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34WV i laws Fu p jr, A31P awe WAS I .05 S~j ~04 setwooAvo of the it" 6 Van of- 9* Moo by I* V'p 1 :1 usim", Pat* ta -fid'aw -No-wava-ISSI i 14--W* Sti Astm DIOWbUtim ct SessouaW .93 3 ~3o-',42 On Mile bdu ltl4haraCter CC PN-Jmction Diode Tmpe(Lamee a Nish cumat Denalties in the Pon-w-d y 1. Baramv, 7 PP. Auss=i Padiotak I ll*br=, Vol v no pp 10 1005. pp Jul 611 71.7 to" (10 va sea awfomv by 47-50 Ito 5110M - i4aft r0 VU0 3.935,0 73_81. AmtObw nr No 391 $1,30 to 4 1~ iL'--.M ~ 11 ftd IW-X;1 Zu Twwry systaft with rMse o"pe-aumn and �Bitt : p by, N. L N. ftmwv, 4 Ap. . 1~ 11 RMOWS I*$ RAW IIS MdMj,'F*& =lr, lb ~p 1,A# vp 5481. '55111 ~ J~ *I TRW W"Rmww wl~'Nftt *40*%fi I MA M-mo lb ks *Q. Aft On e qLestlon of Peak Rmrse Cdrreat in :PW tioniDlodes, by.L. 1. ~~~ M. S. pp. R16ilm ~~per.,, AWdotqM I MAktronj Vol IV, ; . j, I N6 IM.- PP 703-709. pp ;P~oo 62-14;31 N. THE J MET OULINV OF CERTAIN PHOSPHORIC 1. Baranov, M. N. I - COMPOUND S IN WOUS LA'ftRS OF THE BRAIN. [19621 [k]~ ' 6 s Order fr~w kA $1.60 62-14731 OTS orl Trans. of ~ kademlja Nauk SSSR. [Institut Fiziologfi. Trudy] 195~ , v. 8, 1p. 501-508. DESCRIPT~ RS: *M tabolism, *Phosphorus compounds, *Brain, Per' ebral Ortex, Nerves, Cells (Biology). In all areasi of the cerebral cortex and cerebellum of rats a dr'o activit 6f 'was ob nerved in content and in the specific , a ~ d i i y l l cr c compoijn s on to n proport . , distance lfr M the q#foce of the brain. The layers of the cf~re ii cor ex and the cortex of the cerebellum T hich ar~~e to a great extert or nerve cells structurall di-er from other layers With respect to jcnev -~-Mochvinistrv, TT %,. 8, n(o. 8) Offic* of Tocknicd Soevices in Phosphorus Mtsbollam of the Superior SyMathctAc and Nodular Ganglia In Their Functioml States, by M. X. :e :B rauc~, 5 P*r, Biomix.. Vol xvi, Iqo 5" 190, '-786. CB 6i 00 Ch*dstX7,df Vw Cftvbral Oortax, Ir ohd Lo 14 Po"awo 27 ppe '964~ 221.24L, Vol go 30pVO'bt 11 pp Nol Rog N a USSR 6 A ug 33P-9 572 Itie Activity or TAbile Phosphorul on 00" 04d In e Ls~wl or Cerebellum, by M. N. Iff PW p mssw Ver Blaid", Vol XXII go 51957 PP 1130- 837. Consultauts Durmu Nuoleic Acid Content nf the Ver.-Lous 4yers a~ the,10erebral Cortex, by m. m...Brana! pp. 5 "'OSSIO, per, DinkhIm4a, Vol XXVII.. 'so b.0 1962.9 P~. 70~'-707 OB 6J 11 1 ~ct as smrbhw oervica K. X. 6 i?p. tmevj I i # # stowdso Val nvo lb ho Iwo I I v9 10", a ad. /9t4/ '//? i I 1w TWM36V jr of 96"'1 *amp"." Lo i 1 tu m~w rs~~ Osileb, Cortu of t1w Alblo) ~- ~14111 3!k AMM bat or w" ftl 59 ; :1 N,,aoqoeooAIo~1 I NOP Iaarisai4w* in the TIN-II Ait t Crmtim Stat*v, by YM44 1 1, etlori"!~ffi Wv,, Vol 12., Ncs 12.1 19420 j 4 , 59. L.. . ~ZA MEW 4 72 Bara~., N! i SERV�-, T ~kj,,Nove vrste insekata pronadcne u srbi~i privredna o8ledna kontroljia stanitia Torcfid r, 1~ topatoloshko-entomoloshki Odeek, Br. 1, ~ i ; " r-to .1925~ ~a pp *PL 48o ors 61-3.1263 196a!