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-43olubility of Sodium Moollicate in PhoopUte Solutions and the Balling- Out Iffect of Sodium Woride, by M. L - Chepel"O~U and To Bolts.. 12 pp. RMIMI, w,, 2hur Prik MAn. Vol Xv 1937p pp 1183-1193a GLA R-2175 SCI Aug 56 Solubility and Rate of Debydration of CaN_OMjt-NO,v by M. L. Cbepelevetsklyp To~iS. II.A. Vacileako and S. 0, Rubinaws, U pp. RUSSIM, bklIesledamiya po Prik KhIm Aklauk SMp Otdel Dim Wauk p 1955p PP 175-183L, SLAR-2238 sd A%18 58 of, Crysta'! L ization of r,rum -,Ilpel'S1.;d;Urated sullitiallsi Ski 'j T. A, Kryukova) 9 pp. per,. 1.11mus S('A inst Fertilizui'6 A-i-I T, 110 137, 1937, pp 102-109. 3.1A R-21456 or Cale 0~, tL,*r eve-ijkty. . lel., Am. VW. Y, A'103 Jilt). 6 o' 8oluibD.ity of ..j=thenum Ilhosphato in Aqumouo Solu-blons ca" Phoaphorle Acid at 8000 b~,r W. A. lraoilenko~. 14, L. IMLq22levete". 8 pp. zhw vews xhim, voi n. i-o lo, J-95T) P3, ARr,-tr-4060 PLJ& Axle, (1]. P81k colli, vtf Constructing n Per:lodlcpl Syntm of Atvolc Noplei, by M. L. Ch4kevitakly'. AIMSSIAW, pwr, ~:hur-6' apar I Tooret Fl%, Vo3 XTUT IM, i;,r 3PT-33" rromc-TiPv Bel Defitwucollou oz Grouud TAX60U From Bwaphoppl% FlislAp by S. 9 Ppo M)BOTOp pext.. Vestulk Val Flotas, ft Is 1956t Mr pp X9 1.15) no.,cl to IR-171*1(~ APDWxU3p-lO3Uh32 MR H.U.1ozairy Hydrolytic Hydrogemition Of CcIlulose, by ti. 1,. Baltindin). N. A. Vasyunina, S N'. Chepigo 0. s Baryaheva, 14 PP. -- ". I RUSSIAN, per., DoX Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol CXXVIII, No 1959P pp 941-944. CB Sci - Chew 0 e p 02 ~7 .154 " 71 PrOdUCtiorl of Folotomic Alcohole Frou Incdiblor Raw Material Of Plants., ly B. IF. Chepigo, N. A. Vasiwdna,,~ RMTM., O_x,yr per., Gid i Lee Prom, Vol IX., Ito 6, 1956, PP 3 6 CrA *.8T8 LMDA Sci - cbeth '3--j, Sd J Oct 57 Ravil for the Dotermlmtkn of q-Twe A=untc c COW kel DUctrdytes ard in Cathod ic i~ by Iv lasto.. 1*00 KgMIjap Vol XV,. USSR* 1949j. p 1470. ASO' Tr 1543. SciviAlf 1*7 53 CTO pbobs " ftftlTLM4 SMUCA 0t a Tvle~ 80*m* W A6 to ftelikoWt ]A) pp, woulo Pro XL*kUvmufo 1b lot 1961. AINX lid ja 6e aD2j,6u C=Aawatay Otbaft &W Amlicatiou for cmlfttuft a-c Duta-tum in 1410~~ W, Mekh""U* Ob 91. 1958p pp ~1:7540 SIDI isu- 6o New -Data: cn 1-ticrogossils in Ihe Crude Oils of European., USSR, by K. R.,Chepikov. A. H. Medvedeva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A-""Waia-'~Y�', Lrth Science Sectiotiso Vol CLIII, No 1-6, Nov, Dec 1963, pp Aner Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 62-2WA)l I.., Extn(ilma, 1:. P., and Orlova,l N. A. ~ 1. Clarpikov, K. 11. EIIIGPi-NE,-rlC MINERALS IN' ARENACI-OUS ROCTS I]. Fi-molova, F. 11. OF PRODLIC11w; IfORIZONS AND -MEM EFFECT Ill. (A-hwa, N. ON ItI':S4R\10IH I'll OPE'RT1 H S (REC,10N OF -1-111: SECOND BAKU). [1962][1711). 