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Diszt A. RUSS 1962 Sci Tni S~Mlssioji of'Detonation, by A. Ya. Apin, ii. ankov . et al . 3. on. I)0 i Dok ALBa 1~, Vol CLXVII, Nlo 5, Aik SSS_ j)1 1 - 1 M~3, CB Oct! Theo of Fibrous Aerosol Filters, by N. A. FW~s, I. tecil'kina, 3 pp. RUSS Aj pe PDk-,&k 14 Vol CLXVII, No S, _qjik SSSR 196.21' ll,14-1146. CB Sci Ott 0~1 i Z~on~e'i i~ a. Nephrite Deposit of lkst m is t a sii Kolesnik 3 PP !per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Earth Science S " T;t tiq~ jVol CXLVIIO No 5., Nov., Dee 1962, pp Amer Geol Inst 65,i Ter ~~,Tboift Prous Dolomites in the Kuybyshev d ~the~ VW~p., -by M. I., Fadeyev., 2 pp. Ttq IAN k~'S ' JiL peep A Nauk SBOR., Earth Sciences t VC ec 1962 a cuvii) 0 5.. Nov . D bution ofjMinor Eleuents in the um~of the Dnieper,~ Pripyat', Dsna nvers,~by A. A.- Lazarenko, 3 pp. n, Ika US INI r au .. , ~ pe , D6k Ak 14 'k SSSR, Earth c3. Ice Section~ Vol KHCXL\III, No 51 6 !Dec 1962, p 1182-1.185. p vi, Amr Geol Inst l~65 U CY" ~Boi by Rp NOV Invapatigations of th,! Taste Dabs of &rpio and Carass4us Cara Cyprinus 0 ssius)JO z.ner, 4pp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol CYIVIII No io62 I CD Oil h!~ 0:.,u tion of, Axo-Dendritic Connections in the 6dAb:"ai ~tex. An ai, ectrorm1croscopical Investigation ti. )b 'dova, Lt N1. Dyaclikma; 3 pp RUSQ~~ al Vol C.XLVII I i!, I)ok fidt: Nauk SSS1Rv Nc 5., 1963 i- a -11 2. CB Sci Nov 1'63~ sm Iple of th 6,Coiorado Beetle (Leptinc)tallsa say) I I ca in thb Transcaucasimn Region of S'. Idn Lvmn by D V. Petrov& 3 pp wssp~j,. p Dok Ak N&W~ SSSR, Vol CYTX11, No 5. 19f.)2 CB Sci OV fs. H ''o~h A es p! on the Physical Nature of the Forces Of, ar Contraction by L. Eh. Yedius, RUSS iauk SSSR (Physics Section)) er Vol 0 ii~ No 5, 196 j pp 12R-1207. Amer Inst, of Phys Soy Fbve Dok Vol VII, Vo 12 Sci k k Aug.*031 sy#t a C to a M M. A! miss. .4 Sci. Nov n by DerljoWibonuclcic Acid in th- S -.Cithe Polyribon-acleotides by an Enzame r ; I ct~ Animal Tissues,: by lif. V. Bogoyavlenshaya, I)eijilev' 3 PI). -JiVII, Nr- 5, 1068 Vol M A Comp fiti Study, of the Nucleotide Compositfton of bolul! I Rlbi)~ucl,,.Ac Acii1s FxFon Sonc Speciets of .~,nd. ~n 6FLia~ by- Cl. 'N. 4"hitseva, T. Y. Drrdtricvl-., 4 pp. RUSS& e Dolt Ak Nalik SSSR, Vol CXLVII, 110 5, 1962 p CB C! I, cone I-at, c Trace 31cmcn-bs M60 of Ascidia, ~,.by V. 21 IL X~ Nn%d~ ~SdSR., ~.