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iov 5 In-I tim of si-Itce *fn the yrron-cn-co of argaaia b! by P. K. 04:eorlyov, P. 1. l:bzbarsaL:m, 3 I very Zaiva 1, Vo). Iri 1936j, ~T Ab p 1443-2.444. ATs-4a:i,2qa qi~ ithe:,Iquations of Motion for Systems With No:;- Ideal Go'hstraints, by G. K. Pozharitskiy, i~'~SSIMJ~p per) PrIk Matmat I Mekh, Vol XXIV., Wo 16c ra- W. pp ar- Of the First Approxham-tion Syst e, On vy by op;K F ,9!Mrltskiyp 3 PP - RUSALWj, ;rv Prik Bmt&mat iMckh. 'Vol )Ullp rio I, 14~8. bin1 t-1164. Sci I lqov Forgamon Inalt. =ticop l1byalco i, .9 ', -i i ~I i t ! ~ iI i II i j ;i- ,II ,I: ;I j I i ; Of Filica in ';be by F. 11, G:vigor'.)--,v; P. i. Fc-:,~ hj lul IF.t -9.3t 111113, 1444. il'o 2'q Wo 4 RU esti~'ation of the Reaction of Phenylbydrazine h C&6rophenols by the Wthod of Maiccchemical lysi by F. T. Posbarsky, D. E. Dionisyev, Sim *r, ztwx Obahch KbIzo Vol XXVI,, tro 6, jq~~ Ipp 1568-1571- Consultants Bumau 6ci- C~emistry '17Z: 57 U04a Ati, j , B35 - I d)ejea i-I ot Piwaoiasiasny muTe U by Tut 'Vo 14ALVIDMI As No Poth~4,Ae.# aubmO 11. A. IC060 Pik W, Vol Ice-mo per.. Dok All Hm,ut SM.,'-!Clj 1953,, ABC Tr 2537 Ms J71 C!7)e t ric'Study of thei Complex Fo--mtJ.On Opbc Omt it TV ravalent Plutonium in hitric Acid sbiilt, ns Lb! L. V. 4ipis, B. G- Pozharskiy, V. V. n PP4 Zhur Strukturnoy Khizar Vol Ip No 2y ppi': CD Set!, Ac" 'f P ~111 61 - - ------------------ _,~tiea of plutonyl in Nitric Acid I. Propex roly8is of plutMI Nit-rate; by M. E. viAikays, V - D lftkollskiy, P. G. Pozharokiy) 9. S.Iz6stenker, pp. per, Rsalfthim, Vol lp 90 5p 1959, PP 50~553- X 9079524 luftemrah Ltd. London at; ra-59/5.9 /,~ ~/' 3 and Properties of Plutonyl Nitrtitue) by M.~S. Krevinakaya., V. D. NikcI'qkiy; B. G. ?(Ahaiskly., E. E. 2,astenker,, 4 pp. S TA -5. perv Raftokbim, Vol It No 5) 1959., 5Qr,566. 9079528 Inf ozearch Ltd. London as RK-59/5-11 IN 3 C) 61!1 ofj~xmat Carriers Uhich Have Been Pbrmed e Effect of a Strong Electric Field, by It. K. 1~71 P02 ia, I?p Por, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol XXVI) No 2p TAN 1 56 il~pp 2ft-283. Auer Inst of Phyr. Soviet Phys-Tech Pbya e''i s :_ n~ics 111 IW ~57 vca. IP NO 49 e FIxx of the.Effect I of a Strmg Field In co~ fluctors . by At. K. Pozheia 4 pp. ~a SSIA perp Zhur Tekh M., Vol =I., No 2,, Ab 19, pp 277-280. Amer '~Vt of Pbysict3 Soviet bys-Tech PIM Vol Is So 57~ nime~tal a e RUSS 19 oct ~6'2i Scil Processing of Yarn from a Blend