Foliar Nutrition by Thiamine and Plxmt Grovth Wring ~he nowring Period, by P. A. nwyuk, G. V. PortttOky) G. V- Cberedaichenlw. RUSSIM, per,, Dok Ak Nauk 883H. Botanical Sei See, Vol CXIT' No 4s pp 769- Amer Inot of Biol Scl JM/Alb 1957 Sci - Biology Aus 57 1761sitilco Beeretlow of Floworis 60:d Mhaapr~- Miaxacterict.ic& of Corn, by a. V. 4 pp. RLMDur D*k At NatOt 8119RO Vol OXYlVj ~I or 1.959, vp 4T3-, AnO Oca t 5 9 The Effcolll of Toliar Ifutrianta minat~ont by !I,. A. VlasyWzj 0. 2C he ir kiohenko k~ - D049, A 111), 3 RUSSIAN, thrloo-in parp Duk Ak No 1, 1957, pp 214-216. on Inom-asing 3eed Goi:-,-- V. Porutsky,. S. V. PP - Nak S"F-Rl Vol C"'[11-4 f AvAr Inst cif Blol Sai sci-Biol. Mar 58 0 The World ol' Science and Technology-A Zocket oil the "Puturey by Y. Cherednichenko. RUSSIMI n Pravda Ukrainy, No LIh, 17 MY p 3. *ATIC MCL-22011III Sci - Misc. Spa Res Jun rIg It V4 e7 THE ROLE OF SOLAR CORPUSCULAR AND PHOTON RAD I AT I ON I N THE FLASHES OF BF: I GHTNESS OF COMETS: BY V. I. CHEREDNI CHENKO, 14 PP. RUSSIAN, PER) IZ GLAVNOY ASTRON OBSERV AK NAUK UKRA I N'SISR, I I I , NO 1, 196o, F'P 94- 104. )665176 FTD-TT-62--i ,7c) SC I - ASTRON JUL 62 2o4,462 I NY-36n) - ( ArtlMig 0 ,steultoo of umv f , 13Y V. 1. I OmrW4cho~kop 3 pp. -1.1-1-1-1-41 ''.1 uxw M.O,"r$ 2mft 1 ZkWttyaj No -Uo Kiev, 1959, 10 80 ~ X" 044 S*l 4o Astrol W 60 //,7 e~~ 7 !,:l 2.11 r, 1:1 Cc "(J,.hm,p 7 X',*'3',*.VI o-c T11%!, ;:"Ov Ac~'lrrjn ro uil 1 1) ye porlollurc:,Vp I~ KLY 2,G Zhur, Vol XXXII, Hu pp AW.C% F-TS,-q&l')e1V o' Catalytic Synthaois of Methallol, uy V. M. ChurdilaicheriJio,, M. 1. Temkin. 7'])Lu' Flz (31im) Vol XXXIi NO 5) 1957, V, 10"j, -10~)K). ATS RJ-1260 Sol "llcl- Ap-t., 6U E,Tfeat Of Interml DifAmlon on the 0ourne of L, Heseircgensaue CatalyUc Reaction Retewded by the Rea4tion ftoluet,, by V. H, hare nko et al. -9LOTANO per) ?Avr T%z Xhim, Vol XXXr, so L, pp xg irp7-164. Sol - Ches j ft r &,-, ravaIW4m U MUtW Selomp :EU qportmce WA 11 !1 am MUtay Avt m is Av' SUM, by V, 9 IL K"a RMLMIP FIM-W.P-64-996 $a Doe 64 270#253 Roaction Killotics abd 1,41*5iola. in tile Atrogen Dioxiaca4mo SY$tW. by S, K. KIOIXW Emak-ovs. M. OkeroWichouko, ot al. 4 ppe RWSMp ',~-rp Zhur Fiz Khim,, Val XXXVp No 109 Cloaver-41um Press 301) 62 210t54$ OX3-31,135.). iull xalw by V, W. H. I-%ahe%h*tskly,, 1.2 pp. 41 Th6 Rest Pf the Revm1ble Transition of tu4ilc A6id do Into Vartow 14, 111, StAi of tq,z. X. Ww"s V. M. Cherednichankc),, 7 PP *,`ice-moZ~, D* Ak *auk OW, Vol 1~mp 40 5s 199 1 vp 05-03. Set TT Center RT-Zlog SetOftifiC - Chami try ms, 10/ju 55 ft"boug t*oft Mo4waod AWL$ ft& of t* Pmrw Sao a out tiame bw U* No CUM ii M ah.. ion 3VO*812 Flexible Mements of ElectricaLl. Circuits Resistance iwal4e'a to 6opper Plates, by V. T. Ch&:~~qk) S. t.'IK:ucI=t-Yatsenko, 3 PP- RUSSIM, ptr, Avtmat Ovarka, No 11, 1961, PP 4 55-581. AM Sci oct 62 214,K02 ciaturea oil' tha F]Awh Butt Woldin of Hot Productao by S- L funhuk.