13 rds. (*)I'Ll(!r frt.Sll) OPS 61' SLA $1.60 (12-20301 'rrvun, of Akadt~--~mya Nauk SSSR. 1114titut Gwlogil I Razraboth Gory.ichik!~i Iskopaem)-kh. Trudy, 1960, v. 1. p. 240-246- D12SCRIPTORS: RCK-k-forming minerals. *hIlliel-ali, *Rock cology), Permeability, Petroleum, 1:k)urces, Quam, 4indstoiw, Silt, CarKmate rnineral~, Strii- t1graphy, Ge-ol(gy. 'llus article pre,;-orts thu reitilis of the itwestigation of epip:rx-tic uflrezal~ in monommeral quartz S-and- (E.R1,111 I']', %-. '). Ilk'. 9) (ovel 01fice 0 Tothokid Services Peculiarities of Shoots of Pereradal G~*avrjc~j of MfTm-ent Ap in Pasture Crapa, IV A. R~ Cheyikova. . ..... .... HUMAN, pir, Byal NDWcov Obsh(b Iapr/tatnloi Br1rody, Vol W. Ito 6, 1956) n 104-107. CSIRO 3778 Sci ", T'aO). Aug G,,~ Compasati", Analyzim of *thods of 19 Regonerative Reception of Talogmphic Impula(sa, by A. F. CtLepilov,, 18 pp... (a 101090). UNCIAWMEO RIMIIWI mi pTr, Iq. ohtronvyzz, 'Vol Xx no 5., 19~56; pp 66--77- Anc F-W-10014/v Scl - Blactronlca Fab 50 R020 Of Nueleic by MOST-40 Ilk; Pakloinrwiye 4 41 pjoj~---) On 60..511,f-I Jun p, T'hu bfI',')eace of Nucleic Acidz on t0h, R~L-t3pimticTi oi' Calla, by 0. P. Chopinoga, N. I. Kerova, 3 PP- I KC ~ I I RUSSUS, thrice-mo per., DQk Ak Nauk GSSRI Vol TNG~M_' Iqo 19,%, P. &9-EL,)O. Sci Tr Center RT 3106 X:! I E 2,11 T VVI C, CheudGtry Feb 56 Tiv, DI'l-":ci., .11, .............. M-5431) First Coafenuce on U~~, Study of Nucleic -3z 'aad Nuclao-Protalue, by 0. 11. nwploop, Skvyrallra, j? pp. RUSSIANO parp Ukraim Bifthim Zhur, Vol XXXII, No 4, 1960, pp 614-618. JPM 7469 sa - U01 ey, Fab 61 7 Di%803,y Iboo Be Activity of the Serum of Blood clea R66 It ad or namp by 0. Po Chepinoves 6 pp. TA U1.1 tnnolOtion. ptr, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol UMIX, 1951p 955 957. AM Tr 2035 Itediclue 1K Jun 53 CTS/DEX ~ 'el Migratlou of Radloactive Materisla from Rn (~,etj Reservdir, by D, I. 1111a, A. 1. PetrOV2,, N. Yc. Chepksbove,, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Atom RnM, Vol TV, No 7, 19r-$, P. 75-77 Cousultsats Burepu set - Ike Phys Jun 59 krta5zl kpoaft of W Vou oC Cart iolbn*u*. U ;p& The FroteeUve Properties or 'kroboid Yl Typ* iv Pbag* and "its Pavers at Adeptaticuln the Bodist of l4ket Oy K. D. mrylaveg X. A. Soulnep T. V~ Sty4shkilm.0 V. I cmvhwo 6 pit. HuMsubs porp rjwr Mlkn614 1446sidol i Unwidbloll Vol aus. lb 40 190,0.,Pp ,riT.-pront thes System a Wbol*agd~. llrick-13 O'A'.' FetrroLlo Npitals.. bY V, Cheplw1ov, 13 Pp. r) Finam SWy no 6r Rl.i$ SW 19 59, UIIAWI Haou - Pricing MW 59 Acyl Derivatives of 1-Bydrozysak7lphosphonic Esters., by P. X. Allmv.. 