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(DC-52100 Ultr~rAOI&b 4ectrum Method For Deterinlaalion of the Styrew Cout~ut of St3n4we-Butadlene lbilbber, by Vat Hung-lAeh, C.h'On Szu-tRaip 4 PP- CHORSH, pmr, Rua-houeh lung-3vho No 2, 21 ibin 156D, pp 47. ins 8%6 ASVI - Ch:Lua / 7J, 4 -.?y Boon -,c. Work an] Warl: AIA li 1;, 0 f It D; for Cancez, af P. Cl-I., i~, ),., Voprosy orholog, Voll VIII,. byur ~l un flin F(LEWIplul, Or Oncrilo!" by (Jill Lolof:"U, lalustrial &,diasl Grading and the Working CaPaclitY Of 19000n With 110OPlasme of the Genital Tract , by 11, P. 'Chemo 11. pp. RUSSIAN., pe.r. Voprosy Onkol., Vol VI, tic go 1960~ PP 107 --11.5,. pp Bel 1,5~~ 0-5-~ Apr 61 OUtiatitta lbtbods to the 9tudy &odbd 2%mrrain in the silly Voos Aros, by chit., c%CQUIO-12a., 30 pp. M. AR 90 9040h-r-SO., VOL X=# ;o 3., ftill !Rp M-305. ftu we, all, PA L Ib Set - Gaopbys (DC-3992) -Sa0hools a,74 Factories Cooperate to Promote TecbnolQSlcsl Innafttiout by Chlen Ta-hsieh., 4 pp. C313WHI, 'ay, Jon-tsio fth-pao,, 12 Apr 1960) p 16. JpRs 6491 P13 - Ch'ing Soo - 9*04 3 7 Ohm 61 O-YJ3 0-394, (M-2931). Translottions I`= Commlet China Is Folitiml anti Soololm.ftical Publicatlow. Now Men Porbology Sorve 86ol&Uut Cmatructicat., by Wen Ts-jo3o.. 10 pp. CHJMS,~ upl jen-miu Ah-poo, Pei-ping, 26 Jun 1959, P JM-1932-5 FB - cbgna TIDI - SbC Oct 59 tc, ricri, Can Of col by chen Jla-Soll) e, pp. No 3) L959; 3424 Trr, p(),j. ca 0) (Dc-5go6) GmaT Fa4 the Accvnmlttted Achievemnte of Scimatific Mwvledo, Th.klo' 8 pp. CHEM=, per) Chmg-kuo Chling-nien) Ito 15., hV 19610 p 4. i= 11809 Wit - Cmna POI /1?/, 3 /.? An 62 Ulooxv; b MI n Ta-kuaAl, T:lz.,-. 'e; i' U Tlen.&P~ -91IRP. j3er.. Chung-bua Kci-h'o T'Ga-chill, Vol Villt No 3, ig6o,, P.P 213-',.--)16. JM 9455 Sci -- Ned All, 61 v hwaeii in our [comimbt CICLtals) lusus%r%al et*trol~ by Chom.N.Iuas 9 pl?,, MM 1.7 Hex 1958,, p1p 29-38. Ap j255678 Saco C7 4pedite NmUowl lb&A-Lriali"tion Vader the awml Uue ftr Soolalist7&~tmctlm, by aan ! .,~,Iun, 6 pp. CHIM,p peri (Muno Mw Ch'ing Rea) no 12, 16 Am 195,8. (AvedUble M Ub) AamrCovom H=g lbago Bit f2mw China Walow fto 110 139s 18 Jug 1958 FM - Was Be= Oct 58 C2 by Chlon Tlan', 1k j%jacibal.; by Chlon Tlao-shzneno 3 I)P, 4"1=13go"t per$ ilum-hmueh shill-Chloll, ;;Q I.o Oct 1"45% p 167. JMS ton jam 61 J"';4 I 4t I., "I"V%xi a I i!' a, , (NI -5462) Dn the UniveresItty &M special Character of the 'Law That Agriculture Is the Foundation of the Watimal. Beorwqj~ by Chlen Teo-ymt,, 14 pp. CHIUSEt UP) Kimna-ming ah-vaop - A Oct 1960p p 66n J VE - China Econ Feb 61 33. i6AJ 4 We% its Application in 111.7 : I Ch" voi 0 11 po j, rp Tin Tau Chi .No 40 ID640 c ~-j SclAorospace 14y, " 