- .1'aUm-1110 tuhl V, T, Cheredniabok,, 5 pp. -,L7S:L',~i pier ktrtcamt Imrkap No 5, 1VZ,, EWA 2vt 71anll Bu'.tt WeaMig of i0l I.r.T. jkvtumat Srarlx, Cumpo=dm of lta-ou Trifluoi.-J,de on Alu-%ir3i-jrl Oxide ezd Thet, Role In Catalpis. 11. by T. V. 14. 3 pp. SIAN per Zbur Fit Lldm, Vol XM, X-) 4) ig6l) )?P 836-wi. 1 (M*%verJi=a Press Sai Feb 62 7,1,4 NothO do of Evalliatinr the Effc-ctivenct"n 7f rowirt Catapuit Traininp I by ie Gne redra k Wul')'U Arip m0 per, Voyenno 'Yed Zhurp V'o 6" Aur 1958,~ pp 65-66 UF JIPPS 1.03,0-l' 1~7 1"nent-Day 9twotatherepeut tool of Tri.,iiating, Itypaitension cni-l Coromry lux.r.Ticitncy by :'D,, I., Trwavich, 7, 3. C'neredova., .5 No B.. 196u., pp J-7,R8 435 3 Jan 61 roldcd 3111!-vii~.11 PluJI.1-1p t l,"i Iff Riult S35R.~ S,cr Geofi-,j FD 5., lwu /7 i~ D.kntvx,b(4%d by j)r111..tM A Bori.!.,hole, (.1horatwaski,, It pp., 1. 11, .... ..... ........... . .WJSZZk1j per, Tz Ak Sauk S85.1i Sex G4-13A'.L;, vro izo 196o, -PP 11301-18015, AN Bel T'ic,or,, of an alil-isoidal ~onde in the Resiati,,rity !let Od With a 3"deldM. Ground I ,v I~V G. A. Cliercwierisld. h Pli. "ISS .,. STA',Ij per., Iz Ak U-uk soSR) sar Geoflz~ lio D~ v. 1527 -- 1532. AGU (f a " :5---/ / Geotherval 1-basurerrents in tle Kotsel'Vaam Pomholes, by G. A. Cheremns.-dy, 3 pp. fffil IA~I,j "M,'"Ak-NaUk--SSS-..R% Larti Science 1; , por, $ Sectims, Vcl CL, No 1-6, May, Jun 1963, Amr Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 Vc Vol 7J-) khasurments Daring tha luatallation of -!jae Drookbovan fi~mcba-otr (UER)., by 14. S. pp. por.. Claodet J Kertogp lio 12,v 1959., Mu 7 .71 9p ilnru it -a ol 6"", L C Sams AptlDiologima Properties ol'' Uoded Soils in Pbltava Oblmst's by Gt h, ObereW.dnova po 6 ... . RUSSWI porl, Pochvovodetdpv No 1p .19620 pp. 100 - UN Swipta TecMI(m 5d . 5/ 6j,- Aug 63 Dlsixibl~U`va ul, ':*)'L;!-!t~- ii., the Wl ~,h Roferm laphy and Er,Awi xcei t~) Topogi by G,A, Chn:tcmisinov, Z,I. Polezhayeva, 0 010 RTISSIVRI par-j Pochvovedimlyn, No 1959; p p 8 0 1 Amur Inst, Biol "cl Do a 6.0 Oman$ w IL A. "N Met mallow lrlbxutJ.oiial 3.pectrum I Trioxide )blecule V. .14JOSIAR I jm~r; optiz 1-959* IPP 454 459- and Structure of the la-senic P. Cbel=iGinov., 3 PP. i spottro, Vol vii; 110 OBA NA vir 61. A. gptr&l 'Low Pmomwe Mercury UmT I by V. P. Chen TVBBTMP ver., Pribory i Tekhnika Rk"rimenta., Vo P., 1956.j. pp 122-12k. Amwe Tech Sv ;r~e $1.25 Sci .