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uroe'; ~M'i n, onz the Machanice of' Bodies ~U.%T ngl Deformtton in the Tbisory of Plastic Vxrtals,, by 1. Y. Taravvakiy.. A. A. V. Meandrov. 1.961 3C.."16 Pbyo In Vysshlkh UdUab &,Ve4, Cheru Metal,, pp'67-18. MI 2557 A 6a 591 AI (14Y-7166) lact an Am.. litdiAiLude In !ilea of theTlickor :U PW6- tiations of Vacuun TW)o Oscillatcor, by ac lev" D. POZ11gey, V. S. Troitskiya A~ iog -9 PP41 Ily I)er,, Iz sshildi Ucheb Lived WiSSOg 13511,~,~Ittdiofiz' Vol Va 'No 2,, 1962, 307-310. MIS 15517 "Ci lauctranics ~ct 6 ton of Aut~racene# Ilbonauthrcw,, arb Ole iv~lstw 046c, ana ludole on tba MatroUp by T. is Oortwkhs cl !I NO Ip LIM IM-W-P Vol mn R US. CH 0 36893 Jan S Vic Chou,,.',Btry CTS 66AAar 55 pbid. 14",_Stlption of the Condensation Re- akt6n ije~tveiin lnd6o and BexiialdeW ep by A.'G. 'a 0. volimy.. pp,, ammomm T M ur~ Prik Xbiu Vol uvp 110 12j, a0 per, th De"c ~195P~ 1319-1321. Clonsultanto Bureau /7) sc'io6tv~'6 Cbemintry 7 r Stpd~eo. on Co ow and Indcm Qml p ;&deyevao A., G. Vo3ltx)v. %-',u UMI.AmirMl tu perp Shur Prik Phi% Oo 10,, 1952$ pp 0 1 ic t Lt 1. chordsixy Conultants Bm-cau 0118/DEX The &T'~ yma4t of Normal and Differential Polaro- P i graphy 1 ~ f6r ih"p Analysis of Coke - Chemical P-miucts, .11 va, N. Mi. Cherkatior, F. L. Kruglo by A. 0.1 Fozdpr,%-',Jj;, 6 11P - RUSS116 ','Per zim- Prik Rhim, Vol =I, No 9: 1959f ilpl 1973"L1-978. CB 15-7 ;j 0 agmphic: Aw.Vois of the Coumarone emd n~ ~~Iprw , me e ti of Crude Semen by, A. G. Io A.; 0. Vo]Jwyp Pple p r io Zhur*,,!~rik 1hb, UM,, Vol XM) Wo 10, I till -195 pp i067-3-M3. o" il-36 Consultanto Bureau c5i alient-1ho - Chelodsixy An 55 CTS/D= Sol &TA oub"Able Is '"814&r Productop by ds 9000-574 ucti a Qf~; Pyiidiiie und Its RowDlogs on Pe prOpIDpPI! ~Mer~ury RI vIctrade, by A. 0. llbzdeeva, pi bte, iu. pp. JAXI~ no per,, Zbm r Obchch Kbim., Val MMI, No 111, 206 2m4. Consultants Bureau S~I:W~t Chemistry My CTS/tax ixo-vo an-3 P-netionil on Ue. ~X~,.POCEI..r,M )lAc Waoe r.; of Co=arcmc eti#l Mena., by A. 110J: ,!hlra, A. G. Volkov., 6 pp. Noce) Zhu:- Mim, S"ISSR, Ilo 11, lcf)21 1:1 'all -17ureau (Dc-4439) Ampjjj"`~Jln,~, ~4~iter, by B. Ya. Gerteenshteyn, B. G#'~,Pjqzde~!! ff. A. Savina., 11 pp. P; VAvtnik Snazi, No 10$ 1947t pp 6594 Feb Isen fw. " wol (Construc~tion Indiatry) Conferences IA.11 6 AN p Stroltelow Gazets, 17 Apr 1960, p 4. JPWI 29JU U861k lip, 4ui ~D i h-Y V-c-O /1)4 B crl;l o (conatruction Indus-bry) confc.,rcnces, by 'j 6 pp. t!ipozdlviv~ A ... .. ..... .. StroitelOnaya