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TT-65-27969 Field BG Pal B. B. PUMM P,M ES DE LA FORWkTION DU SOL SUR 1. Centre Nation.11 de in ROCHES MA.VRIES CRISTALLINEq. Org.40-1'jB: Recherche s'elentifique, CNRS-G/R-4B3I. Paris (France) Order from CKRS ar, CNRS-65-6/it-4831 Trans. In French of Ebchvovedente (USSR) n7 p327-39 1945. Anotber trans. Is available in English from CFSTI or ETC $LDO a" TT-66-50056. 1964, 13p. TT-45-27"0 neld 8G POP-$ a. U. PREMIERS STADES DE LA FORMATION DU SOL WR 1. CsrAr* Natimal do It ROCHES NAMIVESCHISTALLINES. Org.40-138. Rechambe sclentift", CN119-0/8-4831. Parta (Fruboal Or6or from CNAS as CNRS-65-G/R-483I True. in Fromb Of Poohmovedeftle (USSR) 57 P327-39 Another trus. in available to MWIsh hM CFM or ETC MOD as TT-46-0064. IM. 13N Eurup~an TmAlAtIm.- Centre -dft& POLYr4ov, P. N. The CAiestion of Eluvial Soils. Po&~vovedenie, 1949, (11), 682 - 683. Sci tins TA.b 50/2804 A PolyntseyjL-.a,, A. SOMSW THE SOU-MWESTERN PART OF -ME KOLA PMNSULA, tr. by J. S. Joffe. 1962, 135p, 91 refs. PL-48D Agr. Order from OTS $1. 25 61-11498 Trans. of mono. Pochvy-Yugo-Zapadnol Chasti Kol'- skogo Poluostrova. Moscow /Leningrad. 19.59 1152)p. IDESCRIPTORS: *Soils. Geology. Classification, Climatic factors, Plant.c. *Peat, 'Mountains. *Terrain, Geograph~ Contents: Factors of soil formazion Classification of soils of tile rx-)uthwesiern portion of 1. 1 ~' :i &AIS of tile -'alleys Plant composition ot pt-at Soils of the n)(juntain massifs. (Earth Sciences-Geology. *rr, v. 8, no. 4) i. Title: Kola Peninsula 1. Polyntseva. C1. A. If. Pl,-480 Agr (61-1149q) Ill. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. r Aw Offi- .1 T-6.-l -60ils oi the 6outimostersk Part vi thu Lois ..'alliusulso by 0. A, polynts"ao 134 pp. bko Pochvy Yugo-o"apodnoi Chusiti KollsWgo Poltiostma, 1958., 90bb482 LAS 61-114D6 I'L-480 coeoplys 'Nov 62 JIST ~$7 2150200 j A 'I , fc" I cr C"I .~,; , r 16 . : w cr Gritty from 7 PI) ,74117~9.r PatDUL II:D IvIpt of corn.3rut boterti, Ciff. Lill Sci *I jangr -:7 Oct 59 Apparatus for Aggl=ratlug Pul,rcrulent or OrMy M?tjl~-rlela, by TArl Otto Polysius, 14 PP. GEWMI. Patent 915pOT2.' Dept of Cemerer Patent Office Elcl Lib (gif t) Sci - Engr Aug 58 ~ I / 911 V, ftoblm of ProW Treaft iwA Yotbo4s ia Tzidgdag JkvAl JWoUtecte, by Aletsander 2 R)ttynlal Cdazwk FolyUchatc., 15 p7p. romm par ft&vactvo 'Wetaw., No 9'. " ;62M. 1962, pp JPFB 16363 Imr. - PAmd ftv &2 Desik;n Calcidations o--,L" Hyjro-Mechaanical 'llrans- miostons by A. Polyut3hkov, ~; pp. I RUSST AN, per, Ve,-3t Mashinootroy, Voi -,,:LI~ -lo 4~ 1961, PP 14-17. PFM Jun 6; 2 2 0) 1 ),) 2 3 Selection of Hydraulic Pmoure Converter., by, A. G., Polyushka~5 3 pp. .