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IL I A THE 19 MEL, *SKOPLJE STRETCH OF THE BROTHERHOOD- UN I-y I I G1 Y WAS COWLETED IN 1961., BY MIODRAG SIlL, 5' :)p RUSSIIJ M, PUT I SAOBRACAJj, VOL VII., NO 9/10.- 6 7: 1 11J.1P ~io, CALL NO TE 98p ENG TRANS. ARMY MAP SERVICE Uss E80 W 207.,81o M04 o: Wu4tatioll t set 3 ~~-Itct. ~brks., by E. 113 pp LOU 0" IN bk LNmx&wa 1960, C-1 T~e~ C M-se ! f soiriet Parachutism, 1-~,r V. 1. ')hustov 666) -7ovet F-Exashy-Litismi, Encli tc, RUSS L _i 24 F ID us,3[t spu 141 f rbill f r 6DI P-P r j 1T Inti ~p'ac6, by M..Vassilyev, V. V. Dobronravov, -uteblhestviya v Kosmos, 1 1 bk, 958 ~i~ -. ia ... 16,i~ du Ciel Su~~ ',butnik Nel Cosino Lib~ Ch S~s ia- lilt Prop I Z.Sia into Italian into ELglloh VO 496! to AntW'Ctica., bzv -.iC- K. ~Pbulpotviye v Antexxt' du,, j3444 llo~d ~Ub Sv S*c Aii: Vito Div -L6 co"hPoss piqt=lt worl4a, by q 011vin. ire, !r ev AF 1255671 4 IN I : I I i I 1.1i i ftbolml I tv I I A =lJo"alb- ?4'rLows. we pp! T- f GUMM 0 TOi FkE CIITY OF KUYBYSHEV, BY 1. 1-1. SOBOLEVI 256 Op RUSSIMi !BK 'UTEV,DDITELIPO GORODU KUYBYSHEVU, A KUYB:YSiE' %2 320 PP. MRS 17683 USSR: GEOGI FE13 63 223)4~;7 313#93.2 G~ ~p i~ be: ;Travel on !,be Sukhona, Vychegda and iy jDviba, r1pe) Izdatel' TxailsporM Moscow;, 19157- 1c) I lay 60 ient, in by ACSI see.Smith)'. REME.k E ~ND~WIOE WOK FOR )AX I RTYSH AND THE'l R0 1 BY V. 11. DEGXTYARE:V) M. YE. BUDAR N I ~P.~ 24 ~l BK~l RUSSI PUL~ILOP.LLEL j!!TRAMHll.K..PO RTYSIIIUI~j K; i c~6o,, P~i~4Y 014S FP*'*i' JPRS 173.05"`~ USSR NO GE jP! :6? 220; ;'Orgadzation and 217 pp. 280t433 S-2~41 Res6Airlb and Io6vellopment on Mycolci,gical. and ~ + I I . i Dervik I i c,"i DJ4plmse~v; .1ltatistic8 arid EpidcemioJ fit, ~y on A ~!of b- by M. V. Borzov iseases tlti u 0 is RumA47~ i i)kV I ti?heniya Bpr'by a Dermatomil-, v Sovp't 6 1 by 15~1.davii, Kishinev, 1957, Ways1a& Metl ds of UtiIiiation of Birds in Struggle Ag~in's Har~-, ~1 in'sects~ RUSSIAV bkj i,.,Nletody IspolIzovaniya Ptits v Borl~e'g vxe ym. oTs 60-51168 PL-48o Sci Bio Apr:6 1 ht") 2 6 6 PS T14o 117 t of C I HK C iu~ 8's and Fracture ort the Efficiency dra~ulil, 30 by, Ya. I, wil6x-~t*v. Allj~ pe:1 Put 1 nl,~9x::W 0 b CIMP 3.- Wwcow.* 1959o -93- Z Dept of Interior TN7) B57o No 319 Fuels! /7,1 0 i616LIL--~Iill I i 1, year! I Eve ae the sixth nva- ~Ilb~~tstum O*Ug 15 pp. win&* i3~m'Aicm or Varb, U"I I&u&y. no. 5) *.,I Pmfaae and 3h%ro- 0040GOS I L I I'LL" iLL -Lm~ A" osoolf., 1i '62-l' iti raft, 14 V. F, IbIldiovitinov) 1.59 Pl)- Razvi~i~m Letatellnylch Apparatov, ~130- 9695364 ~GOVIT USE ONLY 26o~,.,450 a i ans EF va~i.17 pp; ertnosti scc q 00; ~181- ... 