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ws TWIN" 71,wntgningi w Optimal Stationewy Fklte-i- with,, Fjzi,~~(3 .1 ~.emory far a Randcm Tim Interval By 1. B. Chelimmv. pp. 7 - J--, , -:U3S,'SANP Avtoxat i Telmikh,, Vol YIV, .10 196'3~ pp. h? - 52 An Approximate Method for the Soltuikon of Filtration Integral Equations,, by 1. B. Chelpanov, 6 p1?. RWSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemckh,, Vol XXIV, No 11, 1963$ pp 1461-1466. ISA Sci. May 64 259,656 of a Couplex Systerli Concir,'Li:,.,-- ol' Continuair, and Discro-ta Chcairxd-~., by 11.7 :per., Iz jU,- L'hSSR, OT*;-., Tc".j-,- IRLS 245-(' Hay Osuillatiom .~i' a 4patt= Vith a Eelay of 4dvanoilig Charactetistios,, b;~ 1. B. vftelpavolip 23 pV. RMIAn,p par;, 'FTih btLtemat i Mokh.. Vol XXII, 110 1~ 1958, P Nrgamn Ing t Sci - Ii6~hwn%Lkoas Physico Noy 58 Z~ /~/ f Synthesis of optimal Filters for Signals Chanping 'r1leii., Sta,tistical Properties i:a SUCCOSSiVe Time Intervals, by I. B. Chelpanov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemckh, Vol XUV, No 10, 19630 pp 1330-1337. ISA Sci Apr 64 256$001 On thij Achievable Effioiency of J3ov-i,,,,cs I-Mch Copipuicalk- Random Drifts of Fm 0yroscopee, by 1. li._~I~ilmqvg 5 pp, RuSsIAN., per Maut I Te1wekhj Vol XXIII~ No 81 1962o pp 10401CO2. ISA 841 -;; ~~ 'M, M ar 63 Pyntbosis and Transformations of a-Glycols of the Stbylene berlev. III. Elmduction of 2:4-Dip- Unylbutene-3-dlol-1.2,, by L. F. Chelpanovo fl. H. Li~mn,, 4 pp. AWSAM.. w per, &,hur Ob&~b-Khim, Vol XXIV,, Ito 6, Jun 1954, pp 1014-1016. crA c 4o4o6 Consultanto Bureau Scientific - Chemietry Jan 56 cTs/DEx Syntbpjagz w4 TrawWormations of Etkric-nic- c,~- Glyco.1.13. vrt,~ Tmusformtions ccf 3-butona-122:40nol and 2p3-Di=etbQj,1-5-pbeayi-4- Pmteae-2,3--diol; by L. F. ~~el Xbrmw-, 6 V. A. RUSSLU., pm-, Yhw Obabob Khimj, Vol XXJ-X3 No 1959,p1pp 23~A-2354. CD Sci Coaju&Lted $yateuw) CXVIII. Drir-~ctiori Add4tion ofiBromine to Vinylacetylene Ketones, by L. F. Chc!p=,_.crm,, V. 1). llcmilrov- Skiy, A. A, Petrov) Russia, per., Zhur Obahoh Khim, Vol XXX, RO 5o 19Wj, PP 1"5-1449- 6- S- 7 Sci Jul 61 "3i:! Conver0ion of d. --G'yco'].e oT qBbjj3r1anoj Series. VIII, Cmignion of 2,3- rf'fxllft.l,'-Iylilrpenteno-4-Lilol-2,3, by L. F. Ipla V. A. Kormr, V. llemirovakiy, RUSSTAX,per, Zhur Cbohcli Khl:al Vol XXXp uo 5, iq6o, pp 14764478. CB Jul 61 Synthesis and Transformation of Athylew ck-GlycolB- IV. 2j,4-D~pb*nylbuttim-3-dlol-:L.*2.9 by L. F. claelpa V. A,:Korm~r# 4 pp. HUSSM.9 mm per., ZW Obabeb MLmj, Vol XXV p, No 8P Aug 1955p ]PP 1513-1515- CIA C ka56- Conaultants Bweau a in /Y Sai - Cbtsdstry 361", 71 Jun 1956/lMx V lxl~rl Fomato) A VIDIV Jim Dot and ~ Ts Ift it ozo4cou of t PmtlOIM Of 3p Ill 40 ~-*L*1-2# 3,p by IN& Vol mano go 7s JUI IMP U35-alo. COMWASKU DMIMU cm/m 17.o The Ci~talytic Hydrogenation of 2, 7-Dimethyloctadyne 3,5--iDiol-2:7, by Yu.S.Zalkind mnd L. F. Chelpanova 0 - RIUSSIAJ~ mo ~ per Zhur Obahch Win Val XXI No 6 L -" I VSSR, Tu'n ~951-, pp 1173 - - Consi.iltants Bureau Vol-21-Jum.