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* of F%vr Plmt B;gi;mmt to Steem by P. omn ~,(I"rf stmibowtvi't Ifol vim so 10, :Lg%j, 8898 63p, Ac ut. Ir, ni i Ir 12 Posts go: Towda0v and Logic* comajmUy, bh s. Vol 30* 11"s 29$ ~~Jtlto' b Irv Sat. 14 me* $146$O jr,v til h sLa t4w course of (Lutallecius Anglonota oil.' the facat by Cents. Aubert. ptandl! Sa=lve d0$ Hopitaux Jo Paris, Vol 27v No .1411. 1 6 1;;Ui~, 19510 1467-1472o ACSI J410;1 ID ,klay MeO96 ;111111':~. DIT! I..; ft,.X~maabflity of ftnthetle ReAn Filma to (~a~as wid Vajpourop by A. Cenala. TTAWjj'jl per.. 4 Hateria Pla-9tiche., vol X111, Vo 51 10%.. Pp 361-370. CsXR0 Oct rhr*l soloeW savent in the Arcwt= onar to, i. cwTas, P dia -Caft ivwo Vol A# 34479 62-17873 COMPARAIIIIE11THERMAL DECOMKMrMN OF SOW.- MONO'k(IIARIM.S. OLKIMACCHARWES AND: I,YSAC~~IARIDEM (19621 [Op. Ordtrtm K-H 312.OU K-H 5876-1 Tahs !of Annill ill ChIMICS (11111y) 1151. V. 41. 1, Cmilant. A. 0, K-11-59"b-s M. Kresge-ll(%*cr 4-clence Llbrary A4pocia,rp. Detrolt. Mich. Blochmistry, rr, Y. 6. nm 4) Date 84 To4watl ,Ccj~mWj, Akl-~ IM I -11IL-FtNtAl.1 I)FCOWIMMON OF STARCH. 11%IZI 114P. 11 Ctrd4r to Pm K-11 pa. 0() K-H 62SS-b : i ii Tir6m.It:( Antioll 01 ChIm.c.. 11101) 1"1. v. 41, p. 211VI308. mscKirrows: ;*S1*rch4ev, Pyrolysis. 62-17874 1, Cerniant, A. n. K-ii-6255-t- M. Kresge-"cx*eT ScIr"ce . Ubrairy Asoccletes. 010 IKIJ JCSI Sort!~crm- Simhemis ry. TT. Y, 1. no 4) 00" *0 I I ttrcto.j, 11 32 NW,710 ;I.( pramep rocon 4ilatioma r6coamic Prof itsuem-'C-s 0.':. (OnAeboaC74da) by, VI Illem cenvl:-, 'r i'vwl polmom Mkionmile, Vol vj N~' 40 1957P pp 9,37-255. CTA/00-13-3oO550148 2=40 1).t the V. i Lk (h I iT-.o Per, Po't ft, ickm Dnr .-T), 4, Apl. 39 Czedloolovn'd'a Laborl trade STATE BA14 BY AL. CE RUMAN I AN i962~ PP CONTROL OVER LABOR PRODUCTIVITY) ICANU, 5 PP. NP, GAZETA FINANTELOR) 110 432Y OCT 10 0~-T 1c;6 -5; AND No 483, P 1. JPRS 16,5o3 EEUR;- RLWINIA ECON , DEC (32 210)105 hOrO400' mm FaftlosUrly Dulpad to Bern by 00010 OmnxWfxd4kUUl, 3 ftbot 110 wosm, Malt Ornge &A lAb (gm) A 'j .~L.I Mo 6 '. I I .1i ,I 7 ftt 65 lug DWAP" & T*dudqm(T&blQ of ISIQL . 16WM (4 CSO* rw vUl m*.ww and I comtM WW* 30D IW*3650 by D- StOcck3P in MIMS Berlin; bUrIIII VWIag. ju1jug spruVr 78 wj?-, Dopt of :Cztcl-tor bw Of Mims "twerjamb SUILLon p&. Tr 125 pittsburgbp p 7 for zwvoavpmmt of the Csochoolovsk IWO amd 00 Strwtm Of thO StAte A&CdX*d Ro D"rilk, 2$ ppe 10 . 10 Doo 29as, pp JAV ftir~ Grew~tor Safety and Miciamay in Un.-Ing.. by Olch-i ch CoroU, Ir"p1m: 3ji-r; alu) Val rrij M; 9) AuG 1961.1 im JLM2 104 62 T~c ~ve ors ou Alsobra and Real tiCI6 by Cornikovo Cornikova. 