Produced Ginnery by N. 14. Pozhidayev, 5 pp. per, Iz VUZ, Tekh Tekstil'noy Prom) ho 0' Textile Institute t~n Oa ihe t , (Ung capabilities of Saw GirL9, b~ ji Pbzhidayev.,~ 5 PP- RUSSIA11,1,1peer, Iz Vys:Shikh Ucbeb ",avea, Tcl,,h T6'k6tili _ov., No 2(15), 1060. Textile Insti~ te vu A Md.y I b2 i; ----------------- (uy-6568/2) il'-c I dientif ic Work of U, Chairs of the iie~ TIO'haological Institute of the Ugbt dustr. by N. U. Pozbidsywr,, 12 pp. FW.~. IAS,~l I)erp Iz Ucheb Zaved,, Ttkb legkoy li I I P, lVd, 1959.. pp 6-10. ipas g(M U", E46? S" 1,61 Porl od.,-; Lb by ~e A, T7 tlow of Bow, Mycols and Pftyaration of ~tbe~ 'CitrW, by a. A. Potwtooval Dok Ak I*uk smp Vol xcl~ 19530 -27M, CIA/nD/X-1558 scle.tt Lc (nmoltry rab 55 Ad 0' 1 ',L, ~ I iIqglm~p No 'Idi 1Mli I brix &M the Energy of Adsorption 11,11, Avgpl, A.A. Imirikyan, AS. Moolov, DP. PozWmep A ST. Itr) It Ak buk MR, Otdel KhIm Nauk~ 4'7,, PP 1316-1327 Commultants Bureau by nos Sci Sep of Ovarian 3=oues in the 3 of RadUtion Embryppatby in ioentgen Irradiation of the Female L A, Pozhiduplp 4 1pp. rj Dok Ak wauk SSSRJ, Vol gwill pp W-444. AXP Scnriet fteics VC11 V1,, So 3 -3 S oil lending and Cleant-ag, Processes on the I" 6,mu.k Iroduction Line, b-y It. N. Pozhida.,,ev, 5;" IT R=IAT j! per) Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Laved, Tekh q' 161. T lqstil~!Prom) No 2) IS Tex Tnst s 4111 '63 11 w1u6n ge ilof D.-sensitizers on the PhotoelectrochemLeal Effe'A in%ilve-r BromIde, by K. K. Demiidmr, F. A. Povtz~up 6~ pp. RLMSSI~, per., Zhur Naueh Frik Foto&mf i Kinenatog, Vol ')VT' 11*0'13~ 1961, pp -.L6)...j,63- CIA/FW XX-~UU IM POWASAME TO FOMMIq MAMOWS A Sai Mar us us.,p Omy T" 11 b, D r: L of Ionospheric Irregullaritics IL Ado -dili -lk-,o the Obsox-vations "arricc. Oil+ D, mDonj by V L. POZIgUl, Inaledovani.ya NeDdnorodnoLitei v Pa ;rb Vy No 4) 1960; -,T,, 70-75, 00"t 161 Awr Met 1 Soc T-RC-21. e V L"-~tveGu ~tbhe Filler Coute-m. u:k' a 5)~jdiai:7 R elsu But~Aip:rze"Rubb,-p Stock and Its Viscc~,Tlastic 1, 1: :;1 Propeptiepl, by M,D. Rusinov, A,A. Pozin, R.1, OSPIVAt O.s. nin, 3 pp. j~ 11 Rea Aso-oo of British Rifober Maa-,i R SUF -r, ianchak 1 R6zilm, Vol 19~,01' 21-23 sci ja7 ih ~1 met~ojdsl of the Teadency of RuVDer Stol-ki3 to &--~Cme lorous Wring Vulcanisationt by E. V. 1. Poretokaya, A. It. Pozin, V. P. ova, I. E. Galbralkh., L. F. MW68komj T. F. N 6 pp. 36SIAN,,j er) Kwcha i Rezineq Vol XVTTJj No 12, PP?3-28. 