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ter 'Ail by j A, C),A/1TDD XX-1431 korejZp Diwv:a (jet. 0, 1 1 '' ur;lxi, I*Wrnol kd,-esi Cileamary- of flincral. P~,-rvs; bv -J i;, d111=-- lelyp A. C. Baraws. v i 1. 1 .1) - .- -A.I 1 CB iac4lltlotic 101r*4bd Arequenc ion car Pill 'Lli ide Crys".. by H.,Borwling Barnes., tj Oil z. r Phyatko Vol LXXVp 1932s . ........... 4(: ent*J.c FhYOLO 7z~ 0' L gioustone-YArrov Series Grafts in atedIficep by D. V. 3. L=q~ I j C. E. Lmtit.. 7 pp. ;I Bangs Vol =I No 7, 1959.. NM 3.0-93-6o Sol, d ~i Doe; r t j tJw Work Atk 1 by Mr. F*brlmt "On j)7 S. J. Barnett, 5 pp. per Ann ftriko Vol ILVO 19140 SIA 57-2087 MY ~131 ACtYrit CO D"T Itomity ontwpxxawv IN omc,tirrRomycoL Posom4m 30500 * or&r frm M73 Tn of Acci I dol pidat"ack Sim. So3d I jmpaic~ AM (Its* lop Iasi. 31 V. 4, I-2w (elp cal 54"ces-fthabp, Tr, v. 11, w 11) lo~ 1. larmi, %L S("Tift, AmodoM6 bound Brok. N. I ~ I I :~ I tv:! 6 Bwolutioulme TelecommicaUou,, i I b t, 14, I'Dimlorl, 4 pp. I ; I " qv~zp 4) L, 0 BMAO"r 28p 1,9W. mmu ft Im kt( jai ,s 7 y ;7'XI (DC-1919)ki Ea~t mc~)! Olly ~With the Sputniks of Tomorrow, byll ierdl Barnier ,UNCLASSIDIED F#NC~ d~jp, L'Humanite, No 136, Paris, 16 May 1958i p 71 *US JPRS Scd. l~- SIce Research s-16oo F'~rt~, 14004 !16Har With the Sputniks of Tomorrow, i If byltu! ~.en 1~ ni~!. FRENCH np.1 L'Humanite, No 136, Paris, 16 Hay 1958. I* "to 31 19000 (NY- 10) CO~~R I 1AF-11IR I C AM SSAY FOR BACTEIR I AL TOX I NS I N M,! ~-T, BRUTH BARN_____ 5 PP. OFFICIAL USE Yj I TZK 1, Cil) PER, CESKOSLOVENSKA HYGIENA) VOL VI) 5) 1 J,61 PP 32L-324. JPRS 121043 - mED FE6 62 Fleldep (*I-Irfea" of N4"tio lAq Ir. 288 pp :ly IMMS AN. bk *PUS= pmas October 19" i t A Wou pg and Schldler, Max. SCERTAINING THE CWTIMAL DIVATF It ~,~41 FOR DRYING CYLIKIDLPS !f--AT-TRANS'FFR AND 1`01' H'P- R,11Q~jl R 14,1121 1 i7t. (J7 fipS. rnitte,D. G r,,k' T f r 62-14673 1. Title: DcnvaEcrinp 1. RarTISC1x:jdt. V 11. ficlUm "I c0fldeng,~rc, VelciAty, 1 urkni - lLno.!, Vai:i U-sat !b, Machiws, Consiruction. For obtainj I;. vesu III uilli-mble dimetly In tie practic,-- them wag ~-etj op a ?; in-ttemed cyUndur of diarnewr meteri; 4d widtl--,15 mters. TI* condensation water In the- cylie Itr,formi; jai 1oA velocities a oump and at (Mackamn), tubi-tctijoyis and Accamory Equipment, Office o1 Teclim.al Sermes TT, v. 9, lo~ 5) (ove r) 3n Tom' r of Rhodium - ~1069 by 1111XX i 'Pr~l A7!