1. V. _M ova 4 pp. ZMXM., -per., Iz Ak NI%A W,Mj~ Otdel nin Nkxikp NO Bt AL%~1956~ pp 939-942. conm1twits Ba"m SC4 - chmailstry s/- ~? //,0 7 ALI 57 1 O"thmoic of AIIW1 Big (j-Djetbcmypbwphlwl)Allv3J 1~ Phomphites by P. lo A:Ll=No I, V. Che v Pi)* 0 _T~anorira MWIM, bimo per# It Ak Nauk ESSRp Otdol W.m Iiii'ilci no 6.. wv/We 19559 pp 1015-=20- CIA 5427614, real 3- Nuouliants Bureau Sci - Cbeslistry ?7 63 Aug 1956 I'mprovirq, the fudex Figares f or the Goverrument Plazi :[L- Uie .1ron and Steel Ynduatry, by V, D. Lemlra-ntsko 3 PP- er, St4a., no 8, 196), p~) 747-70. 61 vilraic Problem at Trunspiontation of wal Oripas, by F. M. C~~ .. .. ~ j, 15 pp, Wil.113vulls per$ hulag rialol. I lmwpw~ ira -T,, 03 3.. lay/&m. 1961.. Irg W--91. im J.3w Firat ALL-Wou Omferwav on tiae Problem of Ussue U:O.OmpatibiUty m& gimeplualtutl(w or Orasna =A Ticausso by X* M. Upjabalkov,, P. M. Chi ._y,i 9 pp. Vp WSOUNg per# West At MA &Wt 0=0 Vol XW, ]b 8j ft~cm# 195;8.- PP 79-83,, 695 -D 114!L - U44 KINr 59 T.1, T, 4A I I A IL 41, :lm I The , Arab Rel*Wc In a New Stqv6 by L BO yovs. - ("Morab"j. 12 Im. RuiLl W 0 1, Nd'Of Jwi 1964, pp 87-96. JPI! zll~) USS44 Pal : Aug 64 264.927 !Tseudo~_Theorics ~!nd Lifetw by V. Chaprakov (comparing and contrasting vocialii'T-Off"Wipital- int systems) Hoscow,jravda, 2 Jum 1963 USSR-International Daily Report USz;R & Fast Europe No 111, 7 June 63 (DC-44oo/lo) The Loninist Theory oC lWerW:49a and the Now Stste Cl.f tko OeMMI Mols of OspltallesO by V. Moprakavp ~21 pp. Ruwwj poxis xamniLst,, so e, xl~61# pp 23-38. am visa Pol Apr 61 crn tl* ]Relation beWeen Fut Content of the Roe an2 the jIbrpjj()t~jojogjml PeculiariUes of Vobla Females., I~q Yu. I. (;beprakova#rP-P-k.3-- jIuSST,Aiqj poIr# DOX A Neuk SWRp Vol: CXW# NO 196:Lj~ pp. 233-235- AMS SCI sept. U The Strwtur* aW Histoomain of the Phw7npel Woth In OwrWim nab ot the Oarp 9pecles, by yw. I. ch'"tovao NMIANO perm Dok Ak Sauk Mj, Vol CXXIp No 5,v 19540 pp 9w-- Amer List of B101 sci Sci - wed on 00 P,~610* of t" SYS646fis of Optimum antrillo a U44 tatims Ple4ed a Mmme Coardinstes ad i tb* Rate ~ of Chap of Oe Conimolling Action# by prwwo U ppe IAN$,~Pqre Tift 11=2 Al sul2m Iftstitut NO 1~63, . 0 Vp PlolUL YM 47 /40 Jun 166 CompowUp bgr N. G. !b AMOLOM ~A, BOMUW.o = pwp Zbw awtah lum Vol ]MV., 12 0 OTA ;2iro-;t IMP IV 20m3" 3 7f 76 7 amratafts Mwmu flat - ch"Stry AUR % C: mw "64 (NY-3000) ONE INSTITUTE'S TWO PROPOSALS FOR FERTILI'ZER PLANTS) BY M. CHEPTSUVA, pp. RSSIANo NP. El'\01,1OlMlC--HESKAYA GAZETA, 2U ;,,JV 1~61, PP 20-121. JPF'~S 12"-u Off - 3000) A Clonti=uo= Line for the Production of IMUS Wg-dri-Shiolf I Beans., by NM, V, 0. ftmra, Am Yee, 13balwt 3 PY, IRUNIA110 Uffir., W1 ftih-Mwa Thform tail,. No 32., 1.991, vp 3-5# JM 13363 wo fton Arr 6? 