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i= at 1~~ Body wilb cavltl" IWIU Uold# Uy D. S. Okbotelm- pp Val Up IC ft, 14, 'k4 4 body 41-t)-i I)y PrJ k Mr-te -b; Mat by 1L. pp:, Apr 5C t 61-27046 1E FORMS 0 ISTA Bj SEMI-ARCHES AND I. Title: Arches kICHE~ (0 r nakh oichivikh l'blusvod,~i 1 ' - 2. Title: qctni-arches k s tw0y). Ian nL/T.4880. [DS1R LLUJ 1~161p.~ r!,efs. i1, V. V. 1. Sokolovs M. 2694;: A D- 810. 11. TlLfr. 4880, Order from ~r St" $.L 60 61-27046 Ill, Ministry of Aviation (Gt. Wit.) k] &I jaJivinatika 11 hickbranikal 7Y,ans, . 6101 IV. DSIR LLU NL2694 ( OSSR) L9 17. no L' ; F73-n- ( V . AD-245 810 P ~Conlll ?0.'us media, Miticity, Plastic- MRivro~ .' 1 4 ItY, RUjKUrt~)[ it t~ernall riction. I t s mat eof the two-dimensional limit- An investi gza I ' j 66~;*d medium with free con- f ng equilibri 0 a C 1 Mrs, this ccd t panied by ruixure curves. Con- i i ! ad ideration i lum of semi- i the limiting equilibr I - ~ I rches and c es r Iting from their mol weight and p n ammple iven 'a determination at rupture Offi-I SvW es Cs no.. 10) (over) ~(Mechdnl tics V. 60 -c PtsmaTUSTM SAW T;3TA UOTIUsa ld psua 0 aup PT6 j6d wo :DT!g.x TOG djoo puell* l d '%6T ii 0u lxx 10A IT4xaw T .4'emom U-ldl 4Gd! 'vissna Rqi Z)'adsV 01 T mo,j jo 9~Tpoq punoaV Ro-[j meajqcg jo~ catj pqq uo 61-23273 -19HERICAL ECARING. [19611 L Lo.-asynnskly, I- G. iext lift t~dcd) 2 refs, C61R I-LU) IL DSIR LLU M.2605 or (1-23273 ~ adi I liq Malfernal Na il 1.5ckh[anikal 1 , 1 b. v. 20 ! *1716 dflow, A~mlysls. Spheres. "Ibmil 9 Pre sdl ted of the moi Ion ct an Incom- l ' 0 t d'lxjtwecn a gtatlon3ry outer ~ lcctt~ j movir irmcr sphere of approximatelythe Ir lkc~,,ral found y G. IL Wannier iL~d hi' 1 -32, 19R1) Is used: the tilion c riesponds to the c-ise of rotation C, rpu-nd the axis pzr~vndlcular to ol; 'Pill e cenlars. Ibc tortnuble (I tile oitc. .1 . of; id main moment ci the 1 end fluid re. -;Ii)*d r0 yparnics, IT. Y. 6, no. 3) (over) 1 0 Flow ftot a PmfUqo in the, Presence F Du no whiab mmimtes In a ilp up ~ Z~z Lb rossion Sbock, by r. 1. Pranki, 12 pp. R per, Prft Natmat 'L Jk& Makh Vol IX.. -No P soil i loop avrodytimico 19% 0,0114tions of Dlffamntial I~Tuzin. UIWL RKMLx&"-Hlkbo Vol )ao no ft 465 Jn/0114 T 2rj2 oa- V1 6v~ti~t, ofaPlate Mmir4 in A Goo, by A. I ..rma~ An? 19 matomt i am h V03- xx, ma FS 11-22-5N Sail A tor Iwo mdIat bay ft-MMA 2s MA R-A3 Sol