-L9_5~L- &mwUVU4W Ca QWjWted Walk=. =U. Addition 1 1 *a *aMMW IS Salpam lod ftwUmUleale D. AWdnVWftv L. 0. et 6, ---------- ~Umm MWI Ska Obsbe Mao 11CIL M=,p 1b its 25Aas cs ftl Jul 6e 205o,2L4 Action Of Hotloid -Substituted Sthers on Tric-thyl Fbavpbit-c imh Salta of Dlethyl-FhoDphoroos Acid, by Ab2stov, $crgeyeva, Z12. Cbelpanove Full trimahtion. XIV., Ho 11-12, RUSSLUI., pLhxl,., Nlr_Qkqb 1-941, *Q4 1030-1037. 14 1 -7 '(' ! if Def Sci Inro Sy. DRB Cnn,,~da, T.92.rt (0,temlatry Jul 53 (,Ts~)Zx ,K CIA 16UE91i Vacumn Furnaces for Silicothermic ~lCtilOd Of PrOLIIICillj~ Mag ties iiina by Y,~ ~-It~sov 1. D. 'I'saregaro(Itsev, 8 pi). RUSSIAN, pea', Tsvetnye hetally, 'Vol 11, !.'o 6, 19611 1-11) 46-55. PS Sci Sop 62 214)409 111W ~ I f~, , i I E, ~ I , 'i I , VaCLIUM-17fICTL'al, J.-T-5illCtion of Salim and Pot, -: V. M. G`Lmllcov, A. 1. Voinitskiy, 11. M. ',7Aev,, Taito; T Vi. Chel'tsov, 4 pp. 0 70 F'- ik ~3iim, Vol KYXIJ.' pp a-373-IN CIT% Sc i ,Tul 6o S-491/60 - (Dc-4o43). Production of Metallic Potassium by the Vag" &Um- Thermic MeUiod, by A. Ya. Tuytso V. M. Chel'tsov, 10 pp. RUSST,AIJ,, perp Khin Promp No 5. 1959, pp 404-408. JPRS ~,;517 Sci - )4in/)Qe-t JU 60 R"edt Ot ot Wheat Bead lnftoern UAsr;At*t"'AOUvlV 4 of O*IU at Wic.Uj, by IM%" I per#, roalobloloslA# Val 1, No 4 o 19610 pp 6191-3. 9m5w ARC-Tr-5425 Sol *r 63 224p674 Types of Nuclear Division,, by L. P, Chelltsova., VP -.U!- HUSSIAN,p 1Aw, lbk Ak Wauk SSSR, Vol OXXXV, No- yl 1961F PP. Rl"974a AlBI3 Sci le- Y, Y/~~ sept 6j. Synthesis of Tri- and RK Tara.-Phenylalkailes and Stud), of Their Hydrogenation, by M. A. Chelltsova, A. D, PetTOV, 8 pl). . ....... RUSSIM, per, Iz i-A Nauk SSSR, Otdel Ehiin Nauk, NO .140 1961, pp 2209-2216. Cil sci 211,837 Sep 62 Jor. T, P. c2i e 1 i v 4 R "'.713S. T A i; lux vu... ('11C Cytological Data About Guard Call Devalop-n-cint in, lqh~"at TAimm,, by L. P. Cheltsovap A pp. 5 RUSSIAMO thric-a-im per, Dok Ak Nnuk 133,5SR; Vol ("Mil No 6, 1957j, pp 1)72-1.37!;. Amer Inst of Biol Sol scil " U01 1 1 6 v" / 61 MLr 58 (DO-55,70) More Ecoamists ilk pimlui,!;~ ~,ea, 141ith Greater Authozl'w-y RespcmAsibility in a AatUSjL Cawtntcldou Proj octo, by H. �Ikx)A--0 Cli!-3 we, 1-1 pp gp, Ekonomicheelmyn Gn-zu~--t, l,c- eff. 8 ann 1962, p 6. ipas 1-3482 A. D. of (K,(-,r P' PI)v Di- 02) C I l>iLuST.f,j" PP Scl Jul:- ()L'- 61-18175 Cbefteon. M. A. and Ptuov. A. D. 11901AIRMA1110N 00, L-HEXENE TO THTRAME!THYL- 1. Chel'tsova. M. A RIMUSNE. (19611 * 12 refs. It. Petrov, A D. Order ftom MS air StA $1. 