11 Britich Rubber PLanufactares 60; 2 '1100 of Reducing the ProdlUr-tioll Coot of aco and at- 1.96, - B, pozzin, 631 vyi A. PV,tkira. 6 0' - Keramika) NO 9 Stekl .10 4-o-42. JFRs 11343 bSSR FaW62 9 rMG,C oniei*iin iD4HNT FROM ZINC DUUr AND 1. FMIN I- NL ROW. P*r 64 9 - Paten PM 157 749 moo TM m US M. Tm-m-lu IV. T*L=ktd= aM Tachnicla 749, aWL 22 Nov 61. bbrmtft mmiolik O"Um of Tembowo ~= iA" f6r.fte-Liqdd, ContaCt, by M. 1. go. 13, TuMrkiMp He Ya. Zhlvw ftft Xhin Vol XXVIIP no 10 1.9540 0 32-21. U 0 36893 cobeatautts Em-mu Ma 66fibr ,I slsipfi!of Fbam by Heaftly Soluble Guses) ~j & F~10 ~E. S. Tumdirldna Rail t1waintion. M p Zbw Prik MrIm Vol XXM -,rp , No 11, 195 1:11, 11.83. qA 0 41474 "7 ! I CGosulftnto Bureau 3cifttifiq ChaWstry 911rr FOUR the Dust CoLlectIng Procese in Po&v-j Appara- M b N Pool% L Pa MAWA=p Va Yoe Dimhi-np 4 pp 4 A RwSU#p 36 Ver lbur Prik MAmp Vol MM: No 3JDv 195% mum cu c be5it'; Mi 7?r Cmultants Bwv= SCIIINAMC 1- Chemistry A The O'n Liq 6j, TLMIO U WY Xcir ;itAiod for Wi Trestmeat of Gases and 01. 9.,Posin.. I. P. Ift'daenov., 13. S. JJZO Ya. -lim-T, 2 pp. zhur Prik MAW., Vol =0 No 5) I L jmml~ Awp J~ 11 ~ 1 In Cs o6flw Dw"Ins Eva-poratim'; 6M Ai, by th Pozlno 20 tv. plj. Zbiw Prlk Kh:Lta.. Vol XXVI, Vo ll,, USSR.. -30 -11 6. CIA D 167132 #33 5, -i"K, %GmtiAr.%# cl Consvitanto Bureau ars 0,5/1?eb 195!i a nd )q( 11 , ~;obe' Y; I . Ya I )..N,1 I I) J~ I ) t It I - PA I t U A C I 11: S I 'I L I I t I - I .11(flill. M. E.. (A I F 1%] Tx (()0Adnlc Serv Mirozoi) (Oxidation IL Vosol*~,)Ilo, -111 16- 2( 1 oreign lv.'o ITIC111,IL-A) Ill. of Solful. 6% (f 2reft, :N ft~ -vill 261, W, Illre N.ftiowd de Ll Roclwr- ORIN' f1'1 '11*,S, I f, C [m CNW9 SO.S(l IT-62-28265 clic sk-kvilfirluk.. F.Irk Trav,~i il'l~j ~Ildll I!f AZI1111-11111 llriUldllol h1li nih ( t 22N o. ic I~i,l Mir 17, 11, 8) E~ ...... Cw- FURE Mxs, (Stud% 16p. (~o Ordei Traw (LISSR DESC (Clicil 717-62-2A7-12 Ing, A. M. and Pcclik(wsl:ii, IF. V nA 1~1 i Tibl\l IYOXYDATION DES S11I.- 1. 11"nu, NIJ: NIINPRA IS sulix Ult ES (K l7whonivu 11. Ginstlhv, -N.10 Okisl~!'P'iwt StlYfid(N i sullikInvich r6d) 1. V he OKAlaiion of Sulfides and Sulfide Or,!O. IV. CNR~-Vll 42 Qig ,6-N includ6J) :1 refs. CNIRS-VII .12. 1'. (:Cilll'e '~,ltiliflll dL' h 1"I'llIt' If 11,1101TS I . 