t6cerning the! A"lleatica of A. N. Lyapunov's ikihod tquations with Ula Lap, by N. li. Prik Mate=t JL Nekho Vol XX, 1956, /17/ Ave 58 ~i :)I, ~,Cln F. TU iz~;s i'l AN; Vcl 3,, 1956. CTA/FIDD X mix M., PIN:, ri Laxat D:L i 'i E uc., to 3ev, ion I:i:p jAf t Ln a Oily. in -Acn4i( G., 1 TagaDmv., .1.8 pp, C CV (Of I T! Flair RV t,3 Per, 4eld~ ki xx EL14.1 to t law". PV Isf T~5-R"M 0 A121 1 . ' L Dft bt 4is. AF 1054597 MQ.,qtlcsj, research /day. thrdav,y lowsr of * cimprossaa a" on c cue at owleomble wwonturo, ~4 Y,* Lumv, UOABWM Mk sht &-I*w Vol XX. 1w oul oxidingE Equilibriu, a of a J~byr.:Lcpal ~Jlb 1; 1 21sp F~--txeadu l4tj." ~kwable Support Fbint, by A, 'gu- Ish Dam 3. RiSSIAN: ~erj~ Orikladnap Matemati%a i Pp Jan N tstationary kiotaid- wa~ 61j't 09 ury or 61 ius,,,I~y a m. xv6TY5III=. it i iiT 40201-410, P911129166 ty S14 vS W LIO-Itat J.0a I d "Ireen Storm ses and Deformttoa in ~0i NO I-ililmmar Theory of ]MR Elasticity by L, A rilakonnik Ov, 6 pp. HUCS, E!r~ 'j? 3 I'la,telmat, i MOLh" Vol XX, Ho 3) 19V PP 1138-444. C811to Sci z ct 11vilhods in the iiolllincar toci I Ii SS: jIPr$ ItTili tlUtO i 1( : .0 Vol XXS Stj~ 449-474. P100,066366 6-1. 744 ct II.It 12 tll) U clar A. R S~OF~THBTHEOY OF sg tw THa iw~mdi- 2 mcm IILSM OP HYDRAUUC RUP- f IL-IW UM LAYRR (0 Nakotorykh C I up~i, W, yozallmyuskokh pri ` GI. avIlchaskago ~Razryva r sta), 6 I 211271p. (fareip taxi i? ~2. 60 62-14583 k dw temailks I Mekbeaft ~ 20 41 P. 475-486. q Elam ity. Tkiewy, Petroleum 1. ; imecutlics). iprti~k- ni ed of the hyptiliesis of - Na'uk SSSR 6del. Tekh. t!h , idw no. 11): from v. 8, r;Io49) (over) 62-14583 1. Title: Hydraulic tramming 1. Barenblatt, G. 1. Office of Tocimical Services on vie 0v oym-horlson Comyson: by h. Yu,, V, pp - UWIA"IFIM R WD 8 p lk mtems vo 3. U., no pcr,~ 48 ATIC F-TEI-9335/v acl fiw Fab 58:: 6a1 SUbillty of ftet=$ V:Lth iff 6 cp It V. Xmo*skiys, A pp. Bpi' P Wtawt,i YAkho, Ifol Up 1956p pp SLA;R-2331 58 71., Y1,9117 lea or Thme-Dimensional Supersonic ig. xopns by 4 pp. j,,h:jtXwLJ-XWd4,.V,o1 XX, go 5., ,, &M1 to IR 520-57o UWE,, ATI Dir. 1! I Ar io93644 -- ties , ~ t , ~, ; 2 '3 .5 J l 1: Ilicoxy of i:lastic bolotiri., .-a 1 6 IP3 6.0 50 1-5 77, lltwulase) Z. ,,I JI f v, e . . . . . . . Vvmmmis sit tical Shear pv".wr ~-qn the Cri Stj elL ;~Iindrical Sh-- ;b Rtl !I ~Uekb, Vol XK, No 5. 