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mollude Cl mft # tv I?f=l PW J, 'At. Mtn' 7W No" cc sod ed mact~m C40po CAM WWO No 6v 1963s, 2. grgr 26804M swe"WommWif LO 0"000 a wommo 4010% P or tile x'"Wrajon &Uod; by T. CIMMAM.s Z IN*r KriaUUDgr4,biej Vol. txdn 3.9,13) 14,4; -152. Dept of bterlor Us Blu. of Idues Centrel Zxperlimt Statt-, 'I"a. Tr 1. 59 Ble ft~~00:U s of tba One-Nan Power A Baty.. 1),y Gre4ei !car .1 76 pp A pe p 10mkoig"Brdotorbunds Tidalcrift, Vol 1~; pp 84L.A. Tr 9W/56 C3 Bel p eas rama as" - 0 as 0 i ow. !M i l~ i , 7 , ,~ . ~y ~; I rlw~, I I I r. ~ a" ~ i Lft A"di 1 l~ i I I ii . . i I Dynalitai of Reactor Poisoning by Xanonx by C. J. Carpentier.. 19 pp. FREaCf6,pero i Nucletar Simrgy,. Vol IlIp 1956y pi? ABC Tr 2831 gar 57/(',TS R"s DO-M&6tlon of t&m A. C. in= mjwv, Vol T, No A" 59 9.T v? .3 Ull TrIl'.1, a:%TmtT-r) jo f4dba 831 09 AOR S,abrvo O&T aptcq So stuAieli on the Vascular Action of Foriteraminep by E. R Ot hIL13 A . Cerlettl 7 Pp ITALYAN perk' Attl del XVI Cong d Boc Ital dL Cardlo;).,~ jurx~,, 1954o Pp 1-2. BIR Tr flo 1219 BcientWtc *010gy$ medicine photomotric fieumurement of Some, Trinitro, ~s:p by It. CEUpignatio. 121MI(34 pqrt Arin Chin Appl, Vol XI,)-V;, 'rPA3/TIB 4495 ContrIbutl6hs for the Study of Chromosomic vsri4t~ons!~nduced by Ultrasonic.-a, by D. A. Maria Carplo,'..- Pm~li) per,!,~ Aportaciones para el Katudio de Rari~ciones'iChromosomics Inducidas por Ultrasonics. Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Feb 63 IWMITANcE Or iw romms iN :Nnluw,* U* 0. Un4 rr, 0 IAN% Mp := Pool ILORS VOL Lxxvl I$ ~To I jp FP 0 1 1 1 i i jqm I lism 1 ! i i 10 M, RiONIA 219724 RUSSIAN- kMJIJ.SI-l F.D. 1960. 'Order froom:l*hnica Anew York, 31,, N. Y. v. $,jnn. IU) DIGnONARY, tSr Ls Co., Rmt 144, 61-12886 1. Cliernistry-I)ictionarics 2. Me: Russian-1141sh dictionary I .CArpovich, H. A. 11. Technical Dictionaries (;o., New York Carpovich; flugene Ai USSIAN-EWGUSH Mirl-ALS AND MACHNES DIC- 11 10NARY. is ED OW order froqm~' chnicall c~lonaries Co., Box 144. N lew York, 31, N. Y. ~9' W 61-12887 1. Metal s - - Dictionaries 2. Machines- -Dictionaries 3. Title: RuHaian-Ruglish 1. Caq)ovich, H. A. 11 - Technical Dictima ries Co. , New York OmCO of Tat"Led IW.4"I V. no, 10) RUSSLAN-EMILIM ATC)MIC DIC-1-IONARY, 21) 1:1). 1. Atomic L-iiergy ungim-cring- III.w. v1sq., Dictionaries Ovilm front tes Cv%. NX 144, 2. 