-- -. ..... MWLW, ;wv Vest ~hshlnestrqy., Vol XLIj Nib 2, 1961, :pp 18-2D. FM 30:1 lrll, aj -,i i= 69 ApplIcation. of the Tb*wy of a, Pree Jet in A Strew Tm"]IUW In the Bam Direction to ,-~fie CaUaatUm of Equipmut Using Jetep by A. Gi. Ptd"bkov. RIMUN, per$ Teploonerptiml, so 6,p 1955p Coop Tmuz Gckmme Tr 212 160 *()a 03,61 3~~ Sa~ - Aevamutics, RuSim4wing NW; .rj~w a a Liqua into ms*tbsr Liquid or Oessoms so&ttm~ by Lirsov, 2. 1., sod Polyuta, S. 2- i I) roj Egram ft I DdLaiiP V01 211 1948, 1:1 pp III -U" 4 sci *Amn Lib No 50/2716 A llm,.rcr Peck. foa, :,ojectrOn IdCroocop,-, e ~7-10 V. V. 7.7. LIQ-) -pr-r Pribol i 7" A %UZ 27; TS!. 22" W06 plus* n 006 16 fft (SF-2900) THE I,MPORTANCE OF THE NEW EAST GERMAN-LEBANESE TRADE AND PAYMENTS AGREEMENTt BY W. POLZE,, 4 pp. GERMAN., PER,, DIE AUSSENHANDEL, NO 8p 28 APR 1962p PP 28p 29. JPRS 14813 EEUR GERMANY ECON AUG 62 2o6,351 P61;guter, Franz srW Croning. )ohannes. APPAILAIMS'FOR 114F. MMFACIURE OF FORM MASKS OR HOLLOW CORE. 9 june 61, 3p. (illus. omitted) 2 rds. Order from 01-S or SLA $L 10 6L-18275 Trans. of German patent specification 1023 195, C5736VI/31b. appl. 23 Apr 52, issued 23 )an 56. DESCRMRS: Molding, Molding materials, *Structural shells, Containers, Heating elements, *Honeycomb cores, Sandwich construction. Strainers, Manufacturing methods. 61-18275 1. PWgum. F. 11. Crnnins ID. Parent (Germany) 1023 195 An apparatus Its described for manufacturing form masks or hollow cores accot-din~, to Patent 832 937, in which a dry mixture of loose nixei'ml, synthetic resin. and hardening material is pourW into a hot hollow form, The pirt of 04 loose material which In not ce- (Mac hinery- - Manufacturing, IT, v. 6. no. 12) (over) ofs- of Ua." I"- lrol fur Zltctric'ltl-~-:~ls I-It o I c Tra, ~s The Cr6nin~;'Shell-Moldlug Procens, by F. Polzeuter, MUM per, Die Giesserei Vol XXXIX,, Do 15-.. 1952p pp 467472. Brutcher Tr 3183 Scientif ic Minerale/alstala MW 5.3 CTS Price $5.60 WM W. Stahl tnd z$89ftP Vol. 2 taV a at IciM wordsi 44 pp, I165-1169t 14 fig,t 1924. Intl-tiezee of oobalt AnO VanaMum on Properties of Hlg~ S- e0d SU818. bmtober Tftnot Order No. 254,, 114.90 T1,19 ImnWace of the Temprattwe Faew-- Upon tl!~~ Ilamt Outwt cC the Tulgilar Nwiting Surface JJJX, a T."amoverem Flov of Oases# by 7'. 1. PoUuno-ms 0. *98. =a RUSS=, per,, Turbo BUIer Construction., 10 5, 1948* pp 1-4. Dritlsb Iron sua Ineal Ind (no inumber igi-mm) i5c L - H:Qm Sep 3a 59 (DC-34W) Against HArATia MaUestatUm of National Ism., by Yaml Pom' 0 j, L3 pp. CUM, perp Hm W4sl., No 5,, 1962,t pp 554-562. JPM 13M Mux - C740hoolAwakis / ?71 '-pa, r pa am 62 (SF-~.)