-121j. -in the Onranism tri.! L. Vol C)ajVII,, P-T~! c I cd 3-.mh I s I;r AD L" 11 t~11,7 2 p. C.. 11 Ihe clutracter of Depression z)-- Protein pancer Cal lb by oxymnmatic Cc~rjpvj,-nds 3,n~ 1!ntel, by 1,11., V. KrWrush~dnl-. -V L Go 2:,b c 11 - Dc).,~. Alk Naw: Soma) vol CD NOV T~,[ Os,~oniationd of Di-euid Tripcptlides .)ifbjcct,c Ir i Actil( cf'TJ-Ltr".sdnic 4. ,,,j thi. WaV63 in the Presence oP A(,.'i;iv riert Gms'cls) 'tby I. E. Ellpiner, A.V. !13 PI) Ekay~,, pd;j!j~ DoIL AI- ~Natik SSSR, Irol C)IVII, No 5, p-p 12, 1,222 016 JD'v o 6 mit of Maizel Plants at Different pli Values I Ave Medi'm by S. S. Andreefflw,, 4 -pp. of th!i RKUJSS i Lok Alt HaWt SSGRI Vol MVII, No 10, -6-2 pp 12~3 122~-. CB Sci Ncrv 6~ IT *m Ya. 1pe 6d o th A~Pie.Root SYstl- I yy 11661"t 'I pi 1962 Russ fu ppri~ Doh Ah NaiAz OSSSR, Vol CKLVII, Nc 51 pp CB ~6f P Eff, T a C t Proxima Lep.(Tenthrecliniclac) on r. itii~, jPhq,, PyAhcsi'~. and Chloruphyll and Carotenoid. Ol G ccilteli~~ ,of Iaf Lamintic in Slaix Fragilis L. PaVhogeni;-,-' C:itY4 all' ~)rmers, Z. I Slep -an 3 PP. R Tu 000(mmm, p, P, Al- 16itk BSBRI lici Cam, Tio '5, 1962 I'll D&I PP 31~ 12~, CE Ov Hct6 j Dev elopme~tlof Rihetionally Different zn Strip jes in Hmuan~ Ediryogenesis, by A. A. Klishc RUSSYO~ 01 pe, Wc Ak 'Wauk S-SSR) Vol CMVII, -'llo .9 196,r, PI) 12 1121-1 NOV: WI Th6lim Ct ~Y-Amincbut~ric Acid on the Strychnine n P6~ten 1 ol the Cerebral CortexP A.S. Batuev, I.A. Syt in I i., p1j. RUSS, Dok Ak Natik SSSR3 'Jol CXLVII., No 5, 1,062, CB N01T -,f Hi ~4t'ation .'in the Motor '7ones of the Cerebral Gorte,k mpd~j ain em tructures'in a State of Adaptati Of, c0 AlsaA~j by SOA. DDlina, !)pp. RUSS k per Dc)k Ali Nau~ SSSR~ Vol cXIVII, 11o 1962 pp i2 4,124~,. CB sci iqc>v6 The R6 by 12. Nov. 63 n de of Inse ats to ultra-Low Temperaturesy L. rxex-Lozinskii, 3pp - Dolts Alt Ilauk SSSR) Vol CUM) No 5) 19 19 2 Ail T brim tal Study of Metabolic Acidosis Under C 6h t ~onSl f . Pi~ofound H ypothemda, by E.P. Stepanymn d~ IV. MIIAI~ Wa,i 3p15 i RUSS II Dok- Ak Nauk 'ESSR, Vol CYIVII) hTol,-,, 19621 ~A b ~5 1-125 CE S i. ftv~ vi "-!I! eel of Moriogenetic .Trematode, Acolpenteron nc u A Fet'n ~s helfs, Adaybe&tothe Excretony System of the .Bitt iing' I~,y Yu. Ail Strellov 3 PF RUSb 61 W~ JUt'NwA SSSR) 'Vol MUII NO 5) 1962 p CB Ov, 6113 NUIO Potif RUS$ SLicl Sci Aug 0; n 61p Lution of the Dirichlet Problem for I'lone, by M. Aleksidze, 3 pp. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Mathematics CXLVII, No 6.9 1962) pp 1271-21T3. Amer Math I'Doe Sov Math - Dok o v 61 in, No 6 Sp6cilai es 'and, Speq~ial- Radicals, by V. A. Ahdxn~, ey,C M' R~abuhin, 4 pp. Ju RUSS p ~e Dok Aklai~k SSSR., (Mathematics. .b v I awn, N6 61.1962) pp 1274-1277. An er Math Soc S6v Math - Ibk vol in, No 6 Sct Aug 60 Ortliq ~)nal~~ stems of PAtional Functions on a cirt~ Idtli Given Set:~of Poles, by M. M. Dzrb !PP. RUSS pe4.,i Dok Ak Natik SSSR., (Mathematics Section)., Vol, 'II~~IjNo 6, 1962) ~pp i2T8-.L281. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok Vol III; No 6 Sci ii Aug 6 it h RUSS ii, viol Sectilo ~1~ Sci Ai* 0 issian Seqiiances That Satisfy the. Condition),by I. A. Ibragimov, 3 pp. DA Allauk IZSR,, (Mathematics mun, No 6)':1962, pp 1282-1234. Amer Math 5oc Sov Math - Dok Vbl In, No 6 C, The U o J v Fun~tions far Investigating the Beha. 0 aj6ctoiies of System of Differential EquO S1. ~~y M. B. Kudayev, 3PT - DA A Pai RUSS A SSSR, (Mathematics 01 : ~.6,;1962' pp 1285-1287. S cti Vol CXLVII, N6 After Math Soc A Sov Math - Duk Vq'I III) No 6 sdi~ A-ug 6 U~ So ofla Rxndament~l Boundary Value Problem f6r. e tain Linear Partial Differential Equations of lei Ora' by A-,.E.~:Martynjuk., 4 pp. RUSS per Dok AkWaUk SSSRI (Mathematics sect:i~ 1 Cxwii~ No 6) 1962., pp 1M8-1291. Jill Ater Math Soc Sov Math Dok Vdl IIIj No 6 Sci AuS 6 ~J, C6n~'-~I~nallStabllity ih Critical Cases) by V. A. Fiisqll' 2 -ppk RUSS Pit DA Ak Natik SSSR, (Mthematics Sect',16 -1293. V 1 CWalp No 6) 1962j pp 1292 Amer Math 5oc Sov Math - Dok Vol III, No 6 Sci I A-Lis 61~ Th-I Lla`i~~ of Large Iqimber6 and the Strong Iaw of Largq lfumb+-for Inhomogeneous Markov Chains, by M. Roze~~Iat--Rot,, 2 ~P- RUSSW, per, Dok Ak lqauk SSSR., (MAthematics Sectibn'), V61 CTIVII) No 6., 1962., pp 1294-1295. Jlaer YAth B)oc Sov Math - Dok iii, No 6 Sci~ Aug161 rat6r of .,'~jialytic Prolongation of Generalized The IC e FuncMolns,~~by L. S. Hodzayev, 4 pp. RUSSl'kq,, per,, DA Ak Nauk SSSRI (Mathematics Set:~!i~~), ~bi aLvii, uo 6) pp L296-1299. Aner Math Soc Sov Math DOk Vol iii, iia 6 SO Aug k0 MAE 611 5/,63 ~.1 by,~ esiq qf a Class ',Of Calculating Machines," by -Ry~ shov) -2505) (SF RUSIo. er, Doklsdy Aks4ewt-i Nauk SSSL voL CXLVII, i196-` 1304-13P5. pp *JPRS Ci Biel m (S Q Peb ~0 Tkie !A6ymTi~,6tic Behavior of Wavets Generated ina : i I ~ I Inite Depth.by Arbitrary Initial Li d ofd M u an6, of the Free surface, by R. M. GexiPov., 3'pp-1 11 ection), .RUS&' Dc>k Ak Nauk SSSR) (Physics S Vol! No 6, 1962J pp 13o6-1309. Amer