~ The,~ De~le'f 'den d1' :; of a Tmck'-Link Design of Soil Char'a4p~,,ist~ ., by V..J~ara'nov, . I I I 1. RUSSIA~i,~ ~per ~ No U, 19601 pp 62-64. -11 ~ !I r p 1 3 ).Ogrivro Vol !V,k lk 111k; 1~3 4ii 'i~o 1 AQC4150' 14.1 IV Joni 3 16 0mv 7 BMWs, by 1960a Sabin" AIV 0 i b. the Vauatiou Bxwvev of Fore*,qt From a ;or~ by D~ Dmitr-Avp R. 1. Ba=n,)v, A (ID 1269317) ipers, 140"O-Khosj, Jun 1955s Vp 87-89. 'ell G-2s GSU% 0-5268 Sep 515 =8 ton or fbr FwacastIng pie, m off P OUl No 6,p Ladmand# P-P CIA/M Tj-ftW ww certain Oesu*o of the AnUcxtimi of the Principlea of K. X, V,. adtosac ft roremsting the plan Cyclaump by V. S. Artlwvj, N. P. Z. *kbcmw.,p pp. RMIMP per,, Wt I mav vo 6j. Leningred.9 pp CTA/"D U-82W sel - Gv~Ar c0 %w No IP-ir, V" n*66# lb 90 19570 AM! c HANG61114, LUNE AND STRUCTURE OF STEEL DURING REPEARD: AITIZATION ANNEALS., BY 0. 0. BARANOV,, M. I.',PjhlT NOVA. RUSSIA PER DOPOVIDI AK NAUK UKRSR, No 4. ig6io pp 4911, 94a HB 4335 OCT 621 2120098 jr 9( )66T 16 on Illm Xwo w too odd (AaaaW-,,V--,,Z,,Cq fiqiip~~ - I jL- I I . ;. I I-- 114M-1 , I I i I I" ybpdftl I ~; ~ I I # a 11"row, Po A, 1 10 i , ~1- 0 I I ii, 0 ~ ibr edwh 01i Ta mmo 19"P pp 1:6 1 fo?, 3 IrC A, *Wopolt~ *goof# me Oro poll 1166 Partilizers, ~y pp 1~ so j$w# ZwlodliUsp vol n, ft 12,9 ig% p VP Sol Tram center M-W Sol ar 56 i I : Al~111 icif hnbobj~; ntnte, by P. A. ; I ~ i *0~83' f V vp - 7 1 ;Jbw aftyr~m, va =, i9S6, pp r, : I 0 io idlik nompurite 9 Wi *mt lVa Mo, 6, 1939, 114M 1P7 f 7 Sri VP. A. mvp D, A. lormlkov, so!~Wls zaled"pl, Vol Up NO 80 1954*0 j ftl ftww-ventlor 10-3297 3 vkol.0,41, or 56 .1%e pr Zion C (Basic ProbUm and of lr$brld mm T~lw) by - P. A. Be, 140thAl Caviaz fmova ff. P. mubtu*o Mai L Klpdzblridvof RUSS 400 Umcows 19 JQl/AuC 3,955s, 0pe~o Bot Zbw p PIP t oil Sol ic Blolq#04 ~ Ot- IIARY 56 C"Idex A 44 f vj~ Bias t:~ Sc4tering of 247-Mev Gama Rays ~.u a) P. S. Barabov, L. I. Slovkhotov 6 b pp. Rus's, I~rp Zhur Eksper i Teoret Piz, Val "ad,, NO 1961~ PP 1713-1721- AIIP Sov phya - JVI? Vol xxv., No 6 Sci !62 i 5.-085 20 14 14 1 l1ray NautroolDoolmoUr, by P. S. ftranov, ! t~ TV ~MN310; pwo PrOol I Tekb Amper6 No Dirtribution of High-Eamgy Id AXgQlW 8-.!!!-~5--L-V 1. oolf,danskiyo 00 is a 6*9 ~!r ~ns 01 =0 No 51 camma took Tr 4 a yield am Angdw Distribution of 'tt NJ& Xnwgy by P. fl. L 00116,Mkiij, to Sbw T"Mt 14-11 U6'UA*p b1mllp J, &a lut of P),Pi" Nw'Tork, 21f2lo T., US NPUMMUbtlem neutron Detector 104 OY 801,46 vwp aw Upper I foaret FIS cue Q37 Amerlan Jut of Mysice Met Twk gas I. To 10 l0wli a! 4 tho Al* 1009AW of. Ursr"u&-253,o fiy 040 9I.X1, 4W'Ahwp OIL 4l. 7e CL, /V o MIS 10 (61 Fr-1 6A S OV, R. M. POUVOI M et for t e' absolute couOtIng of charged paiticles Ir hold M(~~h~ae de -Omptage absolu des particules chargdes Pr$o~y I Tokh. Ekspt. , No, 3, 32-6 (1957) CE.