30100815 (DC -.3992 ) buticipate in the Technological Revolution .tiid Do Wall, the Cbemical Enginevring Research Ifork, by Chlota Tiao-fu, 1.1 pp. CIT-ItM QUIllo np, Ton-mlii Jlh-pav, 12 Apr 1960, p ,Tm 6491, Jan 61 I I A E 1) L) i v I llp)lic~jtion of Strain Guges For Measuring Torque., by,Cheat,Tirlg~7,q4q~49j 5 PP. It,),. lil ,, RIPBSTAR, per, lzmeritel Tekh, No 8, 1-959j pp 18-4n.. Instru Soc cf Pmer sci Aulg 60 /J,;2 v,z "U rig lit AD a IbUaim UtbcA~j, ljV, I., 41P I ? NY -5 Preliminary Observations on Indigenoun Raw-roll Verticillate Alkaloid in Treatment of Hy1wrtensive Disease, by Liu Teh-jun, Chlen Tzal-chis, Vu Sing., et al, 36 pp. CHIME, per,, Chu-na-hus. Aei-klo Tsa-chih, voi vni, No 21 19k PP 108-115. JM 9355 151f,-. Sat - No im 61 (W-5340) pp. PoT, Hunt-,olill, No 14) 16 Jul 1960, iv 301-41. JIW 8476 xx,..M!lt it, Boo Jul. 63, (BF-1503/1) on the Bemko of the Pearl RIverp by Chen Tolan-yun) 8 pp. aMMs Pm-lp lung-eh'i) No 5j, 1169, PP 43-47. JPRS 41W 71 - chim 10/o/ (/ /P -3 POI sop 61 pr p I Fob lq~)O, 38 43. JP119, 3169 rWE -- CbJnR Pol - Soc .P,pr 60 7n C"ll (NY-5550) CcwermLog the VL&vs of PLog Hoin on the Queotiba of' "Ive Pmr in the Foross of Froauctical by Chlon Tol-lUas 32 pp. CM=Mo up# "Og-W~ Ah-Psoo 14 IW 1960.p MIS 6960 YZ - ChLua 10, Pol Apr 61 (DC-4107) 5ren Ift3umand Pmpie With Oue Hear4p Ton Thousand Forses Oallopinst Ten Thawand Variegavood Colors, ind Teu Tbotmoand Now Appoamweep by Li Chen, ,!hlen 'Plieup Wee Me-faij Pleng (Woh-jal (RUMSM., upp Jen-*in Ah-psot 10 Apr 1960, p 24. JM 6755 p1"2 / Vol. gar 61. (VY - 441.6' ) k~aly Througa Friendly Negotiati()n Can We peadilIv Solvo tho ftoblem of Dial Notioiality., by Wu I --bsio, Rmleh lfan-lwang,, qLlcu Tjung--aU, 4 pp. CMWWs ory, Jbn-min IL Jib-Veop 15 Apr 1960, p 16. JRiS 5635 FE - CUM Pol / 3 /, 4~ -1 1 'Nov 60 (M -5966) Tvn 'Dir&nolonal Problems of Settlement of CLsY Layers Dum to Consolidation ard Secondary Tine Hfl'ectii, by Toung -chi, 3.5 PP. CHIN11,88, per., LI-haueh Rsueh-;eoj Vol II, No 1. PP JM 9336 7 7 -Yu:L 61 smow of ftrual use" is rasatims it, *U6 OMOI, A, a amral raruous In the riml IW *Me 2tW4,&'Wj& 9bsu 'b'"g-wo mss~*Jj Pwo aw *DOW I 2"Imt ns, Val XLIP ftw 3 Sol gap?w Aft Nry, Ow ar the Mwelples X*VaVed In Dcvig~ing an Elettronto C=trol DevIce for thr FICriGt^.-.--rir,Anr M#e of s, ~ Oros abar ATO (Autc)wtl c L"I Off ic e) -11~ j=Ukt*mj. (G. G. Sellbinj pp - Ve-#Mk Svyuip 110 5~ 1961. JPRS Trq Aug 61 Thir" *Jlmolfii of !I;Oil 411gim to LzIgravc "0l1 00 Tun-plel (Iijjl~ ; I to 6 4 . . A ~ ('18frM.'195 i!j. Ila Ve tit v091 ? ,ro IMPROVE THE WORK OF (ATHERING LOGS., BY gjLEJ~' *r 'UNG,".A I FAN--r'U, ET AL, 6 pp. 0, 1 CHINESE PER CHUN'G--KUO LIN--YEH., NO 2p 11-1,u2 PP 211-251. % JPRS i76co F E- CH I NA ECON FEB G'3 223,41C, ional OU butice of a sowd rePt pi. ant oil I an I its W"ums Ip by Chleas Tfung 0i'4. Hsvob ge Vol I NO: 0 *F110 AIT il~;702-67 SC4 Il'ATIONAL USAGE OF MISCIELLANDOUS I-Ei-T-OVER HATERIALS MW LARGE FACTORIES, BY CHEN TZU-LIN. CHAO W-CHING. 