Inst. of Phys Sm Phys - Dc>k Vol VII, No 12 kig 16 3 A Matl~emat~, Model of Separated Flovs in an ih 1 1 .;; Indom ,p essible Liquid, by M. A. Gol'dabtik, 4 pp. RUSSWP Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section), voi 0 ; IIJ~!No 62 196211pp 1310-1313. Ater last of Phys S6v Phys - DA Vol VII, No 12 Sci Aug 63 - - - - - - - - - - - - k The-i rtab-;; 1E ~ty of a"Thick Plasttcally Deformed Plate by 1. ;D.', 31 P~ Rusp per, Ibk A Hauk SSSR (Physics Sectim), C XLVI~,) No 6) 19% a l3i4-131T. Awr Lnst of Phya Sov Phy s - DA Vol VII, No 12 A Scil A Aug,.03 H; A'I the! I Ai 4 P~. sail Augl:6~ tative Investislation of a Circular., Symmetrically i0d Plate Under.a, Large Edge Load (Proof of )ea~-''~uce of Cripiping), by N. F. morozav, Dok Ak nauk SSSR, (Physics Section) No 61 19% pp 1318-1319. Amer Inst of Phys Sov,Phys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 We S41tering of 6..9-MeV Protons by Isotopes btChiomii)h and Zinc, by A. K. Vallter, A. P. ~2 pp. liyul~ RUSS per, Dok Ak Nauk SSBR, (Physics Section), Vol C&!I~ 1-10 61962j PP 1325--1327- Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys .. Wk Vol VII, No 12 Sci i le ra 'ion of Burning velocity Ihmugh a-ion of Inert Admixtu~res, by V.~I r= yev)m. pe k Wauk SSS'R IANp; r..; Dok. ~A., Vol CXLVj, 15~1 P.P 1528 1330- *FTD-TT-63-46o sci - Ph a yjs~ 63 VII Eiec'trQn-Pbsitron Annihilation Daring Ordering .of ~ys jji~y 1. Ya..D~MtW, S. G. Litovehenko) A RUB, ~6r, Dok Ak AM& SSSR, (Physics Section), Vol!C vii, No 6) 1962) PP: 1332-1335. Amer Inst of Phys Sqv Phys - Dok Vol VII, 3o 12 Sci Aug A ~bd I of :Scalar neld Theory in Quantrum spitice Time, Dy V. G. Ka4shevsldy) 4 pp. AUSS'IAR) Dok Ak Nduk SSSR, (Physics Sectio), Vol C I17,',";o 61 1962y,pp 1336-~339- Amer Inst of Phys Boy Phys - D-ok No 12 Vol VII gel Criter on og Superconductivity) by V. A. 14oskalenko, 4 P~. FUSS Dok Ak NaukISSSR, (Physics Section), Vol XLV~11~j%)o 6., ig6p-,,Ipp 1340-1343. Amer last of Phys Sov Phys - Dok Vol VII, No 12 Sci Aug, 6' ..... ... Electk( n! 1)6'1~ty Di6tril~ution anti Diamagneti,! i Suspe ibil-i ty Of Grey Tin, by V. N. Sirota, A. U0 e10, it pp. pe . P-ok Ak,Nauk SSSR (Physics Section), r Vol. C.Mllivii; i No 6., 19622 pp 13Z-"1347. Amer List of Phys sov Phys - DA Vol VIII No 12 soi: P6ss ,b', L 4es in t he~Gravitational Constmt, 0 Cb by Y4~ SiMyukovlch, 3 pp. RUSSI I perj Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Physics Section)) 1,A# Vbl x mi! i No 