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SU.131ma Se c'onduU tors in Aviation Radio Equipment, by V. ic I ! i s 4 pp. UNCLASSIFIED P'Otr ~ Yll RUSIS N, viatsiya, No 280, 28 Nov 1957, to IR-1350-5b, AFCIN-lAl. p 3,lEnci AF 1175826 Scii Ele], tronics Jun 18 12 1. as of C5-Cq a-Allamit; Im Tba Procr,"e )f AUIM o5talyat, L-.V v " I Yeo A* TI=Teeva,, T. 11. Zobi-jal w,, -;i. Cli "r~F` Alywodromo-kallevogo ratsli- tom, 14. Us JFR6 LVO Set 1 77; ol De ~iou of the Coefficient of Thermal y Of Loolli 4terisam by the M1 lmgmn- M,AwlklAll Methodp by T,. A. W11s, V. D. Kosov, V. I'Alvi P040luaq, 5 ppa RMIM.. per., 73M1 Takh Piz,, Vol XXV1, No 1., Jfl~ i?56 ~~.Pp 85-89. Amer Innt, of Fbys Saviet Pbys-Tech Phys Vol I~j NO 1 BA physics !g A 0 Ination of the Teuperature Ametion for the Poeffic''ie-at of Tberma Condactivity, by L. A. vais, !IV. A. jtUQUWjp, 8 :pp. ]of) perk Zhur Tekh Pit, Vol XM, No 1, Jan 0561 j1p 76-84. Amr Inst of Mysics Saviet Phys-5)ch Php No 1 Vol I JWq 7 it DetemiriiLtlor.;2 or Ethoxy Grox!ps in Some Crgano-Sille.in and A1=11 "Ompounds, by E.A. BGndarevskaya, S,V. Syuvtsld~' RA. Fatsepkina, 4 r-P. RUSSIA~,~ er,i~ Zhur Anal KhJ.-,,, Vol, ZIV, No. 4, 1959, p '~I 1; .nP 51.31 11 sci Sep 60 PLA 'iNfED 0,PENDITURES FOR SOVIET RESEARCH UT I ONS, BY L. V. POTSKH I lll~ I . B. iNST11T 'i'1 ROZE FEL'qj ET AL, 35 RUSS',AN, [A) PLANOVYYE RASKHODY SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH 1. . ~ 1; I ~ KUL!TURI`,'YI(H MEROPR I YAT I Y) MOSCOW) 62) pp 1513-211,1. JPRS 172b5 ussk ECOM JAN:,6~ 220 ,4571 . i I Veri,i6v-L li-iot4bution af R'-~oactdv-,-.t,,y in 1~ mo~:t~di!EjeML,Ilts, 'DY V. Yu. (lu.), Potuius, LITIMANIA111) per, Lietwoo,. T.SR), Mokslu A-ad Goolol ir (16ograf. Inst.., No 11j. 73-80~ 1960k, 5 sai? Exilb Sel 8, Ast Qtj~ ~itativa Ideafluremonts, of Cloud. lp.ernc-iit Raai~aict,14--,ty by 11. Yti. (Iii, ) .11oti,ii-i , 22 pp~ LITHUANIA I per; ~JqUnlai prailasivat. U. W, Mokslu -*.ad. , Geol., -ir lja~~t NO 11, pp 48-C-Z. AM,-tr- S-d phy c), 31~1 ln*,M~tig tims in Regard to Ptopagation of Iloat inll& SQ~I by Conducticn,, by Emil Pott. 86 pp. ~~Ier, Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchsstationen,, voi 0,0, 18770 pp 273--~SSS* s Tf, 6d' i6717 JuA ~f 327p752 ~In Vpifahren zur Bestimung der Warmelelt- -k~hijk6it Dunner Proben bei Ifohen Texperaturen. J~s m Institut f-ur Physikalische Chemie r dl~ iversitat " tar, by Franz Ph. Pott. e U11 s %RMAh Mr. zeicN . I, I sturforschg. No Bat 'jp *CFST11T 67-S9059 /v 2- un 67 T- jI-Gt.N-,Y ~~Nf) lj~fl-.A 1"IENT OF CANCE'R OF '111L LCWHR 1L1 AND 1j*S 1XIENOPAJ HIES (LYMP11- T. 