183. '6 IT 0 2 7 675 T 5 , 8 Llhlil Clost, of Tlj-!.Alfttn- f.Y a: inishchi idl zEt-V ti o' i-6i Pot;r6la IV a t Losies 4n tha 6-owattozavody AS: a on; 5 LiAtlis &~d 6iuises 0the Problem; by A 4 Bao 1. 1Icir,11 Ail L'ttoloyp jp. A. KvOchk1us RUSSTk I bko, ixti 10-ar"h4ban f . '00 j ~ ~___ , _ _% Pro0k;fi .17A t 957, 7 AO USSR: BCOU 9~ MMr 5 H OC Planned Pric*- AlAkM4drov:tch ~ BelMoov, 42 pp it 1964P lip -55 d PiWiMion laterml Grinders,, by I. yao~04 Itsyn, nit ulookm AM 028-~3202 Aug a Txopzo'vl# the Casti~g of r 4" Rej*v., et al. 287.,215 _J mu~kb~,. sb~~ p~~kov, ~R- S., WdWbm, L. M. 61-19002 BUBBLA ERI FIEW 1 kN IMPULSE MAGNETIC m' ,R 2 4 l ~IW f 1. PaMcle accelerators-- E 4 e i A ext P an n tm 3 fit6 s. re O qufpywm d 2 ord r r or .30 . p $ ; s-- . Magnetic fiel 'UCR Trans -510 L Applications ! ( k 3. 71fle: Bubble chamber Trans. o i owns K*Uw A a Ito Mukift, K. N. Ma i iern, y5v. It. Slilyspolkow. R. S. 111. Barkow, L. M. Thl a p s o f a pr opane hftle UCRL Trans-519 tV r9i i .121 x k el cjnAn si Wor ze wlt~ is Wit): an 10 Meg- ond cycle. . V. LAwrewe Radiation W., U. of California, 1bi , 6n d a 6 = i I tovedd Offbilay llm w de 04 the ' iWasum lit v ioses. i k ttve " r "00 , d ft tow - Matun va Itbe l~xlft Ocle to am 7not tex it t (LA 66windorosity:of th Radiation b" e OW does retary absUiLbt (NUC16 Iar ce" IT V. 3, W. 11) f I h, nbci It phlj.ltpinoiu~ im G, Y, 1 1 C V2.9 Z F I MID !i.P.Alwa Odic: 1 1 i ;7 0 159 v S&I on the ;ua;jor 1-mmewc, t-11C caiAt j3t by 04. 1. 0j,,,mrt,;crv, 39 in, - tk ~~~ ~Jnm JM 13203 MR IJID+ J;~. I J) r 11 i~onici~lt Jin~ Turkey 191~3-1963' by l 0i I I ornj~, n1w, 204 vp Rij I )%I',, hil 111abOcho-ye Jhyi henive v Turtsij., 7 . * ...... ..... H1 (7, :,fir- I.T' .1 P, I 1 d *Vli~itl~r the CoAmtxles of I~10,p Itt i. A. v4 i0 ~-63 J~t~4dg' lame Stm Azii i - Vill 161 t 1)1'126 ~7.117' -ill moi~.--tric Arcs uf C~lj`y ~T~~Jionov aid yo A. We &Ul'.': i R lb (>Chi Protessy v Taplovykh m A tsionna Ins- "3- 1. 11100 8 106 6 7 1 ~'rl Elect ilij):r ioca by Ao V. Y' P . 624 i1 ; Ji, Ux 0" :1. tioulcto of an Awbwwbils Eagi= iio~~ a- "td, Mathods of Stualing ye T Almtmr~~ at al, M"Ym Ruhim.. 