'rite Effect of Tamperatum ort the Photoconductivity of Folyarrstal-lim Shftts o" 49'2.~ by D. V. Chep" :?, 0. A. iied,kaj 6 pp. T-USSM'? Perp Mur Tekh rism Vol XXVIy No 3., Msr 17; p pp 553-559. Awr Imt of Phys Boviet Pbp-Tech PbYs Vol I , No 3 Sci - alysics j-/ ,,goo Ans 57 (if' Tlt;lllike Lioit, by P. C-hplim.-I 3-7 pip. TM'.';!)VXp iii-o par n. av T(~~ r:L;,,;, V o1 Mv.~ Z:c I 4"ll c -0#5411P pp 21111:~41,8p Sci Tr Centir %57 Photoelew-tric mrid Opti.-~Sl Properties of' 1":%.Y"2' "ov lip, RUSSIAN,, J flftektron.. Vol XY, No 3, 1~57& pp INOMMI SCAMMIN13 OF uw 0i; Ims w W" TIM I LSO By . . ~ . . . . 44 Lo K41WMgg. G, BONWOO Yl mml#mo PtRj, EUXTRWYAZ,p %%L xvl,, PP ND Ir .065 SO - MECTMUZ IFIM ~3 ;210,&A WAsureiamtS Of YibrMicm ad VLumr Vloplacammto by jja~ Cif W WAVOSS, by K. K, Nl*,LtObDVV 3 PPO IwWii*l' T&Whp 11) 5p 1960P 20-- e7#07 Apr Q go- *141-1 4*1oolf Lip 10 0 fwv - ~*,Jjx.-& It. "kip &5 lit On tbd UT04 of Mcatmoo Ah"UtratIm of j- earm m to DmaApmt and ozvwu at 00 2F 0 I-ftams lb by V - A - ~bm.~ MOSM50r; JW Mapr " I Mdv Vol XLUp so ftl Fab (Al tr ip" i1 Cataract, by It 8, CWpurLtw, ti CUSSIFIRD RIX-:PIA31'41~ per, Vest Oftal Vol. XVIllp No 20 19NI., pip 20?-203. A Scl Tr Cemer RT-18412 i!"cl)~ntATIC -MM"40kY Jet, 55 CTS %'."aE;e of Scolq)3 am] ne Poisoning in Ophthalmic Praftce., I - S. ~ C~Jpy" -11 11, 1, I ~ I I P. MOM),., per, KazanokJf Ned Zhurl Vol XXVI, No 11, 0 p ll.~q-U40. I Sci Tr Center IIT-792 I.eyA,!,rJ.c - I~bdlcine / 4? 6 6 01 of AolMWW WI towlo by 9. P. CN# As T, Chakums UMUMNIND Vlot*rimrIL3*o Vol xmt 110 7, ..IWO W VBDA Mial" We 54 Ole (ges") pecuLuxit'i" or Ifu4bWota" compim" in %bbit Uao After 4atlas the AsimU with M160a I)OM of 1--ftpo V, 0. P. fbem'; Val, =p So-go Moo Vp im 104" Sol - at 59 Studiplo ap, 8-Wraaptoquiwlona (Ibiooxim) und Ito WrJ~O,Iavq4. Coramnicatiou 2b. k~voxTtlon u1scatra aiml i-l ptoqulnolinv In Solution, *,,.;,y Yu. A. OW,al of 1:11 krcu III'mKoNsi 16.9. CbM-And Wl~ Ij Vj?. =13TARp 1perj, Arid Mur Mal Mils:, Vol XVIII, lk)61t, JLQ' I.- pp cu WA ~ 1 04 ;!W~P57G' wd1w ,L -.- A~~ 41 w--- lmw~ mmA - i 2C Saba" IN** ft ~ lwl~ 9' ; 2"92MM I I m0 4w- -- 1. 071h MW ~~ &I- MOL IV subwAfto IdUs ft On NININ - Ltw 0 4t44006 AM And WdWo yd XM NO 4 w c$ 0, t" Mu3s Selection %aes for Qua4mpole Axeiton Absorption of IA~bt 1A Cubic Crystalep V. S. Galiaboy; V. I. cherapanof, R. V. Hadahankof VS, 6?f RUSSARp pars Fix Tmdogo Telap Vol 111, No 2 1961, pp 4%-491. Aip SM Pbp4olid State Vol IIIp Ib 2 eel -wg 6.1 HftOi46RYLAnON wrm POLYPHOSMMIC ACIDS. 