64.,04% wo. NA SIC I U. L 1. ilmi L 251s958 Ca tb~o ~ho: P, P~ iff of. ~,Ubdlity of W.Arol PrTstaw, mtevvi, VIDI 209 1956, 363.633 i i j i I TAblis i Prii. ; of; Niekh) Vol XXI., No 1; 1957) PP 3-153. FDD X ), ( , , :~- V ic P-mdulurA., by on eoll of tya wroscop A, Ihl VID1 XXI :L Nab 1957S RDSP pp 3-14 -9289/V ATIC F--" -17 sci Jan U4"d OW an unwating I Buoy pop% 1 Plu's NA Vol. 23-v 195TP w 147 (Two NLL 5 act 4(*tOB6 ~wuping~ by M. D. Didyzhcnskiy- Ims 3" An J, r, 1---,ik lfvtemat i A,,kh., Moscow., voll~ 1) 1957) pp 27-34. *ATIC O~', lAbs~'xmts;d Artieleo,# 11 pp. llftj Vol It 3-X52p 84*1 to IR 975-57,9 UMnjp ATI AF UW363 themtics Ug DV&tl=c of' the Sketic zip: A Conleml Sholl of ROtrat,10no bY fl- A.- RMO ma""t 1 NmkboalkAr 195T.P par 150 vox "6a Co-op Tr 3chean 585 s4a - )*;h,, IT ~3rblcs i 59 Appi6x if -6U It6jgrati6n dt Equations of a Plane Problem Ofthe eoi~ ~ladticit~y, by S.. M. Belonosov. U11C IAS IEI Russ per!, ~rij Mat, i-Mekh, Vol XXI, No 1., 19'7, 'PP 16,1 9 5. *DSIR/TC-.L 101 Sc 1 14 -th Oct 61-16124 Ran liltln, 1B 5 E~-n I ES 0~~ S&LmONS OF SYSTEMS OF.DIF- F vt AL F ~TIONS wHipi '% HE EQUA-I-IONS 1. RRzumikhin, B. S. lita 1&10~ wrrH VARIABLE COEFFI- OF ~ CIENTS 119t.1,1 ~. 2 rtfs, or&. I, (I cim UTS 3~ SLA $1, 10 (1-16124 Tran~. "ya kidternatlk&A i Mekhonika (USSR) 1957.1kv 1. nd. i, P. Y - lai. DESCRIfTORS-,~ Cifferential equatims. Nwnerical afl~l ''is *Mofton. '!Stability, Equations. TT V! t, no. 2) (Mec 11 11 5d5 GE-1 R, E MAIDZE V. G On~ as"1.1ptod S'tabiLity in the first approximation Ueber 343 ~,ptotische Stabilittit nach erster Mlerung Prild. it J~ Mekh. . 21, 133-136 (1957) - German E u r U t 0 M n' or~' of onic ~ej~,' c ~d Flows, by, B. M. Bulakh. 0 UNCW jiw RUSSL i)rik 14a 4e 1,~e r t ij kh, Vol, XXII No 11 1957, pi? i43-AM5- ~ I I i f, ~I 1~j 1 !~.11 1 ~ i f ! nt. ~ ~114; 0 ~ ~~d~o 6nts; of : 4'j''4t i Mekh, Vol XXI, No 2, 1957) pp 153- tv'ct Uw p4tatlag mmqmntEi oce 0, WA ltbe: CaviV of vbieb u nuzd with au Boo Ad, by X. Q. abeuqav,~ ly pp. m,-..L r), hlk bbkbil voi xxio no aF PR 966D8W A= ISM-89/V 171 Th Yv lithe fm-Oymscope Vort1calp by A. Yu. yol" pp" lpol". 1prat mumt I Iftwo Vol Va., to 20 19$7 sq~ Problems in the Gas Dy= luiG PIQ~rp by Yu4 D. &Wgievrillily, I munim USSR Tt pp 195-206. 1~"" 21~ alA 59*10317 rorl p 550 5? 7, Vdxdm= Drug Lu a f%poreonic 12 I)p Vol in. V,.. FlAk .-I-jbm 51; 30, . 