1~6)p pp 1.0e" :mm Ft Belvoir 4/, e pf. r Imp af~ ,6u ~"i*eearg Airnaces 14:1 tb cl R~ Z. Svel-dlovsk: zc~ 1"o) ?.M PP. DSIR TILU A2.3 Ah ~19 59 equenp .412~mtors i , y bWljjgd C amilne" by A* A,, 0u i~ Ul,tMrrsok*cbavto%nymj plow iiisayi Gioeny ACSI, 1-3W6 The Wol bf =0 bbtor,Vehiale Driver Under C(Xdi!V Ohemical end Bacteilr! 11. ifslapms ate Used, by B. L~gi. stolv! p16 RUSStM .0..o 0 lwa,pr 1~ Offti"~ 14) 1-80, JPBR 9651 Bel Ill-W .:c .I lie 10 I v0 ~ o I ~; i I I ;` lls~ Aftil &i 1 4*; i~ & ]by slya v Arti 330g722 by I s"Wenaldy s. i-,Ro?.btlc bll' ,F V 19 pp Ft Melvoir T-10 sci m itlyS 71 Oct VOW i~014 et all '~Jj - - "ITT "! ! ~ ' .U~ i~ I , F Oil , qt LII,' i = . i . - - - 1- witi 40, Ow Vok vOttor ty C, 4~& I-NAVU-simyt 0 i 0 A4010POL14 ilmal jr.lArm- T 75- Lla i J.j 60-23208 Denim ',101 UASIS OF AN ACUrE SHEEP 1. Sheep- -Pathology M lc~etm) tri by, Slade. 2. Title: Famdollasis Jill e~R 1019%tv)p elp t I clt~~ 4 refs, Trans. 1. Da"yan, Ye. A. no. 4479 :1 i 1 11. CSIRO Trans-"79 Order fr6m or nil$2.40 Ph$ 3. 30 60 M. Conunonwealth Scientific r and Indummial Research Trans., of i R PO Oel,miclaInAt It 73-j" Orpnization (AuRtralis) Akbdemlim (Apladims.. udmxh TT, v. S. no. 3) ci Work's 10 1, fl llrltllblog~ foi- the 75th Birthday ot: , l I . , I A&I a ~~Ilcl III ArNabiTi. kaby gii K 75-Lutiyu pj1-a4el ld ~ia K ~~l Skray!abbna, Moscow, 1953, 812 *OTS 05-50.127 s VCs I Mar 0 OLTON . 9 R TRS [19621 1. DWbur", Y, L K-H 3737 e D. X-H-3737-e M. Kmp-Ho*u ScWwe R tlubwftir i~ Komplakm Uhrary Aawdaws, i ) 19". -1 **..-7 - P. Iiii ay ib W fm in OTS or SLA $1.60 as 1-23652 111 1 8* DESCRUTO Eloccl, olyt". Mob, i 1 1 MWU066 i d~ ait j. : For abotmc Tod j c~ Trim~ ~881, 1"L .. ((2wudst ,, ica or" It IKMW IN*" 7 61-23652 Delitnais e r U. MOIJ-Tt~ :TRO - 119611 lili~j ~55 refs. 1. Delimurskil, Yu. K. Order 1from n r or 1 60 61-236$2 It. IYanstations. New York $L Trans,, of ilk y tr.nfif) Rastv_broyil Kompieks- in jnykh]1S6ed 14 36ed ~ S 1:i (U 4~ P. 29~419-~ M 19~ i DESCR R *E1 r r I t, lyten, Melting. iliemis. c e I c pe 11 try !EIei6tro&q~'Iok Deforms Deforrnelio Ito l 7b& d i W - i u f d I d I I c pier organic d3 t6 n D e i try nst re o en A an n t ~Aca4emy of'Sce1r.71ces of he Ukraffildn I S~ in dl~ I eficiption!6f inoh~n electra- I tes su s r1zQ, e1 el6titrochernical! eerier, of mi e 1~ 7a1 ni~ n cle~trolytis wore Inveoti- l.j 111ffA tantidl!y friantl v ordinary aquo'lils! it fill t n standardt'electrode poten- ' tial em( I erieli were itiet up, based on (Ch , rr, v. 7, !n(,. 