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VA-i A-4 Lo -2-0 f Ft ahki F.L. s C, 0V 7- OL N 14 'i P F(I K! I, TE. b 190 ExH vo, 1 XI, No 2 Fe 10 pp "Reei'll 6cal, ~ctibn of the Boundary Layer or, the Dis- tftb'AAon ~! , . I I 1 1, Over the Surface of a Body in a w Loytsyan,;kiy kmc; F-TS- 15T1 P L M MAANKI i ~i MMHANPU Mar 194 7 xi, N8 6 pp "Dist ~i utic' lof!Pressure over the Surface of a Body ti of~ Re6 u in 'I'a G as Flow of High Subsonic Velocity" Is Eterman 4941,,. Ic Proj ~2 P7 PYC copy~ AF-2,1 2~T3 ~-493 Eladtlm. coa timts in the Nonline~tr Theory of siltin PF1,11 RATEIMATIKA I MECHMIPA~ ~i Vo-, XI) 4911 7~ oil! o il p! 1, m A. X., S~W:se I -T- Tl- MA 7 1841 lko,*M SAb, lb AIOVA PRIK j,, H Vol xi No 1 Jan 190 10 pp 11claicill"Iti6~ 6`f 1~otefitial Flow of an Incompressible Fluidli ~st Airfoil of Arbitrary Shape" S. G. Nuzhin J AMC ~~,,~s ATI 2 f6 7 i (Co~ 1) C 14 i~ 'Lit) 8T99 PRIK~ Ill Vol xt No i Jan 19h 7 10 pp Pklh6l, 6rai I ~l das Flow ~Past aa Ellipsell L~- k. ~,4ri as hov AMC T F-ts-l COPY 3~,.; e Bno4 GJ L r I ing rol o by S A H Ifur iev., 29 j~p, 7 1 'ISIS Va 1,5at~ i Ifekh, Vol. XI., 14o 1~ I QP A Se.1 Traw Centel' P%T-2'51 r.Int, if: J" ~4 the it 0 Of a vim of ftuLte span In super- "Cl Us I Mokhanika, 1947 v0 Sol Ub ]b 52/0,M Iirf va 4o 2 Feb 1547 x PRIK mAT T H VOL 4 i)p "SuIper logic O'wA 0u a Triangu:LC-Lr Wing" Gurdvich Done AMC F-TS-12. -1A, n if il( (COPY AF-2261 141 :L5'lri3 LOU tho'equatUbs of a WO&oWt 1947 Scl W"Va :Ub No 59/0995 .*A em i~Mekban Vol X:1 No 2 Mar/Apr 47 IT n=tiozo~ Motion of Groiwd irsters with a free ,rfa. byl K. Kalinin (deceased), P. Ya. Polubar- A,L f-p X-k- ILI PRIKL Ai ii li~'I~TIKA I Mar 1947 VOL XI, No 3 pp "The, ory'll. a Finite-Span Wing in a Supersonic Flow" S. V Falkovich 4941i1 ci Proj~Z Donie:l b# C AF4260h~ 20T3 sk,~wkstp ~by F. R. Gantmkher, L'.'- ~O 0 RUSSI ~pri uhtemit I Wkhp Vol XI, No 3. 1947s Pp Sai Trama 8 Center RT-314 kicien ic Mathenatics lo CTS /bE ? qtematiktl i Mekhanika vollune XI llo 3 p a g ENS .313-32,8 ASIM7,U) c I~t ~lticn of Van Der Pc,:-Is ':'juation A. A. Dorod-nitsyli i~-tirc,)w) Project Vok CD ST-256 S 9 -Nav 52 On viria~io~ by A*! Marl kn 4011111 pagi) 339"50 (.1947) principles in the theory of plasticity, ABC Trans (avail Brookhaven) log PJAM:6 Upect Ra e - I 71 lm,l i;3 RMISS t 1 A 11 p4k Nst i Kekh, NIal XIs f pi) 3 f a 37 ~ i Tw6v Center Vic ! A=ronautics tics in V. No 3, 1947o RT-497 The at! I 11 14, ; tO, 0 Vol lip no er '777-- L9417 0VW& Ao W, volocityp 9 pp sci v4sous ub So 52/0991 61-19573 Riz, P; ELASTIC #01 ~IN n~!E NONLINEAR 71-IE- 1. Riz, P. M. ORY OFF~, IE , A 01) U! L& 2 prugikh Konstantakh v 117 iI I 11. JPRS-R-493-N Nelinein6i eg Ii Uor ti). 