'rwi% itus,- tim iiiigii.o% 34m York, 31,1 N. V. $1 2.(K) tficlimary 1. CarlKwich, t:. A. 11. 'I'txAmIcal Dictionaries (ki., New York 00ce A T*c6icel lwv4m% iNuclear HOWs-Noclear Engincerin& 'rr, v. 5, n(L 1.0) 61-12889 Carpovlch,~ Lwgt"'C A OSSMN-INGLI191 flfi~~PGICAL AND MEDICAL 1. Biology- -rActionaries ICTIONARY 'IST 1:11 1958. :1. Medicine- - INctionaries rder trom Tclllni~al Co., Box 144, :1. Title: Russian- English ~ ~Lrw York, .31, N. Y. dictionary 1. Carpovich, E. A. 11. Technical Dictionarles' CA)., New York V. Iwo. 'AS* lori'" Oka -4L4"#Atr0* tor ilidatitC4 411 bv IJa;v QNR~uUp 24 pp. CIAL I" O~u ~'Iurs faxvi$lta la G,vw~~D 1V14) -O=lv;r. z -T64-243 11"ab-allix (;auaytic Flxod D~%al A, i:7, vw z mixt~, MFrlA Paola Stabill.104 7 pe rp la Oxw, 06 e uuotrlap Vol r7U., ,oil 0 Am I &A-855, (920822,8) 196411 rp TWYLLIAr CatpvuC FJ=d B3d lioactua, Hate PaWA StabIltdj 10 m) _gum (am.t. -ro ChIm lugs NO 44P 1962P PY 851-8,95- ITA IA AM--Mr-3T.L6 act N4 Sol jw,, 03 a-It i MENCII~p 1e 1 i L'~ -~ Lrgerj POI Jul ~oi Carlos P. Carranze to Julian Gorldr,, 7 i)p s thermofaxed) buenos dres) 3-12 ju!:l 59 FDD/J-5104 Ktoctiroly4o Detezalmtion of GaMum in Primm7 and eediDWaryll immo by 0. j=usi.4U pp. M16M fort 91mWoo Vol XXIII., VAY -1954, pp 255- MA Tr 23o4 Till! ACITN' OF 141EUTRAIL SOLVI-WIS ON TIIF VEL0CrI'V!0F FOAMATION Or *i'mi-mm.- SULPONtMi 10DIDt. 119621 Sp. Order f rom SLA $1 ~10 6- 10 00 Trans. of G intzlettal Chimlica I Itall lann 11894, v. 24, P. 180-L89. DMRIPTO Ettly I radicals. O.SuLfonium radicals, 4odides, S)4,nthesi-sI'Veloclty. Reaction kinetics. *Orpnic solvents. ii (Chernistry-Orgaift, 1r, Y. 10, no. 0MCI of ItChIm3o '-micrl Da,.,Aoltiy of Pb4lo &hoes ftom Meteor PA*u fte*ptiono IV XcUo 9!nwmp. Pier mft*wl,p hm c4usartbd, aura Powhif POW10 ALU 9647ammmmko VOL XXIx No 6p boo CL5-4-V '1 6- UMIA LIM VdTo il As, NWROM -AMP to It y lijil 62-10233 ' ~~,1111114 F*, 'Ind Pelloux. R. l R I _AMOOMENItSUIXONAMIDE ( V llt L Carraz, G. ~ lylli~ EFLCU IC ACETATE. 11%11 161p. 6 rele. 11. Kraunz. F. Otajtl~ hi~m sl~. $I. to 62-10M Ill. Pelloux. R. Tri,6~. 1,f soc~l te) CUmIlque de] ~ 19-016~j -1 674- ~'6, 'Sultandinides, AmIdea, *1%10~ctj~y cornp urdR. $Acetates, Chemical rencilons, llnetl(';~ lkwmnea, AmIntie. t it I-r, Y. 7. no. 9) R-13/6j SWdy Pa ttaf4m or 4 Pita latector for Aualysio of b Its Como Rb Land& r. I.Qw% Mectriaueo voi =ii., no 434, 1963P ~iP i $.5&1 set 40c I 8khming Wad DWias -md Nacro?haLy, cla..