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I i i The i~l ty L~l Od I ~ ft~ I i in tto tntuctic Sew; ,p ftirafti no 3s 1959P Irp 3-03-104. T" H 5090 INd M 0 ) iii-e I YaJionuilia, N. 'DIE O""..ill', T(VIC M' Alt"IFRIUAL i. 1 1! It( X,%, 11 . 6~ " -, 6, omktvd). PLANF 11! .21 lii,~; 62- 1 1019 C.,rdu:r froli V;'), or Tr,_-i-,. of Id :,J1 JjjA)~;j1,) 4,1~, I 0&~ irobjf~~, Manus, Rockeu', Orbital r1ir,111 ;_h1tidl, riterplit ewry ruajjoctorlm, Gom,ldurifilc Uiforr;%.ktfi,i~ 1,,.; rc-el(r~iol, In a "popular" SLYle, 011 'j1i:D,XWdS IIJW tN::Ir orblul. T!" Q, 1G) in fiatiou'a Newcay.. by A. Avaland, iA- 1 Petr"bkop 15 IY9- ~roda~ 110 April %9~91, PP 91-16- 1Y,014'A. G., Prof ;StMte of the Plkysics of the Earth Acad Sci SSR "IOS OF RAPID MATIONS OF TIM, GFOWiGNETIC A , AND BIRTH CURIRENTS" Mosc6w Pr*oda, No 4, Apr 59, yp 594)2 Will 1 ai.- ewr'i In IGC#6c,) p ld/27/V/-r,9 CEA- tr-9- Unc 1. (Natura., A F. l~F PI-iroda Radiob'i C-11-8 l~N Jug NATURELLE DES ORGANISMES MARINS. Rakoactivity of Marine Organisms). I idorov. Translated into French frolTi 4'~*-,'' No. 4, e,6-8(1959) Translations mc - 114 N"A Dep.(MC); %I,lC)(fs), (nif') JCL or OTS IleV 5 Pp. Bril"3" KA il E~ri.roda., Vol )CIMIll, No a, ation of Ultrashort R Waves) jR IT43e Pj.,opag by 1.1 T DQalilshunov) 11 PP - RUSSIO oda, No 5. 11,1511) PI, pet l~ Pri. FDD/X-408~ Sci j,an 6c) 1 TI he RLele'tre-tv!L", DY l. Gubldri, p-p. Prircida, 1,10 5~ 7741. r, DD/X-40~0 i,,,'L SC-4T,,)/~,c., JIM, (IG! Ir mitcary In uo kh IMUM~bEPTHS OF THE PACIFIC OCEAN, BY P. P. H4 $!ONt ET AL. ~ 1* i RIQ%c$IAIIl PER, PRIRODA., No 6., 1959. I i I ~ I I NLL M-356o 1 : `Stt~'~~Aons of tha Ultraviolet Region of r trM, by 0. A. Melvikov., 10 pp. ~R~M 3LITIO -par... PrIacid". no 61. a.959,. AC83:1 H;4542 59 WO )Pa~ ~L 1 St )dillllrl,l er., Sci - ~an 60 of the AODAC Nucleus) by Ya. pp - oda -12. ir iqo 6., 1951~., x-) 3 ~,-DDJX-4GO4 (IN -390t., The La-~~,~E! 31t. Cll'li~ the :' -.,tid:)7 o-f Pars by N. P. Barabashov RUSSSIAI No 19'~ PP 13 - lc-, - p er FT'i r od a., j P I i Sci - J!~ S l6rcm qtw( Auf,, 59, 61-159& ~THE t~l!_2oc .11-' :~!,Qrll) il~\F RARE' %-ART~j ELF- I C~_,rabjmovtikii, V. 1. MEWS. 21~ 6 It: 60, 2:1p. P figil. ainlittild) 11 (A'ologicid sulvey (11 :Order from s 2. (-,o 61-15965 U.1nilLia ;or rans, oU." W, lia WS 111) ) 959 [,. .19) ... 