-Jo) 1WROVING THE ECONa%iY OF KOLKIA0Z PRODUL.J10k) BY I . PWANENKO.. ~ PP. RUSS I AN IqP,, EK014 GAZETA, NO 10~ MAR 1 ;j2) PP 3., JPRS I USSR ECOH 'lul'i The skvival Timeo of the Orsukism of Thlamelmia on Grain~ and Straw, qCpDp,.,by L. A._:~~~ awl"o m0 perm Zbur Hicrobiol., Epidamiol i Immoblolp Vol XVII.. No 4. 1957, PP 133-138. Peripmou Preas Al Sci - VbUcine J= 58 mothm. ftr the Do of Qr&U and Silky YoWer Uftoftl WIth the fttbWo. of 2hiareala,, by L. A. MMMNP Pont T"*rUmr4s) Vbl I=lVs no S., 1957s, pp 77-ft. CIA 9038.90 IRA Sol - l6dicim Apr 99 -.0 3~ al 42 te ri Li c s Of c- Sov Vol Sc A-au (:1,-, TOUNWIdat by Z. A. lei 7 U 59 A New Direction in Cosmic Ray lllcscircli, by A. A. Pomajiski. RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik jV~adciaii .'~auh ~~, No 11, 1962, pp 130-131. DRB Czuiada T.377.11, Sci/Eaitli Sci kof Astron Au,,; 65 287,431 Calculation of Average Cbsmic-Ray Air Showerej A. A. Pomnskiyx 6 pp. Parmeters of Exteneive by S. 1. Nikollskfy., m8saw, per, Zhur Eksper 1. Teoret Piz, Vol M-, 1 1 1 No 5 19601 PP 1339-1-146. AIP saylet fts - -mr? Vol X122 No 5 sci jui 61, 5- 71, Decay Prbiemimsa in the Deveiopwni~ of Nuclear Czsesdes~ in t6 Atmospbmq by 0. T. Zatser.1n., 1 1 ~ 1 . X *01 m,.40 &M _A. A, ftwwoklys 4 ppo RMMV#I perp Mar Eksper I ftorst 71%. Vol XCITII(10)p 01 ~ No 1.4 X060s PP 197-2 .4 Asm list of Pbp sov Ptgv - JM Bel ip*,b 6o 1 , All 0 1 1 .1 MIN 0 11%4t I Mt mklxjw 0 amomm =*Ste Concentration Limits Axtures of Hydrogion 14 E. A. Blyumberg, Emanuel, 8 pp. for Flame Propagation in and ftides of Nitrogen, N. Pomansky, W. M. nwsw, mo per, Is A Yoult, Otdel Khim Nauk, No 7p 19569 pp 764-77o. Conftiimts Bureau Sci - Chem May 57 (OC-1840) MMKP OF INING stmemw OF FAUTIVE copi, I IN 7w two 13Y ZT, =W$ V. jyp V* POWOXMs A* TOLK4UiEVv mmi*Ng P~pr PLUMYC NCZYAYSM, to 6.9 LOO lop %"?s AUQ 62 -3contp natAOTi, by J, Pararc)l I'- , D vii P" I FRFMC,%. f-S ATIC Tr.._".;"02 C~,, o vv~ Sci - . -.", Apr 6o / ! fl* " /. ~? / , , b , (NN -13'0~,/3h "in irr~ E,.,,peftenoe nnitation Sdiacat'or Wor~~ In i 0,9 D I t a I I. ~ 1-1 ", by pp. no Der, Voyenno Pled Zhur, ;.->ept 1960, pp 10-12. US IIFR:~ 7875 61 .*,I ww Th"Vad Pwqp wa-4 w tre 1,/ -1 pdzlwd At combww Lm* 011POrnuxAsk"If. pomealmovo V~o I.. Mmkov. 