11 LAN01i bkp Vol 170 1961. 3113 pp. Soc. Lc No. sis$5,9 66 303,341 P 0 an Groups imil Semi-Groups, Cero;kOZ G"elffandi, Im Us Vol 36# 19640 WS pp. 4141r, Mith, Sot. LC No. SI-&SS9 A 1. 3036360 U by Cogrows comik"go aijouAN~1 bks Vol 17# 061& 373 pp. AAOMNW,t, Ak Ut. LC No. $1-a'SO 303o341 :~ I ZI, .. .71 1 1 . - I' ; ., 0, Awili ... wl", ~M"W*o f 29mor I1 11 A. m, 7 . I '' N6 'Syoltw L ar Xxogaalitles, by S. M. Coruikov. fir !OqpoDi )bt ftukt, Vol VnI., Amer Math Boo POWihh SOO, Deft Pm eapt H-b-m-Ogelao0un li:Uwar IneWalities.. by S. N. Cervib)%-. RUMANO perk" Uspbl Nat Omk Vol XII, No 2('(411, 195T" ipp 18% Igo. Amr With fto set RlAtA lut's Pro sort RIO J-4- Amc- vol~ W1 1, o t, ("vat No A51-5559 Lill i~T Of A341*At~vao, V. WWI Vol IMMIX, Eier vs The ocip Of *Wsua TMIN"t of W *Mbiftd with U4, A"Iic*ti*n of R 40 kam4sto to, COMWAke q! to I-P lift Of ~* Charge in a Two-%iy Fired Soaking Pit,, by B-,~ ru 1. Repiskyj, 1. SpokoyBty. Mmat liftnialm Littyp Vol 'M, go 5., 1961p pp Sep lot'' the T34V Mteft of Combustion 0*:8wAtG$ atp SaWdeg PW by let by 8, Oerwas *t 81. UWL go It 100# Vp glo2ko #Or# =I 1&0 and! a CerD4 63-22?45 . , DVItOVgM*M; &AST-FURNACS STOVE 1. Cermch, S. T"`BRmA,t)EPFiq Y. sop 6& 11. WrTrm-309 Order fr6o~ W S AS WIF Trans -:0 j Ul. Tollernacho, M. de Cx Trans. of Ilutnickii, platy (Czechoolmalds) 1963, Y. IS. (GL BrtL) 167-166. DEscr. c m: -t term, Offlast furnaces, Gas now. InT, 10, 11) j MCI at lt(IMIC11 stillcol (DC-5965) 04, U34 Of ~~ia litterials in the Production ..:v Cho Squipmto tV MI'm 4 pp. ;~ITsebrAcka Prate NeWcd Work) Vol ap pp 996, M JM L?625 K'aw . " - " - 'r. " ~ 1, i ".:., 1 * lit U.- C:ad--,-clv V~A. X:iy.]:, f6t~ury' oligioal w9 Vestibular Examination 6f vli~ i ana Appiuafts fm, night Service, I Bry' Ceroys TUdIsdr *14U, 10 pp. UNCL 1314 parp Wpmo-*a Zhur, Special Supplement pp ~-18. (00 psi given).. A? MOM 9 V 3 6 e? (In-6430) Om~a Cultivaticra in Czechoslovakia byf! ardl! Caw) 12 pp. I I ~i , '11) !~~r, *xI=w*dui Zew&asky Msc)pla. 4J* IPP 48- 58. JPM 105 Va4lical ;,;.;,.)jrraphyj.y 'Veit:ooorimj: cerv'i, sta'6jolav Jalmj 11 pp. UNCLASSIFIED bk Plavcbni Zemepis, pp 118., 119, la). ficsi R-6501 ID 2146503 HE -!Czeclioalovakis GeCg! Jul 60 .new poll' SMIcul tlopravs,, Val Vip NO 7p tit 19 Pit us im /rn-13 gob Glue6s.) eM'II$omo of Its Derivatives by H. JO PP# CZ=, m0 Cbndoks Ustys, Vol )IIX., 1955j, pp Doc $61 M NIB Tr 11-9 m OMC an OLT Ift )M: ctO. Ed** I - - -777 ~ !I ,7: , ;, 1~ . . I ., .7, ; :j :i ~ 4 .i 596 5 Raliort 0u thb Outrav, ccaloquim ex 1961~ by ~#=Uv 99M tdoue-k cirju&ky, jp4A 1%"Wap Vul XVMVI,, M:uj 19 PLA1441NG~bTATE FAR14 PRODUCTION IN 1963, By M I KROSI-6." CERNY, 10 PP. GOVERWENT USE ONLY. CZECHS PER'p STATNI STATKY) VOL. V, NO 0) 12 AOG 19,62, PP 17CW72. JPRS 15981 BEEUR-CZECH ECOW Nov 62 215)150 jqtgLa FHQrruCHFJ AND Z. 3-D] ANr) ORGM 10p' (16bles OrdOr 6om Trans, (5 Rabixi ~1%161, i liajek, 1. IAL CHLORINA71ON OF HEXANE THYL-BUTANE WITH CHLORINE I CHLORINATING AGOM. 14 Apt 62, AtteM 24 refs. $1. 10 63-1041 k Chelthoolmatskylth KMfrddmykh 26, p. 2624-2601. hmistry. OHnance, *Methyl mlcir -chwri. - = Ithlorine compmmdo. Iwcywdc acids, M W6w, Amilito duiv*Uveo, trt.'It'ves, Hydradvo dativadvive, --01 (Chftfitry Tr. v. 10, rA 7) (omr) 63-1041 1. Cheray, 06 11. Hajok. J. sow d %*w bftm Vbl Igo ob is (DC%5) cc UDIM Exbmt Sto= It al mid Mwblm Ruelmorlm OTeratimsi by ' 't 8, j" P. all, 70m9 W,41 ~W~ t= am et alp U p Borgettkat, Vol so r 9j, 1961.1 o A mV cze raw 141 vo I'mcil (~U'Ql 2 li' N ownt o~4 t1lo, Tick llalmu~4.kyslllis ria in Aatura'l Coatlitloiw of 3outiern ot al, 1-mr, Zo9l _jis!Xv V4)1 12,, 196's0 -24,1. J J.;!-219-65 (L)II Loml) v 2:) 7, L5~. LI Szr~Ll Ccntrv~L-LurcPeon )4rnn-,,3x, vai Iloot3 of '-",e 1:~f~des- Irkicinur, L-) IWM bY D- 1100ic"V) V. rp CZLCIE~ Zooloc-ic]"m ListY) Vol IXJ~ 1;0 1954, 37-,' A sli. 6o-i43DO i an (U-4351)s of Ct*dmwlovak lkt&Uura, by TMIAY a awsm m oar 148*70 Val crit so 1) 1960.s an YM I low : cod m 2m *w i act 60 ~ 148 f 0~-4s O*oriezao With the '*-,e of Acflrillcif~ Ai~~I~ tho Ixo4e:s Ritinus T-ok, by .cem,y.0 llcvet ilav Kadliack,, Jim rych.~d-fl; 8 pp. awdla tmtamy l=ndl(pxieod!Vol X, No 1) 1961p pp 052-6- JIFM 1OD90 ;5* TL (ImOoddea) at the Ed *Oirp Wd ims tjw T=modc ftdtion at the r *zW& OdmU* Bpodejo by VI. Cerrqj 12 aMWj Or.9 Oboulk NuvdmiM Ron v Prue# (AcU *Wei MOUmaUs hv4w)l, Val. XT., No 3/4y 3-53-& /NV, 409 yw 61, Ve MIP, It-taid of Prcduc:lug IUO.Crcl;~c by Aatoi :L-. DillazIl) Vlad=tr Cam., 8 CZXOEI,#~ per., Outaik., Vol 12, 110 2;. Pragruc!, 19159~, Ae~ 7.~'f6l Feb 60 ICH-201 167 itdd 411 'HE GEOGRAPIRCAL DNTRIBUTION OF JET3THEANIS ~SINNO MAXINJO UTIND OLARTS. 1965, 1 Op (tlgn omittod) 7refs. Trano'L 2,*(INI I, Irder from NU of Wom, of ae -kll'-U.I.. S4i.lific Meteorological ~ounoU, Synoptit,'31eteomlogical Soction, Lenir4rmd, 1963 3 p240-55, i I 1w all awm" w IV. va "'s no P.1, Id 19(*,, rswe-m-m 11 lef 3?y NEW SER I ES OF CONTROL DYNAMOS'AND MOTORS OF THE 06 1 N ~,RAGUE) BY ZDENEK CER~Y$KYj VLADI 14 1iR MMZ.. ET ALI 6 PP. -COV-ERNMENIT USE ONLY CZECH~IPERIILEKTROTECHNICKY 06ZOR, VOL LI, NO 1)) ic,62 PP 51`1-525- JPRS 106622 EEUR CZEW ECON DEC 62: AdwUItjtx4kt:IiQQ of the Clothing and Xqulpmnt Int"iod fos~l ~tho ftUsud ftramalf by Jose A. Cej~uel pp. f!.) pp 0 Mar SPIO 141 rob also For UL-CII-11ol -LNc A Ily thc~ J~Y,Aiangc RINCIVEII'~ I chettiy M. c. )4mr vlllarll~ 81 PI). 