1. Chorbullet. F- 1%2.131P. s g:!Irs, 11. Weniger. H. Order train ISLA S 2. 60 62-14259 Tran. et Holvinica Ct4micA Acts (Switsorlard) 1946, T. 29. P. mi2l)17. DEX.RrMMI OMmopborylatim Otboophmic wids, Acids, krimctopowds, CmicturricwpouMs. no"fat". "yl radicalo. Mcobolm. Owltow, Awls". (Cbm lair Irwpikit, TT.'v. 1. me. 2) Ulta,a-Moc-DetersdiAtion of tie Total Nitro- sou In Pblypybides., wA Amim-AcIds, Isol2tad Wom Chrowatopaw or Mec"Mwops= on Phipar, by P. Bandutp M. CbseWLIsm. GIRWO pw,, Helvatics. MAnIcs Acts, Vol %L,, ft 5x 1957s n) 16UM.]j6W. C811RO 4319 SCA. .. Chaim Ap- 62 C' L-dt~.' 3,U* of Ptoptldo Strwtavs tV ;!bans of ilh8wuS4#Qqm=tq Yo on thm -[~Gmtion of AxaWjthld~~cdna (%4 &W tbAr Cbr~togmptWj 1.~ I __ U4141WAI J~ CMIAOR Val 46 L0.0 pp M46-M32" 4" 11#1*6 GOW11114S.All ULI DAU $41ichm lis X. 6 El Study W' Faptido _4'tmictxa-es (hy :,~aaris ad' tlio IT-). On the jiwf-,e of Vui CoU44pn A. CollaM D =d "Latim; by ftEle Cba*atiums inn jeammatp Nut H. Wyer, 2 pp. AM= societe 48 FIIIAIeso owafta 1931o, pp ~3np 343- B1910618 at do Bell Fambs d" Smaces', Vol laws Mit 60-3D830 SU 0060 Vol Mo ~ No 6 -1 Le 0i 'ATILTI"t OF tr, I,v 7 jilay r~j, lip, rds. t12 -57 ;ri 33, *Pk,jj.;pjL iric ;wkk. K.Vap warwu. "'111-1 Th, 6-1- 257!,0 11 t At INOC'. acid Mfia vajX11 prestiort, oI 11 lei,% thoutwitf:hs if a m1111m,.-Jer, ane, thttl iixphtm; iTF p-~rcqOHL! V0111111itV 11~ th1l; winivrature. (Autkir) -2) 7 7 (O~emtstty- Plij-61ca 1, T] ivi. 4) Reswrabes on Ouelxk Me laMutitY of -Caseins and Fft~iMMInp by Z. Marbullez, Bmft-euA Wolf 1 MW pw Bolv Wdn Aafts Vol =9 * Amg 1953,, &L.A. Tr 96 Igur - Oermy 7P Scientific - Cbmdstry (NY-6501/89) For 06 Nn~ Vletwiss 0t tbo Vo3-1A Ocummist wwftm~ap 1# 0. Cbftmb*Wwp 3 mi. lm,o voo Pnw& ammLort J-0 Jw lolt p I. am . 4 *40 Brucellosis in the Extreme North-11. Epidemiological Features of a Focus of Brucellosis Among Reindeer, by 1. 1, Cherchenko, 7 pp. RUSSIM., per, Zhur I-Iilrxobiol Epiderd-ol i Imm,.n6oiol., vol =i., 2to 4,,, 1961) PP 118-123 - PP Sci Oct 62 216.) 072 Vol Sc, TmWabve Depev4ence of the Punwgnetic Suseeptibili4 of Niciml4bgwxivm and Nickel- Manamese Forritesj, by V.I. Cbercbmraikov- RUSSLM3 pol-0 Vest Mmww Urdvp Mt *kb Aatron Fir,.* 110- 3p IMs PP 93-96- 907 ffiv C-in Sci - Cbaw 17 w~y 1961 B-5-133 (V, -2562.) The Use o:f,ln4u*trW Wastao of Wortatracyclino for Livesto*k Faiaing Needs, by- I. U. Kanyon kiy,, B. Z. cherl#!"