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the OOMUM UWAM oil ONO in *ad-"- a" lb 11 0 Am sow DrA 1"443n~3 "niv of a GwSed Dm in A, MUMM IW 1. L. tem fts* Val 3T 0 t,!0" i; rap 2-92-/ 0 Ceitain Fe4~tures of the.Doppley Effect in 5 Anis~Oopi4, Media, by Ke A. Barsft pp" RUSSIANs Or., Zhur Tekb Piz; Vol XXXIII No 21 P: p1, 1-167. 1962i't AIP Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol VII, No 2 sci, 2-13,3623 Oct 6~ (NY-&98) Treads tlcnjj Radfttlam a ~ In Wbvb* MMU? by K. A. =.O "w. I , L, Go *rydftu$ 8 N. h V&?k Mb* ftwed, :r Val IV., 3.- W. 19ft, pr 14, -~ ~, -I It P .11 T ransj.t on diation in a Slab in a 4aveguide, by K. A 10 pp RUMU~~ per, Zhur Takh Piz,, Vol XXX, No Up 19c,01 pp 13. -1346 AI P sov Phyl; - Toch phom Vol V, no 11 Mv 61 Vaves Frcm a Point Source In a 6vrotr4" ic XaUvm Vith Sagmtion Boundary, by F. A.! 9 pp t-2 Rim4fit PO VxUotekh I ZWKrca., Vol IVp No 11, 2959,, i)p pp Apr iia GA, u6aw= plasm in a Now slid A, ROSS To%h fts Vol =.P. No ajo 1959,0 pp 9$4 hw got Of pbp No 8 by X, A. Ott i'4 64, ".0 ON It low" V4 ~,% AV ft! (W-5230-N/MP2) me or a 04004 FaUcU to Ueftto- I. N. ftiotovskly" AT sump TfA tap No 21 1960. MRS 73T6 A3*1 i P diation of in OsdUator Moving in a 7 rmu"'m X. A, Be pp 7 A16IA& per, ZbW Tft fix# Vol XXXIII9 110 4s ""54. ANW bet d phys 5* Pbp - Tfth Ph" vol Ynt, so 4 63 ~ci ~ Im pialsotropic =3 ivoic AWiiaj. by K. A. Baromikov., 5 pp. 0 Wro 2hUr XLeper I Teorat Fiz Vol pp Amehr last of Fbya Sov p-, 43-apl. sel Dea, 5.9 Theov~ tudy of tht p, th e. 3 the USSR ill uj(- T,*,-J~'-''" Of J Of the 21st cougr,50B D the ,;OV-Jet, UxdlDnj I)y AAJL Ap 02 led The d,3,-A4c e V.. I RUISOL' pl~ .7, sci~ Jul ierU Di6tri,bution o:~L' Neutrons in a i.aining a B~re Hole, by 0. A. Barsvko-vi lov; 3 pp. Atom Energ, Vol X, No 5, 19", CB 2C4,320 Gem t E"Ofectiveaess of Mromospheric FL5.rcs Fro ~he ta or 1957, by 0. M. Bwsukov, 3 P.P. Scii Sep 1 Iz Ak Nauk,SSSR, Ser Geofiz, No 11, o-1691. AGU 316 sme; F ea ! -J!- lof the Varim,tions irt a 5-20 Minute Perlodlel ric Cument., by 0. M. Barsukov., 4 'op. F=810, 'peril rz Ak Nank CSSR, "..Ser Geofiz., No 9., 19590 .1354-1401. )OU Sep 60 '34M (NY-5451) T ee clocitles" of Corpmaular Strewn rrom ftares, by 0. U. !!rou)W.L 6 pp. XWBIM per, Iz Ak Nauk SGSIR., Ser Geofiz,, No 5p 143-745. JMS 5451 R-Mv n,~,hm 60 fS Od be Ulml Varim~ioa of Perturbations of Beir a to Aocor#ng to Cbservatims of h 8 *iet Statlcm Duritim the IGY Perlod, b I Mq 11, j 5 pp. ftsk"Od pap It Ak Nauk SM) Ser Geofiz, No i4o) pp 