6. ...9622 pp 1343-1351. C -,er Inst of Phys _IV Phyr, - Dok -11 VII, lNo 12 Sci .J Mecha~ alm of Plastic Deformti.on of Alloys in the :Rani e',I i 1461 iting Temperatures) by I. I. Novikov., 9 M F. #0vik.,, ~3 pp. RUSS peal, Wk AY. Nauk SSSRy (Physics Section)) Vol! XIv II)IINo 6Y 1962., pp 1352-1354. A, rr Inst of Phys 'v. Phys - DA g o Vol V32, No 12 Sci Ai' ~jjf il, ij j [I c -01~i ntex in a J? C. ahd Polywiide in t~ie 1-,ri: ts iaLV, Villog .1dova , 4 pl.). SSIA? 1, Jr, !L.,, TTaul: ~,SGR Vol mvi 10 ~:: )62j; -T, ~6)=-..,i! ct iij knre3tie- tLonjiq Carbohych-4tes by Mau Spectroi-netry, ljbkars~"i f 46,11--zaccharider,., b'y 14'. K. 11clae-WI-~- f a t I I f. S. ,I mosimr) r ii- Tinuh MSRI Vol CXL-VII) iic) ci ~Oct mq~ek 6f lndiu~,i in It- sLovect, Valence Statc. he rid a' StaV of" the Pxoperties c-f f -..dtL 'Y i, b '.:P. 'zbchatho-%-a,,4 US OMOf )ok V~l t LL FLOSR) MCheaist-ry S-~ctlilcn, l K. T. c ll' D; 13) -3- 13 7 5 - ;c v 6 j, rgapo. M'thnit,~10110:oganic Go- nianium Campounlr~ rloM -;-h rog6nl~ne. Sor~,e Reactions 1"th e , yl.~:L~lchlo ~e I Po 3., T)[Le ite=ediatc Fonaatip-ki of It ( c 1-1-3 Ci ell. R. I . Maim' ov, pp. lpf Oi N K r' X~ 1'athl WSH ,Chemiatury ct-don, )l C I 1*-~'7 -l"jO. XLJ il C CBI ci ct 63 i 7 i ecipro -all Ef~- 6ts of Thor= and Cerium (IV) ."'itrater, 5 ux,i4" u re tion Wital Tvibutyl Phos-phate, ~ae' 'Yu. A. Afa~taslyev, 1) ,USSIP2T,! k llai~k GlicLi-i-Stry XI c E. 'cl ct aves. yi, Ation.p"E' the 1,16chaiiism of 11--opylene Oxidation 1. 1 1 ~ I rij , ;' '-i vex: Co -r the Method of Dif femential 116 IlA t 1: P Pqvo"~a' V. DI-"XYsjIuv.' 7)1'.. !z "Iiemdstry Section, - A .. C)" rly vc 6; 10CS2., 13n' 2-3-30 CR A at, C3 ------------------ i to X~~ 'of Tria'.hiorbacetaldAyde With arx- Ca ;6ly.-,t5 DY 6--B~en-ido D. E. I! ina rTSM2 Cheriistrj Se ction., 1385-13': Oct The -j0, ,e F, by A. )n, ithc OZ r'bri- Ll D. 3sp, chenistry li, u a -;o,,;iticn lffe c of r, IT. To-ochfcv~ Section) CB Ci Ct tor 6s, "i 032 tA 1J , Loll: oil 1#01, -Acti4 Iron-Aluminsilicate Contact for Thermal De~u ifur! ition of~Peiroleum Products, by V. ;S Koiii rov N. F .Ermolenko, et al, 4 pp. Ru SIM )er, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol CXLVII, No 61 19 '2 pp ~1413)-M6. CB; sc, Oct ~3 by 1962j''ppl. sci Oct 63) pism, of Pitting corrosion of Stainless Steels, L. zenf'elld, 1. S Danilov, 6 pp. '0 1~ 4 NAILk I., Vol CRVII, No 61 417-1419. CB Authcr il~i 6x and Tab 1 ti of.Contents, Vols 142-147. Rus