61) TT - 09 - 1874 che sk icillifillut., P,11-, TS ETC, or CNRS S I . j< litl Frand joi 9Zhui-nalIlrII.lnd-,loi KIiiiiiii It,155, v' 19 no. 12, p. 1 *)4()-l 2~4. Ul -;Ulfidei;, Orc~ 'ORS:l d [YM ILI StJlfVe-;. " ")p1 SI f~ k"in - )i,-, 17, V. 11, tio. S) r r 4,2 -1,,,760, P4 pylev, B.A. and Timit, F.A. * * , -, c OP I F I r I) i HAUTEU 1 A D 1 1 01- . A . , . R E C CHE t N ~ hlot GIRILLE SUR I 1AM)ORPTIO 's. ~~ AIR U, IN DE N ' T) 1 11. Fi. ':A1--,RONIQL1I--', DANS 1 !NT SOIA-IT IA 1111T RIQUE ~ 111. ~L.CAIJIJ I-` (Xlliv; ie NIN. sows 1, IN".1 i env, Nisitchmoi . f . I - .. . , l Ta r (. I ~, ~- n I A K; ( . t 6 1 ), 11 1 N, u 1) 1~ is I I , t 10 r, k h 11 , 1 :4 1,., 4 ) 1- 0 1 1.61 V I, 1 11 ! q 111 e I Shchel6cl,i) U"MhA of' the Height if thc I'mm 1-1vel. che s"wntili'lu". I ~1 rin a Plate ~Ifi Ab~orption of Corhon by A ILIN ~(,Ixjdon).; 71). (forcip includ -d) CNIIS-1 . nrder ir~j:n F: I C. jr CMIF., -~ I . H, TT- (2 T-a s if "Zilurntl Prilh~~nui Olm~h Q I I A 1w i. 1004 - WI ' !j- ~dj,~vaiiaj)lc in rim!hsh frc,)m ()-I [I 11, tT-61 -Ji9~2,- Apr 01 (310p. 0 DESCRI11PRS: .Illarholl dioxide, 'Al Alkah mel,11 .jolutiolli. Fitmil" HVC111-Awilo TV, 11,11o. Is) C-1 I -pvlt,v. ind Fir-ii, 1l1,()X"i 1*111-~ PFCARPONI: P( UR 1. 'N MO*~ ')F SIN !D'.- ( ~Al IS] VW1. I In it t I w Ill. II i I oi. 1-1 m j I I I Ic . A I 1'. no. lizvll' 10' bf D composi-tion of Kara-Tau Pbusphorites J(N4 L. .rij ~hvrio Aeldp by M.R. Pozin, .7 D. 1 'j?ars ZWs- Pz-ik KWmp Vo! Mill, No ulp POZ11, m. GINSIt ~14G.,A~,J. T he emb Iaemical Conversion of Ferrous Sulfate'- :7-Pa,-es Russ] ZhL Prik ~Qlim'o Vol aIV, io. 2, -~'-b 195a. Consultants Bureau ~rwislation Pons'~.bility~of Decrewing the Consuxptioa of "U' I , lq.' ~ Acid In Decontmition of Fiaospbates: by U M.. E.]POZIn'', B. A. K013n.riev, 7 pp- Ruq,~, M por, Zhur iVi% Khlmj. Vol Y=,, lo 6., #84 OB 233,5513 ii 1~ I ~2 Decovosition of lCara-ftlat Phosphorite, by S~~-Uriol Acid., by Mi B. Pazin; B. A. i(opylev, P4! RUssiml.? "Y' Zhur Prik, Khim, 'Vol XW, Eo r's 19623 mp 9, ~-93811 CB if'ua 116 233,706 11 lb il ty of Decreasing the! Comuqution of DA llhtrl,-~ Acid la DaL-avositloa of No pbat' s ~, by M - H. E. Pozin;, B. A - Kopylev, W.1,MUN pe Zhur PrIk B%imp Vol XXXVp No u6j, V 190, ry" ~~-.Uql- I B CB 23 6 3 ii~htal Reactions in the Process of su'16A6 06! OXIAStionv! A. M. GliaAiing,oj~i. v. Pftbkmsky, 6 pp. ~q ver$ Zkmw Plrik Xhim Vol XXVII., No 12j, Ded Op 1237-12434~- CIA C 655- Consultants Bavau Sai IChe!Aetry .Itm 056 ex of tbe ErlailbriLm Composition of' 11.1trone If tTl.c Acid Solutioral by M. B. ~pZU, Li X6 #:Lt'Vp Qt Gilp 9 i. 17 7 63 t1w Vas of a Don WAN"AAW)t by 11. B. PNIUp D. A. ZbW