148-150. loc U2 ~60 OT IZTJC)wj .109 -lum xrtm v %I amTnosndLmf) It on,4100TVA. aw" To Now of of oz AltarmtIng o. m. ftm*xwo 3 so - ;owl, s4r No 3v )mw Won ~b t of A%Ultuft'.pba" Electro-Geopkyvical b Appi usi try 0, i0iwwo 3 lip - J* Ak noft not aer Wofizo 1,10 40, pp Pots"= Imt Sol! of the ]~*oilnwt Direction WA *OM ~AmpUtuft Sbwt-Perlod Fluctuations of do Ukov; 3 pp U Ik* NOR 0001"Las Ip Dee 04 Q, "M on an ~Uctric P* BDW0416 CMW of Amplitude and fbiLd. osid -the Ejemnta ;,f an te ftlArbotlea, !by 4P TA Alt SM& SM, SOr G*Ofiz ft 3 OPP I I I I . i i I I . i I i i I . i I ; " I Rm I i . I : I Isdi lbbg Scl & AAM 27VX ;Zj~ f Dl*~~ lbutlon or via in armitoma Itoww'o bO. Li, barkWo Lo' 1. ftYlOWWo 10 am* iawuvm per, 31, 19~60:,vp Vol mil MA R-U93 PSI =*w Irim.ental Data on the Conditions of Pe mr-mmati of Danburite and Datolite 6n by .3 N. N. Deryuginay 7 PP- per, Geokhim, No 3, 1961. Geocheon Soc U12 216 ,547 An rimen 1 Investigation of the Conditions of I FO. ;t lof Kotoite-Ascharite ores, by V. L. Barsl rm~ ionmi N N beryugina., 6pp. ;Afi., per., Geokhim., No 1, 1960. Sci oct 621 i 214)220 I . i i on ld.era~'-Indicators of the Boron Content in S~ai I , V. L. Barsukov , b~ , 7 PP- r i .1 11 ~M~IW) Per, Geokhim) No 51 1560- GS sct i Aug,~2 216,226 1 a 71 I~Ojj pp 660-4566. "9e 60 ;41 TI, i~,. a,,' ~oo*msww LA the c Chamateriatics of the TELU Fin in Atlant iu*rbichas (Anarbichadidae), by V. V. ppi 'k Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIX, No 3, 1959~- i per, 695 69T i Amer Inst of Diol Sci 60 Mimi of *f ths kidto sea iim:=.)s, by Y. V. ftnubn, rV2 RUM-, "a Vol XXXIIq ; -t - M. Mimi ip mom3w.--, SOL Tr COMM FS - 36= / I T6 J7 Gat RssrWO lnftlvtd in the Blocking off tt Bulo*Auftw Dlaft at Larce Yeaues of Cut ~V~ c tj y yu. K. hiraw low. R IFIZ T03iij, To-' 1~ No InUrnittl Phyaleal Index Blectroalcm Upress Vol III so jeol K.2'e' Olvaer of Camting in Cwt-xv)-ling Binary b,v Ya. K.. B"VQ)WVP a ppo HU , op;=%=~ozmvv!dimvBm mm vos it )62; 1 0 5p is vp , im IMM- std.. .0 Em ~3 i ~l a ft i 0 q& ; 2,1 i i dm to the AvalyaU of Linear letwmitm With J?axmboz.p by Yms, K4 BLnmiov*#, 8 pp. ~, -"A- -- is Tymm" U" zmd wim 9m doteklodhos..,V41 Vp So hp lqWt 4 i The pres, ~fttion of a; Seadconducting Diode as a sibk~S'c itation of Two Nonlirmar Delay Links,, and the ility of Pulse Voltage Division Methods, by X. ukov RUSSIM Zhur Tekh nz, vol, xun,, No lo, 1957 pp'2 Amr Lwt of Phys Gov Pbys-Tech Pbys Vol II,, No 10 7 Sci-fty X, Jun -T it iit Blocking in C;ermsaum