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The Midout Sace.), bn 8 BrOA14 Ing t, Ivo *t C. SEMOB1004 OAT Pr 20-032, IRTIS TT 70- of leaf Spot (ft-cospore Betleola ftet In lugoolavia aid 1*eMmeae for in Production, by Dusan Comprag, p perg BiUns, ProitmoWa, no 6, 1956p Lk fj t,~ April, ato on tioc,4 =---' T=:t-. -by 8 pp.. iporliInst ftchu du Batimat 0t des Tri~iwz ~Vbllcs, 110 9'3t 1947- IIMW -C 31 Vol XV0,40 $"i The laluencif, of the Method of Fixingr StiffeDurn on the Behaviomr of~]~~Glrders with a Solid Web, by 11. Loulo, F. cam'pyj;, 21T MA). 67 FMC4 c urs de cowtructlQn du 04anic CIyII)No L i e, i,, c BIA 57-3449 sci APr 559 The imfl4nce cd the )bthod of Pizing Stiffnere on t~o Bo~avior of Girders WIth a Solid Webs by R. H. P~i'rs. Court do Construction du Genic Civil, N6 univ ~w Lisp sci Suglueering Jim T.I.L. Tr 4792 ter ih6 e0qUim of Mox tu Co* cra o''lin t! r~' As-carrIodrout in the Outer MIA-P~r.4 oo~ -19A VOFTMUCEM3. LI Vol! I' .Tull 0, USA, Go] IP Waterways Vzpmr, Stm Tr )VT-6 nuval r iEcon 7r~ 4*tu Ionj rice vater I,Avallnkdc~ on,:toiai ttt Reom~xch Centoi- Libraiv T-77- V r=a aheaj by'Ca tic., rernand) Pa a 6m R. alicquiemin. V I FrI III U~Aml- MV;. C) t5 flt,.~Ae 19391 --~P 4,17-439. I - Sta Tr 40-31 of Eagr., Waterwaya "Expe. C i~.qt~:innvilrlng, hydratilicuo naval on rm.'-Iiiortatian, river) wvt(!r ull I,alm at, I~eaqrxrcti Ceatcr llbraq I I ToAc of Lead Salts an the Narm Centers, Thoix. cc Incift-Uons by Jot Gemus re WALA IjjhI'(kg2- 21 do 09 Foil- 10180 Amdust Vol 68,p 19109 PP 509-511 ll:'(~ o 11 1!il.' lloyclifAhoinvy, by III, ot rp '041Aj 1-4- D17V *7-' As.- 06 oarmaw 'mm, or for mak3a RIO-pmr R*b4r~"%~ m ftbea# bF & lg!W*Ov 22 pp. I i i lot: 801 ~ i I&W 0 ~ Vbl V#, 50 mealmoce, VDI IV,, so 1" OLA affw"g /Pi'l 4f 7-$r- I and 110 0,,Z7k GERW Vol =lxp 1914 0 D*s6r6HfAOh,76/cT Sciantijic lEngimering MY /42., /7/ 11, sa ~rijoi P a in the Air scA Their Applicatiomg., by 20 pp* wo lo-l"imom-P-MIN Ipp 1-16. &&L.A. Mr 965/56 8011-4 Up ~~ 56 pblelas 3? ~r - f /0 Pranco I and clwviUo, Hilme do. ICE OF WETMIG UQWD ON 1118 W:- & RES.16TANCH OP CIUSS (Wusme d'ua 1041111j" , b It slow=@ hlownique du ~U) [III W lwlwdod) YM SL A!~. . 