6, p. 19 - 2b. A .other tralie. to ovdi able frmn .'Lfjl $5.0). I )F,,;r. I I I F I'CIII 9a ril eli rth vivinniu. R are ca rlhH, The Phy6ic .Gof~ I Dielectrics by E Gubldn, B. N. Jldatsonaphvili~ p1). Ter, ~.iroda, I~io 6) pi) Ff)D/X.-4023 sci ~an 60 (CInt-er Id c -ObIM) by Remo Tw,j=p r jtj ul -ensn t 1.11 ?riroda, zo 19%1, scl. 11 Nov A jlybri.clizatiou of Pac',fic Salmon, b-,~ J~irv8v No 6p 1959y PP 98-100. ep 66 Dept of Interiar Q11301t C273s No 251 ii ft~ -TrIpao by D. A, Paump 38IANi k, 1h1troda, I so 7$ 2"9., avy wAr-173 L 14 or 10 youm 96 -2 IJ ~ew blethod fox t,he Production of Smicoaductors, by T 'd rovJ ~h 10 14. Vi PP abSOM14) p r) I iroda, 110 1959P pp 27-32. n 6o qa Ollhemic~il: Pi-otd8tion 'Zainst Ionizin,3 Radiation) by Lql~ a 14 4kj:: 10 ugsimq )6r 3-38- ~irllda, No 7.. 1959., pp 3 ~ci Jan 60 Certa~i of thIp RUSS tlfll~ 13 r iq ];T;s Ln theStudy of the Upper Di-, err T'here and Cosmic ST)a.'." I r Primcla, NO 7, PI) 76-' ICC 8n) 'and IV 17 pp. 4'&3V ~ru, ltriroda, No 1959 1 SWI~J, Glut )IjAlys 1 Dei- ~ne Lenin FrI2 e Ilia' The S-ync~ixbphaqot %I c RUS;MNI~ er, ~~j 'The Walid's largest .,,ccelerator on., by Kolomeiisldy, v. 3. lio 8; 1959., ),.)p ,7-61. 1,7DD/X;-4002 RUSSLUII sci.. 4an 60 ti-ji!Geophy5ical Year Solar Research in Japan, pp. 'r e )da, No 6, 1959, PP 77-91- f puseu3ALr RadJstlon) by A. S.- RM Or Prflxod~,,,Po 8) Aug 3,9590 pp W70. 299'6~Ci (YE 3,,' b 5 2,,-- n in r, ~TE vch~.i~gs oll Truth vncl Modern Scien-cul Liv, G. A IRUSSM.' P .pp 3 10 2 1,5 9 1112 'Recent At prest btatiolis of the Eiectron, by D. I. 310'.khintliev., Iii) RU33W I.,er.111)riroda., NO 9., 1959., p, FDD/X-4048 US,'OLL SC-5la/'5'w'- Sci jan 6o Soviet Alitron .4 pp. per) Sci jan 6o Distlullents by I. Se le shin', ~Ov, ?riroda, No (1) jc)5q) m) 3,--46. ITD/X-4040 US;:,S L-'~ SC -51b/59 Radio Electronics, by V. 1. Shumsur, ~In the jo 13 NO RUSSL%Iq )ero ~viroda# No 9, 1959, pp .................. FDD/X-4050 ISC-51459 ~Sci jan 6o r, r jaD al DC ~'7 5 rt -39/60 om t 11tho sconamic Geogra4v oz Cbina *,,~ro".s fio 9.. 1959) 120-122. Irg Chilli ow W-h4l-lia MOt4POlFC RUSSWI Sc i - ;Apr 601 JPNa seismology in Chicap by Chao per4 Wxgftj ft-10,- W9.9 VP OT-34 - AP c4orlap Ron Ceuta W-3516) s 0-83C /62 Rusl:) e scil~~ Bio' llo~l aad Birdb-O of ahina, by Cheag Tso-lisin Prirod a, No 10, 1959, pp 4~--50- *,IMS/DC-8,217 F :~R.wi&bhA asli, to or Physliologlaml InveBtigations) ~.y T. ik111kil PRO RUSSIAII~i it P, r,;*4-049, 90 10, 1959, YP 57-59- JFRS 0332 filar 60 In Ltl,~~ Aug. (10 .64/60 IPil atorati ~~j) !of :1 t V. Ice Oad 1~e of Irradiatod. lj'~,,,a5t, P~ll 7."