4 I)XaB, by Y. L. ZhUiu, A. IMW L Nekh,, V03. Maj. a3m, lb 2'i WDO .V.l 0162 ii k c r~ ments of a Friable I.L,~diuft by S. C-T, Oryig- SSIM por,,il p!Xkladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 1 21 ~c 12 95 7 ;pp 22 l1n. n 69 373gSSl on ~.U f b mving in Pp. , 41t R Itra %toftt I mb)&PPDMJ Vol MY '110, -1 L ZT; ~pp set IT 44the 1 11 7-7-7- AJ~yf qy'40 ek.1lutica of a Nonlinear PrA% Mat i VAekb;; Vol )1=, 1957 S4 D'.1 v~nf 6o ~j 'Pe;rw", Ittioust by o Vol Wol,1957,. yp Amer Jbth The Aug H HX,21 Kt, %n. j,'1 INCHON' y c,k\,cli~ i Oki, ")VIII'M OF Dilitq'i 11:10- PD[c ml-'11~~ I hi G 10, pll$~I. :v) (.1 11R,21 10.5 v. 21~ We case of the of a ~(ie waved by V. V- 24tw~,J;ov3 3 pp. XPS~ ~er, Prik )*temt i &-,Idi) Vol. )MI. . .. ....... YO, m of OertAin swic Flows of a Goo# C:b zxln umm Ipm~, ftlk iftt t malch, voi mat No 3t 353-36M Ra $,'L6 6 t5786 1 CAL IUL ~Q I UENIEWS SONIQUES IYUN GA'?, l 1. Cbushkin, P. 1. kh'rcchcnii Gaza) Ra,g~h~t, el lorVil- 2~~Vukavv 11. CLA-tr-111007 lcaiculatil~' , Soil! G~S Flows fof $oltlq VeWtyl tr. Ill. Commissariat ~ I'f-'.ncrgic by Vin(~gi-jidt fl" B. i 5~,p 00 1201p. (forcip text in- Atomique (France) cluded)l 101v Is. 0 Trans' no. R 1007 (text in -b,- , rr""L l ()T oe.! LA $1. 60 fj I - 15786 OrdL.r ro S tl , ilch o Jkl[adnayal Matlematika i I Trans i1 ~17" Mckh1ahik ~0 clssl~ j 1 17., v. 21, no. 3, p. 353-360. DESC111mbf, Bod~ S~of revolution, *Glis flow, Nuineric~al~la )iffereliti.11 CqUaE10115, VCIOCity. consid&J-11 ic, ~i" wt"~ I I.() Elio appj-'~Iuch Upw od elli1xics, ellipsOids 'f ~ -iivolvill ni(direiition of the Ilow c(Anddes Witt) thel jil a arbarar lone contures b y p y lip 4 flow whic-1111pr-1~1gati~! Kith s~niic velocity, With The aid of a rnetholl iA - k-~ dr6dnl~lgyn for the calculation d OMc. M T.6.40 S-ic.. (hiechallic ~cr(xM ii~ijcs, 17, v. 6, no. 9) (over), a Dwi MM. IA -oe Tgcz, iu,61-by 1W the I*aisity~ by Yh. A, PrIJc Iftbimat L Vol. XXII, .073W37 AM Lib Tr tes IdSlIbViUM Of 16 110doO in by L. M. Xmianov. uni, '5 -14 W4 Okhs VOI IM, No 3., ~ _i -T PToblems in Connection with 8 VIOW of a Viecaus Irrickling LI 'I 'by A - ~StiNtt;, 19 UNCLAMMID qu zz Pei, PrikUdBOYM Xmt*mtllm ~~z.-hanikm, Vol N it 'I? 424-4olo. vE Ifeat Con, tl~ I~irl m Revolving Round Pipe With a cl onstan ~ture Gradient, by V. N. Golubenkov. (7 1 ~_mpe: UNCLAS8 F SD fiUSSIATI.1 er, iltik Diatermat i Mekh, Vol HI, May-Jun 7, pp -L39-141"C'. 