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G --T~'CvIW CoopwoUT41 l4ader DIMwees P"Iwo pmtommmout bjr ob Xvmovt 7 FPO R-M"* PIMP Pat W-4rdism kk - bk~- Nomme He lo Jn 1.9r). pp 13-4. ims 374 AW 73 Ivanav. Gem.-Sly AdvaWall in ftel WAtW 42tw D*dP W Cacwtructlak Noted. a pp swam& gVELP gnome K* 109 19739 VP 1840-9 JJW 60676 Ivanovo 0, 1;. Famaide Aj7lnots of the jInterreUtionship Betw6en Sciewo wA Production* 16 pp boacows be 49 19741, PP JM 63053 Ivancy $I Lt The Leamidim Expanslan of Internatiomi corpor. atiomm 15 pp jgWMTO li~wowa No 3.2,l, Aug 74, pp 72-83. JM 009? 77*7 7 7w, 1 IDA of, S. obobinatibn with ve is lop 26-Nov-73 Uncl (UCSI.-Trans--1505) Formation or the magnetic field of accelerating unit in the model of collective linear accelerator. IVANOV, G.A.; MAMONOV, V.N.; SVETOV, L.V. (JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA (USSR)). N73. Translated by G. Brodell (Univ. of California L.wrence Berkeley Lab.), from report JlNR--P9 6983. 37p. Dep. NTIS ti.O)v 2DG particl- accelerators; translations MN-28 P N S A On thim InMer" of Elaatic Deforinatiom of' the ()iW)al Suqmntion on On Motion of a Thr*e-Dep*fi- of-FreWou Actatic Wrosappe, hy 0 1 Inegy .:J,.. -j 5 j)T, RU.SSIAWV per$ Isve2!:Ua VUZ. NlWriiU'i6iFe-nM,, Leninj.,-radp Wo 7p 19T3v pp M-83. JWL 59053 mw 73 Ivanav . G, ':. 0 The 'Variability of Merino lVdralogice.1 Elemmts and the CalculAtion of the Digicrei'vene*r of Obver-, v*tions. 9 pp METERlemIX& I GIORPI=ZTA, Moaccu, Wo 11, 1973. pp 54-39. iFRs 61249 11"Ov 0 1. J). TockmolcocAa Forecast1q; in the Industrial 00momuenot. 19 pp mil. MR A MaTiralk ii. Moom, me U, Apt 19749 ", 15-27. JM 61962 Tvanov, Tv, Pharmay Tvrnover Plan Discussee, 5 p PARMA'"STYA, Win, No 4, 1973, pp 81~-Ei- 7ri ..... Doe 73 TVAnov, Ivan 17 & .-conouic Problem of Foreign Trade Examinsid, 17 Pp. VUNSFM TUR30VIYAO '"M 60T96 *"- Soria, No 6, 1973, PP 2-10. Oct 73 Ivanov, Ivan Problems of Foreign Trads Pricing Fxamined, 11 op. -MRSENA TURGOVIYAt 7PIM MW , Sofla~ No 7p 1973P pr 2-7- TTov 73 Ivanov 0 1 * D, World Technological Level and Amr 1t in Detandmad. 6 pp UnTTUnVA jum TIORW -- ImOmb,my A) a,Tk~- =2 mmus lifre. 1967. pp 4 j 66W IVAN 0 V* K. G. 116FONAGWISM I AEKWOPITYAll ././19 7,08 VOOISON00060 Rcundary Nsoomtinuitios and modeZe of the fZcw =md the maputosphers,, pp 1009-1074ONX 74-41661-OdO ~, 0 .,14 * rt- Ivanov, K.G. boundary Discontinuities and Models of the Flow around the Magnetosphere 7 pp GEOMAUi. I AERON, , Vol 13,, No 6, 19730 pp 1069-10-14 CIA-X-7870 Ivano,v, K.G. Interplane'tury