~entlne Repilblic Publicationa c,-.: the of Atomic Energy Chemicl,.1 ,7!,-rie6 lijo-l lic 4" 1g,>.! -,D 29-41. ASLIB -t,.F 1; sci Aug 5 ~mu~ le*=p bt G* B. DMI pt-a. of mmzuat4oal UM ot AUMIC Bnrff Hdd 2D Avg 1955f Vol TM Aul #c Pao So a" . , , I b W; 4w 11 =LW.L Tub, do. W0416 Or ftamus wd mount bw al --ft IMP Pe AWO we -1 1 1,p 13 PP, GOMM AN jr, Oct imemastry Paj4er,~, P/10~2, Pr.oceedings of Int-ernati6nal Coi ference on Petadefulilb-ses of Atomic Energy Held in Genei'a I 'I Aug 1995, V()l VII. CIA 1-66q.g.i62 Internatl Coaf --UN itaila~, lirui juice Induitryv by Dr Silvio Bamas 30:0.:~ Ii rpt, AvVA Imtomt1ala CIUM FrUlt and Oil 0 irs Otfte D61P 1Mt Haeo 30P 31 Mar iDept of ftate Tr 113218DO Mr Beon -i Thdw~ry Jtm 5 7 xtutuT QAto With waurt by D. ftmi. pp AM 34b75-B (DC-4700) .wco Ilia ~u art" of bmwalw awises to lbsulbew or 1w V. Bor-*kbwnWdyp 4 :MSZW. Pol M*dAU6UObWMY ftAp 1b It 1962 M4W JM 23695 for ego; 111801,311W16fte"ap and fbr vo P addr rmdp lip 4 an 1333L0 ' LL ! Welaul 81 1"n in Arpu Atmo4hera Wl Lh a Con'g;lle Aectrode, by:A. Bann., Fmcg,i per Rev Gen Mae, Vol XLX, 1957, PP ATS 488-FJ Sci 4ectA, vnies AiW CC tbW AaWltios of the Permuent t Vp by tM OW A,**AsnV of Saiences A. A. gkOtchiwkYs, so 5p woo pp Dw Lim ILUM IINES. [19601 73p. I rder fr(xnl W or SL rans. of UlAdOmfled 294-357.. Methods and dusts are (1hological, ic, OICCH'i N AND ANTHRACCOS IN A - I' ;%/AB; W415. .50, ph$12.36 61-130M Ln MOIDO. chap.- 7, the coHection and analysis of 1x4ogy. IT, Y. 5, no. 7) 61-13(309 PirticlesUirborte)- - I . Collecting methods 2. Silicosis--USSR 1. Baron. L. 1. U -NCB-A1555/AB Ul. DSIR LLU M. 141 i IV. National Coal Boord (8t. Brit.) Of%- f T .I !-t- (SF-1029). Investi tion of the structure and Pkslcochemic,31 r operti s of AUoya of *Aybdenum Disilicide With P Nickel, ob saal , Vavadim and Mobium., by Ye. M. savitAl Vv~,I V* Sa Baron, 10 ppe RUSSLU per fwt MeteLU imeal A. A. Baykova, NID 5, 140, 4 156-161. jpFts W46 Sci Ch6m sep 6o 1- us by & M, 52v, v -.Lax pp kpr.. 6 jpp- 5, 1962 - ur soorgim %him. No I Zh jesjOt V*=U=s OWA04M Md 2xvir Zo No Mltisklyj 17 VP by Vt as& modbl" atedu i BVIAVYP 'AIM by V. V. NaMs Ye. M. t ~4vv r. am ad, Val Vi. ND ol~ *M Wto-1003A. Le 9 ga prwarties of AUOYS Of "Mutuo., by