'E GLAND MI~TAS -S). [1962) Sp. Ordor, fr~:... K - I I K-1i 37, 11) Trani. 11.61-1:11 ~IiL!~ SCIOIILel~ N16dil:jIlt" d~- jjfj~ 02 - 2204' i . F~ 11. K-H-*71ii-a I i IK! I )ol: C'z S" an.~! *f Kttr-Uurgical Reduction -"L, n o-cc s b" rIeSi*1 W a I -r L'-t bir L. Pot echer..,;, 3 IPP i~ o scj; I'lotEdl, Nov 1,9,512) Brokcii Hill Propietary Co JA-d (CRII/T.154) 7 3' 61-16098 PO Retntuqd. OF ELECTROMAGNE'ric cpmn- I. tottci, R. MEI WAVEK' IN ARTIFICIALLY ANISOTROPIC MEDIA.,jj196I;j4lj,. 15,refs. Orde'! Uoin SLAI $3.60 61-16()QR Tran4, f zeils rift fUr Angewandre Physit; (West c1crZin, 1958~ 10, na, 1, p. 9- 16. DESCRIPTORS: rjElLetromagnetic waves, Absorption. ' I . i Ferromagnedc materials. (mvs ici ~~~Wa ve i4opplion, 17, 0, no. 3) A ~4ev NO" on the BMW= Bafteon Steel and 114ter it, Nigh T-Wporatum, by S. C. Patter. Mil., per., 11M V. G. I Vol LW7o 1962) 19. 2. cmn *614 ions on the' Evoluticm of Hydrcgen nt tho AgOub, n a inAbe Rlectrol~mia of' Ssaine WA'rLdes: Nov iv~~inaij.qa, by 19, cs-mt~rj. J. Olm Roclawls, 11 pp. per, Col :j lopas Internationaux du Centre de la Reelwrahe Saltntif ique.. Vol. XXXIX., ,ol 2,, pp 3-6. ,,Yaie, ftris,, May 195, 195TCTS/dex S.L.A., Tr Wo 507/1955 A Came for the Obaervation aff the Mcm W.Uh t ii, aN 0 Imm, I Astmgmph at.the IW.i%. Astraacmiesl Oll! IM zrvv of tho Aaaamy of' Sciences USSR h I in Fulkq by IL I. Patter., Yu- 5, Streletakly, vo Rw* IMIJ, por.. Astvon Zhur, Ul XMI, No 6~ 1?5~; pp, 1047-1052- Awr Inat of Phys Boviot Utran AJ Vol :[II;, no 6 7r.-1 J~~ 6o W-64-13176 (p. 442-446) THE PRO T APHIC,ZENrrH TUBE OF THE 1. Potter, Kh. I. PULxovd,' 10 Oct 63, 5p (fig 11. FTD-TT-62-959 omitted) M, TT 62 959 (p. 442-446) ~~ (p. 442-446) S, or ETC $28.50 Ln TT-64-131'16 Order friR III - Foreign Tech. Div., (p. 442-446) Air Force Systems ~ Command. Wright- ugh dr0t trans. from inono, Astrometri- Unedlud ' Patterson APB, Ohlo 1: 1 1 re itIislyn &',SR (no. 14) klev, cheaka -a K e M 27-30 a ~8. Tr6dy, Moscow, 1960, UESCR RS: cameras. slecificarions (Astropomy, v. I no. 5) 0111" of 7ecfmicAl S"-r- b7- 00 V b32- C11, 110145 'Volk-IF vof6p cesi cl~ cb Comm CIB55W k of T 959 (9' TT 01 TO; T,~,P' 50 vvo- xQ Oct Ot 000, Y%eNs t1as", too. gbo fill T7 06esy ccLec' 0 0-999 y TT- j7q1D- -TeCb- (00- CC V ?jkocs IA 1'. 0, 0 Ni mto Co and, b-59 rl - (a $94) 09 t I 4kv 7.959 (V"c 1% - 5) %!1- ky - c ~\ v brelsl~ jTS. 'Moop .-I'Stfovn oft' Dry-" t 6~t so 19 Sco*, bus yLed ear e 00 octt V~no 11 If vkowg q',LqSs 'he ics, -'bk) NStrMOC6 as$. 