-o J), 195na~j ir 60 7 Sx, VI .............. ZJ. Sci II!,- Eph-.4meride-e. of DAen i a". . ;! )I 'hontova, 6 pp p 0 Twt r ilri,roda M.) 10, 1959, vP 87 -39 - Sci -a J Oph 61 il 61-10810 Trrxiev V IG APPIkA OF. 4SFS UNDER mclIER PRES- 1. Inorganic subFtancep-- SIMS FO T! IF. I NTIMSIS OF NEW INORGANIC Synthcal : Cow" i . i [I ure research * . 2. High pres i Ordc-r. fir, J rn LC or, inl$l. 80. Phu. 80 61-10610 3, Gs sea- -Applications . 1. Tronev, V. G. Trans. oi _P mdal' S~R) 1459. V~ 48. M. lo. P. 89-91 Ponalbrill l e are flu keyed. 11 (Cheml r Y, -Incyr~j Ill., TT, Y. no. 9) xaviv of the GromiLazid Sea in thn Pmrgion SM by A. F. L&Itionov, 5 pp~ Prillp"roo lo, 3,.959.. pp 95., 97~~ Awr klolmorol Soo AF Combridep Boo Conteil.- Nib (NY - PhilosopAca, !Seminar of Biologists, by G. A. Kursanc!v, 2 Russl-41%-, pe.-,Il Priroda, No 10, 1959, Pl~ 107 109. .... . ...... OR` 5011 Aug 6u, A Pho Rod by (JtO. zeilkin. PlArofts- NO lip 196D, go. Pali Jun ciA/P* X-460 ~8- 0 70 S,t~J~ iet Casidic Rocket, 23 1)1.')- RUSS be4 Pa.-Troda No 1-1) ll~,59, i~i14 USASLI: ,C-72a/~!") sci Fl Oct- ol the Prob c Chemistrj of jj&-turaj COMNuadop by M. 1,1~ SheiT WE I MIA pp Fr'rodu, Vol XLVI:[I~ NO D.; 1959., ~IA'JOi687 USDA A Sci .,ept'6 ~ 1~ ~ 11 . j New iD ta 6 i:COE! ic Radiation, by G. B. Zlidanov, o pp. Russ' V 11) 'J~Orj Z'Jxg~~A, flo '1, 1959) pp 71-74. USASIA: SC-T2b 15'd sci ~S-t (.1 r iln Oct p iI i I Fosaw sad, ~ Vphoid Neftme from the SiNyrim I I I ,it I c4mftl. a q Le Do Mrochnikove "I I RUSS 14 1.9, Prlro&li No 119 1959o pp 109-110v ml tili ~M 10193) (RY-29CO/11) Blect~c he kcal Sources of Current, by P. D. k VJV pp. Prirpaa, No 12, 1939, pp 22-28. JMS 5308 -Pci ~neC4,, icity Jul 61~ 2- The ~mlc :ebreekerp by Yu I. Kiiwvj, 4 pp. 1=81 Pr1roda No 12,, 1959,, pp 35-40- 907110 Dex 617 twR ECOU Sep (.01 Now P Ei in 1~yaltry Baisin4,1., by w~ P. ceretlyakov. Prlrod.4. V61 MILE, lio 1(",. 1959~ PP 115~,5p'op('(~A 907106i USDA u s SIR Econ sep 6e,) tai by V- Sh3ronov, Vol. XI,TJ[t ITC) A., 19"0, R I S, Lrl> PIP sai ac a~ t~4 o, P,-=Ii-cA:kSa CIjib-orao ard Therapy cC i" p I)J A. 1 RU1311*1111 Ileill ~Irj-caa, Vol. U-11, '1~, 0~ ail.s 26,23 Worl.1 Voyw 'W~e "Ob'A" by, ,24M 7 yp. mim 3Mj No 1, 1960, pp 75-82. -ALL2 DBI: 649 J~,,p 61 i r~, ern Sir-UaTif,;, by ilven" of NO .;h ul t,,Icfl? PP 'Pl7i.vAlli't NO taw 896,:, M'la rf;ll ILna the colmalti by V, Ho 2) :L360, pp IGC 13163-2-3-23' The I tic isoloses its Becrets: Rv mta on tbo 14-Aw.