To- M. Savitskly) V.1 %tons K$ A. Tylldr^p 2.8 PP) UWL- Val ills r 1958., IV T63-77k .5 AnC MS-9531/T a 59i I ! I I . I i 1 1 1 4; 1 ! i i I (ar-=g) of the V-Ls Systmp IW Ye. N. o V, TO,Dmmt Yu. 3. yefinav, 13 pp. zy-:,J;lll per,, Dak Institut NO&I li~eul A. A. No 51 1960# VP W-173. I I ?ropui Lies of Vanddium, Columbium and I'leir 41o;mi 0 by V. V. Baron, R. M. Smvitskiy, 19 pp. rpt ';Sts per, Rard Metals W Their AUoya, ~Iap Sea 6, 1960. 9OW353 ABC Tr-4326 5- 7 3 ILOW Of works ate Ductility of MO." J, by 011,09P WOP" "b1 by Al #auk SMs ).956# wnl. a,, -.1,)klocuorlde Mid D1.6"arlmaniuia on Hc;;ex~jjorl4ep by R. Schwan., R E. GLM,Vtf~ Z Anorg und AUgem Chcri, V,,)I MYCKV, 1-20 j ASTm -rT,4 D:3c ,-,I The Btate qf AggregatlCm or JAWneseent Organic ,0,ads I v by L 2,, Pani, go Fu Comp , Polysty."we 6 V. 1 shon4a. arm 8 pp. B RMS'lls pa, zhur ns milms, vo:L xm., 1957., lip 732-733- ABC Tr TT-749 eil 7 qj 791 Of *ctwft Cblwide in aw*ic in. **Vmtl= of OWbWl CompourAfj, by ci AK+4o~ A., DmUlov GBwmlo 20, TWXA~ a "as Oboe Iftlo Vol =MIo 302,v SLA 33U pp pie of Viseams ResemblIng Itle,, by 0, V. Bwolan- WSSIANil 'oprosy Vimbologp Vol 11, So 3p 1957) ln, i Ak- Pergmu Iustltute 6 X., SO-S-4- FW7. ~"'Of 1~ 'of rramrja;~=" the 1180pubstion of Som., Go T1SfV~Sj:;1byA. Civm., F. barolip ~i rv Doll 0001ta slok owp Vol 1953~ Ppa77-JYLL'f aountifto~' M601" Dea CM/M leatUSA- Wgrk La tba Schoolq by pp. VWIASSIM Own% ATtats1% No 14 17 Jw 3~ Xmi -to =.Ihft A1033* -U1. AF UAS*6 L i ipp .kn b&ni(, f5 and Tolez*nce of I twWain In the Treatimut of Puiwzaxy, bY Paul VMn# V- BMns 7 PP- amaim Hopitsuxq 'fol. MIAt 110 51-52-1 SIA 59-154215 Doe Vol 12~. nlo 63-1" ow APIP=TM 70 7HE 1. BAM G. 109P. U. Iltle: APPHead(mi.., ~63-MM oddto amodaudday 5 d dw rualW at die dolorAe in do St%* Of 00 "Mbeds %a, cam F-laci tt, sYndod= dokmdw emcs of lKik*jl UrAm koh: 40 W, V. 10, 60.6) (ma) -;HJ W1711: k. 1' Order hon Trans. of (West. GFu DESCRUM furic scld;~ 62-10102 'IN' PE INATION OF BORON IN PLAWMS 1. Title- Dianthrimide 110 6E-. jIq6IjiIp-:' 1. Baron. H. $1.