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NO atia'Acid -- A Primry Acid of the., Olemnisin I '' Of I O~o dUa Untply I. L. Bardyal*vp D. A. abet 1! so tw Z Nilt Mal VolImow) No 19583 Comultanto Bureau SO, Cboo Aug LM aftoitidn *Crims Rine Turpentine K, B&O ~Pero Zblur PZU bUs No 10P 1952 Conoultants Bureau 10ow TGVL*ntins (pimm Austr P. live Lk. by RMI"I. IV IV= pra $no ft iij 1952.p sip Cmultanto Bureau scienlb~k -!iChmUtry -Ri-~-sia ACids in the OleorealD o; Ced--r - !Uus Sibirl" (RiDr. x1fa-dy v,, !~~h. A. Cberches, Lhox Prik ilisa, Vol WIV; Ho a I'JI. fte~ atum at Kleb-Naltus d6 JW 1. 1. ftlUaWv 0. T. Obd" lbftt ft 1-09 i60 OQ* A M04 AdA of the Olwmela by 1. 1. V. V. I* tftmp 2 k ft A Sa* 9Mp Voi a3=.. vo 4,, 1957s 6 30' A t for the zoolisfAlm of I-OV&I=Wlc Avidii Wes ot i~olo MASS by I. I - s A* ObOreifto Le to Lrdlaftp 3 PP. Sol ~Cb APV It DOW bilk Map Vol xxxlp No 3., 1958.- DO 41twn Flotation 0111, by Y. 1. 1prp 090 Phk Xhft~ Vol Mo NO 121 121 Consultants Bureau 171 Cbmistry '04C.Min at the Sim MOO Noma Vol =1 no US 0* osit of Tarputlue It= Sekballo fir 0~ bt (A' igs 5 LSW LILIr. fkbo.) olearealut bY T I &Atol io ol . _*'.-O~X. Vo OusaklDUS pwif Zbor Pro I xb*S Vol METIll rTblmsll,~ ;10 VP U-O&FMW-. CU C 4473 . pa"m IW Aqld of the A cawmllt* W of "Wo Clomeals of the sib*rJan pim siburbe CbW) Wn., by 1. 1. bar Sh k ftwebom, I pp. pwo, =*I Vol no 50 cbm 11 -7 r~-77f gr G* for"O by. P' IN 't 0. Tullt Inaujiloo rp bft-jap Vol JIM n e 1 'A Cbesistry D" 53 CT8 ocavimitAoll *CrjwAu pine Turpentine, V4 pp. UMLAOSDM. !is pero ZbUr ftlk Ofty No 10f 1952,p ConmItants BUMU cbmutry c :Lt~ U04 of AuStrUm PIM Turpoutizo (Pium P. t4wicla Anstrisca,, P. Nigm Lk.),, by Z&W~i*erv, JK, A" Rm~lm -U-K-Ebur ftlk DASv 8=0 No 11, 19521 pp 4A~~ 0 110 00, IN~ W JOW - - - - Ampawme"O va iss. a Arlo 10406m, - Im II, R! soil . 11 ~ , : K i . im I , - lb ~ ' *1 1- *- . A 3^11T Recurx",; SPANIS11 pp = i, Sei - A Mar 56 Bilatera Hysteric Amaurosis, by J.-J. pp,,~ per.,," Rev Eoptm VA41 Cir Guera.. Vol Vi., 1941., I- .3 MA 57-61oo 'a"W"o-Trm by plarlas PF toh= Iko Iim 94 -82? Im"r IMP i6s live TT45- 121i49 Field 5J pfa, Is, rr -usc, L.-. Itheinwold. It. It , If I -N I I , k'~ F%CT( HS OF DENIONSTRA71ON LEADERS 1. Hareiss, G Die T-Lrscldnli:~ke'it de Bel spielsbet rietmieltiers). 151). H. Hruschka. .1_1 -65-12119 Ill. Iiheinwold. 11. Order fron', sl.~ 6 TT Trans. of I heipv,j%%U!0en~SrWsctW LaWgirischAft- jiche An . It, II0ch-td r1c. Arbeiten (West Gertimny) NIII 629 R 06 bdti&tlon of Chaft Branebed Reactims a~' ittai !