~Vivi, 14 114 Fft, fistudos Sobri) a 13taolo.,ja (16,14tragiijar Vol r1l, 196S. pp 103-124. JP16 27669 272 108 A 411tri dci 01tr mail j o 05 to tho Study of Sex !lutiln.tiono o bko Histudos I'llobro a F.-triologia to Vol 1110 1963, 1~,,) 131-170. X MIS 27669 272010D Organization of ple 61f llort,ngulinl~, rulrf.A; by Anton~~o xv:r,; p:p Al, t~ Cl. Quiwa 0o1: '~'!P fr -kho Hxtmot Of rueoOdl 1131 SWOOMELS oa 0! &4t-" of FibrobUwto, by A. Ca=cls, 5 PP- VOI XCIIP 1925o 477-479- --M--Tr 629 Oct 55 3, of FibroWAAG COUdIIG FrW h=01UL-Ir 'b7 A* Capea, 6 ppb ~ per.11''I'C'NSOO'K.01. Vol XC. 3.9e4, PP 1380-1382) NM'Tt 629 Bcieaatt~ic -~!DiblcQr Oct 55 The of Pure Cultmvc cif Mnoqrtes Frcxu ROUS mrca;~I- ActUm of the FateTed Extract of Pumm saromim On ie Macrupbnaes of the! MaAj. by A. Carrel., 9 pp PMU Bu- Wm.] I Vol It-Io, 10s PP lC67 mm Tr 629 Oct 55 CM/Dzk h The ~'s im of LiqutA Oxygmv by A. CarraU MM-19-s. Vol n1,, 1935, PP r3 02 4 ~ 5 Ntktvl Res Comll Cauft TT 351 sclitl~' Ind chazlotry .4NNI'S AN NOISE IN III Or(k,r fromS'L4 $I. lo T'raiw. of PalcoO.-cm EOSC RITTCNIS: Noi Inewcim, AcoLmiLc inotibilon, 62-16804 WORESHITS. [IC1621 813- 1. Carreno, F. P. N`- 16804 hin) 1944/45, v. 5. Ii. 103- 114., 41ridastrial plants, Industrial . OD--akwas, Inhibilion, Icill equipimmt. r 7 Oliological S(~ TF, v. Q, no. 4) M YfeWC11 slqtts -.- -- - - I . I w I JAM16IM& , 060, . , . - I 1 ofts"Aft qT! two My, MAN ; . i I I t I . I I t I I , 1 1 1 . 1 1 i c . . ! i I I i I . "I I ; I , ~ I : . 1 i 77 I ~ . ! 7 7111 ~ , ' ; : v i wice Which Inflwnw the Wntent of t116 PlfAerent Fractions of S-ilica in Sulixt n, f i; at ild; ppl X., Amule."I de la Pogi Sociedad Espanola L41d I y -,4uimicu, Vol LV,, No 12,, 1959o CS I RO/N;) 6 3 7 7 .2 URI 41 Or Which Influeneo the Contojit oi* U1,11teTent Practions of Silica in Solut-Jun, 'I !,i:,e J, G41i S11ijt1i, ppex~ Aiulw,; de In fleni Socioda~l lispcjAola d~ :;,'Isft~~Pt lixUdea,, Vol 1,V,, No 12., 195~) Ll 9 CKRO/No 6.377 xntl -in, 13PABLB.U,. D6c 1011', Acationp WitrificattDa and Nitrogeu a in the Soils of Texcocop by A. A. Sanchez, V. Carretop R. Garclap perp Soc Mex de HI-st Nat Rev,, Vol VIII) pp 29-46-0 S.L.A. 501 - Cbemistry Travis 952 i.y -.1 LI AuUm~tic Cen-~r if vW Mation or Botb Direc FMICH, ps Sci Eiagr, engaging and Disengaging Mechanism for P=p or Ventilator With Reversal of or ewy Rotary Machine Functioning in iona, Adolphe Larrette, pp. ~.