Magnetic Fields Rccannoctio:i and Structize of Magnetospheric Storms 3 p,1 A QOHACW, ll~ acron,, Vel 13, No 5, 19730 pp 891-5 CIA-X-ON7,190 lVa"MI, K. I;. '" a , VatUtims lu the solar vied, f& myp~wmb Nativity awd 01*stzolw parawters of tim 805"tospbers talt sad tbdt outer radiation loolts. Mgjj6j=Mj I MMaWMq Vol. 12g, a. 49 190-120 re *"-an XTC 73-11350'1-04A ~J eli Jxmv,p X, I., Interact~on betwwan inhibitors of tJw iwttoox~i!ation of hy(b-ocarbons igth RO" mcl-,,,'cals. DOKLADY AKQ'~'WY NAUK PIIYSrCAr M"'~".?A - C CIE.~VTZL Vc, 1 210 No ?," Jime 7773, pp 1365-1368 CR TRM3fUaNOI-,6 �Tmtll ~vl- 1973# pp 1-.1. JI'VIS 6a.54 1! pp MINOT V A -Imp =M0140 MIN &SO-R. 19"s pp 64-714 JPRS 906& IVANOV. K. P. //VESTIIXK LENINGRADSKOGO TINIVERSITETA// N0013 Issue 3 The finite difference methods of solution for navier strokes equations in ZY:Lindvical c,oordinates 7 pp rip not given ARM/FSTUHT-23-792-72 MTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US GOVERNMENT AGENCIES> ONLY## eft Id IVANOV. L. V. MUDOSTROYENIM/ /--/197..1, V--, NT0010 Anti-ice protection facilities for (2ry docks pp 45-48 NAV/NISC/ONI/Ht-30-klG---15## lvano,w,, M. I&. Numerical :iolution of the "Side" Interaction oi Underexpanded Suporsunic Ideal Gas Jets with a Plane and with Lach Other 9 pl) Z11o YYUJISL, MATEA. i HAT. FIZ, Vol 140 No Ii 1974 pp 179-187 CIA-X-7893 Iranav . N, lAgal Approach to id'- aldng LiValuktod. 6 pp %.M Sj~hTSKAIA ZT.T.541A, lioncow# No U& June 19"r pp 14-15. im 59922 a 4 pp ~2~0!~4~N6w~ Pi ir, ads V0002,,N9019; 'o$ io the P6rmation of, Phasoolus 1, ~ , the Old and~thv Now I(cirld, 26 pp BUILApplied 11 oto HTIS Tt 71410270 Ivanov, 0. i. influence of the JaaaUc Deformation of the Gir"I Susp(mmian on the Frequency of the Nutt'imal Oscillatime of a Gyroscope, 6 pp IIIA VIZLW- I Pfawn W UNIUM. leningrad. 0 NO 59 19"o PP SO-Ek i WS 3"40 Ivanovi, F. K. slyAng wbed.t. 327 pp XAMAU ANIUM, )"cow, 19?1o 328 ppo JFM IT&M a So The Comradist ftrty of Cawbmamaida in tha Strag. sle for tbo Triawh of SimliUm 16 pp ligs"t Ilonows He 7,, May 19749 pp 63-76. jpm 62292 Ivanov,p st ~Ee U.,S. State..% lonopoly Capitalism TcdAys 5 pp A USAt F - I GI 0 Amec"I 1, 1 0 pp 9640D, jpRs U346 IVANUV, S-~I:dft Ru 13AND 11""%'ADIAlUk WITH ELFCTRICAL. SCANNING OF 0 IRECTIvITY PATTERN RAUNJULSKUPY9 "NAUKA"i MUSLOW9 1965t PV 2Z- 38, VA 28. -2 A-r ~- j~04-74 '17 Ivall" 0 V* WWO Of 9bV4M8thenbW Cost Annow Line PAnciples Ar"Onw. 9 pp SIMMIA ISMAN MUMI. Kiev, No 4, 19?4. pp 47-52. JM 6205 ivwwvf B. P. Goneml Iv"vv Deseribas ivorld War Il Air East OP4I%UoftlB# 3 pp KRAMLU ZNI,%U, mosoov. 