~ asitization.. by 2. V. Du*ka; L. I. K ' 'be ~ P.'N. X=mv., X. AT.Wbskurain, artlj~a W.P 14 .X~ rR tI IMP PAdUtlC& SOUrOM in IMUtryp F-WI71-1 44AIlaimh IAKA Confft*m ProcemdbWo 8-12 Sep 1959o 90"71 Amp Bu-mu W-W. -695 Sci The Mt 'on 0 Y-Raftatida on the 0xidatIon of o~R~Iy' He*&" Me Ae ProAkanius Ihe L. DmInitsky, R. V. A* T. MmOwns I* I* Nelekbonoval 4 RUM ta-mo per, Dot Ak Nm* 8=0 Vol OXII, 104 IL*, No 0. 19572 pp CaumdUmts Bum SOL - Dee 51~ 8 'ib sation MA 61Wpossion of Redcm Reactiona U ~b z plysto# by M. A., Prookurnins, V, D. 0.e M4 so Ve lleavelko# 22 ]?pd XOp~j Up ConfamMe on PeaceM uoeo of AcadeW of Sciemaes tMp 1-5 JU s ~rilon of t9nv d Cbedml scienee" 391 tanti) uu CPO w 205, 9 't7 sto W * ......... . up co k rPtO for $350-00 lbQ o CPT Sualtizer Jor th-u Rad-lation L'AtIUM on the Oxidation of BeTizene, by M. A. Itutesheva, llusnkn) parr, Ak Nm* SWRp Vca cm, zio 4, Counultmts Burew re 0: I a Oic, Da._. _00A MIMIANP jqjy~,. pp ~~h lawXubls Proftt Formed in the Radio- StIon of Benune in Water., by E - V. I. rArtembeft, N. A. Proskurvinj DoIL Ak Ikuk MM, Vol CXTip Z:. 1v T7. *P fil jl,$~ Ala -1 Ir --I, KWU by Od' Ao 4n9 Barellb, "EASUREMENT OF FABRIC REGI NdTtSjb! iME LAR]ITY. 0611'~. refs. omitted]. Order froj 'SLA ~310 61-14513 Tj~ns. 1, Dndu ,of ~t ie Teigilel (France) 1958, fv. 7,11 no. 8551 pl 119 1 DESCRIVI~RS: *Textiles, Test methods, nreads, Production. 61-1451.3 1. Barella, A. offim.f Tecwcel Sw-i"S Tr. v. 6, no. 1) RELAT, ,(IPSH~TWEEN THE C01IFFICIENTSOF VARIATIO. ;OF DWFERENT YARN PARAMETERS, [14611 1~p.j ifigs..~fs. ornitted). Order ffum SLA 60 61-1451-1 1 ~ Trans - i I! Dnd lc Text1i 1e I (France) 1958 ly. 75, 1),1 267-UH n o. 857. p 27 and Ina. 8581 p. 339-343. DESCRUTORS: ~'ljircads, Analysis. (Materifils,L-Textii.~-s, TT. v. 6. no. I 61-14514 I.Barella,A. Offic. of Tecbftcj swvi~s A- 34 PP - or!' *0' ion f the Methods of Measuring the whi of the Aypnvnt Diameter of Threads, by ~Ba Ia. *r, Ann Textiless No 3-9# 1956p PP e Bare Audi eFt, Rand V L. APOU T, OF~~ HE MAGIN (=) Imm- GRATORI TH8 DY OF YARN REGULAR171T. l~ ~54if I 11961114p~. (Jrefs~'j 5 figs. ornitted) Order fro SLA $1.60 61-14515 Trans. of [I'Dndus'L'rie Textblel (France) 1958 N. 75, no. 8611,p.1 577-585. i ii DESCRI 6fts.. -reads, Measurement, OIntegratcra, Quality ItTol. Waterlnl~--Toxt blob T`T v 6 no. 1) 61-14515 I. Barells, A - It. Audivert, R Ill. Viertel, L. offi" of le"Ca swvi~ T!.heo-, I 'f Barel I ii MIT-Tnli~, T T ITAxiriness of Varjis,. nierin Te%til, No pp "Pr 61-14046 Dar6lia, rto, TWOPROdEDURES JOR TME MEASUREMENT OF 1. Tlireads- -Measurement FABRIC: 0H NESS ND PR91,1MINARY RESUM 1. Berella, A. [1961] [71P., ( figs. tted) 6 refs. i Order from A M4 i~ 1. 80, ph$l. 80 61-14046 S Trans. oi Ins itut Tw~ 1e de France. H; 1953, 1 no. 40, p. 163 ~4- (MaterialB,L +extjjesi~ TT, v. 5, no. 12) 61-14516 Barelln '"At I~rto. i ~ NEW IDAT~ ON TH141 PILOSITY COEFFICIENT OF 1. Title: Pilosity FIBERS. 