--4 ~ ~ t no 901,,500. Dept of Commerce Patent Office Sai Ub (Sift) 'A jfuj4,?oI "i-N)JOU101-lUl rm 'N '-'Suel() lqv'zl gn~, (j!JO ~13A.),111 X(l PAIMU? palut.)ONS Y 1136.11,1 ;o -qtll?Jj i 19 Alnf 1 v Pat u '.tis coc .I mlie it t, - l-.I.V III li,()611 'ON06-V I JDJ JAMORIV110 Use of 6oll emnt In Road Canatmtlon,, by 99 V. Carri i, 18 pp. m Soll-Cemrit in Road com"t U04 IVA i ftbl 39 ON, NMUD 1137t Buono r".. 19%s W3-PP Gg-140. 156 pp. SIA Tr 57"V&) Sol Avg 58 ation con ceming the Upoide of ti-ic of the I.Ains by C.,Carrial 23 PP- ,, per,, Arch. Dermatol. u Syphilis, I 1949p pp 241-25b. S.L.A. TR 57-511 physiology ' 5 ~ ~ I fl=a r2na~rj~!tarls-w1cf" D:r on the Method or tw- lim-aw. of we YMMM19, do 3.,=-ulwlc W Dur of Maes Vittabiar0i, I:t,. lgr ~U)9 9 "7 J WMJO~ pw py Sol wr of the tiva SMiy Toots p by Water, Vol X)MV, No 23, 1951, Wn 341ArCT r by C. BM21,071P ji. VMiMgbg--.. 2.9 pp. N,~ET 110-13 56 M31 i4~, of pp so i Chenfi ie AldebWde Acids of the Succinic H. per, han Chimo Vol XVII, Jan-Feb SIA Tr 219~ -~2 CarrIurd, ALITRNATII~~ 7ZA!'111 FLOWS (tcoulements Gazeux 1. Carii,,e, M. Z. Alternatifi). i 1196~~ P"p) (foreign tell included) Order fro ml AI-A S3.60 63-2034, Tram, lc Radiuml(T-rance) 1192R. or, fil v. 9, m 6. p. 187-204. DESCRIPTORS: 'Ga.dIflow. Sorfaceareal Cylindrical lx)dlcs. Diliclij, SuA84svqvs, Velocity, Mestiurement, Nx :6 (Nlechjnlcq---AeroLI)n~mlc.;l 16. no. 12) Office of Urbaxal Smun Of w*vr Afterbadios of Aircraft or zomit, Chritt fast IrWASSOO ;0 Po 0 3300 766 sd w.-Aeroskultics Jul .6~ Itlaw AVOW Ow ni Oki V4 Cwkri*. Lock wo km) Ohagf ma-T a (I J,Q 0 :h aii the Pr*Wm of How Promwes JU6 U.$ O'VURMOmr ONLY ~~Ia 260o964 1 W,13''Isi tiv Flcw at We -Lail C~.i 1;5 re zeit F-ur Jdr"6-lj.L ;Re t Rib, Ots JA tbe iStudy of Problems Of ind Reattad*nta by p Sivisixg i-Twer Fveseated sit the 4-0-MM T. P ,,ASIA ~10.203 11010 Ila ft AirmlstaU in the Ovior-All Propubdon a of A Jet E*n% by P. Canime.. mic no mar /Prop 2740984 Methods of W.11sticii, buck~l'o iNrtr taternal Wliotles, by_?._CUXrja=$. 14 pp. MOMIl! MINCE, per., Act-cc 4-v Collogue Mop' gmej VOI 11, 195UJ Sclentifiqut~a et T-ChOl uva du Unistere de I'Ali-A No 250., 1951; Q iv) 260~1 5AM li,A170" SO - 3nSineering, Atrounullco r Irv., 1t; t T 5 9P 14- 28 of Rubber# by Zophrylu Carriers, CRIJ por.1, CMAers fts, No 46., Scl - Arl Jun 56 1953, 1-18. 