11961] 141p. I ref. 1 g 111. joint Publications Research ' I I [JPRS) R-40'[ . i I I ' Service. New York 61-19573 Order~ fi~~jq' or 91 A '41. IV if 11.1 1 day' ~atematika i Me 'rrans. 0 10 khainika (USSR) ' ' ' 1947, V. ~~ I a 4. ;p ~93 - 49 ,4. DESCkIPTTJW:1: -Hiii elity, Theory, Deformation, Stresfies~ -A Theposs, ~itl is indl ted oti selecting additional else- [ i tic con such it y &alto describe, with a con- st~n 1; 1 1 ; be- siderabli d e of oxi nation the relationshi ~ . p .. i t i d i d f h meen c r nati t e stresses n an sotrop tM body. (Aud, (Mechanics ri r j no. 2) Office of Toch.1col Servic*s Dyi X~ an~ .41 for in 4,arsonic Flow, hl. Aid MWj, 3 pp. ii xo 4., iqkT., V V03, xi J, t Utio,ml Advisory Coadttea mu4~tm. 1283. 2151 - LOJOY) M"em Lito No 50 ,,I i Vrincepts Of lik!,uaticris of a siAiatical T-7 L i)y Z. VIMOV., 9 pp. AZOAjIll, PkikL-4~nUa 1.4twmatik-a i :Wdiani N rg 521-526. voi 47 V :l'ar 115 3761514 till (it-F 1. Mi Sci ro t T I *iw~ of lgatiUA14 Twisted 1360 M-, RM 1, 0l U." )"AM Old Of Rquatiow of Us Dyumics) by I. DP* mat i wffi~ Vol Xi., 3194T. I, "gal" &L.A. Tr R-549 (At TA.A^~* ViF36 Plq~. '' 'ic P low at the Impeu,.-t of a Cylinder on Rat by- F. A a Bakhahlymi., 14pp RUS 3 r,, PcJ.UadnN2 Ilatematiks i Mekhanika V~ 1 19 Tfo!- 11 pp 47-52 641-L0346 I Et1i I 6f an IiUstic Me~kium Taking the f Into count., bSr Yu. 14. Rabotnov,, JI0 Perp ot i Nelda V, xix~ 1940*" m Oci Hw LIb No 55/1178 C, 19355 ~01 141i1, :5,c :1 S, T6,12 AU iOA*io ShMov Shells, ty ab~ I P, ~u Prik matmat I mom? Vol X117 V60A TM U.U t hipio Lid~ I usW In law Us" on the t ottkdck aid thin plates 28 Vp X*kh&nUM.. per 1 Vol I SCI Nuous Ub So 52/0987 21)" 4 itz for Transendent Equations, by Matemat i blekh, Vol Xii 1 1948) *JPRS for ArLv Rocket and 'Cuided M'L'ssile A-gency pr,YMS, P ~ pi 1: /6o ~ " ; I I 17,11 -771777 i 7777,111717- Te .4.4. 'ofHy&odjbWwa Grids With Thin t b A' AW 23 py y 0 Dupeako? wa"31~ L melkhp Vol XII., 1948 AM. P-M-'Ps74 Jaia 3-952 OtS 0: a of rr*edosti c1 el. 63 PR Jo i 14khanikap- 1948 PP I' Sdl lkwom lj.b No 52/1001 PRUM, 4AA 4T i mm VOL XII No 6 Nov/Dec 48 PP An A:6 bcly~ EI.rinitting the Solution of Problems of . ..