1. 1) oFfl- .,I T-h~i-l S-i... ka, 7.!! A S S mposintx" lc. SOU ITION'S OF 7~ A UMINUM H I X'S '711FIR CQ*,lPt."U COM- It . INDS.! 1~0) S%ciencf. r cr from'K, 11, .01 l9w lAbrary As,;~cfales, r "S, of Kh illi Rakvorc)~, I Kiomplekqnvkh - . avdinenii (LIS 71 M i .[ F 51CRITMR. COMP). t Olialldes, "I'lowsi l ilulio Is Aluminum cc 'Unds ' . "licalJ, T, v.1 no.~I 1: z.. Y~ Oyu Y. a ho, 4" ON 10 A ciric ic~ 1.1,4, 'IT -or- of INA" I 's ID r C C, VulLmlli~a~ton Lay-Clut for Y~rjp Eloktrotc,,kh ilro-,n Marod'.Xboz, No 2ji 19561 11SIR Ubrary Unit EJ 4roracs I ~~ ; 1 JulY 7. 11 ~ I i I i i , c I i I .i i 1, 1 11 42. I/i ~ " .A It-449 of Solids, t6u" et al. Ut artmawy I-amidtot Perboyna,~qdcs!~'and Kinetics of Chemical El L ty, po ~exiaodimdke i Idnetike d ikh :)r'ots~essov!., No 2)Z, 1062) 339 pp. FTD-MT-64-539 13OVIT USE ONLY bl, 17. Kol-nd"Lurur 2b L't Nov -;4 cv;:q. 66 sm D' POT I st iquwUsing Nuclear giu A It fl 40~ tor, Past Xv4rons, by its t W, atip~i MC, Rijay 1964. POIA , L I. NL~ 31 1) 121 6- Sci P, Iys 33806,S5 of radioddtive isotopes for the ,ment of control an~ measuring ent~s for miiies, byl. P. Sklyarenko) per, "Radiatsioiwaya avtomatika. i yadernye_iziucheniya v nauke Tk-eT, 1901., pp 7-15 3.7(53()9) ii iC Pr Gen & Mr Chem at, isa&&V i Wit Rightsp ag Doilliot tit to 7711 ~7, wyl I Mi 164s382 S77 I moscowt ~ !, U I I i~ i Ii 0." ~, t", ~ ; ~ i Oil U-" t ~'- r i 1 i, i iby A*,&, RmUs 2ft* 0 i~fecis in the Interiction of KLectro- m c 1".ion With Cadmium Sulf ide.. by S. V. bt~ v R. Ni~ azova., A. E. Kiv., 18 pp. M)DO. slomiy Effekty v Sa e hkent, 1964, chap. 4 iYall OTS CUL-tr-77 sci Aug 307, 3C9, 13, RLA oot I lad mmaw Ratisims 4. 1. saisukup" 6"Llm. U, DOOUVWva #As pp I)T-3-15 :313) 253 hOS IlAr All YS ilC3 Ar, I I "adil, I 1)1,scmsg! J4 iahs, by 11. D, Bl.omashov, 28 pp. r Uka. 1961,, 1 li~, EC4, t- T3 1 All basic i (I s o Rfidioactivp Gigi ia r! sr) 1( 6EI2742 blay K, 1y 1163 Effects* of Ionizing Radations, 12 pp. Vol 1; A# 'ru44,, Wdgiz,, Moscow, 1962, pp 13-19" FTO-TT-62-1616 8,~Zs U -Forl~ Radiation Exposure, 21 pp,, Wiatsi LO a i a Vol it 1-t naf L w Ik MDSCOVIO. 1W.- Pp 20-30, f 4,M2 MITT-62-1616 SIC 'd M.W. I PO sible Irrsdiation Doses and cmic M; irat. 6f Witictive Substances W4er, 11 ppp Russ b S! Radj&uIicOi4yA Gi L'yena, Vol 1, Gi As:;: p %82742 FID-TT-62-1616 /64 h Hygiene, Volume 1, IndustmW Hygiene, Ir y 0. W Pirkhomenko. (NY-9189) bi, Aidiaiilonnava" diglyena, Tom 1. a 106f.