1~1961.16p.. (~ fig. o.rniited) 5 refs. ,-14516 1. Barella, A. Order from $1 10 61 Trans. of ln~ji'tutj -~xtile [dal France. 8ullietin) 1954, no. 46,1 p. 69-?15, 613SCRIPTOWS: 'FiWre. Surface propenics. COMM of T (Materjals~-') L. ,?I ks! TV, Ito. 1,~ Influen~e' ofithe presence of colloidal silica on the MechI i al P: rties of sized Cotton Yarnso bY an 9 ~ I ope Marin Hiro B...-._ a 13 ppe FRENCH nfl encia do la presencia de silice coloid'~p:ro'b~',eIla,supropeidades mecanicas de los hilos encola44. del~algodoef- Dept of Modem Languages North CArblina State Col-lege Sai Feb xrentstentrated in Solid AlternStor ,eces by the Parasitic Rotating FV!lds Armstdre Reactloap by M* 0. Barel.6o. per, Rev Gen Elec, Noy 1955P pp 1357- Ou the 14046 of SusperAed Paftlo2as irk a Turbul ~t 131 by 0. F. ftnublatto 07roaxp 0 PrIk Wtomt I Nokhg Vol XVns M3# MI M. 2738 Sol Ob" Jan, 7 Barenbla:tt, 1G.F. 61-23311 a a 9 rc'b ~ mm mon N OF ~SLJSPENCED PARTICLES IN A 1. Barenblatt. G. F. N ttj MIL RBLJI-.~NT' TURBULENT 1REAN00 Dvishenu Vsveshennykh 11. DSIR LLU M.2758 6astim v Turl vilentm 11, Potoke). [19611 13p. 14 ref s. -on- -23311 order f 1 $1. M) 61 Pnedifed transi of Prikiadnaya Marematika i ~lakhanika 190! v. 17. p. 261-274. 7 i i ~1 DESCRIPTORS- *I.iqtiid jets, Turbulence Varticles, MotiolI From the gon0ral equation. an equation for the hori;d, rontal Motion of a non~,hovnogeneous liquid is obtain whe-C tht. liquid is howl ogeneous in the horizontal (direCtion),ind station~m (Author) (See also 60-23010)1 (Physics, Yr,~ v. 6, rij,. 9) Office of Tm+olcol Soricas Q i ave op-stiais (*I t1vt bbdiamics of i3ritija Fradaireo by Go 16 Ali,0-01-404 Nwenblatt. jm~sl JU ller* kwAvm 9~= Sigull, mekhamika J. vi OT S; idaal 569-69 ~Oec 69 1 3980562 Caft at Sk lam. t~ffnql~"--IbnWa StabLUtl of wt 1969, pp 9M-26, 96MM 62-14593 Oftoo IIN 1%, ON CE' T40' A E AB T Tk A IANX;OF:Tw -PMORY or I. -ntlc-. Hydraulic tracturing *ARMI " blatt RWE IN THE VMMM- 1 0 1 A~ B I n I IR . . . area , . , I 01* 0 139t0 OF _ 7 1,1w 0 HYDKAUUC AUP- % TM 00: 0 7 ~ R!(O NdMoryldl 19AMW 1A a own! r d SDW. VO bj~ihWkbPri liksiby m 81 i~M O1dr**Kdwkmp Ra=M PIE . 110621 127b. (Misip text rat Or4mir 67M4 SIA $2.60 62-14SO di*' Tram. a Mulematucal Mekbanika go. 41~ p. r DESCRII RS: lasticity. 7"7, IWO10M. Sources', ~bck. F, acture (medWcow. krlirihc~dom W' esented of the hypothesis of S. 4. Ciii Clh~ M .vk=., Otdel. Tekh. ~16. 3 1AW go. 11) frm 6, Omm of TocwcA some&& (Mocha 1 1. TTO 06.9) (over) , , I ;J On Br.i~ile C''acks under longitudinal Stress., by G. 1. geienblW G. Pe Cherepanov., 13 pp. Rwioiv, Ter,,!~ Prik Matemat i Mekh.. Vol XXV., No 1961) ~T inoi-U19. pp oct 6p- 216,039 an cc B=Jt&tAcma In a !Pwpn~',a at ftnalow on im~tsA~" IV 0. 