DG-Ts Junction D=s by I,J'u. K. Bmukov, 9 pp. RUSS pe~.. Zbur T-6kh Fisp Vol XXVIIv No 10p 1957 lAi ..Pp -226i* Aper Irot of Phys Boy Phys-Tech Phys Vol II no 10 Jun 02 V7 blf~e';' it Aq too$ teli PUB wrio twith catude cowlift for - - ft. oomctlon Of 2kanglent In the Diff"OstUl hWllf Jar,, by per, am *I& Fist Vol XVIO so 90 108 pp Old~sbs Amr X=t of Pbp Soviet PlWa-Tecb Phys Vol 10 so 9 Oct Wa of the CmtEIYJ by *010 ft= BRU I" lit N g/30 19591, 107 Brc~lnation of Thymine end Photochemistry oi 5-t~ano-6-hydroxyh.y,droU3n,,ine Analot-ueE., by N*ela Harstcz and Zofie i'mmer., 16 pp~. POLIM4 per, .ete Dicchimica Polotiiu:, Vol No 1963. are 63--1uo6---, or Scill iu~i 63 Italiation 6emistry of Nucleic Acids. am" lv- Doriv,~L--'vab, I. Some Illyrimidines, ' , 11 arlj',41~qtl~-Ild Pyrimidines., by DaLl~~~.v D . i W 1 sly, X7 , pp. POLISIT, pA-j Acta Diochimica Polonica, Vol VIII, 7- i 11.1 A 1, o In crT.9 6o-2i.56c-4 P-U-430 sc~-' ,.~ay 0 7' 02 by v. Amxwwks7,p 96 pps pw dip. I ja MJSR 9~1&JwUa v Was&, Wwww# 1936p L POO AM P-04OW/V Order I Trans.. DI=RRILUM70i *Calclwn'.w ii TW IUMI* I measuredli I high stagior nicti A. ERATURE ON ME LUNUNES- EN OF CAW04 - 1196SI st! ob S t *2W erence o Moq*krystaloch Crystals) (00. 3)'Pragm. 1960. 1e crystals. OLuminescence, vruWtAtes, Comma raym. demy an y4millation was '2D-3000CouSmmdla.. inun 01C awltrut) Tr- 63-22241 1. Barta. C. I[. Kahn. A. m. nde; confemnce ... IV. Scientific In'ormation Consultantu LAd. (a. Brit.) (Phyetca"'So Id Statt~ 'TT, v. It. no. 1) F., SW He 77-63-22242 88M., ~cl pa MM OF AANDtUM-0)M SUIGLE CRYS- 1. Buta. C. TAI.A. 1[1 31 1 11. Pam P. Order MSSIC $:w. M. fisjok IL IV. 7uw. O=N, Trahs. 6t er~dce 0 Monokqatalach V. Scicadfic lawwatift 1confer ons Crystals) (rv~. $) Pram 1960. Cowultuto U& at I P. (Q. hrtt.) I DMc id: ogle erfatats, owdes, Pusto mumble. Scandfulti o~idde st~lc crysials of a ma3durn size at 45 Mm 1 4 nwilvd4oven profted by ft Venwill Mood the a". PIC abmad) otyaks lid SMA'a, TT. Y. 11, m 1) 0 *444 Ct U* MAM 4 air la 4 mom mouum~ IV Ic. the Pre*ftzlou of Single Crystals of Scandium Ide I' ~, Y C. DI-tas F. Petruo B. , Mjekp 2 pp. p ... -. ; I .., RNU, Pek, N tovIffouscWtous Vol ILVV 1%8,1 3640 i of 00 "%a AlidrOags by FAA*' ftt+Ap Mali ~vp per., Zhur Mdm6 Vol M=s No 3,p 3U-3596 07A 90CM5-00 Bmi 42 BMW K-o 0 ~A7 -4,im ot,tbo Tolum 4~f air in Gum sotuw# tw)&. Bmrta~ :of RevW do l'ImboutellUM 3', C:L cc tko vau" at &ir in 0 *Aophwlo tw S. Ewul Ifils aW46 46 I$ftbtvUiU4pt 0 !10-%* , I f 4'. " -./ i.