Gazeta, 17 'Pr 19'0; j? JPR6 292.1 Oonstruction jui 6o i "J, 17 Vltzcow g"tou,, by B. Til cc m V. P. No pit Tmrdo[P %Lao Alp gov pbp.Solid BtATtm L40 capouns by %ftVlAbAw MA I awl ,xra of harectcrs by A. PozcbLlyov~ 2 ~li~ per, Icryla liaw, so AID 3 EUMS IT Ic M Mry Me of tl'e 93AMtriml Paremters of a MeAlix by I' Po2arlzwUon Hetlvd., by S. I. Pozdniak, k 6 RUs9mftN$ pin-, RsUotaU i Elektron, Vca V.. No 3D., 191~j 13. .1733 c ikov L~ Alkylation of Tetralin, Communication ~~,'~tion of Tetralin mith 1-Hapteue,, by mi ildnp N AD Zq!"p V, A, Shlyapoch- Is Ak No* 88SRO Otdol Khim Vautk., ~POA pp 1264-1261. *7 (DC- "'00/2) Outpos f 51ocialium tu the Fast,p byL Lo*, 7 1?,P- mjwwfo~ ~porj~l gommut, so 12, Aus 1960, pp 95-R9. JM 6092 van Pol Oct 60;: : . 11 ~ I ~ .--- Ca W1. ytic~ IsPor-Ftase AUVlation of Be=ene With All' (Do CoimWeation 4. AlJgaation of Benzene a..2-1MtKmB and WitJ2 the Peataw-B=tene PnImon 0 the ftmil Crack1jig of Petroleum., by ftdidn N. A. Ik. P. Evrovo 4 pp. I r., Iz Ak Nauk SSSRt Otdal KhIm Smikq so Ii.. -pp 19910 CB /575 may 6 Trai isforiallow; of .1-Fautene &ad by 11. 1, -5ftuLkir-, 14. A. P:p - [p I-per, A Newk SSSR~ Otdel Min lllauk~ q; mtal ic~ lAwlation of Tetralin, Communication 'ition of Tetralin~by Primary Alcohols Containing ya C7 a. ve, I 1j. I Shuildn, N. A. Pozdnyak, B, D Lutnt h 4 pp. RUSSIAN, P( Ir, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdal Khim Nauk, N o 6,', 1961,1 :pp 109&12.01 CB Apr 621 I! c I- u s, g vu I -z Ah Hau*az SSIS otdcl 1~allm .1, - R ! a . . I 1 , 30-4-S07 Consultmt, 1:vrenva ip-r 6c) Pt c Alkylatidn ar Dowana vIth Alkewo Sa 1. the Any3amon of Bmamc oil AI& rauk MR. DWI DIM 11(41t) J, -701 P8 LIvt contfir: CO ic mlrAmtion of Denzem in Itesence Citlor-Lae Miller co--d3.4~.ionr, af UU4 Ixtd IBL-epmtod I CC, CA co try I 1 1: Sb,~MA-n nr WSST'l Al.. MIA 93M orkLdl-13 lwm SOP431 t .1 Ito pr Scie' 11fla I Chmistrj OGNOWtivityp ELGCWmd FeaUtlVityp ad ftworUes or it Mtered Imi- PW X1,j by V. E. Mikryukov, T~*y a4 P"* ftmWftmwa I%4&UurgLyoj So 4(16)t 600 ar Cementite In Bm-Grapblto L-lAMdc:--/ jll~by N. Z. PoalWak, B. IC. Pcm=uvnko. lg~~.Per lsbtUllOv ODM,Dbrab bot, No 12., ~39 63 I!Iio&d6pper-4raphite PorouB Antifriction AlloZrs, y Va'11B. Mikrvukc)v, N. Z. k. ItUSSIAN, perv Vest Mashina3troeniyat Vol =1, ~6 2 956s Pp 52.;56. BrutcWr nr 3746 ~Scj 'Oftnerale/metals, ~dn 19i5 Dispel i Pough ISI'Li 1~ by A ~A.! i U 10-(!T fi-fli Sci Jul 1 3 the Mapetic Field on a St"'p-tist".imlly 16, rUith Finite Conductivit-,,, L~,~lev, S. 1. in Poz 6 -D I-~-,diotel:b Vol r1ij --,qo 12) 196-1. 