60 TY-U-14041 4t po rr-64-14041 1. CAnac, P. 11. CUnviUs, H. do r o41 , j Toolmloof servl~ 63-2D394 c4mc:, Frincolm nd Montel, Reine. STUI)V * SURPO ~8 STATES, CHEMICAL AND 1. Canac. F. MHCIIAN~f L ALURATIONS OF A OLASS SURFACE 11. Montel, R. (Etude dvs tats dc S,6rtsce Alt6ration Chimique et mlkafficiiie Pune St, rface de Verre). f 19631128p) (forelp kefit includmo iref Order frbrr SLA t 60 63-3D384 Trans. (9 rreH (4 [Wractaires (France) 1947. v. 1, Apr, p. 21 DESCRIPTQRS: ass. Surfaces, Corrosion, Reflecro6itiers. hl.'Irrors, Light, Diffusions (Ma ter 61&1 - Ceram'ic., rr. v. io. no. iz Office of TKmkw smicel klilligl4jao 15 Oct JWAI t, With! li S. 033~ ExchmW of AnIms' Uvers Treated AWC ftftaslde I" j by 5. Ganal olkku lul chadmulwisp Vol liw k6d Of Mandostiftes ty B. ~aaa It ml. ama lmj 19451 AM Tr 2M4 xwrier 13 olona, Drin3dng; WAI;or; by 1bsnjgA,41*2~ PP' a gepanola do Fiu:lca Y pp 414-423- AnmleS~ rol U!'I, 1945 Su 60-1(Yr4l. Sci Jun U k, q;i t* Abm"Uou of S4sys by the Solutiou., c6nouis, so ftnoutmo by s. consu, :out modsto 7 pwp Amkuw rmnw -. (811M. ftsucatm *103. 3"30 9p 5M."4 ~,o r IMVY W 11473/An 608 47, 9 4.:irckiL L4,lhl tud6 aillto ~Jrle-ly.l 145 1507-152L 'IC-L c t':'o "1 1 TeOU14 M4 foir Jbt ftrkmb aity and to ~taiwa Vwx It.4 by 11, canat'r UNCUMIT 3,0 r$ Revue as meuuwxl&s Vd 0 19468 Brutcber Orbr ND 9993 i - lb%Uargy, steel TM rRWtumd,!&mm of Stored ProdwAs in * tr., q li, a and Onrcess FlsrtiNX&I. by C. it; btat'i, Igo", J. P. 0w"16 J. A, AEMIS UIVACG do Dofazz Fitcau. :=Cili~Ju 4em iWomp 00% do Invest &N ultiiw~m,r, ~01 Ila ft 20 lQ.5f>V V'P 119-142. Paeudori6h6pb4ia Froduce4 'uy au Auticoa6uiaa6 (of th,6 '~~ 6f AntitJUmboplastinogen), by A. Pavla~~kyj A, Caaaverl N. Qtdrno, F. Etchegoyen, 50 PP-: SPANISH Argentina,, Vol UIII. per.,~j La Fmasa M-a No 2., Jaia 179. 13 11956, pp 166- NIH 7-15-W Set ~49d ! Sep 60 i1hytosohitary AvpactsiOf StoreC Groundnuts t; Porz ;~Ovs Guinea. 1. Enclosures (CV409) in4 St4osp uy J. P. Cancelik de Fonseca. PorkTUDtilk'W, per,, Ann A& Mitts Georg Lisboa, Vol 0 t 1956P PP 53-82- Dsm/3=6/m by p:7 Vol XZ, Vo An" ix 1956, pp 199425. tio Bei, Cheat Cirmwferme and tbo cIr 1 11" *lot to For= ot ftlumary Taber- i ~. ~to IVo ButiobaUis 5 pp. MQW4 ODr, ~~Lfosa WaiQU, Vol No 3/4, !ju.4*c~ 3oi, 198-g00. SIA 2m 57 PC ;of fteo, of Lodento by 0 do UM36 OMM3713D ID p Paris,, 1954 ftm ox CTS O/Feb 55 MicrodoOage (~iantitatif dlIono de Chlore et dlIodc, by N. 4alacey K. KoYev, 7 PP. BULGARIM toi!FMICH, per) Comptea Rendus Acad Bulgari6b Scl,., Vol XIV, No 3, 196L~ PP 20-250- 9093931i CEA A-1124 Reverse Translation Sci oct 4i du hidthane ow forOg t~ia U4 tom A! $1. 