- 1, 1 IM3. o* PC M CONSERVATIgN IN P~W U'll i, i1 ly 10 1~us%lt 0 6y ey. MWA 9 PP. ARIA4 FU tPmI ONXIA"ZOALKOUSo PP Ill-026. JPR 4967 MY 00 oct 61 0 sun Mir 1 "9$ .114-4974) WarlsOM Wr FIVAIMs an Terroutrial r oma J!"S*-26 pp. 0r$ risual 63=200 Vol xp no lop 40. Fob ftmww2^turs, by J. BarU h pp. rxvvl.l VOLL mar 01 ir.p Problaw Gmtol i PareUvaaYa V) pp lh-la pp f, of '*Gte MMM% Frm. Yoas'k-. Production I 1: OP04 MGwd to the *010aical Ro- A*) 1)y potmvfts% 41 wi ks IS5% Ak3l Av r. 02~mf try WA ANN T*a 9v W-399 54 JF#f 62-17793 Una iind To ~14!, V. MICRMITRIMET1 IC DFTIT-RMINATION OF NICOTINE. IN -rOBACl .r.) shl( I.. 1196216P. Order fror6 K-H i$;,,.(K) K-11 4072-a Ill. t; Il- 441-2 n 11'. Ktcsp IfigAtr Nclenn Angew a dw 4d,(Ccrmanv) 10.31, v, 41, HI'larv &?4AlxWf(,k, Trans. i4 ~~, p p. (W-~Vll lVtf.m.. Mich. Titration, Nicotine, Tobami, imokos.,;! (I Inaviv wlll offi,. .4 T-&-.4-1 S-it-- SW! IV Of I taO Sys"m A120r"02p b7 Rudolf &irta, Cdatibmii Bvft, 12 nil' tr Ho Per) M= Wk- D06 Vol. =s NO 3,r 10*p PPI 341-352. CYA q0M5-C., R"I 42 ftama-b=tu Bureau sail 6vi 56 7 1 3 FOR I ON CAL ELOPMENT OF RAILROAD ION FOVIN BY VLADISLAV MUA.. ET Lf "8 pp. ~,.ZELEMICNI DOPRAVA A TECHNIKA., VOL X., CZEC~p PS N 12~1 0 PP 353-354- jpRs 17765 -~z EEUO., ECH11 EC%~, FEB~16~ 221,922 AM Femme VOL loo hau ted Sourcea of Swiallst Patriotleck, b !4r , yll tri aart' ar & flova Mys I, Prapik, F6b GO, 11, 79 i U. A '~'zincj:jj. I P~) t ic-01 I m by Stazi I 11 1 : , - I j ii I o 'cra I - - I - - 010or TOU 22KJ030, WIV, ~t 17 sO. aw . A obsor; Vol UP 110 up UUM 1-6636/a 1,.FSJ 5?,91-7 R t ;4.S I M hk NIX Ryclitc T RCIPICE. -~ P FF A. japp4 JtF. Order froil, PAx Ncas&4 ILor Tram'. 'A Iiij idt 1). 1). , n. d. 1 AUWWA& 3. ---i.zcrPjCAL EQuip.jr-mr 31. wre, La. N. Cirrubr Rd., I'L 106 Ev&W ud CzeelloslovaUan moilo., TT-64-22Z25 1. Rrltwl4 110 B. M. HIU (Loonald) Books La, Lao&m (Engl~W) (:A,,*eorl4--Ele",cR4 Tr, V. 12, Am 4) offIce of vwbnlcsl se"Ices I ITIjCIproofing Electrical Volip Equipment v M. f~rdm=. B. ~~ak~. ~i I PN 1, bk. I k I j i i 110 6dd T i i i i 1; 1! K3 N4L (LIDen) C2 0, s 9 1 (DC-5965/1) Thai actue of Troptua Chw]?ersp om J. Mmbua., 4 FF. O"Icm USE tV1 0 Vol X., No 12~ 21 De~ I i966~' n 941 JM 8794 ca?YRIDNT EEtLr Czechoslovakia MAW& oua Twu in c. IM, No OWA "31-a #r R RENDERING TYING OF VINE UNNECESSARYp BARTAL h,PPO TENT NO 61..p377- DEPT OF COMERCE SCI LIB PATENT OFFICE ,1 6 2 ' 203;132 A& &&L- .9call IM no of "a, l , -- - ji, "WA -00 a 1A6 sw I-Ift no$ VOL Xtvamt 1b AMW &Wk of fts 6 Use Ofl-P lay iris ISIA if pp 62-44 Sci Apr 63 a Scintillators In Seta-Ruy Spectj-omjtr7, anov, 1. M. Roman, 3 PP,, Pribory i Takh Hkepar, No 1962, ISA (SP-1821) msterl~l Fb# ~Powder Meta.Uura, by I. L. Bartuahev. 