23 pp.. 7-7 WOJU~p Prik I 9919kko VOL V=.q 195-31 on ilibrium and Propaption of Cracks In a4l, Ard Otropic Medium by G. I. Barenblatt, G. PI MA panov, 3$4 pp. S r, Prik Matemat i Melch, Vol XXV, RM no I 19JOS Pergamon Press rul 64 263.,526 ftumm Of PrwUltates 00 Two aost=m nLmwe Law 119AM oth 1w u. D. za'amich., R. L. &Aawcdki 3 pp. D* Ak swk on.. va cxi,, io 6,? 1961.4 AV 8tw fts - Jbk Vol Tit so 10 /?0/ dP17 Baido Coti~eptm in the Iheory of SeeMe of i0l, 191ene0s Liquids in Fiamwed. Rocks [Strata]., I. loareablat Kochina,, _tu_Yu. P. 2beltov., 1. 3 11 TANs Ver, Prik lWomat I lkftj, Vol MV, No 5,, pp & 161 Jun a on-O'l a13 on th on eady PropWUM of Ornoko,, by ran Lti 1. 1 ran ~attj R. 1. SaIpufto 0. P. ftereVenovp RUBSTj Prik IbUnt A Nftp Vol xm; I Pe 328-33k- lkvy Tr 3216/*& ft8 Sep The ical'Theory of Bquilibrium Cracks Formed .i I racture, by G. I. Barenblatt,, 109 pp,, RUSSIMP ne Zhur Prik bift i Tekh Fiz, No 4. 1961: X~ pp 3-56. 9678096 MTT-62--132 Sci OhysI Sep f)2i 2099716 tab ility of rld" by 0. T. tt 3. VA11&wi&p 6 ivo I t P VL~ PrW XwW Wkhp VOI XXIv No 61 1957, pp ftbao qd k F- al XquatloW of mtIon of Bowgeneotm opt Lij~dft in neoured lwks, G. 1. Bazoublett, i rl .1 yu. P.! ltcws in A Ncuk SM.. Vol ck Bar Pbya-]Xk Vol V., So 3 sa at the M.M pp. PAk v0 I x W.. lb gan fil 04 19 ~.It olva Cmaks Fonwd In Brl**Uo woo I w* ow, Vol cump so sw lot or PAP ow pkpo Vol IV 0 we 4 0 AM O/r quillbl~,~ a t# Pomed VulbW Brittle Fracture Reati- im ?3AWS pbaeop by o. I. B&M&MaUp 21 pp 7 ftbnos I mft.. vol. nm# so 43 999 1959, Pip Pme Sol Falb 60 /a f, 07 The FO&Rtid of EquiLibrium Crackm During B-Irittle Fructurzi. C1ILeral Ideas and Hypotheses. Axially- Symmetric C~14,cka, by 0. 1. Barenblatto 1.5 PP- P 1* 14atema-*%,- i Mekh RUSSIAN er~ Pr Vol XXIII, No 3, 1659, 1454-1A4. Pergp-mon Press lef 72,7/ Ali Folix 5ECA Owthe W#4gU% of Wj*Ue DodlLes., by G. I. Barenblatt b~~'~p 92 mxf~ prik Vol mv, go 7:4ill I V!i pip j=~ 61 vmn Tbal Ab to tc Properties of SbIt-Modeling SQIU:tl' 01 the MonstatUala Ow Filtration ;i S, Ir - B. Zellduvich 44-t Y G. I., BammbLxl-u~ V DD. d RMSD peso Dok A Youk SSSR, Vol COM, ND 4) Awbr lost of Pbyz 30v :Pbytj Doklady Vol IIII so I Jul on -8 ar Solutlow of tho Cauchy Probim for ti* onJ 4sar PanboUc loatton of the Nftstftdy Ilp'll liti: ', 16 'Of A 000 Ili a ftr0W Nedim, by G. 1. U 0 r,, prik mftlwl~,, I Nokh,, Vol IMs No 6s 1956, XmU D, Friedum Tr B. MV 5, 3 02 02 $hO t--Wt L4j; Phosrhor"Cente at U-tryptophan in ro C Sol it dons* 4y C,# 14, Bareuboixwg 12 p"1"01 kwu- 1,~4& 1y rs, )JA fl;IU440 Val VIIO No 20 1!