Pirik blu# Tol,XUVi So l9rds cl SMU 'for the "ClWelciao fit ;7 0 volld ~Fbaim" ftwtiorm. A CrItICUM -Retwet, Doctriwo %ly it. x, po A pap PIP. r tbvo~ Prik Shims Vol MI, -No 6,p Ileo CmuLtants Bureau 6ci ntir",c chenistry mlnsx /f, 070 jDec6l~~osition Rate of Apatite in Unsaturated ,~e t Soi, ioWof the System CaO-P205-H20, by I. Lif Po' in B. A. Kopylev, et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN'1per,, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXXVI, No 6p 1~ 11 P I 1963' pp'1175-1180. CB 1.01~ q4 illo Degree Of Oxlda'~icri W., OxiAaa ~ DIL Ting Conversion Into Wi.-~slo AdOr 'ry if A. KOPI ILMSIAlf, per, Zhur Prik Vol Y.).-.0!; NO 162, 717-122. --- ---- --- Cr i~'t 11 S'ulf atle DuyinS the 71., 3.1lie-OAon of Cl Calcium lrit6r6cti8i] af Monocalcium PhoZphate with Sulfuric I Acid !-Ln osphoric Acid Solut-ion, by 1,1. E. Po;,.in, all D. A. l'-OP51'ev) pp. [a.,) ;C,, Zjj~jr 131-j3C laljn, Irol RU: 3 M~ F~r 1TO 196'L Ell-2390. ~,3 CB 205.,i6o ju~. 52 Hatur ;0f;ihe Gas-Liquid,4isperse System, ~X M. E. Po zi!6 1. 1.' Mukhlenov t, E. Ya. Iftrat , 8 pp. RUBUT per, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXX., No 1, 1957, pp 4~6 51. Jun 15i Consultants Bureau 1u lyr Inr 121 V% t3 To, YC :pnl; VI C c- a'' 0 1; ; atu S.qI ui 61 don of Metastable Equilibria in the System LI-1-120.1 by M. E. Pozia) B. A. Kopylev., 51 lien, 9 pp, .~Ijper, Zhur- h-ik Xhimy Vol. XXXIII, No 71 1960x OB Ab Ammola by eupnmmivn solutim in .6 A*m bt U.- Pon" ii, IL A. MW]Avp 6 pp F fam pAx D"'t Tell M=lf So 7o ~bf -the Absorption of Water Vapor by #~., jr-Ouient (Fmm) C;nditions, by id Under Ti 1,'.F, Ot H. la, Tarat, 10 pp. RUSSIAN), i3r, Zhur Piik Rhim, Vol MI, No 9, 19s,8, PP' 4329 Consultants Bureau SC4; cli" GeV 59 The of iv"-raetion or Apatite with sui Acid in the Coua-se of MixUw# by GrLgvOycvp B A. KcWlev ~l 0 A. SC&Olova.,:7 PP- 10 10j, per,, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol M=., No 5, 19 693-7CO. OmultaW;s Duresu Chem 59 Abs pp of~ ~~4s Velocity on Hass Transfer in Vitiod Under Bubbling and Pcam Conditions, by 6 1.3p. Zhw Prik Xhimp Vol XUL No 3t 1958o Comsultants Bureau cry" ci 6tum Qlaride Ima 1cuil4p U41 iby~f ." R. Fozj-a,:;M, Is w-mtovaj 5 pp. aw, B*yj: paid Mur PrIh, I adm,, 1:61 =0 Zz 9, 1957, PT137,84-38?i Clonsullants Bureau Dee 7,7 ilization Of CU(No, ro-I Uns in tbe Syste ra Pozinj B. A. lbpy:,Lev, M PP I SS1,11) per" Zhur prilt Kja:~a~ Vol 1 i61 -1001" p Cigli (,B 5, "Lu The:; pp .It~ c?f Potauclum Chloride Obtained from Kai-&Ato atbiffereat Caqpaltloas W. E. Poz:Lnp H. I. Pa.'s Z)= Prik,Kblm,, Vol XXXP 1b 9p 1957) convultmts Dumu Sol M.