10 lop 74, p 3. JM 63039 I"WVO yo ftftf=VM "4&UVqW D=pg CqnWj& Uaefal AneMIg. 6 pp go BUT" AMSTA9 YAwwo 17 AP3, 740 p lo JM 623% voterimpy not-ItUI;G T"ks OutlLnedq by yo IV*zmpo 6 p2,o Ift.sobaftafflo 3M - - IWO VII 30clat 34 is p0 --- APP 7.1 iva"m 9 v 0 %stlamUtUm FoUcy 13vbjootod U, Attack by MuDommudetso ~ pp =uu - 14, Auks 5 Am 1974s pp Z ~% am U952 .i I " i IANI"4 "arm I I a .. 0 oil -M&A I. ... feet (b =a at the 1~ it of 1"914 in a (%m4 of 0 t I At "40M*um Y.. Ai: Ell, 1 7T 410i L U~u "I. fFi 11. 1 ILI "Dw Ivanov, V. G. Effoct of Technological Factors 4n the Treatnent.of (Liqutd~ Steel Outside the -e U I FUrnac on its Mec anical Progrties.. METALLURUCHESKAYA I GORNORUDNA A PROMYSHLEN- NOST. KIEV, Vol 13, No 2, p. 13-1S, 1972 [-I B- - ~18-i7ii 7 iT. ob~ 41460 ototy Lot A r, ; AN .71 -u*a - tp ol 7 T li Iola sun Ivanov, V. L. High- TeMorature Cooled Gas Turbinos (Ana Lysis ane. Design). MOKOTEMIATURNTA OXHLAZH-TAYEMYYE QAZOIME IVIII p 3-136631 77~., 77-77, 7 1 Ivanov, Y.T. Design of Internal Corrosion Protnctors for Cylindrical Surfaces. KOM& ZASHCH. NEFTE"ZOV. PROM. 1972, No.8. 9P.11-207 A.T.S. ROSOB 1010 Ivems ve V* Bottmr Use of Creftt. Inirestusnts Nooded, 8 pp Fl=jj I=. Macov* No ?a 19%#o PP 2?-31. JPM 6=36 rvamws, 16rdow Co=tmwtlen TAvops SooklM bVmvod Compatim tun ftwo*Nhuwr 5 Ippo mmugk,p SoMp 27 jall. 73a p 2* ims 59- Ost; 73 IV41XN . u., ilvmcol, U(Wmu// /-AvAa,v-9moMv, Pp om-oW) ftvU~ to P"nmift ReprMuoUam of nzed caplul 1.14 pp im 6" "Vanove Ia. Eamondc Tralming 10 pp MIMU, pumcowl No 10, july 197,), pp 114-121. ipluc M's lvmvwo 194, Diplcwsoy of Naeo and SocUUmn.. 8 pp KOHMMUMMM 110809wo ft 3s, Feb 1974s pp n3-n?. im Ye. N. Ivanov t;ldding in3tinictiom for preseming equipmant uated it"n powelf sta-tiolurf, apr 73 IVANOV. YU. !/MORSKOY SBORNIK// 41 1 N0009 Seagotng icebreakers pp 69-72 NAV/NISCIONI/HT-39-27-75## lhe Diffusicii i,icthud of' Acasurin-, Turbulence Characteristics. by Ju. A. Ivanov IZV VI.IZ AVIAT '1*1.:&Il -Nu '"' 1972 pp 54-59, 'MT & A QW1 I U --1 -271 -' N ,N!,L)- 73 Ivarmt YUO AID Currency ani Finsinc"I PqUtAan&jLjpS Of CMI Comtries. 8 pp M*800w. ]NO Us Nov 1.9739 PP 3-8, ins 6U31. Tvanova, Inessa 14ikhaylovna Sook om Atl=tic Conamity Conoopt Ir U-5. Fortip RelaUans. ]a pp AM= Imo ggo .bimvall M! 'Os - MIJ, Moomwo 1973v pp 3-10, im 6 3 2 7- Fe b- 74 Unc 1 (OR14L-tr--2776) Effect of prey behavior or. method of hunting and food composition of predator. 144-H . Translated by M. Gerrard fr,-~m Biol. VnU r. Vod,---Tnform. Byull.: No. 5, 52-56(1970). 