4 PP. CtOHIESE, a, JENI-1-1114 JIH-PAC~ -1 JLI;, Iu'2' jpRs 14652 FE. - CHI NIA ECol", huri 62 2U;.-); -(20 . C-L, IV . i f 0 untion Of' TIO)CS V 1:4a ItrUorad I P~ I~Ivlullnftry Itaport., by T. Mo per,, bt Mil j mAnsk on L4CW- ll im. r chimse llxll~-UCLM: Chen- voi 3,, so 61 7 42 L ~P, al 4 AOCIPIal ,:t)UIIMdnt III ~Ioodotlc .aoiq tho Plaot Van %cmar, 10:0141101W MAIMO V 1.0 Ij Ck- 1, - o ;,01. Ire ol 60.1 blno,~ tha) ko w TW&-ddA6 TA, X16 Tom" vd, X16 I ip~ I i. i i i Idii I I ! I i Aw ; I I i I i i I : I ! ~ l~ ! I Axw f"eadi.y1g, C=IOMt ',',D the Sjulplificatior. of b3~..Q.IbO.YVn-U&I39s yu "Lng-huc'~ Huang "C'Upa --hing j 3 pp " - np., ituang-miug :rib-pao., 17 ilov 1960t p vM 8417 Fe Ctoblva ro, 0, JIXG 6:~. at the vxdftuuty Tim by )W,p ppe am-I=$ vai fto UxAgo mm viopmadis rppl, um 9w pit ow am umi to N. 8"bow"Lo lb jo 7*743. Pavmm Imutaw Ph" 58 64~1 ~~-f7 (W-3992) "Ale Omat Victory of the Nama-ational Ifork of Sbw4iat, by Chlen Wa4g-tsoj et. al. pp. (MMOM.9 np.. Sen-aidn Ab-pvo, 12 Ajw 60., P 13, Ass Of9l FE - mans (DC-3 Otn y cif tbo P.U-Cblm Wof,& =ow, 03, fteirt".-re' Wel."ILi" PIT) As-chlb 'i Una-Pao; go 15 Rimy -40'"j, pq 118 - MUM 57 utn* 59 (Dc- W6) A Rwriew of AvWwwtowive Drop , by Chlon Wal-d=,p 2,5 pp. . ...... CHI=. M"o Kitphmwb NO 3.2j. Wj, pp 30-36o I i= l3wa Sal - Cbft i= 62 .1e?71 On "'Squatttng Poiutl'~ by q~~In Wen-chi, 6 pp. CRIVM.. up.. Ta-km* Pao*% 23 Nev 1960o r, 2. jas 601 FE - Chima ECOU. 1 9 llrl Mar 6:L (.Dri-51.94) Tbe Glo-rioue Decade of Scientif ILe aud Teabiaologirial Developmat in tkmi Textile Industry., W CUM=., VeIrt Chung-kao Fang-cblh, So 28, I Oct., X959j, PP ll-16. JMB 5975 Foqb 451 khwundve Ftmctlml of - N - (cv~ ftl P4widbme) DnUW SuUuric s Lau 31)o ily Pal Tung-H4 Won Wel-eboug ot 19641 W2F. XPRI 2 Sd -i Cho* Jwl 64 No 39 261,923 (NY-5794) Sttudlc5 ou Druge for Treatment of Hypertensi-Iii, VIL Clardinc and Cerebral Remodynanile -Effect ef the Aldalold From the Root of EauvolfiFA Varticillato From Hainan Island, by L1. Hsiao-yu,- Cheri Wei-6ou, Ting Kuang-ebang, 9 pp. CIMINSE, per, Ytko-baueh Houah-jeo, Vol VII', No Doc 1959P PP 336-339. J?M 7757 1 .1 Ck L Nay 61 (NY-5717) studials on Dxvgo for Trastmat of Byprbansion, by P~*p W*I-&ou) Svm Chi-bsunp LI Jbiso-yu, Tiag Xuang-Oh", 16 pp. CM3W3, per Tao-baueh ffaush-pa*, Vol vUi, No 1, 1960f pp 35~9. jm't6Se Sci - Ubd *y 61 10/5~ "7~ Ovy-;W) PharwaolVoal Research on RMUnsors, by Ting "uo-cbe%, U Hstuo-yuo Mules Wei-chou., fti-01hiiao-obeaj, 24 pp. CEUMp b4p Ch'ing-ohm Metk4aw Shih-chm-nion 1-haush K10-haush Cbleug-ahiu Lun-veu-chi,, Vol I, Doc .19 590 pp 20-214, im Tw Fab 61 (SF-1601) Problems of Soil Misture Mazowxtered in the StxV of Sandi-FimUon and Affbrestatim Almg the Chung-vai sootlon of the P&O"to Ouitan~ Fail'-IV In the Tleng-ko-3A Desertp bF Id utug-%Imwp Chlen Lung4oan& Ch'an Wen-jui.9 I:R.,DMgp pm, Klo-houeh Tlvng-pw,,# No 8.p 2T Apr 1958) pp 249-P31. JPRS U796 Jan '14Y-5720) jiom-k ot~ Improving Large Scale Oil Diffusion t>=fpI W Chlen Wdj%-k'UGjP 1.4L Mja-yMn~ I.L pp. CJIP~M$119) per) Wu-11 Hpueh-pixo; Vol. X171; No 3, 1100P PF, JB4, Ia5- 7('195 Sci .. Hngr May 6:1, I),!- I(1 ' ' i( ond Arithracitc- Coaii.,,, by Ltu ill--~:.Il n I'll T)p. N"') ocll, ,T)) !kl ~~! : ~7'i I " ''! 1:~, , I j "I !'!: 1 .~~ I I I i I I 'i I I' . I ;. : , I 1 1 1 :, ! ~ . I 1. 1 I I 'i, i 1. I i ~!i . I I . p spol" ft go" am% Td jok me 36 U20S Iterative Process of Solving Nonlinear Equation of General P~mctions,, by Wen-yuan Chen, 13 pp. CHDWRI perj Shu Hsueh Chin Chan, Vol 111, 1957, PP 434-444. ABC Tr-5118 Sci - Mys Aug 62 List 'T1 2o6,077 (MY-5720) Ice Formation of Cuba Texture 1n an Iron-Billcon Illoyo by Mou Pang-hoic, Wang Wien-min,,. qhen ii!-og-kman, 8 pp. 31MISIC., POro WU-1i ff8UMh-PaOp VDI XVI) No 3) 15 5 -159. jpBs T05 'c Plays so~j 61 A Condeauiti= of B0guj3 socialiot LitcratvJM, Uy ("wen ya-tiag~ 6 pp. A.- Ar)KC. &me of Chinp, mawalli P-ress N, om 25 Oct .L960 Noll, 60 veloping: l1qain! 8emice To An TWn'Junt- '(Pnizilig, the Filloplelfs &wmadc Life, by (alea Yeag, Pp~ pex..' ftma-ahlij so V-4., 1 Fdb 1961j ~- ~ f'~ #..~ AMCM09up Hong Kong j C" Seleaticam, Frcm Chins MRinlumd Ybg $0 w 27 vot, &L WIN% 7/ Study of lltbdels of the Upper Atmosphoro by Chien Uo-sul 17 PP. CHIMISE., par, Ti-ehilu viu-1:1 llsueh-pao, Z-v- ~l - Por kin( Vol 1 6 It 1963, PP 1-U. JPTIC: Lj sai/Atmos Apr "1l # 37 (DO-3700). Cbing-hsi Maing Adminlotration User, "Four Overlapping Sigbt-Hour Shift SyEitem Througbout Its Operatloas.. by Ch,'en ~Y _~!O) 5 ITP, CHIME, perp Mei Chi-shu, No 1, 1960, pp 4) jpRs 36&*) FE - China Ecorl Sep 60 1 J261 L914 flha.~ Wd Look !A -tile ReJ 'Al pp. Jell-rdrl J1.11-pao) Ib Apr JPR.', 5307 'FE Chirm Intervieit with Chico* Foreign Minister Chen Yi., 5 ppe SWEDISfIg. npv Dagens Enel No I to A-7410 DEPT Oil STATE: FE ChIma Poc Oct 66 Nyhoters, 24 Wy 1966. AuEsbassy Stockholm. 