10 61-18175 Tram. ad [Akademlyi Nauk SSSRI. Comptes Rendus (Daklady) de'I'AcmdeiMe des Sciences do M. R. S. S., 1944, v. 44. P. 152453. DESCRIMRS: "elobexemes, Ethylem-s. Methyl radicals, Molecular Imouberism. Isawnerization of I -bPexem to tatramethylethylene was achieved at 3750C In the presence of zinc chloride on purnice pronioted by hy*ogen chloride. (Author) 01f1- 61 1-6-1 S (Cbernistry-Orpnic, TT. v. 6, no. 7) 11, A., p,~~rv !'-bur Cb,;h-:th V c '11C.71'ITY I. 1)""Ei0pt -1 tie 71:1 TV ell and 1.,7 M. A. Cllol t-. T,.%~ -I I pm% 1~1-0*wr Czahch I.Q.J=; Vol :pT) Th'k SynthgGis and Deccmooiticxri of High- Mcj~cujar!~Wej&t Glycolsp bry M. A. Cb ~Vtsovajp A* D. Petroyp jk* Ak *,,ut, OSSIRI voi trino wo 7, 74i,-'M 1-3'79-13&0' fta Info Ser R. 583 53 Nusau Btreet,, Nov York 5. N- L S12-14 7s- The Orgwotapetstum syntbests arpi Hydrogenation of Tri~benylalkyl-qwtbm" . by M. A. Cheltsova A. D. Petrato RUSSIANO pap AM Obsbcb KbImp Vol XMIj No 3t 1957, PP 6M-W3- Omoviltests Bivesu Scd .. Chem Aug ooo, NIMT ricix,nrior or 3-..4-,, =d 5-Me-Ti'l MUldcr.; In tioa neavaom with AlV1 Widez In hcsmac of 1~kgnasl.=# by 1.1, A, Cheltsmt* H,, A. Chomysherv; A. D. Pet)W, 6 pp-.- RUIMAN) bim per# Iz A Hauk SSSRI Otda xwri Muu7j. NO ~Jj, thy JVn 1955s i~ W"597. CIA C 39502 Conm1tants Durcau ocientific - Cbemistlr7 "0v 55 CT[3tYb'X &,,La(vvl.oW ax, in cn-,-~nq- it -- S. A, (Zarvgijhpwp 6 pp.6 SIMIA11j, Uip par) It Alt 'Nau!t F~~,FR r rp S-0iolturic .- clumitry Jul clr~wsc 61-12357 Cbel't$~va, M. A,! and Petrov, A. D. SELECIVE HYDR6GEMTION OF SOME TPJ- 1. Triphenyln-&thanes-- PHENYI,M.JKYLMF.TNANBS. Ft. 3 of Synthesis and Hydrogenation Proper1jos of C23-tI27 D1- and Triphenylalkanes and 2. Tripheny1methanes- their Hydrcj~enitioii Products. 119611 6p. Synthesis Order trorri ATS $7 75 ATS-0IM46R I . Chel'tsovs, M. A. 11 . Petrov, A. D. Trans. of Akaqeniiy*j Nauk SSSR. Ot&,Ilenlye] III . Title: Synthesis ... MrqicWskikhj Na4k. In-estfiyal 1960. no. 8, IV. ATS-OIM46R p. 1441,1440. V . Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. Offict of 10(6iccj S~Ic.l (Chenjisti-V-Organic, TT. v. 5, no. 11) I; -.,ofm Lor*4! TIlrylad; I~ad tlelilt3lvu I*Victic TaIxj., w1j,' tao~ I b%, Ifil 104, cl 1. "S ItkS., Rblo 1. Mantel -80 et al, I lelcvidc:jd~,;a~ LIP T of C and Review of Design mid Construction of Mnch~ies; Collection of fix-ticles) by Chelyabinsk 9 pi). 1.~USSJJUJ) bk, Raschet i 1~onstruirovwii~~c ~Jashin; Sbornik Statey, Moscow, 1957, 93 pp. B-247 Readj Lib Sv Sec Air Info Div Lib Congress (w-66TO VtlectM'M cha4mpm, ID4 yp, BJI(ItM,, Iri A. Clorobenev, 2MAXAM., PUU,Qbl*to, SOVOtGkSYU ltbimtelsna~!a 1131~itnmx.~ 19wo VP 1"(A. ;M 12931 USSR pol. max 6a I~lf Wact of rAtemma *doe or. a pbisaa-Looked osciUatorp by K. B. owlyshw, 6 pp. RWIAIO# parp Avkmat I T44ofto Va LWj, no 70 196310 vp 911'0-*go ISA wl ion IAI ; ~, 0 g,.