AN e'r. D'PkK A4auk:SSSIZ~, Vol CXLVII, No 6~ 1962; CB scill Octil 3 Nest ID&tb on Mineril'And Chemical Composition of P ce 11C airW! ajv4 D=eh:b* Islauds in the Rx b is it I. Aent., 3 Pi) - b66IAR per., D6k,Ak Nauk SSSR., Earth Science S CI ion Vol CXLVIIPI No 6, Nov, Dee 1962p pp Amer Geol Inst A6~1 165,: 'w hereccr4t U~`trabasia Rocks Along the e enko A. D. Dod- a. iepe~r by A'. U. Lltvin atk, ei i1, ~3' j'Hoshlail tj!~ :1 DA Ai:Nauk NOB) lbrth Science ~Se"AlioZl ol'awhil ~No 6.,. N6v, Dee 1962., pp 1444-.1,U47. Amer Geol Inst i65 ro of the ~ HekeyniAh dftnitoids in Central 7 ;h,16kbi an by T. Psr6bilim: 3 PP- P;r , DOk Ak Nattk SSSR, Earth Sciences i0" Cnvi wn Vol! il No 6, Novp Dec 19L", 1e 11 A 448 1451:. Amer Geol Inst 'A !65 001 Ion ~of Titanowgustitse of the Uralsi, by i, teygbea~g~ V1. G. Fominykh~, 2 pp. Pe;; Dbk Ak Nauk SM. Earth Sciewe Vol amEr I No 6$ Joov$ Dee 1962) 45~7'1454. Amer Geol That i65~ ~Jst 0~ imi in the Zyuzellskiy er, C#izat Ta. larosh., 2 pp. pdr)~DWiAkINaukSM Narth8cience iio~' Voi C) M'":V'l31I;' No 6.. Nov., Dec 1962., pp Amer Gool Inst L sc:! 65. Eld tal Composition of the Black Sea P1 txxi .by 4: A. Vionpadova, V. V. K6~pl'skiy 1 2 ~po per, Do.k Ak naik SSSR, Earth Sd e1 Vol CXLVII, No 6, Nov, ~ce Section' Dec'I i962, pp:1458-1460, Amr Geol Inst E -ect of the Add-flase~ Interaction of the ff Catpments in the Systen, Aegirite-Heden- berlpte-Dbopside, by L. L. Perchuk, 4 pp. RUSPIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth s -J cynces Sectich, Vol MCXLVII, No 6, NoV Dec 1962, pp 1461-1.464. Arrer Geol Inst I C Adk lil 6 5 C. 'Org, Acids 'An ient~Depcrsits,, by 14. Sndbarova,: 2 pp. er,~Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth RUSr I.? ScI*EI Sectim', Vol CXLVII, No 6, Nov, '[Dec; 9629 pp'1465-1466. Aimi, Geol Inst :Sci Aug: 68 The' I lp~ 0.,tyed by ntochondria in the Formation of S~*j Lc, picles, Lp N~' D'Yachkova T. V. Ibvydava., RLJI;SfAI t, p6~ Dok Ak Na~ik SSSR) Vol CXLTLI, No6, ~0~62 pp CB k AnCw,,)If,c:rzsts in the Maize) by D.P. Petrov, Iva IJI) D* ITC v A I r":183 SSSR, Vol CdVII) 1962 P 1) CB Nov il cri, iri I i'll' r(!IS in RUGS I L sci C'. of Experimentally Induced Functionm-1 b, N Giant ChromoGomel;,7 17 B. llu-i[;tolYlfD a 2 p p Dok Ak Haul,- SSSR, Vr,-,l MWII) No 190-2 CD t 6n ci~ Nov Awantin Fracti-ms vuid oui Imx---sj-ti9a'ti 'I ft 11 perties, by V. U. hud-cril and aplo,,ical Pro, C bi ik6 M. V. Wlova, 1962 DbY, Alt 11mik SSSR) 'Vol C-UNrII, No