3110423 FOUIL'Acu in G-lAww'-:36 C-ad Chl.c.m 4 pp. Jill-POLO. Dec, survey PT Va PC, I,tm 1961 Pol. rati-) 6:1. and What is blot Alicrvcdp by libnt Is All-owed 30 10. Kong Of ciliaS 110 P.415 it ic. Acknowltagemost of Difforence VeYI3.tjfl Distributiomi, b7 Wen TI-yer).p 3 lpi?. Mmst rip, Rem-fava JAhpoop Dec 2).p 19&)~ Aw'Ovuenu H.Ons Kong sm-Tey or if* 243.5 12 Jan 1961, IM - ibm Ob"I'va Tob 61 (DC-3530) THE RURAL PEOPLE 15 CCMUNE CADRES MUST REE14FORCIE THE ECONOMIC COI-FUTATION CONCEPT, BY CHIE14 YING, 10 PP. CH i NESE~. PER, HUNG CH I I I NO 12) 16 juti i c)62) PP 2' -31 - JPRS 14595 FE - CH I NIA ECON A U G, 62 205; 72c, 1 PAM Pmrim to at 60" bed). i lix" bcr Obf4m 1-.r ppe Phi$ll 50 relp"U46 wx 195L Vol I31t MMIAry UWargroad defam ini-ew 7 03 1 abift (SF-1562) nashinp =a the Protective W&U, of Wd in a Bcre I Holev by Cklea Ybw-luna., 5 pp. (MM=., yft., Shul-4m TI-akdh &Wmg-chlen IM-ahlb, SO "1 1959, pp 93-940 JM 4876 3,01 - &43r- sep U Coo cool*^ ,f,is.ter Level of Aquifer and waita. SUMPIA) la e13 )'I,V-:LU13i3 5 PP - 9-hO pji NO 1960, PI) MS 7639 jo. 61 3-3 bk*t on $mbirth Vouso Self-lleliaWO, by caum Irung-boig io pp. CHUM.,, per., gilwi:M hl~u 30 3 p P.5 Okw I. s 29-33- JPM 35' YL'A/ Juo 66 303., 161 Its pusly cmlwri 11 pp. Fi c to fichle.,11-e ar ecit, ol, lu~ Abundant Harv CH]:jjUqj,,,, rp, Jeri-min Jih-pac,) 7 AP" 19")J7 9' TRS China Ecorl 60 Y111 110 Kwangtung's Ach ieveme tits I by Ch'-en Yu. CHIN,.;;132,, nj.,-Ilun-fang Jil-i-pao, 12 Oct FE-Ch inil. Econ Y( jull 11)C' by 19L;.t Fla (DO-3502) TrAb Ce tI* SO.CaUed ch"an pp. "Arm Of' preedw") bY Comm# Pat ~b , I . iio 6, 16 HaT 1962: IM, pp 97-31.+ im 13683 AOIA - OWMA pal. jeW 62 /'? 4,, ,2 ~~ The Trutli of the Sc~-Cmlled "EkeeW. W'arfara"j by gh,ow 10 ppo UIUMBS,, per., Mmg Ch"ij No 11'. 1962) pp 30-34~ M .. Gbim t, 6:2. w c Iwo 'T I, ~i so I~' I p I i II i( MAU ( 1141= - t ) lom'MALlosapby Vso 2t aid ftU Xtv by M I tic, .- lra-ku~lp at slo 4 ppe =MW4 Pat Cho -ft4*n Rmobohaj, No 11 1 ,Pldpg:Mgp 1959.9 pq 19-ft- JM 1512-N 72 " J34M Itbi *W .59 1 -0~ I or // (De-5go6) A Dimewslam of the Iftoolon ewd the Directimo of the Studly aE TopoFmpby in (Adrat by Chlen Yu-ch9mxSp 24 pp. CUMI Vwp Klo*botob Tlmg-pmo., ja* 19% Pp 1348. jpm Imll? acd - 9 BM '71 juft 6e Wy,P74%) =1=1TRUAWT w "Down DIMN 0 S!M94wrm* 11% 11 Pp. all, ,9 " 3(AIMM" cwwmmlo SHINDOW"IfIN A"' ~' I I Nst CHMODWIC URM06"I NSIAONUUM4 va I I# w I ,Sm. I ion 0" Set im low Ali a galv~w 00 too *tMvQ4=w; !iWaKues ioma 0 IOCOIXW Ot 94 -,71 j J&XW 1: fj= JWW JW OWN (Ovyw, LAW irrw5 30157 )(-,oll "); aa 1!.4 XT ivO mm A spa, hill! ~jlli 14 . wr OKXKRMR 6 EFFECT OF CRYTHR0.1.1% lk' 0111 THE GROUIll OF POPLAR TRIESp 13Y CHEII YUNG,411) 12 PP. CHINESE PER LIIA-YEH M-HAUL11, 1"o 1) I~U-L) 11 J-1, p I % I PP 53-:55. JPRS i FE - CHH4% DEC 6'2 ie! chi,- ELY!, by L C":0.11-1:41tiIj I 11such .. Ilan; Vol. ~TRS I-OW3