-SiOction lll~ Chapter I-IV, pp 87-125; Mec -IV ec i- Xhapier~l,,, pp M-137. ~~JPA ;l Sci Blol & Med Sci a 0 4j y, ass 11 dig'i 1j: pp! rot4letion Devices,, 57 pp,, Radl LYAM14-yol I I dRol ditz Mosaaw.. 1962, 0682742 PTD-TT-62-,1616 *7 s J, m, ;NJ Mo~,itoriug,, 66 pp AN, k $wists a tagirAnn'-mol izo MWcows 19621 pp 135=137~ 0~111 Fru 9. 42 1 FTD&TT.62-1616 p 4 3 A ON ~,EF OF gADIOACTiVE CONTAMINATI R I dks )",p RESERVOIRS; BY 55 51 kwAYA- G IIIYENA) VOL'Ilp IWGIYENA, MOSCOW: TNAYA, P jPR'S:2 BI( L I 241,71~ I a l id V.~ 4"l I VE SUB- CT tsd A A"If UN 1EIR I-G N TERRESTRIAL RATION I 29PP 1 R DIIA v ~ I YK G I I IYE VOL III 6 61; 11 ALI id 2 pp IOM9412 19 It t t P;'j !t: P 9 IRS 7,99 1011L ED( . y I 241,719 Ole Bf f .!t Radioaci.~dvT Conta-mi'aati.on ori the sarlita ca.~Jl i~ltj.okl~ of opler~L Rese-rivoirsi The Beh:w;_C),., oil Rad inctl- e Subs~eaice6' in Soils, and Their Migll~ Ii, Liperi*iCa.1 Flora cmd Faun-_ trid Ta,)16 I C04 Oits o~ ~.A. N. Mewei. -na RU s I m0 ui(ga" nn&5,m Gi,~JL Voi 11, _1224 *JPRS No Al:11 44uv ok ldu6ed Polpkierization of lioxafluorc- b no:, Y I I S40 ina, Ye. V. Volkova, 5 i~adiatsionnaya Kljim Polimerov, 395,971 d.ia'- i a,] ch~midfil R6connaisg~;ance, by A.~L. ~~vel 31 POST MIND u1 dYi U7 PP RUSS bk i~Aaatsibnnaya i Ehimicheskaya Ilaz-%redka, Immbo p c 1) 1961 p i Pp 11-115.. ~9693081 V m4m 4-1,' Ll GOV! T 1~ ~E sci,i-i ~em Jul;64 -652, 424 tiohl. Arctic# by ea WWjaujw~Li KULAt Arktiki. rn,wil s 14 f; 6_'y mar the Nff*CU of ~.~w !tow mmica tam $lay: F, J, :w pp 9M34 by ~Urajp b3' Aug Yl 49 IP 67 334003 71~7` orn. in Strittof uu. 0k 0. 141~ gollson, 230 1). Fo~ i 11 'SII bk R' ioursye; protses p Z DiS kromAJi, 041ukakh, J96T.- 1 66! . 14' 1114~ 6~, ZJ,2 v027 v F"i4 05 U StraLiCio~l I.Jy: son. ipf! los oli Li Jai LLLL I 5 Irpt Oal~6f Solar Radiation iii Clouds, F Aoany~ Protsessy v -Sloi!;- 2890640 NSP17 'Unc 1 RA~1~410',N ll~~THSI OFMCLEI AND STATISTICAL TMEO 1 1. ~ I A~l ~lrlnslatfon of "Radia!L~sionn~e R~ ~Jwwq Tp- Yu. V. Shirin siAisti~.Lie I ark V. M. Strkitinskill:~(~Akadllemiya Nauk ~ SILS1. S. Ordem,6 Lenina Institut Atomnoi EnergiJC 1. 11 Physi T-ti slations':, Mc-, c C 11 11; 11 IN, SDep .inc f,13' Illf SLA or OTS JJEt Iln b Y~~ Ej Romintsev bheW~aya Zascldt 252022a J jl~ 04,011 ~.6~0 14,ativo Production wid 1 104, 4 Vt~ajioos bi twic Crystals 1~ 41"61, 1par, 14,414ts Fiz k Naa, Lat I I~t Vol Ip V'104, pp J5-45, 925165:~ C-BI i W 2 4 72