7r.o:4 T-~)rlm falnbassy, San Jo:;t2 littib,,le D.! 1.7 Dapt of State Plastic Soil, by prd it ivel aro ol oU Motle a -V A" MAT '9 5) 3, J11': EW.'.) ootetm IBnZX, Wutortrpyo Moper G"a Tr I us C set Itubwo rinS, hydraullco, wwal roon !1~-an ortation,, rIver, vater at - I - . i I.. /~ _ i , I-moo ow I (,- 0" ; W - ~. I iobft I 9 04M Am MMW. ~ WWMIW-# Alw loft Xwo (DC-3601 ) 4 l SPA~15H'ICOWUNIST PAITrY SECRETARY GENERAL GIVES imTbVlt~'' BY SANTIAGO CARRILLIO 3 PP. l~ p - ~`L~ NP, FRIHETENp VOL XXII) NO 130) ) P 8. JPRS 14438 203,727 URW ah~~ Sfttat!w hiseaced ty tb,-- 3carctazy o-A" the 1 jW,!j Spadah ComtuaUt ft3Vj by 'Sanvu,so C06 s 7 pp ITALTAM Nouva Genoratimes wo 16., P-T OPM 1369D ;17 11 elm 0 rp WSO by SPAM y 56 D Third PWzt of the (h-der of tha rk~y =I Prcb~ww twd By-bm of the PvpittyA." 0 95 Ipp ]TbAfwm Sobre ft*ljmo do ft8witacion k~w del Pmtlto~j ftMmwamm, Fraco., 1954. j's; 9 a 6 pel, by Santiago Ccantlllo, 10i) :sci 10140 py xUoft*,'I5 sop 61 Obtained Vith U6 Qvantoyac in the b., W. M. BuTyp J. 14..Carro.l.,.,, tmvomus fts mines.9 Val Vj, Btu 2w? U PWti tatlon at the AIVLltuft of Diffracted IW of is Smi-btlate fteekvater,, by C!V" u pp. Le WdUm ManWas Vol Up 1951l pp B.L.A. ?r 9D 51-U Al 761 iojl~ Coriqnktation for a Visccw d Fillite Deptlis by C. Cams La llodAle Illandlea 68, 63-22307 P=, ~~AAW*T= a WICOA tsm SOUM(W 1. CArsenbrud. P. I. K. TO A MELT SCA Ly OWARMO WA7u U . Patem (japes) pub. july63. lop. itip I rd. 37-15933 ordw froih u $5. M Oode-P-2D? M. SA Ccde-P-Z)P Trons. 10~~ii d pjbUshed jap" POEM W SeizWxwo Aob (japso) ISM/1962, c1. 4 is (16-9-81 L~ %X44 no. 30759/19($7 Mod 13 Eobc 7, pub. S Oct 62, by Sw=j Carbw N. V., H(~Iljhd. DUSCR WrOl S: *pi~w otim. Pamela. witer, Bv'~ , u0s.11 4pora (Agdcuhure TT. lo. no. 9) Ink$ d 7 1.0 bw We ~ so CAMIL R - I. Ift. 0 15;0 I :11 . I i I I i i sti-chom Aug 661 i I ~ 1 i~ ~ .~~i ~ I ii co-rcC)7) : 1. ui - ~ - 11 30$sMlk A 0~ a Dispersion of 4drcpn; True Intertuity I Wo *dr*pU4AA" ita JUd K)O Pt IV, by A, ~et, Rudolf Landenbtal, 22p. ~kmr~ wt fur pbralkl, 100 Vol nvTn I a ~~p 1924K4. MA 59 AT42 2 6 A02. 