~ 17 f" . Fte.t.(,u by 111gh WUtJ4.9 UpuritleM In Vinyl Acat4tep by V. 1. W40y, x S. Akutin* 1. V. Melyohevp S. F. FU1.1. tra'DO)AtiOV. RUSMANO forr ur ME11 Vol XXIV No 11.0 Zb%W DE11 Nov 1~510, 0 Inglua. Conoultants Bureau USSR St-Loatitic - Cbesistry, acetato 10,307 Mailtiphase Circuits ai a Procedure for Inercusing the Anplitudinal Lincrity of Wide Band Amplifiers, by V. 1). Chelyshev, .S pr, RUSSIAN, ilpt, XXII Vscs Nauch ~essiya, Posvvashcbennaya DNYU radio. Seltsi)m Radiopriyemnykh Ustroystv i Ilsil itcley, 1960, pr 41.10-113). JITS 37520 so"It POG (Sp-ihr) faluable UndertskU4 by the Philoeophy Faculty of V.-~wov Btate iMivwnityp by P. V. Chelysheva; 9 pl). jUS8100 M) Ibleb D* Vjreebey Shkaly, Filoeofskiye !nx*) Iflo 4.. .1*0 PY 150-]L54. im 4wig 6! CoArol oZ Thicknew In Brit Rolliagp "CL ~Iltmlp t-4-- 11-03-11, 95 MB (no nimber givun) Cwatra do Mqw-jatiOulon 6 IN* 6a Imu; ,11> prou"s in the *Amstim of tboll Xw%&U=rOcs1 DAUBU7# bV A. Iu.--.-.. 6 RVSBIAVI bko P&V=n PMD Sol -:1&W, 0 ~, ;.,~ 1~ 11'', Jul 63 . f , ',~ C FP / ?d -1 " / s (Al 'Iola Chelyustirin, A. B. ROBL WsIN'THE AvrommiON OF THE MET- ALLURGICAL, INDL611Y, tr. ed. byli. T. Prmheroe. Oct 62, approx. 110p, Order from PP approx. !16. 50 Trans. d tnoncx. [ProWennnye %loprosy Avtornatizats h Metal lur pcheftoi Nonlyshlennosti, Moscow, 1960, 68p. ). DESCRIVI*011111: 0,14cul, Production, Rollirrg mills, Automation, Blast fumaces, Sicas. 62-22337 1. Clnelyustiun, A. B. 11. Pergamon Press, Inc New York WPM Tlqui,-Welding HiUs: by A, B. pp. JF33 1.2929 Off -5891) The Current Level of Automation of Produation Frocaoses Lu the Iron &M Steel IndustrUs of the USM and Abroadp by 1. V. Abrawv,, A. B. Molyutkin A. P. KOpIbwUh# 11 pp. RMTAN,, bkp AVtQmaU"t*Iy& ProizvrAsty9wWkh Pratsestay v Owracy I Tmtaoy Watallurgiis 19590 pp 5-15. sci - xin/metals . &y 61 I'lle 1h;e Ifl, Compliters, I'm- Lile. Control lurgir.'al Plant, by A. I!, May Automatic Cotrol of Variou Oper%tions in tho Iron and steel 161wqtry, by A. S. Cbelyustkin., B. A. lavita"klys 8 1,)P. MMARTAN:,pr; P^Vmt*tt lapok,., Vol V) Doe 1950) Pp Too-iT04. OIA 60-183e6 set Apr 61 'I'lle Applic'Itioll of Colltrol SN,stulas ill A. B. Glike lyustli, ill. IM'S"AAN, bk, computill), Techilique to Alitol.latic Plant, by Per.I'anall Prc~,-s oci "'LlI 011 jvj~! D N, CO-Itrol of Metta Dim-auuictiri Zut ROU:Lug, by A. B. Chelyustit.1n. stca, , Vol WD'I". 10, sLA 6o-.1-460'~; Aut(.jajFvtjwj., or F~eversiiig by A. pp.. k :I.T*ty kv tomritizA,13-yr-, ob,--hi'maylo). Stv-nov, pp I.-G. JFRS CP the Rcl!!-A!QtfimN 7AXIm Stoclel Relative to the of 'Plaotlbc Strain) by E u. c Vol. IFT .1'U1,3'lTAlqj per, Piz 'Mota 1. Mctml). No fil 3.91:181pp 1095-1099. PorL=on Pross "Ahn 60 Co ov"I ET 41918) by E - IN. NotarLav, No loy t Obm 36,40- Irubiber 430 Apr Ove=ew TaLemammieatiomp by Jeau l4ayerj A, Chamaria, R. kbmber., pp. qw-.