4P. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 06 blomed; translations MN-48 P HSA 0 Ivanova, N.A. et al Effect of Corrosive Kedia on the Stability Of Set Cement from Basic Blast-IFurnace Slag. BUREMIEO 11172, No.8~ pp.22-5. A.T.S. RUM 975 Ivanave, 11.0 Stockpillqg of Consurar Goods Cilticizod. 5 pp fwuvvj"ULIQ M~kwa.FA~j X-VF-S-TNIH9 ADecows, ~o Ue July 1973o P 30" jp.qS 60320 Iyawma No 16 ma ow ifts of Ubdemtor PaoUltiles. 36 P-P MWIVAMIAS Kmcov,,, SerlvA 9, No 4g, l9r. 9 pp 2L-AG I, JM 63M IVANOVAP V-w A RU EFFECT OF NAIRIT COATINGS ON THE CYCLIC STREN GH OF SPECIMENS AND PARTS SUBJECTE USTALOSTI METALLOV I SPLAVQV9 M*9 197LP PP 10 3-108 i~ FSTC-HT-23-0545-74 IVANOVA, V-st * RU GtNkRAL REGULARITIES IN VARIATIUN OF MECHANIC AL PROPERTIES OF METALS ANO ALLOYS FILIKA I KH1,AlYA OBRABGTKl MATERIALOVt NO 3t 1971v PP 43-53. tsTr"-HT-23-0627-74 l IVANOVA. V. //STAL// 4974, The ductile function of pp ItS4-1156 S. et al V-----, NOOOS fracturing feature! of iron as a the formation conditions *BISI 12571111R IVANOVIC, I)JOKo //OT)BRANA T ZASTITA// --/--/197kpj"w,wS.,,N0004.p PI) OC~03-0008 lul-Aug 1974 Role Of 90ittutitte Research in Defense Reviewed 12 pp PRS 63575 Ivanovichp StopLn Pe&ceful Cowdutence Loes Not Extand to Idoologi- oal Matterv. j pp Wio Moscow Radiop 0910 GMTv 6 Fab 1974. JJIRS 91397 imumakils Ve nrat Volums of a A~Iticlll toww=V Ent-plopsdia. n pp Ag"Im. Moscowo No 129 Aqt 74,~ pp IIA.122. JMS 63097 'Llvanovalciy, No, ass-y comwoidor Outhines summor 'Prainingv '5 -Pe 0 P .1l.WT,T,AYA 71114:7 . Moscov.. 21 Am 73v P 2- y DA JPTM 519555 Au g 7.1 77 Tvanovi-, 7dravko P'nvirormental Protootion in Mcntenegro Urged, 10 pp. 'R.ICYCLOMEDIA MODERTIA, Zagreb,, llo 25, All '130 .TP RS 6 196 8 Mal 71t lwaovdoo Too. xv , r ~ lieu Tnulas armov, jw. Sauk Imp in om, 6 pp azaalum Nmmwo 50 49. AW 1973t PP30 an wmwl~- I Ivambehankov A, PM*Wftti*tl at Plot Rownroes i2n Reouive3o 6 pp U11=9 Awavo 23 Jul 740 p !io jft--Um .lv&nY"io R9 UkrainUn SM ImW B"ources; Timir Patlaml MMsetion, 4 pp AM= UMo KLqn,t No ?l Jul 74, "IPPPM"o I Ipm 62* lvaVM* L As The Role of ftbUa O#Lmion in MILtical life* 14 pp - A& agames. muma ama, mageows No tit Avg ?*I. pp 164r7o ON M% I i1r, 17; L IT&qUfbldxjp As Tho I.n h4)h&40. of the ScmUl in fir)bUtry at ths Jontion of the Ift'., ww 19th C031twi" (Hqtbo~. dOlOgi0a AftlYBis Of Pimloo Thisrailpoutio Mhod)o U pp 1111hu #463= ELM NAM-M, Mscow, 'k % IW4.0 pp 0 iras 62623 Ivasbahw1ble A, OMOUI Gives Views an Pt"r Lud lime. 6 pp UNA" 'I i%ocovo Fo 31, 1973, pp lra6. JEW 6=4