60 of nwIxx1j bapni IcIle) tno, 14) V [FrORIlk *Chloe nes, H)dk%M *I roku6ns Becu, L C. ANE ON SODWM CM.ORIDB i Chlonwe de Sodtvm~ 11"21 kd) 17 reft, 62-1"Z? from rAWes del Chim[iel Id at Parial Oct 34. so, Sodium cornpounda, 10 temperawre Manarcb, .PhyuIcAl, Tr, v. H. 6) 62-1"Z7 I - CU&06 C. la. MmVileecu. L Q Rol) 7.6-itll sw,lc.~ The rolIon of MONA W Mroltm Hydro- vii sumi by c. uudsti$ j. x&ny 6 p. Da *M 3ho Vol. Vo 225.0t. mA 6oaam /03 Tovar~ a I Candela. .......... SPAR6TiHj Sci Engi, May 58 Philosophy of Structures, by Felix unknown. USDA North Carolina State College Tr 21 Drying~~( S*041ess Grape6, by L, SPANIS14 Per~! Instituto Nectonal Agrono6ileas'"'IMadrid, Bolattn, Vol pp MOM. Ilidalgos tic Investigaciones XIX, No 41, 1959, In Vimr&"B r bv to It"4P ~ : , I 'I pa) 0 - ~ .... W. ~ I dmmo . 6m i 001 -Nug ~* .1 /~). C, 335-Or LIM16 Chlop, ais in Vineyerday Imatitutc, lincionr. .1 I de 10tsti6xicionea Agmtomians l6drid, by H. SPAN met Boletin No 18, 1063, i:;p 383-41) q Jul 334) 207 olrewhoil ft'll the.ftotboole of Ursa, by lame 0 osv&Uo ITAL141 rk 46 amdm j'Lllod"%ru* Val xxis I so S.L.A. tr u56/i956 to/ 62-17865 QWCIU~j~., tAr4 my, A. J., and Parsou4, K. CIGAREITE PAPIU WrM AMMONIUM SULXAMATE I Caudell, A. AND CANCtRIG11W C HYDROCARBONS. [196216p. II. Linde vy, A. Order fribm!K-H $7~145 K-H 10481-a III. Pws&ud. K. IV. K-H-10481-a Trans. ed t~ let4italfiana dil fliolfog4l V. Kresge-Hooker Science SperlimWille . q~Alettkno] 1960, v. 36, no. 10, LibraLry Associates, p. 452-454.1 Detroit, Mich. DWRIPTORS: T4&rattess Vapor. Ammonium radicals *Wfamal.W. *Snu*vs, JWrocarbons, Orancer, office, of 7"knicol $*coca$ (Biological S-_ienceN--P&rhoIogy, TT. Y. B. no. 6) tie sO"i ~,on tkw PUMA= of Fluorine by the by A - Candelitf ~ 0. S. StbOoli4t 7 py. ITAUAN BoU. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper, pipe r _11t60., Vca XXIX~l - IS., 1, 0531 pp 145cloI S.L.A. Tr 1830 SW- ftilclae., pbyalology ApIr 57 K)14o"il IjAosw- u, by~ A. CIX J.1., G. seftmw4JL,~~j pp 1~jl' 411T Dou Y.p Vol "Cox) J-J Mg-17P.R: Nov CTO Olt 05-mallia V..lkw to ;~Afw 1.7 1 "r. ~.j. LVS iiNiAl'o 9.4' Lw NMIS. 1,;t- A li~~ Its' DvpoO*I~ me by a$ MAN=) !Oawdto at the "R= of the 6prinp in I%a of of Upstap of Bollvarp Vmezuela,, 'ttil G. Makm., J& I*Maleo, 14 pp. WI Owli Va