41%)-l. 1954- AIKIW-Tr -835 OiLwo a of do UqAd Wants Prom Nuckar ~Mtl lQrA6 by go 8 pp.. per. EmM% NVAclear vol va 140 9, 9621 581;.Sw AECII~I G-WF-SER-oUl 280,21) Elel tem With Columas For the a t4 Rac ry ok Watarium by the Q(chwga Reactlou ow I A by E. Cow Fait v4xi) C. wrobatti, M. silyebtr pals- villani-,"81 pp. Fl,e;K)r ~t CIOP-62) Sci: Fob 60 30 Jul 1954. AERE-Tr-835 welquoinj em llquld4oi cc A. Scalm,kdo ITAL.Ulli U 1959P 3- Nov io~jencea ft doemteldratim de deo-x--I;a It6ont du Lvdio-sumum, bri E. Cerral., 0,~, al-.p 33 PP- RIM, per,, Ewrgia E:Lott-.rlcr.., Vol 9214746 RlevctrdlyU6 Systems with Columi For the Rocovcry of Ix~ ut~eriwi by the Rubange Reaetion. 111. SLudy of pou~sstl~,~ System WIth Col=ris Consisting of coadoruiatioti Plateu) With Particular Refe-reace to the yi.~Id ai~d Other Characterictic Parameters. Ecorlcsm~c Mm'sidarations Concerning the Racover~ of reKt6rlum, by E. Carraip C. Marebatti) M. Silveatri) 36 AM-W-836 Sci, Fab 00 J~ .Tcl-f Or coixim ej, for LJ, i ;~.Ia 0. React oil t 0) by Oin SPOWN by ki"R IF. -tr lreat~vomlt ouailittioliki;", 0i ~"Ojlij 4-Iiiiioactiv4! V* Urr(-,, L. :'estm-,, 17 I. C Al N1.- 1, I~rj C. Jan .1 Oos II 0 *&*Us bV CAP NAGS Ott ?'Uteatial Ufox-t Of 1.610 kaspiTatoiy al~ the basis of Functional 'tests ill I AS Youn~jgtmi,srst,~Iby P# Corrotolli, I)o;,,- Minerva Vol 500 Na it 1959t I sq. 2 49! 2 I Owl 11 klisoul"m 4:1 0s,*4vvv4l* onfire, pit., a, -to Kiihis ts 611! the Catration of sm 0 Deficiency In by, P, C*3~1 1, Brobla. PR- Societs ITA r. UUM6 d6lla . ita Urr I-Yxxiv, pillow- 9501 NoTil BE(f 10SE OF COPYRIGHT PISTRICTION 7111S TRMSLAT ~r B4 PUBUSHED0 THIS CaPY IS PM INTERIM USH OF NABA PM-90INNUL AND ANY REFERENCE TO MUS PAPER KM BE lo Ve, RdGIHAL MUM SGURM* 3dei, 2P~ .IYO, as, by fulie spill, Vol LXVI MOMMI Ole CAPYIUGIIT MTRICTICW Ttfls TRAm.. 0 11 . I" POT MEN PMUSMO, IHIS CWY IS FM INTI V~ ORF NASA WOOL A40 ANY 99PEREMa am T (a, 71PAM k OM Or: TO VIE OUGUAL FREMOf S(XWCE. TWA 1 -44' do ROMM Or I All- I N1011 t~;~ Ill to a alrailic d Stur in Via lizalujir,, i'~, JIL141,410 povs, 0031 30C Ital 114 c lot' BdV%Ikt IA the It* camulp Al TT-65-134 ANALYSIS (>F Order from;,w, Tr-,ns. of 11 ;i0 1964. I :~j Fleld 7A latti, kl~~ Tito. A. V Oft Tl~,t COMPLETE CHROMATOGIIAPHIC 11ACNII;b GAS. 22p. 25refs. - s2.w 6;~rr-65-13408 Mica u i.