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Mesynts6v 11. ,PPLICAtl JIF Fi IATHEMAII JC' I- IL I IANURAC Jsd Cop wivr, tT. iv T~ b L-490 Irder from 9.YI q j='Ct o, no I Des, "Pro1mblut B butiou, BrAf; (Engi An.= 'niecim, ioND i,sn IN '111H D&SIGN AND biO1L2CrRO.)Jjj_1 EQUIP- [Declbl) 250p. 11) refs. W-StO136 Lmle Teoril Veroyatnostel I ki priXonstruiroyanif I ~tury,' Moscow, 1938 1262)P. dc eq~ tipment., 6RAdlo equip- no Slatint1cal processes, fun ti.9ne, Statiatical distri- Applied mathematics of probability theory and Tr, v. 7, no, 4) (over) 60-51086 I . Mesystsev, P. P. 11, PL-480 Comm (60-51WO 111. National kience Foundation, Weabingwn, D. C. 01fit. 91 70-.~Wicool StlAtes THE USEO 241RCONIUM AND ITS COWOUNDS IN INDUSTRY, 1101PON RUSS I l~N BK )N -Y A Y *114"OST-1, K I EV 1906 LOW'. R!,Yil ;f Ow 2 pp 1-1 a. JPRS 15907 USSR ECONN SCI -IVIN/Ml Nov 62 216)265 63-12530 4 OF ULTRA-ACOUSTICS TO MOLBC- 1 1. Nozdrev. V. P. Cs. 560p, 1904 amnw. n. Gordon and Breach Pub- ;B 1.50 lisbers, loc.. New York ! 111. SCrIpte TeChniCa, Inc., no. nieneide tA'traakmdid v Wleku- Washingwo. D. C. le~ulem, *Acowtics, *MtrasaWco. r, TT, v. 9. no. 6) on" d Tackka SWAM for via rip PT) Use of therma temp6 r RUSSIA iveshc~ M. V. Bessonov U~itr ustic data for the calculation of the L~~on q ivity of glassy substances at high i Ltre 7 Pi) eneniye ulltraaJmstiki k iss 1961, PP 165-1T0' july trasi~~"Ii6d ii Industr"2 Processing and Control I ~t~l 1 1 i Vi. IP~O I s 16 Applied Ultrasonies, V. F. safe (E(d4s r)p 210 ppo . ! I qi '. ; imo it i Primnanie;U11traziruka v ~n~h- rm 4' 9 !V01 I Aug 19 may of M ~~ I I ~ I I : 1~, I r memindp 20 pp. ly* VL-tr*mNk&-.v. 1 -7 ~ pp 2IJ7-3a?- 9 70%.1 FTI).WL.810/1 ( .5-" / x" 'Y/' 3 ;~ On to a b Le Detor=tiou of the Elastic jcjkehi%6 Alloye,~ by I pp M t roomou ' im at"Ll Ob3mboul J40tsuo-V I pp ATIC JWL-1OCr2/1 cal 1. - -'ei. -- .- I issled :1r CALCULATING THE 01,118 SUBSTANCES M f~;T K ISSLEDOVANIYU P1.165-VO 1 61, 0 L Q-9, AJ CkA -Oil tai 0orsoci so I Mhod Of Stil m; bi L, per PT I - -- ac ij~-ill lie 671 for t1w Use of the I"iAg the Elastic ukhin, 6 pp. d Ulltraakustiki Ye. - --H T I-TO pp 249-292.~ 318.781 A Vac'Ui;,Wi'FrO Vanadi"' b RUSSIPJ ,~ Vbk moscbvj~ j 19561' Sci ' Aug 63 ss for the Production of Ductile Yu. Polyakov. rimenenie Vakuuma v Metallurgii, HB 4376 ~Discus~'i '!nof the Preceding Five Papers, by VYsoti6' ZAM6.dyev. !'RUSSIAlq) tk,l-imenenie Vakuuma v Metallurgii, Moscol't 195&.1 HB 4374 Sci - Aug 63~ A Vacuum~ 'c 4( ting of Molybdenum, by At A. Si royen RUSSTIAM"N ~bk ~Primeneni.~ Vakuum v Metaliurgii) mosco~';~p 1958', HB 4366 sci Aug 63 . 