196 94406, al ~O,Ukc -)PO by 1. If, Rbw 3-961 21~ .4'.17 AMC *mpg#& 4t CF-7XD 2&W) Excerpts from "The Industry or the Puzenli3n Is Republic arA Its Oeographical Me- trib~tion,,* by 8. L, Powmov, 112 pp As 906101 bkj? Moscow, I pp 113-IM, Mar Rumania Scan Industry oct 56 5W IS Effect of ftle-Body X-rqy Ewa= Cal Activ:Lt-Y C)f Acid and AlkaMne Phospbatmes a Brain, Liver, md Splem, of RDU p by L. 7 - Pc==mskaya) 3 pp MWIAN, pmrj Dok Ak Hauk SM) Vol CD=jj,, lio .43P Sov I Pbys-Dok Vol V,, No 3 Got j oz ""a ill of :.Rxtingultelaln~:,r Trihibitton in VartUn IMnimala by L, F. Pomamaskaya, 5 pp~ T'.iz jt. l e I 11 n, I.. TV, Undergromid Explosion) by N. PDmazovich,, / f I RUSSIAII, per, Znaniye-Sila, No 11) 11157, p 31-'. ATIC MCL-lJ.4/1 Sci Dc.!c bO 09.1 th.0 veaws J,., NAPO. all iiuclloii u. r 'tit' p in IL-.Iie of by laaclov, lwS SM", F o 2. o'-" the Theory of SciEtn'4--l fiu, t-be Draft Pr--grm of the CPSU., by T. RUS-'.32AlVj par, Nomadst, No 15j Oct 1963.j pp 3.0-2.3 ITM 1.2001 U&M Poll Econ Feb 62 HU I.- ~6~s Forcc. by 15 P-M l(nmmintft No l3i 1-0,62~, , .p JM 3.58Y1 T,a,.x Datraniopi.1wat of the World Sociallat Towwda Ccuw- Tils , by ?. redasayer, 1. MIAM-0 peri Kcmmds4u,, Vol XXXVX,, No 5) 19!Pi R I pp 27 A-3. JMI-L-1922-D us= PDI 71c~ Hm 1,59 (DC-4998) of Waiaist Gaidup by 1. Pcmelov., 17 PP~ ve 4~78SUxr parj xommtiietp So 6, AVr 1960., pp 101-113,. JM 6733 ESSR ?--'I Irb 61 1 //-,o /1~O/ octoor a04 the Great Problem t)f the Present Day, by I. POW107, 18 pp. RUN.TAN, per, Kowmnists No 15) Oct 1960, pp I'l-24. aW 65).3 usu. Pol 7 74z J'an (DC-3749). The DevelpIpent of the World Socialist System Toward Ccammism, by P. N. Fedopeyev, 1. P. 36 pp. HUSSIUj brochure) 0 RezvItIl Mirovoy Sotsialistich- eskQy Sistemy k Kbmuni=u, 1959, PP 1-39- JFM 3Tj2 USSR soc - Sep 6,P) s-246-/6o (M-17119) The Development of the World Socialist System Tawards Communism, by P. N. Feetoseyev, 1..P.. Pomelav'. 37 PP. RUSSIAN, ~~no~rapht 0 Ra7yitlyc- Hitovoy Sataialistitheakoy BistenW k Mcmuni=u, No 2,-, 1959, PP 1-39. JM 3772 USSR ~2 Pol Aug 60 Effect of Muscular Work an the Notor Function of the Stowch and Duodenum., by A. Be. Powltsav,, 4 pp. MWLUI, perj, Byul Uspr Biol i )Wp Vol XLM, No 3 1957 t PP ShOS- A T - .1 -2 1 Consultguft Bureau Sci Had MaY 58 Beignette.Capmcitcra for Suppressing Radio Reception Interferencea, by D. M. Kazarnmeld., L. A. Powenko, 13 PP. RUBBIANy bimoper., Radlotekhnika) Vol IX4 No 5. Mumcaw,, sep-oct 1954. It 6152 O-,r 0 ~", 341 JTIC F-M-85oe/v Scientific - Clectronles gberma Conductica of ParmoVietic Diale ~trles eLt Lov lj%nWemtumj, by 1. Potarsuchuko A pp. RuSSIM; W., Zbur Usper I TkKwet Fit# Val XI., 194.1j, pp 226-L*5. ABC UM-ews-565 sai - phr AVr6l /Yf 0/4 Y , Tka 103wry of Raaom= Absorpt~m In NoterogwimB S"ta=j by 1. 1. Mirnlohj 1. L Pmerwwbm*. wee=., plqw P/649, EftaecaiNp of Imternatimal omfuimae an hootul Una at litaAc BMW wa lit Goamp 8-2D A29 ).9931, %1 V., ifiter"t-1 clonf - UN Sol - lkalw phpies "'~j - ? 