-. Physics X7- 790 Aug 57 ro stud'4' of Crystal Structm-c taul Vilzation Spectrum of 14IA4 OidAnIte) tq B.A. Po1mvIdn, V.P, Cheremlsinorv e-4 at, 6 pp. - RNSLAM, rr, Zhur Strukturnol Xhirz, Vol W., no lo IA-3p 9p 43-49. CB Sol, JU34 64 4.61),192 3 5 T.:! VibratioMl SPectra of the ModifiCations of Gar- mwdum nioxide$ V, V. obawy-Derdsov, N.m. Sobo2zvp V. P, Cherad 31 pp RUSSUNS PWS WkR. I sp*tntv Vol VIIIJI 90 bp 2960# pp 5054% OSA TIM Vibrat-l-OMI S Cmta pectrum and Nblecular Stnicture Illne Arewle Oxdtde, b-,r N. Sobolvr, V, P. W., OPUU I 80"ktrcl, Vol IX, No 4, 1960P pp W-451. pp Bat Nwa. 61 fo 't "pa I PaleogeagrapkW of the Mgt Seft (D~aed. on Data of Maton Am4sia)p by Ye. A. 3 PP XWIM~ parp Dok M Amuk 803Rp Vol MILE') No P., 3-95% PD- Ia6-419. AGI flai Jum 61 SM712/63, Itulull of i~javigotio)l No 30: Callpuss 1wiaticul ProctiOurvai ook Ships of tho Navy, by V. A, Clicre.111'sov, 146 lip. Ai(JR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RUSISIANO, Ok,, Pravila Shtunaauskoy Sluzliby No 3ts: Deviatsioulmny),e Raboty Na Korablyalch Voyenno- -~'Oslwjto Flotal, 19s5ta', pp 1-159'. Cl.A2/1-'Di) X--5334 Sci Lngx. t.Wx 64 lWotlowli of a MatcrW Paft In ftt Camral Gravitad-mW Field At LAW TrWWnnW ThMt. BY A. 1. linjes 44. K. igawkW& Olussi Ma ZMI 0 m0 168 1963,1 6 14ASA T F-OMS ~T al Autro Z52,041 Mar 6.9 s. covERmaur ONLY xvpm 1 11 5. .. T" 0 I I : I . I MAW I S-122 /("I (" Cy-tophototretric Henearcl'. = the Content of DNA in Nuclei o-f Cells of tbe Animal OrL,,anism durin,.-,, Insuff.tcien.,:y oil Ascorbic Acid, by L. P. Cher cunnvkh, V. S. Vnsh~.,,nvich, 'RU~,SILII 'IbIr7 I Konferlent.siya po Voprosar Tsitc~ i sokh i tr i 5- pp i - I -d Acid in the Caorion of AnImle llavix~g Primitive Placentation, by pp- MMXAN,, perp Dok Ak Wauk, SSSR, Vol CXVI,, No 2,, Sq:i/00-l, 1957, P 312. Amew Inat of Biol Sci Sc i - Ktd Aug 58 9 THE ASYMPT~)TE 01, TUE SOLUTION OF PAR- 1. Linear cquamos- ABOLIC 1-*,QUA'rIQN!;. 11960116p. I ref. Illoory 1 MDF C- 12:1 onk-Y j roil) MDF 08. 50 2. Title. Parall,ih cquations 1. Cnervainviil. Yu. N. Tram o; AjLadv~jirjaj Njouk] lzvjcl;llyaj. 11. MDi. (:- 12 , !~crfiyal I-rimiman, p. tn,' We.,;l Newton, no, 1) I ai tclliabirisk ECOT-ImLic in the Cl oil' ,;r vakV j, 3 LF-11), Vol A"mv, 1."0 19,-B, Alu. 6W Ip stxii of I,-rmr I)y P017., I.OD-103- ACSI T-~2~9----f ID 2235103 U8811 ~ -:p~ ,1~ ;.- I Diti itul 6:5 Of FLOtntion R_--floeftnta On tio'. 'M-0orption of Flotation Oils -iiirq!e-liWae WettlW ParLmetw.. by X, Fhcuiblu, TI, 1, Cherem*hIna. ?'7"-5TANj pm:rx LA Vynalilkh Ucbeb Zaved I 27--35. ULU., R6 2, 19%, ;r ML 14-3:54,1-, itht- 1+,,,rhaa0m of the Action of XttrcLewa In Fromils, by a. r. vyr-abUh Zaved T,!,-~Et pr, 'Mucledc 15,~Id Coatenta of Bmin-Fearce in RXbbita ActeA on by High-Intensity by 1. 1. Gberemu9h-n.n,t,,9cvu,, 3 pp. Russnkii r,, Dok Alt 31auk SSSR, Vol MIV, Ito 19,57, pi A-mvir Inst of Biol Bel /7~ / I thib Theory a the Hall Effect in Fernmanetics by N S~ Akilmi A. L'Cimmius~j 4 pp. 9USSAN., thrice-jw per., Dok Ak Nauk., 890y *01 xo!ins so it 195hp pp 35-38. ScievWIU Physics Chemistry Navy Tr 1175/ML 518 My 55 CTS/Mx ,-S~induichenho - T~,c PoCket of the Futures by J 6 pp. ~jLiSSIM, pp., Premde Ukrainy, Vol XXII I yo 114) v (522COP 11 May 11.959Y P 3. ATIC MCL-;?'20/ISI Sci -- Gpa(.,,o Rem Aug 60 ell -T .; w(matuo Molne of the 1113VUtite of, C-folou.'