~ 1!~po&tsplhy and %* Waters of the Aretl~ Bwj.~l by A. T' Treahnikov., a pp. Russ~-All:~p 9o44, L~Cjro&67 No :2, 196olp pp 2~, X95692 DM COVAU T R ".3 C 14 oph S et Dk -r .a Q'm' 94 RUSSIAN, 13 c i lfpi' d 1 ,lun the Dangerous Diseases of Man Skiyj V. Ya. 1C4' S' perVoMay -38. No 2, 1960~ 33 jnq 2723 The J,A lani Vab Ita le i R Kht. RUS~SJX,T, Sci Jill, c- Walrus: to Save and Increase a ;Lmml o--:' the North, by V. .1-t., in r, Plrimda, Ho 2, 1~60, pp Fisli Rei3 TI'd of Canada Arctic Unit (Loan On-1Y) 1964), 75 - - 7 7 JvFtS 5424 LIP c r LI ;G N CUMA C (I E f ' T ;IR 11W I ?~.. 174. Jer from OTS or ins ' ofXrirtxIa q 124-12 ~! Rented conce to create an thereby chan earth. Altho that the sugg t Marrh&cien(leo by z a r Icial -GED? (19611171p. I ref. 1.10 M-27496 060tv. 491no. 2. 1411s, *Climate, Sun, Rockets, -let academicians are pre- ious prolvaal by V. Cherenkov ig of dust around the earth and te (and illumination) of the the Soviet scicntielli consider hnically possible, most of sequences would be. disastrous ist on is ti i, the v i -, ~86) -Meto ology, T7. v. 6, no. 9) 61-27496 I - DSIR LLU M. 3174 OffIce of TOASIra $"Vic" 10 EnrICT L tirri l r, c- Artic" o- Pcm-anont I 'I' 'INI Ti~Stlngp by I , Rar Intions and the Humn Organism: 10111z~ rift The ~;24ch Idr means of Protection Against Radl.atllon C&Aamination, by Be N. Tarusov, I F I 12, pp". R i hS 5 li~ 4 1~. pri Primis, Vol XLIX, No 1960, pp 3-A JPRS 3885 S c 1. ed II Sep alf., 0 Wn 1~: (DC-66/119), by A. A. Yakovidn, 5 PP. 140 3) 1960, pp 47-50. OTS PB 131632-a-L9 Space Res 1960 Jun 60 ACTS PB 41-IGC TI 11`2 1Q,, ~,,'4j2- Cr (Dc-6u/lig). Glat~i~,t ofik"Waya Zemlya, by N. 14, 3vatkov, PP+l PeT, Fr~rodao No 3: 1 96o, pp 96-loo. Rp, OTS, PB 131032-1.1-9 Sel cop~blifv Spuce Rem Ji~ S (41i 0 3 C' o d a Blb 3., 196D (DC-66/1-19). ChrO&OLes -yr, Bemarkable Jotirney-B, by P. A. Gordby"y 'ilkojiij, PP. RUSWS i4! Priroda, 110 3, 1960, pp 118-120. Sel Jun Space Res IGC OTS PB 131632-119 x (iqV.6503) V, AND PHILOSOPHICAL PROM Blo iLc 111 6 N Yj 16 pp. EMS OF RUS~IGYN), FER P 4 1 ~)60., PP 11A I kft JPRS 14,447 scl BI 