6,pp. 1 11 I ., ftvGtM6:Wt&14.- ft 1. 1961., pp 82-86. im h7m Sol - Jul 67L I iI /431-ef 791/-? -.01 Erperie:~ce Reducing the Weight of l4achines, by L. --b-m 4 pp. EUSSIATI; pex,~ Ve A Ilashirlos troy, V61 XLI., Jib 7) 1961) 3 - To 10 A FEM Se i Za 22 Jun ~p2 1 200,042 of de'll1ilose Triacetate )""llms Jl.gninnt ~xmictlt n' by'H-ssat ai4 Acid, by A. A. Pyclran, Zarl aiaheys, L. 1.1 SbnGalolra., V. V. Camcman., M-711% L. Mkhinulkova$ 9 pp. 61 ~U" i952 v1p per,, Zhur Prik T(bim, Vol XXV,, Do C-11 Consultants Bv~. caa Do'. 531 CT'-3/D:D: F76 MISN PAIMAN 104Y Nomm awcmo pop IFFI. ~ujt im i67so Stmnblrf~ or ~-,hn .Oct, -11 x1ton SI-"ectxa of Lhmr~jrl tc vii, li P, S 1, ftys of Cancer, 6) J. j. J. Ceskeho Le.I.Arnictva r.,:~Cazopis '950, pp 264-265. SLA 60-18570 7-5 A2 ilbf out gt4eitstfte- santavys Oort Mmi rs 70JAYA Vol Wmt NO 6., .93.9i T~ Scis t Chwlst3tj n*ic MS 70pa i aW Testing of Lubricants at. Blevated Tenitieratu*o., by A. Saftel. GEE pel" Verein Doutecher Ingeuieure ZZ., Vc,, ,.~T NO 63 1959P P 316, WU 2862 $CL 615-0 list 141 JI ctmelj(%~ra. Yields -by Mempa in Cuttivg 'UmL, 6 pp. mr Xe Lemdviztadhaft~ Vol- Ill No 2, 1961.. 69,1~1 70. 66W Gar y Article by Dr Horst B-,rtel ~&-.sVjBnrlin, Berliner Zeitung, 10 February 1063 Daily -deport ~is Zast ::~n-ope No 31, 13 Feb 63 /t, In 4 tv~ 6 b.* Yft*k --77, Omni pp A7-','J! nor ft, 59 ftiP*Upl*-Omwd vboumdo Troup ft"Josabla amwraki. 3004V 2WIA Ual&v Or 1959,p CIAJFM Om LYL93 by A FDD ESum 60 i ccluright Test-puces with Known Worklft CoadItions claic a 2w180 X. amrtgai. pe Arth XUoubuttenowkeo, Vol XXIT torguw toguip 3 3,, 5'7;r A7, TT-65- 241141 F(eld it Bartels, fIDAL G 8 7,-,f.. Order fro' StA: $6.2 as TT-65-14214 m Trams.cd Ha dbuch d4 Phyntk. Geophysik (West Germany) ' v4 6 p734 44 :57. MR 673 by 14 aw"amd'air. Viso* tp Vol 43,011" oil Action of OWLS'..j WILL =10 278, got AD medielm the'l 7 ft'u Baton of Telegraph Sigmasp by I ~1-ps t W(w 4 4 ~, Q. Ustj 22 pp. itel E nek, xschr~ -Tech'$ Vol VIIII So III O*t.3, tp 0 SIA 5T -1485 Seib! M 971' I-moll OWk$ by SWUNU Illu*tay I -4T ~ . ~ ... T, ,F #F-" ,&A~- - -Aft-&mw~. %L~--- 0 15 ftt kdr ~ 3 M~'o ' ~ , 1, AM 10*0~ spi Ao, 74.4. -1 40,U2 OOL i , of Wl*t PAWerm and Ssu"p ." p *Wtos- 'o, , t, 1~ IA ~~Whsftp Vol. 14y lb. 121 i 1 * xlm-~Iam 13,R Iq 7-