- Doc ~3 3 77 E Iia6,y of the Absorption of Gases of Dif- :fo ~Aubintiea b~ the Bubbliug and Fow by A as PoWnp Be As ftylevr 8 pp. Zhu PAk Khimp Vol No 3 con DU iciency of Chadca ftipwat as a A=tion tli6l i"rLa P3.0v Fates and of t1m Pate fi ientoof ChwicAa, J=wionp wd f9herml C6e C*.I by M. 1. Pozln.. U pp. Zbur Prik Kh1m, Vol rM, No no 19, J, pp It OonmaUmts Barpau JL hChemistry 03dde Lows in Viote Gaseq Ptom Nitrose JIL~m Oyotmov by IL E. Pozin 0. V. 3 VW Prik RdLml Vol X=o go I-) Im., PP M-9760 Cmmfttmes B="m i lChemistry I ~'cjkovi%!h; by A. N. Dubov 4 pp,. RUSS r-rik maim, iol ~=X# No 11, mc per.. Zhur 1.956~~ 17-1620. Conaultantei Bureau Use Ti I -i: 1111, bsorption of Carboa Dioxide by Syzlroxido~ R Or per, Zhtw I~rik Mai; Vol M., No 3.1, Dept of Interi" Natiopal Coal Ed Tr A 1181/174 US Bm, of Wzeo Cantral Experiment Staticm Pittsburgb, Pa H &MIT -RY O~ CHEMICAL ABSOkMON. x. rm CRUME. L EQ0 1,TION OF MASS TRANSFER THR jTHE. IF, FUSION LAYER: OF GAS IN 1W, PROCE OF ONER ABSORPTON [Temlya K~eml or sit. I 1! 11963111601 5refs C*deir I III - or ETC $1.60 TT-63-20164 LA I Ell, Tran.. of 7hurrii lkladnof Khimff (USSR) 1948, V. 21, I4''o. 3. p. 18,-226. (AbstrarA.avallable) DESCR I IRS: 6sorption, *Towerb (Chemistry), Tinns t pr es. Diffusion, Gosiz, Equations, olki Ile to f'the ekperimettal study was to exify the: 1 .1 , v finding rd"m thei e ip6.rimebAal data cd ihe function Nu `- i e' , Pi I j.: with the aim of yerifying the i;W0 I "ji, Jv ich determine the magnitude of the parti.a I C, absoi on kg, characterizing the rate'of MR t. r throu the iliffusion lay" of (Chelmiptr --Phyu~lcal. v. 11. no. 4) (over) TT-63-20164 1. Po:zin, M. E. It. Title: Criteria]. 01111c9 *1 TItchnital S*rvices rr- 63 - I MM T'r 6~11 P! MICAL'ABSORMON. Vill. ON 1. Pozin, M. E. THE CMFFI OFIT HATH ~ OF ABSORPrION. H. Title: Or... [l963j!'7p'jI(ftgq'I 'mulae; omitted) l2refs or from SLA,6rETC$l.&0 TT-63-IIM6 trans of 7hurna Prikladnol Khimif~(USSR) 1947, v. 20, 0 n9.11 p~.1963-,'9 a a , ?,51, (Abitr cE,av 116ble) A trans'. ~ lip avallOble in Dutch from OTS or ETC $2.71 1~ It-k-' 0957." WL-~303, 43p. DEE f 2jIvr0xS:Mj~bsorptIon, "Kinetic theory, Dif- I Fj Ua A~orkt~s, *Towers (Chemistry), Fluld How, There AS~Fiaablllie~wll the regularity for the rate of Twos- transm )A a diffusion lay lr of Nquid in the m ~, functicid of di imsionless criteria character m, al hy lzi,ng tEe i4siqij, drodynamic and geometric condi- one 0k -~=k o(.1 eprubb~i. The ex~.e-ritnenm which a (Chiml y--Phy#,Ical, TT. v. 11, no. 4) (over) ~1~. E.