~ i Flat- ASIZic plastic Objects" L. Al !Galin -BrooW~A On t,11 Lab Upton N. Y. Guide ;, iTrI 2,~ 9 se~)I !h9 19/49T118 *vtv~�*tb so asl degrees of to, Sys"I a "Amvj, 30 pp ISMLWOR I MakhaW kap 108 gal lWseuu Ub No. 52/1000 i of, aI . , QyUndior in t visco.. =.*I IW * A* IMldWbJy=* ~ *M,at I Vol 12.p No 6j, ; I , 7 A .UIA4 ogy, t)he Pland SlastIC-Plastic Problem.. by I ails Ruqs: POIlik N i Mekb., Vol XII, 1948, pp IT; 7 ~166 ABC Tr s Cie Alif i(. -,,Matbematics tb LqI h icl~ ~Dd the Problem of Ot IfaciUstar With "Combined 541 Sh"M Lib No 5210365 self 0 Ici Uo! ib~ an Slec rical 'Fonou-Tip" 5 t byj R! ~ws tlao.~ Ifta", t ilicith, Vol. 13, NO I., 19491" 50 1 6'~ 6 0o i Ha nts: Royal Airc.&ft Entab. elb P15~ I London mw'imeum Lib No 51/1366 R ity Mrik~, Ifm Lunt Ig. on 1.4ek ~Vol 13 55-78 1949 don of spherical waves' in an elastic- 469 29 June 1951 L Loade4i 11 O"j) rtu~O Iq ani -Imstic Axisymetrically all6d Cylbider, by V. K, Prokopov, Prilcl. Hat1j. rL-kh, Vol 13,p 19499 367o077 O~f pole OfA f oUj ip Gas Strom at Sonic L.'AC loft makiyq 30 pp. ic witano UUMMI Vol 1104 (Pee 04W-stauv; vatiowa 9$ -in Mi, h o or AsrommUce. soriutus 130-30 t, (Ott %F&WJJA to an AhloU of n a a Gas Stri With Subsonic WOO klzj~ 16 pp. Vol ~r, ivik t4 13 2).,1949,,- Mbo, -209,,-ki;Ll ~lwe UfifWll~ BUtes: HatloW Advisory a of SqrfW= of Sepamtior. 4v6 ve As. Borps-tat -T# P. -Ditrk~nj R= i b#i rip Prik i memo Vol. xmv NO mmtmt UM. -TK M - 1339 -ftl,*A Ll b 50/12 IL ~70 Apr 1951 M 71, -2 (19 pi ib~ i~n ~x strabloes ill alt Elastic Rt.d W4~A,i; aw-~ i iri. 1w4u,~troX4 Under i4e Action (-,f 3t les chi Poice arid Unding bkxwnts I by Ich .~r, Erik Itte i Mekh) V(l XIII,, N, 3) FP Se T if~'' Phytips Sol) CUM! lialire of Un-loadint-, by K. A, 'J", It iklt~ d%teilliat 'M"Stlili, Vol XX-115 "Wit .11 "All Sci Tr Contea- PI-26C4 ll~: -at L-a= t I oc k: i~t VOI page 367-70, (1948) I~n elast"ic Ac pbrobl6m with a nonbiharmonic plastic te &rasyuk,, AEC Trans (avail Brookhaven) of iflojdbW Aidally SymotTic q q Loda lWainod CYU-nder, by VA. Prokopov, .RLIS Plrikl"4'YA M ika i Melat ik o-77nlll,'~ 049s 1635-144. d* 11) 40J 7 Ys" 17 VPD). l3v No 49 Kill dm L,198. %f Imto ca""o *r.*, AA, Nod. ilatioma Mo P911(olim L-t MA CA llitvi~a,tion oj." Landnar )!.rvni--!t,--- CLYC 1:6 'Cok bl~ Flxildo by L., GY -13-01~, 1941" paap lr~ tAto -a v a o% 4`4 elt CAI. Mr-tandum 1293. 