~6 62-10102 !hrl~ fhtj Anil~tlkhej Chemilej iq~J 1430 p. 3*1348j. Bo Determination, Mants. SUl- 11, I&m ImId". I 2 0 8 Tr. v. 7, no. 10) DINC& of U"Mic.1 The NfluencLlh of Chemical and Physical Conlitions on t I WoundlH~Ulivg vith Respecto in Particular., to t0e Local Effect,lof Fenicilliny by H. Baron. GMOIAVj,~ per p'ArzneimitteI-?wxth, Vol V, pp 78-134, 1955. ASLIB-OP121 ac, - Auir, 58 The DW16,encO of Chemical and physical CoDditionG on ., I Wound!I~Aliz,# vith Respect, in Particularl, to the Local i~!rfecti of Penicillin., b: H. Baron. Pei, 1 Arneimittel-Forech, Vol V~ .,p 129-137., 1955. ASUB-031-91 mm IkEd ii InU46 Ox I Adbmion of Dressing Febriev, '! 1 1-, ~; the U~ 14 Ba ' 0 Is 99'rp AramWtUiltbrechung, Val V; pp 037-941. - VONA kab P04 prt Cj jq X-h" Zor Tagt;Lvs the Flow of astmtcjry Prodwts.. oy UNCL ram~~ Buu so* frowat" ISO all 19514 Dritub iron (to uumber RInV; Sep All Lxtiabs*% er* for NJ& TGvqMtWVl; by J. use__ ftitiSh trolk old St"I lad (no moor 5i'vom) p tngr 70 Sep 59;, Thrcle lr~ito 6n Rof raoto* Producto Carriea Out. with th6 I FurrAce.. b~. ;,, 1hrou. UNCL Sala per', Le jftt*UWGLA ItSMADS., VOI MWIlp British Iran *ad St"i lod (no uu**r allon) lww the Saw VOL , 0 i5ooo, IL BIM VHNqM TREATMIX17. IM] 8P. Order fiolli SLA $1.10 61-10437 Trans. 4Nf jl-*or~SLIIJ~RW der.,nicrapie (Germany) 193-5. V. DE'SCRI14-IRS: -~iwumafisni, 'therapy, *Intimls, Medicai r 61 10437 1. Baron, K. Office of U4,olcol Services ron' -.~E OOMPREMED Al 7HEI; P IM 0 R SUPPLY TO 1. km, K Y. TUE ~AM& (1964) 24p ,OrL*rt' SLAIJ.60 Tr-"-14002 Tiam sod" lnwAW do* Akmkim& Mimb. iml 7) 9. 97, P, X-41L 7T. ~ ~ J~ I , f 44 1 Coh*.Mo* ad vam"m 111th ftsms- a I m0 "qo4t*Ayv V. aw=o p Ailw-I'm a . i i j ~ 60,9-0N i v 44 :j 11 SSTIP4,,tc ;md "F~rtisx of Alloys ad the I~m 4imer of the Niabim-Vanadium-Altninum t lot 111 V. V. Suml H, 1. Apfaimm, 10 ppo , or' IN j:. pre ItWy~s M InstUtuts. Metal lurg ht ~A. Ssykarat VIII NoWluroya 14, chosk I Fidk6411M lyis Hetody i Iyas IsdatePOM M =Rt 1961o y PTD-TT-62-134 =d OutMn PXQPWUGG CC A23MG IW bus"Woun aptelh te I '20"t Abd b" 50 I Sol*, 1b 2, WA~ W U9*!Mi, AW-T-r-0-76 ~63 62-0691 v hi. )I ~ A PAOk IMES OF ALLOYS IN 1. Ramn, V. V. ~Tfir--!v i,,; bjuM;- jNC;!;n~N VnIJM'. jon62131). H- Efiniov, Yu. V Alkr).~i Urnal, v. 324 no. $3. OD IV- Prjm3rySourcv!~, I New York Va is Akadc~j (NdellenfelTekli- V. Amvriv~an Rm'xt'Socloty. ~3 Nat,, R. ~7 ~1- 7~ 14ichc il Na k mutallurgiya iropfivo, New Voi z"Ost, a7 ~1966- I. P. -74. OF.SCI 4 R S: nad!%jm allbya.% $Tun sten alloys, 1 9 "I Ihsticl, 1crostructure, liardness, jM me~~hy I I prd P- es, 6xidatl6h. Temperature. 