7-PPI The sf~~t o1 Reeeiv~ri$ b~ ignp 1*~ 257. Sai a **wtIQ Shunt In Irelegm" 2, Cmteft) 13 PP, Z, , Vol XLlVp 2e Wr MA Tr 57-2W at Lthol. Tiro as Electrical iv~,L, 4 rtiff..; VrOl~. CW~UW (:Lli',-;0LUlLlS 1, t Ca. bW C. V. Carstens, G in ~er, 7,4t l(ruUtuod, Vol L=I,, lW6, PI) 3!h D.SoLIRIAIW5 Sol ch. ~Miqtry lill Apr Clftrildex ---------- w MAD Ooftio. I i ftmd.,916~ I A6 10 i i Ii A) 0/1/(~ / () / U 1 i 0 390v Dw"tis~tlo on I"m" in the nami pu&wiii eye, by 0. Ilooro, R.,Cirta,, 13 IM SwMax 52, p 222-232, WA 118-418 Sol Aug 7~ 63-176" AMINARY TIM41 BY OF ANAIrW FUNCMNS 1. Casum, K 1 OF oNa oR imr- L VARMM tr. tf - Adchmo-Wewley PtM.-~Mog I by John Staiid 19 wd ~L IL goal& ~ 1963, 228j). CO., W.. Roodbl& !' Order frmi AtIlm. esk7 h"Wd% CU6. bw-, hugs. Trans. 0660 a. AftwMIM des Fowdow Amlyti d~Unc c0 I'lWoure VaxisWom Completes. Paris, 9141. DBSCILIM)ItK- hiaO~cs, Tcxdxx*g, *Puncdons, $Compkx vol, L.6 Iraywr's sellm Pctcntw OMTTI Traustormatkno (Mathenadcs~ Wculus (MatturmatIcil, Tr, tQ, Twx 4) 40144 cd Todk-d Imim Mect~lni.ila FRMR per In aa Electrostatic Field of Magneto- Oirals, by Lou 9 pp. U a Raed=., Vol VO 1%4p pp Assoc Tech Sv Tr 5MY On ~~'b Fc~ ing of Beata of Cba.rged Particles i ~CW* !Dsviati6n in a Traveverse Wpetic b y Fie by~ U18 C4ktAn:,. . .......... FRIO(Cko~ 4* Radimp Vol Ito Nov 1.937.. Paris.. 15jft 244 Sti6~~tif ig~ Pbysice 67 Aj(- I I '...'he D414~iace, t-~~~~cZronic Spirals in an BIO too t t ic Fieldo by Lade Cartan, 2 pp. I'MMI 1perp ip ti 16o6 Vol (MCVIIs 1933) Aevoc Tech 8v Tr 51E27 "Aentlfic -~Iftycico I , I I I I IH I 1!, .1 1 1 .1 ;! 1 j i i I ~111 "I r i, ~!, ,I I ; I I : 1.1 i I .i ~i 1~ C UMW%W= W IWWM DE06 IND IN LIMIT OW WILSo, BY J. KNGEj, t, P:411 to", 21 PP. !-1 - 1 MAP 019 awym IAWRTSOWTV `79'91* pp wbpw. I 11 JPRS 115680 2159010 lit (NY4"7) wow CRWEA RMI two BY OF AMMITATIS WO $MIA It. 0 J" ID76 Rels ion U6 he Of iN sat VI M~t~u lp~ jav won the SUM Cbsracterlstlo mic Parouterm at 'Blectric Zlemuts Iw#Waucep by 0. Cartianu, 32 rp. L) I. Onde 21*c Vol 14 h"--50. Aus; 57 1i;Z" xxix No 26L>,, BIA Ijc ?178 A dW W Y OC RlboanfAn LAteratm Dm Vo PWU aftm tMi Ito WoM wars, by a! nia. J~D R M 17. 23 11w 5 . 4 Ad A~~M 262v721 Me Socrat in Wixeleas Telegmpby; The 0. S. Vernim Syste6j 9 vp,, Ff M-Hp lper, Radloelearialte 25 Apr ict?-6.. pp SIA Tr 2129 sr 3 se-P 5.7 .7-.12411 Pw! R-0-10 4,).rzrc, 'fol. Vo ~Lt` ~*c 1-.~*%5,. Rai fug RW All Becreit Tel. phy and Radio Tellegrapby.. by G. Ctir~ ~ej 13 PP - FMOH~ per. RMiO $Iedp 25 jui 1926,, pp SIA Tr 2154 sci J~Jcctrmtcs