0 2021K908 u -1 1 1 711 "Oda., N 35-'2. Srl Qe:jpllyfl~i. Arctic RUSSIA111, sci (i P, Jul F; -i, rct.i.c per-,~Prirodla, No a, Doi Diomidov, M. N. 61-27565 FOR SIXIVY~ .N MA Rl ~TLORA AND FAUNA (A 1. Diomidoy, M. N. HYDROSTAT !9fj i4EW i16IGN). [1961.1 f3jp. [DSR 11. DSIR LW M.3044 LLUI M. 3644L. drder from &,di br SI. 11$1.10 61-27565 Trans. ofp 4 (Mq 1960 (v. 491 no. 4. p. 93-94. i 5: ydro tats, Design, Aquatic animals, DE5CRIFTOfi P lants, Behavloe; Disti bklon. Determination. ~ I! ,it The ' 'ros6 Y ~r~n subj rge to 600 m. Its displacement 215 O cu m ; to Weis t~with emergency loading is ~300 kg, tts.1wIght 3.3 0 mm, and its diameter 1250 (ftrth Scla, Oc raphy, 7T. v. 6. no. 10) 7! Office of Teewcal IwAc.s upper ",ttl lospWilre, t No Ala 16. AUTIA14111 per, Priroda, No 5) 1960, pp 11-18. J?RS 5352 sIi/0G ~.phys R 0 &0-.sion of ti2.t-- t)y A. Ye. solomnovich, (Dr, -4201) Pro~~tf ctiol ol.' Plants From Ioni:&ing Radiation, by L, IIP. Bret JIEMII-9, Z. F. Mileshlko, 8 pp. AN 0 III)SO ~ex, Priroda ,.Val XLDI, NO 5, 19"0, pp 5c -53. JPM 3838 Se I Meo 1~ Sep. f, 17d 0 5' The 4t RUSS,,~ PP 5~ Sep (DC -4201) T ortant Problem of Biology, by S. M. RZ TP OrG 1. P. Kok, 5 PP, 0 q ,p(I,r, Priroda, Vol XLIXI No 5P 1960, 56. JPM 3839 The S--Ij.cti 51hr RUS.Dl-mil,I~Per, Sci "-3 nnd SIcience, by D. j'~. Fl-ircda, Vol XLIX No Ship~ by F'. E. RMSD PriTcl,fal Vol XLI-.),, Nc IC e f!! F, -H fj,j pp, b N V Toltsinp 10 pp. '~4. No 6,1960, r, voi in un Infactim -,e C'untinilInp.. by V. M. Vol XT:*U) Ifo 6. -L96o, JFRS 9250 M-5629) by x. T.. Tapwv,, 22 vp. RUNTid Fob 61 mpe , II r J'~-Irlrtda, vol Vi, 19s) 6, 1960y pP 27-34. im 7613 -4 il " [i ).5 PJ),, Got 03 1; Get by Il. F~ DroGaltScv, Prlrada., NO 63 19W, pp 35-42). .......... Arwr 14f.-teorol Soc X-R-290 ;-j t I I IJ by V., V. Pariu, 5 pp, pp Z.PJ~L,-, 925n- Ids I I Tokii- Cl ~-er, Ll by Pri 129 - Prf'. RUSS 1 'DCIEI Vol XLIX *J-PRICI 1.6d 14 am and; Lee - BW Wtboft of SPOOdIM VP the 1 1 ; T100.0 bo~ X. 3- P4NBcbm=klyj. 4, pp. I I I y Y9-sV, rds ~IAN I per, prim". 7 Jul 1961D. A 9074583 0 75 3 Io I On i rlp tion Possible With Intelligent Beings r~ataf by I. S. SWavakiy, z v o PriroUy Ho 7; 1960., ]pp 21-30. NASA TT-F-6009 140 P do 4;~ 9 Off-547P.) I ri~j ~ j; HW.- i Tamperat urge,,. lay A, A. tivk~.Jrj 23 pp. Par, PTircda' Vol Vmj No 8. i5,~00 I JFRS 7349 - Itiliol 6 /'~' 6 If , 3 ~'2 - ~ le