~ 1.~~di,, Opykhttn, M. A. TT-63-20162 ~kEORY~ F, CHEMICAL ARSORIFTION. V- T1lE 1. Po7ln. M. E. ABS01i 'ON CHLOR,M AND S,ULFHUR DIQXIDE 11. Opykhtin, M.. A. BY I Sc ONS F,CAUSTIC SODA: THE AIISORP- 111. Title: Absorrition... I CHL' OA TION 16 INE BY BENZFNE (Teorlya IV. Title: Absorfition... Khim N iibtaiii.1 Vi Abs6rbtslya Khli,3ra I Seraistop Gazia ka Vora Edkop'Natr* Absorbtslya Khlora Benzof 119 ]![23pj (foretp text included) 4refs o,# Cfrderj'~fr SLA, or ETC $2.60 T17-63-20162 TranC IlPrikladnoi 1(himil (USSR) 1947, V. 20ji n6l 6', O~.~ 523-63i. (Abstradt available) DESC RS: It 1 rrO Abscriftion, *Chlorine, #Dioxides, OWI( C s: Sodium compounds, 'Hydroxides, Be J'r~ ~Mpm~ nzelnes, & The c I?r ectess the theoretically deriveAl equations of kineti" ~4 cheni siarjxion was confirmed cn a series of i e"jn:~I~s (afi, 6ption of chlorine and sulphuroug gas Office of Techitical Sorvices (cfieniks, ph , i I IT, V. 11, jr y- - ys ca no. 4) (cver) POZ M. E,J M iTA !E.~ S. TIT, KIMETIC, ~OF TIE ABSORPTION OF BROMPTE By T ,IO"UID APSOREMITS .23 pages. RUSS 1 Z hu~, Tcr i1c n im) Vol XXI-I-I., No Apr 1950 1-5 concralt 4s Aireau Translation emovai or. vast Yrom Gases; by me Foam metimi Pozin, 14 P. MWAlenov, E. Ta. Tarat, R I per , Zbme Prik Dim, Vol XXX, No 21 293-296- i�57~` ComultAnts Bumau Q chem Ab .10 Of IT.Ydrogen Sulfide 'by Arsoulcal Soln 801!1~4,~i n iI n Foam App6rn'tua, bry M. E. Pozin, ~kmp~. 16v, 11. A, Ntrovo, 9 pp Ir, Mar Prik Wo, Vol XM, No 6, 19,58, PP: Connultoift Burepu 13ci L ch& !I. 91 _i I I or. of Mr:-baz; table Ecailibria In ` cm,( R31)~a4,0, by bI.E. PoZin, B.A. -Kopyl,~,,r, Van Li IF :pp liTS1,I)l 7,hLw Prik VJ31n~ Vol VXXIII, No 12, 7 5 hT15, 71 Octl~ o cal Absorptlon., V. 7 4~ of ~Carbon Atoxide 1W Sodium C-rbcniatc ~Oi i0i me E* pozine I 10i 10AM, Vol )Dlkp pp 353-3 0~,48955 Ili i Illosti tioll of' J.'re ia tastable Equilibria in NII~J-1120 and CaD-P2',15--NO5-H20 at 50() P3,11 4, p 11 p Bo Ao Kopyleltv ~jid Wang W,-A " all I por Mu, Filk Rhin) Vol y- 0 ~ p, V No 1-0, 1962 'Uh,p U34', - 1: :. I 1.2-145 t hysical Propertiec of a Liquid on the of Mobile E. Pozinp jE, 8- Prik Xbimj, Vol XXVIlp -No 11s, per# Zbw si PP, n7o.