195 *jl.TIC F-TS-9489/iii i - Ph ic iY'r Apr 58 ScAie SwiAtims of the Equations of ~4~ Notiork of an IdmU Oas.. by pr* !AP Vol xxip TIL T Sol Jan Ji 1 11. i ~h st n t ility of a PLane Stationary %ock o Wavql~i by S. N. IordanskLi.11 HUSS11 3 p 3 Prilcladaga Matematika i Mekh voi 1~i ~ m'~, P-P765-472. 1A NTG 1,7 1 ~-l 43 ~0-0 2 Febj. 7 2 La,-4e- w ;Ioif Wave in a 7 PP, .p bx vv Wmi 7 AM Lib ep cn tIJI. Li q~ i "i I,gtte RUSS J Aui3 Q h ~i~ Of a colitedner Partiall-r Filled ~,,ith o Into Accowat ikrge Notions of the Nariuanov. ijol -rj, 1'.iatc i heldis. *Redstolic rocnad c ill A j~:!;;n:1. I I ~). 3 rels. , j~w "JS S-2110 m S Tr t iLt (U. Y. TIO. 4,' A yurk Tr, 5, hsformations of Equations of the Canou~ 1 a ,uk;a Autow ic O(ntrol Theory with the Presence of n~uti,40 Ila J. idialsi by Va A. Troitskii, 5 pp. 11 ! lwss~16J Prik hater., i HoU Vol 21, 1957, $771i C-T .574-577 Rul 70 FT A. co&t,~Jl utj,~, 11 to Vla colkstructlosi Of PIQriodic ax~ Au~tcxu= 4kystems wlLth One D?3rca Pr cdo ']by 1P. Yroskwyakov,, LL pp. 4kaj, Vol xxio Ito IWO IV W7?v- A= IF-TS-9453/ni act Fab 59 T71 di, E4 uatiomi anM Tbr, U., Bmin0l;)i-ty tht- Ciit;e Pf 1,,o,. I.(),, at ond I Oi~s r ve Ir e n -MOa(~Vai,121)r Raref jer3 Gas, by po* PrIk Witempt i Mc-kh, Vol XXILJ oo 1937 9 WIL M. 2392, 111i th1 179, J- d' NYTOY (TI. ilt,~: Buod on 14n Amvcdmtion) of C~ UtIOn Of tAkO Systai or Differential Ldscautimm Udit-Hand 83kides., F - R. O=tWktw- pcrj~ r1kikt"st I Uddm Vol xxl,, RUSU4 !JI; Ru 890 j~ Sel dS s jou ill J. 63-14455 N. 1, 1 PR8 LaA [106) 12p. 1. Krammidt, N. N. ,B S, 60!, 63-14455 va frZ -I-Z'o'r' S L A ml $2. 40, 1 " 13p,,'. I l ~1 ; l "" Mathevutkal W ' of fl we Dm~et~ ZOOZ ~ W o Icsi Tr~mlatkmw 147, 196 1. DIMCA 01 Tt-JWk3l $MIN$ DrakMin; E4 ICIL HE SOLVIlot I OF F sTA,rio?Xl,Y It rm diij.JQ~n tip. lenil Wyi C'rm 4o S onvekf,sil v Aone r fr onn is. of pf 61-27298 EQUA'nONS FOR A CASE I 1. DraMlin. EL M ONVECTION INAN INPI- C 11. RTS-1853 A 6LIN15911 (Roshenie Urs- U. Depannnent of Scientific and a Statalournot Teplovol fulustrial Research n, Not,lomiorn Krugovorn Tal- WL BriL) 1965. 61-27298 arnxtfka I Mckhonlits (USSR) r ~ }P. I S( P. :SCRVM~,~-. sicyll6d Ical fes, stIlLinatical fly"j.;, ;*I jj~mtIra C(mvectim, Illermill the PrAle f stativ uLry heAt convection in the cen- Bec d0i a"! X 16na 66 ~4ue circular cylinder. con- ned ifi ~n I Iif 1~ te s~j d 'Mass 'with it tempersturt gra- lysics- iri ri Mco, rr, v., 6, no. 8) , (over) 0M.. of Tec6ical S"tes ~he'~ Otion of a.Container Partially T FM led[ ith Liquid: Effects of Nonsmallness f L ud Motion, by G. S. Narimanov,24pp. ,q I I ''. ja 14stematika i RU per,, Pr.WpxIna Me Vol 21 U 0-'700. 