Is lo, Is 1951j. pp 269-293 MA Tr 2344 by P111-lic1l'i nit, tcor 60 ('Oom3cKjlAclwca. -iij 1959. AM Tr-39,51 soft. E of w Vp=" on BSWIax *terftl Tostiza Reactors Ip upi Brussels., 2146 Sep 195gppr /9 3. Problem Posed by Ift operation Ory Pilot p by 0. Caud:Lottl; H. Sci I" 96 Oct 60 AM TD-7 70-13559-D6T Craved. A.; Grasca. P. FIBRINOLYSIS IN 4CUTF CAR60', MONOXIDE POISONING. Folla'Modics. Nipill v. 44 p. 1961. Order frDiti Nrc as lIC 6.70, go. Cont0but on to tile Knowlefigo of Silica C, int'~Ie Ultra-Violet,. by V. ino Canina. up"utp, 1per, Verres at kefirectaires, Vol 10, 114 3 1 p p NTC 6 -10.431-118 May Ope,Z'Utioiva Problems of El -2 and E -3 I Re C. Cai)dJo a: Y, pp ri'j, Brusseis~ 21-25 '959. may t~ 77-64-14234 7NE(*IE$ CH 7M CONSrnVnCN Of C&Wjm, E. LDAE AND, CEMENTS AND ON WE S87TING AND HARDEMO OF MORTARS (AND) INFLUENCE OF cAci '(w com? ON THE saTrwo AND HAR3W06 OP MWAA& 119631 lip (tests tables Or4or ffor~ nA $1.160 TT-64-14234 Trans. tro~f Wo" -Comm &M Hy4r&ulk Limes, 3d Pula. 392-411. DESCRIPItg& *CW rmck OCaklum compmods, owdsm.. kj~rd&W4 ~ water. cbemAw Auly" 7-mwy, Itically Variable C*"ngp S- D*vIcfji ~or A" paed Geer, by Roffsole cqu&ne' 4 pp. imum~ Pa. Patent 45%7T0 V-bj appl. 24 Sep 49, gra&bod. 2 5 4 50p VO. July 51. SIA 59-125e6 set Ebgr Jun 59 62-22821 t '['HE VENTIBUIL-li nOUND RRACTION IN THE 1. Caneghm., D. Van CHRONId INT-05CA710N OF THE AUDITORY 11. K-H-31,46-a APPAI~jkft'S BY t()IJACCO. JL9621 Lip. 1 11. Kresge-Hooker Science Order frdmK-11 19.75 K-li 3546-9 Libra-) Associates. Detroit, Mich Trans, o! Acm Q o-LAripgological (Sweden) 1954, v. 44, nit. 5/6, szs-5:31. DESCAIMURS: ilP_Ar, Hearing, "Tculcity, "Tobacco, Cigartittar, Silloilev. Nicotine. e5ounduansinlasion. (Blologicol SLIew 'em- -Toxicology. 1'r, v. 8. no. 9) Office of To,choirel seir"Cirl Irik Neu search m the Distalbution of H=em Fni asis 1n Bmthern Irfochinap by J. t. hun. Vol. 2T 195P -31.0 no. TO sci 4 Ails 33T-458 a MoViou Study Of 15. TdbermUosL 24 pp: - M=,Hj , per 746.1761. Resistance of the Tabercla Bacillus an the Dooe of StroptoaMvin Adminietervd. Strains Isolated Fr= Pulmonary PatienUp by A. Saamt) Q. Canetti., Pkv Taberai'vol IIII, No 9/10, 1911% MA Tr 2600 -S-7 191 F- pm Lm' A "=Cie at, Rasiotmat 'Farlznts in tl~ tha SewitLvity of 'MmzuLe wceiw :In S"I'vept"Aft.. by 0. Cpmttl~ A, Sgcrz: 13. pp. YMM"p perp Am Xuat Nateurp Vdt IMUI Ild 5) .1,94.4 p pp ~'116-U9. MA Tr M4 Bei ltwdal~* . I Mihtenr, CaInalsi - SPAIUSH i 1. i Jij,n'59 ~.,e of Diesel Motorso by Victor L. USDA per NC State College ilvlga4i 414 $ssis JA Cothin China: Hpidesio- lcgioi~ Re #mrob in the Mol Country. Part 11. 