~-~r-R-! French E u r a I o m n-hJ 237 Inv6stigation o Radioactive Deca;j of lip by S. A'. Bar4ov., V. M. Kalakov) ':' pp. RUSSIM, pbr, Zhur HkBper i Teoret Fiz; Vol XLI, No 6., 196J. PP lb3-1739- AIP Sov Phys - JET? vol xiv, No 6 Sci Jul m45.,oW F -16 ILI ruc #a-e of the P'U231 Alpha FoAliation and the ell En e.:: r-'~ Lev41 Scbeme of the Ac2~7 1,Tucleus j by BaraAov, V. 14. Nalalkov) et e-1, 7 PP - L 5 A p~r~ Zhur Elm~er i Teoret Fiz) Vol )LI., iio5 96111 Pp 14754 1483- AIP Sov Pbys j"EIA-I .0 Vol X.,IVO it' 2c)6) 569 Scl Audioibt Deaq of T~=, tr S. A. Baranov., R. M. Polo iv~' I P4 Rodyon6v, n pp 1=6 p' Is. Ak ~ Mai* SM v Sw fts., Val JC(IVq 16 pp 2614V1' if if Alphi~-~Ay S,ptctroscopy., by S. A. BaraDov, r,, Zele*~kov, * pp. RUSFjjqpa~i~ PrIb I Tekh Skspers No 5. 1959P p Instru Soc of Amer Aug 6(1 Vol G. am 6f S. A yu. F. Sblsbkinp: L. V. 4~ftt 9 pp. zbw MOW I 990"t nso vbl-"t 23674W AOW ~bwt oc kh" (* 7916 6 7fI 938 ftP.39 by S. A. Paranov.. y 0 Cc ft Vol. is NO ILS acumxd Cit. gnu" Nomw_ Sot VOL mV lio 1/9 Aug 19.56 ftfttmm or U237,1, by S. A. Bars ov,, Imp L Swret ?is., Vol XXXj, Amar Int or Thpics VOI Mo ND Boylet physual J?12P DmW at IOM, by 16i 0 no' IL pblowd# a am& mo Vbt No =TO 2~e~~ Da~, on Alpha Mcay of Americium Isotopec; ~y Is' k6 Baranov., V. M. Kulakcw) et al., 10- ~j JRU~SIAN.,'~ per., Mur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, lic)i xLV`~ Po 6, 1963., 1811-1818. Am6r lj~' t of Phys JETP v tl No 5 UJ. 64 2653., 8 2 3 A jonj%stion Cbmbero by 0. ?,W*nuw,, Wiowr, 5 PP. por Is AV. Ml* 8W, Bar Piz, Vol 70 ~67, pp 913-917- Co).vmbi^ Tech Sci Physics Oct 158 36 Lew DoU6~e-Foousirxg Alpha-Speotronster; by S. A Barahoyp A* G4 Zelentovg G. Y a. Shohepicin~ RUMAN. Or, It A Nat& SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol M11 I,, No i4 i 9~ pp 1609-1396. Columbia Tech Soi Feb 61 H~~% t~vqls of tP37 Nucleus and Decay of Am242m, S Ovp No no ShlMinp 18 ppe W; Up Conference of the Acad of Sci of the or. Oe Posomful Um of Atomic Enerm 1-5 Jul 84aton of Oe Div of Ph"ico-HathemUcal 36~ 342 N~:Imr Phpics rpti, for $350.00 9 Met&Uvri POSI ftetors Upw TaMer 3rittle- , ! ~* M~- ....0 m p PWP . L Oft-abotlMikOllaw, lbr~ wa -W - , hoom$ w ',~, A5.4 .BMWM Tr 4U3 $6-75 ,~7 d,2 7 by C. N. in%~e~tiga, ion of the Nmetivity of the Rvdroven Ato"ll of he Methylisne Group olr Som 04olidires, ~,b bv~34 N. ranov, Pr.. -.4, Zhar Obthch Xhim, Val. r 1941 'P 7 tal 4 band Cosmolm of Sm ThUmoildiju at ot 'U. , 7 po OA"*p 40 so b"Wo 6 pp. M.4 'POP MW VAbA Dftjo V01 =lp WO 10p Fill 33309-30- An bylestl&tiod of W baotivity of tho fl~ftvgsn Atcwl~ 6f XetlWlene Gr4up of Sme Asolidonse. II. An, or, atic& of the AbmwpUan Spectra and. )lob the Rydnges AtMe In the Motbylere Group of Aii by So No Dwmwp 5 pp. R W6 mdah Ddm, Vol xlxn, No 4. X940 *16=1340 OB 6 of Pteridimi frm 4.5bDiaxtraopfftoddines a -zewaciAs. in. synthesis of sme aeg tW go t. Ram"S T. S. Gorisdrap I I " Shuo Val IEMP VC, 4's r1.4b FM 4,9 5-DUmboorluldbe, de d9-04 Asia. n. Dwestiptim of MCI OW. T. B. awr amba %Win# Vol I=xp No 102 ca 46) Synth Isis ions of Sam Ihiazoldine j6d Convers Deril". tive 1. Prepmtlon of Azorhodanines, by A. P. ~Grl2chuk, $- V. Buvnov.9. 