.1ho of the UWR Acadcmv of Or 0-leVieop by V. P. Cbmninj, B. H. Rakowp TI pp, PUMUg bkjo Awywiwutallnap~ Iufoz=toiomlayn UUUUA MOUtuft SmolimW lacrmtoLy An SBSR.. 1,10000w). age 1p.80 D Scl .-- MathemUesp lMexj, empiting mwJdms ims lo au (IVY-4854) RusisUm Fbda.,"atlou'a Sma-Year Plan for Develop- =at of Oum Tkailitteap by A. V. q;P"O"O 2i V%. RUMUI., powp Ves tilk ft~mzip so 6p 1959. JMS 5991 L90i ILW F,'%V'$Fty A. V. Chan:!11.K&ff. VeDt 0jv.Yuzi- No N',bColv, Jun 1959, aad, Rlectria Power In v-~wo i7'~QT, 5) 9 FragmaaL Eaura Diotribution Fran t1be Ficsion of Uranjwn and ' Ilborium by 7-Rays p 'by V. A. Karoticova P. A. Ox gK , I. V. &uvilop 3 PP- r qv RUSSIAN, P& Ak Nm* SSSR,, PhyB Sec,. Vol CVIp NO 5j pp ki, Avier Inst of Phym Sm Phys "Dok)Ady" Vol Ip w0 I sci . Poo IY Aug .F,,rvrrC-:y Dintributinn. of Incohvmint. 11n6det-it-,ion F.L'OM 1'""'GetronLi" L-j- Yu. 141. Adu~ P. A. Ldi.: 3 Pp. 71111"ZITTANj ;er, Dok Alt Nault SESSR, Phys Sec~ Vol to t 1' .1,, 19561 35- Amer lusl~ of' Phys Gov 11hys "Doklady" Vol I No 3 5 f%I scattering of 250 mov Pbotons by Free Electrona, by L. V. Lxvwsmj L. A. MwrJLoaml P. A. 4 Ipp - 19USSST,Ati~ mo per, Zbur E~U,2r i Ireorat Pit.. Vol W; lio 4) 195~p pp 69-0.--;9;m JWwr I"st of Pkfsicr. ,;Oviet phys" CS, JEW Vol In* No 4 rhymice Apr 57 MWI Photofiesion Cross Sections of Uranium and Thorium., I, V. Muvilo, by V. A. Korotkova,, P, A. ChezS&v HWSIM,, port Dok Ak IUuk SSSR# Phys Sec, Vol M. Ito 4 vp 633- Amer Inst of Pbys Sov P)Wo "Doklady" Vol Ir No 1 Scl Ph:m fuig 57 Art&dft vp RVWW bt* bv swum OWAON& RADIATION OF ULTRALIGHT SPEED CHARGED PARTICLES AND ITS UTILIZATION IN THE SIR PHYSICS OF HIGH ENERGY PARTICLES, BY P. A. CHERENKOV, 12 PP. RUSSIAN, PERp IZ AK NAUK SSSR,, SER FIZ; VOL XXVI, NO 1) ic,)62~ PP 14-20. 9678210 FTD--TT-o62--4:')' SCI - PHYS 11 OCT 62 21 12 Ralintion in a Synch-la t7-ola NI'l 14",iortaim Applications In Imot'liptin6 Opovkt~on,, by Yu. M. Aillt. P, A., 6 pp MKIIAlip mr., A'"xrmya Roargiyar StApplet t;o 1951, ,,, E69-,~6- CU 90-33743 turcau Sci - Nvaalalr Phys Tlav 58 r I r-r A t7als k~O-M'v Srwh""ot-On at o-V lp.)4hdowl" ivjewt:~~y W., '011 1, - Yr. -pie I %-r) 1.4 --.L N 1.95T., TP 57-,72,. CTh ISM371)3. ,tic ~ucloar Phya Visible Lmi.moscance of Pure LIVildo Under the InhumWe of I-ftdUtims by P. A. Chere.okov. timloo-w parp Dok Ak Muk 588R, Vol 11) NO op lg*.o vp 451.4%. 80l, - physlom AW ],(67 C%1&m 4!" Owe Tech fhr ?J-539 $4.80 Acauraq una Gorrelatioa of Various Ik,,thodr, of Detena."Luing Aemsol Concentmtiori; by P. V q;~kqv. MWIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk., We! Ukh Nauk Metal i ToPlivoi NO 3., 1959, pp 184-186. CIA 9071058 USDA Sci - Cbemistry V)ept 69 1,2 "