371 A#r 5T CIA 1-669.9.162 Ptomms st Vm Rish Rnargles by Lat4au,, RMWO t4irfte-uo Vw# ft% At Xu*,p BORI. Val XCIIv No 40 ~p 735. OF 210 Scientific - Pbysics C78/la ~16 / 7 Repormalization of Meson CharBe in Pseudo- scalar Theory With Pseudoscalor Coupling~ by RUSSIAN.. thrice~mmo per, Dok Ak 19auk SSSR.. CN, 1955# pp 51-53. SCI - Physics ABC Tr 2355 61 - 15284 Pomeranchuk. FLUGIIJA TIONS ~)F IONIZAMN RANGE S (PA'm 1. Particle uamtories- LENGIIIS) tr. In. Dernrick. [1960112p, " refs Mathematical i mtlvst~ Order from I.Cot SIA IniS2.40, phS3.30 61-15284 1. Potzierancht& I Trans. ce Zhurnal lil~spcrinieutal'nov i TeOretICtIL-Sk-I FiziH (USSR) 194K v, B no, 8, 1). 7.39-76t, (PhYs k'~ HiCol 1, '1 Limits bf Applicabillty or the Theory or BremaAmhW ELectrone and Fair Productiot for U09 High Energlez.* by L. Xapdaus 1. Pameranchuk. Full translation. RUBSVJp thricd-mo perp Wa Ak Nauk BSM,, Vol XCIIP 110 3o 1953f p 535. NST 136 Scientific - Maicu CTB/DEx 55' on tbal now m mn$ by A. AU"Ovs 7 mr. I DOW la Vol 18,20 5, 1948.9 4754Ms ftl *new 14b no PAM R- Lmdom Sft AU 6r'$OGctd&lq!J8or The Tha'ory Ot Resonance Scattwing ot Particles., by A. Ohio =A 1. P=U.Mcb&. RMWI pler,.. Zhur ESME i Temkt Piz? Vol 18P NO 71 3948,110 603-W. M Upt m, Mv Tork Statet BroWtbaven National Guide to, Russian scientific perloftaa 31 1~ No 6.. oct 19493., pp 6-12. $cj Mum= Lib No 50/3258 - Lmdm on CoLUeiom cr Peal: Neutroas With I. Pamumuchuk MA 1. Sbmi, 3bkevich RUSSIUM Dok Ak ft* BBIM, Vol 64, Ib 4.1 1949y pp Seatfpton,, Now York State: Brookharen National Laboratory Guide to Russian wientific per lit, Vol Wo ~) pp 159-1Q, Aw 1949 Sci Una= Lib 190 50/3278 - Lmdon '~- 1 7- Scientific 3 fWe Awdbilation Of by, 5 VP- t N"k ssmt Vol LXV Jko I?j, l9kep P, gl3.a5* Set Tmu Ce&Ar RT-879 77 Zero Equality of Re-Normalized Chtxge in quan%=- Fleatrodynamice.. by I. Pmem=hW: A RWSDM, thriae-zo per, Dok Ak Nauk- WZRI Vol CHIP 1955# PP 1005-1008. Sciatific - Pbysica .ftb 56 M/dex ABC UCRL Tr 253 3 /1 / All, Y- I t',)n tho 1-41vori of, P"'laduction Of :M.~ pp-r~icllii:~L, ~7:q; 'RUM114%, par,. DDk Ak 17mak 8MR; Vol 9 0, 9 a ~ C, 3 Am m"'". ,jw. 6a utit g') 80"eqns of elm Intrwa is Crystalso by A, AMOw. IA Pbmrowlpkt. RUSSUIp per.* Mur Moper I Toortt nsp Val PUt 1941. ABC Tr IV935 Scientific - Physics low 1949 (2/49) "4buip v Swim Mmm p by to IVIO MMI - "Nk 9 JR. mono$ xbw sksw I TMv% nas V61 Wit a Sp *xv w 963-0., AV opw no .. am Vbl Mwo lb 3 ftl XNL0709 an 69, Difrractiou Manama in Colli=w oc F~wt Particles Witb 11aclelp by A. 1. Akhmiezer,, 10 too 36 IYPQ FUSSIM,, rer,, UsIvAdil Fisicbe-ski-kh Vol LXvj. so 41 1-)~58., pp 