3 PP. nw ontch IM1,11 Vol xxix; IRO 5p 1959.9 1666. Cowultants Burma Sel Is Scm Noteft of 4.,4'-Dib),drcucydiphenyl syn Ulf and Cdtbcl~ylio Acidso bX_.qj...j(j A. Zbos;Lo.. R. V. Viaswt., 3 pp. Bm mw mm mobah oftil Val mtvm., am No No PP 1274-U05- cmaultants samau 17 3, ThO2 Ion of Pwyl. mW Arylpyruvic Acift bj AyO i or 54rYwM04-thlo-muoudows-ho by Tl a iz&ao DWOOVI 4 pp. Ti 0* obamb Ws MR lime Il Vol MM# pp comultuts Won Sc:l he~ jui 7 o VIII. Cmdoneation -40 'by q Anwdlo Vo AIMI= OXIdes 4 ppe poil Zber,'Ubsbcb Vol =10 go-lit pow$ vp LY(WiLyrio Cousultants Buren scli t.Itir,cChemistry May CTS/M 4 NO !4, MA RO&4100 of scaw 2hiatalldint I a Oxop~mti= of Atorhoftntnes, P-~iI Orisbebuks go No UlaWry R'l per) i;58) PP c!iew 59 fbw Obsbab Xhimp Vol XVII 896-OM* amoulAwts u Aeldp by A. P. Gya:tjs Coll'. pp. mwu~j, A aur Prik Uds) Vol M=8 no 21. 1960p 4m. CD ftl Apr 6ij luflue*~, of "OW Utwe ot t3w AUobolle Cmv-34mt on tbt~ V~Ioci~y of Alio~ loolpis of Uteril-I 11 - B,*01yots Or BOArt Ot PbMWI 90 DMYI . I I! Alc by 01. 5. laromw* A. V. vlqwtio5 pp. Rwl*~, vo;l zbw owbd *us, vu 111 0 No ho swe" Sol Aft Iq :1"! ~ ., ! -I- !I' I 111 1. . I i 0~, "Oildi With Anwaia Alm if-fv~r Is, ficsi -and aMixture of Theme Okid~ I ~ z1he 8 Cixid,ed wltb umilm,, bbl'inovsky, S. A. 4 if itrnsnki; rto r,, Zhur Prik nim Vol XXV, No 4 ISJ5L's pPlIhIO-Ur. Concultants Direau Dec 3 3 CIS ea..A.: rd-b~w.~ 1, It, S 19 57 1703-176,fW of Pteridines mn 4.0-Diaminopyr-lzidimps 1~ ~,,-Fetoacldjq - I - Pr. tNivsx. `=lnapy*iudcUuc-v wid jFheuylp,!rv A.-c R- Oararoy and T. E. C-crJrLa, ciballch lalim.. Vu.-i. wvruv lio G consItItants Bilreau PWW toe Alwo NW*,Iogj by S. 1. IL Mal 0 9 You lw I Joe ywo no is son" p 060' 5d, MW ~li% I S. L,;. 4; 57 Tl.(Datm=t of Gmuty wsmlif=3 tv pp. 13taklp,-I. rmika, lio Vol xlll~ oravtl~y ~ XL-~iono Along the Vbl~p In 19OTj, by V. Be I . I Per;, It sirmor Rasakw awgm? Jbak-dh,~ Vol No 1908? pp 3IT-321o A= G~D" /,P 6 J17n 62 use at Tramistors to military yj, by Col. Ve Dmnwv 10 1pp. m so pro mattechount sseals'p 21 VA0,784to out m7s, ipp 83-85. Our V.ke5 m Own SWOU7, ILUILtUT a ~fts Olt the "'Oe" G"Wiftt Of t" *Petic ploldo Rusm"but OTT ov plau or- at of: Ow Cklmdo ty Yo mns". GFXMA44 Vol 10 1%3s pp 171- 91. 1969 38S.180 In i4omle Oboemtory Wift the Assistance of t~ Owlety in 1911-1.913, by ENST4, POX lz Z4,mvew*kW,MwokW Geogntf So 139-14~,t- tm 'ATIONS ALONG 'ITIL VOLGA (XY7, filtil ACI(' IIR-46. -ilcr f 3-(~j~ 1 6, J,v !i N $i. 10 Go 1108, 4.1, 62-25417 1. lbrxuw~ V. 11, ACIC 1% I qji~.