2),J 'bi I t A at f1bao"i PIAGUOGs bw A, A01. vp Vd Mott, 3b 100 igiat aphic Separation ot Wioalements of the r W gr T ri~ a! Group of RUmuts Obtained During Fission tt"63.-bium Y and Rtftium by Rigb -Inergy hiotons by 6 A, FA ,.y PP Bmsx~N: Per ?.bur Anal KbILm Vol XT Ivo Rep/ ~,0-.~t iq,56, PP 566-571. Conoulttints Bureau TU k 1160 Exclja~np Chrmatogmph-a SeparatjL-a Of of 1. M, Greebubehava, 14 ppe AK. SIAN.411 peri 2bur Morgan MUm, Vol 111$ 1958) 11331 1~ 8e AW UCRL-Vam -523(L) Lis 45~ It .1mciocbethical lavestWtion d' the. T:t-~ucto of I,' Fbiniou by 6604iev Protons, by zc PO to I 17 1 ilmd" r, Dok Alt Muk SSSR, Vol CM, 7o 1; i. J=r Icatu, of Pblys $ov Phys - Doklaay Vol III, ED 2 ~7 -74F 61 - Jul ~59, ~rlspa iri -tbfj Bow ru!~rcu, of id' A6' by A. L, Pozdnyakov., lo pp LUr.lil per, A,.rkh Patol, 1,,oj. XXI, No 6, lg!igl hed, lipdiology, ~59 -P Juj: PL (NY-2619) rib 313vineacence, of DNA Isolated ri-,,am Tiimucs. of dlm,~d Animls, by G. P. Toropova, A. L. 0 k 7 P.P. q:a-!-mi~4 j L 59: ii :A per, ItL%dit Radiolog., No 3,~ 19,591 PP 57-60. JMS-L463-N ine, Radiology x la UE Sill! 3 To w h a tIn( RLUSJ'A nj USSRI~ Mil rivi: 3 M:~ Z' ~ference is Leading, by I. Pozdnyakov," Sovetskiy Patriot, 25 Dec 1960, p 2. .*JPRS Defense Lim fQr Anode-(h-id .0 Ic. Vol Xir$ N, 3-961D, pp pp (,z VOW Miudium Wave Transmttting Antennae ou L4,v B. S. rtwollonkol 'Art, lt'tcli~ i6 13 3 IT I Tu D vyaiait no 15f 1957; flot Hun 41 Lib Tr 58/0218 ci 10 f) sop 5iE iH LANCE OF PRODUCTION EXPENDITURES AND r; pp WASTE BY N. POWNYAKOV, Rj 1%, NP EKOkGAZETA NO 5 FEB 1,:,62, R USSI JPRS 1388"' ci SSR Ecoll )um 62 5-5 ----------------------- The poets for Purth*r Increase in the Pro- et"On of &XtpwA for laie Construction Ma- lij ~ r Is wd tM cloutnietlon Industries, by llarly"", In. 0. Pozftyakovp 13 PP- no per, Bt4vltel t 'DOMIMM MUh jkm 19580 Vp 96-32. A 7J chi V~] Istias of Carcimogemsia in Muscles wtith Va AD taboliom, 1* O.M. pp. 31AN per, Byulleten'Ekeptrimentallmoi Logil i, HeditdxV~ Vol Ly. Ho 2) 19631 P.P 78-82- CB 64:1 256 90S VIN arJjaiqntzl Cancer of the Stmach, by Ye. L. 0. M,,pOZd.A)!kqvj-j4 pp. u SW.4, Lper, Patolog FlzlOl i Elisper T~mqiyu,, V., 1P 2, YAwlApr 1961, in 72-T7. JPRS 61 A no.'10%tisstsni~.aient 60. NUSTING THE FREQUENCY OF RESONATORS. 11'960] 3p, 00 RIS G-236 ,eten 1zobreterAv]'(USSR) 1959, 122 780, 21~ (4/10) appl. Nov 58). 