'TO 70 Ll on a. Cm; V-1 Owl MUM-., 537- OT with a ailml~lht Wanaittion L,.tao by ni. pyj Vol Xqkh 13, BOU F16, W Sejorkion Aboat a Circular 10 jp~. RUBS b' Prik Motmot I Mekht Vol X17,10 NO VACA 11-10138 Set Tr C. RT 905 Scl"O ~it ~byOicsi Plow C:2 UON4'' !'~jlmil on I".A only Oct 1951 m un IM I 'ZOO or 'Tut Up"low bmilap W AD 71 RM Prik Wtoat I K*M, Vol XIII, 550~1 341 Tdr, tic R()dFj With u ~-a-cjst3-, ail, al' 111 ,'z; II 38ctiori, by B. L. 'Vol "I'vik ~M by A. L. Colldenvoyser 13 no 6 596 no,152/0128! I I I ~uc 51 MAI~ 'n Abstracts of Papers on &iplbtiow 4:1 MY U pp. UZ 1 AkmA 19 Itauk SM, Ser Geofiz 1 34&- )p 4950-3.9 CWOO-U-3sO53M6 Sol Awine Mar I:n t., s ,a f Elastic Shealls, by N. A. RUS I pe; Prik Matemat i Meqhanilca, Vol XIV, *SLA AluinwiL, XPLICATIM AU VARIA- 1ON A I, pit 1 1 C 11,11 F 0 (-,-~,STIGUANO IT) '(III: INVES-OdAl 16 6-!~[ Iii P6ST-CRI-h(',A1,, STAGE I -, 7 1-I'IC' MIFNIORAN- 1-111,N4il. Ej A k I )LAI. 1196 11 1,H~,C, )rder fr6p) ;)T of, Sli, 1;I. 00 6.1-10252 1,4111s. Of Pi 7k!I llnayl' Litemaika i 950, v. Z i0jdls, *IX-formanon, I, ~,as M,il I 1!j a I i 1m, uH.,- -.:)f thu gent: rahz(-d varia- iimal prilic 11)11 ipf C:ii; i~hami Ili "(WIving the following 1,0171'rn". J) fC 1-fidt -irlon if( thc- crl-~icjl Ioad; C 1-1 indm !I] i~.Ickh`li 11 j wnipr~!fi-~..d r) it phl'.. with M 6) (wwr) 1. Fill": principli, 1. Offire of lechnical Service, Heit t ~sf I] b 20!u~ lWr on a body of Pftti pp ams ri Sail Obve4m 3 PP 50 Vol 14 ;1j;4 19 ~ol[44, no.. I- 1950 P~so 52/0131 i Of b~r 0. S. a a Noll-UAW 050113ating iw X M6&wo by Tu. A i Firsi.jwroximtim, by t6w t 1, b Vol XIV~ No M F-15-7338 Tbj6!i QUIZ' he s Pro,~ 0 Bar Parab PI Fun t la Uvas Sci A I~t fm p I a Room in 1 ' 80~ by A4 Mi. 16r,141 T**~mmstidhz., Sw*iQ4.,- A C(~Qxat ~06FIW'4 ~J-" tv 1.3.16Dblem, and Plastic - lmhetkovp A by Me Ze solution of tile- by 1. N. 1, T,, Prix NAtemt i liekh. Vol XIV.. AND F-M-7338 Under Cint-rol, by A. M. LAW. rw6elutigrition of Swe osca 60timso by, N. 1. ~"in., S. L. Bobolcv A vexia )mn 404tio~ the AvAlpis of Thin 113"tic 1: le In ho'PO44rltical Stage, by v - A.A 6.L V36MSIF33D run t%I!V Rmin lm Pr-A 'Nakhp Vol xivp No AjDi -7338 Sai tiai -1 777! 1 i Pull t! in 1 ~a ti 1):Ik lKitil"DE-i i Wtlli Vol XV, 0 ,CIO irS IL Ns -1, 7.21IJBuShip 503 olact .1c -o rmi lope 5 ~be w .17 1~ Ouug An the Plelas of Creep L v Rabatno., 16 PP. Ica Prik Hmt I Wal&j, Vol XXV, No 2,, Z LUMM 50., 111 ~l -9 1101. ~ td vi"Quo- L via~*04p*fto Hado tka PO 62-18562 V. EBRA'. 