21 m otstv 00 oil CK%O 1. OMEN (a ra ~Lth Optical! Coupusator for Observing I A Aft 41 Eokrth satellites, by ;61 P164 A A SUL Astm $cyst. S Prill U& TO" V AM. 41rdo So"& iffib 31. PIOU104366 3# pp 50~- - h. TW SCi 4 MUM 66 514oldg A Sbudy ot the Figuro off the Mon frion, Photog-rapho 11 ii Ob-t'aumed ~'ar Tomcwtric Fu.U Moon~ by 1%. L, POtter, )~YO'r ovo 6',DPG fRWU per, Aatxcm Zhur -41o. 5, pp. 946427- or AIP Sav Astron-AJ volcl v0 Nom Mci 2. W3 A.6ilag 443: qei - A UL~~ 59, .-ry cf tha, Apparent i'44o,41ou of Ue j;ooix Stars, by Kh. I. Potter, 5 pp- qer~ Astrou Zhur, Vol XW, No 11 1958, -7- Amer Inat of Phyz Sov Astron. - AJ Vol 11) 110 1 tZice B1alp, for Detendning the Photogmphic V I 101161~6f Coleatial. Objects., by Kh. If. Potterv 10 Ri~li al per, Astren Zhur,, Vol MMV., Wo 2.. 195,7 pp;. 50-aw. Awr Imt of PIrja Sov Astron - AJ Vol I.$ ft 2 9 CmW ra with Optical Coqumisator for bbs, iving Arti O-cial Earth satellites, by j Puttex's at al, 7 i~). 1"I'L01i Im ji r.,ur, Niterituy Soveshchmiiya, 111. iaskly."Sovat. -73- 0- -,v ~Homicl ;M W., Teklm "I'a ros,~voymiiyn Novffa 11 AstrmiouL 5v 1711. In .6 6 - 3 8 IAl 120 -14-t,-- ~_alqw 01 papar CA"..r. mt-.~r PO 7 pp. r.* Kitteiluagea aw dciz addet'. ~a miq 'luntersuchungen und By-j"Iene 9 Vol 11MITIT,, 110 19! pp 66-7-1. SIA 59-109GS so!~) 1,51 9 wb~L Im :2 he~~i b T ecail urizing Iteaction in the Basic Steal Co P~. During the Dephoopbcmization., by Po t leg, t. UNCLASWIBD ~6 - t 9 er, StaU u, Zi 3 sen, 6 M%r 1958,, pp 291-298. Co-op Tr ficbeme ly 903 set miril 4~ pot~i asg, He! DECARBURISING BESSntBd~ PRO Rejaj, n6. ~ 642 of i Detxsc~irjEisenli Oi~e~r &6 SLA': Tram Stnhl ui no. p. :M-M DESCRUYIDRS: 0! I! . gical "I)Isis, 0: Qirb 'an clacylA In Lhe f Nltr~ iemica )ptents I T' of ""a tic; Recl when I ip T.T. ~ Jr. 7ACTION IN THE BASIC &S DURING DEPHOSPHORLSATION &eel works Panel of the Verein mleute. [1961] [24]p. 12 refs. 56 61-18369 Elsen (West Germany) 1958, v. 78, e1, *Dephosphorization. Meta)ILLr- eri, Slags, Flames, Iron, Ore, i1, Cdrbon compoonds, (;arlxm eactions, Phosphorus. preliminary basic convertei tesm; 'txical carbon content after thedl'up rocal adjusiment between carbon living with air, oqgen- enriched -iir . 6, no. 12) (over) 61-18169 1. Title: Bessemer process 1. PottglesBer, ii., Jr. 11. Title: Verein... Offict of Toth Merl Swicrz AS rio o, 9.1 r,9 !