61-12039 I. Piezoelectric remiators- Frequency measurement 2. Frequency- -Gmtrol I Po7-dimikov, 11. G. UPatent (USSR) 122 790 IH. RIS G-ZM IV. Research tdomation Service, New York offiew of TodmICCA servicos lug malsion QuaTtz Rsoonator With Small Temperatui ne of the. Prequency.,by 1. 0. Vusin, F. G. il ~v oo 14. 1. Yauloslavskiy) 3 pp - P k RUM TAN ~per, Dok Ak'Nauk SSSR, Vol C=., No 3, 1958; a81 A pp, Amer laut, of Mys Sov Mo - DDklady Vol M, go 2 Scl is. M N1159 Opt ~pf mav~l supboard Imer Plant$ 12"t co,u~ut*,A". by V. Pacdayakov. *4 No 28 19670 NAVYI WavSjAps Tr tie IV.4 hai#AoixA., byl. P. PowlWkov. A I t"t I V"I &WIL*,t MuWadIML lb 2. C, a Ok wNaopft~t of BKI*mvd Pow k2im*A v * Fo Fooft0m, 0 1 Navy Indo (AvU W'.4tsdois kjXr A "elding) of Clean Metallic Seizure [Colds V. ts ~by A. P. Smenov, V. V. Pazdnyakov. Metal i. Term Cbmt lletaUcv, No 10, HB tj !pf the Baremits a" "Dblva"., by Yu. F. po 3 WOW) Cc-no perg.Dok Ak Nmk SM., Vol =,o 4,1119 7771 Ti A AWr Dwt of B101 sai DW r-Diol ftl S" Jan/yel, 1957 99r, Bel :Iaio3tb i Ii ~, , U4 JFRS 2$V3 251,5M InhaWtarsop by Lie A. rAWM6 L. Yeo Man& et 04 pfx Vol 111, No Sj, 19630 pp 898-906. NY-4870 Creati6 of ilD, Focus in the Rotor I; Om Analyzej,- a, Puleating Diraot Curreat,, by R. A.' P, Bp Re A, Po%dM-akovat 12 pp. alk'g4 RUSSIAN6 erimnUaInay launhamLya ZakoncjWr 46, Iteboty Rory Bollebidlh PoluaharV,,, 1960 1p4j~ M U969 i3ei-Ked I C05=1 Ion 5. C=dmm- of ti= Of PIP 51 FMOOMI of Catalystz$ by A. H. rilmamaj WAM To R. . ..... .7 ]PPO ,U Invoit" a at the stimewre cif cbmicoa cowindt ,. ~Ptl 7 b~mi 0 111:1 1s*r 94patILO I%M=nc* lipectm. 2. The Detsvd~ul;%Om' 0 tN eftViltm W. CMfoumtion of a umber air tdboli b7 V.. F. Bystum--~:-s USSIAN br., ~4 Ak HWY. 81*8 otw. KUM vautp No 1), 963, bil of cyclopeatemm's. camumicatbou MUM of 'Wuhm imd!Mno Immera of Bliumova T. E. R)x 1.) 7 ;r,?, ar., Is AlRault SEM Mal KUM smko 12,9-136. 41'-:~ d 4 sy#t 'esi pf Saturated Primary-Seoonclary T-Glycols, Jl~y V, Buk T. ',;a Lazdi*viW*&r, 4 Ppc R U,4i sNJ, or, It Alc Mauk SSSRp Otdol Khim Naiikt, NO foomn't ey 1. V. I'mylit #A MAISMt SMIYA 0.17 IV, aaqwA. im 175" fix) Dc".,0711ation Rcsiottuicf-,, Or. Vic Jr Pab%pe.,tiias f. of Steel IXinizir, Hot 4~~ T)y 1. Ira. Taraovdd,r, A, A. Po.