14 an ilariasis Research on the Mal- sti0gi Lai the Ilesquas Region. by J. Canst." FREN~4' Societe da, Patbiclolie Exotique Bulletin, ol-n" 1�96; p-p.-332-4. lffff--60-'~-11600-06E AiA vp~ ~sx lh,**, tw Aduo *"owl. mm zz = Ai. owlol~p Vor Mo lb 15s 4 MV 1961. 4 ii, I y J t: (:i", Jall 0 Vol 63-14551 wt '7S IN THS PLOTA710H 1. CAnguilhem C., H. OP *METAA MINERALS. 11963115p. Order b6si MA $1 60 63-14551 Tmw - it itaq I Its Iql(enledal QuinticAl (Chile) IM. 2. .17-20. DIUSCM0,T~RS: Flotmalon (Sepration), *Oms (Mm-miishic), :hOnerals, Lituatmw, Pbos~lsotes, Aotita, Cmilcite, (~uM to. WaufaCtU tirg metbods. (Evibetwitig ci6icsi. -rT. Y. io, no. 4) Ifte 10 It:b*sl Wyk" TRAINING W~SGIENTIFICp TECHNOLOGICAL AND ECIONCHIC MOOIAL d IADRES) BY CAM SINH, 0" PP. VIETNk ESE) W) ~~DAM, 24 SEP 1962, P 2. JPRs i56o)i) FE - VIIIETNAMI ECON tqov 62 2 16) t>,~'l lilrd I Case of kdoellwoll l4amme in vicW' of J~ 00 lAwlsovac Dwitboids bV Je L wiakko,wl 0 JAt per# 0 A 36i pp 2324340 40 ~49 j1% 41, 0 liv AIatiblotlew in &xQo,-,'La Toobwloa,. loo 19 ppol D* vittwit 0 moloat ft, M) 3051 w and Ompoltal Pawl AnamU6s- coaft VIA oKbn MLd3xW and Yb)opbsUe Mobetes, by F. IW06:cts T. CWlvctt QLdcbvAo St all 10 V.- TAJ Pamise MftcuU.. UL L%VM,, r0 1113NV 1. 30-1838. Oel mail irAr 61 6 3 3 h? -A ta' oe 19~3,0 lur'"I, P Special Reference to a Reticalo- terPretation, oy Cuminc. CW)Dat-a J M.Inerve Derrao-tole"ica, Vo.'A. xXVI-11: Tramlation 2CG PP -7 q., SO W)d Aeldo ITALIMI mae no I~cl 60 and AnW.-DUbatta Action of Citric (1, Orwevap 1; ,,Ooolftm IftlUm C.7, Tdologia Spormn- J"Po 1939P VOI XVP NO Ut YP 740-741* SIA 551-gWY9 e2 ;I i .11 li ~j l~ II i N !VAIW#c Vauktooms by 0. Cavurl. 11 PWA o"'Mis itaij, Vol LVLUI 1928: 1~ i i ikvy Tv 1336/BW%ipo Tr 609 5~ 40cjqo~ 10 The to DaterAdmation of Cerium, by 0. 0~ ri D. COzzlo 13 pp. ," IT PI OWA owes 11AP Vol LXXIj 3191. 0,L.A# Cbwlstry M 68fiby 55 I I !: 1 . l6perim"bit's cx~i~the *ltiog in Elect-vic Fwnaoms arA in open-",iosrth lyurmeen of PftvOuer Material Obtained Direct, IWUOtlonp by 0. Mmiq P. q%ujuo...