Thc~ r, 1-cot de- lOomposition of thc Desox-y-ribanucleic Ac of ind Higher Plants, 13,1' A,. S. imtonov, RUSS iqaWr SSSR per Dc~~ Al VD1 C-'axII; ao 6 1c,62 CB T,Lhe ir il~( lEmi.11 t Boicl, okoj~' pp Sci OvtD ~,l -) f APerwdde and PhospMtidylethanc by E..Pj. ic Redixettida of Carbonic Acid, M. Udel'nova 3pp Wh Ak Na~k SSSR, voi mim, No 6; lo62 CB of Viclaxavthin-C14 in a Study of the Photo of the Xanthqph*,,r1-Ls) D.I. Sapozhnihov., PI) RUSSIU, p~J,, ..D~11 UL Ns,-W, SISSR.? Vol C"JIM; iio 61 1962 CB Nov Uncmtplin.~ of Oxidation amid pliosphorylation Dming fr(~Iii ff~rpotuhmmiiaj by S. B.' Severin, V. P. Rocc)v;, jf~ -lip RUSS.'U~Ilj 1*.~er Dolt Ak Nnak SSSR.,Vol. Cv,,LVII; ~,To 6., 1c)62) Se N-mr I The AoIc o--! s y D '."L S :bU PE i,PI,4934 Lici th~~, Lipoprotein of dhloroplasts in Protein I~r INM Si 8 akyan E, N Ee z i ns- e r21 pp DA Ali ~Ilmik SSHH, 'Vol CXMIU1, '.-io Ic)62, CB Fu-J:,m,, ti M C-T,I-t Pollen in Tuirtto~-:,,, I)y T I. oj,~,J, j lu.. 's, 1. cr 1% miscovaq, of A Thodbloutic Calamid Vb4argmmd Watere,, by iml ~M* #pftv. pDk, a u* mR., vol mvn.. iso 6s Fla r4 Exp c of B.B. Iiv-'cvdl~ ljl)15 93 "i :10V InS to a: Cr, Iline Len-, a--~'-rDivis h yst EL UrIv Nerve in tildult Frogo, I-)-y V.V. Popov, I r I RON ; '-pp G, 2 AR Na,~,ah SSSRj Vol CXLVII7 li( t; !5- 09 CB by V.A. 6 of the Iteart of Birds Daring Ontogencsis ~~rin, G.R. Leontleva, 3 pp Dok A llaiilc S"SSR, Vol CXLVII, No 6, 1962 CB Tuh, ce lort i~e of the Iiidividual. Groupings on the N- Did b ac,, Irl-D,L-Scriiie ~Yblecule to Its Diolo.-ic'n-1 Ac~i ~i '1y G. L. Zhdan6v 1. B. Soroldna, 2 1)1--,. ry, ,.Rljss p'6, Tbk Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CXLVII, 7,110 6., i962 pip CB Sc.; 1J. W67 05 c6i,rel itio Itieen Aniage'n of the Proboscis and Phary in. tAcI i'N=16~1t"ims Linem: Desori ( Mihi; Species Nova) P--nd i ~CUG, r (O.F. Aaleri, 17711, G. A. S--Imddt; , : A. Se dt: 1945 hmi pp BY RUSS, Dok Ak NaiA SSSR, Vol C.--LVII, No io62 151 -1515~ k CD Sci Nov C' e bf Ext act :,of the H~pothale~nus wid Posterior The ~B c r a, Lob f t~' Ilyplophy i on ~ia Secretion of the Luteinizing Ad a ~Ya aks Kab E. V. Sokolova pp ~ds 11MI, DA JU~ NaW,, SSSR., Vol CMVII., Tic 61 1962 P~ CB S c i Djavlj6 i DF=l 60doOll Alt~a#l of Cie; in ic t, e.1, -14W 6 3 c 1 1. Mopron, D. R DINA,'TH& it. Croltoru, E. 0~"Zn ',ri-, ii . t74 lk $1 to ~63-14415 sL. g I D*.Wyl 1963, P. P. 0 "e6",I;BqUmOmw ot, ic, We 4 nwthods for; iow~% , i0 ~ohw4 by!