-.------------.. )M=o pet., Mronigm tl'Outmi,# ibr., XD 19,qTp PP 3-7.p 9-28o 53 - ,r a Gp a 79, ID 2196085 Boo A? 6,1 I j "Ox,, 1productirlty IkWioatore in flia synthetic Idmtkar IW.umtry, by P. Pushkin,, A. INUmeMol REWIA91, pke, IlYuA i Uvabotuepi Plata, Ifo Ic .960P pp 9-15. aells USSR FICon Jell 61. Ancient Sureaces *f Demdation Lmlling of the Amr lRegiou and (Priwmrlye) and Adjacent Amam~ by Yu. F. Cbawkovj 3 PPQ MEMO, lx:rp Dok Ak Nua SMt Vol CXXVIT No 1, 1999J, pp 1&.)--183. AG). sai T -11) Jun (31 3 Qmtemary Olsoistim ixk the M=xm negim of t1mi Boviat hr last, by lh. F,. abm 3 pp. IRUM:Uar., pero Dok Ak Nauk SM., Vol CUVI13 uo 191.59, p1? 42~1-426. AGI iuu c2 J (.hmtemay GlAeUtIon In tbe lbuom Region of *o Soviet ftr But), by Td. F. p 3 pp. W&UMO pexj, DOk Ak Fadk SM., 'Vbl aXVn, No 2., 1959P pl? 423i-1126. AGI sci i= (51 11:5-0~/ 02 3 ;7 (DC-COO/3). ftortmat Pzoblm ce InormIn DW PrOdUCUM) b,y yes-drow'.1.10 W. I --- tvoj smir ~ pw udoop i loomp VA-TOI%%~W%mw 3l6 qv iW;, 19 IL-6. am-w-D =o Saco me 59 ?fl. 7 73 The Rv.13,11riiLm Potentialm of Zirct)Oxm In Oblorl&-, meltq by 1-1, V, smill3ov, T. A. 04mesov, 1; pp. RMSSZAII, per, DoX Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CX"K, No 1, lq'~8, pp 3.:~~ -3115. Comltants Plareau scl , Chem 22/61551 I-savifiruttion of 8-Met*hyl%he0brmda*.* by U. S. R. 0i Dlusbkovp A. A. ftfp&rLAmk&r4 3 pl? - m3mol. par,,, 7,huu-,Prik XhImp %I XXX# go 12, 1957, ,PP .180601809, causul,wats sure" Sol - Im"halra Fab 59 J/, 0, %~' Cliemer. ,tk~4_p . A. '~~ il _L 13jr Wi INDICATOR OF 'ME FLAVOR STRENG111 OF MAJUIORKA. [1962171). Order N om K Al K-11 3504-a Trans. of Ilatak (U&qlk) 1954, v. 15, no. 1, p. 23-25. DESCRIPMRS: OToWca. Taste. Chemical indicators, Chemical analysis, 62 -178&3 1. Title: Makhorkn 1. Oiemerissknya, ~- A. 11. K-H-3504-a fit. Kre3ge-Ilooker Ssience Library Assoclues, Darult, Mich. (Chemistry-&UNlyticill, 17' V. 9, no. 9) ORkt d letbokal ltrvias n Abs 3 (6) VanilM arshwe Iona TMmr=mticw of B4- lMdO.A9KEdav So L SergLov- A a AO Obm=rUwImp4 -"*-gem Vol =I pp wff f 7 A C.I(I w:ija ihq lco-lo Acllaj~ A# A* Chvr.=~'!- it*CIP' 10 if" i Cr", P. wv- -nowv NO X2) Idloo 2.9~0.. Cci:ic,v,ltarfte LVM'a D)v Mt Dicbromte MetbDd of DeteziWWing Piperatine,, by A. A. Mamileekayap 2' FwU tr Bus"; Woo per; Zhur AW lUbp Vol XI, No 3) MWIJM 1956o 045im P'556- OJIA 9007075 C. Pml 64 Consultants Jhtreau ,941 ,~44 Doe % on ))-ff-AOqpMW (buta:q)Wphiaiqyl-2-ftvpiwU Adds aiu- Their llr~n6ftkntjm, Iq sargiff"loym,' A, I'm olfm r-dwvol Vol XXI, Ic 1:0 pp Now Ycwk mv. of Tbeg*l D~ 9ftsion CostUcLents of P-32 into OWCIp~ by M. Cbml-m., 3 pp. lpffimociaq pl~rv cowtes ?Andus Ac4id ScL, 19S1. pp 41424-2426. *m TT ?OWS7590 and 8-3S Vol 232, 'hem se L-