'U. STIR E! SES IN AN ELAMC HALF- 1. TWO: '11101- ic-it". CE AR 4b AS' J mNv_I_"cvENcr, or. nir. 1. Danflovskayn, V. L R:)E34 11 BOUNDARY. [19621[91p. 0*11 tm loud I' er fron: 001- or ILA $1. 10 62-18562 Trans, of 10 \431 bmaqk&l I *41 .13 P. (USSR) i95,1,'*!' Tf p. DESCRIMM "Elis:,ldry, 141aitemadcal analysts. Tenp-ritu-,'e. Office of hchmical Sirvices (pilysics 'b j n1w ddcB, rr, v. 9, no. 6) Dry b' 50,, Vca .1h, Uo 3, Sci Mom Lio No 52/1396 of tbe Blasi;lcitvy Of M. 14, v"'riaaa Yl Apll. 3 ul'-s R:14U by I Up's 01 Val livo Ma 041 N06, LaeFl Theory of Stability for Elastic a kiv ii, riuia of a Min Spherical Shell Loaded by U ut 16triiib ed Lateral, Esetenial Pressure, h~mri, R. 'G. Surkin. m Prik Mat i Mekb, Vol XIV) No 6) 0)" ipp Ffs, I, 2f 09 Phy tie Problm olt a Heavy Mass 1 CyXindrical Opening.. by 1 10 -PP Wo I"do MWI.?j Vol 14ffl 1950,o 4 344.,254 rIkI, 0.6ctl IIRC at J sdl llv~temmtilca i Malchanika 140 ~6 I(pov/Dec '19.,o), pp 61g-634. CD No. ST-2U3 Cirmdts with Links Each PossessiriC :re;es of Fileedoin", by B. V. Bulgakov W17 L-4 t ran sl at i on by SaT. Aprl 51. Solutl of i i b0 TkoblOw da Oentor and Focus in one Saliba"AdVO 13 pplo e RUSSI bljik lbt i JARA vol xiv, No 190 Sci Tr Ointer RT-761 scieh~iljc I~Athemtlcq (790 0; 0i the goj~utioa of the StabIlity Prob- bt 14 M, ft$cb. UNCUISSIFM ,.elm dl~ 34 vta xxvp 2,95os, Havy Tr M/bAblPs 507 iftb 53 CTS/M is i % 6di I "III "CIO, *Ti the nlool), of st,-4)ility oi ~llillv 12 :[11,1. N N D 2 Tbo, 4~6~'s Ilyk y POO NLL I sew LM NOV Fmdw*bas Wim Forming an WokwW by 'IV* UmUr 3459289 02-34408 Clictao-, ON THE i0 jCE 01 THE PARANIFTERS OF S-rABLE 1. Cticiauv, N. G. MECHAM,!A - I SYST NIS (0 Vvborv Paratnetrov 11. UPCT*(;,TR-19 ustolchivol N t ' ~Knallic*Ic-~,tol Nl-;' tt-my) tr. by William G. Ill. PiltSbLlvi:li L'. Sch(~A i)f Vogt. 7 ) J 2, 41)~ [pl. Contro) Tbeorv Group Tc-ch- Engint ring, P,i. ~nt . nical rept ~ 12. ~ Orlic r f rorj~ t t ~pt. of 'kctrical Engineering, U. of Ptrtsburghj~ P l iasbur?, 13, Pia, Traii-q. of -r k jadnjj~, IlIaLUitaltib i Mekhunika (USSR) 1951, v 11, P ;~ K, DESCRUIT)II E'(1 0 tn of molica, Differ-Iltlial' CCIU',I- umn", statilli lhanics, Control, 11,vurbation theorv. (%Iathcrtlalk~ , ~ ~1, no* 7) O"i h i 1 S I I l , Ct D eC O CS M M 09