7, no. to) Office *f yednical 5-;-. flgy~ last Propent" of OUU= at Variom by "Viewdys T. T. swoot Teo" Me%% UMI A. A. Beykafts. IOTL9% 60 1~ ~j latil&ttm luw rat"MatIM at MGM= #,A:., 'Oar's v To. X. Bastow.0 V. V. Be=.* I. b*rfio et sip u ;P4 om .0 PWI uxb~~ fts our, Vol Y4 No 31,P Own AM Mr-1%81M u6ct 4 Caidum on the nAotialty of Vana&kum, -41. Saviteddy, V.V. Baron, 10 pp. HU !per Is Ak Hauk SSM Ot4a Takh Nau)c,,- ft~~lff isj~jl wmimt So 3s 1962m PP 1JD2-106# sic riot: 62 i ct of cm the Stren&t of bw V. Ve Dwval nor. Wk m TV Aqk Inver.~.igUti(m of the St-"actUre and 'Fli~vrJco- tir-- !Lucjl~; of Rcllwl, clvoalt-', ft~mdluw aak Atobitm) by E, Vi. ..Amtj 8 pp. iluo "L(W) lo6~y Ir--,udy lust Nk.-tALI. iaaw- A. A. ~ Bay%6-ira Mat DSLAW 1 ovc-41 Fiz laum Me~tndj, 967141 )brtlei Of AUffs' of tbO Ma"IUVA a by IL IN savitallwl v0 V, Bam Im. per* Iz Xk *auk, SQSR. Otdol MIN ji 19520 Vp T,9-2-3W. Bureau ftlifie Cbeodst%7 Nar CTS/M 101141 i I . iI 9360479 q, i Zt 7 sci )6t 161 txre Properties of Ntobtuim-Altm Imm ., b'~'I. V. Baron, E. M. Savitakly~ N, pp Zhur Neorpn Xhim., Vol V I No I M B-.r(9 9092(9!2 strudtl~m rtiea of Hiobium-Tin AUoys, by M.i 10 A* V. V..Baron, S. M. Savitsk-',.y, 7 PP, RLSSJ~li~ Iz Ak 114-auk 858R, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Me t It al I Tor. ~4vo~ No 5; 1959, PP 138 ~9092`32 MOP A-158 sc, Oct 6.1. CWMIT Um OF %A MUW WMs IN FUIRICO 1000 IM019MA OM HIMUCA IN MMI WT W IIMIOR T :II ITAT j fffect. of INIectrit tu)A4 WS"tic Flel-dw t--~ thE Ilt 'TaCe In $OD, &~Tjjdg: Iy .4. Barr ,y liar, Ricercs Scl, Vol 19-`5, requWy AW Mtre-Ogh-Frequency tai Filold Pilo S Itbei OpaditloW $*flex Activity and ~C Aui=la and Wn, ma ito b~~ " m 7 by V. 5 pp. ~j RUSSIAO, loor.. it Zbor SM,, In I M Socb*nov, Vol XLV!,, no, 1959, gos-M. ParS=u lust Jul. 5911 IA 1W, UOic&l InOtice wlth bWwwbJL1- add A arA QWCA *dkcas Vol. J9# AMg 661 "0,332 &VI bffi Lgk). [1%3 1* (fip~ 1. lerad, A. ilaX I I : ler 60r~ $1.1 63-16022 Re"Cow pall'" I-F.* ocr. T., P.; Me-Mu. DMUff ON 01,06 co"Wkft- 2.11M~Mt 'Croftl sinkiun.! t )W= QOARI Bromides (clemipti-, I IT, 10. MD. 10 oft if To*" USIM D"L~bet from Dithizoae: Metabolic Ocularj and s~61094k- Aspectsj by U. Butturini., A. Grignolo, s A 26roi~~elli, 8 pp. Oer, OiorqAl .,, rci *I,, 1253-13IV7Atrmm,l&tl6n- S,ummlry NIH Tr No 17 ~,cleotlflo - Medioin-- OxIdos" by A- Beroni, 4-1 Ylli x Chin ttal,, Vol-MM-1 1c)-kO; 47a ~1483- ARC/101 Ora zz *Memp by 10 99. a I prp GIAB CUR Italp Vol un.. 1940j, 9D. I If ANCIV 249 I , ;i L - ;bm Bed ; 111 i , ~ ~ .,e.. " A:Mi iis ~dt I"rocarbm Klxtm%1,3,, I ?.