-1179. ciA c-4i474 - Consultauts Bpreau ScitiktIVIc ChezUtry 56 A" - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - T)0 and GIl,3TIZFG, A. 1~i. dia's lidfi Aion of i4eactions between bolid Substances Z h,,U:.l Fr RRI, Vol XTILVI 1,11c) 1 11; pp ~7-1!16 !?!,Opsulttl~~Ints Bureau T;ransl.aticn, avail. FD.D Lib mposition of Kwa-Ttu Phosphorites 'I Addi by M. B._?gjn., B. A. Kopylev, A. 8ie T pp'. HUMBSI U~j DAW Prik Khim., Vol 11,=., No c) 196 IV 1 '9-1975$ CB GOP PrPaGed1loyo by Xj.g, -10 pi).. LqWTAW mo io M Zhu.r Prik, Xhim, 110. 10,- 1952) JAL Cotwultauts Dwoau at'trlc Chm4stry CM/DU olei li~ P~ N Rmw.,~ 951~ r Di Oxidativa Volimic and of a Sepapite S~O~Lc Acld~Tlo ,mr 6)rstem., t7 H. Mdahenko p, per,, Ztmr 1 Prlk Kh1m., Vol XXIV,, No 61 Yi.Wy ~P 561-5M i Coniultants 'Bmvau Vul 24, Jun 1951 Vcj~' c2sob Rukdim; Ava- ~ 1~955 f Sz, Q- A z r ba4 L, ta u - i! j 7 N "Y 4 py. no per) Zhug, Frik MAm Vol a-VITIT, "10 pp 42,1;-ZT., CIA Cl Z&-B C UtWtS Buareau ons 195r, Sy of Rkneral SsItEi In.- M. E. pooin x1p: I'Laoi Iff ktmf, wirm 1949,.' p668. CIA D 432377 UUM, T al*tract only 64 4ent ific Bio S 7-,'~L- Mar 56 ~O~ ati6O Of Nitric Oxide in the Production A~i ~~B- k, xopriev 6 pp RIMSIAH,~j -jer. Zhur Prik Dim Vol XXV No 13. 1962 ppl 23~.7~ 235B CB 63 O~ktbe~ by N. N. Poatzd)mv, F. N. Tavadze and N 1N 4'~ &Wldxo Relative to the Article "A pwaos'l Buis of the QC lassical I Tbeory of 06~UA410b'sse k Bmetim t," by X, Z. Pozin tmd A. H. ti 16g," 6 pp. t2 Intion so per Vol XXVIII, No 9, 119~4s, P 995-9;4. CU 0 4U105 Consultants Bureau *AwAific - Chesdatry )fhr.; 561 Ox A qq~idation of Sulfur Dioxide in Iron Sulfate 1861UU01U, OY K- 3-110MIU1. E. P. Mukhlenav., L S. Al I O~ss p mo per., 23,ku Prik MUm., Val XMII,. No 7 PIP 681 ;1955P CIA C 40838 Consultants Bw,-eau 31 yi74 Y- 56 ~MS/dex RediXtion of Ferric Sulftte by Sulfur Dioxide, ty E Pozin., I. P. MukAlenoy, L. S. Iraailetiky ~6 RUB PNp, mo por, IL LIMP Vol NXIM10 zbUr Wr 7 NO j~ Jun 195~) pp 57 -519 CIA C 4032h Consultant-S Bureau Sdm~tific Chetalsttry Jun 56 CTS/JDI,'X Decres Ptocan ~ 1 1 Osiu ~ P-74 1mg 1301 - Cb P kl 56 11C of! Nitric AdA. C, onfoumption in the Mitroce 'of Wgwi Mminfacturej, by M. X. G. V. Belchn1w.0 IS pp. wo,pwrp Zhur PrIk 11him, Vol MaXq No 4. 506~5n. Cansultanu ",emu All, 6 40~21 RIVIVIE U g9 ion of the Carbonation of ft-clnn CaAmat Solutions In FO-miur by 14. F1, 11 Poz n, B, A,. Kopylev,, and .7,.. 'in T,:--ra~-. -10 r, Zhur Xnet-l KIrt-m 'Vol 4- AT P Au