~u2g Sal (Nr-1374/27). or xasa adift mmnw in Peptic Ulcer, Ye V, P. awwo 6 pp. BMS.TA,N. por, VOYMM Ned Dow# To 2p 1960. im em sai Vied Oct 195%. vp ir Avg:Z P Togta in poyahomtlc Research.. b,,rj 43 PP- "jd"brift Pgyahap Vol xt STA 5&UO ftlc6icid rimmiVith tbe J.B.N.P. Powtor, by T. J.! *&I P/M* Prooftaingo,of Interna- r4l m PoocMl Uses of Ataide at 0e=" I6-2D Aug 1955p Vol n. laternatl OW -- UN Nuo~Uw Physics oo(77-414 Aspelir 11;7 of AgAy on Omptm to nesion Tatic vzw~* SmqA"o by T. J. Bare2dr*gt, 10 P/9331 Prooodup Of tAms, OR Held pai6oft Us" of Atoode Rwrgy 84D Mg 1955,p Vol V. Zaternau Conf mA :L469.9-162 7-1 Thei, a -'s, of 10~ on Toung CCA and Umcick iin aots, Sea Darlag the Period 1946-19.t;9, 9, ~-af M,,-~~qevkm '7 Rt~S pq Ubftry Fltbn4" B" W of Cana& %wi sit.. at Anarm,, n 74 OcAl" 61 Al patu= of pro-sarcc=tous lid litbe robbit,, by L. A. Morkasokly, Ius vp Vowow Ookologii, VOL IV, No 30 19 PPI pwvwm Press se, 10,2 .2 I'V2- De~ 59 Osc.illati4s Axle Arxwgement for Motor Vehi-2leE;- by karl W~,]Xert., Bela Barenyis 6 pp. R~~nt no 920~109- Dept of Comsrce Patent Off ice Sci lAb Sci IM0,laeacring Sep 61,0 PIP pl~ yolcla =1 Batketim of thm ",man orsaaLam wring UO lActl n ot Ac AMWIMB 11 lftxlmm In Tlw, and f8it DIMOUA AlM Va 44mbrout JUlso laill It It A, nor) Os As ya l' 96gaii- ior, Rkil i IbUt2 no nvwa , ~ 1963,p changoig ~ of the GoncentraUou of Sodium and Potassium ion a i~~H Mdw *M ~ NLUva Dm-IM bMwatiaw- In a Bri to the kItLtW* of 30M and 6000 m., b7 A* Y"lwas RU",-� p wopw Bla i vadits. Vca LMV NO 2.0 3.962q pp 63%,j6 7 6 AM (DC-6933) Tk~kTER~-EFFECT OF SINGLY AND REPEATEDLY I : __! ACT,111G CE~TRIPETAL ACCELERATIONS ON THE vous HIGHER N, ACTIVITY OF ANIMALSp BY A. ~ I is* ~ BA. 14 PP. RUSS~IAN; ERj, ZHUR VYSSHEY NERV DEYATEL IMENI lt'P~ PAV V VOL XIIj NO 20 19621 PP 332-337. A JPRS 14796 scl MEDICINE AUG 206A68 of on the me by At A., Norsirs WWI 4 ado T4 fog 113h 1 161~ a Universities: People's Academien W-4 he Pi-oblema ot T~,aining Given Out;,J-de i:,.- 8chools., ThPe3 atc by 11 9't6-vIijPareat 6 pp. GOVMW-Mr US2 OITLY MIR pcio fSocialistAcka MOD%, Ro 1(~,, 1961-1962., pp JPFJ3 Iwi MM 190C zu So ~Mfp 1 41MOB "a veftsetwochicens b, P. Ainpuu tr) to ' lwnuwft Organi"c6 957o OP 105-107. nU 675 Institut fuer Dakuwntation , unter den unden a Vol xi; JOIN" Nis" se ik jm lei NCO J GN!rkiw 11) by- Asidrep A. rett. Worth Cm-nlina 3-~,atr. Couefv? WN DA r OSLIN Biolo cbem. atry C AoWdAtfil With Great Mastic ProblWo fo U00f ibt&~IA at Higft Pmomm., by F. wnshohmonp Yu N. twmvq BalskJkb PlAst fftoko V*ook snJyakb p 196op Am =6438o/j 7-f q)#'o4nrlov*s'o joy ko "via', J, batuty, 14 64* Iwo so.. Acq 074 Sc"4~1 M*Y, 70 1 df PolyrWl Aleabol v by It. 1. Barg 9 RM$TM. ~;rs Dot Ak Vol =n,, No 2p 19P~liv ;Mw- CIA/X-lm TOA two wiv V #dd s;fm 4."K t am i . , " i I itm I , ,.i fto,10ts ~4or Obtaining Pmt Reeistant Varlt.'ms of ~11( mat B061wr-DiUlz9eo., T. Bar& I p by J. 8 Vol uns pp 252 !55. M ft 57-707 107 91 ft ~7