~Indukrla (Italy) v46 d9 p]054-63 NIB 655 of .14, JI,: 611. 63-182A9 ,r4xA',qt1:' (iorlo U~ aM Pinolin), Franco. APPLICAlroN OF! tE MMIOD OF ELECTRICAL 1. Cerruti. C. U. ANALOO trO M1 SMY OF A STAIIONARY 11. Pinohnl. F. r TEWFEkAt,JRE 0 LID IN AN EXHAUSr VALVE OF AN Wlift~AL ' MION ENGINE. 11963)17p (flp omjite4 6refs Or&-r frb*,SLA $1'1 6D 63-11123S, Trans. 6e irticle fan unidentified Italian source, A - a. ,A DESCIRIH~IM -E~'Muvt valwo, -Internal combustim em6loes E~~st *Temperature. Circuits, ~s Seg. y-EMIles, T1r, Y. 10, no. 10) OfItt SO ttChRlt2d k'VK1% ~Imjr6s on JRrmr EatimetIm and Mair Pllva# by Ju. 1. go Xjv 5 pp. 0 Vor) Dok Ak Swk 501, Kmth Seriya, VaT lb 2s 1963.o IV M-2* Awr math 9013 ftw jkth . zk* Val ITP so 3 7- COMM lot ins M6 to SLUMP 00 IOA 33X# Sol ioWieula tO 'M-UrOses. Trc.!atm,-,It of ,r) tho ftot by Jean Carthouy, 16 pp. M. uss &a rr Atmalels 148dico hychologiques, vo q., ig6i. lkvY Tr 303119e 665 shopheid TrIO s mid Fam People hlwiji the Larj;o Riv*jrs;,. 6f Scvdaliao by 2urico Curulli, pp. ITAL I hilif 0Per;; kivista di i%tr(4)o1*j,,ia, Ao 46, 1) 1)/ oc- I "q L) %f RICA o r u 11 k~a soc CervIli. Joan. !DYNAMO WRAENT Order fr6n:j A $3. 51 Trano. of fIrtioch Pat REDUCER. 21 Nov6l. 788.074 119.15). OESCRVRAS: ODynimotors, 'Current regulators, Design. nw. subjeCt (if the itivIentim to a flov reducer in the form of a easy to attach to the dash1wrdofig vehlcli and intercalated in the excitation circuit of whti dynan 'I, a reducer which the user oper- ate* to re'A Ulate like,utput of the dynarm of the vehiclet at any 0010, in c0 ~g to circumstances. that Is to say taking mcco t f th, j~ a of "or, current *Wa. etc. (AC a t Act) Ii, (Fn&JntvrIq--EImir3Ic&J, TT, v. 7, no. 1) 61-25896 L Cerulli, J. 11, Patent (France) 768 074 Ill. Capelo, A, Hollywood. Calif. 64 IT" hapam of ithe Seomtwm 10f tic 144th 444 &Wtal volfant of It by Carvantos do 4S Ippi, by St IS" Isms V" 19"o la 2*41000 DIX I ~W It DI 10 16144A ouit datie oormo- acwl 6toap - ~ I i, wtk(4 II kirs J Vol 1% 1~0, 16.1 0 96U %IE2 Testill: or Syotews of the or Large Ou ONLY M&trobmdmdA*,T Obsor,, 'Vol Lj- 8s oaoj~ PP T 35-T 400 8d, mar Jew aioo T H'r',* F UT U R EJOF TRANSPORT (PASS ENGER) Al:.'(J*lA,::'Tl BY J.iCERVtN-,)",A. 10 PP. CZECHS PER KRIDLA VLASTI APIR I 1, 1'-161 PP 14 1 ~:~677364 FTD-TT-62--'~~,-l J, EEUIR.IOOLAI~ID m 11. 10 JUL 62.~ 202,2~'-- (M -5563', Dew 101ppont df Hygienic end Spidaimlologicaj. Serviaes in Slovakia$ ~y JurQ C*rveulm, 9 -pp. czm$ (16skosloveaske Zftavo!-~nlct-A. Vol VIII, No 10~ 565-569. Sol - 1*14 mar 61, il ii 1 1,411 J: i~ !ily 1!