140 5., 19157., pp '9 CIIFP~TI 61,71347. 322)", i I echanics I 6-i. JA~I 24liations and BwWlary Conditiono foi ko,"Im it Slightly Rwaf led Gas at Supersou.~(,- , a, 1 1 , UNCL s I, Y p ~3 HOWU ~pe PrIk mtem-t I mkh,, IrO.L XXT, No 5" 11.95 7 59~ DBIR IVY (loan) M.470 ~9 of tbo OtbM OC &WU Disturbances I'm' dmr lkwmftry Uyerp bv prik *Wiv Vbl IM, 1957P 13 A~prc ~At=ti Me"it-hod folo the Jntegratj.Oj3 t k qmtiaz 4,0 ]~Onstationwuy Laminar Douridary ~ it aID c 61.131e Fluidp by L. A. Rorzin., 12 pp, er Matemat i Mkh, Vol XXI Y& lqj~~ r ITS 6 5 MIBA IT F-tn~ 6 ~,Tun 60 Of: Cyun&iml MolU arA pail in i rim vir 0%or by R. D. RUSO p4i T-prlk.wAdoA,.,L, *Oki Vol 1=1 SOL *7,q AL Oct 63': Krssowikl~,M. N. ON A PA R*nCLILAP TROL. 10~)113' , , p. Order, (timn tylor s ; ~; Trans. of Iri adna, 1957, An emT a p fes es I kh) where (I ~t' it .... 3t aie~he Xr. L%414 113 NUNN. tm Urnit ih 6i 0 "A"aim i66 h _ , ROBLEM OF OPTWM COW 1. Control systerns-- a- Mathmatical analysis 2.,!% ph$3.30 60-1881% 2. Differential equations-- J; 7~4 Applications Is 1. Krawrokly. N. N. iM477 of the systern of finite dil- 0/0 4. P4 u (kh) -, jgkh))k Ld (I. > 0 = '0m), imtes or a point is the pM*e ... ur are cm cowtxd varia. umcdow wd &I. qij are can- idewrilbed and dw pasesge to mum* promern for differetitial ii omee of Techow Sw%4c*t (Niladwrnatics, 7T, v. S. m 3) bbe of It Symwbrl ml Gyroseops# ItR' 6f CO, I liab Is Patly Mod. Witb a Li it'ID 1,03. )m elm., pi W-700. AnC 64, 58, tbw lot rinding Part4dia 1.9 y! Ammo via xxxt no A 'T- 62- 20-1, DETF IN DAN 10m, D.D. ;o (Oil thf., 11clel-Illinati(mi U C.NWS - X \V 367 f 1)isplactm ile ~~j i~i Ga I I S, Problcw). 5p. lrcN. 11'. ('01VI'l- NATi(IM11 dC 13 14-OIL-1- *16 che scientifirple. P.Iri~; r fer fr6rn 4Y I S, 1~!Tc' Ili ONKS rr-(52-2G7,,i2 1~! Ir rims. IT 11: Ikilill)'n h1mematiki i hict.1w- Do- f Mizifion. I-TJ a'k I ~~,Jve I, a ~Compressiblc Flidd Taking Radiation ~(Il coi Into, by V. A., froko*elr Russp pi r,, Prik Matemat i Wldi; Vol XXI No 19571,0~ "bp SxW 775-763. *ATIC list: 1 12 J~f* 58 TOM by to IS6. )WIA c lo 6p too on :0 pAry of Boraft's Kmthptece f or a ,b P! ~,?#,Pr* WSh I MMkj Yoi xxi.. No 6v ip TW 59