_~ A. P. I(ryucbkcvva., L.'I. Rassolonko., 8 pp. RU3SIP.W,, per, bbd From SWR, No, lo 1959, pp 6-10. JPW -L 402 -N Sol - Had Nature of the Basin AcIft and Properties of Rosin From the Olooresia of Pl=w bWasioal am,, by 1. Zh. F. Nddumkaya, 6 pp Bardyahev,, Xh- A. Marches RUSSUS, pmr,, Zhur PrIk MUM, Vol XCalJp No 4, 19600 py M-W. CB may 6L Nkol~iottc: Pkcid -- A ~Tizmry ACid of the (',Inortcla of Plc~a gxkalsa Link, by I. L. Bardynhev, Kh. A. Charohba, pp. RUSSIAS, par, Zhur Prik XhU., Vol. XM~; fio 8, 1958t pp 1216, , C011SUItant.14 73sixenu sci - ("I'MOA Ang f;14 Resin A41do at tba Gaeavolu fmi -tho Criman PIW (PInUS 0121ABISM 1400, b3f L L Paraymbiev, *h, A# CbordMp 3 MWIM pa Zbur Pilk bias Tol M=,, No 7p pp. IM.M. Imytou sa - Ohio Aug 59 .151 Of isaPaxtropimric Acid - A Cmpaeatv(~ 0'r th.-I ' 410`16 AmIds oZ tba Olarorissia of tLo 5-w-Law-I jUtu Sibirics (Rtxpr) MWI by I - I - Mmm 2 pp. WOUNP Fort Dck A Ikuk SM.- Vol Ws Nr) 51 1,082 pp 104-IM6. CouamItacts Bureau stri - elm Ain 551 u 7 A lieu 1wtW for the Isolation Df Le4imaric Ac:*,.d trom ~Oxturen of Res In AcWa) by I - I - BardydMv,:Kh. A. Charches, L. 'it Movs., 3 pp. RIWXNN~ pov, Zhur Pril; Xhiap Vol XXXI, No 3, 1958, pp congultmatu Bureau Sol .. Chu Apr F19 ar,6 Pajt;:3trt,- Acids Portn, t~.T the CnIrM~Tl Liak,)., by L~cr PoX Al!; lbuK I!i,57., 959-960 o nrlu tn' t-I t, 3 01: 1 5;"!i HOMMAC Geogrsyby of the LMI; Societ socialist Republics, by G. 11. fterdantsirv,, N. P. Wiritin, B. A. Tutjid~ln. =SUN$ bk, ftoamidbeskaya (leograftya SSSR: Sovstskio Sotsis"oblabeekle Respubliki) 1957,9 dboot 500 pp. SuSpsted for Tr by United Xingdom P" from 101 (Thedbald) 13 Jhn 1959 I Sol R. O""vhkb-*w I "hwoun xn TV$ 5 pp. xmq Wr. ED jal m cm ) ~ /,,-, - 1. -~ R00%M12 (3009mpby of the UM 9 RMR 0 by 0. N. Cherdantemy. RWSIANp bk., Zkonomichenakeya Geograftya SM: RBY81k.t 1957.g 2nd Edition, about 5W pp. SugpotedL for Tr 'by UnUed Kingdom per memo from MY (Thedbeld) - 13 Jan 1959 MUM C ( *(YAWHYv CHOW500 32 ppo BY GLEB N I MAIMM I CH Eft V I CHOMYA GUPOW I YAj Gf.ODEZ I ZDAT, HWCOW, 1961o 1~123 PP PPO USW ECat DEC, JPRS 16126 216111&, .o# chard"Is", S. G. TUR M6CHANM OF Acnow OF AmmAzwa oN 7M8 THYROID GLAND (0 Mokboaltme DWayl AMIvA41nmworjdMIdwyuZb~b%j). 119"Irlol 24idi PASHB'Ms am SM-3. Ordar from On, SLA, or FM $1.60 TT-64-11438 TnrA. of rrdAmy Emickrimlool I Gomoamnpu (USSR) 1963, Y. 9. m 3. p. 35-40 1. cbmiy1ft", & CL 8. FASEM-S-1172-3 M. Febradom of Amerless Soclodes for "art- mead mology. Waddepos. D, r- TV. Scr4ft TocbmAca, be-, W"Mvgm D. C- M6074 (llQiqoczl Sd .-ftarmsedov. 7T, W. It so, 3 owme .0 Tahs..1 awm. Neutron Radiation of the Earth by V. V. Claerd~mtsevy L. IS Shm6nin., 9 pp RUSSIAN, per, Geokhin, No 3) 1960 GS sci Aug 62 214,650 Uranium Isotopes in Nature I. Actinium - Radimi ZKZZU Ratios in MinemIG) by Clierd-!7~tsev V. V.) ksylba~,ev, U. lai. 'f pp. RUSSMI) per., Gcokhim, No 8, 1961. Geochem Soc Sci 0 c t2, 216) J-;OL-. al I., 'lag of lir".ina of Ilo j7ip Qrhomll L