~ W14mr amdkw zoltus v0. .156400 Dept of sat awl cc ul"s reuvim xxpw "a Liu sartleOTLIUs CkU. No 57 Sol. ally X 7; -7 6 PlastAo SciutlUAtors ror rio-~~ ze=a Amtrwo, w S. B. ~~.JL -- ~!D. V. Viktaivv,'3 et &1, 11 yp. S=O, xpt, Pnmdfzp at the 0 mfer- OWO M MWI~W M"U"Mi"j, SAP"fies isze, in-m- AW Mr-54M Doc 62 18 0 ome Derivatives of A 2-Pryazoline, b.y I E., Lroni, K. Ao Kovyrzina, E. A. Anre- ye Sho ievri "-P. Km~141. O~r. Zhur Uoshoh Ahim, Vol X", No 6, 1.966,1pp O~02-2007. C5 Aug; 03. U DWLV,RtIVWg bY 1. R. Deroul, K., A. a 4 PPO aw awbob odso To& M=s M) 11 4.3w - - 7 cm I ;i i "-I i i / jAv 7 Ir I NOV160 :; e Plwtl; aclutd1latorep by As' A. 3 pp. I Ba Put Vol Ods" tub Respo&e I of tl~e Org=Um od of Its Pmeltw to NAff'&O"--- l1by T. 8 pp. W6 EM1,16% no verb,,; I.Lotta Vol X(Inr aA 2r irj&~ Plasti. c Scil-Atillato.-S for RecordinL,* Memmall - i -Darpni, D. V. Vil-ftorov, 1. M. Rozman, al Rusplat I'mcleu Electrorics, Vol I, Procedd n,-,,s ~6f the Conference on Nuclear 1I.ecturmics Sponst6in-CL 1,1;~I the IAD4A 3~cdarade, Ma., 1!~-20, 13 1 - 9 0-0 0 Ji -.1. don6lm ~ l4ng ,.v I -fthemylatilbene.. by E. El. bux~ K. A. Kovyrsim, 3 PP. ObWlch KbWo Vol XXC. rj zhur no, 1 1670-102. CID u Ad"14.08 LW POAy&tytWW. 4y &I Ot a&'6 S pp. Vol xvIl t) 275*374 I I j~~MWmsnd i ii I I Sao i ~imm tt) Oev~&~~ (DC-52-23,) lemote C, ibl of Tito POWlifying 04annsis Over Oae CoaWe#ng 414es by V. 0., ~:A~LA# 4 pp. -wssj:A#j Vestnik Svyazi, No )20 1960, pp t 10. ms U63 335' lk of A=ot&n RUMU vith Phos*wlte As. Blx*vw4o of zbw gmw mqsmi~.Imp 6, 1939.s Pp 2-30 P. 0. IS N p C, plc. C. i :1 ; 7 1, 336o 5(* RaOliol1rlctx~~) J. BarOnov. RIFisli'lij) m~ori6Graph, Radiomet-riya, 19'-b, 2nu c,"i 34-3 *AL-'C EFFECI Vt LNpMKINAL ADAPTATION FACTOR AND COWEN. SATION iN TH GENESIS OF CERTAIN PATHOLOGICAL STATES, 1 bNOV 13 12 PP. BY V. G~ BAR,, RUS81AN~ PER, VEST AK MED NAUK SSSR., No 4, 1962, PP 3&~4~- 9P8226 FTD-TT-62-963 SCI 12 OCT 0-2 2121816 DitbrLbut.Lon of emponents of "Stfillic I *atria lPLi34,p bj B. %wmwwski7jp PP- D&"~ Shur FU MAmp TOI M=o 30 9o IA77 MA Sal ;9 ! SOP Vol 401 Iwo all