-.d~cv, T re ii)~ti pp. p6r. 1z Vyashith Ucheb Laved. Chern ;[i1:;i 1%1) pp 9 82'-W, 909-3233 Ad %JWI US I~e' Ion Seminar on Activated Sintering of by N. V. jq&anyak, 4 pp. per., Iz Ak Nauk SSEER) Otdel Tekh Nauk, Toplivo, No 2y 19uEy PP 174-175. sic 02 216.1474 hWn t ative Deteraiination of the Three Nitro- hior agene Isomers in Their Ifixturee By Moans T 0 h; :Infrared Absorptiori Speotras by V. Ao Omd vp Yea So L#3vin* 6 pp, A6S per, Zhur Awa Min, Vol XIV, No 1, oil > A6 8 61 ji rai J~tj~,bbx;,i of! c c R $at Sorption Sp.,;,ctra Of Pian le ts ~erlvatilies,. by V. A. Z. V. L. S. Efros, 5 PP Maw Obahch Mimt Vol no 8, 1960, as of lbteldowd leamarlyAtolons by 016 v A"! '110 A.: P=tlav V. IL fttMIW, pp. Dok Ak ft* OWj, VOI MWP 50 31 of ~,;Ieatriymlcs -,,')2 e:!rt.-7*,-zircra,,;7t 1 '00 `0iU*T' V zp I 'la-nik 'vol 17, -~.rr -`C, Al Vc duhop ovni R t", 9 Oct 4 Pozboritskil. K; ~I. CA IJON D PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE 017 LOGIC RRSERVES OF ORE CATEWkir C2 ED) 6tte I Prakticheskom Uschenli ykh MeKo- PC vnykh pasov Kategorlf C, Rudo No~ 3,! 7p 26fefs AGIj VD Ift tuteruttimw. Geolov Revirl/. 1450- T. slirv~ it'P" 1456 7~= GealWyaj (LUSR) 1962 IV. S) W. 5k p~ 404-11;.'(M~ a"II&WO DZSCMMRS: *,,Ecow 'ic gwiM, iNatural remmCeS. K)nj V;jk&l Deposlu. CU991ficad0u. Owl rr-63-17713-11 (P. 1450-1456) 1. Pozharitakil. K. I. H. American G-1091cal Inst-, Washingion. D. C. j~ I j j Early, idbu of rffOd decrease in ore in grade and I I res",70, wm!~~ hu lad to could"aw pe"Imism an ttkitut= T Inctaux! effidewy of owe Wim, R v. 11, no, ii) (ow) *4701P W I:( (DC*6932) PwaICIN Iwm OF VE Loy -OKI GDET -0 IN THE, PA110"MI S OF *WMES OF'PATSt BY! VE. A. P0ZW0AMv 00, ~AWIV MATCH11g, 415MOGI I I I.P, V% XLII;o ND p t9Qj pp 73-76. jPM 15018 rvms Prim, of SAW UPW nto wool C61 k29.436. -L23BT ~~4ab'tic4.'cattering of 0-3p 0o77 imid 1.0 mev 1~ P~ota~autz~ms.. by IM. R. -Poze.,-U. P. Glazkov, I 7 4 '. il p1,: RUSSIM.Ap parp Mar Miner i Teoret Fiz., Vol XXXp lb ~1954") pp 101:(-1024. Amer *rnzt of Physics Soviet Mysica, JETP Vol M.. No 5 Sei pb~kae Apr (HY-64-99) Itom tl.c Line for Masurement of the bxer: Reflectian in the icient ofM denti-i eter WaveBand.. by L. V. KasaV.-In, ii FDzen)5 p TIMSUM, per, Iz VUL, WO lRadiotakh, r~l No 31 1961. am 1.1524 1) Id n 62 ~i`sio4 of the Principle of Gauss to Systems Exte wi Dx7j,(Coulomb) Friction, by G. K. Pozharitskiy, 121pp- ,,Iper, Prik Matmnat i Hekb., Vol XXV, No 3, 196S Pa. rpmon P:m s s ja]64 .-26 6 ~Vq or, ic Stability of Equi 1 ibria and Motions of Mechanical Systems With j3ipation,, by G. K. "Pozharitskiy 15 PP- r~ Prik Matemat i Mnkli., Vol XXV., Ilo 4, Pergamon Preur. 263.,68o oweim for stufolq Ion Prmswu In kilt tl!'Gatsv~m:w Pbalie at HIO Oreavires, by L. porbawv" et a], 9 pp. 6L.1w,"t SIMI. Ser Rz pp--- till N VOI V110 M 40 1903v 59451 ~1~:WNCU 9:022217 N ~ay 64 ia COMPIck Sull tea of Tetmalent Plutonium and Allmli Yetala, B. G. Pozhurskiyj M. E. pozba~'Is ya.,! 