*ftAijitrAi#A lines I, (Mechanics, Tr, v. 10, no. 8) of uwh,anlei0ln*comOjc&ted~ Me al Ttcb*al kr*ts Dyn ill 6 I:i ilibriLun Explosiolls in Perfect lledia 4~ withl ero~! emperalture (",radient, by N. N. Kochina, 3 RUS It r, Dok A Nauk SSSR (Physics Section), Vol L'VI I: No 1, 1963p pp 57-60. 'AIP SO'v Phys I)ok v61 viii) No 1 The IN16,tio'l bf 6as Behin'd an Uns~ymmetric Piston, by I'd .1ilova, 3:PP. -ri Dok A Nauk SSSR (Physics Section), Rus 'I ~q Vol 1C U11 140' 1, 196~i, pp 61-63. AIP Sbv Phys - RM Dok Vol VIII, No X1 sci A~g i63 The teor~ pf Coniplex Media by 1). D. Ivlev 3.pp. flussi N, ter, Dok A Cauk SISS11, (Physics Secticn) ~To CXLVII 1: No 1, 196:3, pp 64-67. Al 1) Sov phys Dok Vol Vill, 'No I '' on iluclei'; RUS Vol Au'g 6 3 ive,! ?rodu,ctioil of Bectron-Positron Oairs by IN. F. Nelipa-, 3 lip. rl, Doh Alt Nauk JSSSII (11hysics Section), PP Al 11 Ouv I'llys Duk Vol VIII, No I ps'e bil~l vbI x - I Ys to Detennine, the Diamagneftc Suscepti- it of ome Ionic anW S.emiconductor Compounds, iota, S. 14. Oleklinovich, i pp. Dok A Nauk SSSIZI (Physics Section) , 'I No~ 1, 1963) pp 71-73. AIP sci A ug, 1~ C)I~, Suv Phys DbI% Vol VIII, No I sta ~y j RUS.' Vol ity i~i f Stationary Statcs of Quantmi Gmicrators, 5-11cipaim, 3 pp. .1 illro boll ANauk SSSR (Physics Section), VIIJ, Nu 1, 1963, pp 74-77. Al 11 sci 1 !6 Aug, Sov 11hys Dok Vol VIII, NO I ~11 I Inves,ti a ti on of Metals of the Iron `,rran`s~ti6 II(",roup, by V. V. Nemoshkalenku, 4 pp. RU.S11.1 Dol; A Na uk SSSR, (Physics Section) , i No 1, 1963s pp 78-81. Al P sov Phys - Dok Vol VIII, Wo 1 sci Atig j: ~ If fec 10' T e tj f Substructure on the Creep of Iron Silidde S "ngle Crystal's, by V. ',I. Rozenberg, A. V1111, SlialAi'qva, 3 pl). Russ Al DoK A Na-uk SSSR, (Physics Section,) vo rx I'A"i I INo 1, 1963, pp 8.1-. Al 1) Soly Phys - Dok Vol V111, No 1 Aull 4dyl,".~,v16 combbited Alet io 11 of Radiation ~t oxi catiklysts I) the [Vivexoge-nation of IC)Ar 61'ie~ 10, by V., 1. Madimix'ova, T. ji;ar,, ~ 1~2klady ja4- SSSR. Vol 148p 31 'o 1)], i0l; 104, tA 'Tr I ~1 1111() Sc. 344,664 .Inv6st gati it of Organoiiii Compounds by the Method L of 1401,5"baud"-jIles'onance Abso:q)tioii of ~-Qumita, by A, Y~ A~ I elk' widrov , N. N . Delyagin, et al, 3 pp. WSS LA 1~ p6 Dok Ak, N aiik SSSR, Vol CXLVIII, No 1, In 12 8. CB Sci j an 4 Mecli~tln~ idid K:~ lby Y Rus A ii, p, 1131 C~al Transformationslin Macromolecules at 800 I Butyagin, .5 pp. Dok- Ak~ Nal'jk SSS 11, Vol CXLVI I INo 1, 1963, CB