- r$ 1004 Italiwas, Vol Lm,~ =10 WX 2360 / 7 410 Ild ISRAELI PEACE COMITTEE CRITICEZED) BY CHAVIV CANI`1414$~, 5 HEBRW NP11 HAARETS, 2C. NOV 1962, P 2. JPRS 16882 W 14E ISRAEL POL JAN 6Y Change:SProd4ced in Polysaides by Chomical and/or, Physsi4al Processes. 1. St* of the DegTadiationloroducts of Secondary Dimides, by A~' 'Cimine A. Dauleass. FRUHOII,~WI14Un. Inst T"tile do France, No 101, 196211 pp 641-661. CB/M/T.1506 Sci-CUSA Aug 6S 1.1 ~i : ~JL.-,: --Ll.; I vi& 00 %-~~=--77- I =1&=K- I I .- . -oft ebmwo 40 r, IL:l Z--- i 006,46 NWW~ "m 00% I i~= ~?. e. Al 0 The Aidditbm of Chloroures to Double-Booded Carbon c slj~~ bY 1. Ribas, X. TaLpJa, A. Cauo 6 pp. SPAM~Rj perp AusUs do la BwJWo#W Espanola do Fls*e" Q*LmUmp Vol AMY, 1936.. Pp 501-506. S.L.A. ft No 534/1955 Va ACJA Wiml an Vo Piwetbatic AmIm Alww-�-# 70Y.;Wo JON ft odof 8 IV f P" bpmu 61 nalea vilialea 0 Imp IV 318"16% Ta lu~, so 7'cA Ot Aliphatic ,!,r eo L1.4% ne i0n Dri!~ ~~o:aum of Parar-,zofrio and T", livabur of U."ton etams by Nicubbeo by It. Treaaani,, 'L. Carzacm., 11 23 A AnvaU di WawbiOIL061,im) J.05" 4 b HOVDI311tvat Vag of 4#4--mamtuouphonyl Sulfone, by *u, Ci~ C.Caj, Lulat d"Micas 9 pp. Vol XM 15041 1g -1704 8 *L4. 4uo KIWI I om of the Surface of a Vermicu- g kis&t Abotit by Auld "i fterml j, b,, J, ft U*" lowalu, porp Fbim y Wal cm,. ftl Lni(bO IV 993 -998. 10~ 62;!i cmkw, I . i s4i, - E Hmr 1% : i i j by Flaminio Pimia asnova., 6 pp. -,- w - Ito 411.9728. lwwpt of owwree %tmb Offiae 0*1 rAb (Gift) I,/- 4~- 3 0 2 17 2 2. T Cl J."' A I Ct R 11 EN" )ITION.1; iN 1441 iO vrnspirch-luok- onk! vi 04c'. .1 ! i 111 bly ANJ uj,%*,,'-i.,, A., Cant"co, D. 5c. enum MS oil I #AbOUM by lomym ~by P., C"Oulp fi6 1 P. cl#ti.lw~ a. cavoual pp 10 pe JUL1,23P =A *-INA R0134:tlj~ Testing Suglue Covlinp in High t Vii6citl vind Twxyd'at tW C*ntrea Aerom I ~IXT A~od -15)8 by P. lwtitu~* (T IPJOWO~Ooftml Aero-ft6rodywmde Institute. Ale VM-59091-12 Sc ,tttllltlr~~e - Aercoutlas C9 07 Doe MI J10 "ati-gas inal X-.-i.ay KJ,.qnjosis7"' by A. Jutlas atid A. 4 pp, f Bull. Assoc Ved 4:trigue rrailo. IN NO G jj 1936 1Ada i ftudlei 6a lkto III.,. by Vs Oe -to~4., :d&Amd IL CwaLUire.. 18 pp. OPC *dp Ital'IMIIIi, No n-12- DM"V ni mv~ Stereoocopto Weet to Motion V, to a hIlde Projoctions , toy Qtdnzio noll , t U an M Lt-4 P~'Wot no Npt of 00 MOAl Offt 00 SaleaUfle Ilb Oct ;6* lli~~ Fill, r1 kill z"wal Wflauslain ~ ,z-, by Cufatio, ivPto cmittv wJI&A'a ~mvbl~~e iaclo,oll,