6 pp. RUISSpo'l,~ peit Zhwr Neorg Kbiza,, Vol V, No 10, 1960 1i 21~i -2203 V Cleaver-flume Preso Sep complei ulpb4tes P0.11=4ko RusS, q 1960, Is sc i Sep of Tutravalent Plutonium and Alkall V. Lipis., B. G. glaraW., M. E. 5 pp. Zhur Neorg Paiim, Vo-l V, No 11D) Preas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- D~~vs't4pttwz ki the FLad of Bmzimi&uxle D6 ivativeso IN. AmbiatIon of 1-Cyc:Lobevl- by A. H. Stx)wv., qF 0 Pftbankiy. 5 ppo wk Mr., ZbUr Obahi9a Oka., Vol =CLU., 3., PP 2350-2354- *6 CD A ~64 264 v575 091 Oe FMSUda0l*U DnIvatives .9 VIU !Ekx* I.-Subqtatated mcmud4aacavs., bj Mw Obftll Xblml 'Vol 1=10 No 120 2141&3 Ef fk:t 6~1 Temperature on the State of UrwWl in NJ 61c A&'d %lutions, by B. Or. Pozharskiy, 8 pp. Rli~iAN,I~ero WaUokbim, Vol U IV No 1,,962 PPJI CB Sd,! luveatllb~tld lof Quadrivaleat Platcolum Ccuplex T I Folmil~iou in Sulfuric Acid Solutionsp by L. V. I is t - G-6 ~~s~ki V. V- FbMin, T-PP- 0 :Zbw struki; Dis.0 'ibi is lio 4., 1960j, S *17, pup CD Sol Sep ~Tz M Ana6 of the Cbmwo of Respirstlon and rculation mouces lxw1m Great anci swift *two*orld Pmoum, by F. 1. Pozlgw:Wok-iy, IL Kbw,.mp !~--o lD bkp Fisloloslys I Putologiya Dykhwdpp 6k843;. I owipwtorapd7s .0 195S., pp 189--m. L988 pbpiology Jo 7 Y1.6-41 ;01 ~60 1: d ?j~j%+,-_d Cbmiges in the Arteries of tb c A&I 0fiijjj,.tjag ~3yFjt4g Of the Hecrt, by K. M. 8 pp. FUAI,.,fjLr., per, Valst Alt Vad Nauk SSSR Vol XVI., No 1961 pp 51-12. ms ~~665 U&.9111 A oj h sci k"i .0 rl 6 1 on Dog ri6 196~ I PR Sai 62 4tal Atherosclerosis In Arteries of the cle Conduction System# by X. H. Pozhw.-ir.- q. Dok ak ftalc SSSR., Vol C=,, fio 5, -123.7. ADS Sai (NY-5596) oa~. tl'roO lerosio of the Arteries of the Cardiac cond-,~i tiiv~*stem., by 1. M. PozIssr1moklyp 20 pp. Russwi ArMv Patolog,, Vol XY.IIv No llv I I p Irj .966; kj,-50. ins Tm Bel ~ed Cep-- Propert of the U=I,acteriutic I-OdlikrS df I'lle SolutlOas Of D'TZLI-i-eratj 1. U-1 al b 6 R 17, IA 11, per, Prik Watemst i 14--~kb~ Vol XXI"K, 195 1):p 7V7 -710 - Sc'i I-W ~3 t 59" by 10',11 L: Ift4writeMys q%AW,. pprj struatlau cif Uia Magursov ruuot"; jMrua j.32!of tho SquaUmi for Parturbed Notiott; -W ppo Prik D%tmmt I I-bkh,, Vol xnn; rn 'a; Pervimon lot 13 L~dy;~(f Productive rorces of Hei-lungkiezg; by ye~; Frobit, K. L. Potbar itakly, 6 pp. 1~ per - Vast Ak Haut SS. Val XXIX.. Wo 9., ki 59 6.5-68. fi7;7 *6 6e)' hal by L. 'Y. PPI Notuor .0 ftroitLl Opyt .4. Flo. ,1z 1 ag