5).3-.63o. AM-tr-5332 PLAOU Sci Jur, Ot *C lbo XLwUqt Sm$twtft Nk ~,Wi Zbw Rsp Ta 6 li 196k 0 N&W. Amw lwt at fts ow ~ am va lb I 2201,337 3m63 Asymptotic Behavior of Cross Sections at Fligh XneTglesjo by V. B. Berestetskiy, 1, Ye. P.m 6 pp. MSSIANP per, Zhur Sksper L I*oret ?iz, Vol (1o), ig6o,, pp m78-lo&?" AIP Vol XII) No 11 juti 61 " D~ "', r r-,. f- ~ k ~,~av J Oa -Uic Eleotramgwtie Xntemation of a Ne-itral Veat= Aescoij by I. Yu. Wbzaxev~ L. 'D I Ohm, 1, Yn. FanorsagIngl* 10 W. MIMAlop rpt.,, jastktut lboleticheaMy, i R1,AM. AN mjSSR., 19611,-, Sol Jan 62 D41 f :;4 -+rnow; With Nuc.Lews Mir Sfooer i Ti.,on: pp 5U5-5-h. iFer,rcmagnats, by A. I. Akhyemer, 1. Ya- PPO RUSSULK,, per, Mar EUper i Teorat Fiz~ AA N~.%aLc $80, Vol XMVI (9)) Ito 3) 1959j PP 859~&)-2. AIP Sov Phys - JHTP Sci .. phpl Oct 59 Fmmm'don 4d, a Aicem ftir in Positron Anuthilutim, by V. D. Ber"tetewo 1. la. Pcmusnckn*, 2 pp. .9 mo per Zbw r ilfeoret Piz RUBBIAR 0 Vol M=, No wp Dea M5p p W4. Amer Inst of Plweics 6oviet Physicki, Vol 11, NO 3 '57- Sal - Plvoicz Feb 57 CTB On the Collisions of Nucleons With Large Orbital Angular Momentum,, by A. D. Galanin., A. P. Grashin, B. L. Yoffe, I. Ya. ~_ Opkj, 11 pp. RtBSIAN per., Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XXXVIIJQ No 6(10 9 1-960j. PP 1663-1679- Amer Inst of Phys Sav Phys - JWP Sci - Physics Vol xam, (lo), No 6 jui 6o TbQ ADyikptotIc Green's Pmetion a jlu,~14ojj C~z.!jd ~j- in ?aeudo-Saalar Thlac~ry xn'.tla 1,kial, lntcractio~.I.,Iuy A. D. Galanin, B. L. Joffe., T. Ya. Pohiarauchuk,, )p RMUMI.. bbw per., Zhur Likaper i $3-om-~ FIZ; Vol XKTKj iia ig5r-', pp -"-)1..63. cu c 41569 Itywriewi Inst of Phygics Scientific PhyvJ.cs Peripberal luteractiom Between Elowntary FW-tialft) by L. B. Oms I. Ia. Pom. ranchuk, 9 pp. RMIM., per Zhur Mmyer i Teorat Vol xxm.l No 1 (9), PP 300-312- A= Inat of ftya Sov Php - Mur Vol Ix (35)2 No l Aug 59 ? Zv%f..v a. Moat in Ow Residual. Blectrima RwvL- states, of Nots"t by 2. 11009-mbilb, 6 pp, FOWNS;Perp Sha appor L locret FISS, To), 3MLT No (10) 0 SM-0 0 Awr lost of OWAP-.,JW - fox Till Pt" Apr 9k1& 0-a Poseiblo Lii;olc: ImmAtdons of R.- L, 1. 14., Vomerancliuk, RUISSYdi, thrice-mo per, Dok Alc Valilt no 61 1,'157P I)P 125' Vol TT T'(, 'Sci - Ph;roics reb .1958 latawmu~a of the a] tz ~ spatic inter- ou ~m ~ Betv *m Blectrom ad Notramp by A. am acbldiwir,, 1; Ya Lvnclv*p 3,PPO RMIAN, Par, Zlnw MEM i Toomom Vol 19P 1949,0 ~Pp 5~~559. aci anm Ub So 514~ZM Scientific - Pbsoics A O~a" ~tbe Scat tOrIAS Of PfIrticUs With Zero Y. U. ;!amnuwb*.p 3 pp Ram=,) Vw MOE I ftont Fit, Vol 18, pp 1146- n4l.' im. Sci MUSM go 51/2T46 ScievtIfIc - PbVBUM 1.3