~Qrp StsU urAd 2?,iaon~ Vol Mij, tic CSP 159 Mo, -5 3' Th !Jctlwj by t1i as r, Sci A -- ----------- n of OwLtuh (M4r for Rains FMuanay Induction n,, t: C4 lbstanatims, 14, A. pottalor. nnLxla, Ik, 8, 1901, pp 54-249 67 AI ,dii I'll wioi 14 -20" Seiap'tionlof switeb Gear For Iftim PreqUenCy IndUction ru~'nlll. 11 1 Ca 19stallaticam, by A. PDtthDf. No 1961-, pp OM 02 Ilk ,Iap~ OT 340,01"; Tedn cal: ll2StTIA-WUtR-1. SOlUtiOrLS f037 .4-40EURLVina liock '~,Pras'~re ancl Defonntiorm,, by H. L. J. Potts, 1,1 - CR par# AbbaadluW-n der Detutar-~baa Akadergie de-rij IsBeituhaftom ma Barlin 10-Pase; faer Dergbau, 1: , I ffirb~euvent, n. und Nbatannpologie,j v0 lp 1961., PP Dept of latArior ur-r FUT no 559 ftal~l Chwd min/met oev 6 TT-65~',13750 Field 8(; Jacquill"C.; Marle, C.~ Monladert, L. m -TUDY OF NATURAL ff iz 13S AND NII~NS FOR THE S POROUSMEDIA. !3 0,20rels. Order fioth SL.A:41110 as TT-65-13750 11 1; ~ 11, Atinalo,!de i~Cotnb6lit'161es Liquides, -;19 n7-6 1)872-900 IS 64. .11r, 664 igux tiong of High Frequency i.Oectrwagnetic Fields i' Ansociation With a Magaetostatic Field with the, ev of Confining 9. Mama, by j. Pbttier. "am ~~63) oxwtc.& Readua, Vo" CCLV~ ao 17o 1c)62%, .066-:2068. V, FA I T F - 8.13"? set i Ap~! ~j3 .13 !. :0 VT piny U 11 i T! u ii i ~ IF 1, i ?F Z'' el A s A f . ~ou ge, by P. ~ ~ PS6 dam ICHP~ pwo Ch 1-0~, M Tow"t PP 0 -N-P-4r--1193 286.M7 A Presourea Around kiiiiiag Rxnwa- ti( ilop 'I ..vEI J.2ott-o, J. S. Jer-ki. um, A ---m-m-ttorm:-, st-rat C!cntr-,2. Ali;"ilo 17-3.8 Oct- 19561% D3Pt alf Inter1w.- 59 ,-TI .4 FiJ cala,ulai4bu of Nmt Treaftr and Motion of a &4apt by a SWremic Flow In thii :#an V, der Lw4w Bou&lary 1AWer Condit1cm.. bj V. P 10 w. A IWA SM Otdel Tekh flauk, E&tqptla i Avtomt:Um.* No 1) 1959,, pp 33-38. L59 lasts of poixg at Ass 0 Vqq %VXUP sea Soem) i9630 gw-O 04 ad '.x q I - 0 N The ~~o~rtji~th Anniversary of the VTsl',( [All,;. 3Md4,!Ccntval Exccutiire Committeej and !�iJ( [~douncll of~'Peoplels commissarS3 Ac t. nc a n9 I%; C'Omri I tt c A I -d t o I,Jo,u .'d Sick Red Ar,,kv 'Soldlers, by 3A M. PO i", 10 v FOIS NI 0 per, Iloyenno M.,,,d 21hur., No 105 sl '~Iw pt 1959 Us jppls 2102-N r 4), Ta j Method of 'rl~ 1: 'if foil 1the IT: Forced Cr4kssing B N- Pbt, (NY -1-374) Working Out Problem of Medical Care -oo~ in Tactical Ibcarcise With the of Water Lines, by B. I. Kaputin, 110v., 13 PP- If RUSSIAIRIp'' per, Voyenno Hedit-Zhur_, No 3o 1960. JM 5230 se-~~ 6o 1, V. I. ilbain land the Publi,c Health of the Red Aniyp by B. Po~&vp 23 ppe TOSSIMp! per,,o Voyenno Mad Zhw., No 3: 1960- JM 52W Sci d sep 6a of MeRswres Al~%inf:it the Spread of 3m; ilzatl on The 0 ou