1~ I I i . I ~ i I II : I I uum T~. eatx~le~ of LiqUd Steel and Ladle and 11ed Atmosphere, by L. M. Novik. enie Vakuuma v Metallurgii, HB 4369 Gener Dik ssion of the Preceding Paper, by Guxev c RUSS osc b k ttt 195 Frimenenie Vakuum ir Metallurgii) HB 436.3 Sci Aii 3 8 Resul~p of ~Tbearches Into Vacuum Pouring of Allo X. 1. Gostev. yi RUSSI-~V bkjPrim'eneaie Vakuuma v Metallurgii, Mosco"ll, i950lt HB 4371 Sci Aug 6~ Vail cumi X>rUpuWp Valw=a -v 1611 ppb 4TIC F-TS-9571, Af MEVI M, v PK""PAQ TOU~, ITJP tic prutobar b361 Apr -LLI ru J u n'5 Tx:auar omber Steel in Vactru,,-i A, IL f5w,"viri"I. M~maa mlv IP91,kuuw- V -3 r 14362 Ar 59 liimbanla WWI mz P~b il~,j Ott 11fol Bel I ~v 59 of V*ctt= 1461t5jor CT Upa by A rkkuZ hii HB 4,365 Sell mu at ma InutaUation :far Pouritis ~UO Tonsil by V. L &mttskly. Hoary Ila-at-cher "Fix; o I, tli~j !df fcapact Caetm-FrAi Y, I u Vbnp ies.o by Vamum ikp; et 61 pw A22. b~a rai; 24 1 'Img Ond 1,01M. on Tug K. r'~Wprin, V. M. JI'mnsak")", VP m. Forging ialoyr in a A., 19 sii! 19 yn NOL-69111 rlima 3?rinetples ny, atal flat o", 2: 17 p #Vv v Wan lpting the Physico- w In the Treatment of zed: Beds N. S. Vavflov, 1: - navlMetanurgii, Moscow, 274,990 t I I the ~~ tallstar" Of kmi!Ctackb... Mad- OU Oda"* :4p; [1.1--.1 j[ ! i 278t486 i 1. !!~ ii .!; ~11~, I : - 1~ I I I . , i i ~ i j :~ L irl 11 ~~i i ,j I ,11! ; i. 111i'L''i M, ~i: ! . if ~ Lit 161, , I .j"Hi. . Of p by u SLI l it Ai b4ws A, 1. Smovo. Sat Alloys Th :?r~ t c T. IV ;,~,ution of Law!; of Distrib-tnioa on th(t ~viis df a Small Number of Observations, by V~ V~ C1, Ochwiidze, V, A. Kwaisishvili, 17 RUSSIAN, 1)" P.rinefianiye vyChisAitel.1110Y i ki -0- - - i y47 kit IL961, pp 129-1:59, 966831-3 Astron Apr cmaters for the coatrol of metal- by A. a - ftolywitkift. p Vr NO scl awl! 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A, Booborctdov RU "-'4 1 Vol xxxUr 110 11".. lip 3 1 . 4,1 Oa tba, act, X-lintics of Gplubilltj of Silicate kinera i~o soryov t o i Pr~r~,yol =wit 110 2# 3A7# 441A Roo Info Serv IIAM ftientift vomistry nvedltiOll lmib-c the structure of NDtuml and ~--Y4,; 4 ft~raoes by Ueaw -Df X-Ray spectro- ri. valAshtain* Copyl po~: PAroft, Vol No 2s 19h.7,1 p /,ae 96 About i ~b ii the Par Ewt,, by* 11o V, Slesuyicl~ 7i I mw* bD -irl. Priroftt Vol XMII,, No 2 194 6110 Bw Info 8v Ra 635 53 Wasm St Solent U10- Nr dun 56 Scla MY ~serviatlma of the Solm, Eclipse on by A. R. Karpov. 0 ,Pr",.,vol =wiv so 21, i947.,~ GeaplWalca iL Iteo Info Serv R.633 %%thdolls by Nkxma of Carbon Oxides, by S. X~ifklnd. 0 per., Prir*la, Vol XWIq No 3.. 1947t 45. Reomrah WarmtIon Service R 62o 7-3 0004 1e awdstry jan 56 =/m ----------- Strept ic IT, 3-Da Its Strilotural glemoaW 1--,y V. !Per,! MI., 140 3v Tiesearcb [nforzaatiOll York 15 Heir N. Y. R.W scleniii IC tq3~iaor'.1 Apr 5G ry vli*l Xwl"ints by 1. Fe ". 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